Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
Tim BEE: "f)MAIIA, TlfESDAY. SFJTKMBKH 7, 1915. Bringing Up Father Copyright. IMS. International News Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ... . f NOW LWEN-VE rRE OH'DEAH' We HAVE TO l - f.Z-A rJZJ"' OHSJICGb" X - NO VOIDER X CONC4 TO CALL OM THE. Prt THIS HORfD J . -Jf& J'MCt "TOUVE BEEN IN UPoii XCi ir H ATF n TO PAjS V MC CU&BHM't AND TAKt . LOOM OF DlhTT -JsH HE RE - WELL-CLAD HEREtOUR t J? rf fy THEM OUT TO TEA- J MOOWil 'J$' U TOO ARE KEEPlNC TOOR UMSRELUA VOO l -v y . M I, . 1 POME TOME, I 1 LEFT IM HERE. T w t IT 'ZA T I KNOW A 500D V BtCOLLY.'TOU'C V J " ir"' ' LAST NIGHT- I N. C LV VHERETHE-Y Xt5 TEM WHERE IT V jPIL fOO CZ s-' HAVE RNE TEA' M VAJZ.-TbBEEN ZZ I ffilt JT OCE J- ROURKES WIND UP YEAR WITH GLORY Cop Two Games from St Joieph and Thus Rang Onto Position in First Division. BLODOETT HITS A HOME itUN peka. pitched the second gam. Tra.imr tied th m bv stealing home. Nin saf whan Powers cut loot a wild pltoh. Hiwwn tha two game Tvpeka oas ball fans preaawited Manaa-er Jimmy Jackson with tn automatic shotgun Jvl Owner John Savage with a fold watch In ep prx iatl'm of th team's food showing. wore, nrn game: TOPKKA. AB. R. Cochran. M t Kleher. lb t I llm-n, If ft 1 Tydnman, lb S ft Jack ion, (if.... .4 1 Trainer, rf.. 4 1 Rappa, Sb 4 0 Muiiroo, o S 0 Carroll, p 4 V If. 1 0 S 1 1 Totals TalMon. 3b IwnnMt, cf IS A 7 WICHITA. AH. R. II. . 6 . S . S . 4 one Jake Roultpe, one of Jack Holland'! more or less distinguished athlete, took three swings at Lou North's baffling slants tn the eevenlh round of the eeound came at Rourke park yeaterday and Um pire Jack Ryan, with one gin t ure of hla ll"f,t rirtit hand, waved Mr. Boultea out and prit ton.' b". wrote "thirty" on tha western Inag-u t'altxraon, lb.. caaon of l!ir.. The Rourkea very fittingly -eleutateM slh ooraalon by handing th Druramtm a rouple of walloplnga and thus clinging tn the rhartahed fourth plaea of th flrat dtvlalon. Tha flrit event wa a punk fray, which tn Ka Omaha trw 1 tn g aftr much fUHing and fuming. The wa. ! r-- topped in tha eighth round, when Karl to Talllon to Patteraon. Htolen baax: Iavl. If Orlrflth. If 2 Oray. 4 Wat, p 4 Totale Topeka, 4 13 .1 0 o. 1 AVK hlta 1 0 0 S 0 Threo-lwM hlla: Brown, Trajnar. Two. t O, A. E 4 X 0 10 0 1 too I 0 10 0 UOO 4 3 I S 0 S 0 F 4 O. A. R. 0 S 6 X 0.0 SSI 5 0 0 ISO 10 0 0 0 0 0 ooo 0 0 0 4 0 si I: 1 0 I 0 -T tiOM Standing of Teams WMTERN LJDAOl'E. Iea Molnea i. . InveT ...... o' Topeka t nulla lilncoln ....... Slou City ... Wichita Bt. Joaerph Smith tore off a triple with two nnliSj11" Talllon. Baaea on ball; ha. and th, count deadlocked. 'mLc SL' JLlf.V ' Th aeoond game waa an eaay victory for th home folks. Jake Uoultea. who can't eren chuck a atralght hall, atarted hoatllltiea for the opposition,' but waa , Vieh.r, If aoon Jerked to let a youth named Kelfer Mrownl If.'.'.'.' twirl. The final count In this combat was T.y,?.'',,,,n ,b .... A Hall, cf " to ' Trainer, rf... The St. Joseph tribe certainly exniuuea Happa, p.... a bum variety of th great pas time.' laboring lehlnd Walter Johnsop or Orover Cleveland, Alexander, lhat crew would b lurky to win. C'y Rata Tkoaaand. Tom Itlodgett and Cy Forsytlia covered themselves with glory gnd wound up the year with much aclat. Tom bounced th pill over tlt right fluid wall for a home run and Cyrus ma1 three hits and a sacrifice fly out of four trips to the plat In the second game. Every Rourke who played yesterday rot at least one hit. The Hourkcs began to scatter last night n soon as the second game, which was alle4 In the seventh frame, waa over Marry Krug and Dick Brven caught a rattler for-iJu Taul, where they will paatim the remainder of th season. The rest of the Rourkea -ducked out for borne. Heore. first game: OMAHA. AU. R. H. O. A. E. 0 S 0 0 S 1 s s s i s . o 0 1 ' 8 0 s 1 3 0 1 , 3 0 S 10 1 1 1 11 $ 1 1 s s fyrklp. Boor, sacond game: TOPKKA. AR. R. 1 Cochran. ..J 0 .. S 0 ..3 0 ..10 ..3 1 ..3 0 Monroe, c. S 0 . i. Orover, ib. Tota'la.t. Talllen. 