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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1915)
11 IK KKK; OMAHA, JSATUMUY, KF.ITKMnKtt 4. l!13. J." for rent lleaewa anal Ivttngtes. Mlarellnneons. J T) J Et"- c-- moving, . KPPfl rising torega. w -wVv,va 3l(7 f,nllm V 14S lrr an Office. GOOD auto sales room on Farnam St. Very reesnnabl rent. Tel. Doug Wsrrkaiirs. WARRHOIBB-TRACKAOB. Part or all of on floor tn large flva story brick building. Large freight le vator. Addrcsa J !!, Bee. WANTED TO BUI HIOHKST prices for old clothing 1V;I4. OFFICE furniture bought and unld. J C Keed. 127 Farnam. Dour. 14. Yale buys everytb'ng 2nd hand. Web. 4:4. WANTED TO KENT 2 RH)MH. with board, convenient to Far nam or Harney cam, bv 2 li.ilWs cm ployed during day. Addrues K ITS, Hoe. WANTED To rent, a 7 or 8-room house with hot water heat. In West Farnm. Dundee or Field club districts. Will make If una for two years or more If satisfied. Can wait for two months If necessary. Address (I SO. Omaha Kee. o WANTED Board and room in private family; breakfast and dinner; for two gentlemen: no other roomers; two rooms needpd; must be modern In every respect. Address C-W. care Bee WANTED to rent 7 or S-room house, fur nished, modern. In West Farnam or Dundee. References exchanged. Phone Harney 4568. HEAL. ESTATE riBM 4C UANCH LADS FOR IALI HAVE YOU A FARM FOR 6ALET Writ a good description of your land and send it to the Bioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days tor 2; or GO words, S4, or 76 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 250,000 readers dally In four great states. I can meet the requirements of home seekers and Investors In small or large tracts of lands and farms In Nebraska, Minn., Dak.. Montana. Attractive prices and terms. City income taken in ex change. W. G. Templeton. 6"3 Bee Bldg, California. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 913-14 City Nat Bk. D. 2M9. Colorado, Ml'ST PELL Bargain for someone; 240 acre stock and dairy farm, close to creamery; best location state of Colorado. Also my 20-acre fruit and poultry farm at Orand Junction, Colo. Will consider part trade. Particulars from Mrs. Phoebe Potts, Box 21H. Grand Junction. Colo. Iws. IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omaha. Have house In East Des Moines, new In 1909, good barn, two good sheds, brick chicken house (will leave tne chickens in it), all three lots facing east, good location, two blockii from car, not too cloe to town, some improvements, will sell cheap for cash, will make arrangements for pay ment. Address Q 943, Bee. Idaho, FOR SALE 2S0-acre farm in Semhl Co., Idaho, 2 miles from R. R. and postof flce; loO A. under cultivation; 100 tons hay, S A. in grain, 1 A. In potatoes, 35 head of cattle, 18 horses, all machinery and Implements; 37.00 per acre. Including everything. For particulars, address K. i. Farnaworth, Dillon, Montana. atiasnraatta. HO ACRES, 46 mUes from Minneapolis, one mile from town; 160 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, consisting of It room bouse, large barn, granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce SO bushels of corn per acre; tele phone in bouse: country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; 37 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 8-y ear-olds; six good horses, 26 hogs, chickens, one-half of this year's crop and everything on the farm goea at $60 aa ere, half cash. Schwab -iiros.. lOJi Ply mouth B.dg., Minneapolis. Minn. MONTANA Irrigated lands best in the world for wheat, oats, altalfa and stock; close to town, railroad, sc hoots and churches; Ml. 60 to $Ao per acre on fifteen years' time; annual payments less than rentals on' middle west farms; write to day for particulars; Illustrated pamphlet and mup free. Valler Farm Sales com pany. Box 10(12. Valier. Mont rbraiki. SO ACRB3 Improved fruit and pasture land, situated 3 miles from Peru, Neb. Will accept large relinquishment right and 1 1.600 In cash. John J. 1-eahy. Peru, Neb. Farms for Sale d0 acres with good Improvements .splendid land, 8 miles from Council Hiufts. 14 miles from Omaha, $110. 160 acres with good improvements In Washington county, Nebraska, 6 miles from Florence; very productive bottom land. Brings $1,000 cash rent, $112.50. 44S acres (no buildings) near Omaha, 1V miles from electric car line, paved road and small town: all level land ot finest quality. This land is leased to a neighbor for $8 per acre cash, which is the best evidence of its quality. Price, $10,000. Ms acres north of Florence, '4 mile from paved road; 8 acres of alfalfa, 3 acres in timber, the balance In cultiva tion; buildings new and in good condi tion. Improvements worth $3, 400. Rented for $2V cash. This will please you if you want a nice suburban home that will muke you a fine living and a pro tit be sides. Price. $7,600. lis) acres, cultivated (no buildings), two miles from Palmyra, in eastern Ne braska, $76. ltH acrea, improved, Knox county, $40. 4.0u0-acre Nebraska ranch, well grassed and plenty of water; windmill and tank; some fencing: aii hard soil, 86 per cent tillable, nearly all smooth, very little broken land. Price, $$.50 per acre. No traues. &,ow acres, improved. Banner county; one of the best ranches in Nebraska, tit. KIMBALL COUNTY BAJiOAINS 640 acres at $9 per acre. MO acrea at $11 per acre. 640 acres at $11.50 per acre. 040 acres at $12.50 per acre. 040 acres at $13.50 per acre. 3,300 acres. Improved, at $15. All In the north part of Kimball county, where the soil is equal to eastern Ne braska. That $12.50 section is nearly all valley land; HO acrea are broken out and the land Is partly fenced. It would be cheap at $15. J. H. Dumont & Co. 41A-H State Bank Bldg. Douglaa AM, Wyoming. 35 bu. wheat per acre One man has Just taken this off his half section in Wyoming, Just over Ne braska line. Put your money where crop will pay for lana In one or two yeara. Ask us to ahow you 8 acres, close to main line I". P., all level and fit to Cul tivate. Long time terms; $1.60 per acre now. balance seven annual payments. You om only one day Irom Omaha. W rite when we can meet you. Ask for picture folder. O'Keefo Real Estate Company, 1014 Omaha National. Doug. Slli. