THE BEE- OMAHA, MOXOAY. AUGUST ., 1015. WANT ADS Want eda received at n time, but to tn afire proter claself (ration must b Pr" aented before 11 o'clock '-nog tor evening dittos and I W p. m r morning na Sunday edition. Want ad received of t-r such hours will ha under the beading. 'T Late lo Classify." CASH HATES . ven consecutive tint a, 1 cent a worn each Insertion. ... Two or rooi-a consecutive times IV cent woM. One Umt, f rent a wor CHARGE-RATES. . ... Seveei nn?utlv times. cent !" .') Inaction. . ... Thra -wr,. -ut!va ttmea, 10 cent a aarh tnsertl4i. Om time. 18 cent a tine. Count six average words to a Una. AMmlmnm charge. 10 cent. An advertisement Inserted to be ran vnttl discontinued mud be stopped or written order. . All claim for ermra rnuat be within fifteen days after the Ut Inser- tlon of the advertisement Today'f Movie Program! LANTERN Jlaoa for caovm. Send you? aopy to ua Wa can reproduce photo or will pre per a your copy Wa will color aa directed. Beo Photo Dept. lu Iee tlld. Powatawa. EMI'BBSS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CL.AB3 VAUDEVILLE. Kearet-rtellr. No. C. The Fable of Itoyaterlng Bladea, Daaajn. bay. The Hlavey Btuoent. FVHaon. A City Hub. Vtampli. finRCKSSr" mTT5DoUuLAa. W illiam 8. Hart In -Pinto-Ben," t reel drama. Tbe Vaa-abonl. t reel drama. The lump Cow. comedy. lcle Heck, "By He-k," I reel comedy. wew. ' GRAND. 16TH AND B1NNEY. I Shorty Tnliei't a Htm, 1 reol drama. .1. m UhAH. WiamlllAn. The Jilt. reel drama, featuring . F. Coxen. Father Ixve. fli-ama LOTTTrSP. 24TH AND LSTifftOP. Kenle Oavla In Swiday, In flra pejl. laalk. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO, The Maker nt Dreama, Kalem The Mlanlne; Clue. Vltaaraph. West MONROE, 2565 FARNAM. The strange story of Bylvla Cray In 4 reels. Featuring Helen Gardner and notable cast. . N The Kentucky Derby," authentic pic .turea of the race. . Mattnea oally oommencing Wednesday, September 1, with Star feature., oath Side. I4TI! AND N. BE8SB. Bold Emmett. Tretand'a Martyr, Lubln. Cutey'e Awakening, Vltagraph. Francis Xavier Bushman Supported by MISS BEVEPvlY BAYNE In His New G-Act Masterpiece, "GRAUSTARK" Soon for the BESSK THEATER ORPHEUM, I4TX1 AND N. Weekly No. $ The $1.'0 BUI, drama Safety Flrat, comedy A "nomwM of Nsrva A MOVIES A TODAY LOTHROP. 24TII AND LOTHROP. Renl Davis In Sunday. In five part. MONROE. 5 505 FARNAM. Th- Strengn Story of Sylvia Gray, In 4 reels, font in Ing Helen Gardner and a n lu bla cast. ANXOrNfTRMENTS UUSiNKSS COULKGU STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. F?r sale, with good reasons for killing. variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness School, one of the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonsble away below regular price. If you ere considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fall terra begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. ioYtUateY M C.A. out g park, aummar. Office on 17th St. Double Windows . ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STItEET. PrUfctt I f flea Wultlng R-ou 190 So. Ft. 118.60 The Bee Building Offlc Room 103. ATTENTION, HUNTERS Rocky Point huntlna camo onena Setitember 1: best duck and game country In state; Id ally situated; coiiirortable quarters; experi enced chef. Write Maryott and Black, Oarkosh, reb. WILLId C. CROSBY, undertaker aad em balmer. new location, ii.ll 'Ji'.J N. 24th St. The moat up-to-date, modern undertak ing psrlure In the city. Tel. Web. 47. AfTOMOIUI.KJi Whenever vou are considering selling or buvii.K a used c&r and ion want full ta'ue far your money or you want people who are willing to py for wnnt they are Belting yeu will have r.o re;trct tf irou buy or advertise through the used car roiumn ot -rn- Hee rnor Tyler l Jroli t-Al.K i prni. rMixl mid-Dy ion touring car. Phone Doug, li.i or Wal. ar-i. sir, lo Hayes. yU t'limlug Ht. TIRE EXPENSE ClTr'lN TWO. We take two old tires and return one good one. Price, $2.76 and up NfH. 1X)U P LE-TRE A D TIRE CO.. r-IH FHrnam ht. Tel, l.u:laa lf.3 JO-HOHfeKPOWER roadster in perf.-ct ruuniiis order, w ill n-rifle for I'AKII ::. phone Webster !i. i'llMTKNKI.LK Al'TO CO.. 316 6. ltl St. Kxpert repairing: IsrsaliiS in Used ears, guaranteed as rpre-nt"d PKT ROIT ele.-trTcT'iiA Tel Hrmev 7iW. FOR SALE Vy used Old-mot. Us touring car. iu gouo condition, I'Kni. Cur can be eern at 4 Famam St. Iiidnsiriul GarPVe Ti"., ti 1 ibiifc.-f sttsT Vr h"raTk;a'''JA 'rll. !.. Farnum Ht. Phun Dou. as Til UVHISKBH VHtUCKH If your bususesa Chance wul stand lisid ii.vcuuiiuu aad is Just what it is ed.fcrliMd. or If you are looking t' start in busliKres Ur Oureir you will hu per- rciiv j n j iu use loe au linnet rotuina of The hee. When buy ujs orci.u.g a pusiucs i bum lyter umk IUSIXRSS CII ANTES Expert Picture .Sliow Manager Will IriM or manage on salary or percentage; best references. If required will furnish bond. Give full description in nrst lott tor. Address O. J. Kohl her;. 2" N. 13'h St. Phone Douglas KV7. CTiNTPTTMNERT store. 