Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Thought for the Day
7cf ef by Scholltr
Oh world at God hat made U,
Ail it beauty,
And knowing .hit it love,
And loot it duty.
Robert Browning.
A democratic get-together meeting might
be la order t tha cut bouse.
Merchant' week visitors to Omaha are cor
dially Invited to come again and get the habit.
Yes. and others besides Pope Benedict re
having sleepless eights because of worry over
tha war.
Even If the unexpected happens, no one can
truthfully charge the nation with vocal un pre
paredness. '
Tha spectacle of tha dollar shaking tha ego
out of pounds sterling Is enough to bring tears
from a statu of Britannia.
It does not require a mind reader to observe
that State Treasurer Hall Is rated an extra
basardous risk In a political china shop. ;
In compensation for the coldest August la
Nebraska's history we ought now to have on
grand, good, old-fashioned Indian summer Urn.
Tell your troubles to the street car conduc
tor. Eyes, bands and voice are fairly busy, but
tars need a stimulant to wag with the gayety of
joy riding.
Mexican raids and risings on tha Texas side
of tha Rio Grande doubtless were not f omen Lad
by cemetery promotersjust happened to work
out that way.
Before our democratic state officers coma to
blowa they will, of course, adopt the Bryan peace
plan of giving one another written notice, and
thinking It over for a year.
It Is hardly fair to expose tha police to heart
palpitation by making tbetn arrest a prisoner
ready to surprise them by peeling off 117,000
of real money from his person.
Tha state constitution's prohibition may
keep "Billy' Sunday from making a religious
talk In tha schools, but there is nothing to pre
vent him taking an Ak-Sar-Ben initiation.
Won't that woman who has been communing
with Julius Caesar please tell us what that dis
tinguished gentleman thinks of the warriors who
ara now tramping tha battlefields h first made
War prisoners supplied with four-course
meals, valets and two baths a week, are rightly
censured for kicking against the boarding house.
These fortunates are unable to appreciate tha
privilege of being alive.
Film records of tha British army front la
Prance are to b road for historical and pub
licity uses. Jn tha happy days to coma pictures
of the soldiers digging themselves In will help
".cheer those who are digging up the debt.
An elaborate wedding uniting Ua New and Mlaa
lUchael P. Newman, daughter of B. Vewmaa. waa
celebrated at Temple Israel, and followed with a re
ception at tha realdeace of tha bride'a parents, nri
IXxlge street. "Tha bride waa attired In a white aattn
drcaa cut prtnreaa en train, trimmed with oriental lure
In rufflea, while from a head crest flowed a full
length tulle veil."
Dr. Lea read a paper on aneethetica before, tha
Dougiaa Cuunty Medio! aociety.
Tha city council haa reoelved a letter from Colonel
F. U. Orant and apread It oa tha re orda aa follows
"Mr. U. 8. Orant tenders her grateful thanka fur
tha reaoluUona which have been received. "
T. W. Read ard family bav gone to ban Franclaoo,
where they will make their future home.
P. O, Freeman, of Mr. Deuel's office, has gone to
New York taking two return tlrisete with him.
Messrs. A. C. and H. Q. liarte went weat on a
genera! rhlrkea hunt to return the latter part of the
week. "The railroad company will furnish ettra cara
.a bring In the yaxne "
It. J. T. Kloaler and wife of Bradford. Pa., are
in Omaha luckla ovr ilia tit alth a vkw to loitiu
lr. and lira. H. H. Darrow and child irturned from
Not a Partiian Triumph.
While all good citizens will rejoice In the
notable diplomatic victory apparently achieved
by the United States In Its dealings with the
European belligerents, and none will detract
from the great good wrought by the president,
it Is not by any mean a partisan triumph. All
the people of tbe country have stood unitedly
by the president and upheld bis hands through
out the crisis. If he has bad tbe criticism, and
perhaps the opposition, of the radicals on one
side, he baa had also to deal with the extremists
on tbe other. No more notable example of this
liosslbly could be presented than that afforded
by the late secretary of state, who resigned at
the most trying moment of the tense situation,
riving as his reason that he was not In accord
with the president's views, and could not allow
Li name to be signed to the note that haa
brought the desired result. Try aa they may,
I he democrats will have some difficulty in mak
ing a party triumph out of these international
Paacual Orozco'i Ending.
