Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1915, Image 1

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    The) fur way to satisfy
your wants is through ise
of the want a Spaces of The
Dee. Try a Bee want ad.
he Omaha Dai
On Trains, at hTotal
ewe BtaaAs, eta M
Cobb County Inquisitors Report
They Are Unable to Find Enough
Evidence on Which to Base
Officers of Law and Citizens De
clared Ignorant of Crime Till
Body Found.
MARIETTA, Oa., Sept. 2. The
Cobb contuy grand Jury reported late
today that It had been unable to
find enough evidence after a two
days' examination of witnesses to In
dict at- one for the lynching of Loo
M. Frank. The report stated:
"We have found several clues, but !
we have been unable to find any one 1
who could identify any party. We
have done our best, under our oath,
and we regret to state that we have
been unable to find enough evidence
to indict any one for this crime."
After it U stated that the Jury had the
active co-operation of Governor Harris
state a attorney general, Solicitor
Herbert Clay and other offioials of Cobb
county, th report adds:
Can't Connect Any body.
we nave Deen unacle to connect any-
ooay wiui ine perpetration or tills or-
f.n.. . ,h..h,. ..... .
v w u.iimij eki viio wuu naa :
conccted with it. althoujth we have In- j a statement to the effect that the
veatlgated yie Information furnished ua contractors cannot grant the bricK
by officers and other partlea, and have ' layers, now on strike, the additional
followed up letter, elgned and unalaTied, I , . . ' ,
and to this end Wo have subpoenaed and 6 C6nU aD hoUr asked for. nvertne
cxamined many wltneaaea In an effort to ; leBa a number of contioctors are al
dtaclose the perpetrators of thia crime j ready paying the required 75 cents
but none of theae witnesses could Identify jan nour parUcuiarly on Jobs that
any of the parties. , .
-We find from investigation that the were moBt completed,
officers of the law and the citizens of Statement by Balldera.
our town and county knew nothing of The statement imueo by the Builders'
this crime until they heard of the body exchange commllw, with V R. Oould
being found near Freys gin In this as chairman, is a follows:
county. The city of Marietta and the -The contractor cannot pay the in
county of Cobb were qulot before this creased wage demanded by the bricklay
t trouble, are quiet now and all reports er, because, all the 1obs now being car
to the contrary are untrue." ried on were r,Kur t,v them on a basis
Over Th'rty-Flve Heard. jof TO centa an hour and the work let to
Upwards of thirty-five witnesses were them on that basis. It is unjust and un
examined yesterday and toaav. Thev r.i. in ihm t. krinbinn in at.
included the chief of Dollce and other
citizens of Atlanta and Demons In everv
wain of life in Marietta. Anonymous
letters reierred to in the report still
are being received by officials of Cobb
county and othe, but the tenUency Is to
'"""' mem. jnaneiio is noi in uia
frenzied state of turmoil that has been
pictured, said Pollcltor Clay today,
(From a Staff CorresDondenL)
LINCOLN. Sent. 2.-(SDeclal.)-That
members of the Nebraska National guard
are In, a condition of preparedness ini
spite of Mr. Bryan's views on the sub-
Ject was evidenced last night when the
Lincoln contingent of the hospital corps
of the state guard, which have been at-
tendlng the hospital field school In Wis-
consln, alighted from the train in this
city. .
Soon after getting off the train some,
f el low standing near made an insulting
remark about "Nebraska's tin soldiers."
The bugler of the squad promptly
Vnn-ki h. f.ii . ii . .
I "7 I, "V"
his feet and the last seen of him he was
bitting a two-minute clip around the cor- .
ner of the station up the street. j
HARTINGTON. Neb.. Sept. i -(Special.)
The Bow Valley Scbutsenfest held, yes
terday and today on the grounds of the
Bow Valley Schutxenvereln, was one ot
the most successful in the history of the
organisation. The shooting match was
won by J. A. Thoene, who was crowned
"king," according to custom of the so
ciety, and Mr. Thoene chose his young
wife as - his queen. This is said to be
the first time in the hlstqry of the
Schutsenfest that the match was won by
the same person twice In succession, Mr.
and Mrs. Thoene having been king and
queen last year.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; cooler.
