4 TIIK HKK: OMAHA, TfKSDAY. AUdUST :Jl, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BY EDW At) ROSei WATER. " VICTOR ROSF.WAYER. EDITOR. Te Be Publlsnlng Company, Proprietor. SKB Hl'lLBlNQ. TAR'S A M AND SEVENTEENTH. .Vnttd at Omahs ntoffloe as scond-clas matter. TI.KM3 or f L'BSCRIPTION Fy carrier By mull per month. prr yr. .t'y and ftunday .. w ffi 0 IMIIr without funds?.. .. 4 (w T.venlr.a and Snnrsv , M fvrnn without 8undar.... E-o 4.u0 Funds Bea onlr aur JOT Fvi rotlra of rhsr.f of sddrs or comn'slntu of lrrrauarty In drllvsry to Omaha Pee, Circulation Department. REMITTANCES. Fetiitt f draft, eiprea or p.al order. Only two rent atampa rerelved In payment of amall ao cntinta. Trennat rherka. axceft on Omaha and eastern . Chan re. uot accepted. Omaha The Pea Builillna fmith Omaha 2i N strt. Council H'.ufts M North Main atreet. i.lnooln Ltttls Bulldlnr. Chtcsso-SOl H'srtrt Hul Jinr. New York Room llflH M Fifth aeenua. 5t Imils-MS New Punk of Cornmeroe. Waehlnrton 72S Fourteenth 8L, N. W. " CORRESPONDENCE. 'Adflreae rommunlratlona reiatinr to newa and edl- ortfX matter to Omaha, Baa, Tutorial bcptrtmstit. JIXV CIRCULATION. 53,977 Ftst of Nehraka. Co'inty of Dcuslss, aa. : Lw eht Williams, circulation mnner of The Bee ruMlahlna company. heln duly iorn, says that the aeerac cl.eu.alion for the moiith of July, lU. was U.IH. DWIOHT WILLIAM",, Ore latlon Manager. Bubacrined In my pteevnre and sworn to before me, tbia M dav of Au;ml. Sli ftODICHT HUNTHlR, NoUry Pi'bllo. BuWfitxm leaving the city lemporarilj abonld harr The Bee mailed to them. Ad ores wtll b rlianged aa often aa request L Arurt ti Thought for the Day ritat Jimmy lor beintf ab$nt and don t trktp Kim wken he ain't Uur. .-J V, j la another week all the days of the week wilt be 8unday'a. Oar Ak-Sar-Ben annual festival la Juit a month off. Invite your frtenda now. If Mr. Rockefeller can see in , himself . the prodigal eon, he muat atill have. good eyesight in hla advanced age. In inaugurating our municipal bathing pools thla season the co-operat.on of the weather man u evidently overlooked. Like the prophets of old, Omaha-made school teachers may not be fully appreciated at home, but they seem to be In brisk demand In other cities. Perhaps If these powder factories were op erated on a profit-sharing sjstem there might not be so many ei plosions, especially if due to inside carelessness. Owing to the press of International events matters of national concern are lost In the shuf fle. Grape Juice as a diplomatic stimulant has retired from the 8tate department. Secretary of State Pool expects to aave the taxpayers f 200 next year by buying auto number plates cheaper and selling them at the same old price. Now there's a state official who is living up1 to his economy promises. Germany'a newest Zeppelins are of a dull tray color, and in the shape of a fish. Then, the man who aees one for the first time on his ( way home from a convivial session should be a quick candidate for either the sawdust trail or a Keeley cure. The passing almost simultaneously of Gen eral John C Black and General Benjamin F. Tracy Is another reminder of how few distin guished leaders, of our civil war remain. Both cf these men were tried In the fiery ordeal, and both rendered conspicuous public service later In peace. When political crooks fall out honest citizens get Inside Information. The plea of guilty en tered by Tom Taggart'a right-hand In the Mar lon county election case, at the threshold of trial, carries promise of ground-floor revelations aa to how Hooeterdom casts the topnotch per centage of votes to population. As a means of Insuring respect for the con querors all the officials of Warsaw, from the r-'syor down, are held as hostages by the Ger mans. 8honld any of the populace cut loose, tff goes an administration head. The tempta tion thus put up to the opponents of the city government must strain self-control to the limit. A newspaper letter writer says that one of the Omaha dallies was to be expected to de nounce the Leo Frank lynching, but that he cannot understand bow the others should sym pathize with that attitude. Thanks for the com pliment, which means that The Bee is one Omaha newspaper that, may be depended ou to denounce such a revolting outrage. Foolinj with Fire. Romethlnn of a crisis has arisen in connec tion with the admlnlittratlon of the Hate affairs of Nebraska, and the democrats at Llnco'.n are meeting