Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
Bringing Up HOV ARE. TOO ? ITb TEN TEAlRS sim.ce rve SEEN TOOSE! OMAHA WINS OHCE ' , V ' " i i AGAIN IN WICHITAis Two Errors by Brittou iu Ninth Inning Allow Rourkfs Two . Sum and the Victory. TWO SCORES ON A DROPPED FLY WICHITA. Kan.. An. t4.-Speclal Tel egram.) Omaha won the third game of i he series, to t, when Hritton contrt luted two errors In tha ninth Inning and allowed two runa. Rlley and Everdon mixed In a pitchers' battle. Kverdon's "double and Breen'B single scored one In the tlilrd. Schllobnor's single, Everdon's out at flint and Smith's ingle scored one In the fifth. Wlih one down, Tannrhlll singled In the ninth. Bchllabncr hit to ahort and JIoup atarted an eaay double to aecond, ' but llrltton dropped the hall and both run ner were safe. Itllcy threw out Ever dun, the runners taking aecond and third. Smith hit an eaay pop fly to Hritton. who dropped the ball and both runner acored., C.ray'a doublo and Tn 11 lou' a ulnglo acored one for Wichita in the third. Hoap waa aafe on Krug'a wild throw to flritt In the fourth. Bennett alngled to third. I letting aarrlflced, Hritton alngted to left, acorlng Hoap and Uennett, but waa thrown out by MoChoaney at aec ond. With tha count etandlng 4 to I In the Ut of tha alxth, Tatteraon waa lilt and Oray doubled to right. Griffith batting for Ktley, popped to McCheaney In ahort left. TellUm flew to Foravthe In ahort right. ....... Vox walked and North replaced Ever- don. Hoap hit a hot grounder to Tanne- hill, who made a great atop and fnroed Gray at third. Score: WICHITA. AM. II. II t). A. Tuition, if 6 0 2 i 0 Vuk. If..... 4 0 0 t U MoM. f & 1 1 1 ft Xennett, cf 4 13 3 0 Mel, Ina. SI. 3 0 0 3 3 Hritton. 2b 4 U 3 3 3 H.Mei-ai.n, II, 3 0 0 11 0 , Gray, c 1 1 2 i o Hllev. p 2 0 0 0 1 'tirifrr.h i o i o Total .S3 3 17 U OMAHA. Alt. It. II. O. A. Hmith. ef 4 0 110 llreen. 2b 10 13 Knravihn, rf 4 0 110 Welle. , 4 0 0 3 1 Krua, in 4 0 0 3 3 MeCheaney. If 3 0 0 1 1 T.nn hill Jh I I 1 3 0 Schllebner. lb 4 3 111 Kverdon. p 3 1 1 0 3 North, p 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 7!s4 I l M II Hatted for Riley In ninth. v.. 0 Bennett out, attempted bunt third xtrike. omaha ..... Wichita ... Left on bi ..0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 34 0 0-3 ..0 0 1 3 0 0 0 Omaha. 8: Wl-hlla. K. Earned runa: Omaha. 3; Wichita, 2. rrlMr hit: Tanneh'll, HotVlng HI ey. Two-base hlta: Kverdon. Gray 111, Htolen baaea: Smith i. Wei a. Hoati. Mli: Off Kverd'in. In eight and two third Innlnga Double rlav: Everdon to Kmg to SeMlebner. Ptrutk out: By Evei'don 3: by Riley. 4. Haaea on ball Off Everdon. 3; off Riley. 1 Hit hy Pitched bal': Smith by Kilev. I'mt-rxm j twice by Kverdon.. Time: 16X Umpire: I , " l.lK vd JoaiKH DIVIDE llotla I.Bme ,( Datt1v-tf eadrr Shaw Ragaetl FteUlaa;. IXVCOIJ. Aug. 24-Unceln ami 8t. Joseph divided a double-header, 8 to 4 ind 3 to 4. each game showing Bums rag ved fit-lding. ek'ore first gam. LINCOLN. An. H. If. 0 O. A. 0 1 X 0 0 0 ufo. If Llm-d. Sb I oiiMlflnBB aa.. M'ilnivre. rf 1 wr.'lama lb. S linlt'r, if Snlth 31) McAllister, o InffWAn, p T-tc's ...82 3 JOSEIti. e r ST. An. F ii o. i 4 1 0 A. A 3 0 0 t 0 ieho!noi:. if..., i fMl'.U 'it ' Cf t:-i. ib I ...U tl ai, ill. ..... . , r ' il hail, rf. Iiieling sh ' on- 11 y c I. rmilk. p.. 4 1 4 1 0 i 0 1 0 0 fetal X.' 7 34 'Patted fur Loudermilk In ninth. 