TrHrrlira at Ouki Yeeterda
6 a. m 69
, a. m M
7 a. m 68
S a. m M
s a. m 67
o a. m 71,
11 a. m 7f
11 m 77
1 P. m 71
! P. m 7
P. m 78
4 p. m 7j
ft p. m
6 p. in
7 p. m
8 p. m
Comparative Local Reeerd
li15. 1114. 1HI3. l12.
Highest today
m 76 97 no '
Lowest today M 49 77 I
Mean temperature S (2 M 11
Precipitation 00 .00 .06 .7
TcmperaJure and precipitation depart
ures irom tne normal:
in or ma i tempera.ure ..
Kericlency for the da
v 1
Total deficiency since March 1 4S1
normal precipitation OS Inch
lefictency for the day ... us livh
Total ra nfall since March 1..JC.17 Indies
Excess since March 1 11 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1914.. 4.W inches
Deficiency for cor. period, IMS.. 6.S2 Inches
Reports fresa Stalloas at T P. sf.
BUtlon and Stale Temp. Hlxh- Raln-
vr earner. j p. m,
Cheyenne, cloudy 71
Davenport, clear 7S
Itenver, clear w
Dea Moines, clear 7
Dodge City, clear "4
1-anrter, rln 54
North Platte, clear 74
Omaha, clear 7
Pueblo, clear f2
Rapid City, clear 7t!
Halt Lake City, cloudy.... 7H
tanta S'e, partly cloudy, .ra
hheiidan, rain 6
hloux City, clear 74
Vaientlita. clear 78
est. fall.
7H .to
K4 .00
S4 ,0i)
S4 .)
W .) I
74 .03
IS .
t" Mi
V) .(
W .00
"4 .'U
S .10
78 Kw
U A. WELSH, Local Foreoaster.
soldier's fine condition for marching; is the attention paid to his footwear and the replace
ment of shoes as soon as they deteiorate.
u inn ;
tit' llzZ0'-.
Several Contractors Pay Bricklay
ers Additional Wagre ia Order
to Finish Jobs.
Whlln a utrlltA rnmmlltM of th
. . , . . . .
Omaha Builders' exchan has Issued
,h. w.r.. ,,n inh- i.riv
. k .h. ..r.
Aked what would be done about Jobs
in h. riouM
"Well, most of the work to be
done tnU yeaP already contracted."
'W will t ho TK nli tlint'a all
there, is to IV said Mr. MoGow.n of
McQowan & Jacobberger. 'Td rathsr s
the laborers raised to 85 cents an hour
than the bricklayers to T5."
Sevrral Firms Pay II laker Ware
Work oh the M. C Peters mill is going
ahead on the basis of 75 cents an hour
toT tho bricklayers.
This Job. is nearly
finished, and when, the bricklayers an-
nounced Wednesday morning that they i
must have 76 cents or they , would refuse
to work, the extra nickel was promised
them, and the work was not delayed at
The real estate firm or Norrls A Nor- ,
rla Is paying the advanced scale also on a '
brick veneer house it is finishing at 8324
Fine street. "We s'mply went ahead and
paid them the advance asked for when
they put it up to us yesterday." said W. j
C. Norrls. "When this Job is finished, of j
.. ,,' . w '
I" : - ." IT.
houses we contemplated.
until this
trouble is settled.
Other Kmployere Yield. j
I At headquarters ot the bricklayers at
the Labor temple it was stated that
,here ar qulte number of other con-
tractors who are already paying the 75
cents. Among these Jobs the bricklayers
mentioned the Joe Eastman Job, at Fifty-
first and California street; the crick
chimney being built on the Castle hotel;
the big apartment house at Thirty-second
and Poppleton avenue; the McCabe
Methodist church at Forty-first and Far-
nam street, and others,
Only a half day's work remained to be '
done on the Dewey apartment house of
Hastings Hcyden when the strike
came. "I think we will have the fore-
mun ro ahead and finish that" aald
man go aneaa ana nnisri mai, said
Byron Hastings. "If not, Mr. Benson and
I will put on our. overalls and finish It
,.i- A. r, h ,w .
houses we are building, I do not know
Just what will be done, but I have con-
m..- h. .v.. ,.,., ,ni k
- 7 '
way or the other within a few days."
