Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1915, Page 14, Image 15
14 7i rn hee.- omatia, fEPTKrnrin 1015. ! 1 3 ' t J ! t : i ' Si 3 ! WANT ADS enf ai4a tutvA mi mwiw flfna Kilt t rt Insure frow rlaaelflration must h pre sented tf re 11 o dock noon for evening edition and 7:44 p. m. for morning n.l Sunday editions. Want aria recelvedsf ter Such houra will under thi hsadlna. 'loo Lata to Classify." CASH PATES, "rvrn consecutlv time. I cent a word ' ach li-eartion. Two or mora consecuttv time. 14 cents a wort. Ona tlma, I font a ft word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive times, cent ft Una each Insertion. Three consecutive times, 10 cents ft line arh lasertlnn. 8na time, It cent Una. ount all average word to ft Una. Minimum charge. K cent. An advertisement Inserted to n run until discontinued must ba topi"! by written order. All claim for error roust b mada within fifteen day after tha Uat Inser tlon of the advertisement Ton an place your want ad In The Baa by telephone TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. DBTit and funeral iwoticf.s ANDREWft-Jennl H., September 1, 1914. at bar lot resilience, 627 South Twen tieth, beloved wlfa of George L. An- Funeral will be bald from Ptrvk A Falconer parlora Saturday, September 4, at 1 p. m. Interment In Forest Uwa Friends invited. POWER Mr John, aired M years. Funeral Saturday. September 4 at a, m.. from family residence, 118 South Tenth afreet, to St. Patrick's church, ft. m. Butial In Holy Sepulcher cemetery- CiBU OF THANKS. Wo wiah to thank our many kind JTrlenda and neighbors, especially our paat.iT. Rev. Father Dowd. tha ladles I of tha Sodality, the member of the W. C O. B. and the nuraea of tha Nicholas Senn hospital, for thdr kindness and sympathy shown during tha illneaa and death of our beloved wlfa and sister, lura Harding; also for tha many beau tiful floral offering". (Signed), JOHV 3. HARDING, (and her airier, MRS. MINNIE UOHN, BIRTHS Anti DEATH. Blrths-John A. and Ollva Haln, 1109 South Twenty-elghib, girl;, Charlea O. and Alice A. Borne, 2P0 North Twenty sixth, girl; Thomaa and Antlumla Brudnv, 102J North Thirty-eighth, South Bide, boy; John and Maud Campbell, 14 North Forty-first, girl; Cecil and Pearl Crabtreo, 714 Hickory, girl; Anton and Mary Tuna, 1736 Smith Fifteenth, boy; Juliua and Mary Fillpovla 814 North Twenty-seventh, South Side, boy; Charlea and Freda Gardner, Seward, girl; Oeorg L. and Lurela Gabriel, 12 South Tenth, boy; Olof H and Winnie Johneon, 1MJS MlMourl avenue, boy; Fred and Claire Montmorency, 221 St. Mary' ave nue, girl; Kdward and Fern Poltanl. 2321 Harney, girl; tjulseppe and Im Ran riasao. 1223 8. Fourteenth, girl; J. If. and Cora Robertson, hoepltal. girl; Mike ami Martha Fkorka, 7V. North Twei.ty-aev-enth. South Side, boy. Death Mr. 8. O. IToff 40. hospital; Catherine Cooper, 74, 2W4 Manderaon. Mtnnunn iirnxsm. . Tha following martaga lloenaeg hare ben granted: Nam and Residence. Aga. William J. Traynl' k. re Molnea 2.1 Haul D. Irwin. Shenandoah. la 21 Meeciyalau Slvek. Omaha 24 Mary Hok, Omaha 24 AMadyalaw Zvh, Omaha., 24 Ludwlka Bryl, Omaha 21 Alexander Yatea. Omaha ,...Over2l Lucy Anna Shrlver, Omaha. Over 21 William Keareh, Shenandoah, la... 24 Florence Brigga, Shenandoah. la IS Robert W. Turker. New York City.. ..61 Nellie M. K. Patrick. Madison, Neb....i Bl ILDINO PERMITS. Angela Terxo, 101 S South Fifth, frame dwelling. ILfiO; I- W. Glfford, 2tdl Bris tol, frame dwelling, 00O; L. W. Olf ford. AilJ Bristol, frame dwelling, 12,000. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slide for movies. Bund your copy to lis. W can reproduce photo or will prepare your eopy. W will color as directed. Dm Photo Dept. lot Be Bid. Donitswi, EMFKESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLA83 VAUDEVILLE. Hearst-Eellg. No. 70, 'My Lost One." J-reel Vita graph. x Tno litre Guard." lubln. "Her Return," Knaanay. FRTncEs3I iii7-ii lkjL'oLA3." A Bold Impersonation, l-reel drama. The Leap for Lite. Thrilling western dr. Biddy Brady's Birthday. A eiever com. North. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNFT. Th Reward. Mutual master picture In 4 parts, featuring Beaala Barilacal. And a good comedy. Km illO PT2 4 T iPAND LOTHROP. Betty Nanson and Ertward Jos In "A Woman' Resurrection," f reals. oath. APOLLO. 2814 LEAVENWORTH. On Dangerous Path. 4-reel Edison , ' West. Haatfej lide. 8T AND N. BE8SE. liearst-Sellg. When a lidy Bmllea. treel Esaanay. OKPHEUM. J4T1I ANDN7 The Heart of Jabes Flint. (ilorianna'a tie la way. Fa. comedy. Fatty a Tintype Tangle, t-rvvl Keyston, MOVIES a FEATURES Tf TODAY k APOLLO. S4 LEAVENWORTH. On Dangarou Paths. 4 -reel Edison. GRAND. 16TH AND BLNNKY! Th Reward. A Mutual master plctur. In 4 piirts, featuring Beaeie Barrlscale. LOTHUOP. 24TH AND LOTHROPi Betty Nanson ajid bwaTd Joe bl x Wuman a Ksurretion. 6 regie. WONKOE. 2556 FARNAM.' Marrying Money (Clara Kimball Young). A Siulirt feature in i rmjs. Mailnee daily I u to 6.SU. ANNOlNCtMENTs BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY O.N COURSES. Fir sale, with good reasons for aaliuig. varlrty of couik-j lu a reliable Buai ueaa bcbool. on of the leading buaiiteae coiirgt-a ut Omaha. Will t aold vary tcaaunabve away below regular Prl. . If you ar considering taking ouuise lovestiKuta tliia al once, sli.ea Fall talis " "on. 