THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: AUGUST 20, 1915, iD-A .I FOSHIER TAKES OYER PATHFINDER Vice President Stalnaker Declares Omaha Man is Best Known Dealer in Country. CREDITS SUCCESS TO PAPERS "W. B, Foahler of Omaha la on auto mobile dealer with a national reputa tions' aya W. EX Stalnaker, vloa prest Jent and director of sales of the Pathfinder company. Indlanapolla. manufacturer! of the twin six and single six car. "Mr. Foahler, who baa been In the automobile buatneM In Omaha for the last four rear. pent several days laat week at the Path finder faotory. Indlanapolla, and signed a lares contract for the a)e of the Pathfinder twin alx In the Omaha ter ritory Ha la probablr the best known automobile retail dealer In the United State. I know that Mr. Foahler I better known In New Tork City and In Pallas. Tex., than many of the factory official themselves. He haa always at tended the big national automobile ahows In New Tork and Chicago and has taken an active interest In motor car affaire of all kinds. Engineers liar consulted with him and In this war found out what the people war demanding In motor car construction." Mr. Faahler handled several hundred Carter ears in on year, while distributing this oar. He haa 10 aub-dealera and has on of the best service departments In the country today. He controls more territory than any other country dealer or distributor In the country. ' Adverllalaar Makes ores. "I give a great deal of credit for my auccess," saya Mr. , Foshler, "to news papers. I believe In newspaper adver tising and newspaper publicity. I know that the automobile owner reads the automobile columns In the newspapers and ther like to aee their oars talked about. Newspaper can make any retail automobile business, and I believe that anr automobile dealer who doea not tell the people regarding his product through the newspaper ootumna can not hope to build up a bualnesa In these daya of keen competition." Mr. Foahler spent the laat two weeks visiting the automobile factrlee In Mlchl gan, Indiana and Ohio and algned the Pathfinder contraot at this time. This contract Is cn of the largest that haa been closed this year by any manufao turer and aooordlng to all report the WELL KNOWN DEALER GETS AGENCY FOR PATHFINDER, V ''-') HARKNESS SUCCEEDS FISHER Son of Late Standard OiNMajnate is Made President of Sheepsnead Bay Speedway. HOLDS SEVERAL AUTO RECORDS first Pathfinder twin six Omaha early In September. will arrive In New Allen Machine is Just Received by Omaha Sales Agency The Standard Motor Car companr Is showing the 1916 Allen car, which has just arrived. That it la a beautiful and well built car la conceded by everyone who haa aeen it. Next to Ha handsome boat effect lines and the rich dark green finish, one notices at one the roomy body, especially the driver's seat, which will hold two large people comfortably, and the long flfty-flve-lnch underslung rear eprlnga, which the Allen poople claim makes It smooth and Joltless rid ing unexcelled. The Instrument board arrangement Is compart and handy. The equipment of the Allen la surprising. Harry 8, Harknes haa been elected president of the Sheepsnead Bay Speed way corporation In place of Carl O. Fisher, who resigned owing to the de mentia of his business Inter ate in In dlanapolla and Miami, Fla, Mr. Iter te nets is the only son of U, V. Harknes, a Standard Oil magnate, who died last January, leaving him a colossal fortune. It waa natural that the Bheeipehead Bay B peed way project should have appealed to Mr. Harkness, for In the early day of motor racing, from 1900 to 1908, he was one of Its mont conspldous figure. In those days he waa a frequent contender agalnnt Alexander Wlnton and the late Altwrt O. Iioatwlek In track race. Later, on road and hill, he made records that have never since been beaten. Starting from the Boston Athletlo cluto on June 6. 