There were 320 union bricklayers In
r v. ' a, v.a I v. . . j ,.
called. Of thla number 2&0 were working
lust Prior to the strike. Just how many
are still out It is difficult to state, al-
though it U estimated at between W and
SHENANDOAH, la., Sept 2. Speclal
Telegram.) Slipping away from children
7? with whom h waa playing, Marlon, 21--lt
month-old son of Luther Johnson, was
I drowned ln the water tank on their farm
thla afternoon. Thla is the second fatal
accident In the family wltnln tne last
year, the Johnson child's uncle being
killed ln a bridge accident in March,
1914. The little boy's grandfather, Dr. A.
W. Parker la not expected to live through
the day.
Fran area Bkall 1st rail.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Bept i (8pe
clal Telegram.) Frank Hayward fell out
of the doorway of Concannan'S res- legislature f assed that law the members
taurant about noon today to the cement had no Idea that the officials elected by
sidewalk and sustained Injuries which their own party would so soon find
may prove fatal. For four hours hs has themselves tied hand and foot by an In
been In an unconscious state from a competent legislature so that their de
fracture of the skull, for which physl- partments would not be able to run. But
clans undertook an operation thla after-
noon. Hayward snd a pal, named Jones,
for maklns a disturbance In a shoe-
maker's shop yesterday. They paid their
fine and It appears
I again ImmedUtely
layward U a painter
; with his home as
oranda at Bay City.
went to drinking. Hay
and harvest laborer,
Indicated ta a memoranda
a '
vA I 5 v if
Attorney General Advises Them
Gerdes Act About Faying Fees
Into Treasury Void.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept .-(Speclal.)-Afrald
'4to ca" "f1 the legislature
" "- c"'u.
because it would be an admission tbat
the last democratic session was a failure,
democratio state officials will now seek
fl?.TlIl ' emo1craU
legislature of , 19U unconstitutional and
thus override, the efforts of a democratic
: stats treasurer to protect the funds of
the state under the authority given him
by the statutes. .
The controversy which has arisen be
tween State Treasurer George Hall and
the rest of the stats officers over the
right of th departments known as the fire
commission, food commission and one
or two others to draw from the state
treasury by warrant funds that have
been paid 'by tbem Into the treasury wllh-
out an aot of the legislature approprtat-
ing such funds, has brought about a con-
dltlon making It necessary either to call
a session of the legislature to appropriate
the funds legally or pay them out llleg-
Will Attaek Gerdes Law.
. . ... u ,.. .
A 1)111 Introduced by Henry Oerdes, a
democrat of Richardson county, in the
session of 1911. known as house roll 671,
was passed by both houses, which were
democratio, and signed by a republican
covernor. Mr. Qerdes, who is now a mem-
be"' of the Board of Control, and
his committee worked hard on the bill I
seeking to prevent extravagance In de-
partments wnicb they charged against
republicans who had control of the state
institutions ' and departments of tho
state. Bo they drafted thla bill, which
was for the purpose of compelling all of-
flclals of the state authorised to receive
fees of any kind to turn them into the
; state, treasury and then each legislature
would aprpopriate such amount as ws; i
necessary to pay the expenses of the de,
partment. The bill provided as follows:
lection 1. That hereafter It ahall be
lawful for any execuil.e d.-partment.
u,ll"rriH .for ny execull.-e d.-partment.
inltutinn hA.rri nrfi, - . t,n.
under or b virtue of anv atatut or aiv.
thority of the state to receive any feen,
Process from the a.i or any pu'tl
property, or any money belonging to
staie, or due for any rervlce rendc
"V virtue of state authority, without
Payine- the same Into the atate treasury
wurun inirty oays of tne receipt thereof,
Or nald OUt onlv UIm the nromr unurhnr
d warrnnt. Prov ded that all money
so paid
in lor in oieiuiium en (II ll
Marc" 31. !.. Is hwbv appro rrlated so
far aa the same mav be io ,ird for
the uf of the de-artment office, board
"VV p"rov.W furthertfiat
the head of any institution receiving
irimi anv sourvw runs to oe hell in
trust ana expenavi lor tne nn'lt or
nu lnm.l. tiA-r I. 1 1 i.
' I v 1 v v.
, Jra:.r - 1 ; j .
V ::.i:- i, , " I W.M .tMUmttf J
iilrd to pay such tnit fund Into the l aoout This evening another Government agents report rreat head
stnte treamiry as provided herein, but meeting will be held ln the bis: shad, and i- ,. -frnrt to eradlaata
I KrUS; aT'dTSr; ?Jll:flattaSa
n-n.n ' u, ir m UWJW null KUWWI
statemft of oil mrh moneys received
am expenaea oy mm or her.
