Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    Till) ItllK: OMAHA. rHIDAV, ALHli:sT I!?,
Hwi and (olUfn.
tr sale by owner, nw f-r. bungalow;
8XI caah, V per month. Harney ,M.
6-RoOM modern hou", except heat, ll.
3M4 Uniw. Water free.
tVx-room and hall, north side, ono block
car, I?.
Xfcvufflag 871. 1"16 Omsha Nat'l,
Mod. 7-r. how. 8tU Flnkmy. Weh; fcM.t
i-R. cottage, oid condition, 1H. II. I KM.
tun. house, mod. In every t"eeict, prac
tidily new: Miami. Tel. Weh. MR.
rl N. HTH PT. First claim, all modem,
for rent. Tel. owner, Walnut isMI.
XIOHT-ROOM house, upstairs and
downstair, ras, nil modurn and barn.
8. inn Ht.
8-KOOM. modern house. 8401 Jonea, $U oa
per month J. 1. Kemp. toutlas 9S7.
a rmi.i waa n, re. r-nons nenson t
1R Elegant modern flat. 1418 Vinton
St.; modern except hmt Webster
or Douglas 78.
II and 4-r. houaes. Oil WO Bancroft St.
CLAJHh; In, (16 S. i'.th; 8 rooms, modern, j
newly nee.; rent only yi", iiarney o.w.
W .
F.LEQANT lWroom residence, 8601 Capitol
Ave.. M. Owner.
IN W. Farnnm district, modern -r.
bungalow, I blocks from Karnntn 8t.
car Una; rent 8:W per mo. Tel. Mar. BJoO.
it- -.
$1t( t-.i 2614 N IMh 81.. mod. . heat.
$2S.0i :-R, ? Howard 8t.. modern
I.T.OO 7-R., lOua Corhy St., modern.
..(. 6-n., 8W 8. Wth Ave., modern.
fc-lt., US Park Ave., modern flat.
.Sft-0-R , 3X1 N. 14th Ave., mod. bungw.
8-t! 8-R.. 117 8. Kh St.. modem.
$45.00 T-R.. 61 8. Pith St., modern, hot
and cold water, .lanltor.
8S0.00 T-Rt. 212 r. S7th Bt., modern, hot
water, heat, nam go.
StOno t-R., 3SV Harney St., mod., 1st class.
$75.0u -R.. f:l Farnnm 8t . lrn fine.
Phone D 7F. P02 City Nat'l Bank Hid.
S-K. MUD. house, close, to good car line;
possession trtven when desired H. 441i,
R-R. MOD. house. Tel Florence 44
o-ROOM. all mod, ex, heat. Weh. 37.
BUT a 7-room modern Hitnscom Park
home on a rental basis. Tel. Uar. 42W.
iU7PARIAva. 7-r.. strictly modH .m
PIG 8-rooni house for rent. gns. water
and bath: price, tl. rhnne Webster .Wt;
FOR RFNT rms., closa In. Tel. D. 8711.
ONE 4 and one 5-room house; Rood con
dition. Tel. Webster 8152.
I AND 7-room houses near high school,
part modern. 120. Tel. Benson 83-J,
NEW 8-r.. mod, bungalow, $27. D. 6087.
Pbooe tX)ula r foi complete Hat of
vacant bouaea and apartments: also for
storage moving 1th and Jackson Sit a.
fEK the Central rurultur Store FBKi
TTneAU f relah Bona ft Co., Aee bide.
nOUBCB Il( rrt. of tha city.
GlobeVan& Storage
Stnraa, moves, packs ships; t-horse van
and I men, 81. IS per hr. : storage 82 per
tno. BatXfactlon guar, p. 4388 Ty. ta
Gordon Van Co.
tl N. llth St- Tel. D. 38 or Uar.
One Small Office
For Rent
Good Location Fourth Floor.
Water and Electnc Light, Free.
$12.00 Per Month.
The Bee Building
''The building that is alwaya new."
1 .. Office, Room 103.
Maggard's g
Van an
Caii ua far ea
tlmatea for arav
tec, pacKum, ahlpptnc. 1718 Webster Bt
Douglas 14S.
J. C. Reed 8te&.wa
t-ROOM cottage. 111 S. 28th 8C, I1S.000.
water paid.
MODERN 7-room house, newly decorated.
2415 Caldwell.
teres and Offices.
Very Desirable
Printing Office
with entm nee from
Court of Bco Building.
' 1000 to 1600 square feet.
Inquire Room 103
R. O. Babcock, Sup't.
Part or all of ons floor la large flve
story brick building. Large freight ele
vator. - Address J 189. Bee.
'YC'LK car, state make, price and send
description to G. P. McGraw. Plerson, la.
OrFrit'K furniture bought and soil J.
C Need, iwn rsrnsm. fiiig. n4
HIOUKfT prices lor old clothing. D 4711
to sell large tract of Texas land, sub
oMvlded aridress Bqk 36. Wlnterset. la.
la a nuy ferythiim nn nand. Web. 4i04,
liatatijr uku olgu araua tiiaau. It. HIT.
WANTED To rent farm on halves: tools
arid horses furnished ; stock on halves.
CLarenoa Adams, Centervllle. Ia.
Uva Oak Colonies, noDe better. W. T.
FOR SALB H section of the best land
In Lincoln county. Plenty of good
water. U per acre. Write for Informa
tion. Mrs. M. Murphy, P. O. Box No. W.
Rawlins, Wyo. o
Want to move to Omaha. Have house
In East Des Moines, new In lSKti, good
barn, two good sheds, brick ohluken
house (will leave the chickens In It), all
thrte lots facing east, good location, two
blocks from ear, not too close to town,
some Improvements, will sell cheap for
cash, will make arrangements for pay
mente. Address C 45. Bee.
EAr MOXEY-Alfalfa land. W acrea, J
miles of town; good improvements.
Want general merchandise stock. J. Teu-
nani, KMunun mat . Des Moines.
Writs a good description of your land
and seaj it to thj bluux City, Ia, Journal
"losra a Most Powerful Want Ad Me
aiusB." Twant y-f tve words every Friday
vaoing, Saturday morning and avsry
Saturday evemug aod Sunday moraliig
tor od month, giviag sUutaa ads oa
twelve different days for V, or ad worda
i. or 7i woraa, M.
Lsj-gest circulation of any Iowa news
paper, asu.uuw readers dally la four great
IP TAKKV bfore September 10. i0
acres on river bottom, one mile (rum
nooi railroad town, elKht nillt-s from
" ounty aeau Or hard, (rame brn, sod
li'-iu. all fenced. clieaiet I mi In
'ju.r county. H. B. iKKenly, Aualry,
rtWM HtM H I. 4MH FPU k IK
Crawford. Dawes County, Nebraska.
1( acres. Ten miles from Kearney,
on Platte river bottom In I'hrlpa county,
Nebraska. First clasa land for wheat,
corn, alfalfa. All level; 1J& acres) under
plow and all now in com. Ralnnce In
bay. Fenced, with new, strong fencev
No bulldlnKS. l'rtce f-& per acre. lxan
J4.i. Can run or lx taken up.
A. NF.lON. Hox Itoldrtgo, Neb.
ISO ACRES well Improved, close to town
and school, fine location, large grove;
ft in cultivation. 60 In pasture, balance
alfalfa; drove, orchard: must sell. Ad
dress owner. Box 842. Kmmet. Neb.
