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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
ONE-ROOM SCHOOL Crowds Gather to at Charing Cross station. The crowd gathers there about o'clock every after noon. Although not a day has passed since the early part of the war without the arrival of a varying .number of vic tims of shot, shell and gas, the crowd never lessens. Charing Cross station used to be the brightest and most Interesting station in London, for most of the travel with the continent passed there. It stands Just off Trafalgar square hi the Strand, near he center of the west end shopping district, j Hefore the arrtvsl of the Red Cross train! The platforms In the great station are kept clear, but the sightseers, who are largely women, gather In the forecourt waiting for the big Iron dates to open and let out tho stresm of the slow mov ing cars, which pa" from the side street Into the station and then out. Teople are attracted to Charing Crose less from curiosity than to show their sympathy. The men In the crowd always raise their hats as the wounded so ly. the blooxl-stnlned soil of their fatherland is wished for the brave French warriors by their Oi-rman comrades of the Lorette Heights." This Is the Inscription on a monument erected by Herman soldiers ss a tribute to their fsllen foes whom they burled after the terrible struggle, for the posses sion of lorette Heights. Watch the Wounded UtKMAN SuLUitnS ERECT MONUMENT FOR FRENCH (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON. July SL One of the sights of London Is the arrival of wounded soldiers mo ambulance motors form In a line In a narrow side street. Ordinary motor cars are used for the slightly wounded and ambulances for the badly wounded. (CoiTespi.ndenra of the Associated Tress.) BKIiLIN, Aug. 31. "A peaceful rest In V DOOMED BY THOMAS State Superintendent Hits Senti ment About Little Red School House Hard Blow. IS WASTEFUL AND INEFFICIENT The district school house must go. It is obsolete and totally Inefficient It must be succeeded by the co-opera-tire school, where children can have socializing influence and the teach ers the Inspiration of large groups of pupils. This was the gist of State Superin tendent A. O. Thomas' address at the Douglas County Teachers' institute in the court house. "The one-room school house came in with the ox earn," he said. "The 01 team has disappeared and we have the automobile, but the little school Is still with us." As an example of the great wasteful ness of the district schools, the superin tendent stated that there are 3,007 of them In the state with only from one to twelve pupils each. Of this number 1.000 have only six children or less. "Some object to a change on account of sentiment." he said. "They have ten der memories of the little red school house. That reminds me of an old fel low I met going to the mill. He filled one end of the sack with wheat and put a large stone In the other end and hung it over the saddle. 'Why don't you' fill both ends of the sack with wheat. Then you wouldn't need to carry that stone and could carry twice a much wheatf I asked. Me replied, 'Well, my father and grandfather used this stone and there's a sort o' sentiment attached to It' We need to have less sentiment and more service in our school advancement. Three Plans Proposed. "Desired results can best be attained through the co-operative school. Each locality, Ilka each human Individual, has its own problem to solve. Three plans are proposed. "First, tt It seems best to retain the one-room district school the State de partment win back up the people In standardizing It In building, equipment, teacher and program, and make It the best single-room rural school ' that can be produced. "Second, If the district Is