HEAL ESTATE NORTH 8IIH VT SBH THIS AT ONCU !w -r. bnngiuuw, 1 block samar Point F - .TJl. Crows Ave. Phono V.sbf CM, Handy to 4 cu linen and all nrnVrn; A gd Vrooat oottage on a lot. 60x100; vrry easy terms. Coma In and see ua about lAl. PATNB INVESTMENT OO M PA XT Pong. 171. th Fl Omaha Nat. Rk. Ring MUST BE SOLD " -iSJi-T"!'''. trTrt- """n rooms, f'eeptnf porch; all oak ant blrrh fin 1" J.,1i." up-to-date features; beauti ful lighting fixtures; first-class material and workmanship throusout. A complete Omaha. Verr PrUculr- Best buy In WBIOHT ft LA 8 BURT, roufiaa ux REAL ESTATE ROITTTI 8IDH Field Club . Bungalow $4,300 7 Rooms Big living room across the front of ths house, with beamed ceilings. Dandy little aun room; panelled dining room and convenient kitchen on the first floor. Three fine bod room a and bath on sec. end floor. Fumed oak woodwork belowi and whit enamel above. Oak floors in every room In the house. Located on a firet class east front lot, on the boule vard; only m blocks from ear line, and surrounded by fin natural ahade trees. The house Is only about six months old end has Just been newly decorated. We relieve this to be one of the bent ar ranged, beat buPt houses in this district for the money. 1700 cash, balance monthly. Armstrong-Walsn Co, Tyler lK-To. fftate Rank Bldg. Hanscom Park Home Tlila Is a laraw. flna tinnu 14 iiniRned in white qtiarter-eawed oak curly birch and chestnut: large s-arajre." aiuiuw -j uir, ana servants quarters sec- on. f n r. Ieu-d r i.i p, r month 13 fnomns o run yet; 6.w mortgase; orls; Inally cost W0.000. WUl excliarige for clear farm. Traver Bros TC6 Omaha National Bank Bldt Doug. 1Vj3 Brick Residence New Reinforced concrete porch floor, brick balustrades with Bedford stone coping-. Front vestibule with tile floor. Coat closet with mirror door off (vestibule. Living room with fireplace, bookcases. Kreneh doors between living room and den. Beam ceillnffs in Uvlns: and dining rooms. Built in buffet, window seat, oak panded wainscoting- below plate rail In dlnlnn room. Oak finish on thai first floor and 2,. .fIoor tiiroufrliout. Kitchen with ullt-ln china cupboards, broom and table leaf closet, with clothes and dust chute. Hea entry for Ice box with drain. Sec ond floor has three large bed rooms, with large closets and mirror doors. Large Bleeping porch. Bath room has tile floor, base tub. pedestal lavatory end shower bath. LarKs attla Basement equipped with laundry tubs, toilet, floor drain, vapor heating system. Entire houue Piped for gaa and wired for electricity, with necessary wall plutr for fans, Irons and vacuum cleaner. Kntlre house has tip-to-date aeml-dlrect )irhtlnr fixtures. All walls nicely decorated. Screens for entire house. Corner lot with fine shade trees. Paving all paid. Hanscom park district. Price 17.600. Terms. Norris & Norris 9BeBldg. Phono Douglaa 4270. New Home . Field Club District Small House Taken In Part Payment A fine home, finished In oak, with four bedrooms and bath on second floor; beamed ceilings In living room and dining; room; built-in bookcases; fireplace; toilet and laundry In base ment: lot 67x132; located 3339 Wal nut St. Every house In the addition built within the last two years. Price 15,250. Terms. Norris & Norris Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4370. 400 West Leavenworth Snap California owner orders me to sell his corner at 89th and Leavenworth ts., occupied for the last 15 years by a grocery store and coal and feed business. It has trackage on three tides, good buildings and will some day bring big money; at present It rays $900 per year rent; can be bought for $5,500; $3,600 cash, bal ance 6 per cent Figure It out for yourself. H. A. Wolf 614 Ware BIk. Dong. S063. BARGAINS BARGAINS Extraordinary Bargain Field Club At 1306 S. 35th St. we have a dandy 8 room house, 2x30, finished In oak and strictly modern In every respect. East front, paved street, paving all paid fins shade trees, right In the heart of the Field Club district, where the lot alone is worth 2.;00. We can sell this prop erty for IS.760, on reasonable terms, and defy any one to offer a "better borne bar gain In Omaha, TIUs property will un doubtedly be sold quickly. Do not de lay, hot go out and look It over right awsy. Owner will be clad to show you through. Payne & Slater Co. Exclusive Agents. CIO Omaha NaUonal Bank Building. BARGAINS BARGAINS. 