4004 Hamilton. good location, 1 door fiom moving clo ture show A HAi HIKH'M on account of pr hesith; 2T-rocm hotel, 22 furtilshc 1, In OgHlslla. the county sent, one iiool hall and barber shp In rent, one-uartrr block ground, Mir lawn, shade tires, electric: lights, lint and rold water. Will sell separate or el toeotler. Price. VfK. Louis Martin. OsMhIIs. Neb. GHrK.l.HT and notion alore, alao horse fK(JNi-HANO Hurrouah ad.llnn ma-,lind..w."K2n- A" noT. "'.rTk.1'T'n? 1 ehlne. Kxcellent condlHon. Munt Bell city. $1,J buys It. H N. lith. Weh. Wi. qui.k. Addrcm J 7:0. Hee 1V biiya nn eatalillahed luialneaa that enn I I 'Oil HAI-K CMhJtP be expanded without adill'lnnal ranltal. Tlualnriia ( olleno ;oure. Cap Ive hutidlcd at home. j Hoe Klrtg. i Full and coirplete tcholnrahlp In one NEW modern hotel, equipped with llRht. ! bath and heat on Lincoln Highway, for rent AiMrrai P P Merer I'.ilnti Neb rent. Aiiurca -. Meyer. J a""". fcRRSTAI'ltA NT for aale chean if taken Immed a'elv: railroad terminal. Bos wo Manicyia, tin Kit. "hu . trd. fvark fon. U. 1T7. . OWNFR- tlat vour pn)rn with W W. Wllllama. kin Nevl.le nik. n 44C 10 HKKU or buy a bi'hicaa, call on Buarh florehoff. Frener Hik 1. Mlk, Cool Offices For ' HOT DAYS Be Comfortable YourBelf ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent a Ofice Hoam ID 4. TO OKT In or out of buaineaa call on oano.stad n nee nida. Doug, mv. Hfc-Al. ealatx Huaincaa pirn an eiippllea or banded; en atalca. rV v e.ntnat Omaha f K.K Omaha Theater Supply Co. fur bar ? BJT ?J " nl'h( ahowa. D. CT, filKA TKlta-Buy, leiwe or aell four the ater, inarhlue and a ipp.lea throtiah Theater Kxch. Co.. 140 Famam t. Ml 6 A LOON doing good business. In good lo cation. I l.ave my easona for wanting to sell out. This Is an excellent oppor tunity. Apply Chrla ILund1224 8. 20th St. BAKERY business?" A good paying l,Uer. In Iowa town of fiOO. Will tana: Investigation. Addreaa, T Hee, , BRNPH STORE MOBrt. WANTED. Vfsnass a Relay Ross Candv Store In your city as pa t of our national syatem. Profitable, refined buamoss. Men and women with business ability, good Ter ences and small capital requ'red. Betsy Boss Candy Co., Betsy Ross Blilg., Dept. DA. Chicago, 111. WANT PA RTN EH Heal estate, renta's, Inane. Insurance. W, U. Tompleton. 6U3 Bee Bldg. EDUCATIONAL Fall Term Boyles College rav achool. Bentember 7th. Night school, Keptembcr Kth. Complete bualnees course, complete shorthand and stenotype course, oompleto telegraphv course, civil ser Ice branches and English. Write, phone or call for 1915 catalogue. Boyles College H. B. rOTLFS, President. Tel. rioug. 1MS8. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Nob. The VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOG RA PHY BOOKKEEPING, Par Bchool for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and I Women. i everything atrlct y modern; small faio Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ily. Phone Walnut 2600. iona C. Duffy, Owner and Manager, SO Bo. 18th Bt. Omaha. FOK sale, the following scholarship In a first c'lksi Omaha Business Colitis. One unlimited cuniU.'-vm-o business and short. it.U course. Cne unttmiteii sienographle course. One three months' business or ateno- raphie course. Will be void st a discount at the office m t Tk imaKe llM I EXPERT lady stenographer will take nclls; shorthand, touch typewriting, ' spelling and p.inctuatlon taught. Individ ual Instruction. 4iU4 Douglas St. Tel. vva'nut zxn. Fori BAMS FOR SALE Here la a classification that Is ot the utmost inporiaine to every leader, a tM column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a mall want ad will sell your article at It full value. Phone Tyler l"0u "araltare, tlonar bold tinorta, K. WfT.L saerlflee furniture of private home. Come Snturday or Sunday, 2Sth or 89th. 8708 Farnam AtTCTION SALE. Beautiful High Orade Furniture from one of Omaha' Best Home. At !5 B. tilth St. Tuesday. August 81, st i p. m. Sharp. We will sell at auction the home fur nishings of the Arstetn home, consisting of several high-grade brass beds, ma hogany chiffoniers, two oak dresser and cntiimnde. several oriental. xl? rues and elx ama'l oriental ruga, rlilna cabinet, tables and chairs, 6 beaut I'm I mahnsanv rockers, tardlnler and sti'lda, and I'irr.o combination book rase and writing desk. Morris chairs, one reed and unholrfere rbatr, beautiful oak hall rack settees and reliefers, rnt alaas chlnaware. cook- Ing ntepsl'a and other small articles too numerous to mention. Those wismng hieh class furniture will make no mis take In attending this sale. