TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: SKITKMHITw 101."). S o . ItEAL EHTATK KORTT1 SIPW S4.'l f'JVATT; lot taSxliM; 8-room (nni enu nui'iAj imuMi kitchen, larse living room and tun parlor on flrat floor; oak finish and oak floors, a large bedrooms with large closets; tiled bet'i rocm aial flopping porch on Fecond floor; maple fVjOra and birch dnora. large attic, Ilenta! value MO per month Price XO- 0. C. Redick, Att'y Hi Omaha Nat. Bank Fldg. Phono D 161 House Bargain East front, on the boulevard, Just north of Am Ave. Almost new o-mom cot tare; hot water heat. A pretty cot taice T.ith good surroundings and out look. California nwnpr baa out price by telegram todav to J.1 200. Vacant now. No. 461S Florence Blvd. See thla If you want bargain. Harrison & Morton U Omaha Nat. Bank Uldg 4 Rooms Modern But Heat Close-in This Uttle cottage Is located on North Hth ft., only a eliort distance from the location of the new l'ord assembling plant. There are four good, bit room find complete bath room. The house i an water, aewer and gas, and Is in a first-class location on lttth St., Jut a few doors aoulh of CI irk. Thla t the moat desirable eiose-ln district we know of. The price la only tl.Om) and the owner will sell on terms of fcoo cash and the balance monthly. The house la now rented for $16 a month, and Is never un occupied. Armstrong-Walsn Co. Btate Bank B.dg. Tyler 1638. Invest Your $100 in New Home Now nearly mady for oooupancy. Prin cipal rooms finished In gulden oak; kitchen, bedroom, gantry, rear vestibule, natural southern pine; large upstairs, rooai for two more bedrooms and bai.li roofi; full boxemont; -.lectrlo lights, olty water. 1-rloe l,s7i, on ,nonili.y paymonua Located one biock from beautiful Konte r.ello park, on liigh corner lot; turee blocks from oar line Take Deaf Insti tute car. gel off at its end. t-e owner, corner 44Ui Ave. and Ebans St. Chaa. Heunlg. "U6 EVANS: Lot 46x120. 8-room frame house. Kluhen. dining room and large living room, with butlt-ln bookcases, on first floor; oak flnlhh, with log cabin floors: 4 large bedrooms and both on second floor; maple floors and birch doors. Oood neighborhood. Cloae to car line and good schools. Paved St. Tula Is an attractive property and pi loo, H50Q. 0. C. Redick, Att'y rH Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone P. 18, Bungalow We have a very clay, new, 5-room bungalow. 14x40, that la up-to-date In every respect; oak finish and oak floors; full basement; large attic; located 7.19 N. Wth Bt, whore all hornet are new homes and where many homes are being built. We will make terms to suit pur chaser. Norris & Norris. 00 Bee bldg. Phone JXmglae 4Z70. FLORENCE BOULEVARD PRETTIEST MILE Handsome onk finished stucco home on corner lot In finest part of Prettiest MUe. Sust have $1,600 cash. Price 5,3o0. EPF W. BEDFORD & SON, 22 Btate Bank Bldg. Douglas J391 BUNGALOW $2,750 All modern, full cellar, furnaoe, tiled hath, large attlo, five nice rooms with oak and maple finish, bacrlflee price, 2.760. Might consider lot worth $700 for equity and balance $26 per month. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 23 Btate Bank Bldg. Dong. SSX OMA1 LA UNIVERSITY Blx-room modern home on Rvans Kt. An exientlonally well built plaoa and , very attractive home. Owner has good reasons for selling. Price H.lfiO. on terma JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, S23 Rtate Bank Bldg. Doug. K2. "Wtt.t". TwrunviBT HnxTSE For sale by owner, Just completed. For more Information phone Webster 62-. -r. boue H block from N. 24th St. car. lln. A bargain. 410 N. 84th HI $1,850 $109 cash, balance $20 per month. 4 rooms on first floor; stairway to large floored attlo, city water, eleotrlo lights, cement basement; located $920 N. 44th Bt. aat of Fontenelle park. C G. CARLBERG, 81$ Brandels Theater Bldg OWNER sells 8-room modern house, east frout, full lot. 3932 North 13d. JM.: $ftH) cash, balance monthly. Web. 7a $3,350. 8lx rooms, all modern, latest Improve ments, large rooms, house 26x44 fu, oak finish, full cemented basement. Sonne small fruit. Must be seen to be appreci ated. Two blocks to car, four blocks to Miller Park, school, 27fio Browne St. Call for appointment. Webster 24i!. BUNGALOW-(MUST 1SULL. Inspect my b-rooin, strictly modern bungalow, oak finish,-every convenience, fine yard, garage. 