Section i. Anv pman or Twrsona of;
anv exectittvw denrment. state ltuitltu
tlon or board acting under or by virtue
f t m nw .fa,',, .,.tVi.l,.r . .......
who sha'l fell or refuse to pav over
fuwio mw-r or any pirt tn-reor.
ST.-T.Pr 1V: JS.,.-:".
a reason-ble t me after notl -e so to do.
with anv proper and learal authority of
r ma mni auinonrv or
'm "p rnaf f!cTeH eMoo
it, sr1 such perron or
snnll n taken
I or otmii ernent, ipI such Der-on
person, sha'i b ponishei na now pro-
publlo fund a
- - w ivr iiio einuesxiement or
I'4n't Look for Booanraaar
It is evidflnt that when the democratic
they are now confronted 'with that Id en-
Uca4 condition, and not having the moral
incompetent by calling another special
eton to Correct the deficiencies, will
'' Proceed to break laws made by
thrmI",,ve" ta ord,r to the party
PVT7lr , M
TbJ u cknowladgmont that the
1 (Continued en Page Two. Column One.)
(Continued en rage Two. Column One.)
... J
Five Thousand Persons Attend Dig
Pro-Campaign Prayer Meeting
at Tabernacles
The big tabernacle erected for the
use of Billy Sunday was nearly ff led
last evening when a huge prayer
meeting was held, led by Rot. Welsh,
Billy Sunday's chief assistant. The
meeting was begun with song, and
songs from , tho specially prepared
books were sung by the congregation
and the hugt) choir for half an hour,
The choir section was entirely filled,
. ,. . . ' ,
and It was announced. by those ln
charge that many applications for
places in the choir were being
reived hut that no varanrlM nnw
On the side west of the choir a
section la reserved for the use of
ministers of the gospel and many
r,rnint ,
from surrounding towns occupied
seats reserved for tbem ln that sec
tion. Every one of them was deeply Interested
ln the meeting, and it seems probable
that the section reserved for them will
be none too large to hold the representa
tives of the various denominations' when
Mr. Sunday finally arlrves.
Mr. Sunday finally arlrves.
. .. .
"lw" """uur UI " congre-
'boiion was aaureased by several prem-
incnt Omaha pastors, and also by Rev.
; Mp jone, of council Bluffs. The Omaha
Ipastora who spoke are: Rev A. J Mor-
ri, c w MoCasklll Rev F E
!fmp ana juv. A C Douglas who was
jln ctMrue f th ,'ntinu- .r.n' t... k
at the ,lead of lhe neit:hJ)OrhO0d prayer
meetings that have been held ln the
city lor the last several weeks. Rev.
W'f -1 sh Kfr Rlimlitv'a r nMi .. -
. Mr , ' " . . " '
'"te1 Mr- L. Carnal In leading the
atntring, and addressed the - assembly
at the close rf the meeting, at the con-
.,, ,
seoratlon service.
Aside from leading the choir. Prof. '
Carnal sang a solo, which waa heard
with remarkable clearness throughout
me enure structure, proving that Oie
U"C.0, lh8 h" vh th0 r.
",a lw
No definite idea could be aalnnd a
the numbw nt
present at
meeting, as the seats were not entirely
imej and the visitors were scattered all
"" but Kw' W"h' wh
had conalderabio experience at Judging
wrae .auuiences, saui tnat a
wm uuauvw
'J?" ? Ch" '"m V 'Ur- tb,lt
..... (
will grow larger as they
Too May I'ahera,
The large number of ushers are show-
ln UP m flu shape, there actually being
loo many at thla stage of the campaign.
but tho.. not working now will pnSably
'sJltd on as soon as the main figure
In th. camtaign appears. The ushers
in in. camtaign appears. The ushers
T" Plainly Ubeled with red and yellow
r,bbon' on which the word "usher" Is
i printed ln large letters.
