Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 5
4 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1:115. IPROP. REED IS HELD i FOR MANSLAUGHTER Former Omaha Principal Kills Boy; with Hii Auto While Driving at Louisville. TWO MORE NEARBY PRIZE BABY ENTRIES for State fair, being Russell Sheldon Giles of Nebraska in Casi county and Ruth Armstrong of Oakland in Burt county. HARM AN WILL BE ON DECK' Food Commissioner Decides He Will Make Inspection! at the Fair Grounds. 'IAD JUMPED BEFORE WHEELS LOUI8VILLE, Ky., 8ept. S. (Bpe Telegram.) William Branch, It -eri of age, waa struck and almost instantly killed ibis afternoon by an automobile, driven by Prof. Clayton K. Heed, principal of the Male High ' school. J The arcldcnt occurred at Logan ilnnd Ilrondwar. snd eye-wltnosses ,'tate it was unavoidable. Prof. Reed, who came here from 'Onmha. only a few weeks ago, to ' tr.ko charge of the boy?' consolidated '.high school, was arrested on a charge ')( manslaughter. Prof. Reed ws driving the car "when the accident occurred. Prof. Reed tonight ssl.l: "t am heartsick snd distressed over this 'unavoidable tragedy. At I approached i the crossing I sounded th horn several lines. The boy evidently did nut hrsr. ti jiimiied from the rear end of a psss ig uiay and before I could spiHy ths Jltrsk's he w directly In the path of the nis'hlnc At th time I was running ilr i'jir only st moderate speed." " I'rof. Heed trtnltfl.t wSa rei-aeed on .ond ( .-.0. signed by Ur. L V. Hloom. .inemter of the'toiitevlHc Hoard of Kduca Mloii. ' ' . " J K ' ' - f 'A; " : - .V. V mm -'- . V urn. . yr If V MUST PROTECT THE BIG CROWDS f " ;---;;::'..w',f -;-Sc; H -'"Sa A .v. ,.,v. ' 11 - J II . I.Many American Boys Who Enlisted Sent : Home from Britain e 'VVASI1IWTON, D. C. Rspt. L-Mora J'llisn &00 American boys under IS years -jd have betn discharrstt so far from 'the Brttleh army -upon wj nests from the 2tat Department. Moat of thesa boys enl'to Canada and misrepresented their iaes to recruiting officers. ;, Teter" fsjugat of Lambert, Minn., after ; having been discharged once upon the ?Rplcatlon of the Ptate Department, scaped from his parents snd reerv i listed. lie was released sgaln. only to j'take passage on the Arabic and escape 'ileath when that liner wis sunk by a Ktihmarln. The Walsh twins of Boston, though only IS' years of ss. also managed to 'enlist twice and ths last tlms were found on Salisbury plain Just about to le embarked far France. . Final Count Places V ! Number of Victims. : of Eastland at 812 t CH1CAOO, Kept. l-Final tabulat'ons Vo-nplled and made public today f the i's orflce , show that HI peraons Ion their Uvea when the .ittain n fAt-i-int. with ISO) on board, ,-ilxod In the t nlrago river July 21. V According to the fig-urea of this number ,41 were worn on and 81 men. tf ttie to. 'taj r were married. Ninety-' jht of tre .... J 1 irmm a Ptsff rorrsr-ondnt.) LINCOLN. Pept. 3. f Special.) Food Commissioner Harman Is determined that though the food department of the state has been practically put out of buelnrss by the decree of the state treasurer, the state fair visitors will not hsve to suffer. In conmiltstlon with Governor More tired last night the two decidf-d that the department would take charge of sanitary conditions at the fair the same as usual, even though the governor and the food commissioner had to foot the bills them selves. Ho that good conditions regarding food supplies wilt be assured at tho fair next week. Item Kdltors to Meet. The democratic editors meeting at the lylndell hotel In Lincoln next Tuesday night bids fair to be a bl gathering. Congressmen Ixbeck and Ftephena have accepted Invitations to be present and It Is expected that Penator Hitchcock will also be there , No Passes eded Fair Week. The governor's office is desirous to have the public know that passes to tho penitentiary will not be required during fair week and tbat all will be admitted who present themsel-ja at the Iron gates. PERSONALPARrGRAPHS T H Allen, fnlted Slates district at tnrncv, arrived In Omaha from IJncoln Thursday, and mill remain the rest- of tho week. .Mr. Allen has held the office for . ... - J . ti.Atr 1 1 1 , 11- A I I a snort lime, sih-iiiii i who has been dlitrlct attorney for several I yen re. victims were under 1 years eld. Notes from. Beatrice and Gage County DiSATRICE. Neb., Sept. X-(Sierlal.)