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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1915)
THFi HKE : OMAHA. IMOXPAY, SEPTKM BKR (?. 1015. Nebraska STATE FAIR TO BE BETTER THAN EYER Officials Assert This Week Will Be One of Big Things at Lincoln. A EECOED-BREAKER PREDICTED (From a Staff Correspondent) LiTNOOIaN, fVpt. 8. (Spclal.)-Of tldals of the Nebraska state fair are feeling rood today and are lotting forward to big things during the week If the weather man wlU continue to araile upon the fair. "What do you want The Bee to say tomorrow about the falrf waa asked by a reporter of the paper of President Joseph Roberta, as he sat at his desk In the administration building. "Tou can say anything you like. You can't put it too strong this year. The outlook is the beat since my connection with the fair association. Exhibits are coming In fast and If the weather holds good I look to see attendance figures run up far above any previous years. Every thing is looking good. Space la being taken fast and the feeling all over among the exhibitors is that the 1916 fair will be ft record breaker. Mill uura Hammer. Secretary W. It. Mel lor waa In a like mood. "We are going to have a hummer this year," said ho. "The entertainment features are going to surpass all previous years. I am feeling particularly happy this morning because the machines and othur racing material of Barney Oldfleld, the automobile racing demon, and aero plane fixings of Deloyd Thompson, the aviator dare devil, came In this morning and those two gentlemen will bo here this evening. I expect that their racing around tho track, Oldfleld in his big autornobile, and Thompson in his flying machine, will be a thriller and nobody can afford to miss It." " . Looking over the grounds, one is Im pressed with the Idea that the 1915 exhi bition along all lines is bound to be an eyeopener. It Is said that many people from the east, who have been attending the Panaroa-Paclfio ' exposition, are planning on stopping over In Lincoln on their way back In order that they can see what kind of an agricultural show Nebraska uta on. The Nebiiska State fair has ft national reputation and thus the state will get some good advertising from the show this year. Picture of Nebraska. EAST AND WEST DIYIDE THE HONORS Johnston, Williams, MoLoughlin and Pell Will Take Part in Se mi-Finals. GRIFFIN AND RAND DEFEATED FORFlST HIIaLS, N. J., Sept. S At the end of the first week of play in the thirty-fifth annual championship tourna ment of the National Tennis association, the eastern and western schools of ten nis were equally represented by the four surviving players. At the close of the fifth round on the courts of the West Side club here today, William M. Johnston of San Francisco and R. Nortis Will iams, 2d, of Philadelphia, were bracketed for the upper half of the semi-finals, and Maurice El. MrLoughlln and Theodore R. Pell aligned In the lower half of the draw for the seml-flnal round, which will be played here on Monday. Johnston came throuch a the result 'of Princeton university while Garland was the winner of the Tale lnterscholaUo tournament Polat Scwre mt frtm. The point score of the Johr.aton-Qrtffin sets follow i First set: Johnston tl lumen) 4 14 3 4 4 4 B So Urlffln (two games) 4 2(010 914 Serond set: Johnmon ( games) 4 1 4 ( 4 4 4 77 Griffin (one game) i 4 S 4 0 2 1-16 Third set: Johnston fix game) 14l4t4224I4S -44 Griffin (eight gamfo) 6141442441426 648 Fourth -set: Johnston (five games) 4412441 4 2 42 2-34 Orlffln (seven games) 114 4 4 2 4 0 4 3 4 4-M Fifth set: Johnston (lx games) 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 Tt Grllfln (one game) 2 2 2 1 2 6 116 OPENING DAY OF REVIVAL SEES THE STAGE WELL SET (Continued from Page One.) Armless Beggar In Fisticuffs with A Blind Mendicant "Hey! liook out whacher doln' there, ya bum! "Don't call me no bum! I'll tack a of his victory over Clarence J. Griffin of I nny on " gum an- I won t Charge I San Francisco, at S-2. -l. -8. 6-7. -L I ' 1 r xn "mnr' neither. 'Williams advanced by defeating William ' 'Ta w,u ' Thcrp "owJa ke Rand. 3d. a team member with the United Bu",nM f "W"- RttM rhamnlon f the IT.rv.rrt TTnlv.,. Th nNtt mlnUt bl Saturday night slty Tennis club. M. 7-5. 