A border tragedy, Just enacted in the moun
tains of southwestern Texas, Is not entirely with
out significant Interest for any who car to glv
It a moment's attention. A former general of
tbe army of liberation in Mexico has Just been
shot to death as a bandit while resisting arrest
by a posse under the sheriff of the county. This
Is a most remarkable Illustration of the transi
tory nature of glory at the best, and particularly
that which has sprung from the anarchy Into
which Orozco and bis kind have plunged Mexico.
I'ascual Orozco was really a man of ability, and
In the beginning be seemed to be heartily de
voted to the cause of political reform for bis
country. It waa he who put "Pancbo" Villa
into the service from which the ex-jail bird
graduated with others Into the business of brig
andage on a magnificent scale. Orozco waa
Madero's leader in the north, and gave his tal
ents to the support of the cause that triumphed.
Later h deserted to the side of the man who
destroyed Madero and robbed the country of Its
chance for peace. With Huwta'a flight, Orosco
set up as an Independent bandit, and soon found
himself harassed by forces . stronger than bis
own, to the end that bis venture was turned to
failure, and disgraceful death haa overtaken
htm. Ha was a fine example of the men who
have distracted Mexico under the pretense of
patriotism, but not strong enough to stand
among them on his own feet, for the very
reason, perhaps, that he waa more of a man and
less of a brute than some who have succeeded.
Democrats and the State Trewury.
The misdirected zeal of the democrats to
establish for themselve a record for economy
has resulted in a situation that is both embar
rassing and costly for Nebraska. No amount
of scolding by Governor Morehead, or calling of
names by lesser lights of the party, will alter
the facts or relieve the condition Into which th
incompetency of the democrats have plunged
tbe state government. Th record Is plain, and
th result is seen in th option of discontinuing
th activities of on of the most Important bur
eaus of tha state administration, or culling an
xtra session of tbe legislature.
The lata legislature waa controlled in both
branches by the unterrified followers of th ex
secretary and the senator. They had charg of
th appropriations, and for thre
s'at waa scandalized by the wrangling between
house and senate committees, and th rouddl
that resulted from those disputes is JuBt com
ing to be fully appreciated by th peopl. Th
legislature Is responsible for th failur to pro
vide means to support th state government,
Th "technicality" the governor says th
treaaurer should brush aside in order to permit
th proposed raid on the treasury Is the law.
Hut. what's the law to a democrat, when th
payroll is at stake? Stat Treasurer Hall de
clines to violate the law. to accommodate the
governor, and thug shows himself to be the oae
sane and competent democratic official In the
stat house, all the others having Joined In an
Tfort to Induce the treasurer to commit an
illegal act and thua atone for a blunder of tha
It Is a good thing for Nebraska that a man
of Mr. Hall's backbone and courag is state
treasurer now. for there is no telling wher th
Others would go in their proceas of eliminating
ITo Sectarianism in the Pnblic Schools.
The attempt to persuade the School board to
countenance and authorize a "Billy" Sunday re
vival meeting In th High school is a good pub
licity stunt, but it ought to stop there. Section
11 of article 8, of th constitution of Nebraska
reads as follows:
No eectartaa Instruction shall be allowed In a
school or lnatltutloa awpported In whole or In part oy
tha publlo funds aet apart for educational purpoaea
That ought to setUa It right off the bat with
out further discussion.
American tourists caught In th European
war a year ago are invited to com acrosa with
th money advanced them by th government.
Unless th money is refunded by October th
government's publicity bureau promises to give
th deadheada a superior line of free advertls
irg. If that does not produce results federal
courts will get busy.
Step lightly and speak In whispers. Unless
i he report proves unfounded. General Pascual
Orozco is dead. In a moment of unreflecting
enthusiasm he imagined himself a second Santa
Anna and led his raiders across th Rio Grand.
