Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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INDIAN PRINCE IN 1 host comes to den Monday XELLS OF SUNDAY'S FA0RS training school SECURITY LEAGUE
Haltr jah with Wife and American
Girl on Rotterdam in War
?ncw YORK. Auk.
Samton'i Realm Will B Taxed to
Furnish Room for All Who
Are Expected.
Puch an Invading hniit aa la scheduled
by Pamaon for Vnnriav nliht hm nan.
RAKSOMi hapa never before .tormed the Ak-fer-
nan Pen on any on night. If tha
29. Some weather la fair, ao that none of tha spe-
.. . ! rial tralna fall in irHvi u ........ mih . .
where. In tne aanr;erous waters 'tart " " .' 7" - milf Sunday m s.tieduled to talk
waah the British Isles the steamship tude in hia den. I to the men at the First Methodist
Rer. Mr. Welih Looks Upon the
Evangelist ai One of Oreateit
Humorist of the Age.
Heir. J. W. Welsh, advance man for
Rotterdam la nearin the port of Fal-j In the firat place, hundred, of men. ; church yesterday but whin he ar
mouth tonight with an Indian prince 1 ' hsnts who wi i he in the eity for mer- rived, shortly before noon he waa In
aboard whose chief apprehension la ! cn iln bX" Mon,",r produced by Rev. Tltua Lowe to the
that he may be captured by the Oer- besides thia. it la to be Wsir. Tekamah ! "t're congregation, and talked
mans and held tor ransom. He la, and Herman tiiht at the pen. a sperM twenty minutes.
Jagatjlt Singh Bahadur, maharajah "B,n 10 "-ive at :, bringing crowds
of Kapurthala whose rich principal-
Then, too, a crowd from Mlaaourl Val-
, . 1 1 I. IL. .1 1BJI .J la .
uy uca in in puujso . iuui uu ley, iran and other Iowa towns la to
reckoned One of the wealthiest and b In for tha Den ahow and lnlltin.
most powerful of Ind an rulers. He Th'y- ,00', " t0 com- special tran.
...led secretly from thl. pod t August .n'.K
11, on hit way back to his kingdom mol.llea. They are ISO strong,
after a two months' tour of the, end have promised to bring a band with
ITnlted States and Canada. thZ?' . . .
1. n hi. Tne pr,w l',f Insurance company,
" " i" to bo at the Den with fifty
the maharanee a Span ah beauty dcirgetca.
whom he wedded In Madrid five yeara. Th towns of Elgin
Rev. Mr. Welsh reminded the con
gregation that he and Mr. 8unday
attended the same college but that
the latter had stayed eight months,
while he had stayed eight years.
"That's the reason" said Rev. Mr.
Welsh "why I am his assistant."
In speaking cf Mr. Sunday Ilev. Mr.
Welah aatd that "He la probably the
greatest humorist that America haa
produced," but went on to aay that with
or more ell of his appreciation of humor he la
a aerlou. a man as one can find. Ho
nd Ncllgh have spoke of the energy that Mr. .-itindity uaed
ago; hts secretary M. Roy, a con-; FrDnl,"ea lo lurn'n the crowds they in delivering- hla eermona. nnd omiTier.ted
aMerahle retinue of servants and an CU, nl furnlh on ,wo Previous 00 n the fart that thoae who are tloso to
siderable retinue or servants ana an .,. on account of the hlm re mwy(i Uloklng fof a phy,loal
American girl Miss Maggie Cullen, And Orand Island has proml.ied to sup- breakdown as a result
to whom the maharajee took a liking . Ply a ie egation. I
While in the west- Ra;' Moore " Tnns B'eckburn are .... """ "".
IL. of th. roral rounla .r. verv a,r,jdy chu. ' apeeclw- du, ln ' .. J" Mr. Welsh.
Frlerds of the royal couple are very ,he ,v,ning "that Mr. Sunday all deliver the last
much afraid that German submarine invitation, have been sent to editors all of h' I"s to you In Omaha. Wears
commanders might hear of the roahe i-1 0V(, ,h- iUlfl o ntl)(t,(1 t ,he I)pn eonktantly expecting him to break like
" frr a"Z . " W ! ,h" waning of ajeptember 8. which Is to trm of his hard
be known aa rdltora" nlht. Mnny favor
able reiillea have al.eady bein recolvd
from all over the state. .
waa published here, and knowing of his
treat wealth, might lie In wait for tha
ship, tak'nt him off and holding him
for raneom. 80 It waa arranged that ha
ahould leave the United States secretly
nd take the Rotterdam, Hollond-Amer-Wan
I ner, for Falmouth.