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneer. For sale date and term eall Red (&& BUCK stove, two dressers. Iron bed, three chairs, pictures, rugs. 1M.S N. ad UPRIGHT mahoKinv jlnno. Hull top and flat desks Steel range, gas rang-i, dressers, rugs, brds. other furniture, rhrar, ' ft. TlVi lv iiuaght nd S'.ld. J. C, iceed, 1,1 "i" I'm.. .t r iM BAROctNS. IN rt'RNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1 N. MTH. WKn. 1OT lltrwi aad Vehicles. Grocers, Attention! OUR large stock of delivery wagon iStudebakrr's, and our own make), of. fertd at low prices to niak room for our new Automobile truck and Ford truck JOHN SON-DAN FORTH COMPANY, Inifc-Sl-M N lUh St.. nesr -lsrk it. . FOR SALE. Two work and one saddle horse, $71 M $40: cull South 3U2, io"2 Harrison St. Smith OlIIHhll TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All . :a two to sl-ton cna-!tles. W lell the Studebaker, th Pain, the Peter S hu'tler p. kinsna nuei krm musi .til lit") this month t ig reouc nm in pel , JOHNS iN-D AN FORTH COMPANY. ' .IMi-hI 8 WIC K PIANO for tale, cost $JJ3. In beat I of ciici.uon. ill seh for av. want ! rash, balance terms. Phone Web. 4oM. Haulier. Ei aavsltra. MDgrain. 100 lb. 81.8a. Wagner. 801 N. M. bTEKEOTYPE luatrlc-e make tb beat nd ihespeiit lining for poultry bouses. They are iixii Inches, stronger and more d' than, tarred felt and pi ai-tlc.illy ttirpiff. ifco a hiir.drett st The lie fi .... Full M l.ri-li suauuar.1 bred R. C. White Uiiiuin hens and puileis ail ex- Milion si", k, $1 uu tuit f "at $lO c'leck tskes the lot. Maplewood Farm, Exeter, nvu. FOR SiLK 4 fe ae TYrEWfUTKHfl. 1 ami tip. tm P1f I i i . m -uni, rtuteu. repaired. Central Typewriter Ee Farnana Mlaeeliaaeoaa. $3.20 g Uoiden Weat Wblsksy. 4 full uaits Dotll1 In boon, pre paid Oa.kley uroa.. 'mana. KOR BALK New and second-hand rarom and pocket billiard tab,es and bowliti lle and acreorles; bar fixture, of all kln1; esirv payment. Tne Ia-'.nswlck. Balke-Coll, nder C o.. 407-4C H. mh St. New ivl-iinnd motor, dynamo, magneto, ate., mechanical repairs. La Bron tuactrle H mh Rt FilS1,"0 I.0""1 JT''"",,r " "!n"..wi fm'Sl wrtl' full price, but will be Bold vrry rea .nbly. if Inlereated Inveatlnate at once, beiauae fall term beilna aoon. 1 linn ib m liri vi vvuietra ' ' i mmtn. For par.lculam Inquire at the ofllca of The Omaha Uee. Coal Direct lo You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. FOH SAIK I'neh reenter, almoat new, a hnrrain. C'hiia. Vhek, 1260 8. 13th 81. FOH HA lyB Mnriey-Pavldaon motor cycle. E. Spot men, B. 1911. ES Mh Ave,, Council Bluffs, la. HELP WA XTFU trKM A LR Clerical and Of lice. Htpnonraphor and bookkeeper $75 Stenographer $06 Watts' Hef. Co., K4H-42 Brandela Theater. HTK.NO., $41; oflbe girl, $J'.. Bl'SINF.S MKN'H HKITCRENCIO ASS'N, Woodmen of World. Factory aad Trades. OIR!. to learn halfdreesinr. Onpenhelm. LADY compo.-ltor wanted; one who can si t two to three galleys clean proof a dav. Oood office; eloitrlc power aad lights Index, Farnhamvllle, la.' Ilonaekeepera and IHi meat lee. TUB Hervuni Girl Problem Solved. Tha Beo will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until vou get the desired results. This applies to reablents of Omaha. South Omaha and CouD 'll Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler Kia. WANTED -School girl to assist with nousenork for room and board. 4V11 I mini Ht. Walnut 240. GIRL for general houaework. Mrs. 11. H. Lemeie, 4Sirt Da.en,oit. WANT D L'omietent girl for general nuusewnra. uoou wages. ju B. llll. Harney i21. V A. i ED A girl for general housework. 13d' paiic Ave. QIHL for general housework: good home to right party. Harney 214. GOOD reliable woman wants washing and Ironing or anything steady; good references. Mrs. Green, Alifi Doug. as. GIRL for general housework. 018 N. 20th. It. 83.4. WANTED A girl for general housekeep ing at li 33 Park Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework, threo iti family. Mia.. George Barkis-, jr., 30i Ifa.vetle Axe. Wal. noi. WANTED Olrl for goneral houaework; easy place. Harney 6H74. GERMAN wants position aa chamber maid, nursing or waitress In a good bmiKe. 407 N. St. South Omaha. WANTED Q'rl for general houaework; nowaahlng.210 Webster St. D. 8070. WANTED Experienced white maid for r .. .,M; in. - 1 n in ji i.-.rirn.u requirea. wi w. nn en, i-none liar. 3'nw. EXPERIENCED girl for general house - work; no laundry work: good wages, frlli Burt St. WANTED Olrl for general housework: UlRL or woman for general housework, with or without washing and ironing; good homo, on car line. 8IIW Sherman Ave. Web. 5343. AVANTED Maid tn 4-room apartment; one who can go home at nights. Phone li. 1. bid S. 2Sth St. ANTED A mh! lor tseiituat housework. -- Walnut 2f'". VANTI'D An experienced white nurse girl with references. 42u N. th. Phone Harnev 61J8. Q1RL wanted for general housework; no cooking. 1U6 No. 30th. WANTED A girl for general housework. no washing: references required, lis b. 87th St. i hone Harney 2193. YOUNG couple living In modern apt., want white girl for general housework nd assist In care of baby; reference. 1 n no Harney twuf. WANTED A woman for general houae work. wl hoiit washing: may go homo blunts. Apply 4:X Dodge. Wal. 1748. WANTFD A young ylrl for general v.-,,,.e,.rl' H"r 7l VM S. 8uth St. . A ..'i D-D- VV I tie K'l'l for general house work, clean family. Phone Walnut x for particular. WANTKD-A girl for general housework. i In family. 17 per week. Apply to Mr. E. H. Bciincr. 