1, In the early hours of the morning in his big Mercedes car, he made the iCTVfc-mlle run to the Central bridge at the beginning of Jerome avenue. In S houra Ml minute. This still stands aa the Boston to New York record. Mr. Harknes. however, la probably best known to motorists by reason of his wonderful "climb to the clooda." On July 1. im. he made the steep, tor tous eight-mile ascent of Mount Wash ington In his Mercedes in U minute S7H. arc cm (In. distancing all competitors. This In stilt the record. It la not Improbable that President Harkness will be represented by a racing car in the contest for the Vincent Aator cup on October L Jones Wants, Fielder Jones, manager of the St. lunula Federals, is negotiating with J. Calvo, the clever center fielder of the Long Branch team, who was with the Wash ington Amorlcans last season. Gossip Along the Automobile Row Stearns Knight enthusiasts wlil be In terested In knowing that a shipment of 1916 cars has arrived and la ready for delivery. Mr. Morkler, who travels for the Mc- Intyre Auto company, reports a much better crop outlook In Nebraska than has been previously reported. He also reports growing enthusiasm over the Stearns Knight. A Stuben, a garage man at 2820 Leav enworth, this week purchased a 1914 Kis sel for a pleasure car. Advertisements Bring Inquiries II. C. Russell, who has recently come to Omaha from the Overland factory to ac cept the position of manager of the Overland Omaha Automobile company, has received an interesting statement from the factorr regarding advertising. A report which has been compiled at the Overland factory shows that $18,416 In quiries have been received In response to advertlsementa during the last twenty-six days. Mr. Russell ha taken the place of B. K. Feasell, who recently went to Blair to take charge of the Overland distri bution there. Mr. Feasell will be under the Jurisdiction of the Omaha office. T. M. Bromwell, ales manager of the Oldsmoblle Sales company, states that he haa been at a loss to know what t tell the factory about the local requirements 'of Oldsmoblles. Notwithstanding ' tne fact that the Olds Motor works haa shipped to Omaha four more carloads in the last two weeks than the allotment for this territory for this period, there were three days last week when the local office was entirely out of stock except one roadster. Shipments have now been Increased to one carload a day for this territory, three carloads having been re ceived In Omaha Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Four other carloads were di verted direct to sub-dealers of the Olds- mobile Sales company, making a total of seven carloads In one week handled through the Omaha branch. VTo President and Assistant General Manager a A. Pfeffer of the Chalmors Motor company, announces that the sev en-passenger Chalmers Slx-40, la break' lng all previous sales records for the Chalmers Motor company. Kspeclally through the east, this car haa met an en thualastlo reception. During the week of August 21, two train-loads of Chalmers cars were shipped to the Chalmers Motor company of New Tork, Indicating the de cided ouantlty trend of the Chalmers pro duction for 1916. The Nonpareil laundry, located at 170S Vinton street, has purchased a new Bulck 1.C00 pound truck In order to handle the steady Increase of butanes In the city This truck Is a 1916 model and enables them to give better service to their cus tomers. Mr. Shedell, manager of the company, declares that the Buick "16' la the best over. jaumass .ANNOUNCING THE 1916 Saxon Sales Show Big Increase for July of This Year According to Information given out yes erday by Percy Owen, vice president In charge of aales. the Saxon Motor com pany's business for July was almost double that of the same period a year ago. The month showed 80 per cent greater sales In point of number of cars and considerably more than that In point of their value. The fact that many of the orders received specified the six-cyl- Iner model, whereas a year ago the Saxon company was building only four cylinder roadsters partly accounts for the large proportionate Increase In volume of buslnoss. Aa an Indication of the prosperous con dition of the Saxon Motor company, orders on one day recently totaled 430 of the six-cylinder touring and four-cylinder roadster models. FOUR CYLMBER 1,095 F. 0. B. Omaha KID SIX CYLINDER $1,275 F.O.B. Omaha f - if- Both the Drummond Four and Six abound in Comfort, Refinement