Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1915, Page 2, Image 3
TJIK HEl): OMAHA, SATURDAY, SKlThMJJMIt l. 1!15. THREE MEXICAN . BANDI1S KILLED Fart of Band Operatinf North of Browniville Diipoied Of by County Officer!. EH TWO AMERICAN CAPTIVES BROWNSVILLE, Tel.. Sept. 3. Three of the Mexican bandtU oper ating Just north of Ilrownsvllle were killed lat nlgnt by county officer at Lob Cuatros, flTe mile east of Barreda station, fourteen nillea north of Brownsville, according to Informa tion received here today. . In addition to the Mexicans killed last night it la said a Mexican woman, deserted by her husband when the Mexican outlawa appeared at their home north of here last nlgbt. was accidentally killed by United States soldiers when she approached them ! In the darkness In search of protec tion. The entire lower border is on the alert for clues as to the whereabouts of the Mexicans. Spread out in a close cordon, which left no foot of the International boundary un petroled, the border auarda were ready to shoot at sight If the fifteen remaining Thousand Native Christians Are Killed in the Vicinity of Urumiah NEW YORK. Hpt. J.-At leant !. Chrtntlana war killed and about 4.0u others died of dlaeaae In I'rumlah. Ter during the five months of Turkleh occupation, according to a letter received by J. L. Caldwell, American minleter at Teheran, from lr. A. 8hedd of I'rumlah, and made public here today by the Treftbyterlan buard of foreign mldalons. lr. Bhedd stated that hla figures were baaed on careful Information and record, there having been l.tno Chrlntlan burials along In the city of t'mmiah and th American college compound. He aald that before the Ruaa.ans left I'rumlah on January 3 there fe and W CTirlMDina In the city and surround. nfc villages. Within a few daya after Jan nary I between 1,00 and left the country. Of the tW Chrlntlan fanilliea In the district. Dr. fhdd said that all but l. were roMwd of all their poeesnlona am nearly all suffered some le. He said the total loaa of Christiana had been entl mated at 2,M0.W and added that the Preabyterlan Mlaalon iutalned a loaa of HO.nriS during one attack. ConslderaMly more than a hundred Chrletlan girl turned Moslems during the Turklah oc cupation, the writer said. In hope of eacaplng violence. TORCH APPLIED TO PHONE BUILDING (Continued from Tags One.) no damage was done that was mora serloua than the mining of the rug on the floor of the real parlor. Nona of the detectives for the company offlclala had any statement to make be yosd the aaauranct that the Investigation hid exonerated every employe of the company. The firebug could easily have entered the building from the after th flret fire, for all of the doors and wlndowa were thrown open and kept AIMn tA RarMtl Ik. - . . ... I. - members of the band made any effort,, Uct thef wm con,;1r.b8 ,vldeno. discovered to Indicate thla. Officers are to ford the swollen Rio Qrsnde to Mexico and safety. , Mr Dreeala y Bead. The tactics of Mexicans yeaterday led army officers to believe that this band had been responsible for much of the working on soma clues that may prove productive. Tkle May Be Tip. Durln the last week or two Manager jFranlt Klgan haa repeatedly been called outlawry for the last several weeks, up on the phone by a woman whose voice First burning a railroad treetle, the ban- j he came to recognise warning him that a dlts yesterday proceeded to make away cattastrophe was soon to occur at -the with a number of ranchers' horses, burned central building. The same woman called an Irrigation pump station and an auto, j up frequently and repeated her wsrnlngs mobile, twelve miles north of here and . to the girls who answered her ca.l. The calls were made obth day and night but cap pod the day with the kidnapping of three A merle as a Earl Donaldson, a farmer from Fay ette, Mo, and J. It. Smith, an engine tender, were killed and their bodies thrown into a dried lake. Stanley Dodds, a contractor, was unharmed by the Mex icans, presumably because one of the number thought he was a Clerman. Dodds, . minus his shoes and hat, escaped from the band when attacked by