6043 Davenport St., or hone V slnut 2118. A glii for general house work and to help care for i children. Mrs. MHluney. Phone Harney b'iii. WANTED A colored girl to do second " 'fk, Apply 8 ' Wiioiwocth Ave. iVANTKIv An experienced maid for gen eral houaework. A only 3S17 Dewey A v.. or phone Harney 1222. SI lure It "menu.. , YOUNG woiren coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building st St. Mary's Ace and Kth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding I laces or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' g"" at !.. station NAT appearing demonstrator; $1 0 per day sairy i nil afternoons and even ings. V Is Sullivan. Hotel Rome. HELP WASTKn MALE Clerical and Office. THOROUGHLY expe.lenced young man accountant who understand dep irtment t to e worn from start to fuiUh; state experiun e ana salary a re a in own hand willing Addrea K X, Bee. Best Commercial Pmltii.ns. Rogers' Reference Co., MO Paxton Block STENOGRAPHER tM W e need Ledger Clerk. Watte' Ref. Co., 840-4 Brandela Theater Hinif-ORADK cuinmti rial positions. WEST. RFFERENCit A BOND ASSN. W$ Omaha Nat Rst.k Bldg. Young man, study lawr Downtown even- Inir aenfiun. Law dc-Pt. t'Nl VKRSITt OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. 0. Thoiuvi n. Omaha Natlonnl Bank. A aeats, galesasea scad Bollcltera THE first payment carries Insurance to January 1. 1916; area! inducement- call or write Mutual Benefit Health 4k Acei- dert Association. City NallousJ bank tciag.. (Jinan, nieo. Cucl. ufci.i ws'iivu in evoiy town; gel a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. bALEMEN Mere U a renl oil prouoai- tlon tno wbdeat land sobeme). If you can produce, conuiiuiucate. Son Jacinto Vll V., I1UII,IUII, I T K. Kirliirl hI 1ik. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. We have orlaiuaied a Plan to teacn It quickly and thoroughly. Wuges paid while learning. Tools included Write tor Illustrated catalogue. MOLtiR BAR UK R COLL K I.E. 110 8. 14th J-C. BOOK and lob stonemaa wanted Oood, steady job for rlgtit tnan. Douglas Prinfrg Co.. 814 8. 19th Bt. WANTKD An experienced auto repair man. must be able to do welding and lathe work; none but flrst-clsss workman of good habits need apply. Mortensen ft Kurkhard, Winner. S. D. Drug stoie siisns t..K. K'nlut Hee B d LEA UN UAUUEUTHAUE Wsges Pold Tools given. Piwitlnn uariiied I'hII or writs for inturmalinn. Trt-City Cilleg. 1124 Dopglaa. Omaha. I1KI.1' W.tXTKI) MALE f actory and Trarfea. WAfTKI A coat maker. Steady work. J. F. (ifwn. Seward Nh. ('o'ltiot'i N'i.w Open. Free Caua'oaua AMF.R1CAV AUTO roLLEOB. tiRt Famam St., Omaha, Neb. N K neei mi-ni hHU t' t rn down two joba per week lately. 0t In. I.earn ty our method. Oet one a' ..".s loba fatalogue It. B. free. Nebraaka Auto mobile ahool. ti Iavcnworth St. M laellNeoaa WANTED Four good haying hand"; muat know the bUKineas. ( all on F. C. Mlaa, 2!A Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. kiKN wai.ied aovei nmvut l.a; $90 per month, Omaha eatmtnntlons Sept. 15. Cample quntlns ftre. Fri nklln Inatl tute Oci.t 22 F. Bochetr. N, T. WANTED ISamea or men. Id or over, wlahlng government Joba. Sfi month. No pull neceaaary. Addreaa T mu. Bee. LABORERS wanted for street paving work. Kansas Paving and Con struction Co., Ottumwa, la. WANTED Man and wife to work on cattle ranch and farm. Thoa. Sl.eflrey, Oxford, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED COMPETENT stenographer, bookkeeper. with t hl. aco mail order house experi- i ence; desires position with reliable fi.-m. j First cIhmp references. Frank Thomas. . Harney WW! COMPETENT stcnogropher-bookkei.ver, wltn v hlcago mall order house experl ame. desire position with reliab.e ilrm; Ilrit-ciass rererences. Aaoress fli wv, COLOP.ED man wants Job as yardman and chauffeur; have had 9 iara' ex perience; tan furnish good references; careful driver. Call Webster t778. it. T. Illchle. 2W Ohio. CAPABLE person wou.d I ke place as housekeeper. Adores J Mi, Hee. LADY would like position as nurse or housekeeper. Address C 62, " Bee or rail Bed K472, NEAT, reliable, competent housekeeper wants posit on In or out of city. Phone Tyler W -or nildress B 61. Bee. TOUNO man desires employment, will accept anything permanent. Cull Wal nut 431. ELDERLY gentleman wants position aa bookkeeiier. t all Douglas nan. A YOPNO man won plnee to work for board while attending school. Boylos College. Phone IMS Dounlna. YOUNG man wlthTTilne yeara' experi ence In general store, wants position. Can furnl'-h eocd ref. dd-ess M ""7. Bee. tAi fiiiitiA -nuciiy salesman nu lector. Also bookkeeper JNOW em- ployed. I lit wlrh to .nnlio chnnge. Can furn'sh r'ferenccs. Address. E M, Bee. TWO colored ladl 'S want steady places as cook and maid: ctv relerences. tall Harnev 4M 2'. Douglas St. GOOD cook, colored girl, sllrhlly erlp- tled; work on one noor. Miss Willie Jackson. 8W Camden Ave. Web. 4S:. YOUNG woman -ants a position as nurse. Address O fiS. Roe. CAPAHLK office clerk and accountant wants office position after Sept. 1. Oocrt record and references. Address 8. C. 174. Bee. slat with YOUNG woman wishes to a housework for ner anil nusDana s noma. ' - 1 . ... . 