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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1915)
4 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: KEITEMBEll 5, 1915. WORK FOR YANKEE LAWYERS Appear in English Prize Courts in Interests of Clients Who Have Claims to Press. SOMETHING OF THE PRACTICE WE1I-KN0WK MAN JOINS FAC ULTY UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA. V! .'..-.V. ', - I i (Correspondence of the Associated Pres. tiONDON'. July L A day In Itifi ad miralty prise court thrso days I Use be ing In nn American court, the prise docket being crowded with esses Involv ing the solsure of American ships, with American attorneys and witnesses crowd tnir the corridor and the court room, the attorney irenernl, fir Edward Can-on. clt int Ion Hats of American cases and text hooka In support of hie contentions. Even the lord chief Justice of the prise court. Sir Pamucl EXans. la asking queatlona ahout American cllcnta, American cu toma and eharlne; the dlatlnct American atmosphere that pervadea the court room nowadays. Here In detail la bein rehearaed the hundred of atiturea of shtpa and carg-oea which, beeldee their leasl aspect, have In tha BPfrrogate developed the most aeiioua political crlsla existing between Qieat HrJtaln and the United States. There have been upwarda of 600 eelaurea ana detentlona of American ships, and the number of cargoes Involved la far , for each ship carrlca separate cargoes to different consignees. Many of tha caaea have been settled, but the larra number till at Inane have gone through the tedloua proceaa of prtxe court pleadlnga, and thla month began to take their turn tn being threehed out to a final decision batora tha court Itaelf. Am t tha Prlsa Cear4. Tha prise 'court la one of tha labyrinth af building making that hlatotio land mark known aa tha law courta, a roaaatve pile of weather-beaten gray atone, hous- tbg an tha high courta of Snglaad. with lowing tnatanoa in one of these prlae tha lord chief Jostloe and tha long train caaea: of leaaer dlgnltarlea and tha rarloua At a decisive stag of tha Wllhemena tribunal a. Tha acena within tha court aa eaee tha solicitors for tha thrown made th American caaea are heard la one of tha point that a. neutral ahlp oould be tcaprualve dignity, Tha chamber Itaelf '-requisitioned by ona of the belligerent, t a vaat, box-like structure, with atone j Thla waa laughed at by tha attorney for floor and walla, great cathedral window i tha American owner, who had Artlclo 39 ClUrtng tha light dimly, and atalned rtaaa ; tha prlia law before them, and were celling aeventy feet above, Tha only 'wMr to go Into court the next morning to cob of brtghtneaa la tha larra gilded n laugh tha crown aolldtora out of anchor and chain hanging back of tha , court with their own law. '-'-'(Kljai '. . ohlef Justice, an emblem of British naval power. Or Sainnal Evana, presiding Judge, la on a ralaed data tan feet above the level of tha row of eoUcltore and advocate. Including the attorney general and tha The aolldtora for tha crown appear o have overlooked," they aald n the prlae oourt next day, "that Artlole 89 of the prtxe law la apeolflo againat their con teatlon." "That waa quite true tin to o'olock aollcltor general, king's' eounaelora and ; last night," came the quick reply from Janlor eounaelora all of them, bench and (th crown aollcltor. "Hut the claimant bar, In win and gown, giving an apjPPear to be unaware that at 8 o'olock pearance of deep aolemnlty. At the left 'last nUrht sn waa signed' of tha judge alt two officer ot the royal j entirely chai.glng that law." merchant marina. In full uniform, known I On Inquiry, thla proved to he the caae, aa nautical expert. Ha conull them . special order-ln-ouncll had been made frequently on any technical question of navigation or naval oonatracUon arising In the caaea. . . Back of the lawyer are the American attorney, In plain clothea ranks, leaning forward to coach their British