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, 6 PER CENT. TOLA N It TKt'MHIiLL. 448 Bee Bldg. $ii0 TO 41. made promptly. F. l. 'Weed. Wead Bldg. 18th & Faro am Sts. CITV and farm luaria, 6, 64, 4 per cent I. H. Dumont A Co., 416 Ktate Bank. A "r'or Bale'' ad will turn furniture Into cash. cond hand WANTKIi Good farm aud city louis at lowest rate. 1'KTKKj TRPT CO., 14U3 Fa mam. REAL ESTATR IXIAKS CITi property. Large loans a eixvlslty. W. H. Thomaa State Punk Bldg. OMAHA hi-mn. F-ast Nebraska farms. O'KEITrS REAL fSTATE CO., 101 Omaha Natloial. Phono lkl kIhs S71V MONKY on hand foi i Ity and farm loslii n. w. mnnvr. city National Hank Bldg. SKK us flrt for farm loans In eastern Neh. T intod States Trust Co.. Omaha. tK', CITY lOANf" C. 0ariberg. 8lS 11 Brandcls Theater Bldg. HEAL KSTATT XORTIt SIDE Look at This Place! 11 you want a bargain. The Mouse and lot can be bought for what the lot Is worth. The house has six rooms and city water, la near school, stores and car. House needs fixing, but at tlio preseift price and the terms offered you will look a Ions; time before you will find a better bargxln. House Is at 4415 Decatur St. See it today. For price cnll Creigh. Sons & Ca'SJ-K 508 Bee Pldg. Douglas Sim. H'Ui TWO-STORY tlOURK For sle by owner. Just completed. For more Information phono Webster 63f. 4-r. house S block from N. l!4th 8t. lin. A bargain. 4106 N. 24th St. car. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE New Home Field Club District Small House Taken In Part Payment A fine home, finished in oak, with four bed rooma and bath on second floor; beamed ceilings In lU'lng room and din ing room; built-in bookcases; fire place; toilet and laundry In basement; lot 67 ldi; located 3339 Walnut fit. Kvery house in the addition built within the last two years. Price 15,250. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Uldg. Phone Douglas 4270. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT BUNGALOW; BEAUTIFUL Ideal 6-room strictly modern bungalow, consisting of living room (across entire front): dining room, with panel strips and plate rail; built-in buffet, built-in book oases; cak tinlsii in these rooms; ouk floors throughout entire house; large kitchen, roomy pantry and refriiforfcior room; three large bed rooms and bath, with tiled walls on second floor; elegant bath room fixtures; guaranteed Fox furnace; house built by day labor; fuil ce mented baeement; nice, large lot, 141 feet deep; good neighborhood; one block eest of leld club, on paved street. Owner would consider vacant lot aa first payment or sell on rcttsonable terms. For further Information see SCOTT & HILL CO., 37 McCAGUE BLDG. Douglas IO09. SiJ' itt6JJnoit "tfaftlve homes In f ield club district, white stucco house, with garage and cement drive; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, bath and ahower bath ;Lamef flings, oak finish downstairs "hlte enamel and mahogany upstairs, mirror doors, oak floors throughout, and fireplace Lot 100x133. Kntirely sur rounded by hedge, fine lawn, trees and shrubbery; two blocks from west side Hanscom park. Call Sunday. 8334 Wal nut Bt. Phone Harney 4606. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE . 49th and Capitol Ave. Bn1 new. 7-r niodern home, four rooms on first floor, three large bed rooms and bath on second floor; first floor finished In oak. with oak floor tnroughout: larsrn living ,i. '!... window seat and many other 'special fes 1.... 7; j . 1001 ,ot "" worth $6,260, 'L d at onc wl" take Terms or gooa lot taken as part payment. HASP BRQS.,' 1Q8 McCa-rue Bldg. Douglaa li 105 FEET ON" 38TII AVE., J I 'ST SOUTH OF DETVEY ThU fine building; site, suitable for a, nome or an apartment house. ' Owner leaving city and you can buy this at a very low figure. Consult us for plana. Hastings & Heyden 114 IIARXEV ST. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Safe Investments retail center. Fine garajre location; 64 year lease at $720 per year. No reap- pralsement. PR1CU $35,000. 86-Room Hotel and 6 Retail Stores in the 3-story and basement brick building, northwest corner 16th and Howard sts.; it-year lease, without reappralscment. Whnn present leases explro the rental from stores alone will pay taxes. Insur ance and leasehold rental and interest on investment, leaving Income from hotel for profit. PRICK of building and Interest in lease hold $30,000. George & Company 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 7S6-o REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Oeuson. EQUITT of $.100 In 1 acres of land worth $J,O0u; will trsde for team of horses;, payments made for 1 year. Benson 7MW. $00 Equity, $350 NEW, modern cottage; price. $2,030. 2311 North SI st Ave. Phone Benson 640-J. Florence. SEE Nethaway for that farm. Flor. 221 REAL KHTATE MISCELLANEOUS Must Sell Need Money My almost new, completely modern home of S rooms and sleeping porch; oak finish down stairs; pine up stairs, wiiu birch doors; electric and gas fixtures; fur nace heat; fuii basement; lot 40xU7, fac ing west on boulevard. This house sold for $3,703 less than one year ago, but owner needs money at once and will sell for $3,300; one-third cash, balance time. Telephone owner, Douglas 3O.I0. FOR SALE House and barn at 1211 Davenport St, to be removed. Submit offers to George & Company City Nat Bank Bldg. t'none uougias 7ba ONE OXARTr.K BLOCK. County seat town, Nebiaska, trade for light truck cr ForJ pass ear. Red 7QJ. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee ' For Rent." GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat it Weak, Demand is Poor and That Grafti Drop One to . Two CenU. CORN RECEIPTS ARE GOOD OMAHA, September S, 191S. Wheat was weak todav. selling 1 lo i cents under yesterday's prices and there was a poor demand. I Corn receipts continue rood and cash 3 o nigner to 10 lower, ere practically unchanged and V were ollotet Imrh.n.vH Ia U. Inwer. 