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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1915)
'I'MK IIKK: OM.WU, Tt'Ksl'VY. SKl'TIIMHKli 7, l!l.". BRIEF CITY NEWS Bars Boot Frist It Now ttsarnn Prssa Llghtla Flxtarae nurgsss-Orandon. Auto fftolaa Charles Ptldham, 2 201 Piakney atrert, raporta to the police thm his auto wm stolen Sunday from teenlh and cn pltl hvhiup. "Tsdara Oom;lMi Brorl. rroTm classified settlor! today, and appears in Tha Bea EXCLUSIVELY. Find out whst the various moving picture theaters offer. Txioo la Fromotad William T. Prlre. for several years traveling frelsht s:t of the t'nlon Pacific, with headquarters nt Denver, lifts been pi-omotrd to rum menial tent nt rueMo, Colo Coal Station at Clarion The Difii Western has lot the contract for a ll'v) rnnlne cralinjt station st Clarion, la. ll will be of all steel construction, with dump buckets operated hy ilectrto lent. la Mother Wants Kim Fchuster of Orant City. Mo., hns afk- tin- )in;lin police to look for John Schuster of thia city, wh la wanted hy 1 1 i h mother m consummate mi important lniainra transaction. Mntaaoad aa Pickpockets I li k Mein. Hart Maher end Kohert Cstln. picked up by Defective FlcmlnK as pickpockets, were arraigned In police court Monday morn Ins; and sentenced to ninety dvi In the county Jsll. Id for All.tJ.d Assault - W. K. Wells. !.'!( WIIUs avenue, ling licvn rresteil on complaint of v. w. .Ma Twenty, "o oiicl ainl CuiinliK streets, w no n.scrl that Wells assaulted hln,. '111.- litter ho :i mil Kurd In poli. e o;rt Tir.---f i y tioinitn. Burglars Ost Arms and Ammunition - Tin- I'lattsni.mth a Mlioritlca rcpoii to Hie Omnhii t'oliio thai a hardware stoe In their i i I - aa lited by liuralaui toimliiv niuht. who took a number of revolver flashlights and Knives, In K'-'her vvitli 11. ion laitrldErp. Stabbed in Altarcatloa In an alteiva I, mi m cr some innpoity. Max Abler, IIJ North Twintv-fiisi atreet, etshhed and pnlnfullv woiiiuhd ,lne Kaato, l.'IHn apl tol avfiim The nflray took place Ht fourteenth ami r.ipit il avenue, from w here Abler was urn sled by infi'Ms Nli nien and Thestri.j). Omahans Attend Opening Day of the State Fair: Although Omaha people are not ex- pected to ru to the state fair In laiKe , numbers until Thuradny, Omaha day, there, was something of an exorlua to, Lincoln Monday mornlna. On the mornlnt; tralna the Burlington took out clo"e to ' and the Rock Island about 1D0. Mrmt ' of those who went are employed upon the (rounds c connected with exhibits. of the visitors to the fair there were probably 300 who went in automobiles, aome fifty mac-bines having started fur liincoln during the early part of the day. For Thursday the Burlington and Hock Island af lining up equipment for an Immense crowd from this city. The. Hur llngton will run two special trains, be sides puttinR extra equipment on the regulars. The I'.O' k 1-lancl IU i m oic special train. Tuesday, September 7, 1915 HtW TICTOB RtCOBM now itiOT roa itnimin BURGESS NASH STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY rmon nicxramo yxasroa . old on VI IHI, tturoe U. 137. Inspect Fifteen Schools Today for Scarlet Fever Health Commissioner Connell will ex amine thritecu public and two parochial schools thin morning for evidence of scarlet fever. He will be assisted by a staff of physicians. The doctor explains that unusual preval ence of this disease during the summer warrants htm in taking these precaution- ! ary measure". ( This Is the beginning of a form of medical inspection of the schools by the I city health department regardless of any j action by tho Hoard of Education ' Trains In and Out j of Omaha Are Loaded ! Trains both cotn'ng Into Omaha and xoing out were loaded to the guarda Mon- day. Passenger men at the depots esti mated that not less than 5,00 people left the city Sunday, going to smaller towns to spend the holiday. Nearly as many came from towns within fifty to seventy live miles of the city. COMES TO TAKE OTTO WERNER TO CHICAGO