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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
The Omaha Daily Bee Call Tylr 1000 If Tou Want to Talk to The IVee or to tnyone (.Vinnertexl with The Pern. TltK WEATnEi. Showers VOL. XLV XO. 07. OMAHA, SATURDAY M0RX1X0, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915 SIXTEEN PAGES. Oa Train. at Hotel Mews btaade, etc sa SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CAN'T ARBITRATE PRINCIPLE UPHELD BY UNITED STATES Only Extent of Damage. Arising Out of Lusitania Sinking Can Be Placed Before Tribunal. THIS POSITION OF AMERICA Probably Will Be No Opposition to Fixing Amount of Dam ages Thus. CARTE BLANCHE TO BERNSTORFF WASHINdTIN. Sept. 3. The! Amerlcanposlttontoward a method of fixing reparation for lives and prop erty lost in German submarine opera tions, scuh as the Lusitania and the Arabic, has not been finally deter-1 mined, but there probably will be no opposition to fixing the amounts by arbitration. Aa arbitration, however could cover only the extent of damage and not the question of the principle that unarmed merchant ehlpa must not be sunk with out warning and opportunity for the es cape of nonoombatants. Berlin dispatches, apparently officially Inspired, Baying Count Ton Bernstorff, the German ambassador, has wide dis cretionary powers to apeak for his gov ernment in the final negotiations over submarine warfare, have caused a large measure of gratification among American officials, who have had many evidences of the ambassador'a efforts to prevent break between Germany and the United Btatee. Police Officers Use Their Clubs During Crane Strike Riot BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept. 1 A riot In which hundreds of persons took part took place outside the Crane Valve com pany today, and ten police officers were forced to use their clubs to regain con trol of the situation. During the scrimmage two pistol shots were heard. vit as no one was reported hot, it ia supposed iomi excited person fired Into the air. The trouble started, according to the officers on duty at the Crane plant, where a strike of machinist has been in force for several weeks, when several men tried to prevent others from going in. Two men, alleged to have been leaders in causing the disturbance, were fined end given sentences of aix months In Jail. Three policemen were injured in Colorado Dry Law . May Be Taken Direct : to Supreme Court DENVER, Colo., Sept. 1 The state au preme court will be asked to take orig inal Jurisdiction in action seeking to en Join officiate of the city and county of IJenver from granUng saloon llcenw. ex- tending bevond Januarv 1. 1916. it was lnounce today Fred Farrtr aUo" v TntraL " Colorado's statewide prohibition constl - tutlonal amendment becomes effective on that date. City and county officials of knver will join in the requeet. ' ft. v. , in i kl. J.HO liuimcy erurii win uim .. iir ni,rt th around that everv chase of 1 "i i. huU,Uh,u . .uu.u.,1 w.- tutionai nueatlona and chaos and disorder 1 will prevail unless there is a speedy de .7. ..,".w" . cision by the supreme court. CRUISER TENNESSEE LANDS GUNS AT CAPE HAITIEN CAPB HAITTBN, Haiti, Sept 1 The American cruiser Tennessee, arrivina from Philadelphia, debarked 100 artillery men, with machine g-una, today. Oeneral Oacoe, the revolutionary leader, and hia followers declined to lay down their arms and retired in the direction of Hlnohe and Gonalves. They left behind -them. however, troops which took up positions , outside the city to shut off ooromunica tlona with the interior. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vi-lnlty -Partly cluudy; not much change in temperature. Teaaneratnr at Omaha Yesterday Hour. 5 a. m.. 6 a. m.. 7 a. m.. 8 a. m.. 9 a. m... 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. 12 ta 1 p. m.. 2 p. m.. t p. m.. 4 p. m. . 6 p. m.. p. m.. 7 p. in., t P. in.. Peg. ... 64 .... SO ' V Oi, I . 7 . 80 . 81 . W . 83 . . &1 . 