able to support but a small weak school, then the co operative plan of bringing together two or more districts is proposed. This would give such school a capacity group for instruction. The division of labor for teachers, and high school privileges. "Third, If neither of these plans seem practicable then the overhead high school may be established. "During the last six months a reor ganisation of about 300 schools lias taken place. This is wonderful progress. I ara proud of the people of Nebraska; their Interest in education Is manifest In their sincere and progressive attitude. If these new schools are successful, as they must be, the coming year will see still greater progress." Urates Verse Writing. Prof. Howard K. Drtggs of the Uni versity of, Utah addressed the teachers and advanced some new Ideas for teach ing the young idea. It seems that ama teur "po'try" and "poems." long scoffed . at, are coming back Into their own, for the professor most strongly advised the teachers to urge their pupils to write verses "I have over 1,000 poems written by grade school children," he said, . ''Some are poor, of course, but some are abso lutely classical in -their genius. Tou will be astonished at tbe results you will get" He repeated a verse written by a sixth grade box which described the meadow brook In onamatapoetlo cadences , that made the stream ' fairly sound its note to the hearer. Sunday and Party Will Arrive Here Some Time Today "Billy" " Sunday will arrive In Omaha j some time, today, the exact hour not j being- known yet. The other members of the party will also enter the city before midnight. Albert Peterson, caretaker, who dwells In and about the tabernacle all through the meetings, both by day and by night, la already here. So is George A. Brew ster of Des Moines, who will play one of the pianos at the meetings. A committee of women Is putting the last dainty touches on the rooms which the party will occupy In the Loyal hotel. The Sunday party will find them home like and there will be a profusion of flow ers to greet them. Mrs. Palmer Flndley, Mrs. J. B. Adams and Mrs. George Payne have this In charge. The Burgess Granden company has furnished drop lights for all the rooms. Orchard tt WIN helm have 'added a piano lamp. The large southwest room on the sec ond floor will be fitted up as a reception room and office. Schmoller eV Mueller have donated a fine piano and a Vlctrola for the use of the party during their stay, with whatever records they wish. Volunteer nurses and doctors are now being called to take charge of the taber nacle hospital, which is located under the rostrum. More automobiles are needed, also, to take the workers swiftly from one , meeting to another In different parts of the city. Auto Club Wants Omaha Day Cars The Omaha Auto club la attempting to secure as many entrans for the auto run to Lincoln on September as possible. That Is Omaha day at the State fair and In order to secure road Information and decorations for the cars It will not be necessary to belong to the club, any one being welcome if they will make themselves known. A k -far-Ben pennants will be given to all who desire to make the run, and information concerning it may be gotten by telephoning to the Auto club. Atout seventy-five persons already have been registered at the club rooms. snd many more are expected. - Among the ! enthusiasts who are going is Randall K. Brown, who will have two cars and a party of twelve with him. lMt Hulk Rrsares Rates VI Hirkel Plate Road. Nen Tork and return, fcai.6S. Boston and return, $J7.S5. Low rates to other eastern wlnt, Confer with local agent, or ad dress. John Y. Calahan. A. Q.