Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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ome Magazine Pa
11 Jui e iDees
An Ogre of Aeons Gone By
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Why We Quarreled : "Bg Sg ! &
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By Vlrfrlni Trrtanne Van d Water
Copyright, 1915, by Mar company.
I am almost ashamed to confess the
natter about whlrh my husband and I
quarrel moat bitterly la our boys.
There are two of them fine chape of
14 and 1 years. I fancy that If they
were girls we would have fewer dta
putea about them.
Kor, to be frank, my husband la, I
really believe. Jealous of our aone. I
mean he Is Jealous of my love for them.
He would be furtoua were I to accuse
him of that But it la nevertheless true.
1 do not mean to Imply that he Is not
fond of his boys, for he Is fond and
Proud of them, especially when they do
well at school. Pcrhapa If they were
jrlrls the man's sense of chivalry would
make him love them better. Perhaps
then I might be Jealous of his love for
them. Who knows? But I do not think
I would, for a mother loves a child
better than a father does.
I made this statement to my husband
ence, and he resented It hotly.
"Just because I do not humor the
kids aa outrageously as you do, you thi.:k
that I do not care for them as miu.i
aa you do!" he declared. "Well, I do!
Mut I do not think they are little tin
gods! And now that we are on this sub
ject. I will warn you that you are in
danger of turning out Into the world
the worst spoiled pair of chaps that 'ever
ame down the pike!"
"They are dear, devoted children," I
protested. "They always do what I ask
"Of course! Because you never ask
them ' anything they don't want to do.
And they adore you because you sacrifice
'yourself, your own inclinations, even me,
to please them."
I waa shocked and Indignant. What
wife would not e at such language?
Kor his accusation waa false. I am a
conscientious and loving wife, but my
boys need my guidance and companion
ship more than my husband does. When
they want me to go anywhere with them,
1 feel It is my duty as a mother to com
ply with their wishes.
I knew that my husband was remember
ing something that had occurred the
previous evening, when the two boys
had Invited me to a moving picture show.
It was Friday night, and they had no
studying on hand. I accepted at once,
and the lads turned to their father with
"You'll come, too, won't you. dad?"
"No, thanks," he rejoined. I don't care
lor movies."
'What are you going to do?" I
"I had planned," he said, "to have a
The Star that
Will Not Fail
mm 'Ammm$
.,L-u It tit-i
'I always play second fiddle," said my husband.
Friends may fail you, love prove untrue
and those united to you by ties of blood
may grievously disappoint. But none of
this makes life a thing of desolation thai
is not worth the living. When you fail
your own Ideal of yourself then only
have you been hurt. But then you can
start over and readjust yourself and try
The ideal that will not fall you is the
ideal of growth. The goal from which
no on can turn you Is the goal of
achievement the mark you set yourself.
Help from others will never really avail
you unless to It you add your own efforts
to make It count. Others may set you
on your feet but you must walk.
Suppose you have come to the city
counting on a friend from home who has
preceded you by five years and Is firmly
established In high places. John once told
you that if you ever needed help he would
give it to you. Tou come to town. For a
whole morning you cool your heels in the
outer offices that guard John's sanctum
from the rabble. At last you are ad
mitted to his presence, and the august
and insincere being a little success has
made of John tells you sadly that times
are hard and that there Isn't a thing in
his office, but that he'U give you a letter
to Jones, and Jones to Brown, and at
last some one aenda you back to John,
whence you started, and in a audden ac
cess of fury, you tear that letter up.
And in that moment you are started on
the highroad to success. In that moment
you get an ideal of yourself aa a being
apable of doing a few things for him
self Instead of trotting around carrying
letters from one magnate to another like
an idealised beggar.
Now you set out on your own merits.
Tou are conscious of things you can do,
things you want to do, of a goal of
achievement you want to reach on your
own efforts. And when you become con
scious of it when you get that Ideal of
success you are aa surely started for It
as if one of those magnates had given
you a position, which you might have
(ailed to fill well
No sinecure la a real Job. A real Job
is the thing you can do and want to do.
To get to the position of editor of a
magaslne, a college man I knew once
waa a waiter in the cheapest of restau
rants. But when he waa serving ham and
eggs he was on bis way to success. Ha
didn't despise his work. He regarded It
as a stepping stone, and stepped firmly
so he might leap to the next and bigger
boulder that should carry him across the
stream of discouragement.
He did hit mental Job well, and saved
a bit of money from the "demeaning
tips" he had to take-end could take
fairly cheerfully because he was serving
well enough to merit them. Then he
wrote his story, and wrote It well. It
waa impressive enough to shove Its way
Into the aeventh paper he tried to sell It
to and then our hero was a reporter.
And from the position of reporter to edi
tor took him ten years of hard work but
of work with a goal In view.
No friends had helped this man. He
had aa Ideal of himself aa a being capa
ble of work and of success. He had an
ideal of -the goal for successful achieve
ment. He reached It. No disappoint
ments counted none could count to his
dauntless soul.
And a dauntless soul is about the best
scire of the fairies. If you are unafraid
of work unafraid of failure unafraid of
unktadness and afraid only of failing
yourself, that frur wl! never be realised.
quiet evening at homo and a game of
cards with you. After which, aa I am
tired, I meant to go to bed early."