What happened is a mere funeral detail.
Kentucky and Senator OUla James bav
fired th first gun for President Wilson's second
term. Tbe fate of Colonel Bryan's one-term
plank and Champ Clark's trenches cannot be
told until th smoke lifts.
One more th South Wales coal miners'
auik Is settled. Inducing a British mtn owner
to share war profits with his men is th most
painful operation his majesty's surgeons are
forced to perform.
Th neutral world might obtain sum recom
j.jnw for the ravageg of war if the officials who
ere bombarding the defenseleag with typewriter
j tin were interned in the fighting trenches.
The Whitefield Eevivals
Seajaaala rraaklU's Aatobiograpby.
T N 17, arrived amonit us from Ireland Ray. Mr.
1 w niterifld., who had made hi ma If remarkable
there aa an Itinerant preacher. He waa at frit
permitted to preach In some of our churehea: but the
clergy taking a to him, aoon refused him their
puiplts, and he waa obliged to preach In the field.
The multitudes of all eeota and denominations that at
tended hla arrmona were enormous, and It waa a mat
ter or speculation to me, who waa one of the number.
to oheerve tha extraordinary influence of hla oratory
on ma nearera, and how much they admired an 1
respected Mm, notwithstanding hia common abuse of
them, by assuring them they were naturally half
beasts and half devils. It was wonderful to aee the
change aoon in the manners of our Inhabitants. From
being thoughtleee or Indifferent about religion. It
seemed aa if all the world were srowlng religious, so
mat one Could not walk through the town In an even
Ing without hearing pealms sung In different families
of every street.
Ana it reing found Inconvenient to assemble In
the open air, subject to Its inclemencies, the building
of a house to meet In waa no sooner proposed, and
peraone appointed to receive contributions, than auf-
flclent sums were aoon received to procure tha around
and erect tha building, which waa 100 feet long and 70
broad, and tba work waa carried on with such spirit
as to oa finished In a much shorter time than coiill
have been expected. Both house and ground were
vested In truataea. expressly for the use of any
preacher of any rellgloua pei suasion who might desire
to say something to tho people at Philadelphia, tha
oesign in building being not to accommodate any par
tlcular sect, but the inhabitants In general; so that
even If the mufti of Constantinople were to aend a
missionary to preach Mohammedanism to ua, ha
would find a pulpit at hla service.
Mr. Whitefield. on leaving ua, went preaching all
tha way through tha colonlea to Georgia. The settle
ment of that province had been lately begun, but In
stead of being made with hardy. Industrious husband
men aeouatomed to labor, tba only people fit for audi
an enterprise. It waa with famlllea or broken shop,
keepers and other Insolvent debtors; many of lndulunt
and Idle habits, taken out of tha Jails, who, being set
down In tha woods, unqualified for clearing Jand and
unable to endura tha haxdahipa of a new settlement,
perished In numbera, leaving many helpless children
unprovided for. Tba sight of their miserable aituaUon
Insplrad th benevolent heart of Mr. Whitefield with
tha Idea of building an orphan house there. In which
they might be supported and educated. Returning
northward, ha preached up thla charity and made
large collectlona; tor hla eloquence had a wonderful
power over th hearts and purees of hla hearers, of
which I myself was an Inatanoa.
I did not disapprove of the design, but as Georgia
was then destitute of materials and workmen and It
waa propoaed to send them from Philadelphia at a
great expense, I thought It would have been better to
have built tbe house at Philadelphia and brought tho
children to It This I advised; but he waa resolute In
his first project, rejected my counsel, and I therefore
refused to contribute. I happened aoon after to attend
one of hla sermons. In th course of which I perceived
he Intended to finish with a collection, and I silently
resolved that he should get nothing from me. I had
in my pocket a handful of oopper money, three or four
silver dollars, and five pistoles In gold. As he pro
reeded I began to soften and concluded to give tho
copper. Another atroke of hla oratory made me
ashamed of that and determined me to give tha silver;
and he finished ao admirably that I emptied my
pocket wholly Into tbe collector's dish, gold and alL
At thla sermon ther waa alao on of our club who,
being of my sentiments respecting th building In
Oeorgia and suspecting a collection might be intended,
had by precaution emptied hia pockets before ha came
from home. Toward tha concluaion of the discourse,
however, be felt a strong Inclination to give, and ap
plied to a neighbor who atood near him to lend him
soma money for th purpose. Tha request waa fortu
nately made to parhapa th only man In tha company
who had th firmness not to be affected by the
preacher. Mis answer waa, "At any other tlmo,
Friend Hopklnson. I would lend to thee freely, but
not now, for the seems to be out of thy right aenaes."