it with their usual blundering faehlon. They are getting on dangerous ground when they undertake to atone for legislative failure to ninke appropriations by spending fees to sup port the department that collects them. These fees belong in the general fund of the state and ran only he appropriated by the legislature. I'nless specifically set apart by law for a definite purpoHe, fees cannot legally be d. verted to any use of any department. If the legislature neg lects to make provision for the support of any branch of the. state government It may be dis continued, or its activities may be carried on In the bopn that some future legislature will meet the expense by a deflc enry appropriation, but it cannot be supported by the Income of fees col lected. The decision in the case of former Auditor Eugene Moore does not apply In the present emergency, and any official who relies on that to protect blm in misusing state funds will find he has made a sad mistake. Officials of the state are responsible for all collections made by them under the law, -nd have no au thority to appropriate them for any use of the state or otherwise. State Treasurer Hall soems to be about the only democrat at the state house who Is keeping his level these days. Proof in the. Precedent. Tha Omaha Be suKg-rsts the advisability of ap pointing a republican to '.lie position of Unllel HtatMi district JudB, made vacant by the death of Judge Munger. Can The Bee point to the appoint ment of a diwnoi-rat to aurh a position un.ler a ra publlcan administration? Not on your Ufa, when a republican was In algtit. Plaitsmniiih Journal. It the Journal Insists upon tak.ng a Joke seriously, It must be up to The Bee to meet the Issue. We have never known a time when there were not plenty of good republicans in sight for every appointive office to be g.ven out by a re publican administration. Just as there are always dozens of deserving democrats waiting for every piece of pie. Can The Bee point to an appoint ment of a democrat to a Judical position under a republican administration? The Bee cer tainly can without even going back further than the last preceding republican president, as wit ness this partial list: Piiprems Court Kdwand D. White of Louisiana, democrat, promoted to be chlnf Justice; II'. It. Lur ton of Tenncsses, democrat; Joseph K. Lamar of Oeorgla, democrat. Circuit Court Julian W. Mack of Illinois, dem ocrat; John K. Carland of Bouth Dakota, democrat Platrlct Courts 11. O. Connor of North Ca olna, democrat; It. A. M. Smith of Bouth Carolina, dem ocrat; Gordon Hussell of Ten as, democrat. Despite this tne array of precedent, how ever, no one expects President Wilson to name a republican for the vacant Judgeship In Ne braska, and so far aa we know, no republicans are applying. Though they prate loudly about their devotion to the principle of a nonpartisan Judiciary, democrats cannot be held to the prac tice of their preaching when life Jobs are within their reach. What About Mexico? In Its Jubilation over the prospective adjust ment of the difficulty between the Un.ted States and Germany the administration seems to have lost sight again of a serious situation much nearer home. General Carranza has paid not the slightest attention to the AU-Amerlcan note, other than to Inquire In an unofficial way of the South American diplomats If they really rep resent their governments In joining in the move to pacify Mexico. He has no word for the United States, and has made no apparent effort to com ply with the suggestion that he unite w th other loaders In a conference to establish peace. The Red Cross reports that many Mexicans are starv ing to death in the capital city of that country, now otcup.ed by Carransa's forces. This the "first chief" denies, but the Red Cross people are not g.ven to exaggeration, and will doubtless be belloved by Americans, If peace were re stored at once, most of Mexico's population would have to be supported by charity until farm operations could be resumed throughout the de vastated regions. At present the unfortunate people there face a winter of starvation, because of Carransa's obstinacy. What is to be done about Mexico? rmivm 4MC4 J'ii.U According to Chief Obse-ver Iol ock. the Omaha signal statl m la now eq ilpped f r fuitil i li g full now about fold waes, having accured a Hack ilag from Washington hlca a to I a ho a ed whemvar the tem perature I a tag to t U to 46 de ;reea