1 m.oln 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 .-- J..-(h t 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 04 t'l.ine run: It. Wlll'ania. Two-baa hlta: il. Inier Grvdii'k. Hoftinan Siol.vti bases: 'ei'Mffl'an Cifdick. Saiifi I pa: G.odi.k. McGarngan. 11. William. I.iin.l.-riiil!k lloitfimn. ptruc out: By li' fliiiHn 4: l lxiudermllk. 3. Hum on a' : O'f llfman i; eff Ixmdermllk. . " by i.P.bed b-ll: Hy L.udiTtiulk, 1. ""Id pilch: Hoffman. Tune: 18. Umpire: i!i Ibmu. becre, aeeotid Kme: LINCOLN. AH. R. II. 3 0 ! i 3 O. A E. 08 18 I 4 1 t I rr i O. A L. Wolfe. If I.l.ivd Jb Vi-Oaff'san. aa.. .Mclntvre. rf H. S.-breber H William, lb.. H S-hrelber, cf. Smith, 3b Yalit, c .Morale, p..,..' .. 4 I Totala.. JT 8 JOS FPU. AH. H. ST. Nicholson. If... 4 t 4 I 4 i rod u k, Tt llelilM-r, cf..' l-?na. lb H.iulte. Zb. ...... K ililaum. rf.. iiroeltna:, se...... ''oiirwtjy, c...... .aik-:iiittau. 4 4 4 4 Father TVIOSE VU2. THE 000 OLD OAr. WtLU-WELL! IF IT ISN'T v.;atc. ME. OLD PM. IM TH DO TOO REtltfnOCR Jk. KTAM Tot ii l M 4 10 Itan for aWntyre In ultith. Lincoln I o 2 o t 0 0 4 JnwKh 1 A li ft I) 0 0- t uao Jill: Kim. Mden Imiea: Mr- v Kat'irw-e niTa olfe. htr-ick ri.t. Morae. : hv allandtnulirfm. ?. Haeea on linH: 'f Morae. t; off Vallandingham. Tltiv: 3 'i. impire; oeiaei. nooai-KR bt nBtn TwicB f oale.ta Art, ItHterly Poagbt fcy Tea MTNVKtl. Colo. Aug. M.-Hea Molnea won both game from !enver here today. the flrat t to I, and the eecond to a. Itoth game were bitterly ronte.ted. and bunched hlta gave the vlctorlea to the IKNVKIt. r' AH. H. If. 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 3 0 1 A. A ft 0 t 0 1 -J 0 I 0 Miller, if Kellcher, !.... Spencer, rf Galloway, b... MWormlrk, If, Coffey. 3b Whelnn. 2b Shctak. Mltehel, p Spahr 4 , 4 S s s 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals T I 4 57 1 vm MOINKS. All. IL H. O. 3 3 1 3 1 1 S 0 A. o 0 0 Hiihn, rf Hill. If Hunter, cf.... Jonea. ll Hartford, a.. Ha wyer, P Kwoldt, 3b.... Hreen. c ,, Mogrldge, p... 4 2 a .... 4 o 3 4 , S , S 3 Ti4al I I 37 13 0 Hated for 8peneer In ninth. Tea Molnea 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 01 lenver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Htolen baa: Hunter. Two-haae hit: Hnwye.r. Home run: Bheatak. struck nut: Hy Mogrldge B: by Mitchell. 3. Hae on hall: Off Mitchell. 2. Double plava: Hartford to Jonea: Galloway to Kelleher. Hit by pitched 111: Hy Mogrldge (Galloway). Time: l.M. Um pire: hecrlat. reore eecond garnet UENVBH. A tw r a tm i . K.'uhrr ppencer, rf! Mitchell aa. mi, iv, xi, r, j, ..4 1 10 1 .. 4 0 0 S 1 1 ,. 0 0 II I 0 0 ..3 1 0 6 0 0 .. 4 2 3 4 1 1 . 3 0 0 1 1 0 .4 0 0 0 3 0 .. 4 0 0 1 2 0 ,.3 1 0 B 1 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .311 041 , i ini oway, id , Mct'ormlcK, Coffey, 3b... E. WleUn. 21.. 0 hhertak c... 0 Cnntwell, p 0 Mteraer, p... 0 . 0 Totala ... 1 u If.. ie 6 4 IES Mi UN Eg. AH. It. II ?7 O. 4 3 11 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 12 A. o o o n 4 3 3 0 1 0 V 10 I Hahn. rf 0 Hllla. If 0 Hunter rf Joneii. Ih t Hartford, an.... 0 1 1 3 0 o 0 0 1 0 0 i 4 wyer. 2l Koldt. 