B40 ACRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis.
one mile from town; WO acres under
cultivation; balance used for pasture!
can practically all be cultivated: heavy
soli. Good set buildings, consisting of S
room house, large barn, granary, corn
cribs, etc; the land wtll pro
duce 10 busheie of corn per acre; tele
phone in house: country thickly settled:
complete set of machinery; XI head of
stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1
and 2-year-olds; six good horses, 26 hogs,
chickens, one-half of this year's crop and
everything on the faun jtocs at W an
acre, half cath. Schwab liros.. 102S Ply
mouth B:dg., Minneapolis. Minn.
10IV-ACRR farm, $15 per acre; cssh.
balance 10 ycxrs' time, li per cent; rich
soil; fine whest bind; pure water; good
title. Write W. T. Young;, ,1r.. Kimball,
lio TO liu.ttiu made promptly. F, D.
Wend, Wead Hl!g. IBth and Farnam Bt
C1TT and farm loans, 6, 6'. f per cent
J, H. Dumont Co.. 41 Rtats Bank.
A "For Baie" ad will turn sucond-hand
furniture Into cash.
CITT sroperty. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas. !8 Htate Hank Bldg.
WANTED Good farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
OMAHA homes. Bast Nebraska farms.
101 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2718.
VONEY on hand for city and farm loana
M. W. Binder. City National Hank Biog.
P.FF. us flist for farm loans in eastern
Neb United States Trust Co.. Omaha.
r ITT T OA NI ft C1 CI rrlWt.
WANTED City and farm loans; lowest
rates. W. G. Templeton. 601 Be. T. KsH
House for Land
We have a good seven-room, modern
house, about five years old, located In
the west part of the city, that we can
exchange for good clear land.
Cash price on the house, 3,000.
If your land will not equal this valun,
we will take a mortgage for tha dif
ference. No objections to western land
if it is not sand hills, and priced right.
A. P. Tukey & Son
riione Doug. 602. 1307-8 W. O. W. Bldg.
We have a very classy, new, five-room
bungalow, 21x40, that is up-to-date In
every res,et. Oak finish and oak floors,
full basement, large attic. Looated No.
0739 North 24th bt.. whero all homes are
new homes and wliero many homes are
being built. We will make terms to suit
Norris & Norris
400 Be Bldg.
Phono Danglaa 4?70.
Seven rooms modern, hot water heat, S
oeorooms, pieniy cioseis, garcen, iruii
1KIK u
half block to car. Only U.bM. Very easy
srms to good party. 4515 N. 37th. W. 61W.
6-room, new modern and up-to-date in
every respect; fine shade surrounded by
new homea. 441G N. 22d St. Trice. 2,S0O;
terms, Jjuo csHh, 1-6 per mo. Web. 4i:. o
For sale; completely modern, garage, best
location, near Uanscom Park, 1622 Georgia
Ave. OWNER, i'hone Harney 4!1t.
C-room house, tart modern; lare fruit
trees, chicken fence, ll.&On. 3010 8. Wh Bt.
EQUITY in nice 6-room bungalow at
3314 Bo. 32d Ave. Will consider late modul
6-pMs. auto as lart of equity, liar. 6320.
Ksw, modern, seven room, alneplng
poroh, oak and birch finish, fine buffet
and book cases, beam celling, pressed
brick foundation, close to car, south
front, best buy In Omaha.
Douglas 152.
"For Sale"
Home and barn, 1211 Davenport street,
to be removed. Submit offer to
George & Company
Phono P. 706. 3 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE-Itcat Estate Auction: For
sale at publio auction to highest bidder
at court house In Beatrice, on Tuesday,
September 7, 1515, bank block, located at
4lh and Court Ms., Beatrice. This la ons
of the best built business bulldinRS In
the city, centrally located, four stories
snd basement, steam heat, electrlu ele
vator, tine b.inklng room, burglar-proof
vaults. For teuns and further informa
tion write M L. liavelone, referee, Bea
trice. Neb.
s-ROOM cottage In Florence, $ blocks
from car; big lot of fruit; chicken house.
$1.76". About JtXW cash can handle, fhons
i lorence 4!s).
A beautiful building lot for your bunga
low or house, 1 blk to car; price reason
able, terms, owner, phone Walnut 237.
ON F. of the best located lots In MorniiigT
side addition for sale, cheap. Wal. llii.
WANTED to buy I lots must Ls con
nected, on paved street; stata location
and price. Adress K-kM. Be.
Oil and Rosla.
Firm at 37V,iI74-; sales. 344
hhls.; receipts. 44 bbls.; shipments, 7
bbls : stocks, l'..;i7 bbls.
ltf81N Firm: sales. 1.13) bbls.; r
reipla, 1.7X4 this., shipments, l"l bills.:
locks, ;.X71 bbls. yuoiHtions: A and
1; $ snd D, $j.av,i2.f l,; K.
$.'.o'(i2 '.: F, -".' u.t.'; G. $4.tiM3.1w: )1
and 1. .!: K. $t.; M. $4.".. N", 14..;
WO. j.ii. WW. Ix.70. j
Wheat Rallies After Continued
Drops and Sells One to Three
Cent Higher.
OMAHA, August 191.V
Wheat was strong to steady, after
dropping 4tiHc, it tooa a turn, and wheat
sold lyJc higher.
Reports of rain In all pans of the
country sends all cereala hlaher.
The receipt of corn continues good,
W cars being reported In, and the com
sold Vu-e higher.
lists were quoted urn-hanged to Ho
It Is the grnera belief that a late
Tall will be necessary to mature the
corn crop. Condltiona are most un
usual, and trailcra ate mined aa tit
the outcome regaruln it as a weather
A big business In new crop flour has
been on this week, and salca yesterday
: wero reported aa high as i.O.OOO barrels,
I Including a considerable uuanllty tor ex-
Clearances were: heat and flour equal
to 41.i bushels; corn, 23.WM bushels,
oats. 4t.0ii0 busheie.
Liverpool clow. Wheat, unchanged to
4d lower; torn, unchanged.
Primary wheal receipts Were I.MfiOiX.
hu. and alilpmenls vVH bu.. asojnst re
ceipts of hu. and ahlpmenls of
I. -4.oio bu. last year.
Frlmsry corn reveille were nnT.rtlrt bu.
and ahlpments bu., apalnst rv-
"V'l'ls of m.iva bu. and shipments of
, 66.O11O bu. laM year.
Primary oala receipts were 1.SS4.000 bu.
and shipments bit., acnlnst re
celpts of l.l'ji.ttm bu. and ahipmenia of
f9;i,i bu. last year.
, Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Chhapo pir, im 3.
MlnnfnKhs ,,. , ,
Duluth in
Omaha ., M nj
Kansas City 10 : ys
St. Ixiu la 17 7
Winnipeg ;i
Those salos were reported today:
Wheat-No. a hard winter: car. tl.10;
1 car, tl.W. No. g hard winter: 3 cars.
II. 0N; 1 rar. $1.07: 1 ear, $1.03; 2 cara.
1.04. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, Sl.uS;
1 car, $1.01; 5 cars. $1.00; S cars. Site; 0
cars, fxc. No 11 durum, mixed: 1 car,
$1.i'. Sample: car. Se; cars. 2o;
1 car (heating). HI Ho; 1M cara, 7o. Oats
No. 2 white: 1 car (over X). 8tk; I car,
ar.c; 10 cars. Sic. No. 4 white; 1 car,
B.r.c; 7 cars, Etc. Sajnple: 1 car. Sic; 1
car, 3Jic; 1 car, 32c. Rye No. 2: 1 car,
Kic. Corn N. i white: S cars, 7!'4c; 1
sr. 72c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 72c;-l car,
71c. No. 0 white: 1 car, 71o. No. I
yellow: 14S oars. 74c; t car, 73c. No. S
yellow: S cars, 7;iHc No. 1 mixed: 7 cars,
t'ic: 2 cars, T2v. No. mixed: 1 car.