- P. A., M W( Adams street, Chicago. Men's $4 00 Shoes Ttutton and blucher, all siies and styles, made up for. this season" trade, very special values at $3.50 Are You Going to Put Up More Fruit Here's some items that will Inter est you. Ball Mason rrult Jars, quarts, 430 d os. pints, d os ..390 Jelly glasses at, dos , .19o Jar Rubbers, regular 10c doien kin 1. et t doses for . .. ,15o Mason Jar Caps, dosea ..120 Savings and Satisfaction in Every Section for Saturday Among Men's Hats Every one who sees them, gives first place to tbe It. It. 8PFCIAL AT 2.00 They have the classy style' and quality you'd expect in hats priced at $3.00 and $4.00. Our leaders at $2.00. That Give Service VV. H. fr.emam Shies We have sold these constantly for 27 years snd have never had any regrets because they've given universal satisfaction to ovtr patrons. Once Tried Always Worn. .Tho W. 11. Merrlain Shoe Co. makes a specialty of good shoes for children and put In their poods all the sterling quality necessary to resist the hard wear Incident to the chil dren's school wear. Snappy Style. Too. MlwoV Shoes In all leathers and made for extra service, up from 92.00 Child's Shoe, plump doneola and gun n.etal, wears like iron, Child's KIkcs from 5 to 8 of the same kind as the larger ones, SI 1 1' The KKIDI'.K line, made by good shoemakers In Pennsylvania, don -ola and gun metal shoes with a reputation, p from 91.98 Hoys', youths' and Little Gents' ,-Uutton or Hlucher Bhoes at 83.50, 98, 81.S1 Women's $5.00 Shoes Ladies' Kid Gloves RQc to $2.00 Values, Pair W A hl special purchase of French Kid md Lambskin Gloves, made to sell to $2.00 pair, all perfect two bution length. In all slues snd all new fall colors, at, pair 0c Don't Miss These Knaps. Mtw rvj'isB sv w sk J M 0 it; ' S f lit ttfiWinaT ' Every Woman Will Want Her Share of these Extraor dinary Bargains Women's Underwear Italian Silk Vests, hand embroid ered, also bloomers, to $3 values, Saturday $1.50 Fine Lisle Union Suits, to $1.00 vals., in dl sizes and stylos, 35 Women's Lisle Vests, with hand crochet yokes, an immense lino for selection, 12 'of, 25 and........." 35 Muslin Gowns and Combination Suits, choicest lota you ever saw, fc 89r Children's Union Suits, nearly all kinds light and medium weights, three special lots, 25c, 35? and ....49tp Including Mark, white snd a fine line of lironse button shoes, very special values, highest quality. at .SJ.60 The Opportune Time to Buy That Trunk Is right now, when the prices throughout the stork have been re duced to H loff Begwlar. Save this aSUej mA as good a trunk as you can buy in the city at regular price. Little wonder that our Millinery Department is tho most opular in Omaha. Such immense variety of chio Hats for selection; smart beyond ponulvrntuie, and at prices that quantity output makes possible, is sufficient tt" attract every woman who prides herself on tho distinctive effectiveness of her millinery. Our Unrivaled Hats at $4.98 are exceptionally beautiful and possess distinctive individ uality that places them in a class by themselves. Talented designers have ghen a! much thought to their production as is expended upon tho usual creations of much higher price and they're fully equal in beauty and stylo char acter. TWO DELIGHTFUL SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY: a 0 ) JU.HO and $2.00 Velvet Shapes- Large and small styles; come in black and colors, 'st 98c fl.BO' Ilutterflles Extra Urge sixes, made of silk Illusions, with spangled and velvet bodies, black or white. 