To make certain that no one, save a
few close friends and officials, should
know of his rtana. the maharajah a d
hla party boarded the steamer two days
before It was due to sail and remained
aboard In seclusion.
Oataer Aet aa Convoy.
(Continued fiom Tago One.)
the warflim nliat raa.. .hln. k.a
'""" "-"y o m nnuan con- bee auapended. Already offera of
In Breaking of the alang uaed by Mr.
Sundny rtev. Mr. Welah aaart! that he
i hoped that It would not Influence others
to use It. He said that Mra. Sunday haa
never been Influenced by Mr. Bunday a
uae of It. and that those about him rarely
Indulged In Its uae.
"I do not recMI ever having used;
In the pulpit." aald Rev. Mr. Welah. "but
1 know aome who have slopped over."
I Plahop Frank Hrlatol closed the meet
ing at the request of Rev. Mr. Lowe.
fomlna; to lleur Bandar.
su,a. here It wa". reVAed ln.emen,. eraT ZZTtZ h7 OoV"goVrnm. JwT . ' W,th Ut-f"
have been made for a Brlt'.h crulr to haa triuZhee and t tTvery eKort w?l! 7 ?Urlng no't of the '"
meet the Rotterdam off Falmouth and i?mlat ?u . meet the "ewrjf Kdent fr. V ra,n,pa'ltn Thl -vldent from
convoy .t through the submartn. field. .WUron VlZVt u. .h .IS 1! "l"
ef operation to port. A special train an Interview .oon nfter the UM'v.l was P",er ' '.Z. '"5
will Uk. him to Indon from Falmouth deatroyed. The German foreign ofrio. I. " " h ",r"1v
and at the BHttah capital a ape, Ul guard believed to te ready to encourage an 7 L- 2 5. l.h.Cm be,nff Po-
Dr. Holovtchiner of School Board
Will Oppoie Abolishment of
Omaha Institution.
Doctor Holovtchiner of the board of
ediie-tlon Intend, to take a hand In the
dlactiaion 0 the teachera' training aihool
propoa tlon when the teachera" committee
make Ita report at the next regular
meeting which will he Tuesday evening,
September 7.
Hlnee the decision rearhed In the star
I chamber aeaaton of the teaxhera' com-
. m It tee leaked nut and was made public, i
Interest In the matter haa spread be- i
'ytnd the llmita of the school board.
J Dr. Holovtchiner expreeara h mailt
I In the following manner, ahowing hia po
' anion a. an advocate of thn training
oald Kalarae Training; School.
"I am emphatically for trje oontlnua
tlon and for enlarging; our training achool
and for making It a permanent adjunct
to our school syatem as other cities do.
"I am for a constructive and not a
dratructlve policy In our school syatem.
Tho argument that our training achool
!a conducive to in-breedlng Is erroneoiu,
.nd haa no legs to stand on. Seventy
five per cent of our teaiher. are out
s'ders, gradua.te. of normal, or unlver-
"The teachera from our own training
school compare mo.e than favumbly with
the teachers from other training s chools.
I gathered thla peraonal ohs?rvatiun
and from our princlimts.
"One dsy uf practical teaching la worth
nrwe than four daya of theoro.l -al tra n
lng and parhology dedurtrd from undy
ing the child In the school room Is worth
more to tho teacher than the Inductive
knnwlcdce from text book a.
Give Omaha Atria Preference.
"I am for giving our own g.rla prefer
ence and believe In patnnlslng home In
du.tiie. and hooatlnR Omaha.
"I think that to abolish our only voca
tional eclioul a crlmti and ahould not bo
tolerated or permitted by the parents of
the girls who wish to train them a.
teachera or by the tax payer, of Omaha
ind patrons of our arhoola.
"Omnha hoola are built ar.d are main
tained for Omaha children and to them
preference should bo given.