-,.Thf Farmers' E!'at.or company and the business men of rtcktell will join forces to hold a big plonlo at that place on Wednesday. September 15, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the elevator com--any. Governor Morehead and Congress men ftloan will give addresses. -The Odell Poultry association held lis annual meeting Wednesday and arranged to hold its annual show on November 12 IKv Mrs. A. N. Flies was elected president .and Mrs. F. C. lllrmon, secretary-treas-rtii-er. ; Announcement was received here j Thursday of the death of Mrs. W. A. Noel of Aockwell City, la., formerly of l.lhla city, which occurred Thuraday morn lng tit a hospital at TVs' Moines, la. Oliver douder end Miss Maude Mo- .'curry, both of thU city, were tnirrled 'Thursday evening at the home of the W.ride'a mother. Mrs. Cornelia, McCurry, ahe nev. H. F. Oalther officiating. ( The aaloon remonstrance rase of Clyde -Lynch of Wyinore wee called at Du Bole rhursday morning, but continued until next Wedneaday murnlng because the at .tornrys In the case were unsble to be Hireeent. Catholic Turners j . of. Nebraska Open -. Meet and Tourney FLATTHMOl.'TH, Neb., Pep. I.-Tpe-cial.V-The big tournament and conven tion Of the Bohemian Catholic Sokol Turners of Nebraska was Inaugurated here today. The first meelng of the convention will be held tonight and everything will be ready for the open ing of the tournament Saturday morning. The turning competitions will start to morrow morning at S o'clock snd will continue all., day. Hunday morning a solemn high mass will be held for the delegates, Judges, contestants and turners. In. the after noon a big exhibition will be given by tho senior and Junior clseses. Several teams of girls will also take part. In the evening diplomas and prises will be awarded. A special train over the Burlington will leave Omaha at noon Sunday, bring ing about SCO persons from that city. O'CONNOR SpEKS TO PROVE SWINDLER IS IN THE TOILS FREMONT, Neb., Sept. !.- Special. -County Clerk John O'Connor, awlndled out of SS.000 by Henry O. Fisher, arrested at St. Louis after he had escaped fsom jail at Waukesha, Wis., reached the Missouri metropolis Wednesdsy morning, too late to see the man who fleeced him out of his life's savings. Fisher had been taken to Waukesha, Wis,, the night before Mr. O'Connor arrived. Mr. O'Connor went to St. Louis to see the prisoner to satisfy himself thst the man who walked off with , hie money was In custody. He will also make an effort to get possession of some of the property Flsher te said to own. Mr. O'Connor writes to Sheriff Condit that Fisher la not the Arkansas City, Ark., banker. John W. Bernhardt, ruber for several years operated a saloon In St. l.oui under the name of Bernhardt. Fisher, alias Kline end several other names, Is wanted af Waukesha for as. sault with intent to commit murder. I ' - Newspaper Maai ne-eoasaieada It. R. R. V.'entworth of the Su James, (Mo.), News, writes: "Two months ago I took a severe cold which settled In my lungs and I had such palna In my lungs I feared pneumonia. - I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and It straight ened me 'up Immediately. I can recom mend It to be a genuine cough and lung medicine." Many mothere write this reliable medicine cured their children of croup. Hay Fever and asthma sufferers say It gives quick relief. Hold everywhereAdvertisement. iBailey Resigns as Y.M.C. A. Secretary James P. Ballsy, slate secretary of the '.Young Men's. Christian association for , j If teen years, hss resigned from thst po sition because of poor heaV.h. He has U- engaged. In Young Men's 't'hrlstlan association work for twenty-, even years, being located in Cambridge, Meas.: Ruck Island and Freeport, 111., and at other places. PHYSICIAN HAS HOPE OF SUTHERLAND'S RECOVERY ' Krn a Mtaff Correspondent.) 1 I.INXI.N. het. S.-8peclal.) Mrs. l"eter. Usrrctt. wife of leputy Attorney t.eural Karrtt. went to Kanaaa City t.Uy to remain several weeks with hr falser. ex-Coiigresman R. D. Suther. l.-uid, who is being treated by a ape. i iuu Ur. liohan. The physician otfeis i.iu.