2 HANSCOM PARK LOT3 U)tM it. eui.ii. on paved street, sewer, water, gas. walks, and ail paid for; nice tiers; on car line: $l,6oO both lots, worth U.M; room enough for S bousea 8. JSHu tit. r1"" ; at once BEKKA ft MUSIL, a Bee BUi-. Douglaa 6WT. IT'S A BEAUTY IT'S A BARGAIN We are. offering the southwest corner e-f (1st and Vinton Bts. (or t3.8ut); a small amount cash and 1 3D a month. It ia a 6 room, all modern cottage: about t years old, and situated on a fine east front I'U: one block to the car line. MODERN HOMES REALTY CO. 64(i Psxton Blk. Douglas Btt' IlOL'Siu. t rooms downstairs, upstairs unfinished, can make 4 room, partly uquars K a. 17tn tu i RJKAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE i Ul.StlALOW. fry r.pN-t; fine shade surrounded bv new homes 4411 N. Hd St IVIca 13 S: ImMf, X per mo. XV eh. o $2,200 Living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and pantry on first floor: stair way to floored at tie with complete bath room, electric lights, gas. city water. cement basement, comer lot, 13S fret teti on 61st and 60 feet on tierce Ft.: one Mock from car. 1100 cash and balance feU per month. Located 1301 8. (1st 1st. 0. O. GAKLBHltU, 111 Brandeis Theater Bldg. TO CIXWPl ESTATFX Owners muM eacnflce thm lltll KV room home at 10 Mason St. Thoroughly modern In every respect. KlnlKhed In hard wood, with Inlaid floors. If you want the best buy In Omaha lnvetlRate. R. T. Cof- rew, 1K5 City Nat. Hk Bldii., Tel. D. REAL ESTATE! WEST SIDE Two Beautiful Bungalows Just Completed In Montclair, at mt and Lafayette Ave., adjoining ttcmls park on the east, 6 and rooms, oak finish, beamed ceilings, panelled walls, fire place, book cases, buflet and china cloaf-ts; full basement, guaranteed furnace, elegant lighting and plumbing flxlurv, yard sodded, walks all In. Owner must sell at about coai; might take In good lot. Call owner for price and terms Webster XsO. FARNAM HILL RESIDENCE The owner of a particularly deslrahla new residence near 83d and Harney, de sires to effojt sale of the property at once. The lot hsa a frontage of B5 ft., with handsome gai-awe and driveway, beautiful shade and flowera The hniuu Is full I stories, 6 rooms and bath, oak . " .' not w"r neai ani "tr'Ptly, modern In every respect. Price and birch finish, hot water heat and ,vn, fw,v urn a , sacrifice. Act quickly. Call owner at Dounlas 1472 or Harney J77. West Farnam An l-room, practically new furnished r unfurnlihed house. Four bedrooms: or pienty or lUrii. ni yaid with 1 ts 01 snrunoery owner going to California. Rent, unfurnlihed, flO. rirnifned. tM.w. Half block to car. MItTOBEY, Douglas 6011 BUY FROM OWNER 4154 Cuming St. 2i BLOCKS FROM NEW CATHEDRAL This new residence was built for ras for a home. The very best mater.al has been used throuriout and no convenience omitted that would make it practical and comfortable. There are seven rooms, in cluding heated sun parlors, combination bed room end sleeping porch, light and convenient kitchen, full basement, targ bath room, with most modern futures; five large closets; equipped with Fox furnace; guaranteed plumbing, floor dialn. clothes chute, fine electric, and fas fixtures, pedestal lavatory and bullt n conveniences; screens and shades for every window: lot 60x150, ulth south ex posure. This house was completed about Aug. 1, but owing to personal reasons, must be sold this fall. Price, 14,876. Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire on premises. . FRANK BARRKTT. OWNER. Brick and Stucco House on the Farnam Hill 819 No. 41st Ave. The exterior of this house Is attractive In design, being a combination of tancstry, brick and stucco. The first floor has a living room across the entire front vtitn nieoliiee and beamed celling. Well arranged dining room, with paneled walls and window seat. Three bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on '. . Willi I the second floor. Two rooms and bath on the third floor. A rood houae at a low price. Look Into this at once. We want an offer. George & Company 902 City Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 1M' Good House Close In Bight good rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, entirely modem and well con structed. Owner In west and will sell at bargain. This is within 2 blocks of the IFarnam car line and only 12 blocks from the retail district. Pt e S3.i0. Built for a home by a German without much extra style, but substantial. Can arrange to ret possession soon. ! Harrison & Morton 915 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 814. 5-Room Cottage 33d and Davenport $2,500 How's That? Cottage Is old and not modern, but the lot is fine; east front on 83d; 60 feet front; paving all paid. With a few hundred dollars spent In re palm to houae this will make a splendid place In a fine close-in loca tion. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. State Bank Bldg. Best Lots West Two blocks from Farnam car line, en 9Rth St.. large lot. perfect grade, uni form tree planting: all street Improve ments now completed and the dlntrlct re stricted to good homes. These lots, tl.6ot ? 2.0CS each; onlv two enst fronts left. There sre ten new homes In this block. Harrison & Morton H Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 4 7 Rooms West Farnam U $4,350 On 36th St., near Jackson, nearly new and all modern; south and west front corner lot; exceptional value at above price. Rooms are all large and well arranged; $1,000 cash, bai s"' monthly. The Byron Reed Co 112 Sonth 17th 8t Dnurla. TI"' rental returns The preieity oon .... 34th and California1 one or tm nest or tnese new nouses. 1 . rmmm are reasonable, S rooms, strictly .11 modern, hard!; in. SXx?& wood rinlsn; three bedrooms and en-' Total rental t-'i6 per month, $?sss per closed sleeping- porch; extra well V1"' irUe, -'1M which is a low mn built throughoVand now ottrxr pP.Vm.!,'t. the low price of 15.800. Termslbuy thU property. Investigate at once reasonable, Glover & Spain Douf. 5962. 91 city National. REAL ESTATTWyVEST rtHK Owner Wants to Sell Beautiful 7-Room House Thla house la located H block from car line. In beautiful section of the city. nnere everyiniiiK is mmmm ana up-to- mns wiu minnj ine FurniunmiRfl are ex tremely ptcamnt. Mouse Is fUilshed In tak 'n principal rooms and la well built and very conveniently arranged. Will Tiiko I'asli Aa First rnytnent and Balance Can Eo Arranged in Monthly Payments. FVr further partlculsra telephone XVal. SSI today. QUI lig. 2.M any weoit day. TheHomeBeautiful 8 Rooms$5,250 We offor for sale one of the most attractive homes In the West Farnam district, a new 8 -room house, well built, beautifully finished and attrac tively arranged; harwood through out; many conveniences not found In the ordinary home. Property, can be shown at any time by appointment; tl.000 cash will handle the deal. The R, - -w j & jax -v iuVVi J 212 South 17th St. Dou. r9T a Mil., lawiaiii . w - m , A Good Home In West Farnam District At a Low Price 123 So. 37th Bt Thla la .n Lr,m M. tisuajly well built, modern house. In the uv-a 01 repair, neaay to move Into v. ......... 1 ... at once. Fine grounds, with largs shade trees: much ahrubberv and hnartnv r.n tree. A cool, comfortable placed T With Isrge front porch, rbur bed rooms ami sleeping- torch, beside, two baths nn h second floor. Us Id s quarters on the third inor. Attractive arrangement of tha first floor. If you are looking for goo,l plnee right in the West district for less than cost, thli Farnam chance. Don't tnt it Key at our oX lica. . George & Company vox t.uy isat. Bank Bldgi Phone Loiiglas 76M. See This Sure y5u fln for a bargain lu the Cathedral District. The owner Is a non resident and has written us that we are to reduce the price so that a sale can be made now. At the price now asked for this plats and the terms offered It Is a bargain. 1 Charles St. la the ad dress and the house has g rooms, la mod ern, hot water heat, also a small barn. Be sure to see this place, as It ought to sell nnk'klv at the nrtn .1 Creigh, Sons & Co. 6fW Be fcldg Hotgias WEST FARNAM STUCCO 81X ROOMS STUCCO SUN ROOM SLEEPING PORCH Something; real classy, nifty; fireplace special design woodwork; plaster beam ceuings m sun room, eta Nothing" nicer ... vmim. ur uunaee. xske a little time JL"2 ,",em !?-.At office Sun- DRAKE REALTY & CONSTRUO- TION. Beautiful Mercer Park Wllt!!.TrI-Ut '" on a boulevard. A eclaA m and paid for, Including paying Served by three oar lines. Fine natural timber. Na frame houses, flau 1 atofea allowed. Near new cathedral The Water board wUl extend the boule vards through their property, parkin and beauUfyln tha tj inoe ' iths Property. W. Farnam Smith & Company, 1339 Farnam. Douglas 1064. 118 SO. 37T3I Beautiful West Farnam home. . r?om-. Bu Porch. Sleeping porch, "ol .WBteL heat. .Four bed rooms. Rj closets. Beautiful special bargain tn- K. fine home wm" K. II. BENNER. DOUQ. 7406 EoDhk rr4 bodg. st, a. W. AJbeeT Council Bluffs, it Pbone Black ISlf! FOR BAMS ATTAnACTIVB NEW HOME. 719 8. WTK CAU HARNEY S7s OB DOUGLAS 8418. Cottages for $200 Cash Balance Monthly to Suit. 28th, 1 block north of Cuming-, east' fron paved, S-r water and tu: inu more homes; on big lot 43d and Chicago, modarn hnnut. riniA bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on yearViorW.ncl! tt lot, Eendy to .fe-J'ofyMuana, Price w.sl0".; .w .,.. . timu, but owner la making blg'cut to O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha NafL Douclag 1718, REAL ESTATB VACANT A beautiful building lot for your bunga low or house, 1 blk to car; price reason able, terms, owner, nhona Walnut kt I adjoining lots, near 42d and Webster v. J- P. Uoe, 823 Farnam. Red WU. frOH RAI&Three lots and thrTshares of Ralston Townalte Co. stock. HANK BUGION, 24 Leavenworth St KIOHT level lots, hlack soil, near 27th and Bpauldlng. ti.V. Huitabfs for build ing cottages or raising chickens and vegetables. Nothing- similar In neighbor hood can be bought for anywhere near price. Albert EMholm. lth and Harney. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS" Jobbing Site 66x132 Corner on Trackage Only -one-half block from 13th and uuukiu. r-raoiicaiiy nsw one-story brick atnr. hm n ii i V.. TiT rerty until you are ready to 11 at a profit Price 117,600. Look - .. . . u, mi. will oui'd or se th'a up. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1534, State Bank Bldg An Opportunity ior Investment Unusual Terms We have Just listed an Ideal rental proposition with all the reqvtrsmeoU for huna or tw(J Dll(nng. four anartmsnts wun ground WOxlM. looaUd high snd f'',,jron on of thm "t streets in ths West Farnam district FurthwrnnM k. bum ii. n.uirii ui auuui ia per cent on your money. Glover & Spain Douglas 'tt ' City National. TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY ttEE: AUGUST 20. l!)ir. -RKAfrRSTATE i-I R T ESTMKTf T8 - This is Your Chance To buv property which cot around $.vi.ti for lll.ftrt. Just think of Itl The ircrty naa v tret trontae on a paved street. P"n irom tne 8. lotn m. car I line. The Improvementa Consist of a fmo ' 12-rOOin SlrlCllv In.wtHrn hit.iM nit. I m la. ire garage. Kcautlful shsdo trees. Thla la snap. ion't ntlea It. Cail George & Company ity wat. itank nw Harney Street Near 24th 60x134 This property .s located on the north aids of Harney street, a short distance west of Iih. 'lhere is a large tioi... ami barn; easily rentable for lx a month. This rent will carry the property and pay a fair interest on the investment until tne purchaser la ready to put .i brick lmprw emenls. Kit her stores or garage would nay big money on an In vestment in this locality. The lot alone Is well worth every dollar the owner Is asking for this property. It is bound to double In value In time. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1WW. State Bnk Hldg.' Cash, Terms, Trade . . I " two-story rrame noime, with largo 1 v.M,lhuli ,,u-6 '." reception varuu llicpmin, k'Ba.1 lui. ILllIlK rwm, oining room, kitchen, butler s pan try and refrigerator room on the first floor; fotir good slscd boil rooms, hath, large store room and abunrinnt closet room on second floor; one good sited maid room and large store room In lit tle; oak finish on first floor, ennmel and r'lne on second and third flix.ru. Lot x V, With beautiful shHdo trees: alley In the rear. Kutra large, well built barn or "rage; can accommodate three cars; lott and man's room shove. This troierty Is located within a half block from both Hanscom Park lines and easy walking uuiiance trom downtown. 1 tin limine rti. I Pot b duplicated for less than IS.M); the 'barn was built st a cost of 11. rt: tho ' TO,unn easily worth ?.00rt. Kor certnln l"n "001 reasons. 1 must dispose of this P"rnT wiinin ins nei two wcoks, and iL.n,rA?Jn, reasonahl reasonable offer for same. Will also consider small acreage as part payment Do not turn this down without an investigation, as this is a splendid opportunity to secure a good home at a bargain price. Telephone the owner, Douglas 115 or Harnev 1X1 Not Advertised Before 77xlSS feet, with 4 stores and I dwellings; income aoout w.w per year. Price l7,uoo. Terms. 16.000 cash, balance ft to 10 v.,r. This property Is only 2H feet from one of the most Importaat transfer corners In vmana ana is sure to Increase In value. Invest a little money where it will ra Interest and make a DrofIL Such norncm In other cities the else of Omaha are selling for from M to 11,000 per front toou J. II. DUMONT & 00. State Bank Bldg. Tel Doug. . RENT $1)00 A YEAR PRICE $7,500 ONLY $1,500 CASH Absolutely the best Investment we know of. Two separate new double permanent brick and stucoo terraces, on big comer lot. Street avocl, easy walking distance. 160 feet from car line. Tenants pay water and a wait ing list if a vacancy. Kont oeuld eas- v tly be Increased. Will sell either double terrace ror i4.wa ILAJST1NUS & IIEYDEN, " 1614 Harney St. ItKAL E8TATK SUBURBAN Beaaoa. 