2b. Rfjnnott, rf.,.. I lotto, sa TheUIng, rf... Hrltton. 5b.,, Griffith, lb.... rwlt. If Uray, c........ I'owers, p Totsl IS 1 WICHITA. AR. R. I 0 i o 3 0 3 0 3 0 1 ft 3 ' 1 0 I? .1 H. O. A. E. I 0 3 S 0 1 S O 0 0 1 0 0 0 t 0 0 v 0 0 0' 3 0 0 1 1 ft 3 0 0 k 0 0 0 10 0 1 15 1 1 H. O. A. B. 1.10 0 0 3 1 0 10 4 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8.0 0 0 ft ft 0 1 5 ft l 0 0 1. oj 4 15 6 t Caled account of darkness. Toprka 0 0 0 0 11 i.:hlla ...0 0 1 Ol Double play: Rappa to Cochran to r"shr. Stolen basa: Klsher, Trainer (?. Hti-Wck out: Py Kapps. 4: by Powers. 4, Passed bull: Gray. Time: 0:30. Umpire. Van tfyckle. mllh. If llren. 2b Koraythe. rf Wolis. c Knit, ss Mctjiiesney, cf , Tannvhlll. Bb Sehlt-htier, lb lllodgeu, P Totals . T. JoriKPH. I 10 27 11 AH. H Nicholson, If . ...... 3 UrodM-k, 2b..'...M. t ' 3 lleinter. .p. S I Kna. lb. S 0 KmjUea, 3b u .. 3 1 Wlllltnis, rf..' 4 O Urwilug, aa.M... 8 0 Waton, cf 4 ft Connelly, c 4 0 If. O. A. E. Totals ... Omaha-.' II -j as lilts Bt. Joseph-r P.un mis ..33 4 13 34 .j i i i n i i '-i ..A 3 3 110 11 "ID ..S 0 3 1 0' 0 t ..3 0 S 3 0 3 1 1 1J lloma run: Rlodgett. Threw-base hits: Hnritb. Wells. Nicholson. Two-base hltst Hohrwr. Ui-odlck. Btolnn base: Oiodu-k. Sauriac hits: tk-I)l)bi'r. Uludgmt. Hl nr. ttarifios flies: lielnwr. Houltoe. louble p'sys: Krug to Vreen to Brhrleb ner, Williams to Kna. IWt on baw-s: Omaha. T; Ht. Joseph, 4. Htruck out: Hy lt.dtt. 4. Basoa on balls: Off Blodgett, I; off Helmer. a. Hit by pitched ball: .Jrorllng. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kyan. Hcore, second gam: OMAHA. , , AB. R. H. O. A. a Dlllll, Ii .. l 3 iji. t ... sits i crxyine, rt g Z I iWiJls. 4 1 3 Kmc. u. .3 i M-liiiy, of 3 1 J Taiuu-hill, Jb S 3 Petti tebner, lb 3 1 1 T O 0 .Nurth. p 2 t 1 gipl X I.OSR TO , DBS MOINES SWoslers Wla fho riaal tiaoi of ta deasea. KIOUX CITY, la.. Bent. fc-De Moines won today from MIouk City by a score of 4 to 3. Boore. I SIOUX PITT. AB. It- II. Cooney, 3b.... 4 0 X MHirov. If 3 0 0 Callahan, as. & . 1 tiJun, cf.,s , 4 1 S Kn 10 4 0.3 Hensfing, rf 4 . 0 1 Richards. 3b.... S 0 2 t'roHby, o 4 1 0 3 0 0 Kelly, p S O S 0 1 1 CUrk 1110 0 0 tMinnelly ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 boolhby I 0 0,0 0 0 O. S 3 10 o ft 3 A. . 1 0 s o 3 0 0 0 p. .11 .1.17 .11 .140 m AM .rrr ..1X7 W. 7 N1 7n 71 70 6T M Ml S3 m es 70 04 Pel. .m .if HA .m .424 .114 NAT. LEAOUR I AM BR. LBAOUK. W.L.Pct. WX.P. t. , Phlla 65 .5S7 Rostnn U 41 .71 Brooklyn .. M ,KW Ietrolt HO 4A .sM Roeton .... 6 .m hlcearo .,..77 M .6W lt. Iu1s...it4 6H .iitll WashTngtn T M .ft C1itoago ...OH Of, .4M) New Yor1i...M S .473 New Vork..t .4.' ht. Louis.. ,.P0 73 ,tt I'ltOthurgh M ta .4771 Cleveland ..M79.M8 Clnclnnall 67 C .4631 Phlla M 37 .3M r-KU LHAflUE. AMER. AfrN. t W.I,.Pct.i W.UPct. Pittsburgh 71 K .IM Minneapolis M 64 .w Newark ...M M ,.i rtt Paul II 5T ,7 Ht. IjouIs...M M .(i.'.l Indianapolis 70 411 .H (Tilcago Kl .s) Louisville .. .HI Kan. City. .47 (0 .&.T Kan. City... M .M Huffslo ,...4 S .NllMUwauke ,.tllT4.t'J Brooklyn ,.0 W ,4ni Cleveland ,M 7S ,4St Baltimore .44 33 .84!Cottmbus ,,S1 S3 .Ml Yesterday's Resalts. . , WESTERN L.BAOUE.' S. Joseph, 8-3; Omaha, s-10. Des Moines, 4; Slmig Chy, t. Wichita. 4.1: ToimIu 7-1 u,J .n. end fifth, dsrkneas. ' 1 Lincoln. 11-13: Denver, 10-11. J . NATIONAL LHAOUE. j Philadelphia, M; Brooklyn. -7. ' Boston. 3-0, New York, M. Cincinnati. S-S: Pttuburgh, 0-. Chicago. S-O; Kt. Louis. 1-k I AMERICAN IJCAOUE. ' St. Ix)Uls-Dtrolt, rain. Waahlnrfton, -: Philadelphia, New York, 4; RoaDm, 0-3. m Cleveland. 1-0; Chicago-. 7-S. " KKDEJtAL LEAGUE. Chicago, S-3; ftt. Loula. i-U. Becond called end fifth, dsrkneas. . Newark. 1-1; Brooklyn, IM). -Baltimore. 