31 Graham, o 0 Muaaer. p........ 0 Mnarldge, p 0 Ureen, v 1 9 Total le Molnea .... Jenver Two-baae hlta .36 27 0 0 ..a 0 o o 1 . o 1 oso 0 0 I 0-6 Sawyer. Bills. Kwoldt, OlBlorser. Three-bae hits: Hunter, jonna. - Home run: Gat owav. Htmck nut: u l.Muaner, 4; by Stersar. 7; bv Mogrldge. I. Musrer, 2; off Bteraer. . Double ply: Keuner to Galloway; McCormlck to neMiaa' r. wo ell to sawyer to June. Hits: Off Cantwell. t In one-third Innlni eff Hterier In eight and two-third In ning: off Muascr. 4 In aeven Innings; off Mogrldge o in two innlnga. Time: 2:06. l inplrw: Secrlat. Gretna Will Stage Base Ball Tourney j ORKTNA. Neb., Aug. 24. -(Special. Orel n a will have, Ita flrat base hall totsr- utmost of three daya beginning Satur day, Her ember 4. Pirae aggregating 330 are to ba offered, aa follows: First, SIX; eecond. tl"0; third, tn; fourth, A Injlavllle, paplllloti. Greenwood and Gretna ara entered. Sunday. August 3S. llavelock will come to Grwina . It la the desire of m number ef the Claia A teama In this vicinity to havo an elimination aeries of ball game to decide who tire chanipton'i, vhlili meota with fiver here. It U n,n W ar range! ST. PAUL MEETS FIRST rtrrflT nf TUP pricnil UCrUVT Or THE. SLASON FAnWKLL. Neb.. Aug. W.-r'peeal All game In the Sherman-Hownrj league were played today. At Elba. 6t. . Pant met the first defeat of the aeaaoti. I In I At Dannebrog the locale tooa ' th4r flrat victory by trimming Bt Uh I ory, I to 1. Roelus walloped Rorkville on j tha Doelua grounda 3 to 1. Below la the present standing of toe Wama: W. r ' r l r i v i i ar j i i - - ' - - it r i U It. I 1 . 3 ..-T & 4 .( 4 4 5 X.8 111 Bi. Paul lluO U Farwell St. L4tturv Hht 8 Roet-Vlle 8 twnnebroat 1 HANDICAPS KEPT OMAHA SHOOTERS FROM VICTORY Ptlff tmiie which threw the targets fully fifty feet and the heavy handicaps given the eraek shooters made high sooree by the Xcoraskans at the Grand American handicap held la Chicago last week Impossible, a Ray C. Klngsley. on of the Omaha shooters who attended and has Just returned. The good scores were made by chap shooting from the . sixteen, seventeen and eighteen-yard 1 line. Kant Huntley, Omaha' crack hooter, and one of the beet tn the coun try, shot from the twenty-thrta-ygrd Una and Klngaley from tha twenty-one. Mroaklya Maya lan. The Brooklyn club has purchased Out fildr Nixoa from the Uvauiuout club ef tn Tta loagua f TIIK 11EK: Copyright. 11. International Newa Servle. OH." I Urf-0 DO I REMEMCCq OCVeT HKoi THAT CMi IRON HP.D HIT NE WITH A -SHOVEL ONCE! EVERt ALL IN AND THE BRAVES SWEEP OF SERIES WITH BDCS '.. 1 ! Boston Captnrci Final Game from ; the Pirate by Score of j Ten to Nothing. j 11 COOPER YANKED IN THE FIFTH wv "v 1 TMJHTON', Aug. S4. Hoatun mul a i . .. ,,.. with it. I ourgn, inKmg ine nnni gunie; nxiny, i" to 0. Cooper atarted, t.ut wa taken out In the fifth after m had been hit aafcly 1 nine time fcr ieven rnna. FUrpntrick 0 had a perfect day at the bat HnodKiae and Kvera gured largely In the run making. 8ore: riTTSBt'noM D08TON AB M O A F. All. H O A IC. fUniT. If . . 