78 ""a aal Record. 1H15. 1914. 118. 11Z. llla-hest yesterday M 81 W 84 iwo yeateiday 63 87 7 Mean teinuerature .... 74 6S 87 '"recipltatkm ft .00 .00 M Temperature and precipitation depart rtsa liom the normal: Normal temperature , 70 J.xc for Uib day .. 4 Total def icier ry lnce March 1.?. 477 Normal precipitation N. .W Inch J(ivi,cy for the day lneh T-lolal ra.nfall since March 1. .U. 17 inches xcoss sines March 1 08 inch eflc encv for cor. period. 101 4 4.96 Inches Jjefiuiency for our. period, 1!13 8.40 inches stcpria irasa stations at T P. M. Station and (Mate Tm. Hluh- Raln- or Weather. fheynne. cioudy ., Tavenport. clear .... Atenver, cloudy P odge City, clear .. JLandor, cioudy ..... (North Platle, clear V irnaha, clear jpueblo, part cloudy THapld City, clear 1 p. 111 ....8 ....78 ....74 ... .M ....74 ..,.7-1 .,..78 ..70 I . est. fall. 72 .00 8J , .i 74 ' .u0 80 .0U 68 1.42 80 .(M) 84 .XJ f) .( 74 .00 ! .86 ( .'A .70 80 .00 84 .00 Forecaster. (salt Lake t'liy, cloudy Fanta re, part cloudy. tliieridan, cloudy loux City, clear Aaitntlne, clear r L. A. WELeil. : ...Hit ...3 ...76 ...78 LEMBERO'S STREETS DON THE ROBES OF PEACE Lcmberg was captured by the Russians during their great advance, and recaptured several months later by the Aus trians. On both occasions the city was under fire and starvation threatened the inhabi tants. The remarkable elasticity of the Aus Irian temperament Is illustrated in this photo, taken after the Austrian reoccupation. Except for a small squad of passing soldiers, busi ness and civic life seems to have resumed its normal state. t n BBBOngnnxaa i a-' w TURNERS COMPETE FOR WESTERN TITLE Tel Jed Sokol Athletei Gather in Omaha and Begin Preliminary Competitions. BOY EXCELS AT THE HIGH JUMP Tel Jed Sokol athletes of the prin cipal states of the west have begun competition for the western cham pionship at the South Side field at Twenty-first and U streets. More than seventy-five athletes engaged in the games and trains are bringing the remainder of the 150 or more who are scheduled to take part in thevmeet,u.w-.' . . ; Preliminaries were "begun at once. Work on the parallel bars, the running nigh Jump and pole vaults were the principal contests of the morning. Teams from Kansas, Iowa, the Dakotaa and Nebraska practiced. Hoy Beats Hleh Jampvre. "Skin" Krecek, is-ycar-old member of the Omaha Tel Jed Sokol division, proved a wonder at the hieh lump. Breaking; his record of 5 feet S Inches, he exceeded even ' "" BUl - 11 u l the next fraction in three trials. The South Side record for adults was 5 ,'et 1 inch. Tha state record amons the hlKh achooU i. 6 feet i Inches. . , 1 ana ahot-put contest, will be; 8e1 wt. The real Interest of the ' tournament will come when the finals in 'vants are staged in the spacious ha.l .or ItlA Knulh Slilp liinn I i J . I Birrnrr .'i n r .n I Dfflir, (Saturday evening- Joe Steelier, his ' i. . i . r..j . j i his "u " "u" sciwu- I uled to take part. The wrestling cham- plon, however, has sent word It is highly probable that he will be unable to ap - rf. iuii Hijwwiitn. in mi- j cago juonaay nignt commnea witn nis , engagement at the State fair at Lincoln Is the cause of his hesitancy. Three Balkan States Consent to Revise Bucharest Treaty ROME. Sept. 2 (Via ParK Sept. S.) hw"w, J Al 41 tt-v , m . Revision of the treaty of Bucharest has operators, were out of the building get been agreed to i xp.;cltly by Serbia. Rou- ting their luncheon. mania and Greece, according to reports j In was In one corner of the parlor ad recolved here, but it Is said these coun- ' Joining the rest room on the Scott street tri. . not willina- to satisfy entirely . ot the building. Curtains torn from Bulgaria's claims to territorial conipen- satlon tor participating In the wur. But Bulgaria's pretensions arparently are irreconcilable with what its netgh are willing to grant, and the lin- preMion is gaining-ground there that it is orolonulng the negotiations with the aim iof postponing the day