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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
16 THE J'.KE: OMAHA, SATTHDAY, SEPTEMRF.n 4, 1013. LARGE FORCE OF TURKS SURROUNDED Surrender of Important Part of Sul tan's Army on Oallipoli Penin sula Said to Be Imminent. BRITISH TROOP SHIP IS SUTfK TARIS, Sept, 3. An important part of the Turkish forces on the Oallipoli peninsula has been sur rounded by the Allies and Its surren der la imminent, says a dispatch to the Fournler agency. British Troop Ship Sank. HEIILIN, BepL 8. (Pjr Wlrrltss to Payvllle.) "Teloirrama from Sofia," says the Overseas News agency today, "stntrs that off the entrance to the lirdanollrs British trsncport struck a mine and sank with thirty-two officers, 1.2M sol diers and SO members of tlie crew, all of whom were drowned. fix hundred tKidles were recovered." The British rovernment officially an nounced on August 17 that the Hrltlxh transport Royal Edward had been sunk cm Saturday. August 11, In, tho Agoon soa y a CJarman submarine. The number of troops on board was given as 1,3M. with I officers and men of the crew, and It was stated that about ftO were saved- In the absence of a date for the sink ing of the transport reported throng n mofla It Is uncertain whether this refers to the alnking of the Rnyul Edward or to the loss of another transport by tho British. Expect Corn Crop Over Two Hundred Million Bushels Cieneral Manager Walters, who made a trip over the company lines Inst week for the purpose of noting the condition of t)ie corn crop, hns since received re ports from all the agents of the com pany within the corn growing area of Nebraska. From these reports an( "his own observations he has made some cal culations on whst tho corn crop of Ne braska will be this year in the evnsit a killing frost holds off until as late as cptemter 20 or 2.'.. Said Mr. Walterst "If the frost holds off until September 20 or i, I confidently believe the Ne braska corn crop this year will approx imate 200,000,000 bushels, which will be a bumper In the history of the state. With a late frost everything points to an enormous crop. "I have been looking up the yields since and find that wo can fall con siderably under 2Q0.OD0.000 bushels and still gather a bumper crop. "In 1!T Nebraska raised. 178,000,000 bush els of corn; in 118, lfiB.000,000; 11109, 178, 010,000; 1DI0, ira,000,OU; 1911, 164.000,000; 1913, 90.000,000; 1913, 165,000,000, and 1914, 171, 000.000. "I have been here during all these year cf the past and have noted the condition of corn each year, and have no hesitancy In saying that with the exception that corn Is a little late, It la better and more promising than at any time In the past. Strikers Declare ' Contractors Will Give In to Demand There is little activity In the situation of the bricklayers' strike. At headquarters of the bricklayers union it was stated that another con tractor, whoa nam would not be di vulged, had put on six men at tha ad vanced scale of 75 cents an hour, de manded by the strikers. It was further stated that certain con tractors were contemplating meeting tha demand tomorrow, and that there la a good prospect that twenty-six mora men will go to work at tha new scale In tha morning. Tha Omaha Builders' exchange la to hold a meeting Saturday morning to go over tha situation more thoroughly. Al Keller, president of the bricklayers' union, announces another rift In tha strike clouds. He reports that Harry J. Cooper, contractor, has agreed to em ploy seven bricklayers Saturday morn ing at the advanced wage and will take ulna more Tuesday morning for work on flats on Maple street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. CHIEF Y0EMAN HIGH IS TRANSFERRED TO COAST J. W. High, chief yeoman at tha local navy recruiting station, haa received orders