the American soldiers. Anloeto Flsano. who is ssld slant stste of fear and when the build. to have been engaged In other outlawery , Ing waa found to be on fire they hastily on the lower border and In an effort to left their posts. enter Mexico to Incite a revolution sgilnat I There haa been no explanation of the the United States, was declared by of-1 origin of the fire of last February that fleers to have been the leader of the caused several thouaand dollars of dam' bandits. Soldiers lajored. WASHINGTON, Sept. I. The War de partment today received the following report sent last night by Colonel Bullard, commanding in the Brownsville district, of the tight with Mexican bandits yester day after a bridge, east of San Benito, had been burned: "Detachments of ths Third cavalry, Twelfth cavalry and Twenty-elxth In fantry, drove Into the brush 'Mexican bandits, who burned a bridge last night at a point about seven miles esst of Ban Benito and are making all arrangements to take up pursuit tomorrow morning. Lieutenant Faulkner, Twenty-sixth In fantry, w!h half of Company C, had a running fight with the enemy this after- noon, killing ons, wounding one and re capturing one American prisoner. No .casualties among soldiers.. When eklr mlahes began the bandits "Immediately killed' two white prisoners Donaldson . .and Smith." . - .,' Americas. Are .Tartare. Quick retribution apparently is being meted out to the band which, early yes terday burned a trestle north of Browns ville and murdered two 'Americana, Earl Donaldson and J. B. Smith. ' The Ameri cans were tortured before finally killed. At Fort Brown It was stated today In fantrv and cavalry would remain In the field until the bandits are' captured or I killed. I The body of Earl Donaldson has been t prepared for shipment to his former home In Montgomery. Mo., for burial Smith will be buried at San Benito. thousand rounds of cartridges ahd fifty four caacs of rifles, which was held up at Pan Pedro harbor by United Ptates customs authorities aeversl weeks sgo. Five Murderers Are Executed in Sixty-Five Minutes . OK8ININCJ. N. T.. Bept. . Flv mur derera were put to death in thi cleclrl chair at Sing Ping prlaon today inal.l of sixty-five minutes. The men In tiio rOir of their execution were Antonio KAlrmmo of Rochenter county, I'sequale Vendottl of New York, Loula M. Roach of Palatine Brldre. Thomas Tsrpey and William perry of New York. French Grafter Commits Suicide PARI?. Sept. 1 One of the govern ment officials Involved In army frauds In connection with the purchase of mu nitions committed suicide yeaterdsy to avoid arrest Wsrranta for other per- Mrs. Mohr Has Full Charge of Funeral of Slain Husband PrtOVIDENCTJ. R. t.. Fept. 1 Al though accused of having Incited the mupiier of her huaband. Dr. C Franklin 'ofr. one of the wealthleat pfcyaMans in the state, Mr Ellsabnth Tiffany Blair Nfohr, released on bonds of 1 10. Or H). had 'till charge of the funeral today of her husband, from whom ahe had been Sep. irsted for several months. Only the Intimate friends of the family were asked to attend the services. Whllo a large detail of police was sent to guard the Mohr home and hold in check inquisitive stwetators, detectives were searching a brook near the scene of the murder on the Nayatt road. In Harrington. According to the story of one of the three negroes who accused Mrs. Mohr of having hired the men to kilt her husband , the revolvers with Emily O. Burger, hla secretary and com panion on Tuesday night's automobile ride, wss wounded, were thrown Into this brook. Arthur C. Cushlng, Mrs. Mohr'a attor ney, said today that hs would begin a man by officials of the St. Regis Paper search for the doctor's will as soon ss the company to call out the local mllltla for funeral waa over. He could not estimate duty at the St. Reis paper mill at Iv- the value of lr. Mohr's estate, but friends of the .hyslrlan who knew the extent of his practice saJd that the property would be worth Militia Takes Charge of Strike of Paper Makers AUBANT, N. T.. Sept. J. -Governor Whltman today ordered out C company of the guard, stationed at Wa tertown, to take