6 rooms on lower floor and $ up; imlvIii? paid; near school and Chun he. SAUK1F1CK for QUICK sale. tfc27 Kmmet Bt. on a p.eoe of property located it blocks from the end of the Deaf Institute car line. Nice 7-room bouse. In good condi tion; good fixed barn; 2 big lota, with plenty or shade and some fruit treea Anyone looking for a home of thla kind, we ran highly recommend this as being priced fr below what It Is actually worth. Price $2,200. Call us and will take you out to see It. 2Vi Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P- 4i8. LARGE HOME ONE ACRE Seven rooms, modern situated 4 blockg north of Country Club in BensonhursC One of Omaha's most beautiful s'tburban dlatrlcta Fast front; sidewalk and maradamlied street to ' this property. Lsrge gar-axe Price M.700. If deslrad, purclis,'er can srenre 2". seres. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. lM Famam Pt Douglas 1064. 2.750 VERY NICE Cottage i rooms and bath; cemented cellar; garage; grape arbor; fruit; nice lot and li.wn: lot 40X1U7; near car lino UM Brown W. Look at this right away, then roe for terms P. J. TEBBKXS UO. 60C Om. Nat. Bk. Phone D. no.' KKM. ESTATE SOUTH HIDE O.vt. of Ilia most attractive huuiaa in field cluu district, while stuoco house, w.th garags and cement drive; 7 rooms, kiccplng purch. bath and shower bath, bt Mined ceil ngs, oak finish downstairs, white enamel and mahogany uiata r. mirror doors, oak floors throughout, and !lrplare. Lot 10oxia2. Entirely sur rounded by hedge, fine lawn, trees and khrubliery; two blocks from west aids llanscora park. Call Sunday, $44 Wal nut nt lione Miri.y n t ROOMS and bath, modern, corner lot. paving, all paid, on both streets. Two Hocks west of Hanaram Park. Center ft New residence district of fine homea Price for quick sale, $.kA payiuenU. fhone Webster TO CLOKEJ E3TATB. Owner must sacrifice that beautiful w. room home at SOiO Mason .tr THni-. oughly modern In every respeot Fin ished In hardwood with inlaid floors, if u want tne Dent, uuv in Omahs Inves lirate. R T. Coffey. 1S2S Cltr Nat 1 Bank tiing r hone iiouKiaa i $1.6u0. NORTH"6f MARTHA. 4 -room house, with water t U.l, city watsr In house, gas and e'eotrlo lights ' good cellar, trkked. Property In good h4t" BKRXA. UVH1U a See Bid IX $!. Remaining Lots m i Shimer's Addition I To Bo !SoM Sunday Af tornoon I All lota have sewer, water and cement ioowaik irey are graded down to oua to two feet aliove sidewalk. Prices $400, $700 Terms $100 Down $10 a Month Salesman on ground Sunday afternoon. 6 Houses For Rent or Sale Xn excellent repair, have new floors, ! new point and paper, toilet, gas and city water. Prion, $1,250 to $i,5. Bnt. $12.50 to $10. Very Easy Terms American Security Co. ! as. 1 Mug ma 6ilS. Mear 9th & Hickory $2,000 6" roOm oomnletelv modern nnttaffa- 1 a n ' basement, first-class heating plant, bath room with modern ptumbing. The lot Is a goou am and tne looauon Is only ; one and one-half blocks from the South 10th blreet car Hue. Hems lor 30 a ..u....s . uiff owner up oeeuroua ox sell ing In order to secure a larger luveafe ment $7U or S& cash will handle. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. Btate Bank Bldg. Mew Brick Residence Irge living room, lixU, with beam celling, tlrepince, book caseal coat closet with mlrrer daor off living room; dining room lsxlft, beam oslllag and bullt-ln out glasa cabinet, kitchen with built-in rah. jinet; Uige butler's pantry with china cioec ana closet tor brooma. table leaves, eto.s large rear entry. On second floor are large bedrooms; bsth with tile floor and Is test up-to-date fixtures ; laige attlo. -Fall basement, with laund dry, toilet, etc Thla home Is finished In beautiful Quarter sawed white oak. I lias ail necessary plug for fane. Irons and vaouum cleaner. The lls-htln fix- Itures are the very latest saml-tndlrect I design. Front and rear p.rchee are built or roinrorced concrete. Vestibule has tile floor. Comer lot. Located $901 Wal nut St. Price, $8,300; term Norris & Norris Bee Bldg Phone Douglas 4770. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT BUNGALOW; BEAUTIFUL Ideal 8-room, strictly modern bungalow, consisting of living room (scirose entire front); dining room, with panel strlin and plate rail: bullt-ln buffet, bulll-in book cases; oak finish In these rooms; oak floors throughout entire house: larre kite-hen, rooinv mantry and refrigerator room; threo Urge bed rooms and bath, wlh t'led walls on second floor; elegant bath room fixtures: rusranteed Fox furnace; house built by day labor; full ce mented basement ; nice, large lot, 11 feet deep; good neighborhood; one block east of Field club, on paved street. Owner would consider vacant lot as first payment or sell on reasonable terms. For further Information se SCOTT & HILL CO., 07 McCAGUE BLDG. Douglas 1009 See This If you Want a real bargain. 