Bom of Mr. Whltefleld's enemies affected to sup.
pose that h would spply these collectlona to hla own
private emolument: but I. whn waa inima.i -
qualnted with him, being employed In printing hla
ennun ana journals, never nad the leaat suspicion of
his Integrity, but am to thla day decidedly of opinion
that he waa In all hla conduct a Darfeetlv hnnut
and methlnka my testimony In bis favor ought to have
tha more weight, aa wa had no rellgloue connection.
H uaed, Indeed, sometimes to pray for my conver
sion, but ha nerer had tha satisfaction of believing
mai ma prayers were heard. Oura waa a mere civil
friendship, sincere on both sides, and l.ti .
Th following Inatanca will ihn the
which we atood. Upon on of hU arrivals from Eng
land at Boston he wrote tn ma th h. .k...u
. ... - a.v "IVUIU WIIIU
aoon to Philadelphia, but knew not where ha could
loose wnen mere, as he understood his old friend and
noat. sir. uenexet, waa removed to German town u.
answer waa: "You know my house: if vnn ... m.b.
shift with its scanty accommodations, you will be most
Vt . . .( 1 1 1. ... 1 II . T ,. .......
......... ni repuea mat ir I made that
kind offer for Clirlsfa aaka I ahnuM not ml.. -
ward. And I returned: "Don't let ma be mietaken,
It was not for Christ's sake, but for your aaka." One
of our common acqualntanoe Jocosely remarked that
knowing It to b the custom of tha saints when they
received any favor to shift the burden of th obliga
tion from off their own ahouldera and place it In
neaven. i naa contrived to fix It on earth.
Tha laat time I aaw Mr. Whitefield waa In London,
wnero na conauitea me about hla orphan house con
cern and hla purpoae of appropriating it to the estab
lishment of a college.
He had a loud and clear voice, and articulated his
words ao perfectly that he might be heard and under
stood at a great distance, especially aa hla auditors
obaerved tha moat perfect silence. Ha preached one
evening from tha top of th court house steps, which
ara In tha middle of Market etreet and on tho weat
aide of Second street, which croaaea It at right angka
Both streeta wera filled with hla hearers to a conald
erable distance. Being among tha hlndmoat In Market
atreet. I had tha curloalty to learn how far ha could
be heard by retiring backward down the atreet to wart
tha river; and I found hla voice distinct till I came
near Front atreet, when some nolaa In that atreet
obscured It. Imagining then a semicircle, of which
my dlatanca would be tha radiua, and that It was
filled with auditors, to each of whom I allowed two
aqua re feet. I computed that ha might well be heard
by mora than W.000. Thla reconciled me to the news
paper accounts of hla having preached to Sf.OjO people
In tha flelda. and to tha hUtory of generals harnngulng
whole armlea, of which I had sometimes doubted.
By hearing him often I came to distinguish easily
between eermona newly composed and thoae which ha
had often preached tn the oouree of hla travels. Hia
delivery of tha latter waa ao Improved by frequent
repetition that every accent, every emphasis, every
modulation of voice, waa ao perfectly well turned and
well placed that without being lntereeted In th sub
ject one could not help being pleased with tha dla
course: a pleasure of much tha aame kind with that
received from an excellent piece of muaic. Thla la an
advantage Itinerant preachers have over thoae who
are alallonary. as the latter cannot well Improve their
delivery of a eermon by ao many rehearsala.