I knew he wanted mo to stay at home,
and I hesitated. I was sure that my
boys had set their hearts on having me
with them. If I were to refuse them
they would be disappointed. They might
even fancy that I did not care to ac
company them. And at their age must
a mother not keep her lads close to her?
Why couldn't their father see this?
"Oh, do come, too, dear!" I urged. "It
will do you good.
"I tell you I hate movies!" he ex
claimed. I considered this an unkind speech, as
the lads had Invited us both, and I
suppose I looked my displeasure.
"Well, never mind," 1 said to my sons.
"I'll go with you gladly. It ts very sweet
of you to ask me."
When I went to my room after dinner
to put on my hat and coat my husband
followed me there.
"I shall probably be In bed." he re
marked, "by the time you get in."
"I am sorry to leave you when you
expected me to spend the evening with
you," I Bald, "but really I think my
duty to the boys demand it"
"And what about your duty to me," he
asked coldly. "I suppose I am not to be
considered eh?"'
"Tou could go If you want to," I re
plied. "Moreover, you were very dis
agreeable to the boys when they invited
you. Does It ever occur to you that if
you made companions of them I might
not have to leave you as often as I do
to be with them?"
"As often as you want to, you mean!"
he retorted. "I do not need to be reminded
that I must always play second fiddle
where the boys are concerned."
"Oh, Tom!" I exclaimed, tears rushing
to my eyes. "How can you be so unkind!
You know very well why I go with them.
If I don't keep them close to me they
may seek evil companions and drift away
from me. They need me."
"And I don't need your' he demanded.
"Not as they do. Your morals and
tastes are already formed, theirs are
"And because I am a reputable mem
ber of society, I can be neglected Is
that it?" he argued. Irrationally. "Why
not speak the truth that you love your
sons better than you love your husband?"
I bit back the hot words that sprang
to my lips. In my mind t'ne thought was
creeping "Would It be any wonder If
I did love them better?, Do they ever
make me suffer aa you are making me
suffer now?"
Hut I said nothing, only went quietly
from the room. The boys were happy all
the evening, and I tried to seem happy,
too. Yet there waa a lead-like load on my
When we reached home at 11 o'clock,
my husband was in bed and asleep; but
I could not sleep for wondering aa I
often wonder how man can be Jealoua
of his own flesh and blood. These are
his sons as well as mine. Why then
should he resent my giving them the
truest devotion of which a mother la
capable? Havng brousht them Into the
world, do I pot owe them this?
that once
arc hero
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mi i man aa ainaw . W y. J
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It is
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in a
The bouncing bundles of animal energy
represented In the picture herewith are
scientifically named "dryptosaurlus."
Nervous people may be glad to know
that there Is no danger of meeting a
dryptosaums In any part of the earth
now, although they once abounded in
Montana. That, however, wna ogos beforo
the first prospectors began to knock
about the rocks for signs of gold and
silver. The dryptosaums together with all
their relatives and rivals became extinct
millions of years ago. They lived in the
time that geolnglnts call the Cretaceous
or chalk age.
Mr. Charles R. Knight's presentment
of two dryptosaurt In action, which we
are permitted to reproduce here, and the
original of which may be seen In the
American Museum of Natural History, Is
based upon careful scientific studies of
dryptosaurlan remains and of the envir
onment amid which these wonderful
beasts lived, so that It may be taken
as representing, with substantial correct
ness a scene In American life which was
doubtless more foarful than amusing to
contemporary spectators.
One might be In some doubt aa to
whether the two monsters are plnytng
or fighting and whether their ambigu
ously expressive countenances are
wreathed with Joyous smiles or dletorU'd
with sardonic grins; but the derivation
of the name "dryptosaurus" would seem
to settle the question, for It means "the
tearing Heard, and surely no animal to
which science feels Justified in attaching
such a name a a that could be expected
to smile In any other wise than as two
bull-necked pugilists "smile" when they
batter each other's faces out of shape
in the glorious ring!
It la an Interesting fact that many of
the huge beasts called dlnosaurus, I. e.,
"terror lizards," were, at least, realttvely,
peaceable creatures, living upon a vet
table diet, and probably never getting
Into a fight if they could avoid li. All of
them, it is true, were more or less ar
mored and soma carried armament so
formidable In appearance that the mere
sight of the, lumbering over the ground,
with their tons of flesh and bones, smash
ing through a thicket, or rooting in a
swamp, may have been sufficient to put
most of their enemies to flight It
hardly seems likely, however, that a
dryptosaur would have hesitated to at
tack anything living In his time. His
flying leap alone, as Mr, Knight has so
graphically represented It, must have
been enough to give him an aggressive
Initiative altogether Irresistible. He came
down on his foe like a bursting shell.
Science for Workers
Q."Vhen a rerson gains sight sud
denly, like the girl we read of In the
papers, does she have a sense of per
spective? A young man suddendy gained
his sight, but had not this sense. On look
ing through a window, the landscape ap
peared to be close up against the window,
appearing to him as a painting of a land
scape would appear, the window framu
acting os a picture frame." J. A. Oravea,
Ml William street. New York..