'll office. Omaha Hrtt. J-AINTLKsi' I'AL NOrT Loc&i ki.lou N. lis wM march tn Labor Jmv i.tue. H.'cuie ywur uuifurm at IjlKr t- mole Saturday. spt. 4. I to 6 p. in., or ItlHtr day. to lu a. in. Farads ''' rt lu a tn. Fine will be UnveeJ tur nut rarading Mened loRDATOOStMITTFE luvtauaat If. U. C.A. out g park.uminerT AtTOMODILKS Whenever you ar considering aelllng or buying a used car and you want full vnlue for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are retting you will have no reitret If you uy or advertise thminh the ud car iin2nofThe Hee. I'h'ine Tyler l'lio. FOll SAIK My "ueoMJIdmolille touring car. In good condition, Car can be een at l Farnam St. Fo.NTKNKI.I.K AI TO CO.. 2I S. l!th r-t. F.iiw-rt rp nil Ins; tinreaini In uaed cara. giiara nteed aa reiirH'-ntrd T1RK KXr EN.K ClIT IN TWO. We take two old Urea and return or good one. Price, $2.75 and up. NER. D(1UBI.E-TREAI TIRE CO.. Bt Farnam St. TH. Pouglaa li.1 Overton e forlf-aky radiator. We, dealera. Induetrlal (wrwl(e Co., 20th Harney Sta. REWARD for any ntmtnetn we tan't repair. Colla rend. Mavedorfr. 210 N. 1H. o S'KHHASKA Rulck Si-rvlre station. 13U amam ht. I'hon Loiigiaa 721. BUSINESS C1IANCKH If your Kualneaj Chance will t.ind rlirld IniA.llu.tlnn - r..l 4. f,la wKm I la adverllHed, i r If you are looking to atart in ituninfiia ior youraeu you win oe r r..nti K. , . .. r i... i 1 1 , ,,UA I.a 1 1 11 I ii Chance column of The Hee. When buy Ing or at-lllng a bualneae Vhone Tyler I'm). FOR BALE or exchange, country tote, complete general merrhan dliii atnek. Real eatate, fixture and atoi k to exnhanKe for Na braakw land priced right. W. T. SMITH CO.. City National Bank Bldg. CAMiY kitchen, aicellent location, good flxturea and all utensil for making lea cream and candy. Rcaeonable. Tel. Hen. ICS OWNKRH-Uit yourrip9rty with VV? W. Wllllama. & Nvlil Rlk. l. 4W. W Kt)R 8AM0-MMIinery; great bar- f T em Iowa. JIM WRAY, SHJU' RAY, SIOUX CITY RFWTACRANT for aaia cheap If taken immediately; railroad terminal. Boi f ION how fjrdu, Clark A Bon. D. 1117a. VI Stl-I, or buy a bi'alueaa, call on Huach Horthorr. rrmwr Hik. n. Mia TO UKT In or ut of linnlneaa caii on OA NUKHTAP. 422 Ilea Hldg. lotig. M77. RHAlj Ketata lluaineaa ulacea aupplled or l.andlrd; all atatea. K. V. Knleat. timaha; Hh'.K Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gHlnn in eatalillHhed ahowa. I). 'J0. TH K ATI'.RS Huy, leaae or aell your the ater, machine and Muppllva through Ttieater Kxch. Co., 140 Farnam. H. )W, BUYS ealalillBlied biialneaa, cippor- tunitlea tdg, capital required amau. ao- dreaa M 17, care Bee I FOR BAI.J3 Meat market, good town I northern Iowa, building, equipment , complete. Price, ti.'j'). Term. JIM (WltAY, rTIOUX CITY. j MY saloon la for tale. Doing fin busi ness tn good location. Only good reaaona comiiel mo to aell. Excellent opportunity for rlghtjnan. Chrtlundi12J4B. 2"th. 'BAKERY buelneaa. A good paying I bakery In Iowa town of lX. Will ' aland tnveatlgatlon. Addreaa, Y fm. Bee. BRANt'K STORM MtJRH. WANTBI). Manaaa a Betsy Rosa Candy Store tn your city aa part of our national system. Profitable, refined business. Men and women with business ability, good ref encea and amall capital require,.!. Betsy Rosa Candy Co., Belay Rosa Uldg.. Liept. Hi, Chicago, III. J'UK SALI'V-Olrst class bath and massage parlor; excellent location. Mis Walton, Room 234, Neville Block, Omaha, Netv FOR BALE II acres adjoining Iowa town, with cement block factory, 4,0u0; half cash. JIM WRAY. SIOUX CITY. RESTAURANT and rooming lions with a small line of groceries; doing good business: living rooms In rear; bargain If taken at once; other business. Whlto Lunch Restaurant, 4104 N. 24th, Omaha. Tel. Web. 4S70. KANSAS CITY manufacturing company wanta distributer direct to mehchanta; temporary Investment of 3no required, fully secured. See Mr. Kaaer at llotol Rome, Room 01. Hoomtnst lloaaea tor Sale. MITST Sell at Once Rooming house of 10 rooms, all full, two blocks from P. O, Furnltur and everything modern; rent. Including heat, water and lanltoe serv ice, $W. Will sacrifice Call D. V!47. 20-R. 410THL with 6-r. cottag In rear, furnished throughout; full of roomers; price reasonable, terms; leaving town, mowt S'41, The Roee. 2HC0 HarneyBt. RM.-t. of steady roomers; large barn; chickens; cheap rent. Tel. Web, 1108. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omuhu Business College: On unlimited combination business and rhorthand course. line unlimited sienngrapnio course. One three-monlha' business Or steno graphic course. in ne acid at a mscouni ai me ouioe cf The Omaha Bee. Fall Term Boyles College Day school, September Tth. Night school, September Sth; Complete business course, complete shorthand and atenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Enxllsh. Writ, phone or call fur 47ia rmaiuBuv, Boyles College II. B. BOYLES, President. Tel. Doug. 156&. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Tho VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day Bchool for Young Women. Evening bchool for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning olaaa In typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager, 504 Bo. isth Bt. Oma ha. EXPERT lady atenographer will take pTlla; ehorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and puuotuatlon taught. Individ ual Instruction. tC4 Dougla fit. Tel. Walnut ttT7. FOR 8 A LB FOR BALU-Her 1 a classification that la of th utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offer some excep tional opportunities every day and a small waul ad will aell your arucla at Its full vlu. 1'lione Tyler liiOU. Karallsn, lleaaeholal Ue4i Kte. DoRkft bought and aold. J. C. Reed, l0'1' IM1 Farnam bl. Douglas 14 AUOTlUN SAHfl at 2713 Iewey Ave., tiatuiday, September 4, at t p. lit. Will Bull at auction ooni plete furnlaliing of 8 rooms DOWD AUCTION CO.. A 1 1TION E E R A BARGAINS IN FlRNITURh! AND HARDWARH 13 N. 24TU. WEB. lrf. lieraca aad Veklelea. FOR SALF. Two work and one saddle hora. ITS, U $'; call South 3ua, S3iJ Harrison St. South Omaha. CAHIXJAD of Mlnuesita best milch cows for aal. Carl IVt-rson. Uili S. 4ith SL Tel . a I nut K.7. TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All aiavs. two To six-ton capacities. We aell the Studehakor, th Bain, th Peter bi buttlcr. I'.kiu and Bueikeii. Mast aU luu this month. Big reduction In mice. JOIiNSoN-DAN FORTH (M FAN V. Mumi .r skraur Mia. Slightly used high grand piano. D. IT. fu .'.. ..a a - . -i i.. MXD grain, lm) lbs Wagner. Ml N. 11 bl K R EOT Y P E niatricea make th boat uu luwvnii iiuiui ior poultry nouaaa. . no 4i iuviim. airuuger ana ntur durable than tairod fell and practically I .,1 . imj m uuiiureq al Ilea rstt OrriCSk T Y I E W K J T l RS, ta and up. rj Be Bldif.' "U1, Ivlllcr. repaired. Central Tviewrlier Fc lii F rns m. Miscellaaea. n Wnl Whisky, 4 full ails boil ed In bond. pr- Cavkley Bros., Omaha t KOIt S.ILK Mlaoellaaeoaa. Coal Direct Io You. Tlie Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatto, Neb. X---- fccond-hand motora, dynamoa, IHvV inagnetoa. etc.. mechanical ... 7 rnalra ron fclectrl.! Wnrke. u mth Ht. o FOR SALE New and second-hand camtn and pocket billiard tnhlea and howling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy rayments The Brunawlck-I'alke-Collender Co., Vl-i ft. lth St. FJR SALFa High school cadet aulta, K All eixes. John Feldman, 2iH N. 17th, Cor, tapltol Ave. Phone Dougle SI2H. rOU SALE CHEAP Rualnes College t.'ourae. Fvll and complete rchnlarshlp In on of the beat Omata business ichnnla. Good reason for aelllng: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be eold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at ence. because fall term hrlna soon. There are a variety of course for sale. Fo particulars inqulr at ths offlc of The Omaha Be. HELP WANTED FKMALB Clerical mm Offloa. Exp. Bookkeeper, 110 week. Kb. p. SUno. and Office, a to 28 rr., $S week IiiMKRg REK, CO.. M0 Paton Blk. OFFICE CLJORK. $5 LKDOKR CLERK $40 THH CANO AUENCY. BnO Be Bldg. Stenographer ... Steno lsal Exp.; temporary 7k " i ' " rtr,r . i n., nw-o-4z Brand. Th. WANTEO-Olrla for temporary clerical work; experienced clerka preferred. Call Room il. Kennedy lildg. Factory aad Trade. OIWL to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm. Housekeepers and Uomeatlca. THE Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Hee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad ' KB until you get the desired reeulta. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Kluffa. Hrlng ad to The I'.ee office or telephone Tyler 10 W ANTE I Second maid, with rfer encea. arid Farnam. H. 1519. A GIRL or middle-aged woman for light housework and nursing; no washing or Ironing. 645 S. 26th Ave. D. I15L COMPETENT white girl for g-neraj housework; 4 adult Tn family; f7 per week. i N. 41st St. Call In person. WANTED Competent general girl; I In family: references rsqulred. 1L 6814. 12i B. 8th St. WANT K I) A competent girt for general housework; must Ilk children. S414 Dewey Ave. 11-141. GIRL for general housework, 646 So. Both Ave. D. 21M. GOOD glil fur general housework. Mrs. . W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; must be goood cook. Where second girl Is kept. 137 8. totii St. Harney JH'13. WANTED A competent girl for general iiiimmiwij whi wagea. 110 d. Mtn St. I Harney 621. ANTED Competent aecond maid; ref erences required. Apply tut 8. 2d Av. . . i.i iii-y IV. WANTED A girl for general housework, - " m,i-m w-t n inn, mrs. uvu. Barker, jr., 362 lfayetta Ave.. Phona Walnut Ujt. WA NTED A girl to assist with house- . JHori "Oou nom. ibi N. IVlh St. Web. 1209. GIRL wanted for general housework, small family. 106 N. Hh St. WANT El AT ONCK, GIRL FOR GEN ERAL HOl'dlOvVOlthV SMALL FAM ILY. (JOOD WAGES. I'irONR HARNEY 741. CAM, AT 1MH B. SfiTH ST. AAPAm'K took- Mr- K c- Barton. Hf46 Harney St. WANTED White girl for second work; small family: references required. As- yT o"i o. oin ni. rnone Harney )Mif. WANTED Competent girl for general lUMIHAWnrll fdmllu a! fc. m lI . ( " " " , j v vii. w, iiv wssnui or ininiin, VWII at biV l"ine HI WANTEl-OlrI for goneral housework i pi mnt noutn uititni. GIRL for general housework; referenoe o.r'lHr -Apply morning, 128 B. 16th WANT1?I Neat, rellabla colored girl for generl housework: must have good references: mav so noma at nlh 4ix Dodu-e Ht, Fhone Walnut 174. WANT1TI Young girl to assist with housework and children. 