when it must reach a d- iUlon. OVERALL BUTTON HOLDS CAUSING DEATH OF MAN CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. I. (Special.) The truthfulness of the guarantee of the maker of a brand of overalls that ,u I the buttons cannot be torn off caused the I Aa th n Arlallinl a JannneHA oiler .,,.,. h l.l .hnn. nf tt, frill. n iww-vjv r - Pacific. Arisuml was sent to a manway I .hove a large flywheel to oil a heated bearing. A piece of wire projecting from the wheel caught a button on hit overalls and ha was Jerked from his footing and whirled around" In the wheel for nearly a minute before the machinery could be stopped. With each revolution his body was battered against a brick wa'l. Every strip of clothing, including his shoes, wss stripped from his body and nearly every bone was broken. After the machinery was stopped the button, still attached to a large piece of the overalls, was found held by the wire. ORDER OF BLACK EAGLE FOR VON MACKENSEN BERLIN, Sept t Ry Wireless to Tuckerton. Emperor William has con ferred upon Field Marshal Von Macken sen the Order of the Black Eagle, the highest decoration within 4he emperor's gift, the Overseas News agency an nounced today. iTT .v A I 5 1 f: . " is ' n 11 TORCH APPLIED TO PH0NEBU1LDING Firebug at Council Bluffs Makei Four Attempts Thursday Night . to Barn Sown Exchange. POLICE FINDING,. FEW CLUES Police detectives of Council Bluffs and Omaha are aiding th officers ol the independent Tel phone company, Council Bluffs, the effort to solve the mystery c nected with the attempts mvle Thursday night to deBtroy the Coin ell Bluffs central offke buiidftig, The determination is not: only I to solve the ' mastery, but to 'dltcr the party who placed in Jeopardy not only the building, but the Uvea of the young women operators and other employes of the company. Mysterious warnings had been given that the building was to be de stroyed. . , . There were four attempts to destroy the building-, and the cunning and bold T a vnZ a.tpt' J JZl'iZl ? Men Christian association building- tn th year, ago, a crime aubaequently confess by W. E. Cot- " UJ e ' n,f J "t", to'.t1W0 caef' """"J" - hav, completely exonerated - ' - " f '--'- w. . j ... 7. v. ..... v.. ,ttiA rfrAhno. la r. Mitujrior biviiiu ntn with the Interior of the building and tho as ..- u-- . uvmubiiiku wlth the Interior of the . . ... nanus or the employes. The first attempt to burn the building j was made about 10 o'clock Thursday mlg - ht, when a fire was started In the nuuiwni corner oi m wuemem, wnore two coats, hanging on the wall, had been saturated with gasoline and fired. The Second Attempt. mew ; ine aecona attempt was alter uo ciock, i ""-. " ium; vames. up- manrgentlne Central association and when another fire waa started in the ward bound, were groping blindly for a !th, oemnn-Brazilian Commercial asso northeast corner of the basement, where1 stable position. Analysts of financial 'CatIon. The constitution of the new or some Inflammable fluid waa poured over ! matters attributed the quest for higher ranration defines Its purpose aa to foster a pile of insulated wire, and set afire, 'levels chiefly to the theory that both 'relations, especially of a commercial and The insulation burned aad both flrea.hero and In London the apeoulators had economical nature between Germany and required the presence of the firemen. jreullitd simultaneously that they bad the countries of Pouth and Central A mer ino inira lire occurrea curing mo rest period at midnight, when all of the em- I PWea, except four of the young women lne wmuows were tnrown upon ine noor and surrounded by some of the heavy Aaiken nhalre m rA net aa4Meaa t,Kav amnlra , ,". " , " J . ., ,, '. " tiuieKiy nimi mo uuiiuimh. Autr cm- urea at .. a loas 01 1 cent from yea ployea with hand fire extinguishers had terday. suppressed the flames the metal hangings . London Market Erratic. of the curtains were found in the pile u. .,e . w.t, w. uu,. charred and a new 190 