1 he corn crop is estimated at $.0O0.0.0 otisliela by the American Oram conieny. Their reports Indicate that owing to the exceptionally fine pastures, hay and for-a-e crops this year, their will be a sav ing of at least 4iAO"0,000 bushels of corn. Should frost damage result In a loss at ny time of even 6uo.000.oOO bushels from the present outlook, leaving 2.600,000 bush- tne crop, the latter would provide a marketable surplus aa that OOO.Oiiu.OuO-bushel ernn. Clearances were: Ytheat n.l flnne nua4 to S26.OO0 bu: oats. 644,000 bu. Liverpool Close fcpot: Wheat. Ho higher to 1c lower; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were l.O.Onrt nu.. and shipments l.os,0m bu., aa against receipts of 1.&04.0HO bti and ship ments of l.<.oon bu. last year. lrlmary corn receipts were (69.000 bu., and shipments 2S7.00Q bu., as against re ceipts of 737,000 bu., and shipments of ioi,ifti nu. last year. Primary oats receipts were l.7i.00O bu.. and shipments 1,150 000 bu.. as against yes CARUOT RECK1PT8. Wheat- Corn. Oats. 84 S Chlcsgo Minneapolis Duluth Omaha , Kansaa City Pt. Louis ... .277 ... 61 ... 40 ...171 ...15") K4 f 1 17 60 W innipeg .. These sales 'vere 're'norted' today': .sat Wheat No. 8 hara winter; 1 car, $101; t cars. 81.00. No. 4 bard winter: 1 car. Sic; 1 car. Wc; 1 car, 4c; 8 cars, Wc; 3 cars, Wc; l cars. Wc: 1 car, . No. 1 velvet chaff: 1 car $1.0. No. 8 velvet chaff: 8 cars $1.(M. No. 4 mixed: 1 csr, 5c. Sample: 2 cara. 88c; 1 car. 87c; I car, (Wc; 8 care, 86c; 1 car, Kc. Kv No. t: cars, 84c. No. 8: 8 cars. Wo. No. 4. 2 cam. S2c. Barley No. 4: 1-6 cars, 60c. Corn No. 8 white. 1 car. 70!c; 4 cara. 70o; 1 car, Kc. No. 8 white: 1 car. : X car, (Mt. No. t yellow: 7 ears, 72Hc; t car, 72c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 72c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 7fric. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. 7oc; 1 car, 6c; t cars. "40 No. 8 mixed: 1 car (near yellow), 71c; 1 car, fr: I cars, 6Pc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. Wo. Sample: 1 car, &o. Oats No. 8 white, 10 cars, 3Aic. No. 4 white. 8 cars, 82c; cars, 3-Stc. Sample: JS cars, S2o. Omaha Cash Prices W heat: No. 1 tur- mT ' 1, 9 luiurr, 91.TFIfl sH2; No. 8 hard, 1.0Orl.O2; No. 8 hard, 9cflVl.01; No. 4 haid. 1k7c; No. 2 SDrlng. ll.OfWErl.OH: No. 8 snrinv. ll.08ifl.0S. Corn: No. 2 white, 69X0700; No. $ white, WaWo; No. 4 whitt B4tri!4c : No. 6 white. SKSftftiSc; No. 6 white, 6V Hc; No. 2 yellow, 72i7iVc; No. 2 yel low, 71&72e- No. 4 yeiljw, 71'47'ac: No. 6 yellow, 7171Hc; No. S yellow, ,071V; No. 2 mixed, flH4$?oir: No. 8 mixed. Wft t)'c: No. 4 mixed, 6S4f'; No. 6 mlxod, 6S16SSV; No. S mixed, esfl!814c. Oats: No. 2 white, 84H!35c; standard, 84fl44c; No. 8 white. 88fi-Jw; No. 4 white, 824 Oi'c. Barley: Malting. 485io; No. 1 feed. 42$4Sc. Rye: No. 2, 84c; No. 8, 83c. CHICAGO CRAHI AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Tratinsr mu4 Cleslas; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 8. General selling lowered wheat today, the market show ing a net loss of lH4o to 2tf2r. with September at Wc, December at fcic and May at 96Vxc. Corn followed the course of wheat, closing at a net los of o to 263Wc OaU finished Uc ta S40 lower. and prorUlons Irregular, 714c up to 31c down. The bear spirit was manifest at the opening of the wheat market, local traders and commission houses entering the selling ranks aggressively, ravora ble weather in the northwest was an early bear Influence and the market was at first nervous and active. An early small rally took place on the buy ing of September by- some of the leading houses, but the little upturn did not last lontf. The lowering1 tendency In the wheat pit was augmented not only by the fact that threatened rains In the northwest failed to develop, but by the fact that the outlook seemed to be for a contin uance of rood weather. Reports said that threshing ot winter wheat was going on rapidly, but that, returns from Mis souri were disappointing. Large yields. It was said, are being returned In the northwest and In Canada. Unfavorable weather reports from Argentina and In dia were Ignored In the general bearish sentiment that pervaded the market. Corn dropped to new low figures for the crop, after September alone had made a slight advance on early scattered buvlng. Reports that the west waa selling corn to be brought here caused September selling pressure, and the mar ket broke more than a cent. Part of the loss was recovered. New errm deliv eries were under stress almost through out the session on favorable weather news and good rron renorta. Rsatom demand was rather slow. Selling of oats waa not nuhd Ttir were large bids from seaboard for cash oats, but they were slightly under a working basts. Domertlo demand was only fair, after an earlv rather strontr opening, and the market eased off. Weakness in pork waa due to areneral liquidation by longs, and this carried down values rather sharply. Lard and ribs were influenced somewhat by weak ness of pork, but held up fairly well under the circumstance Quotations on futures ran re as follows: irtlclel Open. I Hlxh.l lew.iOoM, ITes' y V heat! I I Kept 07'4i S74 tRt M frj rec..l 3 84 fiVt Sfli 84i May.l 8T74 88 864s Wi, Corn 1 Kept' 73 7.U. 72 72 7Mi Dec. 6S 10 UM tWV. Oats J I Sept.! 3C 36i 88 8SI4 36 Dec.. I 88Vi 86S 86T 36'.. jJ Pork J 1 1 fept ! 12 2H 12 (2Vx 12 60 12 SO 12 go Oct.. 11 6 13 00 12 80 12 80 18 00 Lard Kept 8 15 S 16 8 12H 8 124 8 10 Oct.. S 22 ttih. 8 17H 8 ' 8 22Vt Ribs I J (K t . $ T S 82 t f 8 82, 8 S6 "Jan.. 8 M I 8 66 8 M 8 60 Cash Prices Whest: No. 2 red. $1,074; No. 2 hard. $l.