charge of the strike situation at the 8L Regie paper mills at Deferiet. . The governor said he had no details regarding the situation. The governor's action was taken after appeala had been received from District Attorney C. B. A 1 verso n and Sheriff Charles C. llosmer. Sheriff Hosmer said lives snd property were In Imminent dan ger and that he was unable to cope with the sltuntlon. WATKRTOWN, .V. T., Fept. I. Appli cation has been made to Governor Whlt- frrtet. Rioting took place at the mil last night, sliots being fired through win dows of the mills. Telephone wires were cut and several men were pommeled by the strikers. Sheriff Hosmer of Jerraon county has a force of about thirty deputies In charge at the mill. Wounded Officer Kills Prisoner in a Revolver Duel 1TINQHAM, Mass.. Sept. 1 With bis skull fractured and his nose broken by blows from a hammer. Chief of Police Washington James today shot and killed one prisoner and asalsted In capturing; another after the prisoners had severely beaten him and locked him In a cell in an attempt to escape. Two street car employes saw the pris oners leave the jail and released the chief, who started In pursuit. Hs over took the men a half mile from the Jail, end In a revolver duel, shot and killed James Harmon. Wallace Williams, a I In Walter Welsh, the other prisoner, made a dash, but was captured a few minutes later. After the fight the police chief we taken to a hoapltal In a serious condition. First Submarine Base to Be Located at New London WASHINGTON. Sept l-The first o the American submarine bases contem plated in the plan for an Inner defense line of submarines along all coasts will be located at New London, Conn. The Navy department la working out detail and the new base probably will bo in operation in a very short time. It Is planned to give crews of coax, defense submarines shore Quarters. The ships will run out to sea on daily cruises or on patrol duty. Eventually It is pro posed to have similar stations all alonr the coasts. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. In every Instance the woman refused to 1 on" ,n complicity with technical agents give her name or answer any questions. The phone waa Immediately hung up after the strange messages were given. Mrs. Gtmstead. the night operator, waa called up several times and given warn ing. . Several times ' the voice at the other end of the line asserted that the building was to be blown up. The reautt was that night operators worked In a oon- age. eDtectlvee do not promise any Imme diate resuiu from their Investigations. Obregon Buys Arms at Los Angeles eammwaammMa LOS ANOBLES, Cel.. Sept. 1-Cblonel J. J. Obregon, brother of General Alvaro Oftregon. the Carransa military chief; Artoro Gonxales and, a number of other prominent Mexicans,, were here today to purchase lioo.oory worth of arms and am munition for the use of Carransa forces now operating In the states of Slnaloa and Bonora. The Mexican officials say they have been Informed thaV'no embargo exists upon ths exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico and the new pur chases will be taken south with a con signment consisting of several hundred of the army and navy have been issued The idea that a soldier of Frsnce should desert the army at the time of his country's greatest need, so we'ghed upon the mind of Lieutenant Poncet that he committed suicide today under the hallucination that he himself was a deserter. The lieutenant was a clerk of the su preme court and bad been detailed to act as a representstlve of the ministry of Justice before the second court-martial of Paris. He was called upon to Inves tigate many cases of desertion. His m'nd thus fixed upon this subject, 1 came to haunt him and preyed upon him until he became deranged. Today he ehot himself. PANAMA EVPOS'TION IS FREE FROM DEBT SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. J.-Wlthfthe payment tonight of the PanJfn.v Paclflo exposition will be free of debt. To slimsllxe the event a big celebration Is planned In which former President William II. Taft wlU participate. Symbolic pageantry Is to be a feature of the exercises, which will culminate in the burning by Mr. Taft of the exposition mortgage... Charles C, Moore, president of the exposition, win deliver an address. The remainder ot the evening Vill be given over to a carnival.' . Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. 'Frisco Chinese Will Start New Shipping Line 1 SAN FRAN CISCO. Cel., "1-Five snllUon dollar have been subscribed and (half a million set aside for Instant call by a ooierla of Chinese merchants In .hL city and the orient to finance a tew steamship Una to ply between San (FYancUoo and China, In rivalry to the lapanase lines already In operation. It (was announced her today on authority it John L. McNab of this elty. attorney for the Chines. Mr. McNab stated that a committee for grUmlnary organisation In th new company la quietly engaged In securing i ptlons on ships. Most of th work haa been accomplished within the last week fcy the Chinese merchants, ths majority luf whom are members of the Chinese 8U companies. ' The Chinese. McNab said, expect to gteg-ln with vessels adapted to ths pecu- 11a r conditions of their oriental trade hat is. they wilt have limited cabin fa cilities and great steerage and freight Opacity. Later, according to Attorney McNab, the Chines hope to have several first Mass vessels, capable of handling the beat tourist travel In the world. If the jfhlneee cannot purchase their ships, they Will have them built. At all events, Mr. tacNab status, the vteeela will be put Into active service as soon as they can M obtained. iSEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND IN CURACOA FACE STARVATION CHICAGO. 111., Sept. 1-Death by star- inrvuao (our rears or crop failure faces the Tt.Oue Inhabitants ot K"uracoa Island In ths Dutch Wast Indies .unlea help la sent them, according to jthe Rt Rev. M. Q. Vuylsteke. Catholic 'bishop of Curocoa. who. arrived here to. 'day seeking aid for ths Islanders. "The suffering In my dloceee a fully as terrible as In the war-stricken countries ef Europe," aald B shop Vuylsteke, "and Jl that Is needed to e'tevlate the condl- I jllona there Is bread, seeds, water and i good of all kinds. For four years there .have been no crops and the Island la ' Kumlng into a veritable deeert" ' , The bishop aald that M.OOQ colored peo- i k!e. U.WS Irid'ane and more than 1.000 1 piolltoder were In distress. ealon's For Store itas Saturday It is true economy for every person in Omaha to come here Saturday and supply their needs for the many articles we have specially priced herein. Look over this list of exceptional bargains. There is sure to be some thing you want or will want in the near future: 11.09 Horllckg Malted Milk.... gTo IS.TJ Horlick'a 'Malted Mllk...fa.T4 So Mentholatum , ... .14 tOe Ustertne ts too Pompelan Massage Cream. 15c Energene .r....le too Liquid Veneer and Pollshlig Cloth, all for Se too Vera f orm Rath Salt Is 2!o Allan a Foot leae 14 IBc Ilottle Red Wlnr (Iran l . P4" TS too D Mara Ben so In and Almond Lotion 16c D Mara Almond Soap, special. at to Don't mlsa this ocvortun'ty to lay in a stock while It lasts isc, 71l, White Rose Glycerine Hoao ...f I 20o ars Unscented Soap 11 10c Mavera Baby Hoao a lOo Wniiama Shaving Soap.. II. So J 11.00 Flvera Kac- Towder. all 15c Caatorta 11.00 Traxo tic Tooth Hruahes tls ..Ts ..10 Cigar Dept. Speci f 10c Prefsrenrla Cigars. Concha else, Saturday a 10c Vlrsina Karl Cigars a Kox of li 91 II lOo Oeorge the 4th Cigar So - Kox of to gaoi Uo Moaart Cigara. t for ....85 aaa ia lucasecaere Toilet Wster, all odors , g 7e 4711 Toilet Waters, all odors. . or , 4io eoc xi gate's Toilet Waters, odors ts t.'-c I.ustrlte Nai F.namel 1 ISO How F"orv Roarrts .....go lOo Cake Pumice Stone s 0c I' R Tube Co'd r-en....4 ftc Pond' Vanlnhlnr Cream.... le 10- Wanoue thampoo Baga, I for 15e tc Sanltal Tooth Paste or Powir for ll 15c Farltal Face Cream li tl.00 Stearns Hulr Remover. .. .gTo xMkr Meelk for Clda. Harden your system with Belt's ttne-frar-ltoncy; It kills th cold germ. Cures cuxh, ouly IRc. , All druggists. rldvrrtiKcmt'nt. I II I II I r in i D 15th snd Farnsn Streets. TKe THOMPSON-BELDEN STOlE HOWARD AMD SIXTEENTH STREETS A Corset Sale Extraordinary Bctf inning Saturday, 8:30 A. M. , CORSET SECTION THIRD FLOOR Many of our customers have been waiting for tuis sale, particularly those who have at tended previous' Cornet sales at this store. A SALE OF REAL VALUES . 