or less. H. a Wills, nun or of El 1 x. IU.. Is tha guest cf P. Mvrphy, te U no-n cntra tor. Mlas Ida K. O nlee. a aher In lh Ind'amtpn li schools la visiting rlna In Omaha. The f h dor of ila'n fo'd ring masked "A. K." will re e've t: fir rtirnl g :t to A. Koch, cars Too le. Maul Co. Tha On-aha C'm-nerlu! club will open a night school for tlKis niibU to ot tain Instruction duiluj tha day, and a a cal course la Qermaa will be given by Mrs. Ca a O oasman. Tha Ch r h ll-llunt Manu'acturtng company of Council lit f's ill s'ortl nvve to Oim ha, and h-vs engaged a lcat!n on Harrey alrtt-t. li V. Lewis, tha thief sto-kr olr'er and manager, Intenda to remove tiers mith bis fumlly. U P. Itlpley, geurtal freight agent of the Burling ton, is In tha c'ty. Mlas it. M. WMlTort l u d a two hnairr resi dences on Nliietie i.h tear Webater, to coat I0.&U). A Concession to Commerce. The British government has in effect given its consent to the tree passage of long delayed sh pments of goods from Germany and Austria to the United States. This modification of the order In council, that laid this com men e under a ban amounting almost to interdiction, may not be ind estiva of Intent on part of Great Britain to relax the severity of its sea vigil, but It does show that the in; ust.ee of the operation of the general embargo thus Imposed is becom ing apparent in high quarters. Mill ons of dol lars worth of goods, now held on the docks at European ports, which really are owned In the United States, will be released, and something of rel.ef will be provided tor the stringency felt by manufacturers in this country. The con cession to American commerce lacks someth ng of heartiness that might be expeoted from a friendly nation, seeking to further advance Its own Interests but It has been granted, and that Is the main point. Considered with the lntimat on that the German suhaea campaign is to be more strictly confined to belligerents, and that even greater significance attaches to recent negotia tions, the present turn will be accepted as one more straw showing the set of the wind towards peace for the world. John Bull Getting" a Lesion. John Bull la coming to know something of how Uncle Sam felt fifty years ago, when his dollar was so sadly depreciated In the markets of the world. For a century or longer, the pound sterling has stood as the monetary unit or the world, and on it was based He value of all other moneys. Whatever the medium of ex change of a nation, when it came to pur chase or borrow, It found Us coinage balanced against the paund sterling, and made to come up to the mark. Now it is different, and the dollar that was deeply discounted bait a century ago la the standard, and the pound sterling Is found "to be short of the mark. War still baa Its effect oa money, and gold knows no country, has no patriotism, and takes advantage of every op portunity to advantage itself. Discount of its money and shrinkage of its credit Is part of the price every nation pays for engaging In war, no matter how holy the cause. Aimed at Omaha Hast.na Xrl. uno: Omaha has captured the na tional butchers" ccnvf-ntlon. That ought to make Kansas City beef some. Fremont Trlhiinr: If th- Omaha Commeivlal club really wants to do somrtMng wo.th while In th way of eptahll hlng water mutes out of that city let It busy Itself on one to Fiemont. A line of parkets I arifa and mud scows by way of Platta mouth would havo to traverse a com,wratlvely long routo, to be fure. but there woi.ld be scores of tlmee more money In It than In the one to Decatur. The vessels, be It remembered, could return loaded. Wood Ittver Interests: A flock of Omaha mln istera In tho (rulse of a bunch of sports out for a good time vIMted the Rone hotel of that city on nfter closing hours for the sale of matt, spirituous and vinous liquors, and without trouble bought all kinds of Intoxicants. After lot king at It. smelling It and even tatlnic It to mske sure It was tha "real thing" th-y parted with the "goods" and have now filed charges with the city council and demand the Rome hotel license be revoked. Now It so nan- pens that the Rnmn hotel Is In high favor with the council and that body Is between the devil and the l deep se. Nellgh Leader: Th'a early In the gmme It might not be amiss to remind prospective rsndldates of all imrtlcs who are atertlng out to make a campaign by telling hew wicked Omaha Is, that no campaign has been won In