A. "And he looked up and ssld: 'I see
men as trees walking.' "Mark vlll:2l.
The fudden appearance of sight to the
blind finds nerves and muscles of tho eye
and retina, also the oytlo' nerve, totally
unprepared for this new work. The ef
fects are various and many different
effects are noted in works on anatomy,
physiology and optics. And, the optic
thalamus In the brain is taken all un
awares, and the entire optical mechanism
cannot at once accommodate parts to
correct vision, with result distortion of
Images an retina and brain nerves. The
parts usually fall Into harmony and de
velop true vision.
Q "Is the noise of thunder due to the
collapse of the air In upon Itself, and
into a partial vacuum left by the spark,
or due to the Intense heating of the air,
which sends forth a rarefaction or expan
sion?" Anxious Bubscriher, San Fran
cisco, Cal.
A. Not rarefaction due to heat, but In
tense condensation of air In front of the
lightning. Uniting of opposite charges of
pent-up positive and negative electricity
whers the velocities are at the rate of
lrt.MO miles pir second, compress air to
a ststs. tierhsDs. or nor anllHltv T),i.
suddenly expands and the sound of these
manic upneavais is tnunder. The rolling
sound of loud thuudor Is partially due to
reverberation between cloud banks and
the earth's surface or surface of the soa.
Kxpcrlnienta were made Of firing a can
non Under a clear kv. whlrh trnv.
sharp report. Hamc cannon, same place,
nreu wnen neavy clouds were above, gave
a long roaring or rolling sound. The
clouds had a powerful effect on tho
Do You Know That
Mauritius han on an uverauu only one
-..--irt()i m every eighty yiws.
Before the introduction of soap clothes
were cleaned by being trodden upon in
The Swiss reckon that their cupola
fort on the Bt. Gothard, manned by 200
artillerymen, could easily hold the pans
against an army of 60,000.
Always scrub a floor the way of the
grain of the wood.
If a chlmpansre Is wounded it stops
the bleeding hy placing Its hand on
the wound, or dressing It with leaves
and grass.
every tearing claw a shrapnel In Itself,
There Is In the National museum at
, Washington a pair of horns of the tri-
reratops, or "beast with three-homed
. five," which bear marks of a fearful bat
'tie. Tho triceratopa had the most re
! marknblo armor of any creature of pre
I historic times. Over Its great skull, seven
or eight feet In length, It had a mighty
1 shield In the form of a hood of heavy.
solid bone, covered with knobs and horns.
Yet It was a vegetable feeder, and very
stupid, possessing, according to Prof.
Marsh, tho bidilest head with the small
est brain on record.
It has been thought, accordingly, that
tho trlceratops was not built for aggres
sive fighting, but simply for passive de
fense. It had to defend Itself against the
more active carnivorous saurlans. Ilka
the dryptosaurus, and although F. A.
Lucas, a great authority, the director
of the American Museum of Natural His
tory, thinks that the marks on the horns
in Washington were probably mada in a
contest for mastery between two mnlo
trlceratops, yet It Is possible that tho
wounds were inflicted by a fighter of an
other species.
The trlceratops, the brontoeaurua (thun
der lizard), the dlplodocus, "two-beam
creature," berause Its enormously long,
heavy neck and tall resembled huge
beams, the stegosauus (plated lizard), and
other motiHters which varied from thirty
to eighty feet In length and weighed
many tons each, were slow-moving, awk
ward animals, which could not do much
more, if attacked by agile enemies, than
stand fast and trust to the strength of
their armor and the effects of their dead
weight If only they could get a chance
to apply It. ,
Jiut the dryptaaur was evidently re
markahle for speed and might have
beaten a kangaroo In Jumping. At tho
Siime time he was not merely armortd.
but armed fur conflicts. He was like a
cruiser which carries a light armor but
huge guns and engines of the highest
poHslblo driving power. "The dryptosaur,"
says an Kngllsh writer on geology, "must
have appeured like an ogre In seven
luague boots to Its Inoffensive neighbors."
August Records Now on Sale.
Two new McCormack Records, that
are beautiful. Step into any Victor
Store and hear them.
Nos. 64,433 and 64,496.
1 Victor
Victrola XVIII $300
Victrola XVIII electric $350
Victrola XVI electric $250
Daily demonstrations any Victor dealer
will gladly play your favorite music. Other
styles of the Victor and Victrola $10 to
Victor Talking Machine Co Camden, N. J.
1311-1313 Farnam St Omaha, Neb.
near (ho Newest Ilerords la Our Nwly Remodeled
Sound-Proof Demonstrating I looms on the Main Floor.
Corner 15th
Ceo. E. Mtc
Cycle C
Victrolas Sold by
A. liOSPE CO.,
1513-15 Douglas Street. Omaha, and
407 Weit Broadway, - Council Bluffs, la.
Iramlds Src
Talking Machine Department
in tho Pompeian Room
if un, .... ,
Victrola XVIII, $300
Matched mahogany cabinet with
paneled moulding, swell front and
m !
1 1 . :f!
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