"Omaha girl, are entltlod to the beat
nnd If our training school la not elabor
ite or brood enough lot u. Improve it
ind make It the beat in the land. But
hy no mean, abolish It." I
1 miiiaa 1
Organization of letf Society Will
Be Discussed at Luncheon
Proposed organization of an Omaha !
branch of the National Security league, 1
a new aoclety for the promotion of aen
tlmer.t for an adrquato national defence. 1
of whl h Joseph H. Choate la prea dent ,
will be diacuaaed at a luncheon meetln
of local men at the Commercial club a
U:30 o'clock Tueailay.
Lettcra of Invitation to the meetln.
are aigned by Victor B. Caldwoil, Arthur
t.'rlttenCen Kmlth, J. A. Sunderland, I
C. Naah. Ge rge iirandcts and Francis
A. Brogan.
William. B. Brea-atcr, fle'.d secretary
of the league, will be preaant to explain
its purposes. Tho league doea not favor
a large standing army, nor extravagant
expenditures of public funda, but rather
advocate, a better balanced navy, a bet
ter equipped army, a atrong volunteer
force of cltlaen aol :icry and a stroni
reserve for each branch of the service.
exchange of
rags an Moinea. Unenin . . n...,
petween Word fnmnm f m m oi ... ...... . .
of hts own Indian troops will be aa- Informal
signed to him aa an escort. From ton. Count von Pematorff and Secretary Ln- .1.1 V c -uy tnRt
don. In the course ef time, the royal sing In order that the drsftlng of a full ' , 'n , '-cly been formed
party wlU proceed leisurely back to reply to the laat American note on the !" , ' m"k! th, lrlp by P"C'J
India. . U altanla aat'sfactorv to the Washington 1?'":. Memb.':.. ot . Grac" Mothodi.t
V... -inurcn ana v nitride! Methndlut eh...k
are moat active In the matter of a r rang-
on May t, lt. Th.y have the Aa to the Arable ae. ,t waa pos.tlve.y ( ZlL
chief American cities. Including San atated today that whatever the German -Tie,. 7r '
FrancUce, where they spent some time admiralty report might be. the Berlin . LlSt 01 rrUSSiail
uvrriiinnni woiua give assuranoce tnat
The maharajah and his party reached government may be hastened.
thla port en a visit te the United States win nu, taanraaeea.
at the Panama-Paclflo exposition
Its submarine commander, kad received
explicit Instructions that no passenger
ship eo attacked without warning. Thla
tlon for American lives lost with the ship
have been taken up Informally and Am
bassador Bemstortf feels that, barring
Casualties Given
AMSTERDAM (Via Ixm.lon). Aug.
The Truaslan casualty tlata from No. tat
to 3C give the namea ef 43.245 klil..t
adjustment ef minor details, the friction ' wounded and miming, according to the
between the two countries la at an end. ",ru Kotterdamake Courant The total
New Hope of I'eaee. j number of Pruaalan losses publlahed up
. m . . Itfl AllVllal 94 a mAaa- a. ma ...
. . a I UUI fl in rMlalSlnaf f AVI a Inn af ttiaa aaltit- m-w sviinuiitg IU X. IfU.IUfl at II I ft.
tc.nt.nuec irom tge une., Myf e wounded and mlaslng, say. the paper. Te
ted as a bar to aooesa to southern has sprung. German obaervers here have the bov" mUBt be sUod the Bavarian
noted thnf th. i. . fc caauaiuea, no. m; the Saxon list. No.
The Russian armies retreating north country which sees poasH.llltles of Amer- Wuerttemburglan list. No. 247,
" "r1 ar. epr.wa loan mediation behind the naaeeful .rl. 1 " " "T" "ol.
bythe Rokne swamp, and ml'lUry won Ju.tment of the Amerlcan-German dls
here say that the Austro-Oerman strafe- Dut. wiih i . .v.-
gists are In a position to maaa fereae
agmtnat either Ruaslan wing and expose
H to a crushing defeat. Dlspatehes re
ceived here today say that the Rusalsn
ree'atanoe behind Brret-Lltovak haa been
broken and that the pursuit by the Teu
tons la being preaeed.
Suman. where German cavalry yester
day defeated a Russian cavalry dlvlalon,
la forty mile, east of Breet-Lltovsk. The
belligerents by diplomatic weapons the
security of the lives ot neutrals on the
high seas-It I. troight pons ble that
other proposals may follow with resto
ration of peace aa their object. The
BV AVOVTO. Te.. AVT. n-Three
additional di.scKments of United States
ascendancy of the liberal element In Ger. , 'ZZ Zt
many. It I. ..Id. len.l. color to that view ! L0 l11
so far aa German, I. i bandit, have been raiding ranches and
looting .mall country store.,
so rax aa Germany la concerned,
Vl.ltlaar Utaaeror.