3-3: Buffalo, S-l. rniuDurgn-Kansaa city. wt grounds. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Cleveland. J. Columbus. 1-4. Mlnnea polls, d-3: St. Pan, W. ' lioulsvlllc 0-1; fnrilsnapolls, S-C. Kansas City. 1-4; Milwaukee. 4-4. Uasnea Toelay.- Natlnnal League Ihlladelphla at Brooklyn; Boston at New York: Cln clnnaH at I'llUburgh; Chicago at Kt. Louis. American Loalpte Detroit at Chicago; Waahlnejton at Philadelphia: New York at Boaton; 6t. Loula at Cleveland. Federal Laagua Chics go at tit Louis; Rrooklyn at Newark; Baltimore at Buf falo; Pittsburgh at Kansas City. SUfMBAS WHIP THE PHILS TWICE Brooklyns Come Within Two Games of Kational League Winners . by Doable Win. SEVEN TO THREE IS THE SCORE BROOKLYN, N. T., Spt t Brooklyn made It two straight from Philadelphia by winning th morning gam, t to 3, and the afternoon game, 7 to S. thereby approach- Oroh. 3b 4 Harsofl. sa. ..4 lrlffith. rf . .4 Williams, It. I Ing within two game cf th National I S"'?0' " . . ... . , "oowra. Ib. .s euo stiiRt vfinuara sou inio seconu Motiwiti 3; off Tesreaii, 3. Hlruck t: By Tss reau, 4; by Rudolph. 6. Umpires: Byron and Eason. Divide Doable-Header. PITTSBURGH. Sept. C Cincinnati and Pittsburgh broke even her today, the visitors taking; the morning game, 3 to 0, and the locals the afternoon contest, ft to 3. Tho Reds won the first gamo by bunching hits in th third Inning. IPtcher Schneider leading with a home run. Har mon held the visitors to five hits this afternoon. The Pirates made all their runs In th third inning, when they knocked McKenery f rorn the box. He waa replaced by Q-oipe, who waa .never In trouble. Score, flrat game: CINCINNATI. riTTSWROH. AB.H.O.A.SX AB H O A R. KHItter, ef... I 1 OOara. It 4 0 i OJohnatoa. lb. 4 lColllns. er. .. 4 SHInrhmsn, rf.4 place, In th morning gam Cheney started for Brooklyn, but after pitching six hltlosa Innings threw out hi arm, fanning Killlfer In th seventh and gave way to Coombs, who was knocked out of th bog In th eighth when th Phillies got a lead of S to L Pitcher Malls, re cently bought by Brooklyn from Seattle, will Join th club at St. Louis next Sat urday. In the afternoon gam Pfeffsr held the Phillies down to flv hits, four of which were bunched In th seventh and eighth innings. 'The Dodgers batted Rlxey out of th box In four Innings and also hit Baumgardner hard. Boor, flrat game: NilLADBLPHIA. BROOKLYN. AH.H.O.A.K. AH.n.O A H. stnrk. tb 4 I I SO'Mars. a.,1 I I ( a I (Daabart. IB.. a vfftanaal. rf...l ODttuhaw, 3b. .( lb I elcbnalilar, p. 4 1 S t i I 1 0 3 0 t 1 13 1 0 Wag-oar. OVIo. Jb.., Balrd. lb.. OOlbann. e. CoatHIo . VurohT. Totals ....M 4 T IT IMamiua. p Harny ... Kelly, p.... 4 37 1 Htintroft, IB..1 paaaart. ef...i frmvatn, rf..t Dtsr Het-aar, rf. . 0 Icarus, lb. I WMItod, It. ..I Nlekoff ,3b.. 4 Klllltar. 0...I Alexander, p.l 11 1 Mrera, of.. vata lb.... Wheat .... ft'NIiaa .... lOlaaa, tb .. larorth. rf.. Millar, t... i'hanar. Tatala ... N 4 14 U JOoowha. ....f MarqaarA, p..l flchrelber, 1. Sacrifice hlU: B. Schrelber, H. '.-'chreiber. Double plays: Miller to KhleMs; IJoyd to Motlafflgan to Willlama; Hmlth to WUllama Tim: 1:33. Umpire: Uflsel. , Heore second gamer DBNVER. u... . AB- O. A. E. Miller, rf 0 1 1 0 o neuener, sa g Spencer, cf 4 Galloway, Sb 1 Mitchell. If.-p, t Hhlelds, lb S Whelsn. 3b.... 4 Bhestak, . c I . o JlOaskell, p.... 0 8pahr 1 iiamtunon, ir l Totals. 37 3 ' 14 ST IS DES MOINES. AH. R. If. O. A. Ilahn, rf... 0 1 1 0 Hunter, cf... ........ 3 1 0 3 0 Sawyer, 3b...... S 0 0 S I J ones, lb ..4 u I 11 Hartford, as 4 3 3 t 4 Kwoldt. 3b 4 1 3 t 1 Bills, if S011 Orabam, ... 4 0 10 3 Kinacy, p. ........... 3 0 0 0 I Thutnas, p... 0 0 ' 0 0 0 Totals 31 4 7 V 14 ' 0 3 0 0 '0 1 0 0 0 Totals.. S3 ST. IS Wolfe. If Lloyd. 