ih's state on that Issue. If you think It ran. ask the late republican candidate for governor. The farts are that Omaha, I'ke every other city, contains manv vicious people, but U will site up wtll with other cltl s and towns . With sixteen years experlcn'O as a resident of Omah.i and In a position which affords a better opror un'ty to know what was going on than most men had, the writer la willing to stand up for Omaha. Hastings T theme: Al-earfy Omahana are retting craiy about Pllly Sunday. They are writing all kinds of dope for and against him. Pome of them sign their own names to the communications, while others write under the nom de guerre of "Sunday Nutty," 'Nutty Sunday," etc. Evidently thoso Omahana are trying to out-ftunday Aunday In the slang game, Plattamouth Journal: Tommy A Ten, L'nlted State district attorney. Is going to be permitted to live In Lincoln, nctwltha'sndlng the rovenment dealgnatea Omaha as Ma place of residence. Perhaps his close friends fear that the surroundings of the metropolis might contaminate him. Wayne Herald.: Preparation for the PPly Puntey performance In Omaha next month la colng fo-ward with the u'nvet cere end elaboratlm E-eryh'ng t being put In readiness to eec-ire perfect stiMng and the rlrht send-off. The evargel'st's wonderful or ganlrat'on no doubt accounts 'n considerable meas ure for hla phenomenal results. Twice Told Tales An Edlanw Story. According- to a f lend. Thomas A. Kdl-on Is of th. opinion thnt It was anger that flr't turned him toward Inventing the Incandescent light. How it hap pened la related by the friend, who says: "That was of course In the early days and Mr. Edison waa then quite the Inventor that one reads of poor, enthuslest c, never sleeping. He lived In a email house Innocent of anything approaching a laboratory: scientific devices were In every room, and all the money went for experiments. Then ono day came the crisis In the guise of the collector for the gas eompany. He had been to tha bouse often, but Bdlson. hardly heeding his calls, had waved him away, saying, 'Don't bother me.' "On th e last call the collector's Instructions were peremptory. Ho must turn off the gas. " 'But. man.' protested Edison, '1 can't stop this experiment tonight. I ll pay tha bill, of course I didn't know about It I must finish this work without Inter rupticn. , . JTa- ,t.h,K.PP", hm6 no effect upon the collector, and the lights went out k "That nlrht. as I sat helpless In tha darkness.' aaya the Inventor. 1 swore that I would put the gaa S'.TSm'.k k b"."neM 1 haVn,t qulte ,one th but I did the best I could "-Newark News. Tsaa, old Mem. The late John PI ejow. the patriarch of dMomata and authois. and the no less eminent py ,-an ant author. Dr p. v ie- Mitchell, w re together sever' yeara ago et " eat Point Dr. Blgelnw aa t ,en Mad Dr. Mitchell fa. Tha eonvere tl-m turned to the sn'-Jeet of age. "I attribute my meny years," said Dr Flge'ow, "to the fact that I hne been most ebst'ml-iua. 1 have eaten anerlnsly end hive not used tobacco and have taken llttla exercl e." "It la Just tha reverse in my case." explained Mitchell. "I have eaten Just as muh aa I wished. f I eould ret It; I haw always used tobacco. Immoder ately at times, and I have always taken a great deal of exercise." With that. Ninety-two Tears shook hla head at Eighty Tears snd sMd: "Well, jrou will never lire to be an old man!" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Pwt Ilia Coot In It. An "English eller, a member of the Second South Staffordshire reelment, fays that one bitterly cold night In tho earW spring he an1 h'a mates came out of the tirnehea. They were b Ileted in a barn, where they were packed 1n very c'o-e. "Though n-m with erid, we were soon as'cep," said the aoldler In telling the ineklent. "I w a awskene In the night by one cf cur 'haps t-!ng to put his boots on. After he had t-een trvlng for a minute or two I heard tha fe low net him say: 'What t"e are you dolnrT 'Putt'rr my rocta on, aa tha rrly. " 'Well, that's my foot you fool!' "New Totk Times People and Events Milwaukee Germans offer to pay Colonel Roose velt's expeiras if he will Join the allies oa the fighting lines of Prance. The president of tha Housewives' league of New York ca leu la tea from the stie of the crop that there are enough peaches to supply each person In tha country with 2MX Lead us to 'em! When Is a girl grown up? A Philadelphia lass of 17 puts It up to