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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1915)
T11K MKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SIHTKMKKK S, Jl 1 owni ' O REAL ESTATF LOANS iiONFT on band foi city and farm loan! H. W. Finder. Oty National Hank HM. OMA MA homes. East NrhunKi farm. O'KEKFK REAL EKTATE CO.. 0U Omaha Natloial. fhono lKcglns 17 IK. SEE us flrt tor farm loans In eastern Nab. t sited State Trust Co., Omaha. fiC' CITT lOAN'fl, O. O. Carlherg. 810 " 11 Prsndelg Theater Pldg. RKAL KHTATK FARM at fl. M II LA'!) Pnn SAI.R California. Live Oak Colonloa, none better. W, T. Smith Co.. W3-T4 Clly Nat. Hk, P. ?m Colorado. WANTED Qood car for M) acres Colo. redo land, clear. Address I HI. Bee. Iowa. IOWA BARGAIN Want to mora to Omaha. Have house In East Des Moines, new In 190S, Rood barn, two rood shed. brl k chicken house (will leave the chicken In It), all three lota facing east, Rood location, two block trom car. not too clove to town, Bome Improvements, will aell cheap for Cash, will make arrangement for pay sjierita. Addru u IH6, Hoe Mlanr.ufa. M ACRES, 45 mile from Minneapolis. one mile from town; ISO acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; beavy oil. Good aet buildings, consieilng of s roora bouse, larire barn, granary, corn ciiba, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce to buahaia of com per acre; tele phone In bouse: country thickly setlled: complete aet of machinery; ifJ bead of took, consisting of 11 cowa. balance 1 and I-year-olds; lx good horsea, 26 hog, chlcnena, one-Lalf of thla year a crop and everything on Lh farm goea at W an ore, naif cash. Schwab Uro.. 02M Ply mouth B.da . Minneapolis, Mlnnv Hentaaa. MONTANA Irrigated land best In the world for wheat, oats, alialfa and stock: close to town, raliroad. schools and churches: M1.60 to tuU per acre on fifteen Kara' Uma; annual payments less than ntals on middle weal farm; write to. Jay for particulars: Illustrated pamphlet and map free. Valier Karm hales com pany, Hox Wit, Valier. Mont Mlaaoarl. fOR SALE 730 acres, 40 miles from St. Iiouts on Iron Mountain railroad; depot; well fenced; I dwelUnge, 1 barns, granary, alio, engine house ana other outbuilding, orchard, several never-failing apringa. Make a good dairy or stock farm. E, Hoffmann, Vtneland. Mo. 125 ACRE. H acre cash, balance twenty years. Com, 90 bushels; wheat, 40 bushels acre. Rare opportunity. Secure liome. Easy payments. O. P. Btebbln. Mabraskuu t& PKR acre for fine half section stock and arraln farm: mlaht oonalder good lock of hardware up to ,i00. Write owner for descriptions. Route No. 4, Uox EI. Cambiiage. Neb. A well improvea zis-acre iann, mu from county seat town, central Nebraska, to exchange for Omaha property. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, tth Kloor Omaha Nau Bank Hldg. D. 17L o M taoel la sent, HKD LAKE county, Minn.. 810 acres level prairie land; 80 acre cultivated; bal- rnce tlllabe; two miles from two cheeaa actoites. well Improved district; price for quick sale $30 per acre; land In this locality worth $40 to $75 per acre. 800 acres rlargent county. No. Dak., 3t0 acres cul tivated; 600 aorea tillable; balance flue pasture land, fenced; spring water; heavy black soil; fair buildings; this Is a bar gain at $40 per acre. Keatonabie terms; 4) per cent Interest. D. J. McMahon, Cora kneroe Hldg., St. Paul. Minn. HAVlfl YOU A KAnM if'Uil Vrlt a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal. Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ad on twolve different days for $2; or &0 words, 14, or 75 words, tt. largest circulation of any Iowa news ' paper, 260,000 readers daily in four great states. I can meet the requli-ements of bome eekers and Investors In small or large tracts of lands and farms In Nebraska, Minn., Iak., Montana. Attractive prioes and terms. City Income taken In ex change. W. Q. Templeton. 603 Boe Blrtg. r , ' , REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Fine Home Florence Boulevard If you want a well built home ia a good location, ready to move Into, you abould look at bouse No. 3422 Florence boulevard, located between Plnkney and Emmet Sta., close to Xountze park. Haa 62 feet east frontage lot, shade trees in front; house haa pressed brick foundation, sreas brick fireplace. Has reception hall, largo living room, dining room Sund kitchen on first floor, finished In oak, excepting kitchen. Has 4 good Bleeping rooms on second floor, and tnttb. Also large attic; first class plumbing and heating. Can be bought on payment at f 1,0 00 cash, balance about the samo as rent The price will be made right. See It today. Hastings & Heyden 161 Harney St. BUNGALOW, 22D AND AMES. Tfew end modern, up-to-date In every respect. Webster 4228 or Webster 86J. FIXLX. TWO-6TORT HOUSE For sale by owner, just completed. For more information phone Webster t9. -r. house H block from N. 24tb EL car. Ha. A bargain. 410 N. S4th Bu REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE See This Today tf yen want a real bargain. UBl 8. Mth ft., a (-room oottAge, modern except heat, on a large lot, with shade tree, on paved street. This place must be old, and at the price asked for it Is a real bargain. See this place, then call Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. WS Boe Bids. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Offer Wanted on Business Corner A full corner lot. MiUu feet with I brick store buUdlngs; Income tl.i'M per year; ail occupied; a steady and sure In come producer. This lot Is located In a lobbing and manufacturing district, where every lot will soon be needed for business pur Poses, and many have large buildings on them now Trackage can be had when deeded. This property belongs to a non resident, who has given Instructions to all It. Price. Ili.OOu. Offers solicited. Buy this corner and nt tight until some large concern wants It. you will receive good Interest while yon wait and are certain to make a handsome profit YOU CAN'T UOSU. J. H. Dumont & Co. 4K-1S State Bank Bids- Phone O. SMl REAL ESTATE MISC7ELLAVEOU8 FOR WUICK 8AUB-Al,uu equity la ITOUO home, north part, for tlUis) cash. Address P 141. Bee. i o GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Decline! Three to Six Cents on a Well Loaded Market CORN IS A TRIFLE WEAK ALSO OMAHA. Sept. 7. 