72c; 2 cars. 71 c; 2 cars. 71Vc. No. i
mixed: 1 car. 7lV; 1 car. 71c.
Omaha Cnrh Frh-es Wheat: No. 3 tur
key, $1.0ii7il.B!; No. J turkey. $1.02fil .21 ;
No. 2 hard. l.091.; No. 8 hard, tUMtt
1 18; No. 4 hard. .Wlctill.l.l: No. a s'rln
$!. 1.11; No. spring. W.0--71. 10; No. 2
durum, !K&!i8c; No. S durum, Com:
No. a white, "2if72'4c; No. 3 white, 714J
7Jc; No. 4 white, 717'lc; No. 6 white, 71V4
f71c; No. white, il7le; No. 2 yel
low, 7;:X74C; No. 3 yMlow, 7;iViffTT:c; No,
4 yellow. 73'4ff7;'Hc; No. B yellow, 7:W;i'c;
No. 6 yellow, 7i,1'i7Sc: No. 2 mixed, Tl'&
T.'iic: No. 3 mixed. 7mfi'72c; No. 4 mixed,
71rne: No. C mixed. 711471 ','c; No. i
mixed, 71ifi71So. Oats: No. i white.
StrtiC: standard, 3td'4c; No. 3 white, ;i.Vd)
:'o, No. 4 white .U'rj S.V. Barley: Alaltlnif,
63(Wic: No. 1 feed. irwfM.v-. Rye; No. 2.
tWWibCi No. 3, 84Wfi.j. '
restores of the Trading; aad Closlns;
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. art. Wheat was ner
vouh today, the main Influence being
conflating opinions as to tho likelihood
of frost damaire in the north wei Tha
1 close was firm at a net gain of to c.
wiin ctt-iuemoer at wf'c and December at
i!ic. Corn was strong at tho close, H
to lo not higher, with September at 74iu
and Deuember at MV. Oats finlslicd '4
a- to Viiu higher. I'rovlnloiiii, VXu'ViVta
lower to 12V4o higher.
Agitation lit wheat began early In the
session. Tho weather map showed frost
In the northwest and the Devil's Ijike
section was marked "killing frost." This
nave the market a strong opunlng. but
prices soon receded when some of tha
big houses became free sellers on a claim
that though thera had been frost a large
part of the crop was already in and
of course had esiAped harm.
Later the frost reports were again "lr
culated and somo experts hold that Ca
nadians in making their first Assertions
that no damage hud been done wra mis
led. It was known that temperatures
In the north wt-st had been Very low and
it was feared by many that the optimls
tio opinions as L wftcat safety were not
fully warranted. Bullish sentiment was
I aur merited by predictions of further cold
ana possltiln rrost In the greater part
of the northwestern wheat bulb and tha
market took an unrvard turn, affected,
too, by the aotlvitv of aborts, who in
the final hour rushed to cover.
The entire corn belt showed cooler
weather and predictions were for con
tinuance of It Frost was psrtlculsrly
feared as the crop Is lata In being gath
ered, the recent chlllv weather havln
retarded Its rlnenlng. The market showed
firmness through the last half of the
session and buvlnr yns active.
Osts easnd a little after a firm onen
Ina. There wss n lli-lit demand t ftrnt,
hut roramliimi houses and cssh con
cerns soon I1'ed nrlcs and lmpartxl
f-nth that 1s'ert fill the close.
I Iniililstlnn In svntemher nork and ribs
"s a feMum of th provision msrkef
TH(t amfktin of hninrj w,n wof
Ouotatlons on futures range as follows:
Artlclel Open. I dish. I Low no-e 'Tes r
Sept.) 00 I
Doc..! f(7-,i
Corn I
Sept. I 71 j
Leo..! ti I
Oats I
Ket. 87HI
De:.. ' ati(
1 00'i;
W' 9'..! t7i
74 74 7.1t
tnv, 37H
W 37' WiH
12 G7'-i
13 62l
10 I
Sept I 13 W)
Oct.. I 1J 76
U 63
12 671 13 65
WhO 13 70
13 72H
8 10
W I f
17W, 8 :
V 22'4!
h li
I 45
S 0
t 60
x an
( 83V.1
Chicugo Cash Prices W heat. No. 2 red,
fl.Orwil.iisV No. 2 hard, tl.Wdl.JMs.
Corn: No. yellow, SltiflrTJc: others nomi
nal Oats: No. 3 white, VtT.a standard,
40fi42Hc. Bye: No. 2, $!.fv. Barley, bxi
So. Heeds. Timothy, $6.tOlfl.7f,;,
$i.&fttl?.25. Provisions: Pork, $18.S; lard,
$.n(i: rll s. U.Whl.K,.
POTATOEnV Receipts, 23 cara: market,
steady to easier; Jersey cobblers, aui&Uc:
Jersey Giants. uT"i2o; Minnesota and
Ohio, 4.Vo4f'0.
POULTKY Steady to hlahar. Allva
Fowls. lS'vljH'ic; sprinss, Pl7c.
BUTT Kit Ixiwer; receipts. .2m tubs;
creamery, extras. 34c; extra flnrts, 2.tcj
taVjc; firsts. a2'4c. seconds, zOHfiKlc;
packing stock. WVtfW&i:.
CIUCKBK Higher; daisies, ISTJUMiC;
twins, 12VIrIIn; Young Americas, J3'4(J
li'o: long horns, UK'jUc.
EGGS Receipts 8,1.' canes; market
slightly firmer; st mark, esses Included,
VT'a'.iie; ordinary firsts, lWa'J; firsts,
4)aotatlBS af the Day oa Varlaas
WlilflAT Spot, unsettled.; No. 2 red.
$1.12 c. t f. Kw York, prompt dell v.
ery; No. 2 hard, c. I. f. New oYrk
to arrive lake and rail; No. 1 northern
Duluth. $1.02 and No. 1 northern Mani
toba. 9$c 0. L f. Buffalo Futures,
stesdv; September, fLU'4.
CORN Firm; No, 1 ysllow. Mo. prompt
OATS-pot, easy; Noc 8 white, new,
48c nominal.
HA Y Firm; No. J, tlsfli No. 2, 11.90,
both nw.
HOPrt O'det: state, oommon to choice,
1914 crop. M1.V-; I'sci'io coast. 1814 crop.
121 14c; 1913 crop, rxailc. ,
Him-u.-oiiiit; Bogota, :Vu3c: Central
LKTHK Firm; hemlock firsts, aic;
kcconds. i'djlc.
TAl Ii -Oiii. t: city 5"vy. c.umtiy,
-,Tl' c.r,i
PHOVIS'tjVK Pork steady; mess. K?
mITic: 'aiuilv $ju.m', slioit iar.
tl&.Ml'U.. Beef, steady; iiita, $17.urJ
H00: fiimlly. $lowi.iv Mrd, barely
steailv: uiiiiille wist, si.lo-.ti 91.
lU'TTl-.H Steady, receipts tul:
I creamery extras, .,TI7c; firsts, B4fi,.'Sc,
MJHt-hteai1 ; receipts U.Sw rases;
fresh aathered eitrni, ::ti37c; extra flrsfs,
.'iii,wc: firsts. SiVi"": seconils, Jliic.
t'llKKMF. Firm; receipts li.'.MK lr.
state whole milk frvsh flats, white slid
colored, sixHiiils. )n.:,c; slafe whole
milk, white and colored, fancy, K',c.
ril"LTRY Alive, steady; western
chickens, broilers. ;V; foals, 17c; tur
kes. i.Uil.c. Iicis)h1: Finn: western
ti-osen n'sstlns chickens, 2V fresh fowls.