Wife of Sheriff
Holds Off Mob of
Hundred Men
BOWLING GREEN. Mo., Bept t The
wlf. of the sheriff of Pike county last
night held off a mob of more than 100
surrender of
Harrison Rose, a negro prisoner, charged
with murder, and prevented the carrying
out of threaU to lynch the negro. Vhlle
parleying with the moo. she secretly sent
tor County Attorney McQinnlng and the
mayor. Tb, pleadings of thes. two of-
flclala oaliued the men.
am e , . . ....
ft ' " 1
i ... '
Outer Defenses of Stronghold Taken
by Teutonic) Allies, According
to Berlin Official Re
Annies of Famous Marshal Press
Forward, Storming Foe
BERLIN (Via London.), Sept. 2.
German forces attacking the Rus
sian fortress of Grodno have taken
the outer forts of the stronghold, It
was officially announced by Geaman
army headquarters today.
The text of the statement Is a
"Western theater: In the Vosges,
north of Muenster, our attack on
August 31 resulted In our reaching
the trench lost in battles from Aug
ust 18 to 23. The battle lino of
Llngekopf-Burerekopf this passed
again Into our possession. Seventy-
two mounted chasseurs were taken
prisoners. Three machine guns None of the passengers saw the tor
were captured Ipedo which sunk the Arabia Doherty
"A French aroplane flying over Avo
court, northwest, of Verdun, was shot
down by one of our aviators and set on
"Eastern theater: Army of Field Mar
shal von Hlndenburg: The villain of
Csarnoko. on the Vllna-Qrodno railway.
was taken by storm. At Merecs, about
forty miles northeast of Grodno, our at
tack made progress.
"On the western front of Grodno, the
outer line of forts has fallen. The
North Oerman Landwehr took by storm
; yesterday Fort No. 4, situated to the
.north of the Dombrovo-Qrodno high road.
The garrison, constating of D00 men, was
captured. Late in the evening this was
followed by the capture by troops from
Baden of Fort No. 4A, situated further
north. Here we took prisoners a garrison
of lfiO men. The other fortifications on
the advanced western front were there
upon evacuated by the Russians.
"East of the forest of Dlolovlecsh, cross
ings over the Swlelocs and Makarowoe,
on the upper streams, southeast of Odelak,
were occupied by our troops after a hard
"The total captures mado by this army
group yesterday amounted, to I.OTO prison
Are On tlAAW Bun mnA IhrM marthlttA
runB. ln addition to this thrts heavy
1 cannon, hidden by the enemy In the
'marshes near Ossowets, were dug out
f'' ot Princ6 Leopold of f?'
Testerday we won our way out or the
' northeastern boundary of the forest of
' Bi-ioviecih. During the night we ob-
re-it,n1 possession of a crossing over the
Jaaioia. m ine marsn aismct nortn ot
Orodno. by a surprise attack. One
thousand prisoners were taken.
"Army of Field Marshal Von Macken
The Muchawleco section has been
croB(1 along the entire front during our
(Pursuit of tho enemy.
"Southeastern theater of war: During
yesterday's nursult more than 1 OOH nrla.
oners and one machine gun fell into our
Powder Combine Will
Manufacture Dyes
NEW YORK, Sept. a A conference
last night between Dr. A. D. Chambers,
chief chemist of the Du Pont De Ne
m0urs Powder company, and Dr. Thomas
H. Norton, who Is conducting an inves
j tlgatlon of the ay stuffs sltuat'on here
' ,or th DWrtlMllt of Commerce, gave
i rise to a report today that the powder
company will place Its Immense cheml-
' cal Producing resources at the disposal
i of American dyers. The company Is now
i lanra U8'' of bn,1 Bnd to,Uo'' both
of which are employed In the manufac-
' ture of dye stuffs.
j It wss announced today that consider
' able space will be devoted to dye stuffs
at the First National Expos'tlon of
Chemical Industries, which will be held
! here during the week of September SO.
Cattle Tick Costs'
Ninety Millions
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. t The
' cattle tick coat the United States ap-
oroxlmately 190.000,000 during
the past
veer, accord' n to estimates by Dr. A.
T. Melven. chief of the
of animal Industry today.
federal bureau
This Includes
lat ruction of cattle, decreases In values
In niaea inn imMUDllun Wl . "i
th. V. h h.. resulted In th.
southern farmers devoting more atten
tion to stock ra'slng.
IM cumTsniiiM IM WfrT
FAIRBURT. Neb., Sept f.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Rock Island headquarters
here received a message from Division
here received a message rrom uivision
Superintendent w- A. Bheahan that his
wife dlef ln a sanitarium at Colorado
Bprings. Colo., Wednesday.