BERUV, Aug .'9,-Vla L.mdon.)-Dr.
military experts aay that thla mounted von Bethm"nn-lIollweg, the German Im
force of Germans is now In a position ptr,J chncor, and Admiral von Tlr
to Ute deep Inte the flank of the re-1 P'1" minister of marine, who left to
treating Russians and bag many prison-1 wrth'r Wednesday evening to Jo'n the
era. If not to convert the retreat Into mperor, are still at eastern haadquar
utter rout. With mors cavalry In hand, where the Arablo caae and the aub-
the Auatro-Oerman strategists. It Is aald, marine policy generally undoubtedly
might before this have compelled Grand i have been the subject, of consideration.
Duke Nicholas to turn and aeoept battle, I No word lisa reached Berlin concerning
The belief la expressed that his retreat the conference and no developments of
from now on will be doubly difficult. I 'By sort have occurred In the case here
-m-i-- a to rMe. .since the chancellor's declaration of pol-
Naturally there haa been much epecu-' aiven In a statement to the Asso
lation here concerning the limits to which elated Press laat Wednesday. Admiral
the Rusalana would be pressed. Borne von Mueller, chief of the private marine ks been considerably developed s'nee the
had arautnad that the advance would not rab'net and the emperor, direct per- beg'nntng of the Fnronean war accord
be continued ntuch beyond Breat-Lltov.k, sonal adviser on naval affaire, also Is 'n to a correspondent of the Txchane
wa unpreauon ib now general mat wun me eroreror. The admiral-. Influ- Jeiegrapn company. It is offUlal'y an-
the pursuit will proceed so Ions aa It ence, It Is known, la thrown with that of nouneed that Sweden now haa SSO.TlIio regu-
contlnuee to give paying returns In cap- Dr. von Petbmaun-Hollweg and Foreign and ir.M0 Landaturmera Supplies
Uvea or offera a chance to bring the Tee- Minister von.Jarow agalnvt eomplloa- of ammunition and war mnter'al have
mg armlee to bay. Menwhlle a perma- tiona with Ui United States and so, the Wrn broutht uv to date, and the Swedish
nent line of defense wilt be selected and opinion Is held here, there Is no reason "'sry wfter. Mate that the army haa
fortified aa a barrier against a new Rue- to change the hopeful view of the sit- nver before stod at auch a hlh point
aslaa sa Afa m ml llm I4 laa mi m mt I . . m ....
Thirty trooper, were dispatched from
Fort McTntosh at I redo to Zapata
county, where a new raid by alleged
Carranta soldiers was reported. Four
armed Mexicans crossed the river Fri
day night and loaded three pack horse,
with everything portable from the store
of Juan Garcia, near the International
boundary. The loot consisted mostly ef
canned goods.
IX)NrV)X. July fJ-The Swedish army
elan offensive, It is stated.
uatlon expressed after the chancellor's of efficiency. Five thousand new off!.
statement. Icera and non-commissioned officers have
Exact Werdlaaj Jfat Clear. been appointed, and all old soldiers have
The exact wordlna of lnatruetinn i.. been called ur for a course of supnlamen.
Jsued to naval commanders haa not been,ul tr,inln-
KIIKKAKDOAH. Ia. iut. . lH.l l ' .....i
" - ' ' ' una nuinBF nrrieiaia wh.. mm. I
..... ""'"i "r nonea avoid an answer, but It Is stated
V VI Wn"u7 Mabel SjPh that they certainly Include the direction
to Dr. John William Bllllng.ley of Mon- to attack no pas-senger atowne,. without
roe, la.. Wednesday at Rl Dorado, Colo,
adequate warnlnv. Wlwti... .ki.
I"' br.?i' tJ"..?M".,r f. n1 pUe 10 f'htre cannot be learned.