6-1. I V?w' ,n! 'h;8NT Bt Fourteenth and Douglas were treated to Pats Oat Heater. the unusual sight of an "armless" beggar McLoughlln put out F. T. Hunter of ' in ft lively flstlo encounter with ft "blind" tho Cornell university team, at $-3, -4, i beggar. 6-0, while T. K. Pell was winning from ' The "armless' man had the advantage Nothing strikes ti sltor coming from the west quite so -v.-itily as the grand picture spread out before them In Ne braska after passing through the moun tains and barren places of the west and the Nebraska State fair ought to im press them strongly. Monday has been designated as Old Soldier day. Children's day, Labor day and Lincoln day. The gates will open at :30 In the morning and the big fair will be on. George Green and his band of &raaha will give concerts in the audi torium and Hagenow and his Lincoln band In Automobile hall, while the Fifth Regiment band will furnish musio in the coliseum. - At 11:30 In the morning De Lloyd Thompson will do some of his tumbling bug flights from the race track, while at 1:30 and 4:30 he will loop the loop. At 1 o'clock In the afternoon Barney Oldfleld will try and oeat the record on a half mile track with his big automo bile, which will be followed by tho rac ing program. At 4:30 will come the race between Thompson and Oldfleld and at 7 In the evening Oldfleld will again try to beat the half mile record on a dirt track. TbJs will be followed by ft vaude ville performance on the platform In front of the stands. Catholic Sokol Pioneers Gather At Plattsmouth PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Sept. 8. (Spe cial Telegram.) The tournament and convention of the Catholio Sokol Turners of Nebraska here is ft success in every way. Father John Vloek conducted sol emn high mass in the Bohemian Catholio 'church this forenoon. About 200 persons arrived from Omaha over the Burlington this afternoon and, headed by Mayor Richey and two bands, marched to the; Bohemian hall where the exer-Jses were held. About seventy-five auto 'ciSi of people came from Omaha, This afternoon exhibitions were given by the senior and Junior classes. The several teams of girls did themselves proud. The Omaha girls' team won first prise and the Dodge team the second. Judges Peter David, John Lejsek, Anton Bands, Jacob Novy, Frank Pechota and J, J. Qlolh made the following decisions: First Division Ferdinand Janousek, South Omaha, first; Edward Swaclna, South Omaha, second; Jan Polkorny, Omaha, third; Josef Flceneo, South Omaha, fourth. Second Division-Faroes Vlck, South Omaha, first; Frank Cerveny, South Omaha, second; Joseph Proskoclt, Omaha, third. Third Division Frank Kment, South Omaha, first The diplomas and prises were awarded this evening. The convention wtll close Monday afternoon with the election of officers. Lincoln Gets the Next Meet of Germans Vets, Koenig Re-Elected NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. B. (Special Tel egram.) More than 2,000 out-of-town visitors are In Norfolk attending the an nual reunion of German army veterans of the western district President Koenig of Omaha was re-elected. Lincoln won the next convention from Omaha after ft lively fight Jacob Haup of Omaha was the principal speaker at a reception Saturday night when a patriotic program was carried out harmoniously. The pro gram opened and closed by band selec tions of "America" and the "8tar Spang led Banner." During field prayer services Sunday morning Rev. Ernest Ahrens reminded the former Oerman soldiers that they must not forget that they are Americans first He cautioned them as to their ob ligations to the land of their adoption. The sermon was warmly received. The colors of the United States are most con spicuous among those of Germany. Mayor Friday welcomed the visitors to Norfolk by an address during which he presented .the key of the city to President Koenig. A big parade, ball and concert wlU con elude the reunion Monday Bight I. C. Wright of Boston, -S, -l. 6-1. As a result of these victories, Johnston will face Williams in one of the east against the west on Monday, while McLoughlln and Pell will be the contenders