Mrs. Eheahan went to Colorado Springs
February 6. Inst, to recuperate her health.
Death was attributed to tuberculosis. Her
husband was called to Colorado Springs
Tuesday morning, snd he was with her,
together with her sister. Miss Roae Mar.
tlna. of Brooklyn, at her death. Mrs.
Hheahsn lived In Brooklyn and was the
j daughter of James Martina.
I Mr. and Mrs. Sheahan came to Fair.
' bury June 1, 1914. from Colorado Springs.
Her husband was appointed division su-
perintendent for the Rock Island st this
' The body will be taken to Brooklyn for
burial, accompanied by the husband and
The Rock Island employes at this point
have extended sympathy to Superintend-
ect W. A. Sheahan In hie bereavement
Officers of Adriatio Says Members
of Crew of German Submarine
Are Prisoners.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. An officer
of the White Star liner Adriatic,
which arrived from Liverpool today,
declared that the German submarine
which sunk the Arabic had been
caught In a steel net and the U boat's
crew were now prisoners In England,
lie added that within the last sixty
days the British have captured no
loss than fifty German submarines.
After stating positively that the
submarine which torpedoed the Ara
bic had been captured, the officer
said that ho could not for obvious
reasons disclose the place of capture
nor detail the circumstances. He
said, however, that the U boat waa
of the latest and largest type ln the;
German navy and that the craft car
ried a double crew. He understood
that the Qeraans now manned all
of the large submarines with an aux
iliary crew for training purposee.
fix survivors of the Aranw arrived on
the Adriatio. They were Mrs. Margaret
Atkinson and her son, Arthur Atkinson;
Mrs. F. C. Allison, W. Aathurst. Miss M.
chrlatorpheson and John Doherty
Isnld he was In his state room when he
heard a shout and started for the deck.
Before he had gone far, he said, he waa
shot many feet Into the air and landed
In the water.
I rassengers say that from the time the
" coca on mm aner-
imi vi Auguai mi unui o oiock next
morning It was conveyed by three de-
More) Arable arvloss Arrive.
NEW YORK, Bept 1. -Thirty-five sur-
jvlvors of the liner Arabia arrived here
today on the American liner Bt. Paul
I from Liverpool.
I Vr. Aubrey Oaulter, who was cabin
mate of Dr. Edmund P. Woods of Janea
vllle." Wis., one of the Americans lost,
was among the arrivals. He was met
at the pier by Dr. Woods' wife, who
l sought a first-hand story of her hus
band's last hour.
All of the survivors repeated the state
ments they msde after being rescued.
Head of Standard
Oil Stops in Omaha;
Talks Only on Crops
. .. . . . weg has won a definite victory over his
"I have enjoyed th. daylight itt im MVU ta th, tonet.
Iowa very much today and I have paid
particular attention to the crops," as-1 Prech Official Report,
serted John Archlbold, president of the PAR18, Sept i. The French war of
Btandard Oil company, who came ln over floe this afternoon gave out a state-
'the Milwaukee yesterday afternoon, en
route to the raclflo coast, continuing, sir.
Archlbold said
"It looks to me as if Iowa and Illinois
will have a magnificent corn crop. At '
' least, I should say the indications point
to that at this time. I am wonderfully
pleased with the section of the west
1 - - . I . . ivi. . I T am- -mi f.illtf
through which I have passed. It must be
a very rich country." Asked as to busi
ness conditions In the east, Mr. Archlbold
"While there Is no boom, there seems to
be a general Improvement In many lines
and some Improvement la all. There Is
a better feeling and all through the anu
facturlng districts this feeling Is becom
ing more manifest every day."
As to ths war situation In Europe, Mr.
Archlbold waa silent, only saying, "That
is something that I do not care to dis
(From a Staff Correspondent)
L.T.NOOLN, Sept l.-Speclal.)-Claud.a
Hrnset, former deputy United States
marshal under Marshal W. W. Warren.
v.u. hren aDDolnted deputy sheriff of
Lancaster county by Sheriff Ous Hyers.
llensel was strongly supported for
chlef-of -police of Llnooln under the
Brysn administration, but did not land.
Deputy Sheriff Antles getting the place,
llensel takes the place of AnUes.