Ills writing and printing from time to time gave
great advantage to hla enemlea; unguarded expres
sions, and even orroneoua opinions, delivered tn
preachlnjt might have been afterward explained or
qualified by supposing others that might hav ac
companied tham; or they might have been denied; but
llterm acripta manet. Critics attacked hla writings
violently, and with ao much appearance of reason aa
to jlmlnlh the number of hla votaries and prevent
their Increase. Fo that I am eattafted that If ha bad
never written anything he would have left behlad
him a much more numerous and Important sect; and
hla reputation might In that raaa have baea still
crowing even after hla death, as there being nothing
of hia writing on which to found a censure and give
him a lower character, hia proselytes would be left at
llbeity to attribute to him aa great a variety of ex
cellences aa their enthusiastic admiration might wish
him to have possessed.
'that Tralalasj School Problem.
OMAHA. Aug. Sl.-To the Editor of Tha
Hee: I have read with much Interest
your viewa aa well aa those of members
of the school board on the very vital
question of the abolishment of our train
ing school for Omaha girl graduates
While on this, as on other questions,
great minds differ. In this contro
versy I am confident there exists an hon
est and unselfish difference of opinion.
In giving my opinion I give It not from
a theoretic standpoint, but from per
sonal knowledge gained from auuftl re
sults, reeailts which speak for themselves,
aa la evidenced by the satisfactory work
being done by the young women now
teaching In our public schools who have
graduated from our present training
school.. There having been no fault
found or complaints made either by tha
principals of the schools, tha parents or
the scholars, aa to the competency of
these young teachers, then why this sud
den demand for the abolishment of thla
Is It not reasonable to presume that
the graduatea of our high school or other
schools of like grades should be capable
of teaching In any of the graded schools
thrmigh which they have passoxl, this In
addition to their two years actual train
Ing as teachers in the various grades?
Are the opponents of this school Imbued
with the ssme Idea that once obtained
in tha union Pacific shops, where a
young man who had served his appren
ticeship tn any mechanical calling was
requested to leavo that department for
a year, learn new Ideas In other shops,
It made no difference where, and at the
end of the year he could return and draw
a mechanic's wages. In many lnstancea
knowing lens when he returned than
when he departed. The fact being con
ceded that their work as teachers hai
proven satisfactory, why put many par
ents poorly circumstanced to an unneces
sary expense in sending their daughters
away for a training, the possession of
which gives them no additional qualifi
cations to teach? Thla could be Instanced
In my own case, aa I have a daughter, a
graduate from this training school, now
a teacher in one of our public schools and
against whom no complaint haa ever
been lodged, and she is making good. Had
I been forced to the painful necessity
of sending her to Teru or a similar school.
It would bav been beyond my financial
ability so to do. Aa In my case, so in
tha case of many othera whose daughters
are now teaching In our schools, as well
aa many othera in like circumstances who
have economised with the view and pur
pose of having their daughters become
teachers through our training achool
I would sincerely regret that our Omaha
girls be deprived of thla school, girts
whoso parenta willingly pay their share
of the taxes to support our schools and
that outsiders with no .greater qualifica
tions be selected in their stead. I take
great pride In our public schools, and In
my loyalty to them I yield to no man.
As proof to that statement I point to the
fact that my children have all graduated
from th Omaha grade schools, one now
In tha high achool and another In the
Commercial High.
I ask the School board to let that school
alone, ss It is the poor man's hope.
Opposed to Conamlsalon Form.
80UTH SIDK. OMAHA. Sept. 1-To the
Editor of Tha Bee: Prom what I ran
learn and see the commission form of city
government Is a very expensive luxury.
From Information I can gather there are
too many offices and a great many of
the officials are paid salaries far In ex
cess of what they could earn In their
private occupations. It would be much
better. In my Judgment, If we would go
back to tha old form and elect men to
the city council by wards, so that every
part of tha city may hav soma repre-
A commission of level-headed business
men and fair representatives of the labor
organizations ought to be appointed to
thoroughly overhaul city affaire and cut
down unnecessary offices and cut tha
aalarles where It ought to be dona In their
Judgment. Hav no politicians on the
commission of Investigation. Hav them
cut down city expenses at every point
that will not cripple the management of
city affairs, but which will be for the
benefit of the taxpayers.