3h I Uitlnlvr. rV ' 0 ' Ol'IIIUm. IK 41 II LINCOLN AH. R. If. O. A. E. 1 Batted for Kelly tn ninth. Hatted for Richards In ninth. Halted for Cos trove In ninth. Sioux City 01000 J3 1 ea Molnea Two-base hits: Lejsune. Bills. Richards. Pacrifloe hits: Klnsey, Cosgruve, Sawyer, Htolen baeea: Hartford 2. kwoldt lit. Bills. Poul'le, plays: Callanan to Counsy to Kane, Kwoldt to aKrva. Kwoldt to Sawyer, Callahan (unassisted!. Hits: Off Bchrelber. cf., 4tnlth. lb...... Yanta, c...... Mors., p , .47 13 U It Totals Batted for OaaklU in eighth, Lincoln 0 t 0 0 S 0 0 S 113 Denver 3 0 1 0 1 0 4 3 1 U Sacrifice hit: Spencer. Two-bauie hits: Mclntyra, Yanta. Lloyd, Knlleher, Whclan. 'Threo-hase hits: Kelleher, Morse. Home runs: Spencer, athlelda, Hi.hrelbr. Baaes on balls: Off Cant well. 0 0000010 34 1 PTrucK out: Hy Morse, 1. Bases en puia: on aw, 1. iwnnna rues: Galloway 131. Kit by pitched ball: Smith. Double play; Moree to Lloyil to Willlama Wild pitch: Cautwell. Umpire: Oelsel. Totals II Klneey, 11 in eiiflit and one-third ionlnga; i,oft Thomas, 1 In two-third Inning. Baxea Z on baila: Off Kelly. S. off Klnsey, 1. ? btrucS out: By Kelly 3; by Kinay, 3; ny inomas, 1, wild pi ten: Kinaey. Passed balls: Oralis m, 3. Time: l b. Uuuvirea: Sgrist and Cusack. ! es 10 u U NifholMi, If., ;nxtl.ik. Sb.... Kttlf.-r. p , Walaon, 2U..... I n a. !t !r wliriar. ., V ll'iartM. rf... Htlfnr. cf...., fNniillyf o.... J.ouil,, p.-SI 1 Totals Onmlia I'IIS i lit at ! Jatb Rfita ........ IliU Two-base hits 6T. JOHm-IL .AM. K, If. .. . a u u ... 1 ... 1 ... s ... 1 ... 3, ... 3 A. 1 ?- 3 1 0 t 11 10 1 4 0 0 S t 10 0 4 1 4 S 13 3 1 000-3 3 I 0 1 0 I FVrsvtha IT MaCt.aa- ney. Tturi'-lidl, llflnvw sttolen law: 1 ocsvtlia, VVuiaoa. rW-jfla hlla: ltr'mi. I ru .S;,crUi. fli,: Korayllie. lts. liuubaf. nlav: North to hrcen to s,-hltt n r. Hi'ia. Off i o If 4 b three In- lunir: uii Keir-r. T In tlirwe Innlnsa Left t.n tm-a: t ntal.a." bt. Janh, 3. -inuk out: Hy Nurth, 4. by Huullna. L naarti on uajia: tirt !virth, Z, otf luuliea, i: M'tt K-iir. I villi pitch: North. 1'airwd Wails.. Hint: 1 36. i;m-Vti-r: Itn. IKAHI DROP A DOt BLE-IIKADKn De-aver Loses Batla at FtauU Gasara of Itaias ta Llarola. (DENVER, Oio.. Bept. (.-Dvavea-droiowd both of the final games of the season here today to Lincoln, tha flrat. le to 11. and the second. 11 to 11. oWor first game: DENVER. ' AB.R S 3 I 1 , 6 1 4 ..... 4 4 S .... 4 Mlller.( rf .... Kaioher, ss .... apenoer, cf ... flailoway, Sb M tchell. If ... M.lriria. lb ... Whelan. Ill ... Shapr, c Harrington, p O. Totals .30 10 IT 37 20 L1NCOU. l urr. K 4. T tKJ.l THK Kl H ST fa A If E Haxa Mia Oaearr aaJ keroed t aa leal Is a Tie. tK! . A, Kan., v-M. l.-Totlv and AB.R. H. O. A.V Wolfe. If I I 4 I 0 Lloyd. 3b , 4 1 1 4 T McOaffls-en. ss .... 4 13 14 Vtrlntyra, rf I ' 3 3 3 0 William, lb I 0 3 11 I M. h.brolUr. cf ,. 4 t 3 10 Smith. ll I 1-3 11 MiAlUaler. e 13 3 11 B. bchrelber, p .... S 1 1 0 3 Asaertosta Aaaoclat loa. At Columbus (mornlni tuiwl: R.H.E Cleveland 4 S 3 Columbus 1 7 1 Batteries: James and Devogt; Curtis anu uoieman. Afternoon cam Cleveland S 3 Coiumbue 4 0 Haltrrtea: MoCali and Devogt; O Tool ana tilentan. At St. Paul: RU E Minneapolis i I St Paul S S S HAttertns: liopper snd (iullivan; Hall, Steele. Lathrop and lilenn. - At Minneapolis: R.H E. St. Paul I t Minneapolis S S Batteries: LetfielJ and Glenn: Wi- liauns and Uharrltv. At Indianapolis (Mrst game): HH E. Louisville 0 I 1 Iudiarplia 1 14 Batiertea: Northrup and Clemens; Bctianlt and Oossett. Soi-ond game: , . R.H.E. lxuiavllle I 4 Intdananolis I 4 Battvnex Hoch and' Crosaln: Dawson and Blackburn. Oarue called at end of sixth on account of darkness. At Milwaukee t first game): RH.I1 Kanaas City I 0 g. ,...a, f 4 u 1 . natteries: Iraon snd Crieu: Rhoade V and ttratinon. tTlilrtreii Innings.) 1 Second game: IYH.B. 0 I Kansis Cltv I 11 I Milwaukee . 4 , 4 T 1 01 Batteries: Gardner and Goioel; lisuah 0 I erty, siiackl'ford and Brannon. 