406 So. 2!Hh St. W'ANTED-A"younafirl to asist""in housework. Web. 6i.s). WANT El-Oood girl for general house- worK. psjt California St. WANTEI A maid for general house work; ona who can co horn nights; good wages. io-t B. 2th St. MiairlUacssk, Wanted a checker, an examiner and a presser in ladies' de partment. Dresher Bros. Dyers and Dry Cleaners, Hatters and Tailors, 2211 Farnam Street. . WANTED Wrappers; young ladle from 14 to IS year old; good salary and permanent position. Apply Superintend ent, Brandebj Stores. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa straita-trs ar Invlud to visit tn Young Women's f'Jirluil.n .HA.I.IU. ,..iu. . i . w v 'vi 1 1 uunuin at SL Mary s Ave. and 17th St.. where i'"'7 "i f o uiitvitu io auuaoio ooarulntf 1 1 1 n- Alku.u.1. .. I ... J . i . ' " " . MDmi. 14-UK IUr iur traveler' guide at Union station. HELP WANTKD MALE .Clerical aa Otfle. Salesman, A-l proposition. SlenoKrapher oa WATTS REP. CO.. M8-40-4J Brand. Th. BAU'.BUAPI LEDGER CLERK $it THE CANo AGENCYYw''Bc'o'Bi'd'g ) Asst. Bookkeeixtr, 4; Stenographer, . BUbINfcitv-4 MhiN'8 KEKEitUMCE ASaJj,. laia-au Woodmen of the World. Exp Press feeder. Cashier. Country Bank, Inv. J100. KiKlKiia REF. CO., i& Baxton Blk. Young man, study law; downtown even ing sesjioiis, Uw dept. UNI V h,KBlTV OF OMAHA. NouilnaJ tuillon. See A. C. Tliomsen, v Omaha National Bank. lIHHI-tjRAI'Hj ooonn.rcial poaillona WEsT. REFERILNCK 4V B IND AbSK4 omana isai. Hank B'.tlg. Aaeata, Isltimaa m gollrllora. TRAVELING salesman, to plan high. naunvy easy. No sample to oarry. Li in- nwi iwiiw'7 vtii. vii'4ta Ariajnmrd lmponing Oo,, Ut SI Matlraun bt-, Chi cago, 111. V ANT ED A good ateady genllemaiily saleaman to handle a Ward's wagon in Ioula county. No, experleno needed. ard a Medical Company, Winuna, Minn. Eatabilsheil Lv M TO tlM mad weekly Belling Flexible Riders and starters for Ford cars. Call or writ e. Phillips 4k Bets. 411 be Bldg. Ttr first payment osurlu insurance to January 1, lii4; great Inducement; call or r:i Mutual Benefit Health Acci dent easociaaun, CSly Natlwnal Bank iildg., Omaha. Neb. COAL mieiits wanted In every town 1 get a trial car. I. M. Oox, No. Platte, Neb. Maya. WANTED Office' boy by manufacturing concern. Address A -87. Omaha Bee. Factory sat Trade. WANTED-Experienosd men tailors tn an alteration room. Apply Superintend ent Brandel Store. II KM WANTED MALE f actory aad Trades. WA.NTED-.Mcti to learn :ha barber trade H have originated a plan to teach It qui Mv and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Toola Included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLEH RARRKR COI.LEOE. 110 S. 14th St. WANTEI At once. 2 first claaa brick layer at Aahlnnd, Nel. Phone Elmer Jatfrsen, No. VM, and ask for Bland berry. WA NTED At once barber who la nolo cornet player. Addreaa J. II. Swart, Arapahoe. Neh. Drug More Snapa, Joba. Knelst, Hee Bldg. I J: A RNil AIlBEirXl lWT Wagea paid. Tool given. Poaitlons guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trt-'lty College, 1174 Iouglas. Omaha WH need men; had to turn down two by our method. Get on of the Joba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto- i, ,,,, nir, m-iiinii, it irnirnwnnn nx. WA NTBD Name of men. H cr over, wishing government lobs, K5 month No pull necessary. Address Y 601, Bee. WANTED 5 experienced hay men; also man and wife for ranch. 8. C. Bliss, HA Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. STUDY LAW AT 1IOMH A large university to directly advertise tta extension law department, will place a limited number of compllmentarv law scholarships In this state. Apnllcant must be of age and furnish references. Apply to Mr. Ives, Fonteneite Hotel. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, T5 month. Omaha, examinations coming. Sample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Inet tutee, Dept. 221U, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Four good haying hands; must know th business. Call on F. C. Bliss. 154 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED nlsht watchman, with best of city refereuce, wants position. snores i' jim, tiee. tAl'fcKiKNCKU night Janitor, with good references, wants position. Address M Mia i, "3P A MTL I .'" U.. L.t,.. ul-l It. .1. -1. , iaj i. wiui,, Bl11, llsiil. nvi n uu on floor. Web. ASM. Mlaa Willy Jack son, 8W7 Camden A ve CHAUFFEUR desires place; private fam ily; can furnish references. Call Doug. 124. Ask for E. W. Peterson. A LADY, 82, without Incumbrance, de sires position as housekeeper. Address J M, Bee SITUATION by chauffeur; married; win ing to do other work; wife as cook or rnald. Quod references. B 112, Be. WANTED By colored crippled girl, light work on one floor; small wages. Web. 431. Miss Willy Jackson, 3mj; Camden Av. WANTT0D Position as salesman, llv wire, five years' experience as road man and "branch mananT with large corpora tion. Best reason for seli-proiupted reslg tiallon. Address L H Bee. WANTE1 Position as housekeeper In a neat home; boy, S years old. Address K K2.Bee. YOUNG lady to take care of ohild after noons. Call Harney 373. WANTED A position aa collector to work on oommlasion basis. Address B 8. Bee, ' ELDERLY woman wants position to as sist In housework or care of Brick per son, or child. Phone Webster do'.s. MR HARRY LFRERRY. car Paxton hotel, Omaha, wishes to negotiate with a firm of repute to represent same. He now Is disengaged through the war tn Europe. Can give highest credentials. vuicunlac.r and tire repair man wanta steady position. Address Sain Plertnan, Gen. Del., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Position as housekeeper, lady ' with one child. Mr E. Eadicott, Bog ! 