1915. Receipts of all grains were good today and there was a fair demand for all cereals on the list. The cash wheat market waa weak and declined from to rents per buehrl for me commerce! grade. t orn was a tritie weak and waa quoted ao to c lower. Oats were dull and sold unchanged to 4c lower. There was very little rye or barley re ceived and the market for these cereals remained practically uncharged. favorable corn weather has been re ported In all of the main corn growing sections. The warm days and night will force the corn crop and the outlook In general la very good. Clearances were: Wheat, flour and corn noi qnoiea. nsalnat receipts of t.KH.fsD bushel and shipments of l.STO.lWO bushel last year. Primary corn receipt were K17.0H0 bushel snd shipment KR.prin bushels, BKRlnat receipt of 1.174.0H' bushels and ahlpments of tilg.fluo bushels last vear. Primary oats receipts were I.177.00O k.iah la ktnMn.i , . ...1 V. . . I 1 ' l. . ... . . m 1. 1 v. omi,'i i irii i n i.nv.wv iuii-ii.. against receipt of ..Xtf.OtW bushel and shipments of 1.679.000 bushels lust year. CAB-UJT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis . iDuluth Omaha Kansas City . bL Louis 187 4 ..t477 .. 743 .. 90 JKt Mi 11 Winnipeg; .1.117 1 heae sale were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: S rara. 96c: I lr-ZVn um-h.neda to"n4d Vlxher f ' t0 ?W nrMn uM. pV"naVyr Vhe'rlpSi er'T.Ono h.airnf tK.ll Sttf" k . , v. i .... , . , u ' -l ' i i some part of the winter cron telt. i I car, laL-; 1 car. c. No. hard winter: couraged holders of pork carrlod the en 1 car, 6c; 1 car. Wc; 1 car. W4c; 1 car. tire provisions market downgrade, on 03c; 1 cars. Me; 2 cars, Vic. So. 4 hard Sthe break, however, It was said that ex winter: 1 car, 'J6o; 1 car, Mc; 4 S-4 cars, (port business developed and that do- &c: 1 car. doVtc: cars. hfrc. No. 1 spring 1 car, lJ6c; i cars, SMc; 1 cars, 92c. No. I mixed: 1 car. 9m:; 1 car, Mc; 1 car, 93c. No. i mixed durum: 1 car, 90c. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car, 85c No. S velvet chaff: 1 car, 96c; 1 car. 94c. Sample: J-6 rara, 80c; cars. 78c; 4 cars, 77c; 1 car, 7 or; i cars, 74c; 6 cars, 73c: S cars, 71c; 1 car, 71c. Rye No. 4: 3 cars, 810. Corn No 1 white, 54 cars. 68c; No. $ white, 1 car, tfTVc. No. H yellow: 8 cars, 71c; 1 car, 704c. No. S yellow: 1 car, 704c. No. t fellow: 1-6 of a car, 74c No. mixed: car (near yellow). fc; 2 cars. SK4c; 1 cars. 68o. No. I mixed: 1 car tnear yel low), uo; 1 car, 6 cars, 67c; 54 cars, 6740. Nd. 4 mixed: 1 car. 5c; No. 6 mixed: 13-6 cars, 67o. Samples 1 car, 6c: 1 car, 64c. Oats standard: 1 car, Mc 1 car, 834o. No, 3 wh'te: 6 cars, S34o; 1 car. 334c: 10 cars, 83c; I cars, 8247 No. 4 white: 3 cars. 334c; 1 car. 3'ic; 2 cars. 32c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 30c. Sample: 1 car. 23c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. t tur key, 7(B18c; No. 2 turkey, H7c; No. 2 hard, WfiilWc; No. 3 hard. BMifttc; No. 4 hard, to'uMr: No. 2 spring, 92&'e; No. 8 epilng, 91 J1 JVC. Corn: No. 2 white, 673 6(ic: No. 3 white, 674(f7c; No. 4 white. 7arT4c; No. 6 white, 66A,(J74c- No. 6 white, 6fi4(77c; No. 2 yellow, 704if?71c; No. S yellow, 704704c; No. 4 yellow, feVffTOc; No. 6 yellow, tWTOo: No, yeilow, 7liyftHc; No. 2 mixed, 6SQ,a'4e: No. 3 mixed, 67468c; No. 4 mixed, 604 674c: No. 6 mixed, 664'57,4e; No. 6 mixed. 6i!ffr7ei ; sample mixed, 3ifj'fl6c. Oats: No. 2 white, 3iji.H4c; standard, 834 OMc; No. 3 white, 3244fS34c: No. 4 white, 32324c. Barley: Malting, 4R4e; No. 1 feed. 40H6c. Rye: No. 2, 83V0 84c; No. 1, 824'83c- Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. t hard. tl.OOV1.08; No. 2 red. Il.la1.13i September, 91c; December, Uc; May, 90c. OATS-No. 2 white. 837c; No. 2 mixed. Min'. CORN No. I mixed. 70c; No. 2 white, REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE WestFarnam District Brick and Stucco Home at a Sacrifice Located on a large lot, 60 ft. wide on asphalt paved street, only H4 blocks from the beautiful Joslyn mansion, convenient to two car lines and good school, having large living room acrosa the entire front. will, hpl.l. lMnl... I n 1 .. ". . . . . m . . in.jii.D, at, live .illllil room, convenient kitchen, butler's pantry, front and rear veatlbule on first floor; three good aixed corner bedrooms, sleep- ing porcn ana complete Dam room on second floor and two bedrooms and com- flele bath room on third1 floor. Oak Inlsh first floor; full cemented base ment, with laundry room, storeroom, fruit room and furnace room. A complete home all ready to move Into at a very low price, considering; the class of Im provements and location. Price has been reduced to 18.000. but owner wants offer for Immediate aale, therefore do not de lay, but Inspect tbls property at once and make your offer. Key at our office. George & Company 0 City Nat. Bank Bids;, Phone D. 758. For Sale West Farnam 8 Rooms Owner Is Going to California. Price, $5,500.00 Terms: $500 Cash, $50 Per Month Oak and white enamel, oak floors all through. Furnace heat Full cement cellar. Four bedroom and both on 2d floor. Large floored t attic Dining room has plate rail. Kitchen has floor covered with linoleum. Located H block to car. Paved street Fine neigh borhood. American Security Co. 17th and Douglas Sta. Call Doug. SOU REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Ueusoa. EQl'ITT of 1300 In IH acres of land worth I.OOU; will trade for team of horses; payments made for 1 year. Benson "WW, I)4r, DUNDEE One very fine 7-room house, among the best tn the village. One t-room house, with barn and fruit; near car; a bargain. KRFD C. BHIELPS. WALNUT 317. fliroicf, SEE Nethaway for that farm. Flor. 221 