. a ""r w".but the technical difficulties In dlstla
ABFRDF,rr, S. D., Aug. 29.-Puttlnt
rellroad sp'krs In grain stacks Is the
In teat attint pulled off near here by the
I. W. W's.. who wl?h to get even, with
farmers for not paying them more for
their day's labor. The spikes get Into
the threrhtng machines during th-eihlng
opcratlona with the bune'loa of grain and
J throw the separators out of order. Sev
eral threshing outfits near here have
been put out of commission for hours
, after one of these spikes had found Its
way into the machines. I
WASHINGTON, Aug. . President
Wilson atood half an hour 'it The rain
yesterday and reviewed tho Plarlet of
Columbia National G ;ard. which had Ju.t
returned from Its annual encampment In
Virginia. The president wore a heavy
ave front and rode te the review in hi.
automobile. I
Want Lafayette's
Birthday Observed
NKW YORK. Aur ?yA oall for a
general American observance of Ivifay
ette'e birthday. September 6, was Issued
here today by a volunteer committee of
ht h My on T. her. irk. lormer am
bassador to France. 1. honorary chair
man. Inasmuch as the annlveraary f al a
on Labor day, the committee commend 4
to the puLllo the opportunity thua af
forded to honor the memory f a man
through whose efforts the "sympathy of
France for the cause of freedom was
given effective expression" In the strug
gle for American Independence,
PAtTTMORW. Md . Ao 5 A Mnr.t
strike of clothing worker.. Involving
aw.OOt) In Baltimore. Phlladelnhla. Boston.
Chicago, Rochester. St. Louie. Cincinnati
and Milwaukee la In the balance. It w-.
atated tonight at the meeting of th
executive council of the Ama'gamated
Clothtng Workers of America here.
Official announcement authorlxing the
str ke, which will tie up the clothing In
dustry, It wa. .aid, would probably be
made at a ma., meeting to be held hero
tomorrow. The council authorlxed tha
Chicago workers to make their demanda
for a forty-eight hour week and hiaher
wages. In the event the manMracturers
refuse a general strike Involving
workers In Chlraro wll! be called wllh'n
six weeks, at the beginning of the busy
Straight hair Made
Cur.y While You S eep
Bv an entirely raw and hann'eei meth
od, the stralRhtcut hair can now be maila
beaiitr'ully curl "wi.ile you sleep.' Not
that the sleeping hi, a an thine to do with
It, except to ir 'tent loss of any of your
I reclons tin e while the 1 ro esa it at worn.
Yo 1 sltnrlv apptv a little Uqudd el merino
to the hair, using a clean tooth It ah ftr
the pin-poan. Tins It seem, has the prop
erty of caua'ng the hair to drv with a de
lightful wavy eff' ct. a. will be qu.te ap
parent In the mornlna.
The effect laa'a conaicVmb'v lon-ey than
where a hot iron 1 u d. and the cuHl
r.eea appears far more nat iral. 'f you'U
aet a f w ounrea of the llqull al mor ns
from yor dmsritlBt yMi wl I hnve enough
to keen the ha'r In curl for wanv weeka.
This bv tie' way. la exeelVnt also aa a
dresa'ns; for the hair, keeping it brlirht
and luttrona. It la neither atlcky nor
greasy. Advertisement.
BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. J3.-Wlllla;n !
Howard Taft pleaded today the cauee
of the American Red Cross at exercises
celebrating Red Cross day at the Pan-1
ema-Paclfle exposition. I
He urges a membership of millions, '
more funds and neutrality In giving. He
praised Americana for the ready re
sponse to calls for relief funds when the
European war began, but deprecated tho
fact that two-thlrda of the fund, given
were d'.buraed by rel'cf bodlea ortranUeit
on the spur of the moment while the i
Rod Cross stood readv with a
organliatioo to do the work. ,
Those contemplating going a
way to school or college will do
well to aee our Trunks, Suit
Cases and Bags especially- adapted
to students needs.
We have some very nice Trunks
well made and nicely finished
wonderful values at
$10.00 & $15.00
Tou can also secure here the
renulne , Hartman Wardrobe
Trunks for only $10.50. No
other Trunk Is so handy, nor will
keep clothing in better condition.
And If it be a Bag you need,
come see a special line of $9.60
values we are selling for only
Freling & Stein'e
Omaha's lWt Baggage Builders,
1803 Farnam St.
the bead ef the Shenandoah Public
schools a number of years. Dr. and Mrs.
Hilling-ley will be at home after October
1 at Monroe, la.
