Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1915, Page 6, Image 7
TIIE HEK: OMAHA. SATUHPAV, KKITKMBHR 4, l!Hr. HISSING BROTHER LOCATED; IS DEAD All is Ready for Semi-Annual Lace Show at Hayden's W. B. Smith of Omaha Findi that I.area of byII. lacea of Oliver, lacra In Painter Who Died of Heart Tail. coler and Juat plain lacea are piled In ere ii Relative. DISAPPEARED ONE YEAR AGO rinding a curd bearing the address 3 207 South Thirty-second avenue In a pocket of clothing worn by a man raid to be W. B. McRaynor, a painter, who vii found dead of heart trouble at the Windsor hotel Wednesday. Coroner. Crostry Investigated and found that the dead man's real name Is Edwin Smith. . . HI brother. W. Boyd Smith, of the I.radford-kennedy Lumber c.nipany, who llx-ea at the above addreaa, hits been Marching for the man a year, aloce the latter diaappearcd suddenly from hla home. "I do not' know why he left my home and changed Ma name," aaid the brother, "although he waa In. the habit of going away at 'Intervals and staying several month." It Is believed that the deaa man had suffered much worry on atoount of a divorce from lila wife. He leavea four crown children, two aons and a daiifrh ter. In Ullllnim, Mont., and a daughter In IJrroln. . .' ( Funeral aervlcea were held Frldny after noon at Coroner Croany'a . chapel, wlt'i Interment In Foreat Uwn remeli-ry. Open Wyoming Land to Homestead Entry The 1at tract of government land any where within the limit of Omaha trade territory will be opened to aettlement September 25 and euhject to entry one month later. The land In queatlon. lOO.otiO airea, Ilea just over the Nebraska line In Wyoming and weat of Banner, Scott a fctuff and Hlous countlea. The land that la to be open to entry will ba subject to homestead only and may be taken In tracta of 10 aires or less. A three-year residence (a required before the perfection of title. The aoll I aald to be a heavy, dark loam, with day eubaoll and welt adapted to tha raising of vegrtablee and all klnda of email grain. The altitude la aald to be too great to permit of aucceaaful corn mining. A goodly portion of It Is within ten miles of the Burlington road. .Surface Riding at - Water Carnival At tiie 'water carnival to be held next Monday afternoon at the municipal beach, exhibitions of surface riding will be given by Frank McCabe, Rldgeway Kail, Harry Cortina and Thomas Ratlgnn. Theoe youna" nnnn wilt disport themaelvea on board attached by ropes to a motor boat. Superintendent English of the recreation department declares this will ba one of the- most exciting features of tha after noon, i The program will ba atarted at : and a band concert will ba held at 7:3(1 on tha water. r -i - The carnival wn postponed last week on account cf the weather. Everything will be free to tha public. Prtie wilt "awarded to tha winners In tha swlmmlntf, itlng and canoe event. profualon on long table at Hsyden I Brothers' waiting for buyers to make selections. More than . worth of dainty, filmy, delicate lacea that would drllght tha eye of any womsn. are In plain sight, so that each ona can be sepa rately examined and placed over various aha'lca to teat the beauty of the crea tion that Is In the mnklng. There are laces for a few eenta a yard, and laces for IX a yard, and lacea for almost every price Intervening; lacea of gold wire, on gold cloth, lacea of allver and gold Intertwined, and etherlal 1''ea of cobweb-like delicacy. ' Hayden rtrothera are again atartlng their aeml-annual lace exhibit, which will be readv on the third floor of the alore on Heptember . and will last until September 12. Moat of the lacea are Imported and are exquisitely designed. Mr. Johnson, who haa been In charge of ITayden a lac lenartmcnt for twenty-three yeara. haa chosen a complete assortment In which each design may