0 1 0 Mrataaral Takea levaaa. rt.t. ' m iT v ie 1 BRAIN ART). Neb. Sept. 4. Siwclal ) . . , : . " - ' 1 wrainara aeteaied Valparaiso today by a lucoln 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0-lllaror of 7 to I. fckvbota allowing five hits Ln"' -0 U 4 0 u v 0 0-1 'and etrli-uig out thirteen men. A Hlavao SMgien naaas: 1 Joy a. Wolfe. Two-oaa Dttteii ii oar cent, settlor a horns run mis: aiilntyi tJt, )i. cV nreiber. Ilr-I"'l singles out 01 ttirertlinea a na. R H E. M I M I II M w I v 1. mi iid tn aith a . i.A.v , rlnatoo. klwlieher. M:Oa(fUau. Tlii- 1 S.-..r: for ! ' -k ia hv fii.l K.n.n uid a lie ha t it.' M, IM.I.r jLiiliwr i'.ull... Hr.lnant l,t ti,i m !oih niiul bit. (,f M-t nf fifan. Huine rui.a: Mmiaf fiaau, ! Valparaiso ...0 0 0 0 V 0 0 11 i 4 .".1 in 11.. fir.i ,,. Kappa, utility. tMui.iis . 1'ases on ball: Off Harrtngtun. batteries: Btslnard. Robots snd A. ti.f-w. catn.;.r and fr lo- l, uff ScbitMbrr, 1. :lrutk out. ByHUai. Vslpsralao. Mengel and Giifln. . . ' Totals 10 ST U 1 Ran for Ciavatli In eiphth. Batted for Gets In eighth. Ran for Wheat In eighth, Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 03 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Two-base hits: Ludertts, Stengel, Smyth. Double pWys: O'Mara to Daubert. Miller to O'Mara. Bases on balls: Off Chenev, 7: off Coombs, i; off Alcxsnder. 4. Hits: Off Cheney, none In six and one-third In nings; off Coombs, S In one Inning; off Marquard, 1 In one and Iwo-thlids In nings. Struck out: Bv Cheney 3; by Martpiard. 4; by Alexander, 4. TTmpires: Klem and Email, ifcore, eeoond Tame; f HI LADKLJ H 1 A. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.eT. AB H O A B Htoek. lb 111 orMara. sa...l 1144 ODaubert, lb. .6 I If 1 Hteasel. rf...l 1 1 4Cutaliaw.,tb..4 0 14 I Myers, of. ...I 11 Oeta sb 4 111 SNIus. It I II Mot-arty, a. ..4 IIS r tartar, p. ...I 1 1 Totals ....II U 3T 14 0 Tetala ... M Batted for Ulbaon In alrhth. Batted for Maiuaux In eighth. Cincinnati 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 1-,. Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-bae hit: Vlox. Threa-base hit: Griffith. Horn run: Schneider. Stolen baan: Griffith. Double plays: RodKers to Herxos; to Mollwlts, Schneider to Her cog to Mollwlts. Bases on balls: Oft Mamaux, 4; off, 1. Hits: Off, B In elrbt Innings; off Kelly. 1 In on Inning. Struck out: By Schnei der. 1; by Mamaux, 6; by Kelly, L -Umpires: lugler and Ortli. Score, second game: CINCINNATI. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.AkV .4110 lGSrey. If. ...4 I 4 10 14 ejohnateo. lb.. 4 (XVllnla, ef...4 OHtnohia., H..I owasner, as... I Vlui. 2b 4 OOerber. lb. ..4 lCilheoa, e 4 tntarmoQ. p...4 ToUla ....It I 37 14 villi .f JiOroh, lb... ! Harms, aa. nnfftth. rf 4 I Williams. If.l Tarb 1 Wtnso, 4 Hntltara, 3t. .4 MnllwIU. lb. I MoKanery. I Georse. P 1 16 t 0 I It I I 1 4 0 1 1 I e 1 1 6-1 banomrt aa. .1 Paakert. rt . 4 rreveta, rf...l lA(1araa lb. .4 Wblttao, It.. 4 Niaherr, lb. .1 Klllltar. c.,.1 Burna S.....I KlMf, P 1 natiinseN.. s Tlnaup, p... 1 1 1 i". I 0 I I I 1 I 4 loot 1 I 0 1 Totals ....II I 14 14 I Batted for Williams In ninth. Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 0 0I00000 4 Two-bas hits: Hlnchman, Gibson. Stc-t base: Wlngo. Itouble play: Har mon to Waamer to Johnston. Basea on balls: Off McKenery, off Harmon. 1. H'ts: In two and one-third innings; of George, t In five and two-thirds inntnars. Struck out: By McKenery. 1: by Georse. 2; by Harmon. 1. Umpires; Orth and RlgleT. Cards Wla Tna Games. ST. LOTJIH, Sept. .-St- Louis aet Chi cago back in the second division cy win ning a double-header her today. 