Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 8, Image 19

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IHfow Lfacollini Careo Iomp anndl Emiteirtaninio Its VisitoiR
m KRI. n lnl. Lyric tharr (vaudeville), 132 North
maictri g .n. I TMrtwnth atraet.
K " I Magnet theater (pictures), 1K11 O itrwt
no eusreatlons on the enter- i Oliver theater (drama;, lto-147 North
talntnent of Ita atate fair via- Thirteenth eireel
Iters. The tark ha been per- Orpheum theater vaudeville). IjOO o
formed no Ion and ao well br
that th
ticket to
' atrrpL
TIia WnndnrlAnil theater fnlrture.V 1310
the maater entertainer there q atreet.
mere purchase of a railroad To th, may i added a tint of the parka
Lincoln la an admission now- ., Dbiic a round a of the cltv rlaeea
adava that the buyer knowa he will be .here folks may go when they get tired
well received when he g-eta there.
The Commercial club la the auprcme
maater of the entertainment, quite natur
ally. And It has aome building that Lin
coln vlaltora eee, too, aome secretary In
Walter 8. Whitten and aome club to back
Mm up In all thtnga he plana for fatr
week when the crowda pour In upon him.
The Commercial club la housed In a
fUO.Ono home where Ita entertainment can
ha ttaged In proper aettlnga. It haa a
luemberahlp of about 1,1X4 of the moat
active and alert buelneea men of the city
and they are the aaalatlng entertalnert
to the officiate of the dub. And there
la nothing mat the offl era and Secretary
Whitten think of which they will hesi
tate to do tf they believe It offers a
legitimate and wholeaome entertainment
for the atranger within the galea.
Tkewter FarW.
During the aUte fair week one will find
that In the city are ten theatere. then
there la Kloctrlo park to the south and
Capital Beach to the weat of the city.
Doth of the latter may be reached easily
by atreet care. The Beach la an old ,
atabllahrmnt, where there may be found j
all aorta of amusements and boating and
bathing quite like any other well regu
later near-lhe-city au.nmer resort.
Eiectrlc park was opened this year on
a new baste. It comprltea Lincoln Tark
of ye olden day, only Improved and elec
trified Immenaely and with a number of
attractlona added to It One of the
largeat build liuca on the ground la the
ballroom, 23 feet long, with a dancing
floor 1M by fifty feet square, capable of
accommodating 400 couples,
Tbere la a apacloua refreshment em
porium for the dispensing of soft drinks,
with a cabaret ahow In connection.
Vaudeville, photo pluva and mualo made
tip the entertainment Sunday, which
showed to large audiences In the course
of three performanocs.
Other atanda In the aeml-ctrole embrace
candy wheels, ahoottng gallertea, bowling
alleys, billiard parlors and ahows of va
rious types.
The theaters are given here with their
Alrdome theater (roller akating), 1000 O
'alno (pictures). Capital Beach.
Kllte theater No. 1 (picturea), IX O
Fllfe theater No. 1 (pMore). iXtl O
Lily theater (ploturee). 1430 O street
i of taking account of things "on the go.
The Hot la headed by Antelope park, "the
rltya own," to which an Important addi
tion la soon to be attached through the
r.00 girt of W. T. Auld. an Omaha
banker. There are animals of various
klnda at the park, winding drive and
endle lovely walka where one ran en
Joy the open In a pronouncedly different
atmosphere than at the state fair grounds
or downtown. The public grounds are
located as follows:
Antelni park, between Twenty-seventh
and Twenty-eighth streets from M to
State rapltnl grounds. Fourteenth to
Sixteenth and II to K streets.
I Epworth league park, two miles south
j weat of city.
untna view para, one dick norxn or
Highland avenue between Seventh and
Fourteenth at reels.
Lincoln llelaht perk. North Thirteenth
atreet, northwest corner Judson.
Klectrlo park, adjoining E.p worth park
to weat.
Flrat City park, F to D and Slith to
E'irhth atreet.
University of Nebraska eampue and
athletic field, Tenth to Twelfth and R
to U street.
Metel at Macnln.
The boast of the Lincoln Commercial
club Is that the hotel of that city are
quite prepared to be measured for aervlce
bealde the hotels of any other city In the
country as large, or even twice a large,
as Lincoln. Thus far there have been
no outalders who wished to make a wager
on It or who, after ataylng at the Lin
coln hotels, wished to be understood to
criticise the service or the cuslne.
There are at preaent more than twenty
hotels listed In the Lincoln books. Five
of the hoatelrles are of conalderable size.
The Lincoln and Llndell lead the Hat
both being known from coast to coast
and both posesatng the record of having
entertained a multitude of the country's
biggest men and moat extensive travelers.
The Savoy, Victoria, Capital and Wind
sor coma next side by side. Then follow
the smaller, but none the leas hospitable
houses such as the Dolevan, the A 1 ham
bra, the Delemar, the Knapp and others.
Here are the location of the Inna:
Lincoln hotel. Ninth and P streeta.
Llndell hotel. Thirteenth and M treat.
New Wimlaor hotel. iUS North Eleventh
Havoy hotel. IftM P atreet.
Hotel Victoria. 151 O atreet
Del a van hotel. 11 Uouth Fifteenth
linJell Hole!
p'-V l) .MM! L ; 11 J
toy. Jo
Famous In Nebraaka'g Political Annals, Where Much History Haa Been
Mada In Days Clone By, and Where Revelry and Hospitality Hare
Held Sway, and BUll Are Present.