1321 8. Mth Bt., a w-room cottage, modern except heat, on a large lot, with shade trees, on paved street. Thla plaoe must be sold and at the price asked for It is a rl hnra-a'n. Se this place, then call Creigh, Sons & Co. lXuglnb & Bee Bldg New Home Field Club District Small House Taken in Part Payment A fine home, finished In oak. with 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; beam celling, fireplace, bookcases; coat closet built-in book cases, fireplace; toilet and laundrv In l asement; lot 67x132; located Stt9 Walnut Kt. Bvery house In the ad dition built within the last years. Price, $5,200; terms Norris & Norris V Bee Bldg. Phone Douglss 4270. $3,000 buys an t-rootn modern home on South 11th St. Boulevard, west front, one tilock from street car lino, Tne location, flno neighbors. Small payment down, balance very easy terms. W. G. Shriver 1047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg EST AND VINTON. $2.. At the southwest corner of Slst and Vinton Sts.. there la a dandy, nearly new, 6-room modern cottage which we are able to sell on very easy terms. It la dose to car and the boulevard in a rapidly Impiovtni; neighborhood and we believe It to be the best buy offered today. MODEHN HOMES REALTY CO.. 40 Paxton Block. Douglas 322. Field Club Bungalow $4,300 7 Rooms Big living room across the front of the house with beamed ceilings. Dandy little sun room panelled rMnlng room and con venient kitchen on the first floor. Three fine bedrooms and bath on second floor. l-imed oak woodwork below and white enamel sbova Oak floois In every room In the house. Located on a flrst-claaa east front lot on the boulevard; only ono and one-half blocks from the car line, end surrounded by fine natural shade trees. The house la only about 4 month old and has lust been newly decorated. W e believe this to be one of the best arranged, best built bouse. In this dla. trlct for the money, $700 cash, balanoe monthly, -Armstrong-Walsh Co. Ty'f guts Bank Bldg $100 CASH $20 PER MONTH Living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and pantry on first floor; stair way to floored attlo with complete bath room, city water, electrlo lights, gas cement basement, comer lot. 1-1 feet on (1st and 60 feet en Pi. roe fit. Prlca b.loo. Located IX& GL 61st St. C. O. CARIJ5ERO, HI Brandels Theater Bldg $50"T?ASli Balance $16 per month; living room, dining room, bed room and kllrhen on first floor; stairway to floored attic; good basement, eleotrio lights, cistern, fine drinking water, east front lot, lo cated 1( 8. nth Bt., South bids; price $Um0. Keys at 164 8. 13th bt. O. G. CABLBERO, Hi BranatsU Theater Bldg. REAL rSTATK SOlTTt KTPK 105 Foot on 3Sth Avo. Just South of Dewey This fine bulletin silo, sultaMe Tw a home it an apartment house. Owner leaving city and you csn buy this at a very lew figure. Consult us r plans. HASTINGS ft HRYDKN. 1R14 HAK.NWT. 'm:Ij kntatk wkst hiik HIGH SCHOOL HILL BARGAIN One of the finest old homes en High School hill, & blocks from postoffloe. Lot ftixlJ.' well built house, U rooms, w.ll rent for per month or more; stone and brick S-story stable and shop. M rent for $10 or $15. All for only H.ihI Nothing equal to It In Omaha; location and rcntnl considered. Bultahla for home for largo family, rooming house, light housekee lng or sanitarium. UBORUE G. "WALLACE f14 Slate Bank. i0i'f- 118 a 37th Beautiful West Farnam home. Pneclal bargain. Iorae living room, sun porch. Sleeping porch; hot water heat. Four bed rooms. Iargn closets. Kxtra fine woodwork and floors; M-foot lot. E. II. BENNEU Rarage Blk. D. 7406. West Farnam Strictly modern home H block to Far tiam car. Heceptlon ball, living room, dining room, kitchen first floor. Oak finish. FVur bed rooms and tiled bath room In white enamel, second floor. lint water heat Price reasonable; terms te suit. Alfred Thomas Real Ratals, Loans, Insurance, t First National Bank. EIGHT ROOMS BEIS PARK Urand new, beautiful eight-room, oak finished home. lrge living room with flrep.ai and built-in bookcases. Rna buftct In dining room. Four large bed rooms and finished attlo. Large south front lot, high and alghtly. near Harnev car. A big Iwrgaln at $4,900. About $j00 cawn ana tjanoe monthly. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 222 State Bank Bldg. Doug. ! A Beautiful West Side Home $5,500 $500 Cash Balance in Payments to Suit This house Is located H bloc from oar line In one of the most beautifully located home building sections of the city. There are T rooms, with living room, dOnlng room and sun room finished In oak, and the balanoe In edge sawed hard pine. There Is a full cemented baiemAiit, furnace heat, and every modern oon-tvejileiH-e is Instal'ed. The living- room has a beautiful brink fireplace. Thla home Is only a little over a year old, 1 will he pleased to show you through any time. Telephone Owner at Walnut 082 Today. Call Doug-. 