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. By direction of the property committee of tne Board of Regents of tiie University of Nebraska; separate bids will be re ceived until 4 o'clock P. M. Haturdsy, Keptember 26, 11, at the office of the undersigned for the construction of a botaoy-soology building and the following equipments for same, vis: Heating and ventilating, electric wiring, plumbing and vacuum cleaning, according to plans and siecifliatlons now on file at the oflioe of the suiwrliitetuietit of construction. Bald building to be erected on the University City Cmpu and to cost approximately tlW.OOO. frlddara must corner with th superintendent and use the blanks pre pared by hint for building proposals. Bids must be accompanied by casluer's checks or certificates of deposits as required by instructions accompanying plans and specification. Bid must be sealed and filalnly marked "Botany-Zoology bulld og" or "hnthany-Zoology bulidlng equip, ment" ss the case may be, on th. outside, The right is reaervsd to reject aay or all blda. University of Nebraska, J. 9. Xales, Secretary, Station A, lincoin. ptember, f'c; December, f3e; Hl.T 1 Mt Creamery. 27c: flat. JSe: sec onds. .' parking. lMt-K1rt. lc; evond. ISo. IVl'LTRV-Hfiu. lc; roosters, c: broiler, l&c. (Hit Ado iirai Asn ikomio tea tare of the Tradlas aa rioalns Prices on Board t Trade. ( CHICAOO. Sept 7. Huge receipts In the northwest were lamely responsible for aenoing the wheat market today to new low price recoids for this season's crop. The close was unsettled at Sfl We hei decline, with Kcptem, er at Kc and lecember at Vic. Corn finlsned with a gain of Sc to Nhi 4c and oat up o to Mr-So. In provision the outcome Waa a setback of 12 -4i7c As soon a woid came that freh ar r.val of wheat at Minneapolis and l'u uth oxer the holiday amounted to the heavy total of 2,jn carload, it was a loretione conclusion that prices here were bound to sufler a break, lieaptte evening up by shorts who wished to prepare for the government report due after the close tomorrow the market at no time l allied to i he figure current at the finish on Haturday. I nntflclal estimate by a leading expert that the aggregate domes tic crop would no, exceed (aio.iW. 0 busn- Kxport orders for wheat appeared to bo badly needed Into, as we.l as at other pilmary markets In the I'nlted Htate. Seaboard announcement of tKO.WO to 7ou, tio bushels taKen for Europe were said to refer almost wholly to purchase of Manitoba. In this connection UUk of a still further Increase of trnnaHtlatfilc veasel rates acted aa an additional handi cap an the bul-s. Yvel weather tended to scare short In corn. The effect proved more than a full offset for temporary heaviness In sym pathy with wheat and glowing reports it a in ir tn the rmn millmib It. Irki&'u .nH Illinois. Prices of oats were relatively rirm tnrougn tne aay, owing to a goon export call, llesides. It waa asserted that i poor grading threatened to t 'snore important factor than a become a majority Jit rinlera lid len lil tti nnpi'l flan rial lifiitlHn ii rnr a a 1 ax si l v Vi ax HI'i. mestlo rash demand picked up eeo to a consider nine extent. Article! Open. I Hlgh.l Low, i Close. iTes f. Wheat Hept.lP2V(ri2 Iee..9ui94l 1HI 4 93 70 1 WV 67. 924 94 944 Hi 71H.704ff71 674 74 58'1 6H4 Mav. 94, Corn Sept. Iec.. May. Oats Sept. Pec. May. Pork Sept. Oct.. JLard Sept. Oct.. Rlns Sept Oct.. I 704r7O 57(,5T4tif.S H'4 I 34 8f.S .6SiIrVKVtt'1ti 3i'j '6W 384' 87N 384 12 10 12 30 12 424: U 774! t 0741 12 424 12 00 12 674 13 85 13 774 12 174 8 074 20 8 W 8 07V4 8 074i 8 30 8 30 2 20 2 124 8 15 I 8 274 8 OS 8 15 8 05 R ro 8 174! 8 424 8 30j32 HVTTER Steady; creamery, aj3r.4. KOOS HlKher; receipts, 5 Kt cases: st mark, case included, 174ii2c; ordinary firsts, JH'iKMc; firsts, 214u2-'o. POTATOKS Unsettled; receipts. 90 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin, 3.V37c; Minnesota liirly Ohlos, MXgO&o; Jersey Cobblers, Stiosc; Jersey Giants, 45f0i'47c. POULTRY Alive lower; fowls. lA"tii4c; springs, 14c. NEW YORK JKRHAIi MARKET Quotations of (he Day on Varloos Commodities. NFTW TORK, Bent T. FliOUrV-Barcly rtondy; spring patents, old, .atytk.70; winter patents, old. t.ltJ&40; winter straights, old. M90ft6.16. W II BAT Spot. weik; No. red. l.oft snd No 2 hard. I1.0ti c. I. f. New York; September, No. 1 no, -them Ouluth, aVtc and No. 1 northern Manitoba, Mo c. 1. f rJurraio: export, i CuKN tpit, quiet; No. 2 yellow, S64o, prompt Oats Spot, easy; No. t white, new, 40 p!o, HAT Bssy: No, 1. $1.40; No. . tl.30; No. S, 11.20; shlpplna;, HOPB jult; state common to choice, 1914, fv&13c; Padflo coast. 1114. lWtltc; IMS. 1I1DHS Stesdy; Bocjota, XQGlo; On trs.1 America, 2o. LilATHF.H Ilrm; hemlock firsts, 2o: SAi'onds. ij3Ic, PltOV tIONt Pork, weak; mens, $15.80 &n.0O; family, $l.0ia2J 00; short clear. l5.0Oa0.M). Beef, steady; mee. H.OO tjlS); family. tlS.fVfl'lfla I.a.rd. easy; middle west, 8.Uti 6. Tallow, dull: city, 6Hii6Hc; country, o'itf&Hn; special. 6.c. liUTTEiH bieady ; receipts, h.sutl tubs; creamery extras, 27?1c; firsts, S4?f64c; seconds, ZJVc'-Ho. FKJ3 Steady; receipts. 7.HT7 rases; I i ' n , ,.iii.iivi v , fc-. ,i. - . . V . n , ' , L i !0wr7o: Trnts. 240rZ5o: second. ?3ifr23,c frehi gathered extras, 2S(i'Jc: extra firsts, ! CHEKSM Firm; receipts, 1,633 boxes: I stnte. whole mltk, fresh, fiats, white and ' colored, speclala, 14c; state, whole milk. fresh, flat whlto and colored, average lancy, 10'14o. s Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Hent. 7 WHRAT September, ITf'iCL December, 8SUe; No. 1 hard, MV-c: No. 1 northern, SStrTOVic. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLFT 42Hf6o. RTE 88"59c. BRAN fld.OO. COHN-No, 8 yellow, 75?7c. OATS-No. I white S2tfrS2Vie. BEED-Flax. Sl.UVtf l.M. I St. Loals GraJsi Market. 8T. LOUIS, Sept 7. WHB)T-No. 2 red, 1.07&1.'j8; No. I hard, 11.06; Septem ber. Soc; December, 907to. CORN No. 2. 78c; No. 2 white. 