Iced, UfilSc; turkeys, Iced. l;i 1h-.
. BUTTER No 1, I-tt. cartons, o; No.
t, so-lb. tubs. tie.
CHKi'.PK ImiHirted Pwlss. c; Amer
ican Swiss, !.c: block Mwlsa be; twins,
lKc; daisies, 16c; triplets, 16o; Young
America, MWc; bins lnii brick, lii
llmliiirKer. 2-lb.. c; New Vork white.
IsHrr; Imported French Rutuefort,
IMI- lrout, 1(k-, whito tisn. IV; hali
but, loc; 1 hHiwiel laltisii, lie; herring, 7cj
codfish, hH'K'e; macksrel, 15ci salmon,
. KMT ri)TATOK8 Kansas, $$.7B bbl.
UlIKl" Cl'TS-Rlbs: No. 1, 1!V; No. 2,
nc: N". 3, l.V. Uilns: No. 1. 22 W; No.
2, lsu; No. , 17,o. Chucks: No. 1, lSc;
No. 2. 12c; No. 3. Htf. H. minis ; No, 1, 1T0;
No. 2, Vi, No. 3. HV,c. I'htles: No. 1, V
No. Sic: No. S, ',.
Fruit and vegetable pnees rurnlshed by
(illlinskl I-Hill company.
FRl ITS- Oranges: California Valenriaa,
Mi's, 12ta, 2MKs. J-'s, .-Mis, $. 00 per box;
Cnliforma Yalencins, lv, i;s. 'AOs, 216s,
2,'ioe. $.r.uO per box. Lemons: h.xtra fancy
tlolden Bow, Xs, 2s, IS ti"i per box: extra
lancy Hunklst, Ws, Stds. KM per box;
Bed Ball. $4 no to $4.50 per box. Beaches:
California Crawfords. 7mi per crate; Call
florma Elbertas. 7tk per crate; California
F.lhertas, irtl-crate lots. 87Ho per crate;
California Klbertas, Wi-crate lota, the per
crate; California Klbertas, $1.25 bu.; Cali
fornia Klbertaa, 25-bu. lots, $1.20 bu.
Blums: Italian Prunes. $1.26 per crate;
Italian prunes, 5-crate lots, $1 $0 per crate;
Italian prunes. 10-crate lota. $1.16 per
crate; Wlckaona and Kekseya, $l.Jft per
crate, Dlamunils, Hungarians and Gross,
$140 per crate; Box Wlckaona, $1.1S per
box Feara: California Bartletts, $3.u0 per
box'; Washington Bartletts, fancy, $1.75
per box. Grapes: 4-baaket crates, $1 60
per crate. Bananas: Medium fruit, tl.W
to $3.36 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Chanaul
nola and I'ort Llinsn. 4-? per lb. Canta
loupes, California ponies. 64s, t? f per
crato; California standards, $2 50 per
crate; Moapa Nevada standards, $2.7B per
crate; Jumbos, $2.60 per crate; ponies, O,
$2.16 per crate.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1, Ha per lb.; Bra
rlls, 12V per lb ; almonds, o per lb.;
filberts, l.'o per lb.; pecans, 12140 per lb.
MIsCF.LLANKOrS-Crai kerjack. tU M
per case; cracker. lack, half case, $1.76 per
ense. Cornpops, $1.26 per case: $1.75 per
half ense. l'esnuts, No. I, raw, c per lb.;
No. I roasted. Kc per lb.; Jumbo raw, To
per lb.; jumbo rossted. !c per lb. Water
melons, V4e per lb.
VKGETA BLES Cabbage, home-grown,
IV per lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 per do.;
peppers. 6(ic per basket: leaf lettuce, Me per
dox. ; tomatoes, Tm per basket; onions,
Washington, !Ho ter lb.; celery, S60 per
dox.; cucumbers, $1.00 per basket, parsley,
S60 per dox.; wax and green beans, 5ie
per basket; green peas, Mc per basket;
new beets, carrots and turnips, 40c per
basket; radishes, 20o per dox. New Pota
toes: TO' per bu.; white. Sue per bll. Sweet
I'otatoes: $1.50 per hamper.
Omaha liar (Market.
OMAHA, Aug. 211 HA Y Pmli li
ket oondltions are untavrirable
: Mar
to tbu
shipper. A very bu go supply of hay
Is on tho market and a larve proportion
of ll Is hot and out of condtlbm. A good
deal of off-oolorcil, weedy an'i coarse
hay Is Included In tho supply. The best
Is tiiken and the poor Is hit. There Is
nothing but lose to the shipper on nil of
thla out of condition niul course off
colored hHy here at tho presi nt time.
Hay Is selling as low as Jl.oi to $i.0u per
ton and the best Is selling at. around
J!00 to $9.00. and a great deal of demur
rage Is accruing on liny that la out of
condition, and even thu best la drawing
car service. Hay still continues to ar
rive from Kansas City. There were about
twenty cars arrived here yeelrrday. Tho
total supply nn all tracks here amount
to about eighty cars, thirty -five on thu
I'nion Paclfl.-, twenty-five on tho iNorth
westcrn and twenty on the Missouri Pa
cific. There, Is some, very nice bay ar
riving from Kaunas City. Top price
1 1 noted In Kansas 411 v yesterday wM
fJ.OO to $.60. The bulk of the sales worn
made there, st from $7.01 lo $S.o.( nnd
quite a large bulk of hay sold there at
$S.60. Following la the ranjre. of values
hero this morning: Choice upKnd, $!.&0;
No. 1. $VjtU.u; No. $7.mli H.Ut; No, 8,
$8.fi7.ti0. Choice midland, Ih.ui); No. 1.
8.0041.8.60; No. 2, t7.UKrM.0H; No. 3. tOtOrn
7.00. Choice lowland, $S.o0; No. 1, $7.00!
7.6: No. 2, 8ii.0iyh"..0ii; No. 3, $ l.Qtty'l 00.
cHTILVW None on the market. Choice
wheat. $f.tA".j.'.5ii.
ALFALFA Two cars 011 the market.
Prncttlcally no demand for alfalfa ex
cept No. 1 and choice grade. No. 1 to
choice, tll.OOHiU.ts); Nfc 2, $.00i?,10.M; No.
3, t6.0OfiS.00.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
No. 2 hard, tl.10wl.27: No. 2 red. $1,120
1.13; September. tr-o; December, 6Wc;rowp 84.ou4lt.2s; good to choice feeders
Mar. 90S0,
CORN-No. 2 mixed, 72Uc; No. 8 white,
73Hi73c; September, V)9::so; Dfcembcr,
", tfSic: May, 21ic
OATS-No. 2 white, 380-400; No. 2
mixed, 3Sii3c.
BUTT Lit Creamery, 27c;, firsts, 2.V;
second. 2:ic; (tacking, lftVtc
FA IGo Firsts. 20c; socondi, 16c.
POULTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, fc!
broilers, 15c
Minneapolis Grain Market. 1
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Aug. 20.
WHKAT Scptumber, !Wi-; December,!
V6c: No. 1 hard, $1.23i; No. 1 northern,
ai.lih'ri 1.21V
KIXrt'H Declined1; fancy tiatenla 8A.40;
first clears, 86.M: second clours, t-3.'.
BRAN $JO.0l.
OiRN-No, 8 yellow, 71UA7.K-,
OATH No. 3 white, 35V(ic.
Nt. Louis Grain Market.