232$ any week day. New Bungalow Cathedral District Construction has been started on a 5 room bungalow at 4311 Chicago St. This Is to be completely modern, having liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, with bullt-ln pantry, 2 bedrooms and bath, i large well lighted closets and linen rlouet, bullt-ln china cabinet, furnaoe, and all that goes to make a very cosy plaoe. Th plans are at our office and will be glad to show them to you at any time. Too can buy this plaoe on eusy pay cents. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglss MO. Mk Bee Bldg. 4636 Douglas Street Open for Inspection Today 9 Rooms All Modern Fine neighborhood, paved street, one block to Dundee car line. House In ex- r.l't-nt c" Hllon H'rdnoo'' t'"?ri dr)W"v sxairs. i ne rest nouaa ana Tm he i u In t..e i. tui uit, .v -ww rlTIce price for quick sale. $500.00 CAsn BALANCE EASY PAYMENTS BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, Tel. D. 1722. Ml Paxton Block. U.M buys the V-room lunme, . with hot writer heat, at 3629 California St.; property originally cost over $7,0o0j. closu in; taxes all paid; easy terms. Benson & Myers Co. 434 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Poug. 748. BEAUTIFUL MERCER PARK Where every lot fronts on a boulevard. All specials In and piild for. Including paving. Borved by three cur linen Kine natural tinitx r. No frame houses, flats or stores allowed. Near new cathedral. The Water board will extend the boule vards through their property, parking and beautifying the balanoe of their prop erly. W. FARNAM SMITH & 00. irjQ Farnam St Douglas 104. West Farnam rooms, all modern, paved street, H block to car, near good school, large lot, shrubbery, grapes, eto. 4 good bed rooms, larve floored attlo, oak and white enamel finish, all oak floor, linoleum on kitchen floor, PRICE tt.SuO. Terms $500 down, $46 a month. CHOH. F. TOBEY. DOfJO. 6011 Fifty Acres Onim Near Dodge Road Within lx Miles of City Limit We have Just completed a dandy home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, located In one of the newer section of Dundee. This Is a fine, t-story house; on first floor is large living room with beam ceilings and big fireplace; dinning room with fine bullt-ln buffet and off from dining room la a ooiv sun parlor. The kituhen la eleaantlv arransed m-lth . I (he latest bullt-ln features: upstairs are three nloe bedroems. large sleeping porch , ana ostn reom witn tne latest a i Plumbing. House Is very tast:lv decon style land we venture to car that yeu have seen , nothing to ee.ua! It Vl us shew you thla af enoe, bsoaose we e know you will like It upon raapeetien. Prices and terms win te g yen upon application, Hiatt-Fairfield Co. f:) Otnaha N-i WEST KAHNAM BTL'CCO SIX ROOMS SIX BUN KOOM AND 8LEEPINO PORCH i Something naw different. Nothing In enough to guarantee In every particular. Just being completed. Reasonable terma. Uous. 172. Irak Realtr A Construction Co. nr.. i. rrsTATrwrjrr itiK A Good Home in West Farnam District At a Low Price n t -ah t-L This Is an -rom un usually well built modern house, m the very beet of repair, ready to move lulu at once. Fine grounds, with Ihiko shado trees, much ehruhlH-n- and beuring fruit tr-; a cool, com fori able Mace, with a lur: Iront iorch. Four beoioom and slreplng inirch. l'-.IUi j two taths on tho stH-ond floor; maid a guarters on the third floor. Attractive nrrnnscnicnt ol tho first floor. If you are looking for a good plsre rlcht In the West farnnm district for It pi than coet this Is your chen.-e. Don t inUa it. Key t our of fice, George & Company Phone p. 7t;. C Tit y Nat 1 Ik. Hltlg. WIOwST l-'APwXAM A ry attractive home of Mt rooms and slctlng itorch. llliig nwrn cleir aoros front or house, with, fln pliu-e nnl bookcaave; u-et.-uts nas tinee :ili-e Ivu rooms with oak floors, and a hI'i-wii rHm all lnclwed In glaxa Kkal flout lot and nicely looated. rTlce, $4,M, on easv terma JEFF BEDFORD & SOX, 823 State Hank Bldg. ltoug, Kt,i2. "FARNAM HILL RESIDENCE Ttie owner of a particularly desirable pew residence near and llarney do si n-s to e(fett sale of the pmix'rty at on- e. The lot has a frontage of Ki fot. With handsome garsae and diiveua.v, beautiful aiiwde and f.owers. The luHim la full $ stories, t rooms and Imih, o:Hi and blroh flnisn, lio. water h.-ai mi) strli-tly modem In oer' nwpei i. I'rli leduoeil from $G.uU to ,2M. This is a sacrifice. Act quickly, l ull owner at Djovrglaa 147S or Ilarnoy fXl WliST FA UN AM HOMB. $fl000 8-r , Harney 8u. strictly mod ern: fine location. GEORGE COM V ANT. Thone P 7s 02 C tv Nat. Ilk. Bldg. West Farnam Cottage Boifh front on ITarnaiu Bt., near 4M; full lot, 60x128 ft, with shsde treis; paed street; an all-modern, 6-room house, built only a few years ago. Kast ern owner neenlng monuy, says let It go at $3 400. A few little repair mav b needed, but It la a bargain at this figure. Can arrange terms. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat. Hank Uldg Farnam Hill $5,200 Hot Water Heat Six rooms, practically new, all modern oonvenlenceB, well con structed, full lot, with beautiful view; oak floors throughout and In first-class condition. Can be han dled on reasonable terms. Glover & Spain Don. 8862. 919 City National. Near Saunders School $750 Cash and balance monthly for new square home, corner lot, east front lot, b0xU6. Prtoe has been S4.O0O, but irloe Ls cut lu per cent for Immediate sale. O'Keefe tteol Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nations). Doug. 27ir.. Unusual Opportunity We havw a very attractive 7-room frame and stucco house near ksth and I'alltornla Sia This house has nevar been occupied and is right ready to movn Into. Hand rubbod oak finish, large fireplace, white enamel bedroom, larae sleeping porch. Owner will accept good clear lot or new S-passenger auto as first psymcnt. Price, 16,600. Phone ua or Inspection. George & Company Phone 1. 7Wt. 902 City Nat. l:k. Bldg. NEAR TURNKlt I'.' A very desirable brick nm 0 mod ern home with hot water i. . ik fin ish and onk floors; full .-r.s. .rout lot; three blocks north of Kuiiihiu tar line. Price. $a.aoo. This house was built by the owner bv day labor and Is almost new. It cost 16.000 without the lot. If you want a house that Is GOOD and CHEAP let us show It to you. J. H. DUMOXT CO 43-1 Plate Hank UUg. Phone Dou. . An Attractive House in the West Farnam District Hi N. 4lHt Ave. The exterior of this house Is attractive in design, belrut a oomblnat'on of tarestry. brick and stucco. The first floor has a living rocm urioH me enuro iront, with hrlck man tel and grato and beamed celling. Well arranged dining room, with paneled walls and window seat. Three bedrooms, bath niul sleeping porch on tho second floor. Two rooms and bnth on the third floor. CAN HI0 HiU'OHT FOR I,K8H Tlll.V COST If OFFI'Ml Id MAD13 AT ONC1C. George & Company Phone n. 7W1. 902 City Nat Bk. Bldg East 6i 33rd Street Near Cass, $4,850 Living room, dining room, kitchen and den on first floor, with beamed celling-; bullt-ln bookcases, oak woodwork; 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch on second; well built and In excellent condition. Price 1ms been reduced 400 for quick sale. Glover & Spain Doug. 3963. 919 City National. Lot Bargain, West On Fsrnam Bt.. just west of 44th, with all street Improvements In. ftixlit feet each. two. On Capitol Ave.. Just wes of 44th fit, W feet south front, for l.'0 each. On Liodge Bt., lust east of 4::d ht., 47x100 feet, with all Improvements In Dodge street including the new paving, puld In full, for 7U. Tills Is south front. or t feet above the street. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat. Hank l.ld. Tel. U. oi $7,000 VALUE 1X)U $(3,(i00 Nine-room brick house, modern, slate roof, full attic, full taeinnnt hardwood I finish, first floor; large lot. fine shade, 1 well located. This house ls too large for my family of three. Win awl I at above price hep teraber only. Tern If desired. No agenta If you wa.nt a good home cheap, address oner, J Hee tTDTTjest yet An eX'WJtlunall v attractive anil wall butit (lx-rooin bungalow, firwilaoa, book . cases, co'onna'ies. beamed ceil.ng pan eled walls, built-in bufC-t. tiled bath and sov era! other featurea Verv a ell loi-ated. I brand new and comparatively close In, .IK1T W. r.KDrXJHI) & SOX, 223 Elate Xiank iUdg. Doug. IM. MV'lltiM I ON "i'l".N I .A ltlTAHk. t rooms, hot watt-r hiat. all modern. Must sell. sUk. oiler. I'hone Hut. 7la. KKM. KST.ATK KI Ht KHAN A X t )T1 1 i:i 1 J I Elil j'iV 11 E FT. CKOOlv FA KM About l:i nrres. half fine bottom land I pactum. hnlNiue rollit'g liinn Isnd. Hell vuc on the iioiih, l ort t rook on the ' woit. Man line HurlliiKlon It. It. across a comer ol puMi.re, aCioiilmg loading fa rill los on tho land; a KroMt pi .o for stork rHlKitiK nini li. .lug. Only $iTC per Blc and eiiay linns. i (1EOIUJE (I. WAI.U(-E 14 State Ksuk Hl.lg. Pong. llt.A llt-ftison. FCJTITY of $X In 1V acres of t.-ind worth l.'.HiHi; will tiado lor Irani of hoiscs; pn nii-nts made for 1 year. Hei son '.CI W. 00 Equity, N'F.W, modern cott.'iro-. pi!,e, $2.0.K 2SU North .l Ht Ave. I'hone lit-nson kQ ,1. A mOAlTMTl. 0I NTRY HOMM. A V'nlon l"ilflo coiiiluctor now runs Into Omaha lnole.nl of t'ounll Hluffs and wants to disiHiao tt his new home Mcroas the rivi r. Ho mlxht exchange It for a home In uniatia. His piui'city con siNtM of a new 7-rom. airlctlv nuxlorn lip-to ilils Iihusp, with f irnnco he.tt and tin a.no of grapes tun he.'ir iik. Tho liv. i-iillon Is fine and only 4 b.ocks from the st n ot r. '.Y i; IVVTSTMKNT COMPANT. lKug. 11 Kl. blh l-l.vr Omaha Nat l Hank nidg.