'VV 75c gam Three Rousing Specials in Men's Furnishings 79c itOO loett Men's Hhlrta, that sold to $2.00; high-grade sntlnettes, pongees, piques, silk, finished and mercerised fabrics, choice colors ana patterns; all slues; to $2.00 values, at Silk Neckwear, Site -An Immense purchase of high-grade silk neck wear, mostly makers' samples, Im mense assortment, values to QC v $1.00; on sale, choice sJaJC Have You Tried the Famous 'BACHELOR" HOSE? llox of 4 pairs, guaranteed for four months, all colors; special f)9c The Best Is Cheapest in Hosiery A good ralr of hose you'll admit is worth two and three pairs of poor hose in appearance and satis faction to the wearer. We show complete lines of the very best Wo men s .tnd Children's Hosiery produced in the land. Three Specials Will Interest. $1.00 Silk Hosiery 60c Manufacturer's samples of women s silk hose, black and colors, big assortment for solection, at Women's Silk Thread and Febre Silk "llosellAil co ors, special, pair Ail A Women's Fibre Silk Hoot Hose . .' ' ' '." ' '"(u ll8leTea,t.Wyne ,aUt Ume In aU blck mer'celiVed A complete showing 'of ChtidVea'a PonyBrnd3iH y Hose The best for school wear. Kitchen Furniture Sale 3 and a'i-foot Kitchen Tables gl 35 High or Loir Stools, for kitchen work...75C Kitchen - Cabinet Base, complete. $3 95 $30 Kitchen Cabinets, white enameled, sliding tops, aluminum or nlckelold apice. coffee and sugar Jars, flour can, etc., complete. $19.50 Drop-leaf Breakfast Tables, round or square leaves, 'on sale 53 jjq SPECIAIj PRICES SATURDAY ON Odd Dressers, all woods, oak, mahogany and walnut; Chiffoniers. Porch Rockers, Vernls Martin Beds, Brass Beds, Mattresses, Springs and Dining Chairs. riliLOWS AND MATTRESSES 8-pound size Pillows, pair- two) tl OO -pound size Pillows, fmlr (two) !!!! ii!ns All other Cotton Mattresses only . !!w!7B oxmno. . ...... 1 ....... m - inn 11.11. Saturday Specials in Corset Aisle Lacefront Corsets, In fancy brocades, pink or white with extra length hip, newest styles; OO special Saturday JJ X ,i70 High Grade Corsets, all broken lines of standard makes, that sold up to $5.00; h 1 riiv Saturday $1.89 $1.50 Rustproof Corsets, all good styles 6 nn supporters attached, on sale at '. . . UOC 1.50 Cluny Lace lirassiere ...fS 75c Brasslers, great value i 40 Boys' School Waists, big showing of styles. A p ln light and dark colors ' 43C Ladles' Crochet Shawls, light weight. In all a r" colors; special, main aisle HuC An Array of Distinctive New Modes in Women's Apparel, n view of which will relievo your fall dress perplexities, a display broad enough in its scope to meet your every fashion idea garments of quality that will sustain and increase your confidence in Harden Bros. . ' Unquestionably Superior Values Shown at Each Price iwaitiuui new Aiicrnoon iresses in sauna, iar- Hnndreds of Chsurmlnz New Suits Including every coloring and fabric which fashion approved In almost endless variety of distinctive styles at 810.50. 825. 835. 845 to 885 fetas, ere res and charming combinations, all col ors a denchtrul assortment t.... 810.50, 825. 820.50. 835 to 805 Special Showing of Tailored Suits in gabardines, poplins, serges and novelties, the season's nobbiest styles, all colors, at There's a World of Distinctive Character in the N $15 Classy White Chinchilla Coats, $7.95, $10.00, $12.75, $15.00, $17.50 Hundreds of other fine coats shown. Bee them Saturday. (A Special Line of Dresses, charm ing newr designs in taffetas, silk and wool goods, combinations, wonder ful values, ew Coat Styles. Nobby New Plaid Coats, $6.50, $10, $12.75, $15.00 to $25.00. New Waists in variety of charming style, broad enough to Insure you pleasurable choice at 82.05. 