HT. Lons, Aug. M-WlffiAT-No. 2
red, nominal; No. 2 hard. II 10; Septem
ber. 81004; December, HfcHfl1".
CORN No. 2. 74Wi; No. white, 7S1
T74-: Beptemlx-r, 73f7sc; December, til?g
OATS No. 2. SiKVic; No. 2 white,
Liverpool Grain Market.
No. 2 Manitoba, lis 6Wd; No 3, lis 4Hd;
No. 1 northern, Duluth. lis Id.
CORN Spot American mixed, new, lis
Coffee Market.
market for coffeo future showed a mn
slderablv firmer tone today on n-wirta
that tho Chamber t Deputieit in Brasil
nao approved vaiorizaiion plujis. ajidtne Frank Rothleutner Nebraska
nppeanuir of rather more aKgTslv I 41 gteera IW 60 8 slesrs low" 8 Stt
support from ls al bull br..era There " trr"-" ' , " -,"i
waa rurther ll.uldatlon of September. M B, V. I rister-V yomlng.
but after opening 1 noint lower to 1 Mlnt' steers.... s7j 7
hlBhr. prlcea worked upward on pin-1 HOGS Supplies wero very fair again
oh lions that notices Issued tomorrow this morning, 1:14 cars, or 8,700 head, inak-
would be taken up by trale lntereata
and appn-hcoHlona that tho wet weather
r;n-te(l In Brusil would lie followed bv
a sba.n drop. Prices closed at tho beat
net 4 to I1' points higher. nle. flr
tKigs. t lowing bids: August, tiauc; Vn
tenibwr. b.aoc; ta-tober, tl.27c: Novemlair.
8.4c; Daic-cnthor. 41o; .lanusrv. 8 47c;
February. .6:k:: March. !!, April, .fi4i' ;
May. t;.7oc: June. 77c; July. A. H'".t.
steadv: Rio 7s. 7c; Ksntoa 4s. 9'c. Cost
snd freia-ht offers worn unchanved to
shade lower, with Santo 4a here at k4a)
nd lis and 4s at 8.W' Rio exchange was
Utid higher and mllrela prices ' to 76
reui lower.
'nfton Market.
VKW YOUK, Aug. 2i. 4XPTON 8ot.
quiet; middling uplands, iD.jUc; sales, 4JU
Cott"h futures oined firm: October.
8 88c: De'-ember, 9i'lc: January, 8.78o;
March. 10'ic: May. 10 23c.
The cotton market closed steady at a
net gain of from 19 to 21 points.
Oitlon futures rlonod atoady; October,
48c: Dceniter. 9.7rc; January, .!lc;
Man h. 10 Vic; May. l'l.84c.
steady; good mid 'ling, 6 86d; mldditnr.
A.rVd, low middling. 6.044. Sales. 8.U00
Metal Market.
YORK Aug. 3A..-MKTALS laii
. Hix-lter. rot quite. I. Cot. per.
elect roll tic, I7. irf.ils.0J. Iron
and unchaiiKel. Tin: Firm .-it
84 avrr4
Htexii V
4 7.'tiVjr,.
At London 4 'opper: Suot. 4iii Us 'd:
rciturrv. 4.7:: electrolytic, tii jTlu:
t. 1 1..". . fili.icB, tl Km. Antlmsiiy,
A-lio. iad, i.4 7s tki. HpvlUsI, Aou.
Cattle Slow, Strady to Little Lower
Lsmbi ActiTe and Mostly
Twenty-Fite Hijhfir,
OMAHA. Aiigmt 2i-s IHI6.
Ilecelpts were:
On k in 1 Monday ,
t-lil. Ul Tiirsuay ....
frtlcial e1nes1nv
lOstlmatf) Thursday
Cattle. Hogs, fheep.
5,, SSI
J. 'Ml
Pour dsvs this week.. 70. 473 Hc.lTJ sl.844
Same days last week. .W.ivn :.61.1 i.6(4
fanwi dava 3 wks as. .I7.:t4! IT.iwi H2.H4
Hame days S wks a v.l74l 2.4J6 4S.HHS
Same days 4 wks i :!.! I lli.a'H
Same days last year. .31,7 M.V7K 1O4.0IO
The following table shoes the receipt
of csttle, lions and sheeii at the Omaha
live stock market for the vear to dale
aa compared with last year:
191.-.. 1914. Inc.
Settle .tt,T?l fOl.uw tM.ssl
Hogs , t.Uls.iHS 1,BH.MJ 347.41
Sheei 1,61, 78k ,.VM,!t.H IMMS
The following table shows thai averaae
prlcea for hoga at the Omaha live slock
market for the last few days, with com
ps linens:
Dale. 1 KH6. mi4. 1i:l. 1 tt ISH P1i. hS"
A llf.
H 2Jl 4 1KI T
7 Ml i 1 68
8 1 8 lti T U 7 X
8 il 1 wl t r
8 MH 1 t Ml T u
I Sl
1 7 7 41
7 III t 4
. st,
i. $ n
11,1 $ :': 8 mi is! Til
7 Ml 7 M
U.I sVi 1 ; 7 841 8 Ml 7 11
7 111 7 161 148
I 8 ) 7 47
7 lot I 7 48
IJ. rw, s V T SM I vs
14. fcHI 8 M 7 70 8 11
lu I 8 4 T 73i 8 12
7 ' 8 ll
7 IT' 24j 7 M
17 1 8 ;t 7 Ii7
7 171 I 4I 7 "-'
is 7 a7.4jl 7 77' 8 141
1. 46T 8 72
8 OA
8 TTii 8 s 7 T
IHJ ! .'ti N Jli
H.l 'i .'Ci N 7 771 fM 7 IS H "3. 7 i4
' C 34'il 8 84! 7 l 8 t! Id ; 7 M
21! I 411 1 mi 7 Ml 8 04! 7 Tl I 7 4:1
Hi: II bli IM. M 04 7 -JC 8 64,
23 I fl 41 7 141 8 10i 7 K. 8 . 7 3
24 1 5-. 8 18 lti 7 OS1 8 04 7 J
2r- 6j 8 7l 7 U 7 101 8 7ii 7 71
W! 4 6.1 I k 7k 7 l 8 2'.' 7 12' s 7I 7 'Hi
neceiptt. and distribution of live sto'k
it the I'nkm Htock yards, Omaha, Noo.,
lor twetity-f.Mir hours, ending at .1 o'cl's k
p. m.. yecterilay:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, li t ".
.. Al. er M. I 2
IW abash 3
Missouri Phi'IIIo
1'nlon lHclfc j.;
'. N. V east 4
C. N. W., west U
.. St. P.. M. a 1
C B. q , east t
C. It. y west ,77
C , It. I. At P.. east .... 3
C. H. 1. P., weal
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts 8
17 67 "j
12 I :i
:n ... 1
2U 7 2
11 ... ... 1
1.!4 i.i A
Cattle, I loa. Sheep.
Morris At Co 8.U l.rjt i.7t
Swift and company .... 41 1.76H 2.7ts
Cutnhv Packing Co... 46H 2J74 :ui
Armour Co 2HI
J. W. Murphy 1 .331
Alorreli 14 ,
Lincoln Packing Co.... 2M
fudahv from country 3.:r79
Uenion, V. (. ft Lusli.. I
V. B. tjewla M ,
J. B, HKt Co 10
.1. It. Bulla 61
F. t i. Kellogg 1
Werthelmer A Iiegen .. ll'2
II. F. Hamilton 22
Phrlllvan Bros. In
Itothschlld 2:t
Mo. & Kansas Calf Co .