brethren, but unable to say a word, aa British ipractloe requires all the argument to be presented by offlcera ot the oourt and )illlah aubjecta. Thla ha caused aome little emharrament at time when the reserved British, barrister did not urge a point with that vehemence that seemed to .be warranted by tha American legal viewpoint . Carsoa m Cratral Kiarare, fclr Kdward Carson, the- attorney gen- not the wholeaa.1 orderln-oouncU deal ing with contraband, growing out of the war sone-which had never appeared In the official saxette and which la difficult even now to learn much about. But It fitted thla particular caae exactly. Plenty of Money, , But Currency Is" , Still at Discount (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) BERLIN, Aug. Sl-Dr. T. etoyanoff, director of the publlo debt admlnlatra- w-fU, la tlu central figure In theee prlae ' tlon ot Bulgaria, vwho la now tn Berlin couit c. He la the famous fiery Irian- lla n arranged here for a loan of rratj from t'ister who leaped into world- 150.005.000 with .Oarman and Auitrian wi le fame when ho organised and armed ha.nk, aaya that' the Bulgarian National the meter volunteera and dared the gov- bn how haa a larger gold atock Uan t rumrnt to enforce home rule on Uiater. ever before. -It amounta to S1Z.000.000, Jle won on that to the extent that homo i teeldea nearly S,000,OW In allver. rule M uti.l waltlnir. ami now he I a The currency of the country, however, member of the government, one of the la at a discount of about IS per cent In newly formed coalition ministry. But trado with the outside world, but Dr. there haa been nothing flnry In his con- Stoyanoff this not to any duct of the prtxe caaea. lie speaks with j Unsound financial or banking oondltlona, out any oratorical effort, In a monotonous but ' to the fact that Bulgaria la now hum -drum manner, all argument and no unable to find export marketa. It cannot declamation. 11 appears to have little aoll Its agricultural product abroad, be- humor, for he looka blankly at Blr Samuel cauae the marketa of Austria and tier- NEW PROBLEM FOR GERMANY Plans for Amalgamating the Differ ent Factions of Poland Being1 Worked Out. MUCH INTEREST DISPLAYED (Correiponilnc of the Afsofjsted Treee.) T (! -t n )' cp Ihrwmh RtisKlsn Toland. which at first centered attention on the brilliant if the military movement. Is now being viewed for the tremendous effects It has brought shout,' territorial, economic and polltlral, in that locality. f'o!lh quarters here have summed up some of the chanson, drawing their data largely from the writings of.K. Dmowakl, for many year th Warsaw member of tho ivus slnn Duma and the po;esmn then for the Polish clement. While a memher cf the Ihsma Mr. Innowaki hss bwn a se vere crltlo of the Russian regime, eo that his view of conditions hss tho appsrent merit of being Independent while at the same time It comes from one IntlniitMy fsmlllsr with tho country which the Ger mans have now overrun. Borne of the more striking resulting from tho German occupation are thene: The three branches of I'oloml un united under Oerman autlioilty fh-rtn.-in Tolsnd, Austrian I'oland and R'Hsi.iu Toland have a population that gives Po land sixth vlace, In jKlnt of rank, snwn; the powers of Kurope. It comes nert t' Italy, and exceeds In numbers all the Balkan states put together Hulsn lu. Herhla, Greece and ltoumsnla; exceeds also all the Scandinavian and Huloh countries united Norway, Hweden, Ijii mark and Holland, and exceeds two of the . next larger countries. Spain anJ Portugal togothor. This does not rrf-r to the area of went military opert'oiu., hut to the whole range of so-called Po land aa It haa been divided up to this time among Russia. Germany and Aus tria. Mesne f'nanparlaeas Made. Rome of the British observers compare the area of Oerman occupation with that of the allies In flouth Africa ana t-a-clfio ialanda But the latter are tropical v-f ate itl v taken over for rolonlxa- tlon, whereas