72t 71c; Beptemoer, 70Hc; Deoemher, 64'tfc OATS No. S, S3dtf3Hq; N 2 white, nominal. Liverpool uni siaricet. LIVERPOOL, f4ept 7. WHEAT-No I Manitoba. Ha Hd; No. 2. lis 4d; No. S, lis 6yi; No. 1. northern, Duluth. lis 3d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, 8s lid. Coffee Market. NBW YORK, Sept. 7.-COFFBKJ-The market for coffee futurea was nutet to il a y, but prices ruled higher on reports of steadiness In llrill ana a moderate scat tering demand In the absence of any im portant offering. The market opened at an advance of 6 to 7 points and closed 6 to S points above last Friday's final fig ures, with December selling around C.20C, and March (.35c. Kales 6.7EA bags. Han tember. 6.0dc; October, S.2c; November, .lfic; December, .2oc; January, :3rt; February, fciic; March, .3&c; April, 6.40c; May, 6.4fc; June. .4to;; July, 6.2f,c. Spot, quiet: Klo No. 7. ac; Santos No. 4. Owing to the holiday In lirarll, there were comparltlvely few cost and freight offers, but the market seemed higher, quotations ranging from about! 60c to .6:c for Santos 4s, and around t c for Hlo 7s. Kngllsh credits. The world' visi ble supply statement Indicated an In crease of 'J.u62 bags for August, making the total supply a of f4eptember 1 V.Rln, Ul bag, against Hi.0IS.Bb4 last year M li re I prices at tiantos were unchanged. Cottea Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-OOTTON-8rt. quiet: middling uplands, MOo. Bales, 47 balea. futures opened steady; October, 6.K; December, 10.17c; January, l'.Z7e; March, 10.61c; May. 10.78c. Cotton futures closed very steady; Octo ber, .4c; December, 10.19.-.; January, 10:i4c; March, W.Oo; May, W.iOc. The cotton market closed steady and from four to seven points net higher. LIVERPOOL. Kept. 7. COTTON Spot, unchanged; middling, 6.0sd; middling. 6.7M: low middling, i.lud; sales, U.uuS head. I - . . Evaporatea apples aaa uriea rratts NKW YORK Sept. 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Julet but firm; fancy, uua; choice. eV&Kc: prime. liPc. Ii KIBD FRUIT 8 Prunes, steady; Call, fomlas, i10Ho; Oregons, 7tri0o. Apri cots. eay.; choice, 74trc; extra fancy, IMc; fancy, tc Peacbr. steady; choice. 4VH6c; extra ohotce. 'ifc; fancy, Ac. Halalna. firm; loose muscatels, 7Vc: choice to lancy seeded. 7Hir1iC: seedless, Gc; London lajers, 30 91.40. Baanav Market. VEJW YORK. Sept. 7.-8UOAR Raw. nominal; centrifugal, ifcV; molasses, SKlc; refined, steady; cut loaf, 6Nc; crushed, 6 4fcc: mould A. 610c: rubes, 60nc: XXX X powdered. 6 ne; powdered, 6 7j fine granulated, l.sfcc: diamond A. tfcc; on feet loners' A, IflOc; No. 1, 6. 40c. Futures opened very quiet today and at noon prices were unchanged to t point higher. VSLSR L . I ..... .a nwAVv.M.a u I k. Mint !.. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Large and Price i Steady to Lower Sheep Ron is Heaty and Value Lower. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWE? OMAHA. Sept. 7. 191S. Recelntn were Cattle lTn. Kh.'n Official Monday li.M.H J7..VW r.sunaue Tuesday 7.3oo H.Wo 4. .."0 Two dsys this week..1i.tun ll.m.1 77. h Same day last week..l7.H X.Ml UU 3 inie day I week ago H.Hn3 11 M 62.7S.. anie dsy I week ngo 14.4.11 M.lHi 4I.IN4 Same day 4 week ago U.U9 12.IM IT.-i bame day last year. .14.01 4 U iyj6i J he following table show the receipts of raltie, hoga and sheep at the South Omaha live etock market for tna year to data as compared alih last year: .,, V."" 6RJ.1M M,.'7 14S.7M Ll"H" 1.0.i.U 17.4 84S.4.HJ P L840.I4J l."7,( rj.iiS The following tabie snow Mm average prices for hog at the Omaha, live stock market for Ui last few days with cum frlsons: laie. I9U1. 1I4.1II1.IH 11I . ilIO. iiamt. Aug ai 1 (01 $ Tl 2 7 $ 09 8 04 8 I0 2 1 7 8 Mi J 16j 2 6 T 43 ug. XI. Aug. i'4 Aug. V, Aug. N Aug. 27 Aug. . Aug. auk. : Aug. Jl ept. I, Sept. 2. Sept. I. ""Pt. 4. M.-pt. 6. Sept, spl . , Ml 55 564 63 M4 t an. 7 1 (Ml 8 M 7 111 771 7 ) I 7l T l: I 781 1 87, 112 8 70 8 25 $ 81 8 211 8 7 74 7 91 7 3 I 8 89 7 7 9 7 72 7 7 87 7 85 T 87 8 M 2 96 ia; 74 6(3! 1 S&liU, t lit $ tl 7 W 8 i 7 11 9 01 I 00 8 2D 18 8 m 8 7j 7 82 8 !HI 7 ft 8 79, T 12 8 85, 764i ( Uh. 8941 8 84 1 Ml 8 3 7i:! 7 Odi 02 t 91 17 7 4 8 24 8 2.1, 8 7! 8 36 8 &J 7 78 T 801 8 M.4I 2 66, 6 HI 9 )! 7 98 Simiioy. Kecelpts and disposition or live stock at the I nlon tock yards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in. yeeter- any: HKCKIIT8 CARLOAOH. Cattle.liogs.Slieep H's's. v .. .i. or hi. t' s j iinnanii 1 2 33 8 4 3 17 17 2 3 2 .UlSNOUrl iHClflO .. I'nlon 1'aclflc .... i N. V., east. '. N. W.. wast. 100 . a 39 4 92 1 20 1 C, St. P., M,, O 1). & i)., east. 2 C.. K. oi u.. wnst..107 24 C., R, I at p., east 7 R. I. AV P.. west 3 Illinois Central 2 Chi. ut. West Total receipts...!) H isg DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. oiorris Co g.9 mil l.b'H 4.IW0 (.461 nwirt et vo l -57 etidahy Packing Co....l,il6 1.451 S.8.17 1.4SH bS 911 "m Armour & Co ,1,8. Hchwarta & Co.. J. w. Aiurphy Morrell Oudahy country ...... W. H. Vunsant Co Henton, Vansant & I,.. Hill A Hun V. 1. Lewis Huston Co J. H. nulla Kosenatock Bros Kellogg Herthelmcr & Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Hulllvan Hros Kolhschlld &. Krehs.... Vo. Ksn. Calf Co.. Chilstle Hlggins Huifman Koth 14 'in sn 17.4 14 lti 2H) 270 474 M S4 72 27 123 8 7 2S 11 71 M 241 1U7 . lM 77 , Meyers j Maker. Jones & 8 1 Tanner Hros John Harvey Kline I lentil & Francis Other buyers 24, I Total 7,6 ti.m I CATTLE Itecelnta were very liberal till morning. 21 nara hln pi,iti.a i,. rills makes the total for the two days this week 1J.64 head, the heavet for any similar period since the beginning of the tanS."e,on larger than a year ago by 6.0W) head. As buysra all secured a very large number of cattle yeaterday they were not quite so hungry for fresn suppllss this morning and were a little Inclined to take their time In filling or ders. This of itself was enough to make the early trade a little alow and draggy. At the ssme time reports from oiher mar 5. .wt'ro not verv encouraging, which added to the dullness. There was also a good deal of sorting and shaping up to be done, with the result that ft was well along toward midday before the trade was fully under way, the general market being slow and steady to a Utile lower than yesterday. In ttio eno the Kl m Hull. Ik. ..ui. sold and In fair season, In spits of the wui, vpi-nuig. ine Deiter grades of both killers and feeders commanded about fteady prices, there being little change, L1 i',',.1in el'hr direction. On Uie other hand, tli. medium to common kinds were slow to a little lower. Quotation on cattle: Oood to choice fed yearling, PtO.lS; fair to good fed yearling. 