Tanner Bros , l'l
John Hrrvey 17
Ctirlatlo 7
Hlglns HI
Hulfman 18 ....
Iltoth 2
Meyers 8
Glsasherg 8
Baker, Jones A Smith, 107
Dennis A Francis 12
Klein 11
Other buyers 174 .... 5.2I
Totals t.SS2 8.HU2 17.M8
tTATTLK Receipts were moderate to
day, but for tha week they have been
very large, the total for four days
smount-ng to 20,478 bead, the largest sines
tho opening of the rsnge season.
The market on all kinds of cattle wss
slow and steady to a Utile lower. Buyers
were not very hungry for fresh supplies,
having been heavy buyers during the
first half of tho week.
Quotations on rattle! Good to choice
fed yearlings, $'i.0iH!.70; fair to good fed
yearlings, t7.764iV.00: common to fair fed
yea. lings, K7rV&7.76; good to choice
heavy beeves, ID 00ri.iV.25; fair to good corn
fed beeves, f1.2rvn4.ui; common to fair corn
fed beeves, $7.nn-us.2u; prime grass beeves,
rl.2f.tifl 60; good to Choice Brass beeves,
:.7Mi4l.26: fair to good grass beeves, $7.40
V7.76; oommon to lair grass beeves, $tt 49
HV7.40; good lo choice fed heifers, V.ivtt
8.60; good to choice fed cows, t4.rVW7.lf5;
good to choice grsss heifers, $4 fcc7.00;
good to choice grsss rows, t4.w((4.t0; fair
to good rows, I6.2u4i4.00; common to fair
$7.608.00; fair to good feeders, $4.704'7.60;
common to fair (seders, $6.6Ot0fl.7O: atock
heifers, $6.7608.76; stock COWS, lc"..Mtil 60;
stock calves, $3.rV!.00; veal calves, $7.04
i 10.00; bulls, stags, etc., tA.OOfll.Ou.
Bepresentativo sales:
No. At. l'r. No. Av. l'r
8 7M I T II 771 I
in 410 1 40 tl 117 4t
It Tut I 0V
t 1010 4 00 t KM i Wl
r 4 1 4... 1111 i tn
I km in 1 nn 1 txi
6 M K M Ill I "
II 1i:t I 16 4 1"14 I mi
t M1 I M 4 "1 I t
I 'M I In I . . 1011 I Ml
S Ib I It '
S 1 8 . 5 t.4 M
It 711 I li IM t
t ISO I U 31 41 7ft
m m is u,n 7
4 600 I to J- IUI 7 7u
1 Ill I 40 I UM I Alt
1 1 1 in 6 H 1 IIU) 0a
1 13V) I If, 1 Ill t M
1 1W0 I 1 1710 U
1 IKI0 I f3
8 J7 Tti 1 J I 78
1 4iu 7 l'l 1 ;: I im
1 4111 I mi I IK) t eo
t Sao I iw 8 114 in 00
10 13 I Ji 1 210 10 00
1 2V I iV
1 ...
, ;
I 10
I 75
I 71
7 10
7 lo
; ia
T to
1 M
t 11
If ...
t 00
1 M
Pflster South Dakota.
At. Pr. N A
ij steers.... tl 7 10 DJ steels.... 14 7 10
Ing up Ihe day's estimate. This, with
the eight or ten cars held over from
yesterday, gave buyers a very fair show
ing to pick from. So far this week re
ceipts have beeen 30,076 bead, being A.huO
smaller than last week, and I.ui) short
of a year ago, but l larger than two
weeks ago.
Packer market opened a nickel higher
than yesterday's average on the llghtel
a.'mixea ana ouionsr weight gtnas. but
continued to be pretty much of a drag
on ths Some heavy raised hogs
sold a nickel above yestnrday's low close,
but, as a general thing, ths weighty
grades were not much better than steady
with yesterday's average. Aa was ths
caae yesterday, heavy hogs showed a
weaker trend on the cloae, and the lata
market was very dull, a few loads being
left In first hands at a lata hour In tha
Big end of tha packing hogs again Bold
at 8n .2Mti.60. but there was a fair shew
ing of butohers aa high as 88 to. and a
sprinkling of good butchers and lights
on up as high as $7..t, tha top.
Reprssents'lvs sales-
tS. A'. Hh. Pr. HS. Av. B. Pr.
M ) ... I Wi ... I b
11 m ui i a 17 hj ... in
4 ia ... 4 ty ... its
1 171 ... M 17 tJ4 ... I IS
M I9 SO I 0 41 IM ... 7 10
to Ji ... 4 li vo . . 1 m
o Xi to I li J"l ico 7 si
Tl TO ... 4l 77 l JM T .
ST. J ... 4 4i M I W Ti
43 SO 44 71 U J T J
tu t4 . . 14.. 14- US ... T li
S4 Ut 180 4 10 IM ns ... t U
SH M . . I 10 74 Ml ... T 40
M T M I IA M IM ... T it
.l 'JM IW tii 7 ....... ;0 , T 4'
4s Ht J0 8 SO U 17 m. 1 IS
.1 1 r.i.i' itecciin were ilbcf il sssln lo
1sy, sivty-rivc rats, or about 17.mi head
bolng reported in. rnr Hie week to nats
the run loom up p,M4 brsd, as against
Ki iVM last aeek, Kl.1.14 iso weess SMi. and
Hf.i'io a year ago. Durins the first half
of the Week olllc ial ret'eipta were nearly
i6,iu head, but In sit of theno beay
runs prices held fi i,y steady and on
Tuesday and Wednesday maoe nomeanis
gains. Active markets have been a feature
of thus week a tr.nllng, and on every day
so far clearances have been made be
fore noon.
Today, with another run here, pilcca
made the biggest advsncc of the week,
fst lamlis echini fully s tiusrter blkher
than yesterday. Trado was a Utile slow
In getting starts. I, as buyers were not
Inclined to concede as much of an ad
anco as sellers were asking, but once
the trade wna stated rvervt hum nackera
could possibly use was cleaned up In
imum 1 oroer. iuia 01 xne gooit 10 cnolee
lambs moved at H..,1i), mith an elaht-
car string as high s $"10, the highest
price paid since July U, a hen choice
westerns brought the same figure,
tjiiotstlons on sheep and lambs- Lambs,
good to choice, $4 !cMit.HV. lambs, fair to
good, $4 aotrs..!: iambs, feeders. $;.7r-t
81; yearlings, fair In choice. 8. 76iH 7:.-
j)rarllnBs, 1 seders, $A(iinj.Wi: wethers,
fslr to choice, tA.2iVli.2ft; ewes, good to jA wtiTvHn; ears, rslr to good. tt.IJ
"?; eaes, t'eeders. $l.?riti4.7.'i.
BepiTsentatlve sales.
Vo. Ac. Tr.
163 Wyoming feeder ewss Icn A lit Wyoming feeder ewes t.M ;, iV,
176 Wyoming feeder ewes Hit J H6
U?9 Wyoming feeder ewes 110 6 V.
II' Idaho lambs t il
.''A Idaho lamhs as 4 So
S!l Idaho fee-lsr lamhs Vi 8 ;fi
;1 Idaho feeder lambs 6S 8 ,U
172 Idaho feeder latnba 6' 7 r
21 Idaho feeder ewes 8.1 4 ti
48 Wyoming lamhs 78 n 70
147 Wyoming lambs 80 8 70
743 Nevada lambs a'J 8
1M8 Idaho lambs 4 8 A3
717 Nevada feeder lambs 64 8 HO
7on Idaho feeder lambs ,V 8 AT
lfl Idaho feeder lambs 61 8 0)
657 Nevada feeder yearlings l 4 no
." Nevada feeder yearlings 8 lit
: Idaho feeder yearlings S4 8 HO
till l.lH STUCK MIKkKT
Cattle steady tu Shade Higher
Unas 3losllr lllaher.