Mr. DmowsM shows Ihat' Poland la one of the most denaely In habited sections of Europe, averaislng ( kirv-r1v nwinni to the sauare silo- ! meter, or more than the thickly populated 1 . . m a I districts of France. It is aiso one oi i rlohest sectlona of Russia, with extensive banking. Industrial and commercial oi-j ganlsatlons, ooel mines and agrlcultitre, ' largely In the hands of the Polish Inhnbl-, tiii . ' ven the policy f Hi v imning theollsh dlstrlcta, which has been car red on for aome yeara, haa not chatu?el( the character of the native people, wh'.th remains strongly Polish. The three parts of this extensive Polish region now brought together are: Prus sian Toland. including the four provinces of Posen. west Prussia, east Prussia and nnnee Silesia, with a DODlllatlon of 7.G00,- 0i0, of which 8.&00 are Poles; Austrian Po land, comprising Oallcla and lower BUesia, with S. 400,000 population! or which about half are Poles; Russian Poland, Includ ing the province of Poland, with U.MO.OW population, chiefly Poles, and what are known aa the , annexed provlncea of Kovno, Vllna, Grodno, Minsk, Mohllew and Vitebsk, having a conglomerate pop nlatlon of little and white Kusslsns, Poles, Lithuanians and Ruthenlans. These are the three great Polish brgmhea which are now wholly or largely under German control. I wish to permit It to become a Polish! country." Thli the prohlem which the new 0r man rerlme will have to deal with, and which the Russlana have not been able lo solve. Aa showing how Poland has succeeded In resisting Russlanlsation, Mr. lrrtowkl cites the curious fact that while Russian officials controlled the election machinery, Polish votes sent solid Polish delegations to the Duma. At one time. In the second Duma, they had forty-six votes and held almost a bal ance of power In passing the budget. In order to put a stop to such Polish au thority, the number of delegates from Poland was cut to twelve, a portion of them being elected to represent the whole people and a portion representing the llussluns. For example, the government of Vilna electa five delegates for the whole population and two for the Rus sian population, so that In the Duma there are two seta of Folish dcleRalos, one representing the whole people of Po land, with Mr. Dmowski for some years at the head of thla delegation, and an other set elected from the same places to represent the P.upslsns. These nre the peculiar Internal condi tions which are now coming under Ger man authority, at least during the mili tary occupation, when It is exacted that a German civil regime will be set up In p'ace of the Russlsn administration. And In view of Russia's experience, ntereet is centering on whether Germany will fol low a slmllnr course of Germanizing the Polish territory, or will seek to reconcile ti e Poles by bringing their three branches together under some form of autonomous govrrninent. Postal Delivery Cartalled. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON, July K Shortages of men hai led the Hrltlhh postal authorities to tnke renewed steps to curtail the fro delivery service in various part of the country. In the business section of Lon don, where twelve deliveries were for merly mado. the numter waa cut to six at the beginning of tha war, and will now be further reduced. In smaller cities only three dellveiiee are now In operation. Fall Suits for the Gentlewoman from$19to$65(?? If c wi-r-A w Size 34 to 45 Butt VERY good fashion tendency in ac cordance with a gentlewoman's taste and fancy is to be found in our fine assemblage of Fall Suits. Fancy. Gabardines, Rich English and Scotch mixtures, mannish flannels, velvets and chiffon broadcloths, trimmed with fur, velA vet or silk braid. Medium short skirts of modi fied fullness. Coats are form fitting or cut on natty straight lines with pleats and belts, some are with a loose flare tendency. DNIOR SIZES in shoe top lengths for High School or College, in rich English and Scotch mixtures, plain serges, fancy diagonals and Gabardines. Jaunty styles that become as well as fit the immature figure. 