transferring him to the station ship at Ooat Island, San Francisco, and his place here will be filled by Chief Yeoman O. W. Btoner. newly enlisted at tha Omaha office. Mr. High will leave for Ban Francisco October T. Ills Rest Wae Brakes. O. D. Wright, Rosemont, Neb., writes: "For about six months I was bothered With shooting and continual palna in tha region of my kidneys. My rest was broke nearly every night by frequent actions of my kidneys. I was advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Ptlla and one SO-rent bottle made a well man of me. I can always recommend Foley Kid ney Pills for I know they are good." This splendid remedy for backache, rheu matism, aore muscles and swollen joints contains no habit forming drugs. Sold every where. Advertisement Good for Children Good (or grown people, too. You couldn't prepare a better dish than MACARONI With tomatoes, cHeese, fiak, nuMbrooma or beei. Serre it 'as a main disk. Your family will ask for nor. 9m . aa uww lb Urvs Skin W HACASOM BKTNNF MK, CO, OmtMM Special Train of Italian Reservists j from Omaha Tuesday, The Italian reservists of Omaha and i Mclnlty, called to Italy to Join the rotors 1 to fight SKslnst Austria snd Tut key, will leave next Tuesdny. It Is not known Jiift 1 how many will go, tut arrangements have been made for the transportation of fo men. Prom Omaha to Chicago the reservists will go on a spoclnt train over the Illinois Central, running as a second section of No. 12 and leaving the Union station at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. From Chicago the Omaha contingent will go special to New York, snlllng from that port shout September 11 Most of the Italians going from Omaha to take part In the war In Euroi are men bctr-een the age of 24 and 86 years and generally ar" those who have come I ere wltMn the at five years. Mwl of them are single men. though there are a number who are married and have families. The families of these men will lo looked after by the member of the Italian societies and their wants pro vided for. The Italians who are going back to their native land to go to the front are report ing at the offices of Antonio Vennuto, vice consul, In the Ilrown block, where they are registered nd given Instructions relative to the trip and the disposition of their t'Uslness and other affairs here. LINCOLN GIRL IS MADE TEACHER AT OMAHA UNI Miss Fllgaheth Gordon, daughter of tho Rev. Pr. Albert Cirdon of Lincoln, has been appointed an Instructor In the de partment of English at the University of Omaha. Miss Gordon Is a graduate of the University of Nehraska, holding both a bachelor's and master's degree from that school, and wna also an assistant In the Instruction of Fnglish there. She won Phi Beta Kappa honors for scholar ship when at Nebraska Miss Kate Mr Hugh will continue to teach In the enmc department st tho Omaha school. THOUSAND NEW PUPILS FOR THREE HIGH SCHOOLS Superintendent Oraff estimates that nearly 1,000 new pupils will enter tin three public high schools next Tuesday. Five hundred freshmen are expected at Central High. E0 at High School of Com merce and 175 at South High. The departmental system will he adopted for the fifth, sixth, seventh snd eighth grades at Dundee school. This plan has been used at tho Edward Rose wnter. Long and Castellar schools for several years with success. The Drexei Kid Bayr WTien I go to school all the kids envy my shoes. Bay, I am sorry for the kids that don't wear 8 t e e 1 Shod Shoes." School Shoes For boys must be good shoes, better shoes even than "Dad" wears, that Is why yeu should buy thu best boys' shoes made. TEEL HOD HOES They outwear two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes, and they are Just as far ahead In workmanship and style. Hoys' 1 to 6 Vi $2.50. Little Gents' 9 to 1314, $2.25. Parcel