7.'7Mv.C; common to fair fed yearling. b.76tr7.7&; good to choloe heavy beeves, M.00(i(.W); fair to rood cornfed beoves. $.2oi.liO; common to fair corn fed beeves, W.7f4.26; prime grass beeves, IH.lotCi.60; good to choice grass beeves, I..6UM8.1W; fair to good grass beeves, I7.2S tr'Z.fO; common to fair grass beeves, .o0 f7.26; good to choice grass heifers, KWtf 7.00: good to cnoice grass cow, fi.WXif .; fair to good cows. 0; com mon to fair cows, I4.00&6.; good to choice feeders rT.60ti8 36; fair to good feeders, IU.704i7.dO; good to choice Block er. S7.KtX.36; fair to good stookers, M 76 9i.86; common to fair Mockers, $6.&0d 4.60; stock heifers, S6.7606.76; stock cows, t63tXff60: stock calve. .60ft'g.l; veai calves, 7.OO10.OO; bulls, stags, etc., 16.00 C.!B. Itepresentative sales: STEERS AND IIETFESU?. Na At. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 44 M III WESTERNS. a. 8. Bredtham 3. D. 43 steers ... 640 6 TO Kllpatrlck Broa Neb. 44 steers.. ..12H1 7 40 43 steers. ...1X1 7 40 O. Macbeth Colo. 53 steers.... M6 6 70 60 steers ,M Wl 170 Fitch Co. Colo. 54 steers.. 7 00 A. Howes a. D. .1170 7 60 L. Balrd & Son Wi o. 31 steers., J. m sreers....ii4a 40 J. K. Bock Colo. 10 steer . ..1417 100 W steers. ...1123 7 60 Clendo Cattle Co. Wyo. 4 steers.. -1014 6 HS 49 steers.... 904 6 80 W. O. Lee Mont. 43 steers.. .1157 7 16 36 steers. ...Iltl T 76 R. C. Itasraussen Wyo. 16 steers.. ..11!H 6 10 13 steers.... M0 7 16 Stuart Bros. Wyj, 17 COWS M) 6 40 11 steer. Smith Bros. Wyo. S3 cow lw 6 00 J cowl . VM 1 20 .1000 6 00 l'ah Construction Co. Ulsh. in steers... 3,9 6 M Its steers.. .1043 7 33 Taylor Fork Cattle Co. Mont 346 steers. ..1101 7 64 81 stee-s....lA0 7 05 H-mry Stevens Wyj. 10 steer.. ..13 7 J. II. Walker Neb. 12 feeders.. 'J0 6 W Oeorg Illleshew Wyoming. steers.... 8U) 6 76 W. Curtis Nebraska. 38 cows 964 6 76 John Moran Wyoming. IB cows IKS 6 10 Henry Pflter Wyoming. 1 steers.... and 6 76 George Polloo Wyoming. 11 steers.. ..low 7 40 J. M. Gentry Nebraska. SO cowa 1018 I 76 F. Fl JeseNebraska. 86 steers... 1174 7 30 K, W. Richardson Nebraska. tl cow iim 6 76 J. T. Bend Wyoming. star-...lls0 I SO J. M. Carey Wyoming. 1 steers. ...10v6 7 40 MONTAVA. No. Av. Pr. No. 12 steers.. ..11M TBI 30 steers. NEIfRAKKA. Av. Pr. 116 TOO 46 steers.. ..1037 Meows. WVOMIVIl ...1X0 6 71 101 steers... IXM 7 06 M steers.. ..1111 T 06 HOOS Itecctpts were the largest la over a week, and were very liberal, com pared with luoat rront Tuesday runs; about 161 cars, or 9,sw head, snowing up. For the two dsys supplies total ll.azt head, a gain of 3,00u over last WKk. slightly heavier than two weeks ago, ami almost three times as large as tor the same days a year ago. In spile of the fact that there was a beatisu outlook In the packer market, light hogrs opened out on about a steady basis. As was tne case yesterday, there was nothing choice her, and the best offered went at 17.66, with a sprinkling; from this prli-e on down Shipper also bought a few mixed hogs, but on thre klmls values H'wwed a lower tendency. Heavy hogs wme In none loo good de mand and showed the weakest ptt of the market, nio-t of thnt si l ln n flnt dime lower. It ws nearly midday bfoie everythlim w flnslly iienet up. Hulk of the killing hog sold at Jl.S.-,i. o and value ranged al. the wv from lti.4.' for big. ht svN Ftulf to 7 W for good luhls. Itepreientiit ive shIi No. Ay. Sh. Pr. No At. Sh rr t ai J" M MJ 4 M M ... . 7M lu 4 Ml Ml : 1M IIS J IV ... t HI r ti o t ' r 4n t on ii. us ... n pi rn ut 7 so Ml .i, 1W i IA l ... 7 l u . t ' 7i a.7 .. t r w n h : n nt m 1 ss i . . T" ;t ui w t no M 7M l?fl TJ II 17 ... t SO 61 s.-t N lit W 1I tt 1 n i: i ... 4 i a ... 7 ai U ... m to ... 1 m 47. 1.4 ... 4 M 4 ... 7 46 4T II ... IH Sit MM' Today's run of 147 car, or 40.(n head, waa the largest of the year to date, and'the local supply waa again larger than at all the other western mar ket combined. So far till week receipts j nave ihii extremely targe, il.evm penil having been reported in during tho last two dsys. This la 8,500 larger than Inst week. SkiO heavier than two weeks sgo and a gam of more thsn 21,00i oyer a year ago. The lamb trade opened bearish again this morning, and for the first time In some days Overs was a weaker tone to the feeder trade. Prices have been ad- , vancing ateadlly of late, regardless of : the breaks In killers, but after paying a dime mora for fe-der yesterday than , best fat lamb brought, buyers decided to call a halt today. Trade was slower I In getting started, but the few sales mads I early looked about a dime lower. i I Ouotatlons on sheen end lamb: Imb. 1 good to cr-olcc $ rkS,r6; lamb, fair ' to good. tK.8:.!)t 50; lamb, feeder. $s.0tf 8 so; yeaning, tair to cnoice, to. m, vearllns. fteder. M 0Hf7.00: wether. fair to choice. M.tMM 25; ewes, good to choice. $6,0045.60; ewes, flr to good, $4 6Wr6 0O: ewes, feeders. ll.ft04J5.Vi. Representative sale: No. Av. Pr. 4'i Wyoming feeder lamb.... rS 8 10 899 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 5V 8 1w Vtah feeder lambs 64 8 55 .156 ftab feeder lambs W 8 357 I'lah feeder lambs 5. 8 80 IfliiO Idaho feeder lamhs 00 8 35 S?7 Idaho feeder Iambs 8 45 7 Idaho feeder lambs 57 8 5Ti 17 Idaho feeder Iambs f-S 8 40 CHICAflO I.I VM STOCK M4RKF.T Cattle ITasettled lloas Weak Bkeep Vaeettled. CHICAOO, Sept. 7 CATTI .E Receipt. 