3,900 BENSON BARGAIN Five-room bouse In best part of Ben son. Partly modern, having oity water, gaa and electrto lights. Hsuse in fin condition inside and out. Nice lawn, flowera, bearing fruit chicken house, cistern with pump In kitchen; perman ent walks. A most attractive plane and a genuine bargain at the price. Will make ternie. We will be glad to show this at any time. Call ua for appointment. BENSON & CARMICIIAEIi, Poug. 17a. M Paxton Block. Oandee. Dundee Bargains 4.aj0 Extra large bungalow, with liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bed roucna and bath, large attic, full base ment dandy south front lot, high and igntly: too) cash will handle. This house hss all the built-in features snd cost RflOO to build. M.600 New and very tasty, bungalow style, I large rooms on first floor snd I H.20O-7 rooms, with aleenlmr Dorch. completely modem, overlooking flsppy Hollow olub, rarage and driveway handy to car. Owner has left city and this Is a real saortfloe. 18,000 irtck hovse, a very substantial new home, with all modern conveniences, hot water hest, attractive brick veneer of tapestry brick: well planned, well built, well located, and the price Is very low. Glover & Spain Donglaa 8SKS. tl City National. Dundee Read This Praotlcally new 7-room bungalow only one-half block from the car line. Big liv ing room with beamed callings and fire place. Large dining room anl umuua lv convenient kitchen. One bedroom, toilet and lavatory on the first flour. Three f ne bedroom and complete bathroom on the second floor. Oak itnlsh on first fli.or, white enamel and natural flnlift above. Onk floors downstairs and maple on seo ond floor. Full basement with Toor drain Fruit cellar and large oeal bin a'si one of the best hot etr heet'ng pirn's that money ran buy. The li t ts a beauty and in one of the best dist lets In the vlll -ge. Kins ahade and a beautiful lawn. TKU house was built for a roma by the present oceupants and at the p-toe ! by i. "'"in "i iumre r l-e wn i M' villi . ki irvrij 1 1 1 j r- m . BUT ANTTIf'Vn you rhoijld iok- AT THIS UtOPERTT F1R8T. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler MM. State Bank ii.dg. MY beautiful home In Dundee, on Cass Ht.; also two additional lots. Phone Wal nut 2&17. IN DUNDEE. $350 cash down, balance monthly payments, will buy this fins home; almost new; 7 rooms and bath; stiistly modern; oak finish 1st floor; largn living room, din ing room, beam celling; full lotj nice shade; paved street; near car line. Y. J. TEBBENS CD. Is Om. Wat. Bk. Tel. D. tin FLORENCE'BARaAIN very go od S-room house; elect rio light; comer lot CKxlBJ: one block from line; for $1,4W. H60 rash, balance easy payments. P. J. TEBBFLVS CO. 06 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel P. ?1Q. . . WANT to buy 7 or t-room nsw, or almost Apartments, fists, nouses and cottages ' new home, on paved street west of iians can be rented quickly and cheaply by co"' ,'UJ k or ,n r'iel'1 -'lb iii.tr. ct, uuar -ror Rent" flNAIi ESTATE-.. CKKAflK ; Right Now Is The Best Time To Look Over Acres .i .i. ..1 r ; u umivf ii'ui jutii3 itn- una in the country xx bere you liax-e and have n garden. Acres nonr Oninlia for years lmvo proven to be tho best mul most profitable investment. Acres near Oniohn are get ting scarce; that U why acres will increase in value quicker than any other kind of lienl P'stato. Acres In Benson Gardens are the best located neres nonr i - 1 1 1 ,1 at reasonable prices and on the hnd $10.00 per month. ItEXSON GARDEN AHUiS are located close to car, school und stores and on paved road. Call at office or by phone for plat of Benson Garden Acres. AVe will take you out any timo during the day, evening or Sunday. Hastings & Heyden 1G14 Harnev Street V acre well lnvproved. Wehator UX2 after U a. m. lMione 15T1I AND FARNAM Five miles north of Council Bluffs, on Lincoln HUrhway; acres in crop: good orchard; balanoo In pasture and alralt'a, goi-vd Improvements. rrlie, SJ,40n; half W. S. FR.VN1C SOI Neville Block. 5 Acres $3,000 Buys an S-room modem home on S. 11th boulevard. 1 block from rae Una. fine liiiailin, small p.yment down and balance monthly quarterly or Hair-yeimy. I2,ft buys a 7-r. modem home on 2Jd St. on terms to suit. II. wh) buys a ( room modern home on urace Ht, on terms to suit W. G. Shriver Tel. P. lti.Hl, 1047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg ACREAGE PRICE TO CI.OSR UP AN 1C8TATH Ten acres. Hi miles from city limits and et roc t cars hiRh and sightly, over looking Omaha and Dundee; Improved -story houee, wind mill, sto. Prloe 3,S0u, one-half cssh. Address K 06, iBoe. 5-Acre Bargain This trnct of Innd Is located on the South fciliie, K of a mile from otty limits. Every foot lies porfoctly lovul; has a practically now t-room house, good bam, 2 chloken houses, fine water system There are orchards, one on each end of the tract, nice to cut up Into I t runts. The orohanls lire now full bearing and con sist of apple, pears, peaehes, plums and grapes. We have samples of the fruit In the offloe which we will be glad to have you see. This property at tho nrtee Is the best barguln around Omaha. The Improvements alone cost between U,(XM to tn.ouo. Price J,500. O'Neirs Real Estate & Ins. Agency Tel. Tyler 1J4. 