carpet rug waa ! ruined. Fifteen minutes before the fire was discovered a doxen of the young wemen wore in the room, and it 1 thought the firebug slipped in a moment after they left. l)Horlvr Arc fcot Talklajr. I The fourth attempt was made when the large tarpaulin In the rear of the main switchboard was partly lowered, but not ' trfA althkllirh fnr An'.nir kj. ! woro .IHr.. U'llh -. .inllnn nf I. ' , ' badly frighttmng the operators and caus- uig them hastily to leave the. building. (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) THEGATLCITY Omaha' next distinguished "top-off" gueat is Rev. "Billy" Sunday. And. aa Bishop Bristol says, he is coming' to hold his revival here not because Omaha is a bad town, but because it is such a good town. OF-THEWEST -T 1 I "1 i - l ll.ll fWt Sigh exchange MAfeKET ERRATIC -V- Swift Rise of TenTCvts in Sterling Over Tuesday! Close Followed by Eight-Cent Drop. . SPECULATORS HUNTING COVER ieW YORK. Sept. 3. It was re ported in Wall street today that Grea't Britain had obtained a prelim inary redlt loan In New York City to tide -over pressing obligations and stem the (downward trend of sterling exchange rates until a mammoth credit loan ciiaj be floated here. Foreign moneV values soared from low to high and Baea-ta In ttrntlc and erratic fashion today. AU" bal last was thrown overboard at the opening of the market and values under the leadership of sterling shot swiftly upwaTd for an extreme rise of 10 cents over last night's quota tions. ; Within an hour they bad set tied, with many falls and rebounds, to within 2 cents of yesterday's close, In their spectacular flights values held only to a general sense of direc tionupward. Opening; (taotatlona. Opening quotations on sterling were all the way from 14.70 to 14.75, the latter fig ure belntr qouted In only .one Instance. (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) At fl 73 it was reported there were sev- . . ml Transat uons The next quotation to ; il 1 1 IMaH I 1 1 ri IIIM I ll'KP rm Willi mM TM . flaw market finally reacted to S4.65 and there seemed fairly stationary : jn B market where sensations have eucceednd one another daily, no such i ntarllini! variations of valuatlons had , ever been recorded before as that of to day. The confusion of the first hour .pointed clearly. In the opinion of local . iuuk ovemiayea u:eir position ana were ruling to cover. !llon an(, .tr,,,,, among the members rne rising value of the pound sterling of ,h, glK)C,aUoni t,nd to the pre, waa reflected in. the stock market by j oommerclal, financial, industrial, shlp lewer feicitf.i sata of American aecurl- j plngi ,agisatve and administrative news. Shortly before noon sterling was quoted at H.. The market wss then easy. Francs were quoted at 16.91. a gain of j 4 cents overnight; reichsmarke, at , ..lfe 1 4 t . , 1. 1 1 m ; a.-i. V1UB 01 eir and , LONDON, Kept. I. There were further erratic uuciuauona in American Exchange' tnm morning and the market was nervous for a time. Cable transfers ODened un. settiea and considerably higher than New trlbutlng news in the United States un York at H 85 to 84 87. The quotation ', favorable to the Carranxa party. Is to jumped almost Immediately to 8470, sell-, be released tonight, General Carranxa era, titers being few buyers. having issued orders to that effect. No At about noon there were some cover-1 explanation as to the circumstances ing operations which caused a decline i which led to the Issuance of the releaae to $4 (4.V4. where the quotation stands! order have been given, for the present. The rise already has had a detrimental ! The st1 department at Washington effect on the market for American se- n" twlce made demand 'r h release curttlee. American railroad .tn. k. of Francis. The most recent rcpresenla- 1 to I points below yenteiday. Although more stock is coming out, there ia not the same Inducement to sell as when the transfer rate stood at 84.60. DAMAGE SUIT GROWS OUT OF SHENANDOAH QUARREL