3 to 3 I and 10 to 0. Th lltat same wor.t twelv iniunas ana wii a autii tMt.weein x ioiu and Sallea. The former, howovwr, weak vned in the twolfth and after filling th baava waa replaced by Lavender. The latter hit Hiatt on the ankle with, hla spitbsll, forcing the winning run. Manager Breenahan was partly reapoiv- TIP TOPS CAPTURE PAIR OFFNEWARK Brooklyn Captures Both Ends of Labor Day Double-Header on Enemy Soil. SECOND IS A PITCHING BATTLE NEWARK, N. J., Sept- a Brooklyn de feated Newark In two game today. Th second gam was a pitchers' battle be tween Falkenburg and Beaton. Th former held Newark to three hits, but he received remarkable support. In th morning gams played tn Brook lyn Bin McKechnle used three pitchers and two pinch hitters in an effort to win. but Jim Bluejacket was Invincible. The Indian allowed only six hits and kept them well scattered. Soora, first game: R.H.E. Newark 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 3 Brooklyn 1 00003 SO 10 1 Batteries: Newark, Moran, Kaiserllng, Billiard and Rarlden; Brooklyn, Blue jacket and Land. Score, second gam: R.H.Q Brooklyn ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 S 1 Newark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 S 1 Batteries: Brooklyn, Falkenberg and Land; Newark. Beaton and Rarlden. Baffalo Takea Two. . BUFFALO. Sep. C The Buffalo Fed erals took boiu games from Baltimore 1 here today, winning them by the same score, 1 to 1 Th afternoon struggle want ten innings. A horn run hy Hal Chase in th ninth Inning gave Buffalo th morn ing victory. With one out. one on base snd Buffalo one run behind. Chase hi' th ball Into the bleachers In left fit a Gen Krapp and George Suggs fought Ic out in the aauond game, Krapp giving way to Bedtent at the end of the ninth Innln. Score, first game: RHE Buffalo v..l 00 0 00002-Lsi Balvlmor ....0 0 0 1 0,0 0 0 12 I 0 Ba teriea: Anderson and Allen; Lecialre and Owena. S -or, afternoon gams: R.H.E. Buffalo ....1 00001000 11 10 1 Ba timor 100100000 03 I 3 Batteries: Krapp, Bedient and Allen: 2: off George, l:f Suggs snd Owens, Off MCtvencrv a ROWING CLUB PUTS OFF LEASING TRACK COAST PAIR YICTORS AT FOREST HILLS Johnston and McLoug-hlin Win the Bight to Flay for Singlet Title Today. DEFEAT WILLIAMS AND PELL FOREST HILLS. N. T., Sept. 1-Wtl-ltam M. Johnston and Maurice B. Mc Loughlin, both from 8an Francisco, won the right to play for th United States tennis singles championship her tomor row by defeating R. Norrls Williams, sec ond, and T. R. Pell, respectively. . McLoughlln's elimination of Pell wa expected by th followers of tennis form, and there was little surprise whan he won at 0-3, 6-0. 7-t.. Johnston's overthrow of Williams, the present title holder, how. ever, waa th sensation of th tourna ment of today. By play In r a strong ac greaaiv game at the net Johnston won three out of five sets, &-7, 1-4, 6-7, S-I, 8-1 tble for the loss of this aame through , o-.. , . na I folhlr. itlantver imtll Io lata that " ""-""a. Tetala ... M ISII 1 Philadelphia. 0 0000011 0-1 tBrooklyn S 0 0 S 0 S 0 7 Two-baaa hlta: Cravath. Paakert. Stolsn bases: Nlehoff, O'Mara. Myera. Lamed runs: Philadelphia. 3: Brooklyn. 4. Double plays: MoCarthy to Outanaw; O'Hara to Daubert; Stock to Killlfer to Luderua Bases on balls: Off Rlxey, S: off Baumgardner, S; off preffer. 4. Hlta: Off TUxey. 0 In our and one-third Innings; off Baumgardner. 4 in two innings; of Tincuo. none In one and two-third In nings. Hit oy pitched Dan: MnKi oy Baumgardner; Tlnoup by prerrer. ntrucK l; by Uaumgardner, out: By Rlxey. by Pfeffer, 4. Umplras: klem and Ktnalle. Glaaa Whip Irani Twice. NEW YORK. Sent (.-New York took the morning gam from Boston, 4 to i and th afternoon gams, 4 to a Hughes weaksncd for Boston In the morning same after his team scored two runs on Stroud In the fifth. Merkle'a home run. with Robertaon on baM. put New York In front In the sixth liuilng, while Tyler was hammered for two extra run tn th Uthth. 