(K?l.KVfc. Corn: No. 2 yel low, 794e; others nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 344936c; standard, 40c Rye: No. REAL ESTAltC TRANSFERS Furnished and compiled by the Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract company, 3u6 South Seventeenth street: WARRANTY PUtOfl. IrotuMms ghulsr aa4 Dsnlol U. Cary ts Lil lian M. ToWT, H M test ot lot I, aa4 M St foot of lot I. Mock 34, rocptetoa Park add J Imperial ISTatoMt 00m pan? to Barker 00m sanr. 1s I to 114, Inclusive, Latoaworui Haighto 1 atkrsaral koCarashar to Cltr of Boaaoa, lots a aa4 33. Hock I. bamoa ,M0 Xnis Nalaoa aud vita lo Huala L Hart, aast a tost o( lot 4. block tl. Orchard Mill 1.101 Sacuritf Laa4 ao4 Itnpmvaaaant aompaur to uacar i. oiawau, iota s oaf la. Wast Oacar i. Bldwall ao4 wlfo ts Wlator Brlaa, oaot 344 feat of vast fast of sank 1174 fao of kiosk "C," KhlDs's aad 1 Rlrhar H. 8aao aa4 nits to Jasus S. Ooaltor, lot t, otoc a, Mvaaston .Its Stlrhar4 R. 8raao as4 vlfa 10 Klalo B. HouaakelOar, lot I k ork It, ETaastoa. ... HI Duaoao RaavMf coanpaoy to SlaoSanl Oil ooaioaor, lot I, SJa;k 0, Iun4o 4 Oat Kama 4k Noma to Jaoot) A. Oruaa, lot 13. Hock I. NornooS Wjt Itabart W. York ta Fro4 D. Waa4 lot 13. fraatoa A Wllllaaio' a4 1 Tslaa iDTastnaet aaaisaar ta Agatha H. Homaa, aaal 171 taat of sokdlTlaiua lot 8 a tax lot It. H-li-ll ,. J A. toraa sal wlfo to Asalba H. Homaa. watt 14 bet ot sakSlTlaloa lot 8, tas tut II. p-ia-ia 1 WHtls to SMvarg Wtlluka lot I. block 44, Soul I Omaha T.X Fra4 Wltilg to Kro4 Krs4 Wlllubu. lut I. kwk 14. nooih Oaiaka 1 ,a Ala O. Braat to Albort Koppeoharor. lot 10. block I. Ika VMw all u Aaaa Kullk to Krank Kubla ao4 wlta. lot 11. hiack II. Itnu adl to Suaih nnk , too Porotkr Poraoa anl kuabaad to Krai R. I MUIM. Im 3. klork 81, Kouotao Flaeo aal. 1 Oaorfo A. Haaaoa anl vita le (laua fatrra oaot M foot of lot t. klork 4. Shull'a odd . 1 QI-IT (IAIM DEKU Marsaa S. Flansaar aa4 kuaoaD4 to Martha AooorS. tot 14. klock 3. PUiu.1.0 all . it f. Jf.ffflftie. Timothy: $JO(Vrf:on. Bsr lv: 4Mli. Clover. $t.XVhlt. Pork: 11! V hard: $.lvu.i:s. Uihe: $7.CHnf MLTTF.M--flhsde hlaher to unchanged, receipts. 9.163 tubs; cresmerv extras. 3iyc; extra firsts. 2?o: firsts. 2.':4r; sec onds ZlV-'Sc; packing stock. !fruak', rXlUS-8lihtly firmer; rec-rlpta. .4o enses; at mark, Cn.e Included. I"itrtivc; ordinary firsts. Josr-'lc; firsts, BflJJc. CM KI.SK Higher; daisies. 13iil4o; twins. l:vtii3Vlc; Americas, lVtf'lTV; long hunts, HnMV,o. POTATOrtoWFjisler to unchanged; re ceipts, 30 cars, Minnesota end Ohio, Mf J7c; Jersey cobbled, fi'We; Jersey giants, ii47c' Wisconsin, WjiHSo. IIXTISY-Iwer; live fowls, LVfUHc; springs, 16Vc. nr.W YOHK (iEKRAIi MAKKKT aealeas t tke Day Varlove eaaaaodttle. NKW TORK, Mept. s.-FIiO:iv-Barcly steady. v tt tiAT fiKt market steady; No. 1 rea. 11.1.1. c. 1. f.. New lork. prompt and No. 8 hard. $1.13. c. . f.. New Vora. . ' ... i. 1., i.iTn 1111K, iriinmil, to arrive; No. t northern. Duluth. 81.W. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. WV. c. I. f , Buffalo, Futures, easier; Sepiemucr, 81.04V. C1RN fpot. weak; No. 8 yellow, prompt shipment. OAT8-llot. easy; No. S white. 42c. and 'o. 4. 40ti4lc; old oats, 6fVffV. HAY Kaav; No. 1, $14"; No. 2, $1.S0; No. 8. 81.S0; shlpplix, $l.l0ail 15 HOPS Quiet: stale, common to choice, V-14 crop, !il.e; t'aclflo coast, lt(14 crop, 12 15c: 191.1 rron. ftftllc H1DKS Steady; Bogota. $OffSle: Central America, 2sc. ' . Jfi "".r.'"' i l.ONIi Pork, steady; mesa, 8lS.R0 ,g fivrtis 'iw IMt-' short Clears. mM 117 !,' Laru. steady: m.ilnle west ttMi l TAI.LOW Quiet; city, b-Sc; coun- trv. fi!4iKkc: aiiocial liw Hl'TTEK Firm; receipts. 8.208 tubs; creamery extras,; iirsis, poye; seconds, 2VtfB4o. KUUs- Mtcaily; receipts, s.7n case fresh sathered extras. "(l'c: extra firsts ZiWirKp: firsts. 244i-25c: seconds. CHKKSF Plrtn: receipts, 4,S! boxes; state, whole milk, fresh, flats, white ami colored, sped'". 13l4e; state whole milk, fancy. 130. IDl'I.TRV-. 'I.TRY -Dressed. WoY: western n roasting chickens, c; fresh fowls, "'VLlr" "T'?''- ,oe,, MM-' fro Hen no ilve poultry on eale. OMAHA CB.fCRAti MARKET. BUTTER No. I. l-ln. cartons. Sc; No. I, Mi-ln. tuba, 2?o. CHEKBlw Imported Swiss, Mo; Amer ican fowls. Hoc; block fcwlaa, iJOi twins, 1; daisies, lc; triplets, lbc; Young America. Jc; diuo tauei orica. iVkc; Umburger, S-lb.. soo; New York white. lb'frc; imported r rencn Hoqueiort. 400. FJH-lrout, 16c, white flsn. 13c; hali but, loo; channel cattish, 16o; herring, 7c; codfish, lOfe'Ho; mackerel, ttc; aalmon, 1UU40. v. KBT POTATOES Kansas, $2.75 bbl. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. l,lHc; No. 8, 17Wc; No. 8. 13c Loina N'o. 1, 23c; No. 2, lc; No. , 1'iWo. Chucks: No. 1, Vic; No. 2. UVc; No. 3, So. Itounds: No. 1. IsWc; No. 2, 14c; No. 8. 13c. Plates; No. 1. 10c; No. 2, 9o; No. 8. So. Fruit and Vest table tilues ruimshed by uliiiiisKi Fruit, company: FRIUTS oranga, i.aiuornia vaien Clas, 1US. Utis, itos. 324s, Stios. 8.".C0 per box; California Valenciaa, 160s, 17s. Suns, 81s, 2sos, $5.50 per box. Imons, extra fancy olGden Bowl, 300s. $5.00 per box; extra fancy Golden Bow!, jiiOs, $4.60 per box. extra fancy Bunklst. SuOs, Ssos, 34.60 per box; Ited Ball. 84 00 per box. Pvachoa. California KlberUs, 75o per crate; Colo rado Elberts. 70c per crate: Wiunington El bo it as, Gbo per crate; Idaho bushels, 31.60 per bu. Plums, Italian prunes, $1.00 per crate; Dlsmonds, Hungarians, dross, Orand Dukes, $1.16 per crate. Pears, Cal ifornia Bartletta, $1.H5 to $200. per crate; Washington Harueua. iancy, 11.76 per crate. Grapes, s-oasaet crates, extras, $1.60 per crate; 4-basket crates, $1.40 per crate; homegrown Concords, 824c per basket Bananas, medium fruit, $2.00 to $3.76 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changia- nola and fort i.imou, c per 10. Canta loupes. California Mission brand, stand ard, $2.76 per crate; California Mission brand, ponies, $2.26 per crate; California Mission brand, fiats, wo to 81.00 per crate. Watermelon. l"4o per lb,. Apples, 80o per du, ; n.10 per ddi. VROI5TAB LIE Cabbage, bomevmwn lVio per lb. Head lettuce, $1.00 per dos. Peppers, 6O0 per basket. Leaf lettuce, boo per noi. romaioes, maraet price. Onions. Waahlngton, IHo per lb. Parslev. 86c per dos. Onions. Spanish. $1.60 per crate, ureen peas, wo per oaaKet. Wax and green beans. 60c per basket New beets, carrots snd turnips. 60c per bas ket New potatoes, Ohloa, 80c per bu. Sweetpotatoea, hampers, $1.60 per ham per; Virginias, S4.ZR per ddi, NUTS No. I walnuts. 18o lb. filberts. 16o per lb.; Braxils, UV pecans, UHe per lb.; almonds. 