in the other half of the semi-finals, The best play of the day was witnessed In the contest of the lower half In the draw. Neither Johnston nor Williams played up to their former previous matches, while McLoughlln and Pell of ft longer reach with his hands and feet and he soon had the "blind" mendi cant down and waa giving htm a beating when someone yelled "Jiggers, th' bulil" and the scrap was over. Those who were present at the Incep tion of the affair said that the "armless" man occupied the comer first and ob jected when the "blind" beggar "opened up his store" too close. "It waa unfair competition, I guess," of the combat How Does Gas at $5,70 a Thousand Strike You Now? Uiiifkail ITami.a., TlTtl v.-nn ..m.. .,..,,.l . w.r.r the wBtem union, who witnessed part tiiiii-i wwrji luuay. wounsum requirea five sets, two of which went to deuce, to dispose of his team mate, while Williams was forced to play two deuce sets by Rand. Pell and McLoughlln, however, raced through t!ielr matches In rapid fire order and never left the spectators in doubt as to the final outcome of their matches. Johnston, who was generally expected to be the player to meet William.! In on of the semi-finals, opened In excellent form against Griffin, and by clever gr-n-eralFhip and an exhibition of rapid rec quct technique, won the first two sets in handy fashion. I Appears to Falter. He appeared to falter, however, tinder the extreme heat as the play progressed, and Griffin, bringing the full power of his sturdy physique into action, evened the score of sets by giving two deuce contests. Johnson, however, showed ft great come back in the final set, and with a dashing assortment of strokes, played from all parts of the court at top speed, quickly ran through the deciding set at 6-1. tiius clinching his right to meet Will iams on Labor day. This match afforded the best tennis of the day and drew round after round of applause from the spectators, who were kept deeply Interested by the dashing play and long rallies of the two young Call fornlans. Considering the match as ft whole, . Johnston showed . s greater gm An Interentlng souvenir of early Omaha was recently dug up among the effects of the late Jamoa M, Vool worth by K. M. Fairfield in the form of a gas bill rendered In the year 1K71 for gas supplied to him by the Omaha Gas company. The bill Is made ouj by the hundred cubic feet Instead of by tho thousand, at the rate of 65 cents a hundred, or $5.60 a thousand, with an alilrtitlonal 20 cents a thousand United States revenue tax, making ft total of 15.70 a thousand. Mr. Fairfield presented the document to President Frank T. Hamilton of 'the gaa company, with the remark. "How would you like to get that rate for gas today?" Fireman Finds Loot Stolen from a Store Homer Ruan, Dundee fireman, while passing Soramer Bros, grocery at Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets, discovered a notebook protruding from a drain to . i t w- tinllHIncr Tnv.atlirAtlnn !.!?' ,n?f,Hen in b1 fr. reveaiTd that beside the book three new stroking of the ball. Except for his lapse in. the third and fourth sets, his Judg ment of distance and height was excel lent, as he brought fore and back hand strokes the length of the ' court or at sharp angles with marvelous skill. Can't Keep Vp Pace. Griffin had difficulty In holding his position against this fusillade and return ing the ball when he could check It with his raoquet At times he lifted his game to ft point equal with that of Johnston, but could not maintain the pace long enough on ft stretch to win the match. Johnston's game was not as good as the one he played against on Friday, when be defeated the former reserve member of the Davis cup team three out of four sets, none of which went to deuce. He developed a tendency to hit the ball Into the net and out of court when In the fore part of his territory and his best work was done on the base lines today. That he deserved the victory over Griffin was shown by the fact that his total point score for the five sets waa 163 to Griffin's 11S. Champion Williams' play against Rand was ft distinct disappointment to the big gallery present During the first two sets he appeared to