5SS from all the , popular manufac tures. jfhoAiaye weakened hose support ers, othem aip arifle soiled from showing,, while the rDovitjaro in perfect condition, but in brtlten sizes -J1 hence this sale: , " t, J No apiJto rals No rctuns. tJ.SO to $15 Corsets at - $3.69 " $4 50 to 6 j(orscts at - $2.69 $2.00 to $3.5(0 Corsets at $1.69 $1.00 to cons lrr sectio Corsets at 69c mi) FLOOIt 8: SO A. M. Saturday Is the Time $2.00 and $3.50 Suitings, Handsome 56-inch Fabrics Saturday, $1.00 a Yard Priced for quick Belling. Jnst satisfy yourself on this point by looking around and making comparisons before you do any buying. Two Tables Piled High. DRESS GOODS SECTION. Beautiful Fall Hats New for Saturday Our Millinery Section is a-bloora with) all the glorious colors of autumn, on hats of exquisite charm and newness. $10.00, $12 50, $15.00, $16.75, $18.00, $21.75. These hats are so exceedingly pretty, the new shapes so attractive, and the values so unusual, that they will sell rapidly. Shapes and Materials Are the Best Thompson, Belden & Co. The Fashion Center of the Middle West Why Not Have Your Fall Apparel For Labor Day? Attractive Offerings Tailored Suits, $25.03 and $35.00 New Coats, $16.50 and $25.00 Fall Dresses, $19.50 and $25.00 These prices include the charge for any al terations. The name Thompson, Belden & Co., Reliable since 1886 is your assur ance of the correctness . of style and the relia bility of the tailoring. The Store For Shirtwaists 100 "Waists, including silk, chiffon, crepe de chine, Georgette and lingerie, waist values to $7.50 Final Qft Clearing Z OK Coiffure Arrival Clearance Sale of Hair Goods Closing out eale of all our popular summer styles at greatly reduced prices. Making room for our Fall goods, we will place on sale these items. Note price reductions: 20-Inch Switches of fine Wavy Hair - 93 24-Inch Switches of fine Wavy Hair, $?1.8U 28-Tnch Switches of fine Wavy Hair, $2.83 All-around Transfor mations of fine Wavy Hair - - - 30e All-around Transfor mations of Nat ural Wavy Hair, $5.43 Psyche Puffs of fin. est French Cut Hair - - - - $1.13 A New Bilk Umbrella To go with your new Kail suit. Our variety of blacks and colors Is unusual attractiveness. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. Ov ep-to-ete way ef heedlU very part ef a fcoUdiaf opeeeUea krtafa eetlsf eotory reeult. te Horn Ovien. Omaha. Ktbruu. Aocmrt 1. U14. Beekere KMltr Co., uaw. A.brefke. AfUr wvcrml rui la th. home wblck n lea 1i 4 built for a we with to nr toet tt k.i Mt our everr .tloi.n.o. We eat oelr Mura4 kr year kalldlitf rnm. e nlrh clan ua ballfullr aVad caaaluly er. "P kw,ei. but Mint ell of the ,Uu, i uli. nd bulldlof tMuinnlla, arrloe at a much h.r wlce thaa w. eoa 4 har. axprcue ka4 tka kuiliiBf km fcao4to4 aadw tk. .14 .rw.ia ot waraie arckltaot. and eaetiaetara, ate. W. are aaora-taaa wulalwd vltk tha arrrlM fra rrard u. kacauaa rxallM that ka.e a t tMulllul aad aabaiaattal hum. fcallt acctudinc to I tb. kMt eaaatractloa BMthoe We eladlir racunutMad yoar earvlca to aay aba mmimm Mar elak ta Mare e aetitfaotorr Imnii. I Slaaaralgr rovra. " " (Slfaad) MR. AND MRS. J. II. KELLY. TUs la oaly Oae ef a IVanr. Iiaktt ef Ztter wa kava I eirea fnxa people foe whom wa kava kmlit Ibotmea. Sec Us Before You Build Few people realise the importance of having complete plans and speci fications made In such a way that they cn know definitely the final coat before work commences. re in a position to draw your plans and give you definite assur ance of final cost and to execute yonr building In a moat efficient and economical manner. We will give financial assistance to those of our building customers who desire it. Same ef Mr. u Wra, J. M. Kelly, aaetnu aad arnQt Vy Baa Mealty Xaveertmeat Oomf aay. JTJankfrs JJraltu flnurntmmt (jjonrjami .aeta Over a MUUon UoUara. Office. Ground Fluor Bee Uldg., Omaha. Telephone Doug. 2920.