20 lb. MISCELLANEOUS Cracknrjack, $3 60 per case; cornpops, 3.zf per crate; crack rjae, H case.; cornpops, case, $1,664. Peanuts, No. 1 raw, So per lb.; Jumbo, raw, 7e ner lb.; No. 1 roasted, 80 per lb.; Jumbo roasted. So per lb. Honey, $3.76 per case. Kenans Cltr firain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT Mo.. Pent. 8. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.0751. 17; No. I red, l.ll 1.14; Hentemuer, imc; December, 8pS!tto; 01 ay. Kic. enDU kt. 1 .t . r- 1 7lC7lWc: Kentember, 68c; December, 64rt M'nc: May. 56fi6io. OATH No. 2 white. 87MWo: No. 2 nilxen. i37c. blttteh Creamery. Z7o: firsts. 26c: seconds. 33c; necking. ll4c. K0O8 Firsts. XI e; seconds, 18c. POULTRY liens, 124c; roosters, Sc; broilers, loo. Minneapolis Oris Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 8. WHEAT fieptember. 80 'tc; December, SlVio; No. 1 hard, $1.04; No. 1 northern, 82cQCl.u3Tfe. FLOUR-TTnchsnged. B A RLFJT 43jWkj. RYE-8e4flo. BRAN-$1.00. CORN No. S yellow, 7HfT7c. OATS No. 8 white, 32WOc. F1AX-Cl.(7ei.6. St. Loals Grata Market. ST. LOUI, Mo., Sept. 3. WHEAT No. 3 red, $1.071.011: No. 2 hard, nominal; September, 88c: December. 2Sc. CORN-No. 2, 734r; No. 2 white. T3(f 7S4c; September, 704c; December, Uy u&4o. OATS-No. I. S3Hfl4c; No. I white, nominal. Ylveroo Grata Market. LIVERPOOL Sept 8 WHEAT-Spot, 3d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, St FIvOUR Winter patenU. 42s. of fee Market. NEW YORK, Sept iCOFFEE The mairket fur coffee future was only moderatlvely active tooay, but prloea ruled hi ichor, owing to tho higher ster ling exuhana-e rain and reports of a steadier cost and frelli4. The market opened at an advance of three to five points on scattered coverings, or a little trade buying, and met very little selling, with the close showing a net gain of from eight to ten points. December con tracts worked up lo 4.1.V, and Marrh to 4 80c. Kales were reported of 16,760 bags. September, Sc; October, 4.(60 ; November, S.lOc; December, S.14ci January. 4.1c; Februarv, 8.23c; March, 6 2ac; April, S.83c; May. 4 38c; June. S 43c; July. .47c. dpot, quiet; Rio. No. 7, 4c-, 8a n toe. No, 4, Sc. Private cables from Brasll said that the advancing rate of Rio exchange on Lon don made firm offers difficult and the 00 st and freight market waa higher on the average, with n notations ranging from about 2.81c to 8.60c for ban too 4a Rio exchange. 6-324 higher; Mllrels prices were unchanged at Flo and 60 rels lower at Kan too. Temperature In Kao Paulo ranged 60 to 84 degrees. Oil ana Rosla. PAVANNAH. Oe, 8pt S-TI'RPHN-TINK Firm at 3bc; sales. 361 hbls : re ceipts. 814 bhls.; shipments, bbls.; tt-k is 764 bbls. POHIN-Hrm; sales, 73 bbls : receipts. 1 $" bbls.; shlnments. 2.362 bbls.; stock. 41. 7S bbls. Quntsttons: A. B. O and I, 33 0O- Fl 83 06; F. $8.10; O 71 and I. $3.16; K. $3 36: M, $4.16; N. $4: WO, SVSo; WW. $5.75. Metal Market. NEW TORK. ftept 3 M ETA LB Lead. 840 asked: spelter not quoted; copper, quiet; electrolytic, 318.00; Iron, steady and ure hanged; tin, quiet, but firm. $33.aor At Indon Conner: Snot, A'7 1?s ftJtiiivs, 6 17s d FJertrolytlc. t4 lfla. Tin: Bpot. IA4 6s: futures. lis. Antimony: fia. Lesd: 23 lus 3d. Bpel-i ter: .2. 1 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light, at Uintl on Friday, but Total for Week it Above Average. HOG RECEIPTS ARE SMALLER OMAHA, September S, IMS. Receipts were: Cattle. Ili. Pheep. Official Monday 10,iU 8,1 vMiicmi jues.iay tffleta Weiln.-wlay . . 4 7X official Thui xiay I.T-iH Ks4lmate Friday I.IH) ;..?7 5.Ti" 4 13.71H 10.AO Five days IhU week ;,4S: T ""I 1.01 ."ame lays last week..rl"J W.f'iO ln,7U ame day i wks. ago.i.'7."S 44,7i4 liW.'iJ fmo days 1 wks.'( 4n,H'r .iiOt "'nmo days 4 wks. aKo.14.av7 S!.!'4i M.5M Name days last year. ..X9 .73 irJ.BU The fol.owlnff tslil ttiA reeelota ... ... . - - - JV 0""'' boas and sheen at the Oman live stock murket for the year to Jala " cuuiiwrea wun last year: . . 1M$. 114. Inc. fllo .lll W'.MO Hoga Xk.jvi tK'l S.!nn Sheep 1.7J,7a 1.701.OVJ r.7-'3 The following table snows tlve average pricea for hoga at the Omaha live Stock market for tho laat few daya, with com- Iate. i l'.n.y tt!U. mil. 'iM1.'IM0.!l!sa. Aug. 17j 461 8 78 W T 7R1 8 wl 7 77, 8 OKI 7 17, 8 301 1 47 Aug. is. 1 nl Aug. m. 4Si f Hi 8 4 f 71 . 0l 7 181 8 Ml 7 4 Aug. 801 S4t 8 Mi 7 Oil 8 001 8 1 7 68 Aug. tl ( 41Si , 8 R2 7 Sl 8 041 7 271 V I M 7 7 71 7 7 S3 7 fi AUK 23 8 041 7 8T 8 64' Aug. 83 f ( 4J.S, 8 W 7 151 8 8 ltil 7 Ortl 8 4 Aug. 114 8M, I A" 25' S $i.S Aug. Hi t 63 7 10 8 701 8 Tl 7 121 8 Si Aug. 27 ( 8 74l 7 l 8 81' ' 8 6 Aug. js! ( sji, 8 M; 7 "'.'I 8 811 7 I3 '" Aug. n 851 7 6 S3. 7 1M 8 81 ,; Am. aij 7r., 7 wi h .;'. ir 01 , T " 7 71 i .AUK- 81 S US'. 8 00 I 22i ! Sfl; ! H I 7 S7 8 1 St 7 M 8 87! 7 1.' 8 bfti 7 sii . 'Pu 1 S'i 8 :7 7 8: S S3". 8 !4i 7 ti lept. ept 1 S S4' 7 n 8 37 I 8 Ml 7 87 Hunday. Rccelrta and disposition of live stock 'at the Union Ktork yartls, Omaha, Neb., 1 for twenty-four hours, emllna at 8 p nu yesterdav RECEIPTS-CAR LOTS. o cioca Catllc.Hogs.ciheep.H'r's. C M. A Pt. P. 3, 12 34 I 4 $ S3 I'nlon Paclfio 6 C. c N. ANY, eaat... S C. ft N. W., west.. 7 V., M. P., M. O.. .. C, H. As Q., east., t C, H. U., west.. 3i C H. I. A P.. east.. .. Illinois Central Chicago, Ot. West.. .. 6 l 1 Totals 4o 72 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle. Hogs, rineep. Morris Co HW l.OW 8wlft A Co 3!i Cudahy Packing Co 8lf Armour A Co 16M Hchwsrts A Co N. O. Packing Co 2 W. B. Yanaant Co ' Hill A Son 80 F. B. Lewis s... 6 J. II. Root A Co 14 J. If. Bulla 44 Kellogg 34 711 l.HLM 1,174 1.H47 1.I6S 8.036 Werthelmer A Degen.... 27 4hrlMI 1 HlKKins 4 OlsHsberg 8 Baker. Jones A Smith.. 7 Other buyers 101 8.0S4 Total 1.306 4.239 10.157 CATTLB Receipt a numbered only 42 cars this morning, the run being light, aa usual, on a Friday. For the ween uio total fools up, 30,427 head, being tne largest of sny recent week, and slightly larger than a year ago. . mere were naraiy enougn cows nu heifers In sight to make a market, but what there were aold at prices about steady with yesterday, which means around lOtuluc lower than last week Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice fed yearlings, Sa.Ootj'S.76; fair to good fed yearlings, S7.76irf9.00; common to fair fed yearlings. ii.7fi7.76; gotd to choice heavy beeves, 88. SO 0.40; fair to good eornfed beeves, 83.26.o; common to fair corn fed beeves, StU&'tftf.ZS; prime grass beeves, m.ious.j): good to choice grass beeves. 