7 . . V,iT a ia.w'HIt by pitched balls: By Pleroa. Long; by Boston to two single. A muff of an easy .,.,., ...,. , tv.nri.r hv.h until ioo lata that Betsel had batted out of turn In tha second Inning. Fielding on both aides waa brilliant. In th second contest Humphrtea gave eeventeen hit befor th ;ama waa called In th eighth on account of darknea Boor, flrat gam: chicaoo. bt. Doris. AB.H-O.A.S. Murray, rf...4 4 0 OHusslne, lb.. I 1 4 4 SBntiar, as... .1 OBascher, If.. I I SIxmis. rf......4 1 OWilaos, et....4 4 Dolaa 1 I CM lllar. lb.. ..4 fetarSer. ....t .114 ORetael. lb.. . 4 p.O 4 4 0'Hratt Hal lea. p I ..14 114 14 I Totals ....a I U 11 One out when wlnnlnf run scored. Batted for Wilson In twelfth. Batted for Basel In twelfth. Chicago 0 0000101000 0-S St. Louu esoooooooeo l 1 Two-base hits: Snyder. Williams. Three base hit: Betad. Karnud run: Chicago, 2; St. Loula, 3. Double plays: Hugglns to Miller, Phrlan to Hater, Muggins to But ler to Millur Baaes on enrols: St. Louis, I. Pases on balls: Off Pierce 1. Hits: Off Pierce, I In eleven and one-third Inn ngi; rteher. as.. ..I 4 Rchulu, If... I 1 3 gimaierm., lb.f I 1 Baler, lb.. ...4 414 I WIS lama, ef.4 1 ', Fbelaa. lb... 4 1 4 t A ruber, a.. ...I I Pierce, p., LkTeuder, Tetala .. I 1 110 1 4 B I 1 10 4 44 Directors of th Cmaha Driving club) decided at a meeting held yesterday that ' they vould maLs no arrangements con-1 Byrne, cernlng th prorosed leasing of the Douglas county Fair assoolatlon track at Benson, until Vl Ptrson, (irealdent of the club, who Is out of the city, returns. Further negotiations probably will be postponed until after the fair aaaocla- It was said yeaterday. Th proposed lease of tha track In tvolved a plan of consolidation, of th driving club and tb fair society. MEMPHIS TRIMS YUTAN , AND DUNDEE WOOLENS ' YUTAN, Nab,. Sept. 1 (Special. ' Memphis defeated Tutan at th old set tler picnic at Mead Saturday tn a hotly contested game. Pitcher Pack of Fre mont worked for Tutan, striking; out -seventeen men and ' allowing only one cratch hit and making twenty -on put outs himself. Tutan lost th game by two errors by R. Johnson,- center field. Score; Memphis 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Yutan 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-il Earned runs: Yutan, 1 Hits: Of Peck. 1; off Warbrltton. 3; off Mason. 5. Struck out: Bv Peck. 17; by Warbrltton. t; by Mason, 6. Home run: R. Kllng. r At Tutan Sunday Tutan defeated the Dundee Woolen Mills of Omaha, Pitcher .' Peck striking out seventeen men and al lowing but four hits. Score: Yutan 0 S S 3 0 0 1 Dundee 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 I Bat teriea: Yntan. Solvers and Peck; Dundee, Willlama. Caraen and Byrne. Struck out: By Peck. 17: by By me. 4. Hits: Off Peck, 4; off Carson, 0; off A 'Tor1 Sale" ad win turn second-hand furniture into cash. S. Hlma run: Bowery of Tutan. 1 loatkera Association. Birmingham. 7-0; Mobile. 11-L Atlanta, 1-3; New Orleans, 8-1. First game seven tnnlnjr" by agreement. Memphis, 1-1; Nashville. 1-L Both games seven Innings bv sgreerent. Little Rock, 3-1' Chattanooga, 2-2. Sec ond game seven Innings by agreement. - Tax ra. Llewr Camplalat Makes happy. No Joy In living It your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's New Life PUIS. AU drugglsts.-Ad-vertlseroent. I - rod flv bv Hnodarraas. the former New York player let in the first two Giant tuns In the fourth Inning. Th game waa full of wraiurltng between the players of the rival teams. In the seventh Innlnjrs before taking his position at first. Schmidt, of the visitors walked riit . lb.1 rinaoully ...t Bsan. tb I I'oanatea. if 4 Meee. If ... I Srbatiet, lb. .1 tinlttt. lb... 4 MuraaTU.. sal Vusy. S....1 Musttaa. p.. ..I Tyler. 4, Totals over to the New York bench and atarted i ''"' W , T V, F I 1 1 a 1 Willi v ,, j ' j run ana r.on n,u ig iium wi dwvuii player to prevent him from attacking Doyle. Brni, first game: BOBTOS. NaTtr TOTtK. ABVH O A B. AB-H.O.A k. ItaeSsraaa. ef.4 SI SBaraa. If 4 1 S s n... a e 1 1 taebensva. rf.4 t I 111 !ter!e lb.... 1 1 I I I I SMerkle. lb... 4 I 11 I It Fletcher, aa. .4 I I I t 4 ao Thorpe, ot .,4 1 II Merara. C....I It 111 BebMactoa . I 4 4 11 IPoolB, o 1 1 til SStraua. p 1 11 . I I Srkaag I aVautea. p I I I 0 MTMI1 Tetala .... D 1 la I Ran for Myera In eevmitta. Batted for Stroud in fifth. Boston 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0-3 New York 4 O0O13O3 4 Two-btu hit:- Benton. Home run: Merkl. Stoleu has: . Pietober. Double play: Grant to Merkle to Fletcher. Haans on bails: Off Hughes. 