be obtained In width varying from a few Inchea to over a yard, and almost every color achema imaginable can be found amid the profu alon of tha display. Home of the laoea are of domestic manufacture and are In Imitation of the foreign-made goods. Thee are tower In price thnn the Im ported gooda, but quite often compare very favorably In beauty and In work manshlp with the higher prioed gooda. Mr. Johnson announce that In no city in the t'nlted Statea will there tie a lace department so easily accessible as me department now being prepared to re ceive the crowd that are expected at Hayden Brothcra. rlcslde the- lacea there will be a ahowlng of fur trimmings, which are to be very popular thla fall, and a display of braids that will be ao necessary to secure tha military effects that Pari decreea la the latest thing In fashions. Omaha Mailman . to Have Big Office Offlclala of the National Association of letter Carrier are stilt arriving In Omaha for tha national convention, which will open Monday. Preatdent Galnor ha not yet arrived, hut I expected Saturday, lie la In Kansas City In a conference now. Charlea R. Reed of iJenver ha arrived i aa ha also W. II. R. Woo.! row of Pal- tlmore, both memlcrs of the xecutlv board of the National Pick Benefit asso ciation, auxiliary to the National Aasocia tion of filter Carrier. T. O. Allison of Council Bluff, mcmbef cf the committee on rnnatltutlnn and by laws, has arrived for a meeting of that committee. William Maher of Omaha, aecretary of the local branch of the National Asso ciation of letter Carrlera, la being men tioned for one of the national offices. It Is a standing custom nf the association to give some office or prominent place on a national committee of board to at least one man In the city In which the con vention la being held. Mr. Maher ha the endorsement both cf his local branch and nf the atate association for thl place, whatever It may be. The Chicago, Cleveland and Dallas dele gatlona are each to bring a band. These will all be In the big parade. The Bal timore band cannot come, although It mas expected up to a few days ago. Apartments, flats. tiouaeS and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a pee "For Rent." SOUTH SIDE LIBRARY TO CLOSE AT 9 O'CLOCK The South Omnha brancTi of the public library will not be open during exactly the same hours as Is the Omaha library. Each week day It will be open from a. im. until p. m . except for the children' I department, which will close at 7 p. m. The reason given for not keeping the South Omaha brancii open For the same period as the Omaha library i that even ing attendance doea not warrant keeping attendants In charge for the extra hour. Keep Itorrela Reg-alar. Nothing better than Dr. King New Life Pill for Constipation. Indlgeatlon and Hour Ptomach. Oet a bottle, only 25c. All ' druggist. Advertisement. w hat Are You Going to Wear to School? Arc You Heady For Your Trip? Tako E.OE3LICKS Malted Milk with you when Yachting, Camping, Motoring, Fiahing, or Golfing, A nutritious, gatisfying Pood-Drink ready In a moment. A good light lunch when tired or run down. Simply dissolve In water, hot or cold. A nne night rest la assured If you take a cupful hot before retiiing. Our J-onch Tablet are the acme of con venlent nourishment. Dissolve a few in the mouth when fatigued or hungry. Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis. rarNoSubsiitNtU"JustaaQooel" MORUCK'S, the) Original Brandcis Stores are open until 9 P. M. Saturday and until 6 P. M. other days. Brandeis Stores will remain open until 1 o'clock Monday, Labor Day. Special School Opening Sale Two-Pair Pant Suits, Worth up to $7.50, at $3.95 An ;;rplioTially large purchase of these suits enables us to make this Hph-mlid offer, just at the proper time for school opening. All splendidly tailored suits in the biggest variety of patterns ever shown new, snappy models of Norfolk suit in various pleats and patch pocket styles, Even' suit in the entiro lot lias two pairs of giants, fully lined, many with a belt to match ou pants. Every age, 6 to 14 years. Boys' Long Trouier Suits Splendid all-wool material, rut In the newest models. Overplalds, rhevks and stripes in blue, brov.n and gray mixtures. Suits that are suitable for dress wear, as well as splendid wearing school suits, Q .$12.60 to 115 suits, Saturday Every size, 14 to 20 years. Children's School Hats and Caps The most complete line, in our newly enlarged department. 0er 200 dozen new Itah Kah Hats, Wool and Felt Hats and Oolf Caps for school year. Valuea to 60c, at !Mc. Fine grades at BOc, Oflc, Sl.OO, $l.ii5 ami ' ' Hut Arcade Main Floor. Saturday Blue Serge Spe cial, with 2 Pair of Pants All-wool blue serge suits, choice of either pleated or patch pocket models. Regu lar $7.60 values, (jC Saturday, only , V" Suits for the Little Chaps All tha new styles and fab rics; velvets, corduroys la handsome new shades; new Tommy Tucker, Vestee and Oliver Twist models, priced rrom ii.ou down to only. . . . $2.45 In the Boys' Furniihing Section Hoys' Blouses, one big lot of all new fall fabric blouses, worth OP to 75c; special Saturday . . OaJC Boya Pants, in corduroy, tweed and casslmere, many fully lined; Knick erbocker style; worth $1; CC2 Saturday, pair JJC Sample Sweaters for little or big boys, various styles in all the prin cipal colors. Worth to QC 12.00, at i7JC ', Thlrtl Floor. Corsets and Waists for Girls Kvery mother must decide Girls Pretty School Frocks Special attention has been given to the young school miss, and tho assortment of pretty, girlish frocks for fall school wear is far more ex tensive and complete than ever before. Serge Frocks in ''Peter Tompkin," "Coatee," Russian aaid French models; navv, brown, green and black. Specially priced for Saturday, ut $3.50, $3.98, $5.00 to $12.50 Special lot of Woolen Shepherd Checks in dainty, new, childish models for the young miss of 6 to H; good trim mings and pretty styles, at $1.50 and $1.08. the vital corset question. At least once In her lifetime, every mother of girls Is brought' face to face with the question Shall my daughter wear corsets and what kind of a corset should she wear? The matter of fitting a corset to a young girl Is not a matter of her years, but of. her Individual figure. When a girl graduates from the soft waists of girlhood to the firmer support of corsets, that Is when her fitting should have all the Intelligence and skill that can be found. It is most Import ant, not alone for her comfort, but for her future health and figure. We specialize in girls' and misses' corset waists and corsets and fit them free of c n a r g e , re gardless o f the price. We have none but experienced fitters Corset Waists from 50c to 51.50 Misses' and Juniors' Cor ets 75c to $3.00 coad rioor Second Floor. Misses' and Juniors School Hats A most wonderful assortment of school hats for girls 8 to 16 years, in all the new sweater colors, watermelon pink, cerUette red, glacier blue, African brown, etc. Large floppy, erect pile plush and silk velvet hats. Scallop Sailor $1.50 For Girls 8 12 Years. to Floppy Ribbon Sailor $2.98 For Girls 12 to 16 Years. A large variety at 1.!M, 1.08, $2.50 and $2.98 eooad rioor. School Shoes for Boys and Girls that combine the grace of perfect fitting and the necessary wearing qualities; the finest we have ever carried, and the most complete in sizes and widths. Patent leather with cloth or kid tops, or dull calfskin, button. Sizes llVi to 2. $2.48 and $2.75; 8Va to 11, $2.23; 6 to 8, pair. . Boys' Holland Oak Shoes, new flat Eng lish lasts or the puf? toes, most serv iceable. All sizes. 