a Phlladelrhla lawyer In the form of a breach o prom'ae sul' asaer'lng that wh-n ahe was 15 he prom'ae ' to mirry he when she waa ' grown up." She iff Klnkend of Payonra N. J . ac s as he t l';s A political rival atarted to heckle him while deliver ing a atump apeeoh. Tha sheriff promtply arrested the heckler and musxled him until he finished the speech. Prof.. Prank Johnson Gocx'now. the American Ad viser Of Preeli'ent Ti'an Sh'h Kal of Chl-a. halls from Prooklrn. TVe I'rooklyn Kasle commends the pro fessor aa an a Me coun lllor with apeclil aptitude for boosting the tner't of a Brooklyn torpedo product. The Int'ependcn' O drr of Bachelor maida of Pit man. N. J.. Is In danger of disruption. Three leadl.ig members. p dred to acorn mere man, have broken their vowa and wedi'ed, and the engagement of too president of the o-d r Is announced. v hen Dan Cu ild drops In at the door the new thought scoots for tall timber. Conatderable gaiety la ahowa trrou-hout the coun try over the belated report of how CoUnel bryaa was klseed by aa enth.alaatlc admirer on tha Kansas Chautauqua circuit. It was a real old faahloned whli kered smack, too, right on the colonel's lips The admirer rot away with It without tender ng an apology. tihe waa four feet cine Inches tall, aged IX clad In pink and white gin ham and a poke bonnet, but sne brought one of New T. rk finest to sttentlna mlth -.h se piping words: "Ouess I v seen all the sights. I'm broke. I've no place to sleep, and so I thought I'd tell you cops about it" A slip of a runaway from Maine, tha cop took her la and sent word to dad. War Xo la the Parks! OMAHA, Aug. SO To the Editor if the Bee: Buvi-oe thst every day should be aa beautiful as today for the next month it might happen so, for this waa cer tainly a perfect Nebraska day and our parks at this season are more Inviting then at any time. Yet we read of tho bitlldlrg of a hideous covered wooden taiM-macle. where there will be a special room or siace shut off for little children to be shut In. With such beautiful natural "labcr naclea" as our porks are. In which to worship. Instead of a hot, 111-smelllnw. noisy, expensive pen, why do not all of these ministers say to their flocks, who are Jwst now In a most unnaturally In flamed state of mind. "What we ail need is a 'park revival,' and not an evangeli cal Tacking.' " Why are little children, helpless, hauled Into thin pen to witness the spectacle of a man on a religious jag? Had we left the choice to these same little cnea, would they have chosen a "park revival" or Bl ly 8unday fuming? A "park revlal," with music every af ternoon to celebrate our beauf. fil Ne braska early fall sounds to me very ap propriate. There will be many vlrltora in the city for the next six weeks from the small towns and farms. Think of the pleasure to these visiting women and children mualc might be. What an opportunity fur these ministers, who have such obe dient f ami. lea In the palms of their hands, to say, "Scatter all o( you to our parks, and there forget your sins for a while in the clear air and beautiful eight of foliage and grasa." H. B, Attempt to Botch rharanaeopoela. ROCHESTER, N. T Aug. 29. To the Editor of The Bee. The raid of the pro hibitionists upon tha revision of the ltiarmacopoeia will have no legal effect whatever; and the attempt to drop whisky and brandy from tha list of remedies, to be described In a future Issue of the Pharmacopoeia, must be futile aa It la foolish. The Pharmacopoeia la not a government publication and la not by any means the sole dscrtptlvg list of remedies empliyed In medicine, and can not confine druggists. The assumption. In the telegrams stat ing that the committee of revision had voted 26 to 34, Dr. Wiley prea.d ng, ta droi whisky and brandy from the list, that the act would compe drug.Uu tj lake out a saloon license to sell whisky and brandy, has no toundat-on nor cogency. The action of a partisan com mittee does not fix the list of remed.es. Medicine is free; license for the sa.e of wh.sky by druggists aa a medicine de pends upon exUt.ng federal uuu Suite enactments and not upon tha Pharma copoeia, hut the telegraphed assumption be trays clearly the Intent of the proh.bl tionlsts who have apparently mastered the revision for the time being. For at one time the committee dropped the whole subject as unworthy of attention. Then It was reconsidered by a close majority; and exclusion was adopted after