83.05 to 812.75 Elegant New Dress Skirts In the season's styles and materials, at 87.50. SIO. 812.50 and 815.00 DRESS SILKS that sold up to $20.00, In crepe do chine taffetas, and also nets, mstrblefis bnrgalns close to at 87.05 Women's Long Silk Kimonos All colors, that sold at $5, fine assortment; on sale Sat urday 82.05 Children's New Fall Dresses, all tho latest ideas in stylo and coloring, big assortment, $4.95, $5.00 to $12.50 Children's Summer lr"sns -That sold to $5.00, colors and white, choice of big assortment at 81.05 Saturday Specials in Neckwear Wo secured house samples of tho newest novelties in ladies' neckwear for fall Yokes, Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets, Fichus, Quak cr Collars, Ruffs, etc. On sale at x to Vi regular prices. Neckwear, worth 50c up to $1.23, on sale, in three lots 15S 25 and 490 New Hand Rags A splendid new line of fancy hand bags, new styles for fall; on sale t 40. OOt d 080 Ribbon Specials A big line of plain and fancy ribbons, extra wide, all pure silk, underpriced Saturday. Special Announcement Iii'Klnnlng Monday, September 6th, Continuing for Four Days, We Will Hold on Our Third Floor Our GREAT BEM1-ANMTAL DISPLAY OP LACES, DRESS TRIMMINGS AND SILKS No expense has been spared. Every effort has been expended to make thla display the most complete, most Interesting of all. A Sixty Thousand IVolIar Stock of Matchless Laces and Dress Trimmings, in addition to all Hint Is newest and best in Silk Dress Fabrics will be here for your selection. You are cor dially Invited to Inspect these exquisite Laces, Trimmings and Silks, as varied and elegant as you will find In any store In tbe land. Arrange to Meet Your Dreesmaker Here. Saturday a Day of Unusual Values in Drugs With every purchase amounting to (one) 11.00 tn our Irus; 1'ept. Batunlny we will s-lve you a $1 00 box of Dr. Wernot's Toolh I'owUer Kree. Fre, 3 lOu bars of f'slm olive Hoa.p with every hott'e of I'Hlimillve Hair Blipm- poo at 30 11.60 bottle Oriental Cren I for 83 11.50 box Le Trefle or Axn- rea 1'owder tso f0i- box MeSim Ise'bell's or Jnva Rice Powder .... SBi 10c bar Williams' ghavlnv ""up. 4o or 3 for 100 . f rtr Jar Das-sett tt Ram, dill's Cream 39i BOo rub Pebeco Tooth Pasts .3o It bottle Bal Hepatica, SSo $S.7 bottle Uorlick's Malt. ci Milk i.7a -7&C bottle Pinaud's Tol et Wate- : ase I Uuxen 6-araln Aspirin Tablets B3o 6 lOu-rolls Crepe ToIIji Paper S&0 10c Jap Rose or Palraollv : Hohp So 4 lOo bars Peroxide Boap O HOc Canthrox Hair Hham- -for tS II 50 Auto Chamois .. mj 0c bottle Phenolua Wafers for t3o $4.00 School Suits $2.95 Most All Have Two Pants. Domestic Room . If value has anything to do with it, our Domestio Room Clothing Department will be crowded all day. Saturday. A big selection of colors and styles, blue serges, tweeds, worsteds and casslmeres. Suits built for boys that are hard on their clothing. Suits that re actually f 4.00 ones, at Bn n. P.(SU r fwtr f" i A General Clearance of Ah Manufacturers Samples of Jewelry and Silverware at Small Part of Worth A final closing of the. greatest and most advan made. Values we do not believe you ever saw dupllc Hundreds of Articles made to sll to IJVO Includ Ear Screws, Cuff Pins, Sterling Silver La Vallleres The New Peacock Jewelry, Including rings, brooches, bar pins, also a fine lot of pearl filled necklaces with sterling clasps; Saturday. .... . 50? 910.0O Chests of Silver, containing 2 6 pieces, 6 knl spoon and butter knife; sale price Saturday Silver Plated Fruit Baskets, Bakers, Bread Trays, Su sale Saturday tageotis purchase of jewelry snd silverware we ever ated in any store In Omaha. ing Cuff Buttons, Rhinestone Bar Plnx, Brooches, and Hut Pins, etc., choice of the lot Sterling Silver Friendship Rings Also gold or sil ver friendship links (engravings free) at 2."? Sterling Stiver Thimbles 10c ves. 6 forks, G tea spoons, 6 dessert spoons, sugar SG.50 gars and Creamers etc., regular values to $8.60, on 83.50 $3 Suits for Boys, $1.95 In Domestio Room The largest assortment In Omaha to choose from. All the colors that are found in much higher priced suits. Norfolk styles, full cut knickers. Bring the' boys to tbe Domestic Koom- 4 QC 13.00 suits on sale Saturday at 3 1 elO Extra Knickerbockers, 39c .Sizes 6 to 16 years, all colors, worsteds or soft The BOc Kind, weaves; on sale In Domestio Room only. Cook Stoves Burn Coal or Cas in Same Range 7.0V,, U th " top tLrr ?u ' oombtaatua ran. Mla4.U,a,V. 9ri M CumblnaOon Rni MS.OO and gSO.00 as- BtsraaV best malleable steel range niada "B.towi" cast iron ranres, never'riiit out. ud rrom sai ui !