1 to 6, $2.48 to $3.00; blzes less than 1, pair Mala rioor. $1.98 $1.98 10 $2.98 "M" Knit Waiiti for Children Tape seams and buttons. Ages 2 to 12 years. Regular 1 26c quality, Saturday.. IOC Children'. Hose In black, white and colors; medium and light weights, heavy and fine ribbed; spliced heels and toes. i f . Special, pair IOC . Kaia rioor. TOMORROW !ic Central Furniture Store Villi Put on Special Sale Hundreds of Pairs cf Beautiful Lace Curtains, Portieres and Couch Covers An Inuneuae purc-hawe of brautiful lae curtains lu all the new and drblrable weaves, elegant otilere and couch rovers, bought direct front the mllla at a price which was away below the market value, enable us to put the entire shipment on (Special Bale for thl OXK DAY ONLY at a price which will moan a saving to you of nt ' leat one-half. Ln thl bin ptirrhuae there are almolutely no seconda -every lace curtain, couch cover and portiere we abnolutely guaran tee to le perfect. Come to this lllg Hale expecting extraordinary valuea and you will not be disappointed. Ik-low we quote a few sample price which will glv an Idea of the many excellent Valuea we have to offer and aa uauul, you make your own terms, riaia and With Wide .Ani! nU PAUTOC Komau Stripe and and Narrow Uordera VVUWti VVIhilM Oriental pattern. $2.40 $2.65 $2.95 $3.25 lleautlful Couoh Covers' at, each bmutliul Couoh C'ov.ra at, each I.ruutltul Couch Covera at, each I Jlt-yuiitul Couch Covera at, each S .85 SI.25 $1.65 $1.95 lleautlful Couch Covera at, earh Beautiful Couch Covera at. aaoli. , llvauurul Couch Cov.ra at, each Hi-auilful Couch Cov.ra at. each. A OAFE PLACE TO TRADE A lllg Variety of Pat- fltitT fV! DTR I H f All the New and B..W1. VWaalttllttl ij tetna to chooae from lleautlful Lace Curtain. at. each tteauuful Ui Curtaina at, ear o Beautiful Ljkc. Curtaina at, each )-utilul Lac. Curtaina at, each Beautiful Lac. Curtaina at, each , . , . . rvautilul late Curtaina at. each Beautiful Lac Curtaina at. each $ .25 $ .40 $ 60 $ .75 $ .90 $1.10 $1.25 lealrable Weave". lleautlful Lac Curtaina at. each Beautiful Lc. Curtaina at, cm h Beautiful Lac. Curtaina at, each Beautiful l4 Curtaina at. each Beautiful Lac Curtaina at. each lU-Hutiiul Lac Curtaina at. each Beautiful Lac. Curtaina at. each i $1.40 $1.60 $1.75 $1.95 $2.25 $2.65 $2.95 KAVE THE CENTRAL FICUEE CX YCUX FUSXITURE BILL Silk and Tipcstry H nun Tut Portiere at, a pal i .... , I'tauliful l'orllere at, a pair H-Liliful t-ortieiea at, a rwtr lauilful fill Here. at. n pair PORTIERES $2.25 $2.65 $2.95 $3.25 Beautiful at. a pair Btautlful Hr Here, at, a pair I.t-.iuiiful l'ortlelea at. a Pair Hianiifiil at, a pair. Plain and Bordered $3.45 $3.75 $4.25 $4.95 You Make Your Own Terms at the Cent' Two Groups of Very Effective Smart Fall Suits ,7 Special Offering of Fox Furs for Saturday Tho fashion dictates of the season are fox furs ot some sort, to be worn with the new fall suits. We have made arrangements to of fer an assortment of these wonderful popular furs at special prices for advance selection Black Fox Rod Fox, Gray Fox White Fox Blue Fox Taupe Fox Sets from $19.00 to $135.00 Scarfs from S10.CO to $59.00 Special showing of new Fall Skirts, Including the nobby plaids, clour checks, gabardines, satins, taffetas, serges, etc. Many pretty and effective sur.. $6.98 " $12.50 V j A specially selected assortment ot pretty, practioal V"T lallAeAJ m o si a 41 Vi a mortaBt rf tha n Aw fall lanui cu duiio, luauo aaa ,sa7 -- w vv " models, of good quality gabardine, broadcloth, serge and poplin. The new fur trimmings are to be found on many of the different models. Special attention Is called to the pretty smart models for the young miss and for girls away to school. $ 19.00 A wonderful lot of exclusive ana smart suits, shown only by Brandeis Stores many copies of foreign gar ments, everything that is chick and nobby are to be found in this assortment. The colors ot the season are the more practical browns, greens, blues, plum and black. Misses and women's sizes. $35.00 Drugs and Toilet Articles 17c 17c all 39c 9c 29c Madam Ise'beU's Cold Cream, 26c 4 py else 1 C Swandown Face ( Powder, box 1UC Graves' Tooth Powder, spe cial. 25o j slse x Peroxide Toilet Soap, 10c cake : . . . . Melba Natl Paste, special, 25c else. Melballne Face Powder, 25c size Pond'a Face Powder, shades, 50c size Mennen'a Talcum Powder, special, can La Petite Geraldtne Rouge, 50c siie. . . 