-o. Dundee. Dundee Homes H. H. Harper & Company 1013-14 City Ntit'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 'J'iOG. OAPITUL AVENUE (DUNDEE) It's a tasty bungalow of 7 extra lanra, well arranged rooinn, beside laigie bth loom; living room rtveses entire house; illimig mom and sun room tinlohed In I'sk, all other rooms having osk floors. Munv spechil features that must be seen to be ui rcclMeil. House, lot and loca tion are a combination of hli-nlw. Yimi sImiuIiI we this btrgaln of the season Actual value, Jf..tM: mien, 14,60. UXhV bkqs. . J0 MoCagvv Bldg. Honglns VtX9 Dundee Two Fine Homes 16,500 This house Is built of Medusa ce ment and In one of Uie most at tractive homes in the vlilaKo. Kig living room with fireplace. Beamed ceilings and every other modern nnd artlstio feature. Interior fin ish ls mahoRsny with white enamel on the second floor. MTSO This house ls a brick and has fine lart.-e rooms. Fire place. Thrue, dandy bed rooms and lath. Dak floors In every room In the house. This nroporty Is on tho hill over looking llaipy Hollow and Fair Acres. Owner Is very desfroua of making a sale as his buainess Is taking him from the city. Call ua up for tho particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler IWk. Btate, Bank Uldg. U)W PR1CK1) DCN'DKK L.OT. South front. 60xlS6 feet, loiated on Call lorl la streeL near Hint. YTIirh sltrhtlv lo cation, new houses adjoining It One block to car line. For pi Ice and terms, DUN D EH BARGAIN ONLY 13.760.00 For a six-room, modern house, with oak f'nlsh and hot water heat; corner lot. Wxll; southeast corner 4'Hh Kt. and Capitol Ave., This ground will be needed for business soon; one could bulin on 40x60 now. A sure good buy for some one. W. H. GATK8, Sola Atrent, XT Omaha Nat. Hank Uldg, 1). 13H TO ClOfiK an estate must sell my home In Dundee; also, 3 additional lota Phone Walnut X17. DUNDEE One very ftne 7-room houi best In the vlllsge. among- the One 8-room hone.-, with barn and fruit; near car; a burKnln. KKK1 C. SH1K1I'3. WAIJUT S3J7. Florence. Nelhaway for that farm. Flor. J2I. REAL KSTATK INVESTMENTS Investment Snaps Leavenworth and 89th Sts. Two stores and two 5-ruoiu flats, modern except heat; large warehouse and coal yard In rear, with trackage on tide, rented to good buHlnesa peoplo fcr grocery and retail and wholesale coal and feed buslnena; rented now fcr $900 per annum. Owner In Cal ifornia, must have money, lteduced the price to $5,100; have one tenant l who will take the whole thlas and I pay taxes, Insurances, all expenses and 0 per cent net on Investment. Clark St. and 20th Two stores and four apartments above, close-in; building; In good condition, always rented; brines $675 per annum; prloe cut to $8,900. Act quick. H. A. Wolf &14 Ware Bit Doug. 808. Safe Investments Northeast corner 17th snd Jackson Sts IWxK'J ft , rlua to office b'llMlna, and retail canter. Kino garage location; 64 ysar lease al $71 per year. No reau- prslsement. 1'ltltU. fff.000. 86-Room Hotel and 6 Retail Stores in the t-gtory and basement brink building, northwest corner 16lh and Howard Sts.; year laaaa, without reapprautemant. "A hen present leases expire tha rental from stures alone will pay taxes, insur ant: anil least-hoM rantal and lnfrj.i nn J Investment, leaving Income from hotel for pn.rit. PHK F of building and Interest la lease hold t.0w. George & Company ti2 City NaU Bank Bldg. Phone D. TM o IlKAI. I-MTATI-: KAnM A iim II I.AKIl FOR WALK I'anama Farms. Panama Land $2,50, $3.50 and $5.00 An Acre ON EASY TERMS The El Encanto Tract Ijuwd ricli ami forlilo. Abundant rainfall. Hoalthl'ul and pleasant cli mate. Cheap transportation. Near tho world markets. CliOrs ARB: Corn, sugar, bananas, citrus fruits, coooanuts, rubber, veg etables, etc. Thero is some very valuable timber land an tho tract. There are a few choice locations for the first who buy. Call or write for literature on this new country. Homeseekers Land Company, Inc. Sole Agents 526 fleo Building, Omaha, Neb. l&AL KSTATK iNYKSTMTCNTiC FINE INVESTMENT lArge lot on Cumins street, near JOth' ; street. This lroien,v Is worth !" per . foot, but owner noeils money and wlU sacrifice for quick sale at $75 ucr foot. ;.IEFF V. BEDFORD & SON, r3 State bank Hldg. loug. s.m Get Into Your Own Home This Fall Her Is Your Opportunity On the Eaay Payment Plan. I have a pretty 6-room, all modern house I blmka from car line and i tlor.ks to school, that I will sell for a mall flrat payment cash and the balance like rent. Thla house Is finished In oak and pine, furnace heat, full cement bUrmmL The , lot is a large one. i Telephone about this Call WaL 6K2 today. 