$ia.M annnwvif WAJtB. One lot of both Cast and Bona Alnnt- mw yiHM. ua mrw V9rmmj "f,1s s long as the lot lasts. Heavy hkilleis. either No. or No. sue. Mo Extra heavy cast Skillets, regular pries 1 vs. for One lot Cake U riddles, any the, worth to tl 7i. ,lor 4o Irpe size Cast Aluminum Tea Kettles, wortu 12 M. for !.' RU-e toilers, spun a'unilnum, any slse 4 and iuart Fpun Aluminum preserving Ket Nest of three hnuce PanH, one each, Jlj, i strl l-ijuart. for f0 Coffee pots, J or S tit., spun a'umlnum ..Ills READ THtu BIG SPECIAL GROCERY SALE FOR SATURDAY Quality roods and a savtaa of 18 o 00 by traulsg at Kara' for UroosrlM. tore Opsa Us til U.K. IT Vouaaas k art QtsnnlMed Baga 91.00 4K-IU. sacks best High Orade Diamond m Flour nothing finer tor b e.d, plea, cakes or biscuit. This flour is made from No. 1 selected old wheat, the only kind at this season to mak rood bread, etc. 48-lb. sack, 91.75 JO lbs. best Whits or Yellow Corn mesl 3o 10 bars Beat 'Km All or Dlamoni C 80 p S3o T lbs. best bulk I-aundry Htarrh. . . 8J 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice or Navy Beans S5o -Mi. cans fancy Hweet Sugar Corn, Wax, hiring, Ureen or Lima Brans, for THo Four 14 -os. raps Condensed Milk, 8 Be K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg So Klght 4-oi. cans Condensed Milk, sto !!-. Jftrs Pure Fruit Preserves, 9o Advu Js.l fo dessert, etc. quality goods, pkg TVo W. (). C. or Kruinbles, per pkg. . .lyyt MacLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ..lJWo Tall cans Alaska Halmon 10a Illrshey's Breakfest Cocoa, lb. . ..SOj Fancy (junen Olives, qt. SSO The best Tea Hlftlngs, lb ltve Hi. lien Bantos Coffee. II) SOj Toe best Creamery Batter, eartoa or balk, lb agj Fnncy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, lb SSe Funcy No. 1 talry Table Butter, ir lb tie The best strictly fresh country Kkk". dosen 84a TRY HAYDEN'S FIDST IT pan rut up you reaches, rears, rruil r, . aao vrasapples low. J!nhel bos tsix y t.aiuett pars, 91.79 I-xtra fancy Kiberta Freestone Peaches, crate SSe 4-baaket crates Italian Plums ... Cruhspples fur Jelly, large market basket Sfte Brew rotatoes, 18 lbs to the peck. .ISo Kwet Corn, per dozen 10o 2 large hesila Kr-h Cabbage .....So tt bunches Fresh Badlshes So 6 bunches Fresh Onions .....Be ( heads Fresh l-eaf Lecture 80 Fancy Wax or hiring Beans, lb., SUs 8 iHrae Cucumbers Be Fancy iHnvi-r Cauliflower, lb, . .l.e Fancy Kips Tomatoes, lb. . ... .8 Vie h'ancy lluui Iettuce, each . ..TVio-ie 4 bunchrs Flesh Beets or Carrots, -'-o Market baskt Beets or Turnips ..18a 12 Ins. No. 1 Cooklns Apples ...16o When you buy Potatoes or Apj.lei. buy them by Wright, not measure. It Iba Potstoes to the peck. . 1- lle. Apples 10 the peck. ; 1915 Milk Fed. Spring Chickens 16 l-4c 1811 hindquarters Hprlng Ismb, lb. lSUs 1(11 forequarters Spring ljunb, lb., SUe Flist quality Steer Pot Koast, lb., 10U nJ avis No. 1 Hlb Boiling Beef, lb sVo No. 1 fresh Pork Rosst, lb s No, 1 Home-made Sausage, lb. . ...Vis No. 1 home-mads Hamburger, lb loe 11 lbs. best Leaf Lard STo Smoked Meat Specials foe Saturday. First quality i'iauuind C Hams, lb,.14fe First quality picnlo Hams, lb loo No. 1 Lean Baron, lb. ,lttt No. 1 Buck Kacun. lb. i..l8s No. 1 Salt Pork, lb , gijo No. I palls Coinoreasr't Ijird. .......800 We sell Frank's 'amoua Milwaukee Hsnsuces and Cooked Musis. - Nothing nnrr uisue, T.'.e j Special Batarlav - Young pressed piKeons, M. h . . . COT1 4,-