5c Palmolive Cream, nQ special, 30c size..! . SVC Lustrite.Nall Polish, Saturday, :5c size. . Pompelan Massage Creaui, 7 5c slse. . . . Uronio Seltzer, 50c size bottle Llsterlne, special, 25c size bottle. . . . Peroxide of Hydro gen, l ib. bottle... Hospital Cotton, 1-lb. package Rubber Sheeting, 36 i lurhes wide. yard. ! 20-Mule Team Borax, ' 1-lb. package 4711 Tan Kissed Rouge, Saturday, iOc OQ Slr.e a&aC 12c 39c 29c 16c 15c 19c 29c 7c Violet Rose Glycerine (" Soap. 10c coke OC Diamond "C" Soap, ff 10 bars for. 6UC Sanl-Flusb, 25c 1 size can IOC Johnson's Floor qa Wax, 1-lb. can a7C Williams' Shaving Q Soap, cake OC Gillette Razor 7CZ Blades, $1.00 sTze. . DC Plnaud's Lilac Q Vegetal, bottle TiC Horllck's Malted Milk, hos- .T $2.69 Fletcher's Castorla 35c size bottle 19c Matchless Values Women's Silk Hosiery l.ntost novelties, in black and white anil 'irbroideretl combinations, fancy Rtripes, lain black and white, lant-y colors and many other new de signs; full fashioned, high spliced soles, heels and toes, some all-i-ilk to the top, others with lisle garter tops. Special, pair. Women's Fiber Silk and Lisle Hose, black only; seamless, double heels aad toes, J 5c 15c values. Pair. . . Men's Lisle Hose, black and colors; seam less; some with split soles, spliced heels and toes. Specially priced, pair 12ic in New Hosiery Women's Silk Thread Hose In plain black and white, fancy col ors, white and black stripes, black with' white stripes and many high colored fancy hose; full fashioned, double soles, heels and toes; $1.00 and $1.25 values; regular g and extra sizes. Special ilM Saturday, pair JU. Women's Fiber Silk Hose, black, white and colors; new- fall shades; seamless, double heela and toes; elastic or tops. Pair OOC Women's Fiber Silk Hose, white, black and some colors; with lisle tops; seam less; spliced heels and toes. 8pe- OC clal Saturday, pair mOC A One Day Sale of the ,5 7 Famous Monarch Kid Gloves aaSaJAa,ai at $1.50 per pair a' ill 1 1 Women who want the utmost ln kid gloves have bought Monarch kid gloves for more than two decades there are no better gloves made. At the opening of the kid (love season, as a one-day special we have decided to sell 'peae famous gloves, alv.aya priced at $2.25. for $1.50. Colors lUatk White, Tan, Navy, Cray and PegaUe. - . - Dainty Neckwear 50c Smart collars for gowns and coats, beautiful line of new Puritan collars, hand-em broidered marquisette with frill; white and colors A beautiful Una of new col lars collar and cutf sia Oeorirtte crape collara atur ata very dainty at un uauai price. OM rich Hoaa. aplandlj aa aortmeiila lit blai-k and color; alao pretty nk ruff. Splen did ahowtnc of all tha neweit tyU'a. Stunning New Blouses Just Arrived Special for Saturday At $3.98 Quality Crepe de Georgette Crepe Georgette Ca-epe Kxceptlonal Chine and lilouaea. llald aud Combinatious, lllack Law Hlouaea. Taffeta and Chiffon Combina tluna. Colors White, flesh, black, navy, brown and green, All new models, every conceiv able aew feature in blouses Is shown here. -'V Last Day Saturday of the Groat Sale of the Entire $39t000 Stock of Fine Fall Shoes at Half Price from tho S. A. Pierce (El, Co., Council Bluffs, la. COME SATURDAY AND LAY IN A SUPPLY OF THE SHOES YOU ARE GOING TO NEED 1