30 A C1U0S, southwest. IVi tulles from ear. 1276 per acre. S acres, sightly, Jfttri and Bedford. ...fl.WM acres, tu ana f ort.. I2.AUO '4 seres. 48th and Onter K.OW i acres, 2 blks. from car, Florence. .L6I0 Other acreage, close In. Douglaa JW7. West Dodge Twenty Acres We havs In acres, fairly well Improved: facing on West Dodge Ht; paved road; or sale on a reasonable nsvment down snd the balance on good terms, or mUht iuko aooa income property in city aa pert payment. This land lies well. Dart of It seeded to alfalfa, soms In corn, good or chard, etc Only a few minutes drive to retell district: on nevsd. rosd and naved streot all the way. The price Is IS.OuO. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2t Oiiiitlut Nut 1K. Jlliig. D. 4UH. RE.IL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. A Dundee Special 49th and Capitol Ave. Is a brand new bungalow home of 7 large well arranged living rooms snd bath, S rooms finished In oak; oak floors throughout; mirror door, bookcases and other special fea tures; strictly modern snd up-to-date in every way; water meter, set screens and shades on; choice 6o-foot lot, nlonly ter raoed and sodded; street paved. In every respect snd Ideal home. Its value Is $5,000, you will agree: but our price is only S4.G0O, cssh or torn is. See And Be Convinced Rasp Bros. VM MeCague BMy. Douglas 11TJ. Fine Dundee Home Just completed, 8. K. Cor. (1st snd Chicago bts. House hss fine liv ing room, with flreirisce, etc.; sun parlor, ttto.; sleeping porch. In fact, all the modern Improvements. Decorated throughout snd ready to move ngni in. coining better in Dumloe for the money. Take a look at It today and then call uu . W. Stoltenbercr WaL Ml or D. 1MI BEAL KHTATK WAVTED J-WANT a lot" In block L I or 4 of 1'arkwood addition: have real monev. prefer to deal with the owner. Address I 14 uo, i.:e.- WANT! Ui buy a hcusa fioiu siiiua one who Miinix in sell; ii or 7 rooms; must be In yood condition and cheap, aa I will pay cimii. A'.uiriu it i4, lies. 4' 7ala. AddreWo T i - HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE vv.ti 1 0 .. a t run or iit.i rj)ruij( to iuoxo oiu plenty of room to raise chickens Oinnhn. todnv Ilia rnn br linnirlit a i.n.ui 1 verv eaav terms of $10.00 down ItKAL KHTATK WANTED WANTICD to buy t lots, must be con nected, on paved street; state location and price. A Ureas K-sW, lie. 11KAL tTATK EXCHANilM KI'IUH'KAN hotel. 100 rooms, brtok build Ing. running business, near I'nion Mtwlc yards; exchange for land. 42Z7 Wabash, Chicago o MDSIii. for anln or exchange for goedk well Improved farms: 112,000 stock hardware, Illohardson Co., Neb. t(i stock gen'l mdsn, Jones Co., Texas. i;,0n0 stock shoes, eastern Kansas. $W,( stock gen'l mdse.. Ho. Dak. 4 "!,ti0 stork gvni mdse., lows. 117.110 stock gen'l mdse, central Neb. S18.A00 stock gen'l mda., central Kansas. We have over KM other stocks from 10 to HOO.Ouo. Name the place, the also and kind of stouk wanted, and If land, be sure loos t Inn and prloe la right, or you will lose tints, W. M. NASII & CO., Mdse. n poker and Special Land Agents, "3 He tlldg., Omaha, iNeh FARM 1)R SALE OR EXCHANGE sort-acre ranch In Hsves Co.. Neb., S miles from It. It. town; H aorea level and cultivated; balance pasture and fairly rough; splendid farm for grain and cattle. Highly Improved; 7-reom new house and every kind of building for a ranch; well, windmill, etc.; price per acre; total t-Viioo; inortg., 4.0u0; equity, tK.OHn: will sell for cash; will exchange for Mdse., or for a smaller esstern farm of about same value. Owners, list your farms and ranches with us. W. WM. NASII & CO. Ppeclal Land Agents, 622 Hoe llldg., Omih Neh KOH KXcHa.Nus.. $30,000 worth of high-oiass real estate and tlO.OU) In personal property. All clear. Wanted In exchange, a good Nebraska farm or cattle ranuh; will assume. btale in first luttur full description and lowest price. II. B. CUNNINGHAM, . ORANT CITY. M01V for bxchanqk T Residence property In Haiein, Ore., for Omaha or IJnooln; residence In Omaha for cheap land. Fine California lemon and ci -.ng grove for a good, profitable merchandise slock and business. Ad dres J. M. iiennett. Hotel Castle, Omaha. WILL you look at my ads under busi ness chances? I havs several good mrohandiae slocks to trsde for land and I want income uroourtv foe merchandise stock. C. M. liaton. 