a hot debate. M to 24. Mr. Leonard Martin of Boston la re ported by a Boston paper as making the following demand at. a prohlb.tlon meet ing, July 11, 1916, on Boston common: "One of the first things we must attack Is the druggist's license. Tha alcohol privilege must be erased from tnc Pharmacopoeia." Mr. Martin deceives himself. The Pharmacopoeia gnuita no ilghta nor privileges. The principal guide of the druggist la the Dispensatory, a list of rem i s quite Independent of the Pharmacopoeia. In deed, the edltora of tha Dispensatory In times paat have stated their reload t follow tha radical action of tha comm t tee In charge of the Pharmacopoeia, It la Impose ble to rule out the us - of valu able remedies, whisky and brandy, by an arbitrary list. HlNKI C. MAIN ix Bradatrret's Snoopers. BUA1R, Neb.. Aug. 30. To the Bditor of The Bee: Just aa scon as a new real dnt comes Into the town the Auxiliary Society of Bradstreet's Snoopera get Into action and scarcely has the furniture brtn set Into position, and tho front walk swept, whon the moat vigilant of thla so ciety, the bulwark of the nation, gets Into action and obeying tha scriptural mandate go by twos to make the "so ciety call." Tha usual formaJllles obtain, and after tha call the two hook noses, retreat to one of their dens and compare notea, for four eyea can see much more than two. Now If the new arrival would avail herself of the following scheme sho might save these, and other ardent Peeping Ninnies, a vast 'amount of trouble; The plan Is this: Hav a large card hanging on the piano siating "that this was the original Sto.nwuy. was used by Paderewskt on his first tour; cost 2,0. One on the rug: ' Genu ne worn Feral m, ued by Mohamet; coat tOCO. On the Vic torola: "Solid mahogany, made especially for Caruso; cost 11.800. On the electric portable lamp: "Handi alnted by tue mi kado's dnughter. a gift from his emi nence; too valuable to set a rrce." On the card receiver : "So. id ivory, made from th- rnastadon elep ani ..hat tasked Ilvingstone; cost I1J6." etc., etc And rlgut over the Inside of the front door have a large label rolled up above the door, held by a atring, which tha hostess con loosen at the departure, thai vhe.i unfolded would read: "All our furnish ings are paid for; we don t buy anything on Installments, Our checking account is tJ.OOO. We pay an income tax cf fc7 4A Mr. N. N. is a member of the Chicagi Board of Trade and belongs to twenty two of the leading secret societies. Mrs. N. N. is a graduate of Vassar and la an ex-presldent of the Daughters of the Revolution. Daughter Msrie Fay Jane la now taking a post graduate In tha Boa ton Conservatory. Bon A. Jonathan Blackstone la traveling In the orient in the care of eighteen special servants," etc.. etc Thus If everything would be plainly tagged from the umbrella rack to th back doorknob, these Intelligence glean eis could moke more calls and report tho results at the cli.be and aid societies more dil..itcly, so .hat the husbands may piau for their buslneas and tha dif ferent societies lay for the catch. Thla j)n would save much worry, both for the spies and for the victims to be X rayed. JENNY WREN. TIPS ON H05IS TOPICS. Washington Post: The difference be tween a salient and a wedge depends oa whether tha account waa written by a Journalist or a newspaper man. New York World: Mr. Bryaa'a view of it Is that if Americana would stay at borne and attend his Chautauqua lec tures Instead of venturing upon tha high seas, German submarines would havs no chance to murder them and there would be no trouble between the United Statea and Germany. Pittsburgh Dispatch: One thing the war, or rather the war reports have done, and that Is to Increase greatly the average man's bump of caution. There Is more of a disposition to wait to hear both sides and believe neither of them. Philadelphia Ledger: It Is said that grape Juice has lost Its place of honor In the State department since the de parture of Bryan. Whether or not the Slate department beverages now have a kick In them. It la certain that State de partment documents have, Baltimore American: An association of packers at a convention declared that the brainiest men eat pickles, and ti.at pickles are food both for Intollnrt and character. Again Is the Intuition of womnn. even though expressed In the schoolgirl period, triumphantly vindicated. BREEZY TRIFLES. "Why so sad and downcast T "My wife haa threatened