SHENANDOAH, U.. Sept. t-8oec!al.) Punching the price of a cigar on a ' meal ticket In violation of the cash ays , tern was the cause of a heated argument at the Elk cafe at supper time Sunday : night, which has resulted In a ault for j j li.COO damages brought by M. E. Beach. ' jKlce president of the American lav. j Stock Powder company and city council, man, against the management of the cafe. He charges In bis notice of suit that O. W. Griffith, one of the pro prietors, unlawfully assaulted him and used abusive language The trial will come up In the December term of the superior court. O. W. Brown Is attorney for Mr. Beach. . BRITAIN HAS MADE NO PEAGE MOVES; U. S. IS WAITING Recent Rumors Hare No Founda tion in Any Steps Taken by the English Government, it is Learned. AMERICA NOT PUSHING IT United States Will Make No Farther Efforts Until Both Sides Indi cate Willingness. , TEUTONS SAID TO BE READY m M.ETIX. LONDON, Sept. 8. In hlRh offi cial circles here it is learned authori tatively that recent rumors of peace have no foundation in any step taken by the British government or in any statement issued here from author itative sources. No member of the government would allow himself to bo quoted in discussion of the peace rumors which rocently have gained wide circula tion. The Associated Press, however, wag authorised to make public the foregoing explicit denial. WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. The United States will make no further efforts to brlngabout peace in Eu rope until It has received informa tion that its good offices will be wel comed by both sides In the conflict. This was stated unauthoritative here today in official discusnlons of the message from Pope Benedict, de livered to President Wilson yester day by Cardinal Gibbons. From the fact that the Vatican is in close touch with Austria, the con struction placed by officials on the pope's message is that the Germanic powers would be willing to discuss peace at this time. It was stated by those in closest toucti with the ad ministration that similar word will hav to be received from Great Br)V,n and its allies before the pres ident will make any further move. Orlalnal Offer Stand. President Wilson had made it clear sev eral times, that his original offer of services to bring about paee still stands today bado c.rriclal farewell to Flew Mar and that ha will do everything possible to ' Von MackcnBen. the com. further the movement. The X-Vnlted. rr.andcr. at Brcst-Lltovak. aa henceforth Ptatea, however, will do nothing 1 i U-.l V to tndariger Its position aa a friend to all belligerents, It waa said authorita tively. The pope'a message will not bo made public by this government, although there would be no objection if Cardinal Gib- bons gives It out Enough of te con tents of the message Is known, however, to give basis for Indicating that Aus tria. Germany and Turkey are not ad verse te, discussing peace. I Five Per Cent of British Merchant Vessels is Lost BERLIN, Sept. 3.-ny Wireless to Tuckerton, N. J.) "The Cologne Gusntte publishes statistics showing that the j losses to British shipping during the war at the minimum amount to 4 per cent of the Whole tonnage," says the Overseas News agency. "Of vessels above 100 tons an average of one in twenty of the Brit ish fleet haa been lost." The German Economical association for South and Central America, of which Dr. Bernhard Dernberg has been elected pres- i. .. formed hv enmhlnlnir the Ger- i. . . ell-. In Iha countries In oues- News Writer Held in Jail in Vera Cruz to Be Released VERA CRUZ, Mex., Sept. S. Henry W. PV-ncis. a newsnaner correspondent. who : was Imprisoned here August 10 by order 'nf runrnl rarranxa. rharmil with dla. ! tlon on Auut 27. wer ad to have been of a vigorous character. Francis Is a British subject, but was In Mexico under employment by an Amer ican concern. Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee GERMANS FORTY MILESJROM RIGA Hindenburg Makes Still Further Progress Toward Rus sian Port. GRODNO HAS BEEN OCCUPIED BKRLIN, Sept. 3. The German troops which are advancing on the important Russian port of Riga on the Baltic have made a further con sequential gain. Official announce ment was made here today that they captured a position noorthwest of FriedrU-hstadt, which is about forty miles from Riga. The army of Field Marshal von Hindenburg has captured Orodno, the last of the strong Russian fort resses to hold out. Announcement waa made at army head quarters today as follows: "Field Marshal von Hindenburg'a army conquered Grodno after rapidly forcing a psKsage of the Nlemen and fighting the KtiMlana In the streets of the city. The Hermans reached the Nlemen between the Augustuwo canal and the Swtslocs Inline warden line. German cavalry ad vances to the northwest and west of Vllna. The Kulana attempted to oppose our advance, but failed, suffering extra ordinarily large losses. Pouthesat of Mereos the Russians were thrown back. Oeneral von Oallwlts' troops broke the reslntanre of the enemy on the Aleks-syce-SwInlors road. Field Marshal yon lllndt-nbiirg's army captured more than rtmlnn as well as one cannon and eighteen machine runs. Ilavarlana Baay. "The army of Prince Leopold of Ba varia Is still engaged in battle north of rVu ninny. "The army of Field Marshal von Mae enaen, pursuing the Russians, reached the Jaalolda river near Pllnek and Herexa and also In the district of Anto pol, east of Kobrln. Austro-IIungarlan troops are advancing to the east and south of Holoto and DutowJe. "Southeastern theater of war: Oeneral Bothmer's army la advancing and Is fighting In the Hereth district. "Western theater of war: Near Souchea attarks delivered by the French w'th hand grenades were repulsed. In Flanders and the t'hampagne mlnee We" exploded euccensfully." To (in Koath. LONDON1. Pept. 8, The German and Austrian armies on the eastern front are about to part ecanpany, according to a dispatch to the Exchange Telegram com pany from Amsterdam. This quotes a meaeage from Vienna announcing that Field Marshal Aniiduku Fredirtck. com- mandr-ln-chlef of the Austrian armies. ' 1 llu I'S" " 1 s w v" 'nsMiiin "'--' 10 "cease co-P4 rating, . The messatre says It la believed the Austrian armies that have been operaU ' ,n" romnu snortiy wm ve removeo in ' " "irc-ction or Berwa. Japanese Diplomat Says Carranza Can Save Mexico GALVKSTON, Tex., Sept. S.-The first direct news from Vera Crus since the recent hurricone which broke the Mexican cable, came today ,ln a cablegram which 'stated that Japanese Mlnlater Adatchi I had left Mexico City and was enrouta to Japan. Illness cauned him to break his Journey at Orizaba lust night, but bl secretary, BcnJIro Ohashl, continued to Vera Cruit and in an Interview aald: "The situation has been horrible In Moxioo City until recently, but due to the constitutionalist administration and the sterling qualities of Oeneral Oon xalcs, matters are rapidly Improvlnr and normal conditions roon will be reparled. The people were disposed to be un friendly to the Carrama government In the beginning, but now they are con vinced that lie la the only man to save the country. They are waiting his ar rival to greet him with enthusiasm." , POSTMASTER REMOVES CONFEDERATE FLAGS ADA, Okl, Sept. I Angry words were paned and threats made yesterday whan Postmaster M. W. Llgon removed from the federal building- several confederate flags, which hsd becd placed there In honor of the state encampment of con federate vetortana, now Ih progress here. Excitement wss Intense for a while, but Die postmaster stood pat on his declara tion that none but the Stars and Stripes should fly from the postofflce. The Day's War News (iaHOl.NDI.VO OF Important parts f the Tarklab, forere on the (i: ,111 poll penlnsale by troopa ! the en. teat ellles la reported In 4rtea front Athene te m Parte aiewe aa-raey. HI SSIAIf RESISTAWCBS te the Ger man prcssare In the north contln ara strong and Petroarrad