7.000 head; market unsettled; native leef cattle, pi.SOti 10.,; wetri steers, 3 !1f R90; cow and heifer, tk 10ti3.i6; calvr. SS.ooili13.0i). HOdS-Ileicelpta, 13,000 head; market weak, mostly 6c lower: bulk of sales, PI. WHtf.W; light, S7.2MVS.10; mixed, pl.So'if gOfv heavy, Srt.flf(t7.10; rough, P).flCiU.3; pig. $t 7rb7.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 12.000 head; market unsettled; wether tu.kWr' .00; ewes, S3 41,&.60; lamlis. pl.ti !. Hloax City Live Stork Market. PIOUX CITY, Sent. 1. OA TTL1C Re ceipts. 1600 head; market steadv; cow and heifers S6.Oftfl7.0O; csnner. S3..Wli4.7Ti; stnekers and feeders, pl.Ourn Mt; cnlvea, Kifivsin on: bulls, stag, etc.. S-' ::6.on Hf KlS-Recelpts. lorn head: mrket stendv hevy, ?rfl7 W; mixed. piSV'?1 7"i' light, Srt.30ftti.6i: bulk of sales, ..W ffl'7.00. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Raeelpta 3.WH) honrt: market steady; ewes, sr,.70: Ismbs, r7.oofi:.rii. at. I.ool Live Mock Market ST liOI'ia Mo.. Sept. 7.-CATTLK Rex-elpts, 4.W0 head; market, strong; na tive beef steers, S7.60roiO.; cow and heifers. S'lOOfiiiO.OO; stnekers and feeders, Sl.(KjiH.26; smut hern steer. S.VZri4t.K; i-ows . and lieifers, 4.Wu6 W; native calves, SLOO ! WW.- ...... i IHMJ? IteceilUS, l.iw iipum; uwrni-i, JM-lieceiHB. I.Ol nrniii uwrni-i, p; pigs and lights, S7.OtVfiH.30; mlxel buU-hera, S7.90ujS.2i-; good heavy, 17.26 lower; pigs and 1 and butc ,n on SHBKP AND LAMBS RaccJpts. IO0 head; market, steadv; lambs, S7.tsHfti.60; sheep and ewes, S6.601i6.fi0. ' Karaaa Itr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept 7. CATTLE Receipt a, 16.000 head; market, higher: prima fed steers, H.Mti0.10; dressed beef steers. S7.1tf9.40: western steer. 36.601 9.00; atocken i snd feeders. S6.OJ(t('i.60; bulls, Sfi.'Jiihl .; cnlve, tA.OO,(M0.M. 1KXK4 Rocelpts. 7 6oo head; market, lower: bulk, 97.16W7.76; heavy S7.kMr7.6f; packers and butchers, S7.3Ttij7.SU; light,; pigs. pi-TWatM. SHEPJP AND LAMBS Receipt. IJOOrt heart: market. Mendy; lamhs, ZMHiW; yearling, wi 67.00; wether. S&.bO'iM.OO: ewes, 3J.60Q6.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sent. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, S.300 head: market steady: steers, S7.0u-u9.60; cows and heifers, li.004jO.oo; calves, S6.fl0fll0.rin. HOt'18 Receipts. 4.000 head; lights, stesdy, others weak; top. 7. 76; bulk of sale. S1KUI7.70. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipt. 9,000 head; market low; lambs, SS.OOna.66. Live stock la Hlvht. Receipts of live stock at the ftva prln clla.l western markets: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Chicago 7,000 ) 3,m (,o Sioux City l.tKO 3,0.0 l.yo St. Iouls 4..W 7,7) ! Kansas City 16,fln0 7,Vx ia.' South Omaha 7,.Tu0 9.uuo 40,0o9 Totals V!jo ,100 6S,t0ul OMAHA UBKERAL MARKET. FRUITS Oranges, per bog, California BUTTER No. 1. l-nt. cartons, 26c; No. 1 SO lb. tubs, 330. CHEESE imported Swiss. S6o; A mer le n Swiss. 26c; block Swiss, Szo; twins, Itc; daisies. 16c: triplets. 16c; Youug America, lHc; blue label brick. llmburger, S-lb., 0o; New York whit, 164c; Imported French Roquefort, 4ua FISH Trout, 16c; white fish, 13c: ball but, lite; chnnnel catfish, 15c; herring, 7o; codfish, loyiic; mackerel, 16c; salmon, 1H14C. BWEET POTATOES Kansss. S2.76 bbl. REEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1. Wyir.; No. 2, 16'io; No. S. tf. Ixlns: No. L ZH,c; No. j. Mo; No. S. 14V, hucks: No. L lie; No. 2. 9; No. 3, He. Rounds: No. I, 14Vo; No. 2, 13c; No, 3. 12c. plates: No. 1, rc; No. 3. 8So; No. 3. he. Valcmias, 100s, 136s, 2H3, 824, 3U0. S5 00; 160. 17)s, 20im. Zis, 2!Om. IB. By. Lemons, per box, extra francy Golden Bowl. . t ); Xm, 34 60; extra fancy Sutiklat, SHOs, U 60: Red Mall, 34.00. Peaches, per crate, California Libert an, 70c; Colorado Elber tas. tiic; Washington Elhertas, 66iTV0o; Idaho, per bu., S' 60. plum, per crate, Ita Ian prune, HhS6c: Diamond, Hun garians, rOusa Grand Duke. SI. 16. I'ean, rer rrate. California Bartlelta, I1.W.4W.0O, Washington Rartlett. fancy, 11.76; Flem Uli Ueautlea, 11.75. Urape. 6-baaket crate, 1140; 4 basket crate, fl.a6. Bananas, per bunch, medium fruit, S2.u0ff2.7S; Jumbo fruit. ChanglnoU and Port l.lmon, per lb., 4c. Caplaloupes. per crate, California Mis sion brand standard. 32.75; ponies, S2.J6; flats, 90clSl.0O. Watermelons, er lb., lc. Apples, per bbl., Wealthle. 2.60; Maiden liTush 1 1 r. VEtlETABLlCS Cabbag. home grown, per lh., IHc lettuce, per do., head, 91.00; leaf. 60c. Peppers, per bk., 60c: Tomatoes, market price, onions, Washington, per lb, lHc; HpanlHh, per rrate, ll.uO. pars ley, per dm., 3fR. Oreen peaa, per bas ket, toe. Reans, wax and green, per bas ket. 60o. Nw beets, oarrots, turnips, per basket 40c. Potato, new Ohio, tep bu., fli.e. Sweet iwtatots. per hamper, ll.U), Virginias, per bbl.. 94.0u. MlSi'ELLANKOUS-NuU, per lb. No. 1 walnuts lc; filbert. 16c: Braslls. ll'Sic; pecan UMrv almonds, 30o. Oacksrjack, per case, S3 60; half ess. 3176. Cornpops. per case, U ; half caae. $1 US. Peanuu, per lb.. No. 1 raw, 6c; roaated. So; Jumbo, raw. To; roasted, 9o. Hony, per case, S3. 76. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 7 -METALS Lead: Offered at M 90. Spelter: Not quoted. Copper: Dull: elaotrolytlc. 119.00. Iron: stesdy: No. 1 northern, SI6.0o4rl6.6A: No. 3. 16.76414 36; No. 1 southern, l6JU(i4 ou; No. 3. 116.26; No. 3. H6.76. Tin; Dull, ld3.D 33 60. At London Copper: Spot, 86 6s; fut ures, 67 Hi.; electrolytic, U, 10. Tin: Snot, 1M 10' futures. 154. Antimony, 126. Lead, 23 7s 6d. Spelter. 