There Is no good reaaon why ao many
of th city official and their ap
pointees should be supplied with auto
mobiles. The salaries of most of them
are far In excess of what the average
taxpayera can earn and for that reason
most of them could afford to buy their
own automobiles.
If an election should be called today
It la my opinion that the commission form
of government would be voted out of ex
istence. Let us get rid of the luxurious
form of government, get down to busi
ness principles and run the city on an
economical basis. r. A. AQNEW.
Signs of Progress
In 1M0 ther were no telegraph llnea
la 1911 there were 1.400,000 miles.
An order for lOO.ono tons of steel rails
was received by tha Maryland Steel com
pany from Russia.
In ISM there were I.52S newspapers
published In thla country. Now there
are more than U.VO.
The newest third rail patent la alive
only at tha point of contact with tha
ahoe. Accldenta ara thereby prevented.
Mora than t30A.00O.OO0 haa been spent
by tho varloua statea of M.OOO miles of
state highways. About ll.ono anlles have
been built within the last two years.
Only aaven statea have no form of state
highway department.
Knough Portland cement la manufac
tured In tha United Statea each year to
build concrete fori at every needed point
oa th entire coaat of tha United States,
according to a report by Percy H. Wil
son, secretary of tha Association of
American Portland Cement Manufac
turers. In tha last twelve montha th Fall
River mills used 61,121 more balee of cot.
tea than they did In the previous year,
la October and November they used a
good deal leas and In December a very
UtU Use, but In March. April and May
they used a great deal mora, in July
th consumption declined again; for tha
whol yar th tncraaaa was about 12Vj
per east.
The car builder are as busy as th
ammualtloa makers. Transportation has
been contracted for to carry 7. MO ears to
Vladivostok, part of there from Seattle. I
hut the greater part from New Tork, j
There la tn th hands of the Pittsburgh
Foreign Trade commission a a order for '
early 100 railway ears, aad very heavy
orders for rare and locomotive and rails j
hare already beea nUced. j
Editorial Siftings
Baltimore American: A peaceful world!
A world at profound peace In all the
nooks and corners of the two hemi
spheres! Will It ever coma to be? Let
us hope that It will, but In the meantime
let us not fool ourselves Into a false
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Mr. Bryan haa
them all catalogued. Ha says w wor
ship tha goda of wealth, fashion, fame,
physical comfort, travel, passion, chance
and drink. Well, with all thoaa elimi
nated, man would be almost aa gay and
active as an oyster.
Cleveland Tlaln Dealer: Now It ap
peara that all modern military strategy
Is founded on the principles and maxims
of Loutao, a Chinese general, who lived
mor than thirty centuries ago. But,
of oouree. ha will get neither official
credit nor iron crosses.
Springfield Republican: From aome
German comments one would get the im
pression that tha submarine la a German
Invention and a Oerman monopoly. To
the Inventing of It America contributed
sui much aa any country, and the battle
of Riga ahowa that in tho use of it there
is no monopoly.
Chicago Tribune: Mr. Roosevelt's
Plattsburg speech has hurt the movement
for national defense a little. It has hurt
Mr. Roosevelt more. Many people, with
the Tribune, will put his remarks down
to his unbridled Impulsiveness: hla op
ponent will call it an attempt to use the
great publlo issue for personal purposes.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican: The
president la assailed at homo from too
many aldoa. Ha Is Ignoble and weak: he
Is also reckless and eager for war. Hia
"parleying" la paltering and craven; his
stern Inaistenco on the recognition of the
rights of American noncombatanta on th
high seas la plunging his country Into
tho abyss of European militarism and
economic devastation. The criticism in Its
various aspects becomes abaurd when
pieced together, and the bulk of the Amer
ican people recognise the fact. The presi
dent is the one leader who haa thus far
offered the nation a policy at once pa
triotic, cautious and consistent with tha
underlying desire of all the people which
la the maintenance of peace with honor.