have lost his wixard llke control of the ball, sad this taken Into consideration with the fact that Rand played steadily and tried for every j ball driven Into his court, carried the play far beyond what had been expected. Fools the tkaaitloa. Rand, who has played tennis against Williams frequently at Harvard, was fa-! miliar with his opponent's game and his persistent returning of the ball seemed to throw the champion off his stroke. I He netted and outed the ball in surpris ing fashion, double faulted In service and I showed ft disposition to avoid rallies or rushes to the net He stuck to his task, I nevertheless, winning the first two sets ' of many deuce games. The third set j saw him back In his old form agalu and i Rand ceased to be a factor. Everything ' that had been lacking in the champion's form during the first two sets was on exhibition In the third and final session, and, although Rand tried hard to lift his same to meet the new attack, ha was utterly outclassed by the real WlUlams. j In sharp contrast to Williams' slump ' was the excellent playing of MoLoughlln. ' The famous Davis cup contender and for- I mer American champion lost no time In opening his old-fashioned smashing and driving form of attack when he met the Cornell Ian. He served with deadly ac- j curacy and speed, frequently seeing Hun- i ter, rushed to the net far more frequently I than In previous matches this week, and J once there refused to be dislodged until ' he had In most cases hammered out the . winning point j Hunter played ft game which consisted I of hard driving from base and service lines and he put plenty of top on every stroke. This dashing, free arm stroking of the ball appeared to fit in with Mo- 1 Loughlln's playing temper, and although ! Hunter made some splendid placement and passing shots he was never able to i hold McLoughlln In check for any length of time. Pell, by ft clever use of his famous ' back-band stroke and perfect timing of returns, eliminated Irving C Wright of ; Boston In quick- fashion. The Massachu- ' setts star waa unable to cope with Pell's , superior all-round game, and except for : ft few times when he forced his war to the net for winning points, was com paratively easy for the New Torker. The lnterscholastlo championship was decided earlier in the day when Harold A Throckmorton of Sewarden, N. J., de feated C S. Garland of Pittsburgh In the final round. S-3, 3-1, T-T. C-S. Throckmor- I ton came through as the representative J sterling sliver manicure seta were cached behind the drain. He turned his find over to the police, who later found that it had been stolen from the O. I Wehmer hardware establishment at 2415 Farnam street MORE RIVER BOATS UNDER CONSIDERATION AT DECATUR Additional boats and barges to handle -the business on the river between Omsha and 'Decatur are still being considered. A conference of the business men of Decatur is to be held this week to con- ; aider the advisability of building a cou ple of such boats. A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. her husband. After the tianti-riapplnn had ceased she said: "After that you can figure out about how old I am. And It has been a battl" all the time, not so much between our selves at with sin and the devil. We are glad to be In Omaha and we know that God Is going to give strength to our work here, fled bW Omaha!" Then Billy started In on his sermon (which Is printed elsewhere In this paper It was ft plea for more of the power of the Holy Spirit In the church and lrs formality and half-hearted organisation. Itatlo of Sermoas and ftlaners. "At Pentecost 3.000 were converted with one sermon," he said. "Nowadays It takes about 3,000 sermons to convert one poor sinner." The evangelist wore ft blue serge busi ness suit without vest a white silk shirt, low collar, black bow tie and low patent i leather shoes. Ho didn't sit down from th time he J first rose on the platform until his ser mon was brought to a sudden conclusion with the simple statement: "I will preach again at 2 o'clock. Thank you." He stood beside Rev. II. O. Row lands while he offered prayer; he stood i beside "Ma" while she spoke and he ; stood while Mr. Brewster and Mrs. Asher