Capital hotel, 131 North JSelerenth.
Alhambra hotel, 129 North Twelfth
Alma hotel, 144 O street
Angella hotel, 1021 Q atreet
Ualtlmore hotel ? North Tenth street
Central hotel. 1335 P street
Crescent hotel, VI it i.f (t,
Delemar hotel, 122S P atreet
Depot hotel. 2 R North Seventh street
Motel le Nobles, 1132 N atreet
Hotel Grace. K43 O atreet.
The Knaap hotel, 1227 O atreet
New Ideal hotel, 1144 P street
St Reals hotel, 1415 P street.
Sanitary hotel, 112 South Seventeenth
Seattle house. 144 North Tenth street
State hotel, 1.19 North Twelfth street
Sterling hotel, 121 South. Fourteenth
Wtatem hotel. 781 O street.
Tale hotel. 1827 O street
Pablle Libraries.
There are ten publlo libraries In the
domain known a Qreater Lincoln with
rolumea totaling close to 200,000 at the
preaent lime.
Of theae the state library Is the greatest
and the moat poorly housed. The peo
ple of the city as with practically every
other city of the state treat their books
better than do the people of the entire
state. Valuable books are In the state
library, too. some In fact that are In
finitely more valuable than any In the
better housed Ubrarlea over the state.
Educational Ubrarlea, all of them
selected with a view to meeting condi
tions In their work, predominate In the
number. They range In slxe from the
University of Nebraska library with Ita
106,000 volumes to the state medical
library with 1,900 volume The libraries
and their location are as follow:
City library, Fourteenth street north
esat corner of N. Open, a. m. to 9 p. rn.,
24,467 volumea.
Kant Lincoln library. Twenty-seventh
and Orchard.
8:3C a.
library, Capitol building. Open,
to a n. m., imi.uw volumes.
i n.
Unlveralty library. Library building on
Open, 8 a. m.
iry building on
10 p. m., 105,000
State Historical Society library. 104 Unl
veralty Library building, 50.000 tltlee.
State Mertlcal .Society library, Capitol
building. 1.800 volumea.
Wealeyan Unlveralty library. 8,830
Co'ner (Jntvereltv library 8.009 volumea
Union College library, 8.000 volumes.
KIU. Arc -
With a large, well furnished home In
which to entertain guests, the Lincoln
Elks' lodge No. 80 throws Ita doors open
every fair week to visiting "Bills" and
their families. There are said to have
been 1,000 Elks from other lodges In the
(Continued on Pago Eleven, Column One.)
Garment Cleaning
....and Pressing....
Don't Lay Aside Garments That
Have Become Spotted and Soiled, We
Can Clean and Press Them By Our Pro
cess So They Will Be As Good As New.
The cost for this work is very
reasonable. We pay postage one
way on all ot of town orders. We
clean and block both ladies' and
gentlemen's hats bring your gar
ments with you when you come to
the state fair and we will have
them ready f r you to take home
again when you leave.
I ' j! . ;mrli - rlit
, " . r-,-tiMrl ,fJi ayi. jtjisWatt-K 4
I ) , .... . f n.Mtfoa j " -- v' t x . I
" WW Ttgge I
' ' a r 7. r -m c 'a
Lincoln Carnegie ZiITary
The Lightest, Brightest
Spot in Lincoln
Of Interest to
Fair Visitors
Our Daylight Clothing Store
Flooded With Sunlight ,
A satisfactory placo to look at merchandise comforta
ble, easy chairs and all rest room facilities. A place to
check your parcels, meet or telephone your friends, general
information as to places of interest. Hotels, 4 street cars.
And if you have never found it out
an economical pla.e to trade
Visit Our Booth at the
(Near the Northwest Entrance of the DAIRY aid Pure Food Building)
Special Exhibit
for Housewives
Automatic Refrigera
tors, Majestic Ranges,
Domestic Gas Ranges,
Boono - Kitchen Cabi
nets, Illinois Heaters
for all of which we are
exclusive local agents.
$8 Aluminum
With every Majestio
Range sold from our
booth at tho State Fair
Grounds,. we will give
absolutely FREE an $8
set of Ruaranteed alu
minum kitchen utensils
C- 'lis1 ... ' I t7 aV aff aW 1 2 M M I M W H M x. a
12th nnd N Streets
Line of
Hats, Caps,
Gloves and
in your store is an absolute
guarantee that you are offering
the latest styles and best mer
chandise to your trade.
Let us show you the new styles
this week.
Deputy Hats are in greater de
mand every day.
rrrnu - tt 3 n
i me mmctmi
'radioi Co.
Our new double track line, built to the
State Fair Grounds last year, which en
ables us to handle over 12,000 passengers
per hour, has been put In first-class
operating condition for service during
State Fair week.
You can reach the Fair Grounds in ten
minutes with absolute safety over thin
When yon arrive at the depot In Lin
coln, take any street car and ask the con
ductor for a transfer to the State Fair
Talce Car for Fair
Grounds at 10th
an 3 P Streets and
lllh and P Streets
At either of these points you can trans
fer on either of the two loops to any part
of the city or suburbs.
Each car carries a sign on the front
showing its destination. Our trainmen
will always be glad to assist you in any
way and every war possible to reach any
desired point on our lines.