-li encouragement of his ultimate re lo.ery. II rev-ina from Dr. liohan S tu.naoi that Mr. hut her land la suffer ing with sn anemic condition of the M.H..1. SKIN BATHING wlrhrv Mews tea. - t FAIRbL'Itr. Neb.. So.. S.Spuial.) A c:unse la Rock Island road masters on i he Kalrbury-Horton district was nude this week. G. A. KsLOitah resigned and was succeeded by Fred brokenrvger of Huwhattan.' The annual picnic at Day kin was' held -estenlay. Ole Oitsun has returned from sojourn wit friends in Kansas City, Mo., ajul lesumed bis work as train dunclier Ip lli IUm island offlooai at tills point. Trs.lumastr W. W. Cameron added an extra cuactt placed on the local freight runs Ml u-nd St on the Falrbury-Neisuii lines to todmmudilt visitors to the Thayer county fair et Desnler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred UcKerx-her have i t 'j rood frutu a month's sujouro iih tnwdrS .n4 relatives la Cfcfoego. WITH CUTIOJRA SOAP Means in most cases a soft, clear skin free from irritation, mines; roughness and pimples. Samples Free by Mail Caltanra Baa sag OtaiBat aulS mrrikM VWral mmnrn at ski (uAw trmm wlik II I Sua, aearaw sat mr4 "CuUmrm, iJvat. I7P, anas. HAV FEVER rull particular! free about the plnil of IOWA HAY KKVKU CU B Hoaie treatment or northern i-j ort olio. Address Geoige C'Ut k, lifglstrjr. :uj Hrst National fank hldg. IK,d.e, la I i 'HATS ths BToaa or txs toww ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY It is our ploaptiro to infurin you that wo have so cured tlie neney for the World's Renowned KNOX HATS And we have reudy for-, your inspection the niObt com plete line of these , "Celebrated Hats" ever befor shown in Omaha. KNOX HATS - - $5 01T ASD BTITT BEACON HATS, $3 0T AaTB ITXTT Browning, King & Co. CEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. i v l aJ) I I I .Vl! School Starts Tuesday SATURDAY is the logical day to complete the scholar's ward robe. Where? Can you do better than at the store that caters specially to Boys and Girls? Boys' School Suits With Extra Pants We've never seen better values- Mixtures or Boy Proof Navy Blue Serge. They please our boys and are lessons in economy at . ft Other values at 6.50 $7.60 and $10. Extra School Pants $1.00 and $1.50 Boys' Bloupes in Chambray and Gingham, 50 and 75 Caps to Suit a Boy's Fancy 50, 75 and $1.00 All Wool Sweaters 1.50, $2.50 and np Boys' Pony Hose, extra stout 23f Girls Wool Dresses In JUack and White Checks, Plain Serges, very smartly 4j09 5 CC 750 Irimmoil, and French Challies in assorted designs, yJ yD y apO j y I School Shoes for Girls In button frtylo, made from dull leather with rock oak, Goodyear welt, sewed soles. Die best shoe that ran be produced at the price. Sizes y to 11 at $2.25 Sizes 11 to 2 at $2.75 School Shoes for Boys Button and lace styles, made from full stock calfskin leather, genuine) rock oak welt, sewed soles. These are ahoea that will stand the wear and tear of the school boy. The celebrated Holland make. Sizes' 9 to 13V at $2.75 Sizes 1 to 6 at $3.25 & '103 M 151648-20 FARNAM STREET. WUXa BBDOBO fls'e Voes'tr .bildreii' eady For ioliool? Tlie time is short, and every mother who hag a boy or girl going to school is concerned with tho problem of getting the youngsters fitted out with suitable clothes. Beddeo will help make it easy for you by offering some timely bargains on easy credit terms. 200 Boys' Suits, Blues and $ Mixtures With 2 Pairs of Pants Saturday Never sold here for less than $0.50 to $7.50. Coats are Norfolk or plain styles, with or without belts or patch pockets. Sizes 6 to 15. A genuine bargain, and they're guaranteed to give thorough satisfaction. K1 Ell fail mm AT LOWEST PRBE Poplins, serges, fancy mixtures, gabardines, broadcloths, etc., in midnight blue, African brown, submarine green, Zeppelin gray, navy, purple, etc; All sizes for women andmisses and juniors. The skirts come in the popular flare effects and tho coats come both long and short, lqose or fitted. Button, braid or fur trimmed. Everything new. Suits aro priced as low as. PAY ONLY $1 A WEEK SI 4i5 FALL SKIRTS In radium checks, fancy plaids, mixtures, gabardines serges, Prunella, plaid silks and silk and cloth combinations, C fl credit as low J" priced on as SMART DRESSES All the New Fall Styles in Silk Dresses, Priced From $8.50 Up WHITE CulKCHILLA CCATS From $10.00 Up LADIES' FALL HATS 1 Loaded Smokeless Powder Cheap in price, but not In quality. Costing little more than black powder shells they are cleaner and are better in every way from a game-getting: standpoint Try the "Repeater" and you will surely lika it Ifs THIS YELLOW SHELL WITH THE CORRUGATED HEAD. bf A Klew Haft j for Labor Day New Fall Suits for YJen Newest fall models in all tha new materials In light and dark Patterns. Single and double-breasted models, Nor folk Mtyles and conservatives. Patch or regular pockets. Cuffed or uncuffed trousers. Come and se the beauties priced on credit as low as , PAY ONLY 91.00 A WEEK $1250 "aatgj. BMsjgBifjegtfg aggfjaaWMSg WBMaigfsaj( aeajaBjBgagMSe ataw""" 1 p P M lis 1 1 la saw Sia SMaMaweaaWBMMgJ WesaiBBMiaw IgeBMaMaSkta baMgevggastAgMMt llia We Givt Credit to Oul-o'-Town People 1417 Douglas St. Get into business via the "Business Chances