72. Ln4us fttevrk Market. LONDON. Sept 7. American securities on the stock markst ware equally Inac tive and closed steady, a fraction below yesterday in the absence of a decided lend In Wall street SILVER Har. S,d per ounce. MONET-IVH per cent. IMacount rates, short bills, i per cent, three months, tri per cent. NEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Traders Plainly Disposed to Await Further Details About Hesperian. DECLINE AT THE OPENING NKW YORK, Sept. 7 -Tha light deal ings and rein lively narrow price change accompanying todny market were ascribed to caution arising from the sink ing of the Krltlxh liner. Hesperian. Trailers were plslnlv disposed to awn it further detail regarding that episode be fore mnktiig new commitment on either Ids f the account. IMibllo Interest w gnln lacking to a noticeable degree, al though much of the dsy s general new was of n favorable nature. Conditions affecting the forelan ex change market were without mnterlnl chamie, despite the arrival at Halifax of another large consignment of gold and American securities from Ijnndon. mak ing an estimated total of about SlMnfci,i0 fi-om that nuarter within the Inst few week, offering of bill on Ixmdon were light at flmt. but later they were of suf ficient volume to dcpr4 demand ter llng almost 3 cent under lat week' closltiK quotation. Continental exchange u lireitulnr. franc and lire also yield ing, while marks were more sternly. Stock oened at one to two po'n" le. cllncs, reflecting the marked heavlneaa of our securities In london. From that level there wan Immediate recoveries, followed by another etbni k. Ijiter the list settled Into a slate of apathy, with a renewal of professional H'tlvlty and manipulation In the flnnl hour. Notable galna were confined to the spe cialties, but even there change were Unmet to a point or tneresnnut Kxceptlon were tleneral Motor, which rose i f to i'nsy, ana tiiys-v'verinnn, rising 5 to IK. In the flnnl denting. Ouclhle Hleel galnefl 6 to hH. only to cloae at S41. liethlehem Steel roe 4 to lf'1, rellnipilshlng a point at tho close. Tot I anle. jvai.oin shares. Sale of bond for foreign secount st least they were o regarded becne of the frenuencv of "futures" offerings were larirer and broader than for month past, approximating Sl.oou.iMt. In ailill llon tn these open transactions, numer ous private sle of these ecurltles, nldo for European Interest, were reported. Advice from leading financial center confirm local reports of a steadv piling tip of cash, a condition which conserva tive banking Interests sre beginning to view with conoern, tecaue of It tend ency toward reckless apeculntlon and In flated values. The bnnil market waa henvy through out. 1'otai rale. iar value, aggregated $2,0.oft. ended States bonds were unchanged on call. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept 7. PRIME MER CANTILE PA PEH 8i4ff.1 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Sterling: Sixty-day bills 14.60; demand, S4 04; cables. $46476. Francs: Demand, 96.99; caWes. ... Marks: Demand, SJV-; cable, K1H Urea: Demand. 30.47: eables, 96.40. Rubles: Demand, 3hVc: entiles, 3f SILVElt Bar. 4bHo; Mexican dollars, c. HONDS Oovernment, steely; railroad, heavy Tl 61 K I XI AN "4 eMeady; sixty days. 3M9 2'a per rent; ninety days, per cent;, Ix month. per iient. CALL MONEY Steady ; highest, 2 r cent; lowest, 1 per cent: ruling rate. 14 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, IS per cent; offered at 1 lr cent till end Roala. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Sept 7. TURPEN TINE Market quiet at Sf.Vv; sale. Mi Mils.; receipt 104 bblai ahlpmenta, Su6 lts. ; stock, nnis. RtHIN Firm; sales, I.Ota re oelpts, M7 bbla; shipments, t,JM bbl.;! stock. 60.726 bbla. ouotatlons: A. It. C. I and K, 13.00; F, l (Htifl.05: till, 3.107y. 3 10; I, SA 10: 1M, S3. 10: K, S3 SO; M. 34.10; N. S4.70; WO, 96 66; W, S6.7T. i Dry Good Market. NMW YORK. Sept. 7,-OOTTON-Oood. steady; yarns, firm; additional orders were received for wool goods for uni forms and oven -oat. Italy, Serbia and Swllserlsnd being buyer. Raw silk, higher; silks advancing. Regains His Sight as HesperianTorpedoed LONDON, ftr;. 7. "All I want now U for the Germans to torpedo the ship and then I get back my sight,' were the fare well words of the Canadian soldier named Chambers, who was returning; with other Canadians to his home, as he wag leav ing the hospital Thursday to Join the Hesperian. Chambers had lost the sight of both eyss through gas fumes at the front, but discovered after the explosion that sank the Hesperian that he had regained the sight of one eye. Surgeons had told Chambers that a sudden shock was neces sary to restore his sight, as It did. Lincoln Labor Men Parade for Peace i LINCOLN. Neb., Bopt. 7. -Labor union man of Lincoln provided an Innovation In their Labor day obersavanoa yesterday making It a demonstration against war. Except for the usual banners of the various locals there was little Indication that the procession waa composed of labor force. The theme of the parade was "peace" and this waa visualised by the parade taking; the form of a big "living nag," and a banner with the ln sciiption. "Organised labor stands for universal peace." Steel That Will Not Rust Made in Essen BERLIN. Sept. 7. (Via Wlrelesa to Bay vllle, N. J.) "In closing a series of artl clles on Germany, seen through Austrian eyes, the Austrian poet, Rudolf Hans Bartsch. gives a vivid description of the Krupp plant at Essen," says the Overseas News Agency, In which the Interesting fart is disclosed that the firm has de veloped a process for making; steel ab solutely Immune against rust and even against the action of nltrlo acid." YOUNG MOTHER FATALLY BURNED STARTING FIRE OSCEOLA, Neb.. Sept. 7. 8pecial Tel egram.) Mrs. J. W. Astrom. 33 years of age, waa fatally burned Sunday after noon at the home of her father, A. J. Johnson, seven miles northwest of Osce ola. She was starting a fire with kero sene, when the lloul,i exploded and burned her ao severely as to cause her death a few hours later. Her husband and ons child eurvlve. HENRY B. PAYNE UNDERGOES OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Henry B. Payne of the firm of Payne Blater yesterday underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Methodist hospital. He became ill rather suddenly, and waa taken to the hospital none too soon. It Is said. Last night he was re ported to have stood the operation well and to be In as good condition as could be expected. TURK BOAT DESTROYER SUNK BY SUBMARINE ATHBNrt, Sept. T.