47 "O'lft 0: fair to vood urass beeves. 87.31 .60; common to fair grass beeves, $6.60; good to choice grass heifers, .ox i.w; gooa to choice grass, cows, so.wipit.nui fair to good rows, 36 2.f8.00; common to fair cows. 84 OOdffi .IS: nvul to chutoe feed- era. 87.008.20; fair to good feeders. t.l i.m; common to rair teeoera, sa.eonv. iu Stock heifers. 86.7rWi.76: stork cows. $i.6"0 8.60: stock calves, $.60Q8.26; veai calves. liwaio.w; bulls, stags, etc, sb-vudwisi, Repicseutui.ive sales: WESTERNS. Uaple Orovs Land A Live Stock Co. Wyoming. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 837 feeders.. 1173 7 76 28 steers.... 7 46 86 steers... .1218 7 46 U steers.. ..1100 7 40 21 steers.... 1104 7 10 HOGS Receipts today were the light. est ot the week, with the exception of Monday, about seventy-one cars or 4,5oo head making up the day's total. For the rive aaya tne supply roots up ZJ.wi neifl, being 13,000 smaller than a week ago, only a nine over halt as targe as iwu wwki ago and a shortage of nearly &,( as compared wun tne corresponuing pertoa last year. Ko far this week the receipts have been the smallest since the second week of July, when only 23,074 head were reported during the same days. Packers furnished some competition on the light hogs again this morning, and bulk of the shippers' purchases waa mails at strong to 6c higher prices. The best lights sold at 87.0. Today's top Is the highest price of the week .for anything l:ke a full load. Bulk ot the packing purr Drchasee was msde at $6.4f&.70. with only a very small sprinkling from 30.40 down, and a scatter ing of good butchers and lights on up to the top. S SU B t f 7 Ml 8 79 8 m T i .h 1 s; Wo. A. Sh. Pr. Hs. At. Sti. rr. 41 tM 18 41 174 IK IH IS Mt SO S 30 7 thT W III S MT IS l 4 to II IN It II SIS) 4 40 Tl IH 140 7 SS 1 841 ... 4 U M I'd 1M T 16 4 171 ... 8 41 II ... 1 i 4 ra 40 I M j U4 ... 7 u M 121 M 4 33 Ill 40 T 16 4 121 M I ti 73 2l& ... T II 51 2M 341) I W 70 Ill ... Til U tut 300 I M M tut W t 4 to 4 W I W 10 US ... T II J1 ... 4 M to ll ... 7 41 41 UO SO I to 10 Itvl ... T 0 40 Ill St 4 74 I.. 1M ... 1 10 II Ui 110 4 T 4 HI ... 7 M 44 S4 3UI I .1 41 Mt ... I 10 ti m h m BHEEP The continued breaks of the last two or three days cut down supplies a iiuis today and the run of thlny-six cara, or auout io,vw neaa, was the small est of any day except Huturday alnce three weeks ago. Total this week foot up 1.3,015 head, a gain of 2o,0u0 over last week, nearly i4,0uu larger tnan two weeka ago and about 7. km heavier than for the same week a year ago. Deapl.e the reduction In receipts, pack era Insisted on another cut in values this morning and aa all other polnta reported lower prices, trace openoj out in fair aeaaon on a mostly 15c lower basis. Once the Ice waa broken movement became active and all the fat iambs, as well as a good percentage of the feeders had been cleared before 11 o'clock. Today a break put prices right bark where they were two weeka ano, which means a flat Sou reduction from last Fri day s pricea. Feeding lambs continued to bring good, firm figtireo and rsal dealt able ones weighing around SO pounds again brought 8S b. wulch waa lust aa hign as packers were paying for fat kinds. Uuotat.ons on sneep and lambs: Iaunba. good to choice, 8s.60uk.40, lambs, fair to good. 3H.X.;iiaa fin; lambs, feeders. 8.40, yearlings, fair to choice, $i.7f.75; rearlinga, feeders, $4 Ouu.OO; wethers, nr to choice, $6.2o!ii.26; ewes, good to choice, $6.0i(i6.60; ewes, fair to good, M"a w. swes. leeuers, si.ooQo.ffs. Representative sales: No. Av. Prtea. 130 Utah feeder lambs 65 8 4 lt I tah feeder lambs 66 8 48 211 I'Uh lambs s 8 65 146 Wyoming lambs 41 8 So I'll W yomlng lambs St 8 6U 274 I tal) lamba 47 8 70 in VlU lambs 7 8 70 '.'ft I 'tah lamba M 8 70 27 I'tah amha 63 70 I'tah feeder ewee 103 (00 1p7 Isho feeder lambs S3 Sti 7 cull 1 S4 S 60 74 Idaho feeder ewes 1)3 jq Siena Cltr Live Stock Market. sioinc nrr, ia.. ept. s. cattlb Xl i , .1 - art V. ..m A . - - b , A .. steera. $7.Ut)0.00: cows snd heifers .0"tf 7 00: c-innsrs. 83.7Vtj4.78; bulls, stags, eti.. $5 oi&f CO. lit K1 ti Receipts. I Wl ;,esd: market 1... vu IH fa.nT hi ... I 1 S . i. light, So.rjj.&i; bulk 1 sales. V; 4". S.H0. t-HKEH AND LAMB.-4-Bc selpts. 1,100 hea4. tlllCAt.O I.IVK ITOf K M 4 tt K FT tattle steady to tro -Sheen Weak. CMICACO. Sept'. 3-CATTl 1-Re-celpts, 1.5i head; market stesdv to strong; native beef steers, 8K.2f4i.IA.87,; western steers, $; NiVuO 00; cows and heif ers. S.;.l54iK.;o; cnlvrs, $s flnui I'i no IIOUS-Kecrliits, Hu" head, mnrket, best steady, others Wesk; bulk, tf.4t7.70. light, J7.ZkIiS.I0: mixed. $ti 37i!.ori; heavy. $vb4ji.i&; lough, f..u.-3.i; pigs, $7.0040 8.2S. HllKPP AND t,AMB!-Reeelpt 1S.M head; msrket, weak and li"'i'i-o lower; wethers, V'.uOtui tV; ewes. H.totiO.oO; lainlis? $t.t'1i'i.iit. nt. l.oala live Klork Market. ST. IAII. Mo., Mept, IL-4',ATTl.ri-Heceipts, 2.0O11 bead; market stesdy; na tive hef ateeis, $7.fiffi to.On; yearling steors and heifers, $s.Sili 10 00; c'W 8i ix 'U7.M. MBP;P AND LAMBS-rUcelpts. 4.0"0 headi market steady; lambs, $.04.W; sheep and ewes, :.titf .tn. Kansas (Itr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Kept. 8. CATTLF. Rwelpts, 710 head; market weak; prime fed steers, $. tr. 90; dressed beef steers. $7.9i(liT.; western Meera, $ii.60Jja.75; stackers and Teeders, p XAi S. .i bulls, X.Vt JS; calves. $ 00i 10.60. HotlH Receipts, isno head: market stendv; bulk of sales. 87 OUT. AO; heavy, 87.0iKti7.M; packers and butchers. $7.3oig 7.7i; llrht. $7 f ?.; plus, I7.4W7 HO. 8IIPKP AND UM1IB- Receipts. 6,"O0 head, market lower; lamba, $jfvlt90; yearlinrs. 8 SOfM.Ou; wethers, $7i.6iMiA.ri0; ewes, 8A.2Mi4l.0O, . .I'nli I.'ve Stoek Market. ST JOStTPTI Xto RM ' "e.elpt, J.X) head: matket steady; steers. 