1106 W. O. W. stldg. LAiHOU l'l-r. house, oek floors, hot water heat good garage, Hanscom park dis trict; suitable for large family or board ing house. Easy terms tlM M ltA V HAS BlWlfV. 70B Omaha National Bank Bide Douglaa 1151 FOR SALH OR TRADE, 1.100-a. Neb. ranch: some Improvements. t springs, good si Calf a land; has 40 a. now. Will take so a. Iowa or eastern Neb. land and carry balance baok. THAVKR HROH. 705 Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 11ES LADY OWNER First-class flouth Dakota land will sell in ....i i... t ... ihmi. iimi.ia. is Ht r adiliess Miss K.. 2G01 Farnam. NEW BRICK FIATS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Double brick flat, on paved street, one-half block from car line; new and strictly modern; good tenants. Price $7,000; morttare $4,000. Owner will take good unimproved lend In Nebraska or a small cottage in Omaha for bis equity and assume up to $1,000, but no more. J. 11. DUMONT & CO. 416-18 State Dank Bldg. Douglas 690. NEARI.T new brlok apartment house. In a desirable section of Omaha; producing a yearly Income of over 6,&00; to ex change for clear cottages, vacant lots, in Omaha, or fop good farm land. SCOTT AND HILL CO. 107 MeCague Bldg REAL ESTATE FARM A HtM II LANDS FOR S ALi leJiioravia. Live Oak Colonies, uou. better. W. T. Smith Co.. tl-W City Not ha. TV Ul Florida. THE beat high, well drained citrus fmMt and farm lands In Orange Co., i!o)U)i- beautiful lakes, paved roads, towns and! railroads; any Blued tract you want; terms to suit; will exnhatt'e for north ern Improved farms or city property. For full particulars write '- ft. Kroh, ncarritt n iif.. Kansas cr.y. wo. Uwi, IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omaha. Have house In East Des Moines, new In 1H09. sood isa ueaii, ortck chluken ciiicksns in It), all blocks fiuin car. not tuo clot, to (own. some Impruveuieuis. will sell cheap for cash, will make arrangements fur pay ments. Address O Mo. Hoe. 80 Acres Best SO In Pottawattamie county. All level land. All In cultivation. Ulegent In provements. K.fteen minutes' walk to car line. In flue hhape, with elegunt rrP to 'Jliow what the farm will pro- '(luce. Fins orchard. Corn makes 7i bu er acre. Ithln I miles of Council liiuffs potofflce. Must be suen to be KPlneclated l'lease let us ahow you. Jlti.Ooi). 6,Bi)0 cash, balance long time. A. F. SMITH CO.. "Phone ffl H.arl Ht . mn-l' niuffs. Ia FA ay MON ET Alfalfa land. J0 acres, 1 miles of town; good tmprevera.nts. Want r.n.ml merchandise stock. J. Tea nant. Seouiiaes Uldsv, Des Moines, ItlCAL K.STATH - FARM A HAM II LANDS FOR RALR 14 Acres I miles of town, good S-room house rsrn and sheds. Apples, cherries and gtapes. A dandy place for $I,2P, on easy terms. Let us show you. 3 Good 40-Acre Tracts 44 miles of town on old Indian Creek rosd. tiood loam, about ) acres in corn, t-room house and good barn. 14ft an acre. 40 acres on old Indian Creek road. 6 miles of town, well Improved, good land, and can all ue cultivated. Price, $146 an acre. 4i acres about 1 mile east of Desf and Dumb Institute, a dandy place If you , want to raa fnlt. Lots of apples, S'p. cherries and smaii fmrt. wen Improved. tK.voO, good terms. M'OEB REAL ESTATE) CO., 106 rear! St., Council Bluff. la. FOR PAL PI 1 S01 acre Improved pasture land. Bead Council Bluffs, at $W per acre, suitable! for fruit and garden, well waters. Day & Hess Co., jzj resri ft, council ttutrraj' la. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR ISAUBt Write a good description ef your I an 4 I descrtptl JS Bloux C ana sena it to lus nious ni, ia., rfourpu "Iowa's Msst rowsrtul want Ad Us Slum." Twenty-five words every Frldar venlns. Baturdav morning and ina Saturday evening and Sunday mom in si for one month, giving sixteen see esl twelve different days tor Ui er wordev M. or 7 words, le. 1 Largest clreulatlon of any lown neneJ papsr, lsu.000 readers dally in four greal states. i IS-ACH19 fruit (arm. without buUeinCH I miles north on Lime Kiln road, tkt&l Day & Hess Co., U3 Peai I Pt., Council Pluffs. Ia. ' 17&-ACRB stock farm. miles noritaj Council Bluffs, well fenced and watered 6-room house, tS per acre. Day & Hess Co., lid Pearl Bt., Council Bluffs, la. IF TAKEN before Heptember lfl, M acres on river bottom, one mile from good railroad town, eight miles from county seat Orchard, frame barn, sod bouse, ail renoea. Cheapest land in Custer county. U. B. MuKsaty. Anslay, lrl). 