tn Its latest statement claims an nd vanre by Its armies defending the Vllna line. (RODNO I lit PROCESS ( eynenn tloa. The Raaslans defending a point near the fortress have crossed to the rleht bank ef the Nlemen, tan Itaaalaa war efflee aays, having held the position long enongh to arenre the aafety at the retrograde operations. ta tho central and aonthcrn parts of the lino the Russian rctrcnt eontlnaes. ON TUB WESTKH FRONT there has beea a eoatlnnanco of the not able artillery activity that haa been la evidence lately. GRODNO, LAST of Rasslaa strong holds la Poland, has been cap- DISPATCH FHOM SOFIA, through Herlla, reports the slaking of a British transport, which strnck a mine at tho entrance of the Darda nelles, with tho lose of more thaa I, MOO mom EVACUATION OF FORTS OF GRODNO NOW UNDER WAY Official Report Admits that Troon Are Beintr Withdrawn from the Right Bank of the Niemee River. RUSSIAN CENTER IS HOLDING Further Local Successes Claimed Near Vilna and Elsewhere Ger man Progress in Slow. ARTILLERY FIGHTING IN WEST BKRLIN, Sept. i. (By Wireless to Tuckerton.) The army of Field Marshal Von Hindenburg has cap tured Grodno, the last of the strong Russian fortresses to hold out. LONDON, Sept. 8. The evacua tion of Grodno Is under way. Petro grad admits officially that Russian forces are bolog withdrawn from the right bank of the Nlemen. The loas by the Russians of the last of their strong fortresses has been expected and the report that lta evacuation is imminent caused no surprise here. It has been evident for some time that Gran'd Duke Nich olsa had no Intention of allowing a number of men sufficient to main tain a long defense to be penned up in any fortress which could be In vested. Along the Qallclan border General Ivanoff continues to retire, but not with out inflicting heavy losses on the Aua-tro-Qerman forces, which have been shaken several times by vigorous counter attacks. In the center and the extreme north the Germans ate making little progress. The Ituselana claim another ' local success near Vilna. "rent ArMllerjr Dael la France. The great artillery duel continues along the western front held by the French. The ultimate purpose of this activity Is still obscure. The British press Is not greatly pleased at the reception by the United States of 'Germany's promise to modify its eubma fta campaign. It complains that a promise which doea not Include Protec tion for merchantmen Is inadequate. Negotiations between Turkey and Bul- T""- T .-u o inuor rv aauiii unuer way. il ia not expected In quarters favorable to the entente allies that. 1 he y -wilt prove successful. . ; French Official Report. PARIS, Sept. i. The French war office this afternoon gave out a statement on the progress of hostilities, which reads aa follows: "In the course of last night our artillery displayed the same activity aa has been the case recently, without notable inci dent." BRIDE GOES TO DENMARK TO ESCORT LOVER HERE MAISON CITT, Ia., Sept t Special.) Here la a new way of getting a spouse. Miss Christine Larson liked America and desired to live in America. Across the Water In old Denmark lived Nils Larson, no relation, but a man bearing the same name. She loved him and he loved her, but his grit failed when he faced the ocean. Miss Larson waa braver, and on June M she sallel for Denmark, hunted up the man aha loved, brought him to this country with her, arrived In Mason City last evening, hunted up a clergr- man and the worda were spoken that made them husband and wife. THE WANT-AD WAY. an aika The beet thins for you to do If your want you would fulfill. I to put an Ad In Kunday'a paev. You'll find Uiejr fill the blU. Your house will be rented. Your business will surely thrive. But get your Ad In early, We close) at hKVEN IXJHTY-FIVD. The Omaha Bee will cheerfully take your Ad over the phone for lis big Sunday paper until 7 45 Satur day evening. Telephone Tyler 1000 and PUT IT IX. JHI.' oi kki- "-w-' .ear a. fallJl 1 a f,, tiM5