1. Hits: Oft Stroud, T ia flv innlnsa; Benton, none In four Innings: oft Hughes, S In six and two thirds Innings; off Tyler. 4 In one and one-third Innings Struck out: By Stroud, t; bv Ronton, 3; by Hughes. 7; by Tyler, 1. Umpires: Byron and Kuson. Score second game: R.II.E. aOaTON. NaTW TOKK, ABH.O.A.I ABUOAE. gaodaraaa. ef.4 4 t lBvraa. H 4 V I Kama. la.. ...4 I 4 reat. lb... .4 14 1 fwaatoa. rt. t 4 14 oit.artoo, rf.4 4 1 Maaee, If I 0 1 obrle. .... 17 1 rchnitdt. lb. 1 TO atarkle. lb.. .4 I It I Moiita. tb... 2 1 1 PItcber. aa..4 lit Maraaall. aa i 14 1 41'huoa. ct .. I t 1 (raver, a 1 14 1 SMarere, c 1 lit tvudels. p. ..I 4 1 Taareae, p,.. I I 4 Sallee. Archer: by Lavender, Struck out: By Pierce, 3. Umpire: O Day nd Uulaley. Score, aeoond game: CHICAOO. ST. IiOVll. ABHO.A-g. ABHO.A Ooo4. rf 4 II Fresstna ft, I I I I I OHratt, ib....e 1 SBullar. as.. ..4 114 IBaacher. It... I I 1 atr,. rf f tailaoa. t...t I Millar. 3b-ib.4 lbataal. lb.. ..4 lOoniAles. o. . 1 Sn v dar. Totals ....17 lllll o!iaJi, p, It.. I 1 I 4 I P.lar. lb I I Wllllaaae, ef.l l'ttal.n. lb... I I Margrave, s. .1 ' 4 HUBiiiarttal, p I I ) Tetala Chlcabo 0 0 0 0 O0 St. Louis 3 0 S S 1 0 (Called account of "darkness.) Two-bas hit: lietxel. Stolen base: Long. Earned runs: St. Louis. 3. Double plays: Hugglns to Butler to Mtl.e-r. Bases on errors: St. Louis, I. Ha at a on balia: Off Doak. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Humph ries. Hyatt. Stru, k out; By Doak, S; by Humphries. 1. Umpires: Qulgley and O'Day. Pert Dodge Wlaa Twice. FORT DODGE, Ia.. Sept. 4. (Special games Tetala ....IT I 24 11 1 Tetala... .St I TT e Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 New York 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 4 Two-baa hit: Grant. Three-base hit: Thorpe. Home run: Meyer. tolen . - - U.rl.1. fVni.lJ nl-w Ptf.n I. I tKhmidt. Base on balls: Off Rudolph, Telegram.) Foil Dudff won toth from ttie All Star here, I to 0 and 4 to I. The All Star team was oompoeed of play ers from the Webster City, aitorm Lake Sioux Kaplda and Austin clubs. The Kon iDodg club claims the undlaputed Inde pendent champloaship of the state, having won every series of games played agains the strongest seml-profrsstonal clubs in cluding Storm Lake. Cherokee Sloua Haplda, Webster City. Ackley, liaroptor and Bumnsr. Th Kurt Dodge club, under th luanagflfnent ef Ira bi.iwell, is com posed of the same players that won the Kanaas Stat league championship a Emporia. K an., last season, bid well has managed flv tcousecuuv championship clubs. 1 Batteries, first gam: Biaer and Chap man; Belts and Baughman. , . , m w , alav . . ., Chapmaa; Lambetha q1 Baugtmvan. Hi ....aj 17 m it 1 I i4f .J irrt 11? Apartments, flats, bouaaa and cottages tan b reiited quickly ana cheaply by a Bea "For Reat " Model 1912, light -Weight HAMMERLESS SIIO TG UNS. Look Good To Everybody The Winchester Model 1912 Hammerless Repeating Shot gun has won the enthusiastic approval and endorsement of shooters everywhere. Its light weight, strength, baj. ance, easy-working action. find splendid shooting qualities appeal to men who know a goo gun. Its Nickel steel con struction means not only a lighter and stronger gun but a better bal meed one, because of tho better distribution of weight This gun loads and unloads easily, has a cross-bolt trigger lock, and a simple take-tlown system. It is mado in 12, 16 and 20 gauges. If In the. market for a shotgun, don't fail to examine this, " TUB MOST PERFECT REPEATER9