4. Arnold. Neb. WANTED Pjltlon ss housekeeper In i country nome Dy neat and trustworthy lady. Pleaso address Housekeeper at 301 Lyric Bldg. WANTED Position as housekeeper. Call In person; have no phone. 33 2 Leaven worth St. WOMAN wanta position as ho'isekeeper or nurse maid. 22S Harmony St., Coun cil Bluffs, la. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Oniaaa's Lost and Found mediums menus the Immediate ru- turn of that article If advertised in The Bee, the loat anil Found paptr. OMAHA & COUNCIL BbUrVS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost aomu article would do well to cail up the office -6f the Omaha Council llluffs Street Railway company to aicci-tain whethur they lcU li in me street cars. - Many articles each day are turned In and th compuny Is anxious to restoro them t th -Ightful owner. Call Doug. 4S LOST Black and tan female hunting dog. Phone South 2u.". John Novg. 8TRAYED or stolen, Irish setter pup, vi cinity of 24th and Leavenworth. For re ward call Web. 4v9. Tag No. 1161. LOST Black Hill gold pin, grape design; finder please phone Walnut .). LOST Silk ribbon fob with told locket. engraved "F. C B." Return to, Be of i Ice. Reward. , . PERSONAL GORDON, th Magaxlne Man. Tel. Doug. I I'Kl. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa stranger ar Invited to visit the Youmt Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will b. directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at the Unl'),i station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, inana- sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Duuglaa 415 and our wagon will cull. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. SWAFPER3 COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something ou really need? It costs you nothing to Join thti Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, nee mug., or phone Tyler law. AUTO .-cylinder car, equipped with bus ! iKiay to carry 11 people, fur Jitney bua; has double Ignition. Atwater-Kent and moscq magneto system; will swap for Ford or Uuud 'ti. Addreaa R. l' l:ui care Bee, AUTOMOBILE I have a good Lyons 11' U o-passenger louring car; this la In flrst-claaa running order: coat tl.tkx) last year; will trade for furniture that la In good condition. Address b. C. 1418, car umana lw. AUTOMOBILES For oiher automobile bargains so th "Automobile ' ciassiri. tailoii. BRAND new 4 minute cylinder records tor 10 or 12-tn. dlso records; one elec tric piano, horse, harness wagon, to exchange for good Ford car, or auy other make of amall car. Address 8. C. 17V care Omaha Bee. ' BOAT What hav you to trade for lS-ft. boat, equipped with 10-horse-power team engine and boiler. Address d. C. 176, IWe. CA15PEH. WYO.. LOT IN OIL FIELDS" WILL TRAD1-J OR SELL. ADDRtS 8. C. 1M, Hee. CAMERA Eastman 8x44 folding out-! Ill K LSlIiri IUT 1 11 II IB or lliaiMM- Id 1 Improvement and new: wilt swap for larger plat camera. Address 8. C. lis. Be ; CAMKRA On Mlnut Post Card camera. latest model, cost 84; a money making propuaitiou for young man making fairs and carnivals; for anything I can use. Ad dress is. C. 177. Bee. DLMH BF.LL8-4J lS-lb dumb lulls all new. What am I offered T Addrtaa 8. C. 1M, Hoe . FINE 8 and 8-room apt no Junk, to ex change for equity In 4 or i-room oot tage. Add rasa A 111. Bee. GUITAR to trade for kodak or. what have you? Also rtr bed one full 'i and cheap wlcktr baby carrlaga for chickens, auy as a. Addreaa 8. C Lai. Be. iloTEJ-Ouly hotel la a town wf 1 305 populatlun, doing a good II a day busluesa. Will trade for automobile or city residence. Will trade furniture of hotel and leaae on building. Addreaa 8 CJ31. care of The Omaha Bee. PA I NTINO Will extha"riseTlntU "for horse. Addreaa 8. C. 1st. Be. SWAPPERS tX)Lt'MN GUITAR and ras to exchanxe for a library talde, or, what oav youT Ad dress H. C. W, Bee. KonAK-3'ix4'4 folding pocket kodak; cost llS.M, together with new to de veloping tank trays, print frames, chetn lcale, etc. Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood prefefred. Address P. C. 1T, Bee. LI HilAR Y RualneKM lilirary of 10 Isrge valumea, never been opened, direct from a noted correspondence university. Want office or typewriter desk. Addres 8. C. i::il. Bee. NURSERY STlM'K First class nursery stock close to Omaha. Will trade stock for painting work, a sound well broke work horse, used aulo or fence posts. What have you? Address f. C. 1318. ORI'INGTONS Thoroughbred Buff Or pingtons, 75 in all; well marked; large bone; moke me offer. Address S. C. ltii, Bee. PERCOLATOR Will swap brand new 7 cup copper percolator, alcohol, for baby's bed or hirfh chair. Address 8. C. 1R4 Bee. PIPE TOOLS -New pip tools, all kinds, for old model auto or motorcycle. Ad dresa S. C. 171, Bee. PHYSICIAN'S set of four "DeVilbls" atomizers and stand, like new, cost about !; will trade for anything use ful. Address S. C. IB. Bee. ROADSTER BODY-Have automobile roadster body to trade; make offer. Ad dress S. C. 174. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. SIDEBOARD Large, massive quarter aaaed oak sideboard. What have you to offer In trade? Address S. C. 172. Bee. SEWING MACHINE-Singer. cost W5; looks like now; In good condition. Might trade for chickens, or what hav you? soorcss l . livi, nee. SHOTGUN-Rifle, kodak, saddle, hand carved meerschaum pipe, over 109 year old. What have you to offer In trader Address .?. C. 171, Bee. SHOWCASE-I have an a-foot refriger ator showcase; been In use about 1 year; Is In good condition; will awap for 2d hand I'ord. Address d. C. 1314. Bee. SPANISH and clviPwar tllcs,swords and 17th century revolver. Ten Indian relics. What have you got Address 8. O. 1W. Bee. STEA"M ENGINE Stanley 20 horse power steam engine, suitable for ma rine engine. What have you to offer tn trade? Address 8. C. 175 Bee. TOOL CHEKT-One fancy tool chest; made of hardwoods; value l. What have you got. Address S C Its WATCH, ETC.-One high-grade 17-jewel watch; one steel and fiber-bound tr.'mk.:.. one leather handbag. Trade, w hat have you 7 Address 8. C. ISO. Bee. FOR RK7TT Apartments and Flats. Tha Vnr T)..l .4. ..I . . ' - v R,"o"i'"'"n appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally rnnnnt t,A Imot tn v..Uiw . I . m t ....... .. ... fc ,wl ,iITrKJ iimi. win iiieaae and fill the needs of any on desiring to rent. Phone Tyler lono FOR RENT. new. S and 6-roora apart ments, disappearing Deds. pneumatic cleaner, shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apts.. 25tfl Jones St. -o r-.tnn- flftt. suitable for roomer. R.6508 MODERN, close In brink flat, 816 N. 2.1d; ur, , men, f.,o.w. narney zki :!. PREPARE for winter. Secure fine EU gin., oimB in. Kt. f. CiICD Dl n. MODERN Steam heated; close In; low rent tl D Cl.kt.l. int. rr, . . ' v.. . . piruuiiiB, ioiu nicago. Angelus Apt.. and 4-room apt. H. 2074. o Ilamtilton Apartmenta Fire Proof - Suites of 1 to t Rooms. With Bath, Furnished or Unfurnished High Class Cafe In Connection. 24th and Farnam. D. 2M6. R12 8. 27TH. lower 6-r.. mod. flat 130 616 8. 27th, upper. -r.. mod. flat.. 127.60 C. G. CARLBERG. 811 Brand. Th. Bldg. Coll. 83d and Farnam, choice t-room apartment Inquire Janitor. Har. 4. ANGELUS Apts.. 25th Ave. and Douglas, J. 3, 4. S-rooin apts. Phone Doug. 2074. o FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartments, The Mason, 81st and Mason bts., end HO. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theiter. Doug. 1571. 8-ROOM apartment, BL Clara. Call Har- wiry ot. BEAUTIFUL, trictly mod. apt. 16th and Yates Sts.; Janitor service; fin lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 6678 or 4328. Board ssit Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offr verr mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding house of tha high est class will be found in th Furnished Room column of The Da. Phone Tvler )UU0. TWO beautiful rooms, mod., gentleman preferred; board optional. 1U18 8. 81st St. Tel. Harney 62y. BOARD AND ROOM AT 601 B. 83D ST. j-riij.-ri iiAHNEt Woo. Desirable room and board, 618 8. 19th St Faralahed Rooaaa. If you do not se anything that aulta you In the way of Furnlahed Rooms you can call at Room 104. Bee Bid., and ask for tha Free Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any pari or me ciiy. FOR gentleman who appreciates beautl ful room with every convenience. Com fortable, nice surroundings; walking dis tance. Reasonable. T' H. 11. WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at ISth, 100 rms.. tl; 60 rms., $1.60 & up; weekly & monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o FOR RENT Furnished room, well lo cated. Address K 67. Be. THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guests. 110 8. 13th. D. 8rJ. 813 8. 2tiTH Modem rooms by day or week; too and up; Just off Farnam car line. Rates by the week. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod em, reasonable, walking distance, Ziil St. Mary'a Ave. ilooaeWeeplasr Rooms. 26tls St. Mary's Ave., 1 and S-room suites, mod., walk, distance; also sleeping rms. NICELY furnished rooms for ludies or genla. walking distance. 213 8. 26th Si. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUEMT8. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19ih an 1 Farnam. HOTEL HAR LEY, 2oth and Furnam. TNVO nicely furnished basement rooms, 83 00 per week. 213 8. 26th St House, mm C.ttasea. North. 413 NO. ISTH. 8-r. all mod. flat. $45. 1110 No. 2JJ, 4-r. flat steel range, gas muiirit vavuiei, water paid. 117. HASP BROS. DOUGLAS 1653. 6-R00.M cottage. Juet made modern ex cept heat, 111 good condition and loca tion, near school, stores and three car lines Webster 4.S61. 614 N. 23D ST.. 14 rooms; modern. 2614 CUMING ST.. 8-r . mod. Tel. D. 75. f ROTTAG E. Tel. W almit 2. 61 X rooms, entirely modein! No. 417 N. th St. J6 a month. Inquire next door. BIX-RM., mod., rediioed to t Wal. 13. 7-RtKjM house, mod., ciose-in. Tel. D. 4;. tsalk, t-r. house, bath, close In. 83. H. 1651. 