1'OH 8ALa-2jt-acre farm In berahl Co.. Idaho, I miles from R. it and postof-' flue; ljO A. under cultivation; loo tons hay, 'ib A. In groin, 1 A. In potatoes, 36 bead of cattle, is horses, all machinery and Implements; tll.uO per sure, Including everything, kor particulars, address K. (1. rarns worth, Pit Ion. Montana. K.SkM, UN NT SOUTHERN KANSAS. Fine 160 acres, 1 mile from town ofl 4,buu people. 1M acres In crop. Good! buildings, i an acre. Liberal terms. (Jrow corn, small grain and raise cattle! In a mild climate. PAYNE INVtWTMENT COMPAKT, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neks Minnesota. M0 ACRES, 45 miles from MuweapeUa, ens mile from town; 164 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasturei can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, consisting of s room house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, ttlndinllla, etc.; the land will pro duce so bushels of cons per acre; tele phone In house: country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; s7 head of stock, consisting 11 cows, balance 1 snd l-year-otds; el good horses, 25 hogs, chloksns, one-aalf of this year's crop and everything est the farm goee at C0 as acre, half eash. Hchwato Bros.. lCOs Ply mouth llldg., Minneapolis. Uuul QUIT SUPPORTING LANDLORDS. Buy a produotlue K acres at Campbell, Minn. Kvery foot tillable, black loam soil; German neighborhood. A aa acre. Reasonable terms. Big yields of corn and small grain. Write ua. PAYNW INVESTMENT CQMTANT, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Beet large land, hardwood timber, and; summer lot proposition offered In years.' lsn show big profits to buyer. Fowler Pslaoe Hldg., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALB AT SNAP PRICKS Forty acres, improved, good stuff, welli located. 4l.M per acre. Terms, SO aerea, fine buildings, well located. IJO per acre Terms. 146 acres, wild, good solL make' fine stock farm, til per acre. Beat diver sified farming lands In northwest. Write for list. W. C. Mur Jrphy. Foley, Mlnn.-D. 1260 EARNEST money, balance ore pays, ments buys 160 near Mlnneapollsi IM Red River valley, part cultivated; 1M Stlgler. Okla ; 40, Ft. sunilh. Ark. m Wabash. Cfctcego. . Mlasoart. STOP, Listen UMusre farm, $1.M0 terrasi other farms. MoQrath, Mt View. Mo? Msil MONTANA Irrigated lands best ta the world for wheat, eats, alfalfa aad stock: cleso to town, railroad, schools ami churches; 141.60 to taO per aere on fifteen years' time.; annual payments leas than rentals on middle west farms: write to day for particulars) Illustrated pamphlet and map free. Valler Farm Sales com. pany. Hos lOoi, Vsiier, Moot Nebraska. ACREAGE Tracts and farms tor m near Platsmouth; also I, t, I, f 14, hX !S and 10 improved acre tracti. Write for my prices. T. 1L Pollock, Tel. 0, 1, Plattamouth. Neb AN IRRIGATED FARM, CLOsd TaJ CRAWFORD, AT A KACRlFlCia 400 acres, more than JuO acres can bs covered by Irrigation and the Irrigation rights are free and without cost whatso ever to the owner except for the keeping up of ditches and dikaa. Of thla, more than SO acres are Into alfalfa and has been for some years last past and Is cut ting three orope of good alfalfa each year. Besides- this, there are N acres more of iilfaJfa above the ditch which out at oast two crops of liuy or one crop of Lay and cine crop of seed. Resides this alfalfa, there are TO er 78 acres under cultivation and Into crops. The iAa.ce la all fenced and oroea fenced: has a good four-room log hovse; a good frame bun with haymow, with, sheds en each side, corrals, etc. I guod collar, twj chicken houses and other out buildings. This place also has a larar! luke, covering perhaps 10 or 111 aoras. Thla lake la stocked with fish, has good headgates snd overflows and la used a a part of the Irrigation plan. This rlace luya only 4 miles ont from Crawford, "Tlio blggust little town on, earth." with a good graded road all the way and. at Its prise of snly fa per acre. It Is certainly one of the biggest bargains to be found In this or any other country. I can glvo possession at anv time and. If you will move on t!4s fail or early si-rlng, we will leave fco tone of good alfalfa on the place for your ua. I can give good terms on this and will try and meet you on any reasonable proposition. Act at once. ARAH L, IlLTNGERFORD, Crawford, Dawes County, Xebraslre,e WELL IMPROVED-CENT RaC BRA8KA FARM. Only t miles from a good county seat town In the rain belt. acres of tin- all level bind. 23 acres aflalfa: m aerea coin; balance hay and pasture, lta running water for stock. A bis min -t 10. Owner might take an SO-acre lana clear or some Omaha property for Peru Peesesiloa March 1. PAYNW INVESTMENT COM PA-NT. rtfta Floe Catena Mat Sank iUi. I