1522 to: 2522 m ME i RSB3 Our Special Combination Offer THIS GRAFOnOLA OUTFIT on the bench when the lord Justice laugha and has a joke. In the caae of tha ships Kim and Ftid- land, carrying American cargoea of rub- many are closed through the Serbian blockade of tha Danube in one direction, while In tha other, namely, by way of tha Mediterranean, Bulgaria' only sea- ber. Sir Edward cited many . American, port, Dedeagatch, la closely blockaded precedents. One of them waa from t (Wallace, 666, the oaae of tha Bermuda, by the Kngllsh. From thla yaar'a crops the country will have about M0.0W tons mt'm-.v, wv, vmw . . . IVUIIirjT Wll lilV, ftUVUl WW,WJ 1UI1I Hie read a long paragraph to uphold hla of wheat and rye for esport and about contention, and then paused with aome apparent triumph that thla American oasa waa on all-fours on hla side. "But the next paragraph, which you have not read," aald Btr Samuel from the bench, '"turna the case againat you." Tha difference between the British and American practice waa shown when ef forts were made to get a copy, ot the printed brief and affidavit which Sir Ed ward Cferaon had been reading; In open court. la Ametio&n courta theee printed txlefa are open to anyone. But when ap plication waa made to the clerks of the j pi lie ccort they were scandalised at the request Brief, they explained, were ! rigidly secret, never going beyond the 300.000 tone of Indian corn. Dr. Stoy anoff evldontly hopes that Austria and Germany will open up tha Danube In or der to gcj Bulgaria's surplus grain. 1 URGE QUANTITIES OF TEA ARE STORED IN LONDON (Correspondence ot the Associated Press.) LONDON. July 31.-Twenty million pounds of tit, about ona-fiurth of the bonded warehouse stock In the T'nlted Kingdom, la stored ln the rort of Ixn don'a Cutlur street us rehouse, awaiting the order of the war office. It is In- , . L m.ttw tended for the supply of the British oiteltors. who guarded them aa a matter .w. t, k..,!. Reseat Maawesttoa mt Belay. The registry of the prise court la an other vast structure adjoining It, with of it haa come from . India and Ceylon. , About twice a wee'e orders are recelvMl for the dispatch of certain specified uuantlties, according to an approved ndlcs. bureaus, through which the Amer- "1Ple ""PKed by the war office. Fifty tliAlitunil lm lull ll Ik. l A li iu attorneys wonder in qut of various branches of their ases, always receiving the greatest courtexy, but always With thousand poinds la ahout the usual else of the Older. As soon aa lbs order la reo.i.ved the k m... .f tradition and conservatism warenouse tiiriciaia analyse tne samples aiialnst quick atalon. And yet the offl- "J prepare inatruetl.mi aa to the par clals resent any sujsgeellon that there tlcular classes nnd luantttles which must hd been any delay In these prise cases, olemld to produce tho re i'ilred bulk. aUhiun the American HttKaJits are '-"hesta m cpencd by the.hundied and atuarllug unr whut they claim is delay, their contents tire heaped together until One of the chief official. Mr. Lowll, the observer mc beforo him a veritable i-etihter of admirslty, said: mountain of tea. While men known'os "There is al.!utely no delay so far as feeder crnllnuo t.j aU1 to the liea:, the i-rin' court la coni emed. Sir Samuel other ri iployes alth wooden shovels hre hNnns la sitting early and lateJ lie Is set to wtrk blending the ten. Klfteen tlug to give up the usual summer recetut or twenty men are engaged in the work, of the court which begins In August In which requires considerable skill. The urd'-r to diKiM)d of these cases with thr thoroughness with whl h the bit tiding grestet promiilufM " J is done Is ascertained by enp'it "tastesj." (ne of tK Btli:'h f-'lemls '! haa j The tts ' p-il ;-P lr a'.out O'-W a'lter hud HHist to 1 viith tlu- I rl caws ally containing fifteen pounds each. an1 s:d it wss i.i inltVstly liiix)Sslble for the two of then, tins on put too a wooden po'.'