8-ROOM houaa, nearly modern, oak floors, elegant fireplace, good neighborhood, in) J,,0'A-U,i "f. low,'r l2 rl!hl Party- W4 So. SM. Tel. Douglas 8Q40. 8-ROOM. modern house. 8407 Jones. VX is) per month J 1. Kemp. loulas M7. -IIOOM house, modern. So. Jd Ave. Wrlnht St.. 6'8. Pbuii armjflyy. 6-ROOM cottage. 1U 8. 2fcih Bt.. $14. Wtr paid. ,L?AIl,L.'iv!LLr irJL1? "d. H. 18-. (Continued on CoL 7, 'ThlarTg) 1 - J-8 , ; Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical : ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract c. ti. e in NehrMska. Brnnilels The,. TT" Title Guarantee and Abstract rVHir Co., a modern abstract office. S- l"th St. Phone D. M7. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer St Co.. 12th. Farnam. D. 7471. AM ATE I n FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCoTN T A N TS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opened and closed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on you to explain the advantage of my audit service system. Address, 4 437 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7. ARCHITECTS. FA-erett B. Dodds, Sll Parton Blk. D. SML ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL Ltmbs. Braces and Trusses; expert fitter Fit well Artificial Limb Co., 122 S. 15th Bt. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 5U Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. Al CTIO.DEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-1 W.O.W. R. 2Jti. ALTO INSURANCE. AUTCMOBfLE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas fc 1 . AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2026 Far. D. 2001, Z. II. REEDER. lfi N.'lSth. Web. 327. BATHS. WOMEN only; vapor and electric baths. 2121 Lake St. Phone Webster 1111. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 17 Cuming. Douglaa 247. Renovatea feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down overs. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltohell Co.f f7th and Martha Bt. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. BTBTVTBNBON. t2 8. 23d. Douglas 5620. tiesaard & Son. 1H Cap. Ave. T. 1632. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 BaJrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dr. C. B. Brigga, 1411 N. 82d 8U Red 779L CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4RW. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1871. Bummer rates now at Mackle'si private lessons daily, 1S16 Harney. Doug. 6449. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, JOth ft Farnam DRESSMAKING COLLEGE!. Kelster Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry dng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 8071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 818 Neville Block. Bvt donco secured in ah cases. Tyler 1136. DANCING. GENEVIEVE) HAWFLAJRB, Rom hotel DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. wO. W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea, 724 City Nat. Bank, Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2186. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 oruors; catalogues rre. Sherman at MO' Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nor. Co.. 11 N. 16th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING!" CAHILL ELECTRIO CO.. Be Bid. D.S87S. ELECTROLYSIS. TJloa Allender. 624 Be Bldg. Red 8066. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. unugias r.w. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER3TROH. 4036 Hamilton. WaJ. 2OT1. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1238. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aas'n. HBSS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DON AG HTTP, 1628 Harney. Doug. loot. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WH replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Est. 1SH8. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 305 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICH TELEPHONE WERSTF.R KOTO General Office. 13th and Manderaon Sts. J I STICKS OF THE PEAC E. H. II. CLAIBORNE, 618 Paxton Blk. Red iwvi. nuiery puouo, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 81 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Fiirmiirlw with Mia. KVtv Ohm 1. 1 1 nesa; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax.Bk. L4E STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DUllIvIN Thomas. Dougla 251. LLi 1VJ1 Cun.ll1B. st MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Eat.. 14th and Doug. H. tlon picture machine and film bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Muton yc' Man." 2701 Iavenworth. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and 111a II Flee trial lesson ebster 6564. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new, cigars, candy. lEtt Park. oculists Eye examined, glasses fitted, pav as you can. lira. McCartv. 1111 W. O. W. Bl Ig. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bturges. 638 Brandels Theater Bbig. OSTEOPATHY I'll Y SIC I 4 si7 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 1S Be Bids. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANtTS. 