The Day 'a War News
seems to be aearloar Its fall. To- I
day army headsjaartrrs at Berlla j
that the oeter forts of j
the atroasjfcold kad sets takea.
BERLIN HAS report from Parts ,
that Praae ss4 Eaclaad ataad I
ready ta aaelat Raasla ky tetanias
expert military stratetat te tho
headquarters of Uraad Dak. Nick-
Ita deelaratl.a that av .mall Brit- ;
Ish erataer aa a British torpedo I
boat wire surprised aad aaalc by
Geraaaa torpedo boat flotilla ( f ;
the Jatlaod .east oa Aaaaat IT.
aeeeeeos la Oalleta as rooord th.
eaptaro ot more than T.OOO pris
oners. Oersaaa reports have Indi
cated that the Teatoale advaaeo
has feeea .renamed a thla restoa
after temporary caecst.
aitrr v
CLAIM! BY TirkUl war otrieo or
t Dardanelles oa-
' "
a, with heavy
r, bar. beoa fel-
vletorlee over the
aealtloaary teres
loaaes to the latter, bar. beoa fel-
,. by BrltUb eltUlal state-
eat reporting tbo aaptaro of aa
, W "
Important taction I point In Its'
. . . . u 1 a m mm Mlu .In..
the front oeeapled by th. Ans
tralaalaas. TISH SUBMARINES bay. tor-
pedoed fo.r Tarktah trasstports.
Word of this feat of British aader-
a aft eaaaa tkroaab ParU to-
slay. "
Offioial Report of the Capture of s
Tactical Point is the Cause
of Great Rejoicing by
People ln London.
Czar' Forces Hold Von Hindenbur?
and Make Local Gains in Vi
cinity of Vilna.
LONDON, Sept 2. The British
publlo ha been greatly cheered by
the reralon of the recent heavy fight
ing at the Dardanelles contained in
the official report received last night
from General Sir Ian Hamilton, th
British commander-in-chief. Thli
report has been awaited eagerly la
view of the assertions of Constanti
nople that the Allies had been re
pulsed with heavy losses.
8ir lan claims that his forces op
erating on the northern section of
the line captured an Important tac
tical point commanding the Duvuk
Anfarta valley to the oast and north,
aa well as making an appreciable
gain along the Australasian front.
If the British colonials now dominate
Anafarta, their guns should have a clear
field to fire upon one of the main Turk-
I Ish supply roads leadlna toward Achl
Baba. The Turks, however, have an al-
leraauve une or communication with this
pan or ineir rroni. Constantinople has
admitted no advance on the part of the
Oalns Near Tllaa.
The Russians are developing unexpected
strength In the north, where they state
they are not only holding Field Marshal
von Hlndeburg, but have gained a local
suooess near Vllna. Various ohanges
have been made in the Russian command,
the most Important being the return of
General Russky to the leadership of the
northern army.
Berlin wireless reports, which usually
are a day or two In advance of the
Petrograd official eommunUatlon, an
nounce a reversal In the Qalloian situa
tion, aa the result of a victorious assault
on the Russians north of Z bo row.
The English press is Interested keenly
In the Oerman promise ot a change of
tactics ln submarine' war fare and at
taches oonsuderable significance to the
' news that Admiral von Tlrplts Is to have
a vacation. This la interpreted as Indicat
ing that Chancellor von Bethmann-Holl-
, ment oa the progress of hostilities whloh
reads i
"Fighting with hand grenades occurred
in the course of the night In the vicinity
of Bouches. There were several artillery
; engagements In the sector of NeuvlUe,
I mn- T? nu
the Vosges fighting with bombs
occurred at Bcbratsmannele."
PROVTDKNCE. R. I.. Sept 1 Accused
by her alleged accomplice a three ne
! groes Elisabeth Tlffony Blair Mohr to
I day was held without bail on the charge
! of having Incited the murder of her hus
! band, Dr. C. Franklin Mohr. a wealthy
, and well known physician of this city and
Newport. The arraignment was at War
CLINTON, la,, Bept I Peter C. Duen,
a wealthy Charlotte property owner,
bank cashier end former postmaster and
merchant, died at a hospital here today,
the result of being struck in ths eyt
1. U V.. V... 1 1 wKII- hl.M. A. , W 1.-4
, "
All Rights RMarraS.
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