Washington Affairs
Joseph Ptewart. second saaialaut poet
master general for the laat seven years,
has resigned and he will be sNceded
ty Otto Praeger, postmaster of Wash
ington. M. O. Oanoa. chief elerk of
tha department, will succeed Mr. Praeger.
Modifications of the foot and mouth
ilwun quarantine, effecMv. after Au
gust sd, were ordered by the Department
of Aartculture. The quarantine Is en
tirely removed from MaaMehusetta.
Other terrilorv la affected by the order
in Itl'no'a Ind ana. . Michigan. Minne
sota, and Pennsylvania.
Despite war in FXirope, the United
ftfetes en'lecied during the fiscal year
ending June more tonns.e tax on
ahpe In the fnra'gn trade entertns
American Burt, than had been collected
In any of the thl-tv yean precedlnu.
The total was ai.S14.fl. or I4.1&7 more
than the preceding year.
Salvador haa appointed the following
representatives nn the International
Hib eoirimuslon crested by the recent
DFNVrn. Colo, Au. 'A -A commit
tee of officers of the Colorado National
gulahing a freighter from a passenger 'au,,, appointed yeaterJav by itavernor
ahlp through a pertsoote would in nv I Csf'son to Investlrate matters pertaln-
caae produce ths same effect. The ,nr th "lte ""Hit la, tonight took poe
American government 1. now officially In e,on ot correspondenee of a defective
po as lou ef the same dcailaratlon of nrjr- La4" th. committee announced
policy as contained In Dr. von Beth- th1 mon Papers seised were let-mann-llollwers
statement, and appar-,t,r" 'nd'cln that the detective
ently with the same limitations, thl. 1 mnc ha o" employed by the
having been conveyed by Minister von I Un,t'd Mln- Workers ot America to hln-
jbstow 10 j ant, w. Gerarl. American i " " ways me wora or re-
ambassador, at a conference Wednead.v organutlng the state guard.
noon. (
No report on the sinking of the Arabic
has yet been received, none of the sub
marines which m!ht have possibly been
involved naving returned to port. The
Wne Frtaa VlsVtsn,
TANKTON. 8. D., Aug. .-9nocll.)-Mra.
F. 8. Dllger, wife of a young den
tist of Leatervllle, 1. dead a the result
nf an sail rsx mtm sa astl4.kaa reai .
admlrnltv u. ,h . . -. young
. . -, . . ...u courts had only recently located In Lt-
0' aT? ll '- ! W regalnedon-
muat ei.,.M .Krr:-"v.r: """" from th. .
. .w. v "W WHBt 'S fJ'HD
marines oporatlng south of Ireland returns.
WICHITA. Ken.. All ?0--u, MM-rt
Murdock. daughter of former Congress
man and Mra. Victor M r'ock. wa. mar
ried late today to Ututeant Harvey
Delano. IT. 8. N. Lieutenant and Mra
Delano left for B-n Frmclsco. from where
they will wll September 4 to o!n hi. ahlp, ;
the Vermont, whlh has been ordered to
Chtna. Tbey will spend two years at
PIVOtUM. Va.. Anr. t. John T.
Lone:, former secretary of the navy and
former govempr of Mas.achuseCts, died
at his home here tonight
Keh fkwki la Italy.
AVPZfcANO. Ttalv, Aue "S-fV
Parish Vversl earthquake shocks have
been felt rilirinir tle Ih . .-n ...,,
I hours. No damage has hern done. how.
HOt'STOV. Tex.. Aue. f
fsvAmrrlun ftnanctnl runferenco. to standing tlmtrer of annrnxlmaey ffV oo
cmiMder uniformity of law. rlatlng to
nans ann commerce ane an International
commercial court: Thumss O I'aloma,
mm'Htcr of flnsnoe: Rafael Gilrol. fur
iwr n.lnlter of finance: Francleea A.
I tms. vice president of public worka and
.if rtculture: Hlsrmlno auarej f'aslel
luiKe a prominent lawyer or Salvador;
arla D'Acbu'sann former nndewrs
tary ef finance: Menuel lps Mencta.
tirssurer ut Malvador. and Ftorentiira
fa ins, .Moacadak, director ef the bust-vfficaj.j
Charles P. Brown, railed here by ths
kl ling of his son Jamea, left Friday for
his horn, at West bo ro. Mo.. lh the
body of his son, who waa ahot In a holdup
on a Milwaukee freight en Wednesday.
The boy, who was only seventeen, had
never left home before.