1 n 1 1 TsCilIcrtnaa 9s'il unir gstfualr js.V Offer Wanted on Business Corner A fUll cjorner 1H, ASxllW feet, with 5 brick store buildings; In noma fl.X20 per year; all orvupled; a steady and sore lnoome nroduwr. This lot la located In a Jobolng and manufacturliig dlatrlot, where every lot will soon be needed for business pur rtcans, and many haiva large buildings on thoin now. Trackage can be had when needed. This properly holonga t a non reldnt, who has given Inatruotlnns to sell It. PHce, $l,(XiO. Offers solicited. liny this corner and sit tight until some large concern wants It You will receive good Interest while you wait and ere oertaln to make a handsome profit YOU CAN'T Luaia J. H. Dumont & Co. 411-H Btate Bank Bldg. Phone IX 9ft Do You Speculate or do you buy the sure things whan jro see them? We have an absolutely aura shot on llaitiey street, near Mth, at a price far below Its present value and at least one-third tho pries that conservative real estate men predict na to Its value In ten years. The lot is Oo-foot frontsge by lit4 feet deep. There are old Improve ments on the lot at the present time which will bring in about a month until such tlm as you wish to put up stores or apartments. A garage on this lot ut tho present time would pay big In terest on the money. You can buy thla property for t0,0 which means only liM a front foot The comer of 24lh and ha mam sold not Inmr ago for over fl.Ooi) a front foot and la getting better every day. This Is the best and cheapest prop erly of ila kind in the district nume t.ne's future will be assured by buying thla propel t. .Armstrong-Walsh Co. T.Wer 1MU. Stale Hank Bldg. A 010ICK INVESTMENT. Double brick terracn, 4 rooms and hall on each side, oak finish In the first story except klt'hen, white enamel with mahogany doors upstairs, oak floors throughout, tiled bath rooms; cemented hnsemi-nt and cemented porch floors; flity-foot i-t trout lot, m.ved street, i-ement driveway; all publlo Improve ments In and paid for. This house Is only I years old It Is modern and light up-to-date In every respiu-t; was built to suit the taste of the most fastidious tensntw; is located In the best pent of the West 1'arnnm dis trict where such houses are always In ilitm.ni! atit tlij. f-h.nintr of cnnstmln- I tlon insures minimum cost of upkeep. In come l, a). rTlce. BIZ. Ms. J. H. DlTMONT A CO. 4l-ll Btate Hank Uldg. Phone Doug. 90. An Opportunity For Investment Unusal Terms We have liut listed an. Ideal rental propualtlon with all Ihe requirements for kale rvntal returns. The property mn sints ut two buildings, four apartinenta, wltn ground lxlX2, lo.-ated high and sifhtly on one of the bet atreeta in the fVVeet Farnajn district. kVintiemiors, the buildings are new, rents are reasoiuJile, the tenants are absolutely tlrst class and tie looatlon wl'l Improve steadllv. Total rental t?16 per month 13 M per year, m tit A whJoh Is a low rash figure and the unueial part Is U04) cash B'd l rer month payments Will buy this property. Investigate at voce and be assured of about 16 per cent on your money. Glover & Spain Douglas IVA 11 Cltr National A Year Prlco $7,500 - Only $1,500 Cash Absolutely the hsst Investment we know r.f. Two separate new dubi winanent brick and stmcco terraoea. on Uf corner lot. Street paved, easy walking dlatanoe. lft feet frm car Una. Tenants nav water and a waiting list If a vaoanoy. "Vw sell I either double terrace for t4.00o. HAHTINUil & HUTDk'N, 1614 IfARNBY HEAL K8TATH fa mm nNn lbdi rna salbi I can meet the requirements et home seekers and Investors In small or large Iracts of Lanes sad farms In Nebraska, llaa.. Dak, Montana, Attractive prices aad terms. City iaoome taken tn ex change. W. O. feouaetwa, M Bee Bldg. ni'Ali KSTATE FAHM A RA!( If I.AD FOR 111,1 Panama Farms. TERMS ARE: 40 acres at $2.50 $1(X) $10 cash; $5.00 per month. 80 acres $200 $20 cash; $7.00 per month. lf0 acres $40) $40 cash; $10 per month. 320 acres $80U $80 cash; $15 pef month. Tli is is your opportunity to rot good land at n low prioo. It is gnod land and will advanco; rapidly ns all territories and, Protectorates of the United States. It A Vtt YOU A FARM TOR SAUCt W rite a good description of your land and send It to the Mloux City, la.. Journal. ;Iowa's Host Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, (Saturday morning and every Palurtlny evening and Hunday mornlnrf for one month, giving sixteen ads on twolva different dsys for 12; or words. $4, or 7B words, K largest circulation of any Iowa neww. psper, HjO.000 readers dally In four great states. Arkansas. 1.SS0 aorea unimproved, ridh. la-nel, bob totn land In Northenat Arkansas; tit rooks; no waste land; neeer overflows) surrounded by farms renting at to i ler acre: for smIo af ianr ilru 1S ri acre; can a ibdlvlde; no tradea "Wrili owner, it. w. Jleea. (ol N. 7th St. r-U liOUlw, Wo. ! llMlViBKKr.Jl8 and Iuid litiyers I Write for free Information, prices and . V "1" nI somnwesi Arkansas. Keeca lAmb, Immigration Arent. Memphis, 1 'alias A Oulf Hallway. 