"The stae manager save I must as
sume an t-xpression of haughty sen i
more el0 4iient Winn word," said th
actor. "I wonder how I'm ffoing to get
that?" ...
'Com with me to dinner. W It re
fuse to gie the welier a w ihen,
we ll watch his face." Washington Star.
'Would you go to war tor your
'Would I go to war for my count ry .
I'd do more thnn that. I'd lick ny man
that trle1 to set my country Into war.
Detroit Free Frees.
Oentleman What would you do with a
nickel if 1 gave you one?
Tramp (sarcasticallyl-Git a new rlsr.
mister, in' some supper an' a nlfiht s
lo'la-in' an' breakfast an' dinner teriiiur
row. Gentlemen My rood fellow, take this
quarter and support yourself for the rest
of your life. Boston Transcript.
"Whv does your wife dry the clothea
In the' cellar now? That Isn't healthy,
la It?"
"Dunno. To tell you the truth, dsugh
ter is wearing so little that mother is
aahnmed to hang th stuff In th yard."
J udge.
"Well. I am 45 yeara old today."
"My dear lady, yeara mean nothing
to a beautiful womsn."
"I know. Still. I guess I'll have to
really move out of the younger set."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Baltimore American.
II was handsome and dashing and
That voiith whom she met at th shore.
And he told her that ahe waa tha
He'd ne'er met a sweeter heforwf
With h'm she wnlked off in the moon-
And for him she acknowledged her love.
While the gay little stars brightly
And winked, in the blue sky above.
She told htm she'd ne'er loved another-
lie said that he'd never yet met
A girl whom he loved ao completely
If he'd kiss her oh then she would geS
Anirry, nnd wax most IniUgnnnt?
The maiden but looked coyly down.
And the man In the moon who was
Couldn't see e'en the trace of a frown.
Thev paid a farewell that was mournful.
Vowing oft' that they'd eurely be true.
That thev'd always remember the vowa
Fxchansred 'neath the skies so blue.
Then thev turned their thoughts to tha
Where, for her, dearest Tom did wait!
And he thought with great Joy of soon
His bonny fiancee, fair Kate.
Opportunity for
Sales Executive
I want a man who has a lot of selllog ability and
some money to take a heavy interest in my manufac
turing business with full direction of sales.
Products are staple food articles and provide y ear
around business. The sales field Is greater than wa
can fill for years. Freight rates are so materially to
our advantage that we can underprlce every competi
tor If necessary .
My reputation as an expert in my line Is nation
wide. My goods are admitted to be the very best.
I am handicapped because I must at present divide
my time between manufacturing and selling; also be
cause of lack of capital to fill big orders offered me,
which necessitates my refusing a big line of attract
ive, well-rated business.
Tbe man for this place must be able to produce
$15,000 or more to invest, which is not much for the
type of man I seek; it is little Indeed compared to the
volume of business w can turn out with this much
additional capital.
Quick action is absolutely essential, as I have other
plans which may mature any day, thus eliminating thla
opportunity for you.
For Appointment, Write at Once
Box M84, Omaha Bee.
ysi E a Auto But Maeta Trains and Stramars
Crsary at Taylor.
10 minutes to Fltlon without
transfer. Built of concrete and steel.
Private bath to every room. First
claaa In every detail. Rates from II
up. H. Wills, manager, Member of
Official Exposition Hotel Bureau.
Clark aa
Chicago "r?
H EveryRoomwitha
Bath nvMieas: n
Horn of tho
lug dishes and air of gaiety and good cheer.
Dine in the Dutch Grill
wmmm tazTiat fyjyji eh i
Good service is tho
strongest induce
ment a bank can
offer for your pat
ronagp it in
cludes everything
Capital, . $200,000
Surplus, - $100,COO
! 9
Tho Hot! of Pmrfoet Soroieo H
reenaf asvse B
h H -H mm I
ir""? - -i7'?ro
" " mi
, ss "w Mrf-yy!
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.