A package of tl.500. shipped by a Tank
ton bank to a Vtlra bank, and In some
manner dropped from a train, la'd for
te mill, of ftneeno im.u .ni,t
aa aeeetm. of .nf I ,. 1 Z I ra"n"" dropped from a
eastern Tessa, according to the aif I Mon rt w" '
coast lumber man today. It I. stated t v-. .14 Ue Wars
Ma.oas.aa) feet of landing timber was ! &11'. ptne-TaMlouey wl'l cure your
destroyed and thst the idleness of the ouUgh and give restful lee-. Good for
mUl. has cut down tha output about children. Only Sc. AU drug.tata Ad
t5.ce,0l feet alnce ths atom. I vertisement
Death by .low f olson Is kilUng many a
maa. onng In e.ra. who las .na-e t.u
fatal mistake f a Una to understanij the
amluas tf kidney trouLle.
When yo r kidneys be--ln to lag In
throwing off ranral poison, that accum
ulate til VOUr bodV. tha f r mminm
come In II: tie twinna; or stiffness across I
Jour back and hies. I'rlnation may be I
too frequent; you may feel "tired" lo thai
mornln a when o 1 she- Id 'eel vour best.
The best known remedy for thee
tro. b'e. te Ji Ai MHUAU Hsar em Oil
Cspeu ft This remedy h-s stood the test
for more the , 3u e- rs since t was first
rroduced in the an ient Is btrn toriee of
lesrleiu. Holland, it act. irectly on the
k'dnevs and blunder and gives relet at!
once. o vour mocev l'l be refunded
G I D M ""D L, Haarlem Ol' Capsu'es arw
lni)v)red direct trvm "olland. and can te
had at any drm store Pri--ea Sac, (uc
ayid tl.oa Acitpt 110 substitute.
Dsveted to
Brilliant Musical Burlesqoe
TWlUb UAILY wVxfw Mat, icday
rVc-JCllWOft SliTERL
BEA1 RlCbnftnLUrtar-sr.t
lel LiM's hare s aia-h an4 ssllk
s'l rwusd BoS MsnrbssLvr ard taa
Oa'stjr sr po. Cents and sea wis ta
to srtnx ot llvtlr rndva. a asr
fully wunir(vl show.
B. U JO N SON. Mar. Osrsty.
jrveaiasTs. "ctav wfs.y Mate.
16a, 86a, eoe aad Tie.
The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central
V ark. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops.
Your address known the world over while you stop
at The Plaza.
Spec al Dancing Features
Siafle Rooms with Bstb, $3.50 up Doable Rooms with Bath, $5.00
Te reserve rooms or 10 eecars farther iafonastloa
sddrsss FRhl STKRkV, Msnssir. Uirsetor
The stomach is a great
leveler of wealth. On
millionaire or on boot
black, its demands are
the same.
Your stomach will not
digest food unless your
appetite be good. For
it is the appetite that
arouses the gastric juices,
without which digestion
Schlitz in Brown Bot
tles is the appetizer for
any sensible man, be he
rich or poor, for it
causes no reaction and
leaves no bad effect.
In Brown Bottles
Is Pure Tonic
It is all healthfulness
made pure kept pure
brewed in the dark
bottled in Brown glass.
Science declares beer in
light bottles to be un
drinkable ' when reached
by the light and who
can prevent this? Schlitz
in Brown Bottles costs
no more than beer in
light bottles.
See that crown is branded "Schlitz"
Phone Doug. 1597
Schliti Bottled Beer Depot
723 S. 9th St., Omabt, Neb.
Phone 424
Hy. Gerber
101 S. Main St., Council Bluffs
Chew -nm tf tea like.
lAPIta' . .k-,
Am l vv www
Hay t'arrltt Oaraee In the lxbby
'"let ImB
is'-xw Keep
That Wade niilivauliee Rmcua
Dally Msta Sila. B.ery Mia at, Silt.
ISIS rS Ms. a Uw. .d . M
Trscr A biuM. Wll. Is Wish, kUrgot kraaoat a
fsnsar. Julia Ounls. Tks riemlBs as4 th
(Kpun TrTt Wekl.
rric-s M.ta. 11m aui tka. Bus esats. to. SsL
and Sua., s ! iamim at kOc Nlskis, tiku
Xm. tuc ssa ?ke.
It : The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free