1 caress a 0.1, xie. MARRIRD colored man desires lob as Jsnltor; city reference. Call Harney 4"fi 2Ali9 Douglas St. WOMAN desires few more engagement Cor day work; best references; phono Harney 6193, WANTS work house cleaning or domes tic work of any kind. Phono IJiug. 6145. LOST ND FOUND Lost or Found ad IB Omaha's Lost and ' uu" "T"":"??: Found medium means the immediate re lU-n OI cnac ariicie n huvcicihvu 111 iuq Bee the Lost and ! o ino paper OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Petanna having lost scne article wo in a I do well to call up the office of the1 v"" w wju.i.i .iw..jr lan-.inea or coaraing nouses or tno high company to ascertain whether they left tbl. ciUM wi,i b3t e found In the Fur- It In the street csrs. nh.d Hooius column of The Be. Phono Many articles each any are turned In Tylet looo anil inn voiiie'hiiv is aii.ivun cu rrmnr, them to the rightful owner. Call Douiy. 'H. r- - , r- . . ;- , LOST Small diamond chipped ring with I Blucher setting; very small. Phone Douglas DIM for reward IOST Coral beads. Reward. Harney 6415. PERSONAL GORDON, tha Magailue Man Tel. Doug. 714 YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young. Women Lhriatiun association building . at 17th St. and St. Maiv'a Ave., where they will be directed lo suitable bouruing places or otuerwiae assisted. Look for our travelers' aid nt the tinlon station. THE Salvatkm Army inuubiriui home so licit your old clowning, lurniture, muga r.lnes. We collect We dim. Hiuie. Pnoue Douglas 4136 and our wugon will cull. Call and Inspect our new home, IHO-llli- iiit Dodge til. SWAPPERS COLI'MX Wanted to bwap. ft'n not advertise onieiiuiig Hint you no lonaur nave any use fur and get something you realty need? It cum ou nutuiug to Join tno swapper' Club and ou wbl find It luu ot fun ihluys. Wrim Huuai lei, Uee Bidg.. or pnoue Tyler iwu. ALT i OMuBiLii 1 have a good Lyons 1914 model b-pasgciifcer luunni cur: this Is first-class running onlcr; cost $l,6oO lam year; will trade for lurniture that Is In good condition. Address S. C. 1J18, care Omaha Pee. Al'TO lire chain for or J6-inoh tire, trouble lanro and curlMin irons, foi wlmt have you? Address 8. C. bi'i. Bee AUTOMOBILES For uiiiui aiuouiutilin bargains see tnu "Automobile" classifi cation BILAND new 4 in nule cyl udur lecoids fur 10 or 12-1 n. disc records; one elec tric p ano. horse, harness ai.u wuiion. lo exchange for good Ford car, or any other make of small car. Address S. C 179. care Omaha Bee. BOAT What have you to tiade for IS-ft. boat, equipped with lO-horse-power steam engine and boiler. Address 8. C. 17 Bee. CASPER, WYO., LOT IN OIL FIELDS. WILL TRADtl OR SELL. ADDRESS 8. C. ni. Bee. 44xH CONI-EY plate camera trade for smalle. fnm camera, dress. 8. C. 166. Bee. Will Ad- CAMERA Eastman S'x4'4 folding out ing camera, lor film or plate; latest Improvements and new; will swan for InreiT plate camera. Addrea 6. cj. ITS. beo CAMFRA One Minute Post Card camera, J HOUSEKEEPING room: bath; ladles latest model, cost $o&; a money making, reference. Address P 90S, Bee. pro;osici n xor younn man limning rairs and carnivals; f r anything 1 can use. Ad drees S. C. 17. Bee. ' COMPO.slTOR wants plula Job work. Jss. Ferguson 242 Benton St., Council B I u ffe. la. Phone BUSINESS CHANCE Have a cleaning pressing and tailoring business, earn from HjO to 8i5 a month, downtown lo cation; let roe show you. What have ou to offer. Acdrcs SC. 1.W2. Be. FURN'TI'RE Have Vernl Marin bed and spring. Will trade f r oak cabinet. Address 8. C. 1317. Bee, FOR FXCHANGB On twentv-two pe dal automat o r flc. Good a new. What have you? Address. 8. C. 167, Bee. GUiTAH to trade for. kodak or, what hiive yen A s three u ;arter bed. one full ise. and cheap wt. ker I shy canTtgu f-r chicken, any age. Au dress S. C 1 0, Be. KAltD cool stove and range, 41 8. 20lh. Will swap. What have youT 8. C. Lvi. JOB"IVO STONES Rubles, emeralds garnets, amethysi and sapphire Will trad for anything can use iu print. n line Address. C. 168. Bee. KODAK S4x4U folding pocket kodak; cost 818.60. together with new $5 de veloping tank, trays, print frames, chem icals, eta. Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter: Underwood preferred. Address 8. C. 1T0 Hee. LIBRARY Business library of 14 large Valiums, never been opened, direct from a noted correspondence university. Want office or typewriter desk. Address 8. C. 1:31. Be. I HWAPPEHS XMMN Lf'T-WIII exchanne lot 1 blocka aouth Ml.ler Park monisagel, for Ford. Pay off mortgage ai you can. ' d'lrepa I. P-. NI'ltSKHY HTOclv Kirat claea nurnery ato k cloae to Omaha. Will trade etock for palnt nir work, a aound well broke work home, uacd auto r fence poata. What hive vow' Addreaa P. C. WIU. M'HJKHY HTOi'K Urat liisa nuniery tocK to Omaha. Will trade eto k for tiHlnllnn work, a aound w. II broke work horse, used auto or fence poa'.a What have' you? Adilieos8. C1.1i6. FIAN'O What have you for new. alio need pianos. Address H. C 1S8, Bee. PIANO Have new etnndurd pl.ino. Will exchanKe for aomething useful. Ad-dre.