87.ttS ho; cows and heifers. 84.Wi.0; . calves, r fAnlii M. HOO8 Receipts, l,R0i head: market opened 6frloc higher; top. 87.70; bulk of sales. $' 7Ttr7 A6. UltEKP AND LAMRH-Recelnts. 1,400 head; market slow; lambs, $.0iiU.76. t Live Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hoga Sheep. Kniii Cltv ifKift l.nio Kansas City ? 2.0 6.Io Ht. Itila 3.000 4.3HO 4.000 Chicago 1.600 14.0O0 16.000 Bouth 1.000 4,.i00 10,000 Totals 6.61X) I4.W0 8S,y Jetton Mnrket. ' NEW TORK, Wept. 8.-4-DTTON Kpot, oulet; middling uplands, 8. 86c. hales, it bales. Cotton futures opened steady; October, S7ic; December, io.07o: January, laaio; March. 10.48c; May, 10.75c. Cotton futures dosed steady; October, S.ROo; Decemlier. 10.14cr January, 10.2So; Mrch, 10.88c; May. 10.78c, The cotton market closed steady: net, two nolrita tr,wer o three nis utm.. LIVERPOOL. Sent 2. COTTON PiKit, essler; good middling. S.ORd; mlddllnar, 6.78d; low middling, s.S2d; sales, 10,000 bains. t.nndnn Stork Market. TiONTXN. Sept 8. American securities opened weak on the rise In sterling ex change. Oold bonds were similarly af fected. Business slackened after the first hour and the closing waa dull. riijVi.H-.iai, u-i'U uunce. MONEY S4'Nner cent. DISCOUNT RATES Bhort hills, 414 per cetn; three months, 4'VM! per cent. Rvnpnraled Applee aad Dried Frnlts NEW YORK, Hept. 1-KVAPOR-ATEI) APPLES Quiet. DRIED FRCITS-lTunev, firm; apri cots, easy; peaches, steady; raisins, firm. Dry Oood a Market, NEW YORK. Hept 8. DRY OOOD6 Cotton goods, firm; yarns, higher ; raw silks, higher; wool, quiet Merchant Visitors Continue Trading Although the entertainment features of Merchants' Market week have come to a close, the trading activities are still going on. The crowds of merchants from Omaha's trade territory who have been here most of the week, are still making the rounds of the wholesale district and the manufacturing plants giving their or ders for their winter stocks of goods. Local wholesalers say that while most of them will probably leave the city to he at their places of business for Satur days trade, many, however, will remain until Sunday, and some even until the first ot next week. It has been a splendid week of Business for the wholesalers and manufacturers of the city, the entertainment features have been a treat success, and Merchants' Market week aa an Institution has again proved Itself a great thins. Will Kopald Dies After Long Illness Will Rollan Kopald. eon of Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Kopald of Omaha and brother of Rabbi Louis J. Kopald of Buffalo. K. T., died this rooming aa the result of a general breakdown from which he had been suffering; for several months. Mr. Kopald was an advertising ex pert and was employed as advertising manager for the Wrlsley company of Chicago, a manufacturing' concern. He was 34 years of age and came to Omaha while a child. He gained his first busi ness experience on The Bee and other local newspapers. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Oladys Hloman Kopald. The funeral will be held at the Ko pald home, 112 North Fortieth street, Sunday. Arrangements have not been coniuleted. Emergency Police for Fire Houses Superintendent Kugel of the police de partment expects to start the first of next year to carry into effect his plan of equipping some of the fire engine houses with emergency police for night service. Mr. Kugel explains that frequently emergency calls are received at the police station from far distant points. Before a response can be made from central atatlon the trail has become "cold." By having the proposed emergency substa tions at fire houses the central station may communicate with the point nearest the location needing service and thus cover the case while the "covering' is good," as Mr. Kugsl sxprssses It. Mrs. Straight to Meet D. A. R. Train Mrs. F. R. Straight, regent of Omaha chapter of the laughtera of the Amer ican Revolution, who returned Wednes day from Chautauqua, N. V will head a delegation from this chapter which will meet the Daughters of the American Revolution special, which passes through Omaha Saturday afternoon en route for the ban Francisco fair. Mrs. William Cummlng Story will be abroad the train. Mesdsmes W. L. fcelby. John Bpcedie, R. L. Hoyt. J. J. Htubbs. John Klack, Baker. V, D. Reynolds and Mini John ston and Miss Sara 11 Han borne will be with Mrs. Straight. . t NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET! First Half Record of Diiminiahingl Activity and Lower Prices. FOREIGN SELLING PLAYS PARI) NKW YOHK. Kept. a.-The fiist half of todays market session was a record of d.minlshlng activity and lower prices, each tor trcrgiilnr advances In sucn sclalues n Crucible steel. YVcating honse, American fun and sme less prominent shares. This uneasiness was mainly attribute.! t, the highly erratic fluctuations of loielun ex. limine here and a In oh. I. rates on London mnking another seiiiwiionsi recovery from recent nbnor- months In the enforcement oa the duced anthracite ratea recently ordered by the Interstate Commerce commission. Oniy a part of this advantage was re strained at the end. profit taking re. during some of the largest gains to fractions. The total burinem of 4i shares was the smallest of any recent dsy. Oisslp was busy with the International credit situation and It waa generally reooirnlsod that corrective measures wero under way. It waa run. red that nego tlntlons for a Hritlsh loan of about 3UM. 1100 were In process' of consummation, but. the bankers likely to promote audi a hug undertaking vouchsafed no In formation. It was lntlmate.1, however, that the American securities rpcentlil received here from England, by wsv of Halifax, and which are likely to beaddeit to from the same sources, are to b need as the nucleus of a loan. Today' high rate for demand sterling was $4.71 and the low rate 3464, closing at $4 7. Continental ratea moved In sympathy. Foreign selling played no Important: part In today's operations, the rise in exehanrn caused a withdrawal of offer Ings from across the water. Nevertheless, Americans were lower" hv one to two points In Ixindon. The BankJ of England released about $S,0n0.0ii0 moral forelpn coin, presumably for shipment t this country, Fin-eiasta point to another large cast.' gain by local banks tomorrow, with ait expected expansion of the reserves to the largest total yet reported. Rhtea fop time minify remained unchanged, despite the light demand. 