to leave me." "Cheer p; women are a. ways threat ening somet. inv like that but they hamlv ever do It." i ' That s what 1 waa th nklng." Hous ton I'ost Man With Paper-" re's a preacher tn Svracuee. N. Y.. drolires that th; time will come hen there will be no liars In the world. I'essl! I t Well, the world Is due to end aomellme. Canadian Courier. "The voters out home want to know what your onitons are on this great public question." "I'm Jusv. a- anxious," replied Senator Sorghum, "to find out what their opln lona are befe" i express any opinion. ' Washington Star. I REMEMBER! I REMEMBER' Canadian Courier. I remember. I reniemi r Tt house where I i bom: Th little w nd iw where the r.in Came peeping In at inurn You'd hardly know the old place now, For dad ta i p t' ('ate, And the farm Is adenine: From the back lot to the gate. The house and barn are ll0hted V'lth bright acety ene. The eng ne In the luundry Is run bv sasolenc. We hsve silos, we hnve nn'oe, We have dynnmo nnd tilings; A telephone for go.1p. And a phonograph that sings. The hired man has left us. We miss his homely 'aie; A lot of college graduates Are working In his trace. There's an engineer ard fireman, A chauffeur and a vet, "Lecirlclm and mei hiinic Oh, the farm's run right, you Vot The tittle window where the sun Came peeping in at morn Nom- brlehiens tip a bathroom Thst cost a car of corn. Our milkmaid Is pneumatic And she's sanitary, too; But dad gets fifteen cvnts n quart For milk that once brought two. HAD KAWBBLE KABARET PEAK MR.KABIBBiK, ffi FIANCE IS BWM I " RMsiPqir RMr0N HSTUMJC&. SHALL I ACCEPT trf aajej-p OgrrWTVuR. WAFTBwe' MARRIED "YOWL HrVrE A PEKFBOP RXthTTO HOT HIM WW ITl She treading newspaper) "Divorced ten-thlrteen a. m.. weds again five p, m." What do you think of that? He It would take that long to get the license. Judge. "My dear," he began mildly. "Well?" she snapped. "I don't mind yoi.r borrowing my Pan ama hat. But when you return it please remove the veil and the hatpins. I don t care f w. ar aurh equipment downtown again." Boston Transcript Madge Do you tiilnk Mr Phan lovea you more thnn he does baseball? Maude I really don't know. List night he t"hl me that my eyea were like dia monds. , Vadve That is a aim of affection. Maude Then a little later he said that when I cr ed it made him feel like a post poned game. Judge. ECM FOR On Face, Arms and Limbs. Skin Inflamed. Itching, Burning Unbearable. In 6 Weeks HEALED BY CUTiCURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "I had been troubled with eczema for twenty years. It drat was on my face, and It spread to my arms and limbs. The skin was In famed and Itched and burned a badly that I would scratch and Irritate it so that I could not sleep at night, Tbe Itching and burning were simply unbearable. 1 bad it so bad 1 could not sbave. "The longer bad U the worse It got I saw a Cu- tlcura Soap and Ointment advertisement In tbe paper, and I sent for some. I washed a small part of my arm with the Cuticura Soap and applied the Ointment three times' a day. In six weeks I was healed." (Signed) James H. Fra'Jck, 101 E. Walton St, Mus kegon, Mich., March 3. 1915. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-cai-d "Cotlenra, Dapt. T, Bee tesb Sold throughout U world. If You Don't Want to Move Again for Years choose an office where your location will constantly grow better. Business is moving up the hill. Some day the business canter will be at the corner of Twenty fourth and Fnrnam. From now until that time, there will be no better office location nor better offices than THE BEE BUILDING Was built for comfort. Although tha offices offero ar very few indeed, there are none better in tbe bui'd ins. If e have not what you wont, let us place you oa our wattles list. The rooms vacant at present are: Room 223 Choice office suite, north 1 flit, very desirable for doctors or dentists; waiting room and private office: 630 square feet Q 15.00 Room 040 9X0- Water; partitioned Into private office and waiting room; has large doub.e east windows; 180 square feet SiS.50 APPLY TO nilLDING 8 UPKr.I XTEXDENT, ROOM 103. After the excitement 01 tne game you will enjoy a cold bottle of THE BEER YOU LIKE Save coupons and get Premium. No better beer made, no beer better made. Phone Donglajs 1889. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors, vnd have a case sent home. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL i i1