-a S P. 1", Uee. PI A No Hranil new upright pluno; hurl d walnut t aae; cost $3.5; will sell f if $'. and tnke phinoernph ns pnrt pay; balance ca-h. f'hns. Horn. Oinnha Neb. PIANO: Iri'iiBK nn Walnut. Heed and Hon piano, guod as new, will trsde for Ford roadster or diamond. A.ldresa SC 1W Bee. PIPE TOOIX-New pipe toola, all kindu, I lor old moiiei aulo or molorryi'ie. AO- c. n tr T J I drea H c i7i Hee. 1'iilM. i..H set of four ' DcVilbls" atom.rers and stand, like new, oat about $; will trade for anything use ful Atldrens S. P. Pi. Bee. KOADSTKIt POKY Have automol.lle roadster body to trade; make offer. Ad dress f. P. 174. Bee. Tin hsrrn. PurknH rnnditer- mechan- on!iv perfect. Will trade fcr good-sized diamond. Address K. P. 161. Bee. SIDEBOARD Ixrge, ma'sive quarter sawed oak sideboard. What have you to offer In trade? Address H. C. 172. Bee. SHOTGUN Rifle, kodak, saddle, hand carved meerschaum pipe, over 100 years old. What have you to offer In trade? Afdress S. C. 173, Bee. SURGICAL Instruments and medirnl hooks, all In first class condition; will trade for shotgun or somt thins I can use. Address 8. C. l.r7. Bee. STEAM ENGINE Stanley 20 horse power steam engine, suitable for ma rine engine. Wlmt have you to offer In trade? Address fl. C. 175. Bee. WATCH-17 'jewrels-and adjusted B. & W. Raymond movement, open face silver case; perfect timekeeper and will pass R. It. Inspection; value, $20. Can use motor cycle accessories, speedometer, electric tall light, rear cushion, Indian storage be'terv etc. Address S. C. 1W, Bee. STAMPS-Part of stamp collection. Will trade for anything can use. Address, P. C. 12. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. WILL SWAP slightly used sewing mach ine for a standard typewriter. Address S. r. t1. Bee. 1S.YFAU nrlvllege. state or eountv. to , i ,.!, nr'ntlnv nreas or nuto Money maker. Box Ong, Neb. FOK ItENT Apartments aad Flata. The For ltent advertisement appearing In the For ltent column of 'Abe Bee dally cannot be L-at for variety that will please aad fill the needs of any one tle Irtng to rent. Phone Tyler IQoO. 1st fl.; mi d., reas. to right party. S27 S. 34th 3-UOOM apartment, St, Clare. Call Har nev B47. 'H'i.RO 120i N. 24th, g' fine rooms. . . . 1 ur-i'rtnr. tor wmier. nccure line r.sis- uruun hiwi iiiiviic. k-iuw 111. v. ir . oit-u. Ins. MODERN Steamheated close in: low rent. G. P. Stebhlns, 1610 Chicago. BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apta. 16th and Yates His.: jnnuor service: tine lawn playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 6.78 or 4328. VERY choice, 4 or 0-room, steam heated apartment on West Farnam Street. JOHN W. RQBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. CHICAGO, 21l6-Modern. 7-r., $40. D. 755r. Famished Apartments. LOWFR floor furnished rmn t ..eel r . . , 1. .7 lent neighborhood. desirable parties, references. H. 1SH9. Board and Hoonta. . r,..,.il,i,ui u a ,rn convenience and comfort In private W CLASS table board, students, college vicinity; reasonable. Tel. D. 5195. - - " "u"i"' rooms, moa., gentleman nreferi-ed : bonril ntlonal 1018 s. aim Pt Tel. Harney 6293. BOARD AND RfKM AT 601 S. 33D ST. PHONE HARNEY 84W. Desirable room and board. 618 S. 19th St DESIRABLE room with board. W. Far nam district, private family. H. 6066. - wePk . FIRST CLASS front room suitable for two. I'A 8. 24th. Famished Itooma. if you do not see anything that suit Jou in tne way of Furnished Rooms you ran call at Room lot. Bee Bldg.. and ek tor the Five Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high rlasr rooming or boarding bouse In any lert of the city FOR RFNT Furnished room, well lo cated. Address K 67. Be. FRONT room upaia.ra. $2. Webster 6258. FOR gentleman, choice of desirable room; good location; private residence; no other roomers. 8ir6 Douglas St. NOTE tne location: 2406 Harney; rooms well furnished and well cared for; prii erf reasonable. "The Collins." 2.".0J ST .MARY'S Ave., Strictly modern. clean, warm, private ramny. kwi pju. THE Chatham fotel for gentlemen. Rate to p. rmuneiit guests UO 8. 13th. D. 8J2. FOR RFNT Choice room In Hamilton np.irtmenis. lurnished or unf rn shed: can be rented for two months or longer ir ni""M r-nnne walnut vixi. Six 8. 2 l II Modem rooinx by day or week; f.oc and up; Junt off Farnam cat Hue. Rates by the i eek. I OOM for icnt; modern, southwest, nice'y f u tut h-il, rl He r'nillv n Went Far nam district. Tel. Walnut 8247. FOUR part mod., 1st floor. 1101 S. th. Tb Pratt, cool, close tn. ti S. 26. D. 3138. ONE nice largo rojin on first floor. 202 V. Kith 8t. I 81 18 COTTAGE GROVE AVE. Two fur - . ni'-el rooms for light housed In. I rr'-atw. mortm home. Harney 170. LV .initialled roon: " '"ii gents, walking distance. Z .1 rx r . 8"'ECIAL LOW RATi-3 TO PERM A.'KNT O IT EST HOTEL SAN FORD. 19th ft Farnam. HOTi L HARLEY. iHh ft Fsrn-cm TWO nicely furnished basement rooma '0n rer eek. 213 8 St. Faent.i'Kd llsoiiea, NICELY furnihhed all modern 7-room i cottsge. with piano and in e. $ fen month: unfurnished. $27 per n'h rs. via eit Houses aad Cottages. Snrlk. FOUR-ROOM house with 4 lot. $4 4325 -1 ct n '.