Tost Paid. Dfe.xel 1419 Farnam SUIT SALE 125 Men's Buits, $10.00 QQ HELPHAND CLOTHINO CO. 314 North 16th St. rare iima Look for This Labtl 0 2M won the approval of all good housekeepers. It's enviable reputation has been attained by the great care in selecting the ritfht mate- rial and in baking the same. Don't miss having a loaf every day. 5c and 10c at Your Grocers U. P. STEAM BAKING GO. NEW WHEAT FLOUR CHEAP Brings Fifty Cent a Sack Less Than That Made of the Old Grain. BUTTER AND EGGS GOING UP Segu have advanced n nt a dofen In the last three week". They are now ft cents a dmen, having advanced 2 cents In the last week. nutter Is '4 cent higher thnn a week ago. Flour made from new wheat Is plenti ful, but not In great demand, as It Is said It does not jet make the best of brenn as the wheat that Is milled this early In tho m o son has not hart the proper sweating. Oi l wh at flour Is growing somewhat scarce and hard to obtain. The old Is selling at tl.TB a rack, while the new can be had at SI.2T. ' f'entaloupes are still abundant at 5 snd 7Vj cents apiece. Apples are 10 and IS cents a eck. Jelly crabs, or the Whltnrys, ate 2.1 cents a market basket. Iemona are abundant at 10 and 20 cents ! n. dozen. Poaches ar ff cents a crate. Oranges are X5 and 40 cents a dosen. Fresh, ripe prun-s are M cents for a four-basket crate, j Vegetable ((nntatlons. j Potatoes are 15 cents a neck, having 'com down again since the weather has I uoyr Knackers, 48c Boys' Waists, 39c Hundred of bargalnx, loo numerous to mention, hero. Ite memlier tho phwe of standard new merchandise. J. HELPHAND CLOTHING COMPANY We Save You From 25 to 35 Per Cent on your Groceries and Meats and guarantee quality and weight. SATt'KDAY SPIXHAIi PjK l"ork I-oln IloaM, per lb ....13 Fitf l'ork Chops, best ruin, per lb 15? Sirloin and Porterhouse Steaks, per lb 17 No. 1 California Sugar Cured Hams, Hindquarters l,uinb, average 5 to 7 lbs., per lb No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon back, by the strip, per lb No. 1 Sugar Cured ilacon, extra lean, by the strip, per lb., Salt Pork, per lb 8 Comp. Lar.d, 3 lbs. for. (JKOCL'KY SPKCIALS 17 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for Sl.t)0 Just received a full load of extra fancy, large band picked Red Apples, per peck Saturday 12 Diamond C Soap or Laundry Queen, 10 bars for 25 Tall cans Bulmon, Ko kind 10o Cslumet Itakinir Powder, 25c size, ISO 4 cans larice size Milk for S5o 10c cans Jain, 3 cans for lOo Be boxes Matches at IHO 8-lb. bucket Jelly (i rapes for . ..13V0 Kxtra fancy lurne cantrloupcs, Kuuranteed sweet, regular 12 kind, at 70 We roast our own Coffi-e fresh daily. Come in and see it roam, and wa save you from Do to 10c per pound. We deliver everywhere free. Mail Orders Filled Tel. 1. 15:0 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, 16c PIQ PORK ROAST 934 Hteer I'ot Roast . . . . l'lsj l'ork Hints . . . . Younn Veal Hoast . Young Veal Chops I.amh Iesrs Mutton Hoast Mutton Chops I'orterhoime Sti-ak . . Honeleas ltlh Koast Salt l'ork ,10Wo-4e Uo 111,0 14Uo Mo 6C 14', O 1,1,0 14SO o PUBLIC KV1ARKET 3 c i m i rapt 1 1 riH m ' j I The question of the best bread was always open to argu ment until Cleared to allow farmers to gel Into tl.. fields and dig thorn. reen and wax Nans are 2'4 cents pound, or 1" cents a market basket. Peas aro 10 cent a quart. Href la comparatively iheap when ti'' time last year Is considered. Concord grapea are 20 cents a taskot. iUpe wild pining ore 3 cents a grai e basket I'rlrea of Beef. I'ot masts may be had at '4 and 10' i cents. Hound steak Is 17'4 cents. ItolhiK 'wef s H cents. Sirloin steak Is 25 writ' and porterhouse 30 cents. Potk Is up tl a hundred. Chops are IT'-i cents. Sparcribs aro 10 rents. I.e:if lard is a dime a pound. Hlnd'iunrters of lambs are 13'4 