l'eteitive Crowley of Chicago Is here J fioin Chicago to take buck Otlo Werner, forger extraordinary, who secured ll".w for bogus cheeks from Chicago. Kansas city and Omaha houses, and was cap tured In Council Hluffa by Detective l-Yank Rooney of the Omaha force. DR. CHAO GOES THROUGH OMAHA ON WAY TO CAPITAL Dr. Wellington C'hao, tho recently ap fiolnted Chinese minister to Mexico, ac companied by his suite and servants, fifty-eight people In all, will be In Omaha this evening, coming from the west over the I'nJon Pacific at 7:J" o'clock. The roamtxTS of the party travel In three Pullmans and have their own private, dining car. From here they will go on to Washington, there to remain a couple f weeks before leaving for Mexico City. (old Is lneros. Rreak It Now. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is fine for cu'.ghs and colds. Soothes the lungi, loosens the mucous. Only 25c. All druggists -Advertisement. SCHUYLER MAN HAD A BAD COUNTERFEIT DOLLAR C. U Hatfield or Schuyler. Neb., ar tested by Officer Ask with on a minor harge, may he held for Investigation ow- ing to the fact that among ids money I was rouna one very spurious counterfeit lollar, for which he could not account. Hla Hm Waa Brakes. O. D. Wright. Roaemont, Neb., wrltea: Kor about six months I was bothered with shooting and continual pains In tha region of my kidneys. My rest was broke nearly every night by frequent actions of my kldneya. I was advised by my doctor to try Koley Kidney pills and one en-cent bottle made a well man of me. I can always recommend Koley Kid ney Pilla for I Know they are good." This splendid remedy for backache, rheu matism, sore muscles and swollen Joint i-ontains no I shit forming drugs. Hold vsr hcie Advertisement. MOM EFI n WEEK AT BUME A Week of Unusual Values for Homefurnishers at this Big Helpful Store Every Homefurnisher Will Be Greatly Inter- J , - sje Homefitter3, Week, Our Second An nual Fall Event, in which Every Omaha Household Should Be Interested IT1 VERY eoction given over ti' tuerchnndisp of this port contribute ' Its best service to the Interest of honinfltters tlita week. The oalo tins hrpn planned to be of greatest possible helpfulnesa In asslBting: the housewives In the Autumn time houso-cleanlng and brinhtenius of the homo for the new season. The eMlons that contribute to this sale are: Cnrtrtlns, Mattrese. Silrerware, llotiseftinilshina". Oriiiwrle. lloils, tTilna, Pillow riiaes. n. Vlrlrolna, lUankets. Ktc. Ml have extra nttractlon.i In tho way of new goods and special value9 that will appeal to the ambitious housewife Monday, Sept. 6, 1915. Hl'RGKSS-NAStl COMPANY. You Are Invited to Come and View Two Great Modern Masterpieces Valued at $107,000 "Th Oramras IT theFW anudl Aft" 66 lt Phili l. Utlifctm. A allied at UtOO.lMM). Th Rdl Crss Lttrs Hy Klla firay n-e1. Valued at $47.HM). NOW ON EXHIBITION ON THE FOURTH FLOOR We want every man, woman and child In Omaha and vicinity to come and view these wonderful paintings during tholr short slay at our store. No admission Is charge!; take elevator to our fourth floor. Barg-Ms-Mssh Co. Fourth Tloor. TABLE DAMASK By the Yard in the Homefitters' Sale for Tuesday A.N KXTKN81VK line front which to select. Many patterns that are exclusive. ALL LINEN TABLE DAMASK, 75c 70 inches wide, full bleached, pure all linen. LINEN SATIN TABLE DAMASK AT $1.00 7h inches wide, beautiful, new designs, pure linen. SATIN TABLE DAMASK AT $1.25 Kxtra fine quality, 70 Inches wide, very specially priced. MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK, 25c ri inches vide, mercerized finish, Bplendid selection of designs. Burg-sss-Kash Co. Main Floor. Wool Filled Blankets at $2.98 That Are Usually $4.50, $5 and $5.50 Pair l'lunket means 1H-4, 11-4 and 12-4 double wool blankets, fancy colored checks, also white, gray and tan. They are samples that have been used for display In the largest whole pale dry goods house In the west. Just one pair of a kind. The low est value In the lot would b .splendid at $4.60 a pair. Moat all of them are worth $5.00 and $5.50. You will not find such values as these elsewhere. A splendid illustration of what Hurgess-Nash at '2..W pair. supremacy Maish Bed Comforters That Are $4.53 Values, Homefitters' WeeK, $.y. Don't tnke a mistake and buy something just as good. If you have slept under a Malsh comforter you know that it Is a pleasure and real comfort; $4.50 values, durlnsr Homefitters' Week, y-J.U.I each. Borgasa-Haah Co. Basem.nt. All Linen HUCK TOWELS at 25c Featured for HOMEFITTERS' Week Pl'RK all linen, bath room size, plain white, fancy satin damask borders, plain hem or hen.stltched. Huck Towels, Dozen, at 85c lSXu6-lnch, with colored border, especially good for hotels and rooming houses. 15c Turkish Toweb at 10c First quality, size 1Sx40 Inches, full bleached, hemmed end, (toiler Towels, Jlealy to I'm', lite t lwiinoiH Colored I hist Cloths, 10c Tuiknlt Vah Cloths, :tc ' Heavy Mop Cloths, doaen, Silver Polishing Cloths, Joe llroom Covers at I.V Co. Main floor. $9.00 Sanitary Mattresses, Tuesday, $5.50 SOFT, fluffy and sanitary mattresses, all large, white cotton felt, fancy flowered ticking, can be had In blue, brown, gray, pink and tan; $0.00 values at W50. Odorless Feather Pillows at $1.00 I'ure sanitary, odorless, standard size bed pillows, filled with mlxod (Mick, sooi-e and turkey feathers, fancy uit tickinK covering, $1.00 each. Good Feather Pillows at 29c All pure feather filled art tick, covered pillows, size suitable for children's beds, chair pillows, etc., at 'Jlc each. Co. Bas.mant. Here's a Sale of Aluminum Ware Including Values to $2.50 Tuesday at $1.00 Each HERB'S a feature for Homefitters' Week that will interest every woman who haa a home of her own. The aluminum ware is strhtly perfect and made of he.ivy sheet aluminum. The offering Includes: , 8, and !(-yuart Preserving Ketllea, 4 and tMJuuri Merlin haurs I'ans, with rovers. Tea ki-Hles. Sauce 1'ans, Coffee Percolators, 1 4 and li-V'i t Idee Hollers, 1, a and H-Ijuurt llerlln Kettle. Woorifii 1 1 and lei Kry I'ujis, Ktc. The value un;e tip to $2.0u; Tuesday, choice of the lot for l.o. Barrss-kT,sh Co Bss.rn.Dt. Utica Sheets and PILLOW CASES AUK known tho worM tvtT -Hurna.Hfo Shoots and pillow cases are known to Ihe discriminating Omaha housewife as the best wearing, fine quality sheets and cases possible to bo had Spoi'iril Tuosday: RlxPO sheets, regularly "tic, Homefitters' Week sale prlie, 5Bc :H90 sheets. retularly TSe, Hoineflttera' Week sale prlce.fl.V ti.1x!9 sheets. regtilnrly 84c. Homefitters' Week sale prli, WOc 72x!0 sheets. regularly 84c, Homefitters' Week sale price, 6c TJ99 sheets. regularly !0c, Homefitters' Week sale price. 7fc SliPo sheets, regularly 90c, Homefitters' Week sale price, 7.V 8199 sheets regularly HT.o. Homefitters" Week sale price. 71K- 90x99 sheets, regularly $1.0K, Homefitters' Week sale price. Brtc 90x108 sheets, regularly $1.15. llomeritteiB' Week sale price. I)."ic Boraaa.iraab Co. Bas.raat. 12jc and 15c Com forter Covering at 9c VARD-Wini-: regular goods. rgular stocks ail included finest and best styles for making; pretty comforters. Sllkoline, rhallle, cretonnes, all one yard wide; choice from the bolt at c the yard. lOcF'cyC'mf'rt Pongee, 4 Vac Printed fancy figured comfort pon gee, bolts to buy from. An unusual bargain special for Homefitters' Week, regulurly 10c. at yard,4Hr. 25c to 35c Sateen at 15c The very finest French sateen for covering comforters, the 2Sc and 36c grades, from the bolt, at, yard, 1AV. Inrrtfi-Siib Co. Basraiaat. A Sale of PIANOS INSTRt'MKNTS that have beeu returned from rental or taken In exchange for player-plunos. Kvery piano In good playing con dition and backed by the Rurgeris Nash guarantee of satisfaction. HoKerstrom, upright, mahogany case, was $275, now Knrtr.nian At Co., upright, walnut ceae, was $4 00, now 'IHT, Weaver, upright, mahogany rase. was $350, now $117. Httilta A llauer, upright, mahog any ease, was $.175, now . . . lluntlnjrtoii, 'iprtght, mahogany case, was $,,,r,o, now flfto TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Barrasiraali Co. Tourth rioor. ested in This Offering of Lace Curtains Tuesday FOl It spipudid gi)iij nlfovdinn m roumrknhlo soloctinn of vnluos thnt aro of prmio iinortano to ovory houso wifp. Hon' an idoa of wlint this hip HomofittprV Wook Snlo has in storo for you. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS at 89o That Are the Usual $1.50 Values Loom lace ctirtnlna. 2 y.irds long and 4S inchea wide, beautiful assortment of new designs from which to make selection, white or ecru. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, $1.49 That Are the Usual $2.50 Values. Two and one-half yards long by 4 4 Inches in width; made of an extra fine Egyptian yarn. Score or more of different designs for selection. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS at 49o That Arc the Usual 85c Values. Nottingham weaves. 2 ardt. long by :!2 inches uiile. iu both white or ecru. The usual 8oc quality at 4m a pair. FISHNET CURTAINS AT $1.95 A PAIR That Are the Usual $3.00 Values. Kxtra fine quality fishnet. 2 '4 yards long and 44 Inches wide, very deeirable for living room, bedroom and dining room drapcrlev very special nt 91.0ft a ;alr. Bnrrssa-aTaali Oo. Third Tlxr. Remarkable Sale of Art Embroidery Goods Featured for Homofitters, Weekt Tuesday 15c T1IK assortment conslHts of bath towels, largo size; combing jacket; stamped, all linen scarfs, 18x46; cushions; centers; all linen towels, large slxe; shirt holders; crepe dressing saeques; lnen cent era, 22 and 2( Inch; children's dresses, all sizes up to 10 years; white, all linen scsrfs. 18x24; novelty bags; stamped shirt waists, on best quality lan: infants' dresses, on fine lawn; hats, etc. (These goods are. slightly Imperfect or sllrhtly soiled.) Special, each t,V Boys' Pique Suits 39c Made up and stamped, sites 4 to 12 years; children' pique coats, made up and stamped, nlzea 2 to 8 years; rompers, all sixes; spe cial. c each Children's Dresses at 39c Made tip and stamped dresses, sixes f, 8, 10 and 12 years, In a, large line of colors and sixes, slight imperfections of values to $J,00. at Uc. All Linen Scarfs 39c Rise. Jfrx54-lneh. Peri Lusta Crochet Floss White, Krru and Colors. 1 to Rises 1 0 to Sixes ;10 to Sixes 50 to to, special 7c 30. sperlal He 50. special c 70, special luc Hlxes "0 to 100, special lie Htranded bsll floss, sll colors, 2 balls for Ac Bnrg-waa-llaaa Co- Third Tloor. Whito Linen Centers 39c 62-Inch, 4 5-Inch, 66-Inch. 64 and Mfi-lnch. alight Imperfections of vulnes to $4.00; sperlal, KOr. each. Stamped Night Gowns 25c Sta'nped aud made tip night eowns. on best quality French nainsook, regular $1.00 values; special, liftc each. Baby Rompers 25c Aim centers, sixes up to 8ft Inches, Ioiik crepe klmonns, pink, Mu ni'l lavender, all centers and scarfs, special, e each. These 9x12 teet Velvet Rugs Tuesday at 512,00 Are Splendid Values at $19.50--VERY SPECIAL VJ'IIIY npocial, indood, but t hoy con-iat of patterns which wo aro dropping from our regu lar lino and have roduood tho prioo to accomplish tho result. Four patterns, throw Oriontfd off oofs to one floral. Heavy quality and very durable, !xl'2 feet, size, regular price ri:.M) llomefitters' rale price, $12.00. $3.25 Axminster Rugs at $2.75 SUe S6x63 Inches. Excellent selection of colorings and ' designs, unusual values at 9'i.70. $2.25 Axminster Rugs at $1.50 Heavy quality, slue 2754 Inches, floral or Oriental patterns, special at 91JM. EXTRA: $1.25 Rag Rugs for 59c Made of sanitary cretonne raKs, in pretty assortment of colors, guaranteed to wash, size 27x54, rn . iJUM nitra.irasti Co. Third Floor. sale price Old English Macey Bookcases Reg ularly $21.50, Homeh'ersirWeek $14.95 THIS consists of a top, bnso nnl throe units, like illuatra tion. Thtso units can be had in eight, ten, twelve and thirteen inch units so as to accommodate any mze yook. This bookcase has atralKht lines and iiinban nsnalu itnniniAn s (ha Diva. l5l I'W" ""!l f 