(. i-POOM house, mud.. close-In. Tel. D. 4i? M"d 7-r house. 8fl Plnkney. Weh. t1. 'I. d c..n 'KLu, fis. H. lli4. S-R. nou.-e. mod lit every respect, pra.'- 1 c- lv .., ---MI,..,l Tel Web r7i. 21 N. 2ITH ST. First class, a I modem. for relit Tel. owner. Walnut 251. ALL mod. S-r house, wc No. 41st Ave. Vacantalttr8l t. 1. Jrnire 602 N. 41 Ave. 4-ROOM cottsge, "flue conVitlnn." -IS'O N. 41st at.; 3 lots, fine water a 'it n d in cHcken yard. Kent reasons le to re ' 'i mr'Vt. Til. Ilsrney it- . .t MI-NT New k-toom bouoe. Lstn and 8iencer. Most convenient nnd U' -to-dale properly In the city. $40. Phone Webeter 1MX. or call at lft Sencer Sf. tiialh. I-KOOM. modern hucse. $tf7 Jones. $t 1 per month J I. Kemp. Dot. slits 987. I rnu., V-U 8. 22. Phone Benson 724W. $1V Elegant modern flat. 1415 Vinton St ; modern except heat. Webster 5&94 or IWmisIss 7a. (Continued on CoL 7, This Pag) Ready Reference J)irectory The following firms of lor quality and expert service that will please the most critical: i a Uat-U AlVrt ftkaV tri'TtaV I llaia A w. f Li I flfU M f IV. IITV. ' am a f vai- gtBaaU gda RFF.n ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2iM Brandela Thea. T". Title Guarantee and Abatr! IVerrC'"-. a modern abstract offl batract ce. Phone D. b1. ADVtiRTIDIAu MUVELTIG. M. F. Bhafer Co., I'th. Farnam. D 7474 AMATt.lU I.MMIIU. FiT.MS developed free If purchased from Photo Crnft Shop, 41 Bee Bldn. rept. V. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DW0RAK ACClll'NTa At:ilI,rR,n-.bwt! .ncr.ed and clo;?d. Coat hystom 'nntailed Iv-t can on vou to exrlaln tne advantnKea r.f lnv .mi l . 1 . . . . . ,n 4.17 Raiye Bldg Phone. Prnig. 40. AUCAIiruCTS. Everett 8. 612 Paxtun Blk. n. !M AHTIFICHl. MM 119. A?xTehrtCr.L LlmjMccs and Trusses; Co "'i.u K,twell Artificial Limb " "o. 15th St. ATToRItUYS. Plklnson. m psTton Blk. D. 1S04. . AUCTIONEERS. Dow-4 Auction Co.. ms-M W O W. R, 32v AtT INSURANCE. A$!WK1 TTTTAL INSURANCE) AUTO HAUiATllH HKPtlKS. Omena Radiator Rep OT , ?0rt Fsr f mfti, BAKKHIKS. n. RF.ROFR, 1Sqs N. Wph U Ll a . r '" 1 u mux KJLMJHIhls. gntchjjr Sf s CARPBNnjrziTHTttii: STEVENSON 82SR" , "RSij, Doug!as 6620. Lessfl rd A Son inns r , . " l!"w '-np. Ave. T. lfi.T$. CUAUOI-UAC lie MAAl. ADTiPim Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Kalrd Bldg. , stct Dr. C. K. Brggn, 2323 Harnev. 770 CHlatopouliiT. Carrie J. Pnrfrd f.-ft Pnr. t,,,, . UA1SC1.SU ACAlifcJMIfcJS, CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. lS7t H"eyki D'oug" . lerrv invaimabi. .n . . k g, vime, iviii at Farnam MTQ QTTmriv 1 - L ' ' 1 . ?416 CAS3. Doiigls, LIlKSSMAhlMJ tOLLEUE. Kelster's Dressmaking Col., K28 City Na, DVKKS AAD ILCAMCUS. STATE Dry Clnr Co.. lip V, ;j(n- r. wnj. D.T.c 1 a v t.a. JAMES ALTAN. 312 Nviiia ninov tr.,- dence secured In all H es. Tvler 1136, DaiA lias a. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. $21 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank., Taft Dental Rooms, 1117 Douglas. D. 8189, DHCt. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 810 order; catalogue free. Sherman ft 11c Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ULEITUIC P1ANUS. Contlnental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms, ' ibl.fc.l l HAW JA ttul'AlUl.l Ci. C AH ILL ELECTRK7 CO.. Bee Bldg..l878 " fcjl,li;tBata$. Uloa AHender. lifl'pee' Bldg. Bed 3V. (lUAACUS AND 'HNoHti.. mwir.RSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 871. iliUUisi. BATH'S, florist, fsot Farnam St. D. 8000 U HENDERSON, WU DoUgUi. D. 1268. Member Hui Ut Telegrapa Del. Ass n UESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8U A DONAGHUE. " Harney. Tav. WV -ZZLu aad AA.r-H rlM- F-"Vtrtuctto'Q6 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co SeriP Of f ice. VthUnd H H CLAIBORNE. 513 P l"nMfu'uh R 74vl Notary Pun., deposition t" C. W. BRITT:801Hatte'' b'ork " LiACNDitleia. rnTrrr, , ai'NDKK CO. Dougla. 89,2. jjiu siuCtv COMMISSION. M ABT1N BROS, ft CO I Exchange Bldg. -.TMJl'lV Thoi.i.-s. Douglas 8511, l)l)KKJ t1' Cuming St. aiia Film E.. Uih and Doug. Mot CM,A,lurA. "h.i. and .11.11 bargain.. MOllOa i " 1 , r a vi nsiTTv- MOTORCYCLES I HARLEY-DAVIDSON ' . MVtc.or Ks, "'Vh MorcVcle Ma .." 2708 U avciiwoi in. - - INDIAN motorcycle. i take If old at once. Auoress P 61. He-! ", AiiT, LANi.UAC.Ai. t ANGUAGE taught by telephone and mail. Eiee trial .eun Q- n.aJma piano playing poslOvely taught l.sao.'s. 4 O.n'og St. Walnut 3378. AUllJ.. ,m.mK, nwa clsar candy. 1338 Park NOTIONS. " cignrs. canuy. 19 rtr nil LIST. Fre examined, glasses fitted, psy you can Pre. Mccarty, till W. O. W. Bldg. PAT. -NTS. P. O. B.rn.11. P..ton Plk. Tel. Bed Till u a c,,w s-ts Brsndci, THeater Bldg A ul I'ultlciAAt. . , JOSFPHIN"' AttVaTWOVO. 1 Pes Rblg fJI.MI.iU AND PAPalHlXU. Hl'fiH M'MAN'l'S. 417 N. 4nth H. V!3 PLAT IN U. Acme Plating. IU S St D. 5277. rLlHU iLktAka Dyed, made over. D. Elsele. 11 tty Nat PttlNTINoI WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co, quality printtug. Tel. Doug. nU. 521 8. 