and Power. Made np of the best standard parts and units known in automobile construction, the Drummond presents an unusual value We are sure there is no other car at the price which can offer as much quality or efficiency. You are cordially invited to inspect and ride in these new models, : IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WE WANT UVE DEALERS EVERYWHERE KUEiMDRIB TOE CMPMW 2Gih and Farnam Omaha. Ncbr. Fisk Expert Says Omaha Better City Than Minneapolis Fred Ayrea, New England district man ager for the Flak Rubber company, was in Omaha Thursday with J. D. Anderson, distant to the president of the company. Both of them expressed considerable surprise at the lively condition of busi ness in Omaha. "Omaha is a better town than Mlnne polls," aatd Mr. Ayrea, "and la showing up better Just at present than aJmost any other cltr In the countrr. The two officials have been on a busi ness tour of the middle west, ana both said that ther considered the Twin Cities very much overrated. Sutler AII-Sfccl Garage Porta bl. chmptnit, HiUit to pttt up, Attract I v la PPranc, abio lutvly hr -proof 8th Hi coat to rrntrrf In short tlm. UMful bulldlni on any plana. 10x14 ft for vmaii car Auk for bouklat and prtoaa on larger lixes. ncnri ir. c m it h. itaan c.tT, mm R. & R. FLEXIBLE RIDER v . . L " ' FREE TO FORD CAR OWNERS Because They Save More Than Their Cost on Tires Alone AXIJ MAKKH A XRI OAU AS EASY IUDINO AS A PACKARD. MAKES ROn,EVAHIS OF ItOl'OH OOUNTHY ROADS. NOW SELLING 500 SETS PER DAY. Seo Our Starters for Ford Cars, $10 Live Agents Wanted. Phone for Demonstration. PHILLIPS (EL BETZ 411 DEE RliDG. PHONE DOUGLAS 4397. OMAHA, NEB. Built Up To a Standard; Not Down To a Price t I The Ultimate Car $1395.00 FIRST IN QUALITY F. O. B. CTeveland. FIRST IN SERVICE FIRiST IN THE HEART OF MOTORISTS McINTYRE AUTO CO. Phone Douglas 2406 2427 Farnam St. A big touring car for five people Four New Ideas Today there are four new idea in motor car design: Light weight High speed motor Yacht-line body Increased riding' comfort for all passengers All of these modern ideas you find incorporated under the Saxon "Six." Light weight comes from right design and right materials. Nickel steel in axles, steering gear and other vital parts is lighter and stronger than or dinary carbon steel. Vanadium steel, not only makes better springs, but re duces their weight Saon high speed motor design gets more power with less gas out of a mall motor than men used to get out of big, heavy motors. Be sides, this is a six-cylinder motor with the even pull and marvelous flexibility that only a "Six" can give. Ex cept for starting the car, gear shifting Is practically unknown to Saxon "Six" owners. The yacht-line body of Saxon "Six" exemplifies the latest motor car fashion. Its very lines suggest swift, easy, mo tion. Riding comfort for all five passengers is found 'in the exceptional roominess of tonneau and driving compartment. Long, resilient cantilever springs make rough roads easy. If you seek speed Saxon "Six" has it. This car rau 490 mileH from Los An geles to San Francisco in 13 V hours 15 minutes faster that the "Lark," the Southern Pacific's fastest train. If you seek power Saxon "Six" haa demonstrated it on every famous test ing hill In the country. At Cniontown, Pa., It climbed the twlntlng three-mile mountain road In fuur minutes and four seconds, de feating r11 cars In its price class. If you seek economy Saxon "Six'' ha It, 105 "Sixes" driven home from the factory by dealers covered 26,360 mile and aver agex) 21 miles to the gallon. Today In your tourlns; car of course you want a "Six." Don't try to be content with lfes, when you ran enjoy "Six" luxury in a well-proved Saxon for $786, Zleotrlo startiiur and li-httn- dsmonntsbls rims; Tlmksa axles I US-Inch wheelbasei 38x3 H -One h tires, non-skid 1 rear. Saxon "Six" 783 So- Motor Company, Detroit. Saxon Roadster $303 Secure this valuable agency for your territory at once NOYES-KILLY MOTOR CO., Pitrii,nter, 2066-68 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Advertise lost articles in The Bee Most people are honest and this is th only way the finder can locate you -n e f)