-l's! braiK-h ui the iiovernment. the ct. crown, to h'irry the It-uul blanch, wlierv j . exli-llng law had to hte adiiiinistervd I RCRI I II Pi'Mfi ViflRIf K OM t Awaiting the Oatcome. The regime which the Germans' will set up In Russian Poland la being awaited with the keeneat interest by the Polish element, aa It will determine whether the polkcy will bet to reconcile the Polea and bring the three branchea together again, or to use thla rich region for Oerman colonisation, gradually Germanising It and extinguishing the - aeparate Polish spirit. This latter haa been the policy of Kuasla, and the dtfftcultlea It haa had after yeara of effort indicates the dif ficulties ahead for the German regime, whichever course it adopts. Mr. Dmowski sums up Poland's position under Russia aa that of a military occu pation, with all the admlnlatratlon at Warsaw and elsewhere carried on by Russian offlolala, the schools and uni versities conducted by Russian teachera and teaching tha Russian langusge, the police entirely Rustlan, and tha whole direction ot affairs in Rusalan hands. And yet, he adds, after forty yeara of Russian effort Poland still remains dis tinctly Polish, with the great business In stitutions, commerce and agriculture car ried on by Polea. "It la exactly tor thla reason." Mr. Dmowski asserts, "that .Poland la In ona of the atrangsst posit ions that can be Imagined; the atata which poaseaiea It does not know what to do with It; It haa not found tha means ot transforming It Into a Russian country, and It does not NOW IN EAST PRUSSIA according to the existing ciiBltuns. It would not be expe. led. for example, be i aid. thut the executive unU at Wash- !. hi-'ton would try to "hurry the 'I'nlted (Correspundi-ncr of the Associated Press.) ulj upivn court on polltii si ground ; (JiKIirf I.' . Kt Prussia, July St. ,r In any way out , ids the- usual lpll-'T al ftrii ken lsut i rusjta to reoon- 1 wlrii'-t and re'.uibilitate luelf end recover from thr effects of two Ruaiiaa In vasions rtprcseutal'vc uf the niunl':! Wal.'l.s in the e'nerl district cf 1JC. se'.ilorf, at a recent siieetmK, trewd tu la.K n for ad .'ancriiu ut, which, sfter ail. sua at tlu? discretioir of the court. t . . . . Crdrr His I he Case. Answering this -n American official. who ha had much to1 lu with the prise j divide I'P the nlHtrirl tiuall and assees CM' a, sa d there kui au Important dia-jca h uivthlon proportioiiaiely to tke taction tetH U llio American and Itiit- over .hc si t nsorehip of .eme given pari ih lourts, ir.e furi'U r In reu.'ity liad i tf K.'t I'r.ii.g. to adiiiinutt the ex !dt in a ' nJ'cuid-1 A UiImii coiieUtl.n; o.' the titles of Jiig to exihijns r.trtt'S, wiiertas in ' the Klbei tielii, Kimn, HiHlnen and IU-m-prfie court th-i iMiliiictJ l isjuh, the'sche.d, md the country districts of Ln- crowa, uuj kr tnai it .coulj np sua .Mhuhki.ii vr Kluu tlic vtn ihmig -cKUtihsT U to meet new'oihip for Siartxiatnwa. and ut 'U-U la do') by the process of . tuarsti Uu ralsinv Ml.'' m4k for su "u'der- ln-couneil He tiled the f ut- I r.-builcing purpo-s WHEN YOU NEED HELP either for the Stom ach, the liver, or the bowels, you really sheuld try ho st Emirs Stonach Dittcrs Its tonio qualities sharpfu. tlto ippetite, ait tligostionj ami lioop tho liviT ami bow oU tlaily active. For over (0 yt'iiis it has? hetn lielpin pecplo to promote and main tain better lif alth. Try it. .p-iti- Headaches? How about your Eye? See FLITTON he will five you honest ad rice. lGlh St E!r; i?7Crq i i tKADBR FOR $78.90 Grafonola Leader. Outfit, including twelve select ions (six 10-ineh double records), your ovrn selection. Choice of oak?, walnut or mahogany only $78.00 on .easy terms. Other Styles From $15 to 5250 Yours is anrely anion them come in and select It. We will be . glad to demonstrate any or all of tbem for your approval. We also carry a complete line of th Victor Vlctrolaa, SchmoHcr & Uuclicr Piano Co. If you . are inter ested in your phy sical welfare, you will lose no time in pro curing from your near est druggist or dealer a 6upply of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It is reliable In building up the sys tem, as attested by several genera Uons who have used It with uni formly good results. Try it. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N.' T. 1 1311-13 Fjirnam Street. ,We cloe nt noon I-alxir Day. Billy Sunday Dead ' Had you found the above htadlna; on tha front page of your dally paprr thla momlntr, there would have been a leellns; of Borrow enter your heart, no matter whether you are In sympathy with Billy Sunday and tho work lie la doing, or not- BIXY IU9D1T la doing much for the spiritual welfare of thla rreat Nation. Wen who have fallen from Orace, have been restored to their homes aw) loved onea. Women have been made happy by these restora tions. Thrre la another 1ILLT who is anxious to look after the earthly wel fare of your wire end chlMren. e is president of the WOODMEN OF TKX WOaiD, Til X,ABQVST and WEALTHIEST sTlTBKaaKA XJTB XsTSXTaVAirCaT COMPANY I If WflTBWCH AMD TXI Z.AKOiiBT AaTD WBALxauiT ravATsmsTAX, inirn bocieit v tha a. Let 1ILLT I0DIUT look after tha CFUklTTAIi WILMEB of your se'f end family, let the other IULT look after tha IslTILT WM. TABS of yourself and family. Remember, It Is a hard proposition to absorb relisrion with an empty stomach. Provide for your family so when you are dead and gone, they can attend their respective p ares of worship well clad, well fed, and abl to absorb the teachtnas of their spiritual adviser. Phone Douglas 1117 and we will gladly aend' our representative to ex plain tha p. ana of the Woodmen of the World, an Institution with assets of over twenty-five million dollars, which spends over a million dollars annually In Nebraska for iolbor and material. Keep Nebraska money In Nebraska. WOOCaCBaT OT TSB WOILD, W. A, Traser, Prealdeat. - Job a T, Yates, Beoretary, Omaha. .Free Di inner Set Only 350 Whole or 700 Half LUX US Coupons We have now completed a deal with one of the largest porcelain manufacturers in the country for a large shipment of dinner sets. These dinner sets are of a pretty whit;? and gold design, end each set consists of 42 pieces. Owing to the oxtensive order placed wo have obtained a most favorable price and are therefore in position to offer these sets for a comparatively small number of coupon considering that the retail price :a $6.50 to $7.0. On receipt of 350 whole or TOO half LUXU8 coupons the entire sot will be sent to you with no extra outlay aa your part except express charges from Omaha. v Tlieso "dinner sets will be ready for shipment Oot. 15, 1915. Save LUXUS coupons and get a dinner'Bet. The Fred Krug Brewing Co. J UJlLLOUJ 'Springs i Breumg 1 i ipiM luioiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiin k. U' BBTlrl..Hs3.H.-ll;J INTOXICATING LIQUOR ALCOHOL 4 OMAHA NEB. Willow Springs Beer HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME No better beer brewed than "Stars and Stripes" and "Old Time" Order a case for your home. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, Retail Distributors. Telephone Douglas 2108. WILLOW SPRINGS BRWG. CO. Telephone Douglas 1306. Street Car Service to Speedway For the accommodation of patrons attending the races and collision of engines at the Speed way on the afternoon of Labor Day, September 6th, through car service will be maintained from 14th and Howard streets direct to the Speed way, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. These cars will bear signs reading: "TAKE THIS OAR TO SPEEDWAY." In addition, there will be stub service from 16th and Locust streets to the Speedway, beginning at 8. -CO A. 11 Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Advertising is not only essential in the sale of goods, but it actually re duces the cost of selling a good article. The Bee reaches buyers who repeat