cents. Foreipiarters are a dime. Spring chickens pre growing more abundant as the season advances, and can n.nv be had at from is to 20 cents n pound. Mams ere down $1 a hundred. They are cheaper now thnn they have been et this time of year for n number of years. They may bo had at IS cents a ponnd now, while a year ago they cost 20 cents a pound at this time. Mrenathrna Pure Hark. Help Kidneys. Take 6 drops of Moan s liniment four lime a day and apply to small of back. It kills the pain. All druggists. Adver tisement. A "For Sale'1 ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. J. UELPHAUD CLOTHING CO. 10th and ChlcAKo Kt. New ami I'p-to-Date. "Hualr Ilrown" Shoes for Boys and (tills,, $1.75. $2.00, $2.50. One you try tliem you always buy . 'em. Boys' Suits. .98 up Olrls' OlrU Bressea, Coats, 48c "p 6 to 8 lbs. average, ib 10c .12'4 lC lU'io .-23f at Above Prices. 24th and Cuming. Bwlft'a Pramlum and Diamond C llama 150 Skinned Hams 134o Sumir Cured Hams 4C Kxtra T.ean lireukfast Kacon . ..l4o KuKar Cured Hai on 180 SFECIAXS From t to 9 1'. M , l.umb Chops . .So From to 10 1'. M., l'ork Chops ..10o 1610 Harney St. fhon Douglas $793 HEfJl r : i . J j - - . J fasjUWIOW OUTFITTING CO.'S tfl&S FURWITURE W ekfflm k sale g 'Wl THE STORE i if tu Kg W that keeps Urn rSi Ej M? h,v THE PRiCES This is a sale of STRICTLY NEW FALL FURNITURE which has not boon in our store, over three weeks. Many of the pieces we are showing are manufacturers' samj'les. Sup ply your needs now. f you haven't room nt present for the pioris you buy, we will store them for you until you are ready for them. As Usual, Make Your Own Terms. IS yiiiuii"""" .ljlg It"- . .. .. . . - 1111 'J I HUB Union Duofold Bed Davenport Makes up into a full size bed, solid oak, upholstered in fabrlcold leather. Specially adapted for small rooms $35.00 value, only $24.50 Teleph tone Stand and StooUr Substantially made Ished in fumed oak; piece of furniture, itand and stool complete . and well fln a very useful Special for $1.98 ZZmswII COTTAGE OUTFITS $3 MONTHLY ana a o a C P F a ci a 4 o o a 1 a f I IS 1 $13.95 For a Dxl'l Seamless Velvet Jiug, popu lar small figure designs, tan, brown and green eolor. This wonderful rug value fchould ap peal to you. rf" I r Your v,m 1 taken change on the purchase of any ovitr rest nei otr ufcu.x. itiex, ax It has six 8-inch holas. Duplex arat. and upper warming 1 M closet, smooth cast- dZ4s3U tnita, very special, at . . No transac tion consid ered closed unless the customer Is entirely satisfied ;ii!if:mitfittiiwa ;EU"1? Emu 1 THREE-ROOM HOME OUTFITS $4 MONTHLY 1 Cbm 1 Any of these Specials sold on very essy weekly or monthly . payments. Duntley "Gold Medal" Vacuum Sweepers The greatest labor saver ever invented in the dally household duties. . Abso lutely cleans everything from the floors and rugs.. It has also a brush attach ment for picking up lint; now priced at $4.75 old store In ex range. F1VE-DUAWEK CHIFFOX ItK Finished in golden, perfectly plain pattern, no mirror, very practical and very low in price for Sep tember selling, for $4.75 Union w DMAHA S.E.COR.I6TBJACKS0N Let The Bee get you a 'Situations Wanted" ads V BEAUTIFUL NEW BUFFETS similar to illustration. Golden or fumed oak, colonial or mis sion design. Well constructed. f$":... $14.50 H FOUR-ROOM HO.YE OUTFITS VBRY FINE $5 MONTHLY c Mail Orders Filled on any of these Specials No rrslrkt AU lowed on Bp olals. Goods sold out of town on easy pay ments. Freight paid 200 miles. Write us. We are also sole agents for the How ard Overdraft Heater and Ranges Colonial Dresser Solid oak construction, weU finished, and a very desir able, honest pleoe of furni ture; Septem- djO ber sale price, apAa&.OVJ Goods placed on sale at this store must be of guaranteed quality. v job. are free. 0 D ; 1 I "XT bt mm m m ar i i Afaca