-(Via Part.) Th Turkish torpedo boat destroyer Yar H la ser haa been sunk In the Bea of Mar mora by aa allied submarine. . Bent houses quick with a Pes Went Ad I MM ELGAH SAYS HE STARTED FIRES Adolph, Son of Council Bluffs Tele phone Official, Confesse Try ing to Burn Up Plants. THREATS AGAINST OWN FATHER Mystery surrounding the numn ou Incendiary fires In the bulldlnn. of the Iowa Dell Telephone coiupan at Council Bluffs, and threats apainj. the lives of those at the head of in corporation was cleared last , nlg'.i. by the confession of 1 5-yeBr-olu Adolph Elgan, son of Police Cotninif -aloner Prank Elftan, who Is also one of the chief officers of the telephone company of the Iowa city. For almost a week Council Bluiii ha been In a furore of excltemeu because of attempts of an Incendiarv to sot fire to the buildings, and mys terious messages threatening to mur der the different men in control o the plant. Many Threats Made. Already several thousands of dollars' worth ot damage haa been done to the property of the company. Frank Elgan, aa district superintendent, had been warned several times thst he was to be murdered. Other officials re ceived word that the telephone company buildings were to be blown up. Yesterday It waa discovered that an at tempt had been made to burn the Elgan home, and the excitement reached a high pitch. Mothers of girls working as operators refused to permit their daughters to leave home, and every' employe and friend of those connected with the telephone com pany became uneasy. Detectives working on the case man aged to obtain a clue that directed sus picion against young; Elgan, and he was watched. The confession resulted. Ills motive Is obscure at this time, because of the fact that all of the telephone com pany's officials are doing their utmost to protect the boy. Utile Known or Motive. C. E. Tost, president or the Nebraska Telephone company, last night admitted to a Bee reporter that young Elgan had confessed to setting all of the fires, and that he was also the sender of the threats. Mr, Yost would not say wh tne younster acted so strangely, hnwwr. "I am sure there will be no prosecu tion," he said. "We want to give the boy a chance." Mr. Yost declined to say more. Young Elgan's mother is prostrated with grief because of her son's doing, and she I now In the care of a physician. How Suspicion Started. Suspicion might not have been directed to the boy If It had not been so clearly 1 evident that It was he who attempted to burn his father's home on Sunday night. The stiry he told was too Improbable for credence even before Investigation showed that the telephone wires had been cut. and that the gasoline that had been thrown upon the porch and against the side of the house could only have been done by someone who at least had access to the house. The telephone wire had been cut In the basement, A small piece of glass had been broken from a basement window and a hole punched through the wire screen. Both had been done from the Inside, and the hole was not large enough to admit anything larger than a man's arm or the family cat The telephone wires were too far away from the window to be ranched from the outside. Iletect Odor of fiaaollnr. Oasollne In such quantities was thrown upon the outside of the house that neighbors living In the adjoining resi dence detected the odor and finally be came so uneasy that a telephone message waa sent to the police station. Police Captain 8hafer met the boy when re sponding to the call. When again questioned yesterday afternoon, the boy's stories became still more divergent and Irreconcilable. lie aid he discovered the presence of the gasoline when he stepped upon the porch when he first returned home about o'olock, and that he then went down to the Main street telephone builalng to gel some one to help him Investigate. When It waa pointed out to htm that he knew there would be nobody there except a possible guard, he made an evasive reply. The full confession followed after a harp grilling by the telephone officers, assisted by the distressed father himself, whi urged the lad to tell the whole. Full details of the confession have not been given out, and it Is not known to a certainty that he had duplicate keys. Hs could easily have provided himself with them, however, aa be spent a good deal of time about the telephone buildings and was an apt puplL Just Fifteen Years of Air, The boy has lust passed his fifteenth birthday anniversary. He haa never been physically rugged. Although somewhat beyond the normal height ha Is of slight build with a suggestion of physical weak ness. II la of decided blonde type with light and thin hair. He haa had consider able trouble in his school work, and It has required some effort to keep htm In school. He has borne an excellent reputa tion for truthfulness and has never de veloped apparent traits of dishonesty. It has been a terrible blow to his parent. Mrs. Elgan last night was In a state of nervous collapse and the distress of the father was heart-breaking. The lad hs always before shown strong filial love and a willingness to obey the wtahe of his parents. Deputy Btate Marshal Traeey, who was here ten days ago securing evidence in another case, said that he had at the present time no less than a dosen case where boys between IB and 17 years of age bad suddenly became pyrooianlacs and set scores of fire, including the home of thslr parents. Apartments, flats, bouses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee 'Tor Rant" THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS insi wi a norte vv naexa. Roar, have Thick Wind v vuuk iwif, can pe yt miI,ii-.j Uiii tl . ... ItO SUV Hunch nr laallina TOei hair cna. anI . , L L ' , ww.. WW centra id only a few crops required at ai application, $2 per bottle dslirersd. . Book K frea. ABSORBINE, JR,antleptle Unlmenffor mac kind, reduces Cyru,Wn, Painful, Knotted Varicose Vema, Clear. 1 and tl a bottle at asalers delivered. Book 'Kv..U YA 13 f wJ.ir0UM. f. D. r..1MTK.selatiVild. Mm