6J7 Central Ave Hot Hji rings, Ark. Callforala. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T Emit h Co., 1?-I4 Pity Nst. Bk. t. lt im PFIIt ACnH. 10. 0 and 40 acres. Yuba t'ounty, California, Irrigated lands, on easy terms- the finest cflmste In BCall fomla: Southern Paclflo railway and) state high way runs through prbpertvl abundance water; rich soil; no hard pan this land all nlanted to irraln and wolf I adapted to growing fruits, berries, grapes, , nuts, vegetables and alfalfa; all grows successfully without Irrigation. Henil : name and address and will mall you laapj 417 Moiiadwock Uldg..' Ban tYanclsno, Call Colorado. MTTPT FmTXr-Bargaln for someone; 140 acre stock and dairy farm, close U creamery; best location state of folQrslo, Also my 20-a ore fruit and Poultry farnf st flrand Junction. Colo. Will consldef part trade. Particulars from Mrs. Phoeb Po'ts Hoi 21(1. rand Junction. Colo. W A NT FID Good car for SO acres Cola . rado land, clear. Address Li llLBea "TltUSTOKS' SALE Highly Improved. Irrigated farms af doorway of Denver bnlng sold br trustee! st actual cost of land. No promoter profit added. Very easy tenua Writ for part'Kiilara A M KJUIOAN T.ANT AOHJNCT, tlth and Amen Ave., Omaha. itwx, IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omaha. Have houa In East Des Unlnes. new In tfu. goo4 barn, two good sheds, brick chicken house (will leave the chickens In It), all three lots facing east, good location, tws? blocks from car, not loo close to town, some improvement, will sell cheap tol oash, will make arrangements for pa4 menu. Address U Vii, Bee. ; Idaho. FOTl 8ALR-440 A., PiO A. level bottom tialanue smooth, rolling and pasturl land; 6 mllss from a good railroad, towru 10 rods from school; no Improvements 1J0 acres broke. Price M. $l,0uo down, balance long time, a 11. McKenty, Ans lev. Nebs Miasiraaita. M ACRES, it mUes from MlnneapolWa one mile from town; lo0 acres undei cultivation; balance used fur paaturel can pracUoally all be cultivated; heav soli. Good set buildings, oonslatlng of IM room house, large barn, granary, oors) cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pre dure 10 busheis of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settledl complete set ot machinery; gj head ol stock, consisting of 11 cows, balanoe 1 and I-fear-olds; six good horsss. 26 hoga cliloverMi, one-hslf of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at 160 aa sore, half oash. vobwab Hros.. 102t Ply mouth Bldg. Minneapolis, ailnn ,000 CHOICB"ACRBa Finest hardwood tract In Mlnaeaoba probably MO.kiu worth of timber. Kiohj black soil; clay subsoil; good roads schools: 18 per acra Kasy terma BaH rett. KT Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Mlnn. r0 EARNEST money, balanoe eroe paw mania, buys ltu near Mlunsapolls; tl Red Kivsr valley, part cultivated: li Htlgler, Okla.; 40, FU Omllh, Ark. 4Jk Wasash, Chicago. Al oat aba. MONTANA Irrigated lands best ta taJ world for wheat, oats, alfalfa and stock! close to town, rahroad. schools mnA churohea; Ml.W to t per aare on flfteed i years' time; annual payments less thaq ' rentals on middle west farms! write to? day for particulars; Illustrated paiophle4 and roup free. Valler Farm bale ounv pany, hox lUut. Valier, Ment THIRTEEN seotlons ferUle eaatera Uogi tana land, from Ij6 to it per acre, ll section unlta; also allowing ii par ceiJ aisoount from theee iuw piloos. limited if gsplember. Th s Is the "opening saiel en about T0.1M) acres 1 own. Telegran from apulloant asking reservation ol ocm or mare section for 1 nun ed lata lnspeoi tlon appreoiated. V. U. Towerg, Mil City. Mont. "A HlHlulffl, FOK EATJS-1,000 acres of arable Land, 1 lu-les from VlcksUurg, ilisev; wel watered part upland, part delta, par lliitbered. inoetly oponcd and seroewha Improved, all fertile and adapted to out tlvatlon In oats. corn, peas, grasses am cotton; especially suited to stock raising near transportation, railroad and river newly conatructed hard surfaue roads t within five miles and being est soda through part of the property. VtakaaMirn a groalng city, Ifc.oUi inhabitants, oocl Inerclal center of rabidly developtAsT ta rltory, affords good market fur aaj grain, cotton, live stock and meats, aa ample financial accommodations to trvar worthy enterprise. Kntlre tract I adspted to use as stock ranch, or Is b divided Into several. Bvery aare Wl support an snlmsl. These landa can b bad In tracts to "Ut purobasera. at frou $U to aO per acre, ah eaah or part da ferred. Further tnfonnalloa m msiM Address A. HiaasBit, Ttakatmrgf t