sang their duet lie Never Stands Still. The familiar simile, "ft human dy namo," seems to have been made to fit Billy Sunday, Tou can't conceive of him taking a slow, deliberate step. He rushes like a runner on the bases, he strikes attitudes like ft batter at the plate And one of his most characteristic attitudes Is standing on one leg, lifting the other at a right angle and raising his hand high In the air, like an in fielder reaching for ft high hit Ho rushed from one side of his sixteen foot platform to the other and stamped resounding stamps within ton Inches of the Intrepid reporters' heads. He took the wooden chair and placed it beside his pulpit, mounted It, put one foot on ithe top of tho pulpit and shook his flat at the audience as he trove home ft point He never stood still ft moment Ho dodged from side to side of the pulpit He advanced to the front of the plat form so that his foot was half way over the edge. He shook his fists on hlsh and bowed himself down nearly to the floor. He made a trumpet with, his hands and shouted to the rafters of the building. Tho perspiration poured from his brow and his collar was wilted and hi slllt shirt was soaked. He set him self with one foot forward and the other far hack, like a man pushing ft heavy load. Consummate acting and mimicry de lighted the audience and held them so thitt In his periods they snt with mouths open and eyes devouring him and heads moving with him at he moved from place to place. At Yoing People's Meeting;. One of Ms pleoes of acting was In ft description of what he called "the aver age young people's meeting In ft Church." "You go In there," he said with ft chuckle, "and the leader says: '"We have a very Interesting topio for tonight T haven't made much preparation, but I hope you will all feel free to take part' Then someone says, 'Let us sing No. 10' and they sing Oh, to Be Nothing, Noth ing.' " Sunday clasped his hands In front of him and, leaning back, raised his face and In a squeaky voice chanted the line yhite the audience laughed. "Then," he continued, still chuckling with contempt, "someone reads a verse of poetry from the Christian Endeavor World and then someone else says, 'Shall we sing No. 437' and they sing Throw Out the Life Line.' Huh, they haven't got enough strength to string a clothes line. There is no vital, com pelling power in our churches, no per sonal experience. They art orgtnltcd to death. "What Is the chmvh without the power of God? It Is enly four walls with rocf over It and a pip organ up in one comer and people sitting there taking up eighteen Inches ct seat spare and leaning back In the cushions and sing ing. 'Jesus l'ahl It All.' " Also Tells Utorlea Well. He made telling ue of sevrral dra matto anecdotes, such as the Molina up In an historic blast of th rock In Hell tlntc. New Yoik haiNr; the Initial of a monk alive and the arilval of th Ameilcan troops and the Plars and Stripes at tho l (re of Pekln. Ho even approached profanity In re lation of his conception of a Bible In cident when Nebuchndncsiar demanded that all bow down and worship and Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego re fused, as follows: "'It exerybiHly down?' asked th king. 'Everybody but three Jews.' he was told. 'Well, you go and tell them to get down on their marrow bones if they know what's good for them,' said the king. And when the message was broiiRht. to th-e three brave men they said, 'You tell the king to go to .' " Tho audience laughed and then Sunday chuckled. "To iiabylon," ho aid, and went on with the Moiy. Among; the Aadlence. The audience was made up of people of every station and degree. Right In tho middle of tho front row sat a grey haired old man without a collar and with ft stringy muffler knotted about his ntck. Not far oft sat an Omaha busi ness man and the wife of a lawyer, chewing gum. They are of tho city's social elect. The morning audience waa largely of the church people, all tho co-operating churches having cancelled their regu lar services to attend the meeting. A grey-haired woman was carried to the emergency hospital In a faint, by the ushert just before Mr. Sunday started hla sermon In. the morning. Calls for "trail hitters", are not made during the first few meetings. gome Future Sermons. Billy announced that he will preach ft sermon especially to Itelp young people on "Forces That Win" Friday afternoon, and Invited the high school pupils to com with their banners and yells. On Thursday afternoon he will preach on !The Home." He postponed Introducing th people of the Sunday rarty until Tuesday, when Homer Kodeheaver, choir leader, will be here. A telegram waa received from th ex ecutive commute that had charge of th Sunday meeting In Denver, It reads: "The Denver executive committee Joins In prayer and best wishes for the success of the campaign. The fruits of our great revival are still manifest. Toll the people of Omaha to rally around Billy and support him to the limit Fray corstantty, got down to personal work at once, and victory Is sure." You rinse out the dirt when you use The grime and grease are dissolved by 30 minutes' soak 'ing. You don't have to hard rub. And Fels-Naptha is just as wonderful for all household soap-and-water work as it is for washing. Garden Club Boys In Picnic at Park Omaha Garden clubs held ft nlcnlo at Elm wood park yesterday afternoon. About thirty were present, most of them being boys, who tried to make up with enthusiasm what thsy lacked in numbers. E. E. Dale, who has been assigned to the Omaha Oarden club work by the state, took charge of the youngsters ar.J set them to running potato races, to mato races, and various other vegetable games. He announced that tho work weeks, and that It had been very suo weekt, an dthat It had been very suc cessful. Refreshments were served ft little after t o'clock, and the assembly waa addressed by E. U. Graff, Joseph 'Hummel, Super visor English, Mr. Palmer and Secretary Denlson of the Young Mens Christian association. All of the speakers told of the good that garden work was doing and congratulated the worker on their success. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by ft Bee "For Rant" Ford Car Tractor You can make & Truck or Tractor using your present FORD FOR 1915 FALL DELIVERY r. ML A 6-TOX LOAD i WisM ! 1 1 Hi i g mid Art In-dispen-sible equip ment for farmer or merchant EXHIBITED AND DEMONSTRATED AT LINCOLN, NEB., State Fair Week, Sept. 6 to II Costs less than one good horse and does the work of four tosix. You can use it for all yeur work nff1li-iSiiir' i JUif J c Truck and Tractor Equipment Approiima telj $100.00 f.e.b. Detroit Nebraska and Michigan are the first two states to be favored with the 1915 Fall delivery on this marvelous equipment and sup ply is very limited. File your orders and applications for agency with us Fair week. Established Ford dealers will be given preference. Orders filled as numerically received. A. G. HEBB AUTO COMPANY Lincoln, Neb. 1648 O Street FORD DISTRIBUTORS J EVERY DR.OP KILLS FRICTION CTAuninn mi V4tniA W (NaWwska) f r- Oatnfea tj liililijjil to ; Train Service OMAHA TO LINCOLN SEPTEMBER 6-10, 1915 REGULAR TRAINS From Omaha dail) T:10 A. M. 8:20 A. M. 4:U A. L 1: r. nt:lf P. M. 1:30 P. M. 7:60 P. M. 13:1S A. M., LinCOLH TO OMAHA SPECIAL TRAIN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY From Omib ,t t A. M.; from Jtoatk Ou. b. At S:15 A. M.; returnlaf from Uoooln d&ot X 10 T.VU "OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA DAY" THURSDAY Special trains from Omsha at t A. H. aa4 A. M.; from South Omaha, 8:15 A. M. and :1S A. M.? returning pedals will leave Lincoln depot at 7 P. M. and ' 10 P. M. REGULAR TRAINS From Lincoln daily; at 6:30 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M. 1:18 P. M. 1:60 P. M. 4:30 P. M.6:00 P. M. 11:85 P. M. Will not atop opposite Fair Grounds. SPECIAL TRAIN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY from Lincoln depot at 10 P. M. SPECIAL TRAINS THURSDAY FROM LINCOLN DEPOT at 7 P. M. and 10 P. M. ALL WESTBOUND REGULAR AND SPECIAL TRAINS FROM OMAHA FROM 8 A. II., UP TO AND INCLUDING THE 1:20 P. M. TRAIN, WILL STOP AT FAIR GROUNDS; EASTBOUND TRAINS FROM LINCOLN WILL NOT STOP AT FAIR GROUNDS AND SHOULD BE TAKEN AT LINCOLN DEPOT. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may he in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL II SUII