'Ptlrltj': f hethan, Jacohean and William and B Mary periods, vshich are the character- istlrs of the old English style In which these cases are made. Regularly $21.50; Homefitters" Week prlca, $14.05. $12,00 Library Rockers $9.00 Mission library rockers. In quartered oak; heavy, reinforced arms, wide rock ers, croncied brace, with No. 1 leather upholstered seat and twelve roil sprinKS, regularly $12.00, Homefitters' Week sale price, (IO.OO. $2.95 Sewing Rocker $1.95 Sewing rocker, heavy saddle seat, in both fumed and wax finish; regular price, $2.95; Homefitters Week price, fl.U.V Burg ms-V aah Co. Third Tloor. Prices Clipped on WOOL and COT TON BATTS For Making Comforters NOTE the low price on wool batts All are In on piece and will make a comforter, slxe 72x90 inches. a.00 All Wool Halts. 2.09 Pure white, all wool batts with, cheesecloth covering, can be used as they are, all covered with other material; $3.00 value, at .. 2.7ft Wool Ilatta, $1.0H. Southdown wool batts, slxe 72x,lO, worth $2.75, on sale at SI. OH. 2.2. Wool Ilatta, $1.00 Koyal fleece wool batta, sis 72x90, Make the lightest, warm est comforters possible, worth $2.26, sale price, $1.09. SSI.7H Wool natts, 91. 25 lint a via wool batts, slxe 72x90. This hatt Is a mixture of the beat pure wool and cotton, fluffy and warm, $1.75 value at $1.23. uw rain's quoted ox cottox batts 2A Cotton Hutu, 1H- VvTilta Rose, averybody's favorite, worth 26c, sale pries, per roll, lHc. 91JA Cot too natts, HAc Four-pound Noble cotton hstts, slxe 72x00, will make thick, heavy comforters, worth $1.25; Home fitters' Week price, KAc. ROr tVrtlon lutts, 8Rc Two-pound lxiysl snow white cot ton batts, will make light weight, full size, comforters, worth 59c, at, each, BHc. Cotton Batts, Bo Little Gem cotton batts are always In great demand; sale price, each, 3c. Cotton Batts, 1Rc True Blue, a full pound roll Of good white cotton at, roll, Iftc 9(c Cotton Ilatta, 59c Three-pound Magic snow whit cotton batts, will make a full slse, medium weight comforter, worth. 8 Or, each, ftOc. BarfMs-STaah Co. ta t-rfy DI1.MOM) "C" l,.l'XIHV SOAP, 12 CAKhi. 25c. Ivory soap, 5 cakes IBc Jap Hoae toilet soup, 2 cakeu for lie Pearl White soap, 7 cakert for 25c Sanl-flush, 25o size 17c Pura peroxide, 1 lb lo lion Ami, rake for 7c Papollo, caka for 7e One lot toilet soaps, the 10c kinds, for . . 5c One lot toilet Williams' shav- I soaps, the 5u ing soap . .8c ! kinds, for.2 4c Tela - Naphtha soap, 10 cakes for SHo Household am monia, 1 -quart bottle . ...IHc Horm chips, large package for 1 l)c Liquid veneer, 26c sise . . 18o Liquid veneer, 50c hize .. .8c OV-edar Oil, 2 5c size ..! Johnson's floor wax. 1 lb. 82c Perfumes, reg ularly 50c oz., for 1 oc. Kubber gloves, 25c value, 80c One lot of combs for. . .Wc Mirrors, 100 kinds Ac Mirrors, 60c kinds 3c Armour's bath tablets, 1 0u kinds, for On Sponges for house cleaning, 76c kind.. .tc Barf. ss. Bath Co. Mala rioor. Forty-Nine High Grade Sewing Machines in a One-Day Homefitters' Week Feature Tuesday AGENT'S LIST PRICES RANGE FROM $35.00 TO $50.00 s19.75 TERMS: $2.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK T'HE offering affords you a most unusual oppoit unity to secure a good high-grade sewing machtna a right at the beginning of the Kail sewing sesson at but a small outlay. Kvcry machine la In perfect condition and guaranteed1 to give absolute satisfaction. Rome are 'braad new, while others have been slightly used or marred. Among the well-known makes are: SINGER, WHITE, NEW HOME, HOWE NO. 170, THE FREE, ETC. All drop-head style, with latest Improvements and attachments. No phone or mall orders filled Nona sold to dealers. Burgsss-iraah Co. Third Floor. $7.50 Chest of Silver $4.95 A complete che&t of lingers 1 S 1 A-l silver plate tableware. 2 6 piece,., regularly $7.50, for 9. Co. atala Door. Bbirgess- mm mm. ar eye rydodtSj .exonn" Six SUver Plated Knives $1.95 Silver plated knives and forks. I.rettty pattern, special set of each for 91. DA. urgaaa-Saah Co ataia Floor,