13th St CENTRAL PR!NTINO"cb. DOUG. 3714 DOUGLAS Prlnttns Co Tel. Dougla 411 HIIIAGB COalP AMIES. NEBRASKA RUB RAGE CO. This Is th man to call If ou have any ashes or tin can to haul. Pbone Webster BUDDING. 0 Si,V.liSw b' c""- A KB AMI TIME LOCK BXPERTS. O A TT'O Opined, repaired, comb. SAHhSnN F. E. Paven-A-0 1Hlrt. 14W Dodge. P. lS-'l. itALti HKPA1HINU. 0m. Standard Scale Col. 61? S. 12th. P.glt illUK liKPAIHINQ. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair, fll a 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2W4 Farn'm. R.344A IEnlu at CIINE. tt rent, repair, sell needles ami W Parts for nil e lng machtnea. vvc "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and llnrnev. Douglas ltl TEE1, CKILING9. CARTFR Si'eet Metal Comonnv. 110 S. 10. IIVHU AAU UrrlCsl rlXIUHaia. DEKS, safes, acales. showcases, aheW Ing, etc. We bu, sell. Omana Fixture sod Supply Co.. 4H-.6-1S S, 12th. Doug. 27it. 'lo ttn'Llbt. OMAHA Towel SuppTyT r07 S. 1UB. D. 52$. 'A'AlliiiktS. CHAS. C LA NDE it YOU, 1" N. 16th Bt. THIAHS AAD BlillCAsfc;. FREL1NG STEIN LE, 1806 Famam St. T 1'bel Ht'l'LHS t uH HUNT. RENT an Oftver typewriter 8 mo. for $U Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19"5 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 316 8. liUl Bt- All makes for saia or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type,! writer. lxw rent. Cat' Douglas 12S WATCH afKC'lALlSTH. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. id yr. exp. WUUU1AU dU'liunKHV, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Wl .19 AND MQI'UR!, ALEX JETE8, Z01-S S. 8th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners U to $, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LICK'OR HOU8P 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDIO All RHEUMATISM treated riuucessf ully, re sulia gu.. ranted. Dr. Iiowser. :i!4 lice Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R, Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. Dli. E. JC TAKHY. 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTUIttc cured In few days without pain. CaP or write Dr Wray. 306 Bee Bldg., Orph Established 1xt4 1 o FOR RENT Houses nnd Cottages. Sooth. '3 and 4-r. houses. Cull 1910 Bancroft St. CLOSE in, 615 8. 2Tjth: 8 rooms, modern, newly dec; rent only $3). Harney 63 10. South Side. 6-ROOM house, modern. So. 82d Ave. & Wright SU $18. Phone Harney 1565. . Wer. ELEGANT 10-roorn residence, 8601 Capitol Ave.. $35. Owner. IN W. Farnam distilct, modern 6-r. bungalow, 3 blocka from Farnam St. car line; rent (30 pernio. Tel. liar. 6&J0. SEE THIS REFO RRY oi T R Kilsi t . 7 -room modern house, near Wa.nut Tel- ephpne exchange. 4625 Izard St. Phone ' Walnut lV7i BEMIS PARK DISTRICT. $5, five largo rooms, first floor, large lawn and trees; fuel furnished; tenant to look after fur ance, which also heals apartment above. Phone Wnlntit 2342. 18C8 PINKNEY ST.-6-r. house, nearly new, strl t y mod., ok llniso; garaiia. Webster 5831. 9-ROCM house, modern except electricity; oak floors; elegant flrep!ace; good neighborhood; reasonable rent lo right party. 914 S. 33ii. PhoneDoi;glaa 3W0. $16 FIVE unfurnished rooms. 2a6rbodga 8t; water free. O. A. Eckles. D. 1S93. 7-ROOM houte. all mod., near Te'ephona exchange; $23. 4H25 Iza rd . Wal n u t674. 9-R. MOD. house, close to good car line" possession given wh-n desired H. 4419. S-R VOD. hnl sc. Te) Florence 418. 6-ROOM. ail mod. er. heat. Web 807. FIDELITY soviet: FREE Pbone rmjigln 3 foi complete Hat of vacant houses and apartments; slso for stnrnge tw.. li-" Will nnl Jscksun fis. fEE thrt Central r" irnlture .-J.uki HPKTtl, .1ST. Mc-S Houses V?fflX:ll&efc: bM GlobeVan& Storage Ftrres. incves, ;arJ h!; 8-hore van and I Dteti. fl ti per hr.; storage $1 per n-e Bettsfaetlon guar, n 4VJt tk Tv. 310. Gordon Van Co. S3 219 N. lull St. Tel D. 394 or Har. 1937. Maggard's &s brg pacfii...-. shipping l?u W'ebr'er St I -ur!us l.C. Reed zzs j.Vi lyr; Firnar- ...-m 6-ROOM cottage. IU 8. 28th St., $15. Water paid. 00 N. 2J'h St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht $15 lli9 N. UmI St., S. O.. 7-r mod $J0 1012 N. 1 tn St.. S. O., k-r, mod $25 15U Charles St., 7-r., mod... .M 4249 Webster St.. 5r., mod. bungalow. .125 TOLAND ft TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 6707 FOR RENT. 15J5 No. 19th St,. 4-r. cottage, mod, x. he . and bath, close in, $10. 25J9 Miami St., 5-r. cottage, water, gas, etc., $1. 12.2 Grace St., 6-r., modern, fine shai e, $18. 2611 Capitol Ave., 8-r.. mod. ex. heat, $18. W. G. SHR1VER, 1047 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. $."i.oi 276 Farnam, 8 rooms, modern. $40.v0 110 No. 22d. 10 rooms, modern. $:i.t 302V Chicago, 8 rooms, modern $:5.00 24t Canllol Ave . 7 rooms, modern 820.1.0 2.o4 St. .Mary s. 6 rooirs, bath. $!4.k lMi No. ath. 4 rooms, toilet. -. e. j R1NGW AI.T. BKANDEI8 THl. BLDQ. 1.lV a .-r. iii c.c rn il .nacom Park homo on rcrt-il bia. Tel. Hmney 4229. Stores and Offices. Very Desirable Printing Office Location with entrance from Court of Boo Buildiatf. 1000 to 1500 square feet. Inquire Room 103 It. O. Uabcock, Bup'L (CONTINUED ON PAOE SEVEN, COLUMN ONE.)