CHICAGO. Aug. Stl-CATT t.K-lteeelpt.
3..H10 head; market steady to shads higher;
native beef, $i;.0ii.Ii in 16: svesteru steers,
$i.."i.Vfi8.k6; row and heifers, ti.liKuA.T..;
calves tx.MtrWnn.
Hot IS-Ilecelpts. lO.Oiirt lied: market
mostly 64) ik higher: bulk of sales .l 7mr
'..70; light, $;; mUe.l, $H .:wj) 7.s;
heavy, 8H.e7 .; plan. $;,.HiS.(k',.
SltkEP AND I.AMBS'lleeelpla. R.OOft
head; market trnna. lVlii'.v higher;
aethers, a.9ujt!.(S0; CWes, t4.tH.2.3, Inmbs,
Ml. I.nnla I. Ire Mlnek .Market.
ST. 1.0PIS, Aug. J8.-CATTLf!-He.
rnlpts, J,Wi bead; market steady; native
beef steers, $7.anfi'l!l.(li.; yearling steers
and heifers, tt.M.ti'lo.oO: cows $;
storkera and feeders. $A.0o48.2ti: southern
1 steers, ts.&tis'.v,: cows and heifers, 84.0OW
t...Ji; native calves, $il ihm H ut.
HOGS-llecelpts. i.7i head: market
higher; plga and llghls. t7.9Vu7.9JS;
mixed and butrlier. t7.704r7.W; good
heavy. $7.uiti7.i..
KHF.KP AND LA M US Ite-e'liiis. l.!VM
head; market steady and hlrf-r: lambs,
$A.00iiB.2.; sheep anil ewes, IVorttK.OO.
Kansas (Ity Live Slock. Market.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 28.-CAT-TLFr-llecelpta,
3, Jul head; market
strong; prima fed steers, $0 .404)4, :
dressed beef steels $7.1!!.3J: we'teru,
$7noiik.;tr.: stockers and feeders, tti.ttfls.c-;
bulls, 8.1.26411.60; calves. $i1.0H4ilO.."iO.
HOGS Hecelpts 6.ii head; hulk, t'1.73
4i7. 6t: heavy. t'l.eotJC.lO; hackers and
butchers. $4.Mjj7.,Vi; light. $7.1647.60; pigs,
head: market hither; lambs. Id MVk';
yearlings. Ht 7'.itt7.); wethers, $."i.76t l..'fl;
ewes, $"i.Jf4ifl.OO.
along Mtr Live Stock Market.
1 Ilecelpts, 7"0 head; market steady; native
steers. $7.(XWffl,60; rows and heifers. $.-.fKi
,7.(i: canners, ;l.w(4.Tf'. calves, $.').00il'I.S0;
bulls, stalls, etc., 4 .VSi.26.
lions-Ilecelpts. 4,imo bead; market Itsfr
26c higher; heavy, rl.ili'7.46; mixed. 8M.80
cliH.Hii; light, $i;.il4iil.20: bulk of snlcs it.'M
SliEr:P ANT) . LAtTBS-Itecelptg, W
nt. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSKPH, Mo., Aug. !rt.-CATTLTC-Ttecelpta
1.200 head: market, steady to
strong; steers, t7.u04itt.7V rows and heif
ers, t4.AOKa.2fi; calves, fi ftvr(.0.26.
HO( IS Ilecelpts 4 600 heud: market, 54J
10c higher; 'op, 17); bulk, $0.frTj7.6,".
HHUFH AND LAM KM Receipts 6.000
head; market, ir.fl.fic higher: lambs, $
" I
Lira Stook la Sight.
neceipts of live stock at tha live prin
cipal western markets:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha K 8.71W 17
Chicago 3,6 It Oft 8.0X1
Sioux Cltv 7' 4.WO 2"0
Kansas Cltv I.A1M tww oo
Ht. Loul t.lAs 0.700 1.8U0
.U.OOU rw.100 12.808
Kew Vdirk Moaejp Market.
PA MKR-feJ4 per rent.
STBRIJNG-lxty day bills, M.tfCO; de
merd 4 4; eablea 84 460.
SILVER Bar, 4o4c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady ; railroad,
MONMY Tima loans. sity day. JiitJ"
per cent; ninety davs. 24.4T3 par cent: si
months, rtui-fiiavt per rent. Call money,
1 ruling rate, li tier rent; last loan. per
cent; rloalng bid, W per cent; offered at
2 per cent.
London Block Market.
LONDON. Aug. W The stock market
continued dull but cheerful, with most of
tho business In the American section,
where tha strength In Wall street caused
a I Igher opening. Prices Imr. roved Ister
under the lesd of Vnltsd States Steel.
The olos'ng was stead. Several Amer
ican bonds were sold snd Argentine rails
and ropner snd oil shares were consider
ably higher. The war loan sagged sfter a
firm opening.
Hit V Kit Bar. 22 lS-lOd per ounce.
MOVKY nu.fc4 per cent.
DISCOUNT RA TRW Short bills snd
three months. 4Vfi4 15-1 Pr cent.
Fvaporatesl Apples aad Dried Fralts
APBLFS Qui. t.
DRIFD FJll'lTS-Prunes, steady. Apri
cots, firm. Beaches, steady. Raisins,
Sugar Market.
unlet: rentrif iiRal, 4.5Scri 4).4r ; molaxses.
I k'Uil.lTc: refined stnady. Fjtures were
Millet early today and at noon prices were
um banned to 8 points higher.
Maaar Market,
NKW YORK. Aug. M.-Kl'fiA itRaw,
nuiet: eer.trlf'iKal, 14 r?r4 : molaaaes,
2klii3.$7c: refined steady. Futures were
quiet earlv today and at noon prices were
unchetiKed to sis points higher.
Hank Cleertass.
OMAHA. Aug. 16-Bank (Ixuiinf for
Omaha today were SJ.74-i.814 80 and for
the corresponding day last year t-',81M,
trr tsoods Market.
Cotton goods stesdler. Yarns quiet. Silks
in steady demand. Men's wear and dress
goods firm. Carpet wools essler.
Ml ( r
... 4 l
Ksven par cent: barked by a security
constantly growing In valus not affected
by war or panic al ava worth par.
Middle W estern Nebraska la recognised as
a rich catt' rajsing country where grass is abun
dant and alfalfa, corn and other feed crops grow.
Cattle today constitutes tha world's greatest
No loan exceeds 44 Of conservative Valuation.
I'roni tl.OOu to $S.6i0.
Telephone or call on us for particulars.
Telephon Douglas t5A. 1210 -
Trading- Relatively Quiet Except in
the Opening-.
Nl'TW YrillK, Ana M.-Htntement
from official sources that the Aisblc
eplsxle la likely to be adjusted wltliout
further friction between this country
nnd Germany furnished the i.asls foi
another moderate upanrd movement to
day. Trading was relatively quiet, ex
cept In the oirnlnif and final trsdlna.
nut what It larked In activity was offset
by greater brrsdth.
Met 11
sl stocks, so Ions ilormnnt. -ere In
general demand, their strenath tielna as
sociate.! with the better market abroad
1'iinw futurea reslsterlng an a.fvanoe o'
tn sterling per ton In Ixmdon. Tennesie
Coppvr wss the sensational feature of
that group, rlslnv by leaps and hounds
Just before the close to A... a new tils1'
record and nn overnight gain of UV
A week ago Tennessee closed st 47,.