417 N. 40th. H. I7U. PLUMES CLEANED. Dyed, mad over. D. Elaele, 113W Clry Nat. PRINTING. VATERS-BARNHART Ptg . CoM quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2180. W4 & 13th SU CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUO. I7S4. DOUOLAB Prlntuig Co. Tel. Douglas 44. STOVB AND FURNACE) REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water front, furnace . colls, etc. gulck service. Omaha Btove nepair w as, lann iipuglaa St. Tyler 20. BAFH AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS C A T7L70 Opened, repaired, eomb. H,v changed. F. E, Daven norf i4ist Mnin r inn SCALE) REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 8U S. lTth. D.I911 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill S. 14, Harley Shoe Rep'rLCo.. )Q4 Farn'm. R.844Q . SEWING -MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell needle and VV C parU for a" eewlng machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBllASJvA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Douglas 1662. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, slielv- ..a. cm. uuy, sen. umaiia mxturo 1 Supply Co., 414-16-18 B. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Bupply, 207 B. Uth. D. 62S. TAILORS. CHA9. O, LANDER YOU, Ins N. 16th St, TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. F RE LING tc BTEINLE. 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOH BENT. R"NT Oliver typewriter 8 tno, for 84. iiwrir Agency, iu rarnatu. BHTTS. Typewriter Exchange. 816 8. 18th bt.i All makes for sale or rent. RHNT a "Remington," not Just a typo wrlter. Low rent. Call Douglas 12H4. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg, Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinners U to 8, loo. HENJRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8H. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated uocesfully, re ult guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. T: U Tarn. i....i. .... -- - - j ,..vai uaiuia an'i other rectal dlseasea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no muiicr iium unm curea. w rite for book S? Mi V" testlmomal DIt - -..., uco mag, RUPTURE cured in A.,. .1,1,..,. pain. Call or write Dr. Weav. xox n Bldg. Omaha. Ewtabllshed 18M. -o FOB KENT Hoascs and Cottages. West. WEST FARNAM. HOME) FOR RENT. ?0'08-r." 3328 Harney St, strlcUy mod ern, fine location. r:i.'( iin:!.1 a. (-Trr 1 vw Phone D. 758. 02 City Nat l Bank Bldg. MODERN 10-room. furnlahed or unfurn lshed, 2601 Capitol Ave., owner. Tel. WEST Farnam, 7-r. stucco, 3l N. 3&th Ave., vacant Oct. 1, $46, D. 8M7. Mlsellaneoas. S066 Mason Bt. 8 rms., all mod 840 00 i.""111''" St.. 12 rraa.. all mod ;i6.0O 111 2 Pac 'In S 1A , -. ' 'I.,- '."Y ?42- Od-str r rrA'.:-;i. mod.-..::i:u:S i? ?,"kv aJ ."1, F-5? iirf JJ Ave. 6 rooms, all mod..30.oo 8716 N. Zitl St.. 7 rms.. mod. ex. ht-.l-OOU ww uuiiiiuii nu. w niia., ari moi SlHW 2T.23 Emmet St.. 7 rma., mod. ex. ht..817 0O 1418 8. 16th St., 6 rms., all mod tlSOo 2212 N. lth St., 4 rms., mod. ex. ht.Jl3 60 RlRKk'.TT rnupiwv 423 Bee Bldg. Iouglas . . . . . , . n r 1 ULil 1 O r LATH, 112110 f,r anil Knplh 1 t V. c - UOITUL'U 4 I), Il'r-W,-vm. nv . . except heat. ii.0O 7-r., S30S Howard St., modern. 81.00 7-r., 19u8 Corby Bt, modern. $3..00-6-r., 638 South 26th Ave., modern. 132.50 6-r., 632 Park Ave., modern flat. $:2 60--r., 117 South 80th St., modern. .w r-r., 01s eoum ititn St., modern, hot ar" cold water; Janitor. ou.uo i-r., iLs eiouin nn St.. modern, hot water heat, garage. 850 00-8-r., 8XM Harney Bt, modern, first-class. 8,6.00 -r.. S3Z1 Farnam St.. extra fin. r' 'rvi- er I o.lirAWX, Phone D. 766. 002 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 413 N. 18TH ST., 8-r., all mod $45 sou o. 2utn Ave., -r., all mod t U06 N. 22d St., 4-r, mod. ex. heat... .817 RASP BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. 136 N. 87TH ST., 6-r. all mod. house, 827. fin. 620 N. 41st St., 6-r., all mod. house. 1123 B. 82d Bt., 8-r., all mod. house, 837.50. l!i Corby St., 7-r., part mod. house, 1. 1843 N. 21st St., 4-r., part mod. house. Ili ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. 2u0 First National Hank Bldg. Douglaa 722. DON'T MISS THIS. S-room modern house, excellent lawn: rents for M per month. Don't fall to se this bargain. 2407 Jones. Phone Doug las VtSi. J. I. KEMP. 6 TO 7-r. houses near It. 8. Benson 688-J. 7-ROOM modern houne. 8614 Leavenworth St.. $16. Webster 2i. Vacant Sept. 20. 112.60, FOR COLORED. 2323 & 16th Bt, 6 rooms, toilet, gaa. KANSAS CITY manufacturing company wants distributor direct to merchants; temporary Investment of 800 required, fully secured Se Mr. Kaser at Hotel Rome, room C 16. FIDELITY FREE Phone Dougla 888 for complete list of vacant house and apartmeias; also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. SHE the Central Furniture Store's FREE RENTAL 1 1ST. 7-ROOM modern house, 3014 Leavenworth St., 8. Webster 2f90. TTnnqpo, CrelKh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. ln t .,rta of the 1 city. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van and 2 men, tl 23 per hr. ; storage U par mo. Sills fiirttori a-uar. 1. 4MS ai Ty. 830. Gordon Van Co. Storage. r n nth st. Tel D 294 or Har. Ii7. MaRgard's Storage s for es- es for mov- 'tiT, balking, shipping. I loopl-ia 144,'.. 1713 WebeUr 8t (CONTINUED ON PAQ FIFTEEN, COLUMN ONE.) Y 1 1.