1 Bonds were Irregular, with reduced, "future" sales. Total sales, par value, aggregated $2,430,010. United States bonds were unchanged on call. ... . Halss. HIth. low. Clean.' niwaa ,om !v ai B IR .,1 Amrrinaa oaot nusar.... S.KO fn .' American Caa , 14,7 ts. fiiw American Smalt, at liar.. 1,100 rl 81 Amorliao H. a R., oW.. ft, Ma " 1 IWV ) ii-iva 2J.I-. Amarli-aa Pilfar ufn.,,, too nTi (ia Amrtcan oTl. a Tal. I) 123 Amerloaa Tobaroo Anim.mta Mining Atrhlann Baltimore S Ohio Pmoklyn ttapll Trualt. California Potmkum ... Canadian Pnritlo tVntrsI leather rbsaapeaka a Ohio I'liloain. UU Westarn..., Chi., 3111. Bt I'aul... I'hlesgo 4 Northwsatartl Chlso Copper ailorado Fuel 4V Iron.. Colorado a Southern. .. Panvor Klo Oeajiila... Iienvar a It. O., ptd.... I'lstlllero' Hocurlttoa ... Beta Oanrral Rlartrlo S.700 T?4 Tl 71 l.feo 101 1 ien4 1011V T.siiO 12 111) nai 400 M lit Ml, 1 I t.Wiy Ui IMS 11114,1 1,"0 U '4 43', 10,t 4H ,', 47 , 1114 1H, 11V1 3 14 12 UI, ' 1?SU. 12l4 J2H 1,000 ins. i,i, 4.',s- S.2U) 44 44S 4o ia. ..... I SI ; l.imo 314 lo.nnn 14 4.KI0 ITS 171 171 Orrat Northern, pffl 1.10 lisal 11. U 1..1. ui. Nortnuni tiro ctra... S.4O0 424a 41 S 41 Ounannolm Bipioratloa. 3,iV4 4a 1011, 74, Mi, if.-, 2 141 114 M 27 121 '4' Ul niinnia fantral Intertmronsh Met., sfd.. Insptroiloa Ospor Inlornatlnoal Harvester.. Kansas city Houtheni.. Ihlh Valley loulavlllo Noahrllla. Msitan IVtrolausi .... Miami Cop par Mo., Kan. Tax , Missouri Pacini! National lllertilt National Lea4 Navooa Copper I.ixn 3"S w wo iHi l'W'i 1.100 Z7 . ..,. 3. M0 roo 8.3 0 3714 7S 4', 37 'a .1(0 IM14 121 1,400 tt1s ! Nay York I'sulral N. V., N. II. a H Norfolk 4 Westera Northsrn Paeirio ,, Psiilflo Mall Parlfla Tal. ak Tal , Pullman lalaco Car Say f anaIMato4 Usppar Haaalng llpubllo Iras A attoal..., Hn k Islan4 I'a Hock Island Co., ard Ht. L. a 8. F.. M pfd., Southara parlflo titHHoara Hallway Tannsaaao Ooppar Taiaa Vrnipanf , t'nloa Paclfio V'nloa Parlflo. pfd l.l" 4iS 31 1.KI0 fi .V .4a 1. mo 110 11114, in mni 105 ik a ti its .12 1.KW us 2"JW Wk 1.6") S 22" 2:'", 30.4110 IMS 147 )t, 3.W. 43l 42', 400 It, l, I 8.m MH 7S it1-. ieo lit, IV li'u 3.100 6S MS 4in ir.l im IMS I. ins 12i l.Ni, too im, (an, ss 4.ioo 7S 1S ?s pld. 1.400 1US 11244 112V 1,100 17 4' l'ik s I'nttad Klatas Ulnl llnllod tHatoi Staal I'tah Cisjpar Waliaah, pfd Waatarn tnlon .... "I 14 (4 74 Waatlnibouso Blaouio ,. 14,(M0 lit lllla i""4. slontana rowor ballwnl LaKomotto .... 13.400 Amarloaa LootanotlTa .... i.KlO Ouolblo Btael IH.IO Bolhlobsm tso , l.iis) .. di. I. a P 70 81 VIS i'a tnS lis 42:a r,s H14 30 34 M US 32 2214 tlaneral Motor .KK) 841 341 Allla-t'halmara 10) itli 341 3 Tolavi for the say. 4H.4SO aaaras. Dt'N'S REVIEW OK TRADB Restraint t'poa Tfevtr Eaferprtae Blackens. NEW TORK. Sept, .-Xun's Review tomorrow will say: Restraint upon new enterprises slackens as International diplomatic relations Im prove, but the derangement ot foreign ex chanKe continues a disturbing element lit financial and export circles. Depression of European funds In this market haa reached the stage where interference with oversea trade ia threatened, although no actual cbeok to merchandise shipments nas in us jar occurred, important prob lems, however, are diminishing in num ber and thrre la a areowtnir halluf that current business (H-ogress will not be se riously Impeded. Kven the notable re vival of activity In some directions la loss Impressive than the general restora tion of confidence, without which a re turn to fuil prosperity would not bo poa- iuiw. iinuai assurances or big grain crops an knowledge that the purchasing power of the people was never greater than at present are two of several rea sons why optimism haa become a national characteristic Any long range view of the situation leads to sanguine conclu sions and, though complete ahsenoa of complaint is not to be expected, underly ing conditions are so sound that real . pessimism Is no longer warranted. Sus tained improvement la the keynote of ad vices from practically all leading- cen ters and In the few Instances where con crete betterment is lacking a spirit of hopefulness la plainly manifest that tho advent of fall will be accompanied bv further expansion la everywhere antici pated. uunn August, which Is ususlly a slsck period, the tide of business rose to higher levels and the gains are clearly reflected In most of tho statistical barometers. Weekly bank clearings, 83.o7L443.66a. Sw York Money Market. XP?! Kept' '-MERCANTILE PA PKR-8'ti 34 per cent. STERLING EXCH A NOK Sixty-day bills. 34.00; demand, $4.o4.'); eat. lea. 36 3f. France: Demand, IT, (si; cables, .i 3.' Marks: Demand. $0o: cables, )',! Llres: Demand. $ 4T; cables, $146. Rubiest Denis nil, 3jVo; cables, Sl.Se. B1LVER Bar, 44c; Mexican dollars 3kc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad Irregular ' Mi'.NlY Time loans, steady; 80 days 2SV2. Per cent; o deya. 2yH per cent; six months, 84 per cent. Call nionei steady; hlg, t per cent; low, IV per cent: ruling rate, 14 per cent; last loan I per cent, closing bid. 144 oer cent; nfi.l 1 per cent. Sngnr Market. NEW YORK, Kent S.-SrClAR-Rnw nominal; twntrifugal, 4S-K(l4.71c; mulaaaes 38.w4.0o; refined steady, huitar futures opened quiet, but steady today and at noon prices were unchanged to 6 polnta higher. Swift A Company I'elos Stock Tarda. Chloaio, Sapt. 4 iij Dividend No. 118 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS (33 00) per . share on tho capital stock of t1ft i Company, will be tmid on October ii, 1815. to stockholders of record, hei, (em ber 10, lvlfc, as slioan on the Liik i.t the company. r. U. HAYWaXD. Sicrotsry - ..nnmini wun me respite or tw.i t 4