Shares of the various steel and Iron
companies made additional response to
another advance In certain manufac
tured shapes, particularly ptatea and
Fm-eUu buying was asAin a factor In
this Industry, more orders being re
ceived for British an.l French aecoiinl".
United Htatcs Steel wss under press-ue
however, despite opening gains of a
Point tor both common and nrefertel
at 78 and U2V respectively. The com
mon rem ted Ister to 7t4 and closed at
76" on ssles of 160 000 shares.
War shores moved uncertainly, scfirlnt
esrlv ua'ns of J to 6 points, but makiii'
little 111 ard progress later. New York
Air Brake, Westlnahouse and the Motors
were the principal feature, such erst
while active Issues aa Bethlehem Steel
and Cruc'ble rttcel sharing only IWhtly
In the day's triinsactiona. Ballroads
were aualn a neatliilhle iiiinntlty. theii
occasional advance of a point being the
slsnal for hear attacks. Realising sales
reduced ninny gains st the close. Total
ames amounted to 72".iA shares
The critical state of the foreign ex
ehsnse situation was again axempllfied
In r newed weakness for remittances to
I 0111I011, Paris and Rome. Demand atse.
I Ins fell lo the nsw low rata of 84. MV
while French checks were Offered st
tVfeiM, and Hies dec-lined V to K47-
Meka alone were firm at. aiijo.
Ileciirrenl se'llng of bonds for future
delivery caused some Irregularity tn that
list Total sales par value aggregated
ti'iSO Ono
United States bonds war unchanged
on call,
Numtsir of wist ind IssAlhf uott1an os
isrlia srs is rollows
Salaa. Hlti. Low. ClMt.
Alatka liM Ili 14 li4 SIS
Am.i.-n nl Augsr ' MH '
Amsrlon csrl 40,t A.1S l l
American Smell. s Itsf . Law liWj 7i
Amrlrn R. a H , efA 104
Amrlr.n Hiirsr Ri-tlnins. SN Ul 1St l'H'i
Amerlrsn 11. Tl 1a 1st 1X1
Amsrlcwn Tnhsceo 0 Ztl Ui t Sit
AnsnnA Mlrilnt "3'
At'hlMS tM lei 10114 ion.
H.lllmar Ohio 1.7O0 l.'H AJV4
llrnoklvn ntIA Transit.. 4"t MH 84' ,
i-aim.rnls pstrolsum .... 114 H
I'sns.llss rsririn i.ono 14tW UI14 IM'.
nir.t lyttier ... J.IO0 44 4.1 ',4 4I
tvwsnealcs 4V CHilo ..... 41
rh lento. 111, Weauira.... ..... II
i hi . Mil. a St. Pa.iI ... 1.700 li 87
t hlnsKi a NnrthwsMsrn 11
itilno (tw 1.400 4H 44 v
ColnraAa V-iil Iron .oi 4'JU. 4IH 41',
i'Vilnrsdo A aoiillirn 97
tnrr Hlo Oran.l
Beaver A li. O . pf.l
Dipt liters- nerorltlss l.tol JS W 7
sine ll.Vsi isv, . ll Sls
(isnsrsl Kltrln 7.oo 171'tj lK's 1c".
(tesai NirMhsrn, aM ate 11"s
llrMt Nnrth.m Ort, etfs, I MSI 411 42 4JI,
DuM-anhsim Rxplnrttloa. 4.4I0 li 4' ''
Ml. ...Is IVntrsI 10
Intel nnniiish Mel., pM... I'm ift 71
Inspiration Copper 0 AA Sl'4 "S
Intsmsctlonsl Msrvss'sr
Ksnsos c.llr Houttlsra... MSt !, '.
IsUilBh Vallsy 0 141 w 141 BS',
l.ulTlll NuhTlllS Hi Pslrolsum ll.l'io g.i tl 'i',
Miami t'oppor 8.4no 2S H
Mo.. Kan a tsms w ss, c,
Missouri Purine 8,800 5 4't 4',
Nstlnnal tyd ls 84 US )
Nsvaos ppsr so) 14"4 144 14:,
Nsw Yrk (ntrwl c0 toi, S "'
N. T , N. H. a H 14 M' l
Norfolk A Wssurn 4m io:h l'74 1;
NoHhsrn Psnlttn "0 101i Wl, lc)4
Pselflo Mall "0 88 M'
rsoltle Tel. S Tst '"
r.nnsrl'ssls . KV lo.lii't
Pullmsa Palw s -r IM
Rar 4'nnsollAsted tJoppsw. l.soo H ni 3J
Hssdlna I. I404 14H, 14',
Iteirublle Iron a Stssl... 4.M 44' 44 41
Hark Island fs 700 14
link l.lsjid f..p(4 I.iwo s
at. i. a a r.. aa m
Southsra Pacific l.o 80 lS '
Hnuihsrn llallwsv 1 'v
TsnossMHi Coppsr , 8T.r IS Mi Sl't
Tssaa (lornpsnr " 141 l 148
t'nlon 1's.ltlo 8.400 Ul lloV, 1".
fnoln 1-srifln, pfA I' '
tniu4 Hlstes Stssl I4I. 7Vs TK, UV
t'nltsd Hiaiss Htssl, pld.. a H'S 11W
t'tsh -Vp-r 1.1" 1744 7'
Wsbssti, pfd .
Wssteni I'ntop ? il 70S 1-'.
Wesilnstiouss KUctrlo ... S8 117l 11 ll'.'i
Mnntssa l"owsr !. 18 to li
liothlsMm BumI ItA 4 tM
Jlrurlbl. Stssl II 7" T7H 7H H'4
Allls-Clislmsrs T.M0 lMi 814 's
Amsrloaa Leesmotlr ... 8. loo 144, 14 14 txH-nmotlvs I,oo 10H4 Tit, 78
Osasral Motor 4SS 8IT 818 l"
c.. K. I. 4 P I. 8.14 81 W'
total for tbe Ssr. 7K.OO0 Harss.
Destroyers Battle;
Frenoh Victorious
rAIUS, Aug. !. Details of tha tvctioit
In which a German torpedo boat de
stroyer waa sunk by a Frenoh destroyer
on the night of August 22-X3, ara con
tained In a I lavas dispatoh (rem Dun
kirk. Tha German destroyer was mora power
ful than tha French, tha dispatch states,
and tha commander ot tha French boat
asked by wireless for assistance, lie
did not wait, howsver, for tha arrival or
help, but engaged tha German craft. The
French boat flrad first and scored a
hit, It then launched a torpedo which
sank Ha adversary.
Edison Badly Burned
By Potash Solution
Thomas A. Edison, while at work In ona
of hla laboratories at Silver Lake, N. T .
today waa aeverely burned about the
eyes by ths accidental aplash of a potash
Mr. Kdistrn waa leaning over a filter
when hla assistant opened tha wrong
stop rock and the solution waa thrown
Into his fac. While hla eyes were still
smarting when he went home, Mr. Edi
son returned to work after dinner and It
was stated at his home tonight that he
had suffered no Ul effects.
CHICAGO, Aug. at.-Thls was Oisjil
Army of the Republic day at tha Lincoln
I Jubilee exposition and anniversary of
fifty years of negro freedom. Veterans
of the civil war, tha Spanish-American
war and members of the Right regiment.
Illinois National Guard vew,i the en
hlblta at tha coliseum, where the cele
bration Is being held this weak. Senator
Jsmas Hamilton Lewia waa tha principal
speaker before tha delegates to tha ex
position tonight.
Investment Co.
21) Woodman of that World PWU