4 0 8 ritipnt.. rf. 10 0 4 1 1 1 1 o IDA t n o 4 l a i 4 l 1 ft 1 4 Collin, ff.. I 1 Jnhn.t.n. lb I 1 in lllnrhman, rf.l 1 Kvitr. ru B ffttnfruM. cf. R MM. ( I lb. .4 Wttfntr M...4 t I Viet. tn... .a e l .41 tit ' Pm'th lb. 4 nltr1. lb. i Mnnnvll.. Ciowrtir. c. Kun. p 0 0 Total . mi ...4 ...4 0 (llhsnn. o. vBr. p., tun. a OcwUlln . ton ion .10 M II I? II t . ToUlt mil 1 Hatted for Hill in ninth. rittaburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oft Hnaton 0 0 3 0 4 1 0 2 10 Two-ba hlta: Hngan, HnorlgraaM, Elta patrlck, Waanpr. Three-bane hit: Flti patrlck. Stolen baaea: IJver. Fltspatrlck, N'lox. HoiiIiIb play: Maranvllle to Ever to Hehmldt, Gowdy to Kvera. Itnae on error: IMttahurgh, I. Haaea on ball: Off Cooper. 1: off Hill. 2; off Hagnn. 4. Hit: Off Cooper, In four Inning, none out tn fifth; off Hill, 3 In four inning. Hi ruck nut: Hy He nun, I!; by Hill, 2. Cmplrea: iiyron ana r-anon. Red II la itk Dodaera. nnOOKLYN, Aug. It Toney pitched firm tot it hall today anil Clnrlnnrtl muiln it three out of four from Hr-oklyn by a eor of 6 to n. Brooklyn iicj four pltcre H f w.,om yle'.'" "cote. CIMICINVATt. niiOOKLTM. All. H.O. A E. Ad.. ..OAK lfh 3b till Mrem. cf 4 lUrtn. .4 2 1 4 0'Mr. re..i WIIMnii. If 4 14 0 Ixillr1. lb. .1 Kllllter. if ... 1 0 'll'liMI. If . ... 4 2 I 0 ( t u 6 1 a o o 0 i (trlf'ltli if. .1 110 r 2b. 4 0 4 10 1rki. 4 lie fttenml. rf .1110 .10 14 tolas Wwner. h . I t II llrtt. 9b Mnllwltl, lb ') 9 Mrf'.rtr. c. Tonr t 1 0 1 lll. . 0 o 1 o o i o Apuiton. p Total . ..U 11 7 f 'Hrhnlu .. Pniinlfti. p. Hmrib p.. .1 W V V w .4 4 A 0 .1 0 6 .4 U 0 4 TuUl 9U w l Hatted for Appleton In sixth. Hatted for Long In tn eighth. Cincinnati 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 R Brooklyn 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Three-base hits: Heriog. Griffiths. 1 Earned nms: Clnctnnati. B. lHuble t 1 1 Playa: O'Mara CunaaalHtedl. 4 t'utshaw to I'sob'rt H"" O Mara to O' b Off Hell. 8: off Toner. 2. Hlta: Off Ioll 3 tn one and one-third Innlnira: off Ai '- ' ,on four and two-third Inning: t off Douglas, 1 In two Innimca: off Rucker. 1 "" Inning, struck out: Hy App'e- ton. 1; l- Toney, 3. I'mplrea: Klein and Einslie. C ards Make I lea a gw een. NEW YORK, Aug. 24. St. Loula madrt - n 7 t i j i .ASTt l f a itrriiKi rr"u- th inatch-'iiu,.asi1,.,'r, .. to 1. New York played a wretched ganm ' follow: Mlnnea"oli8 '' 7 1 Itehlnd the poor pitching of TMrwiu and I Second Round R. Norrta William. 2d, i Patterlea: VWdleton and demons; Schupp, illlnT up seven errora. Mead- I defeated H. S. Stephene by detau t; Wat-I Wllllema and G'-arr'ty. owa hold the Glar.ts to five scattered sou M. Wa'hburn defeated Coster I No other game scheduled, hinalea. Score: '. Schermerhorn. 8-2.8-8: Ward luiwmn e- I 8T. lyifH. KBW TOKK. O.AE. ABH.OA-n. tliiMia. Sb. 4 I 4 Rum. If. ... I l Hull.r. 14 4 C.Kaberuoa. rt.4 t I 4 Bwrhlf. if. ..4 114 1 IH,I.. Ib. ...I 4 9 10 Ion, rf 4 II P irNr a. .4 1141 Ik.Iii. rf It IMn'i. rf...4 4 I Hilar, 1h.... 4 1 1 Ormal. Ib .. 1 H-tx-l. lb .. 4 11 Hrlnr4. lb I It Hatit-r. lb... I 3 4 1 4 Pool. I 111 UNlim, 0Kllr .... I a 4 W.ndall. ... 1 T.Ul ST li II 14 I TMlMa, I Huhblnibttl. I l Hhiipp, p. ..4 4 4 1 Mtar 4 4 4 4 Total .. Halted for Dooin tn 4shth. .am 4i it i 'Bitted f..r Teareau In oxth. Hailed fur Svhupu in ninth. Su Am 0 3 1 0 1 0 t 13 I .New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two be. mi hit: Betsel. Three-bssa : bltx: laonc. lkMln. Stolen liaaea: Baa- iiaf (SI. Ml er. laong. Meyeia Earned ur.: bt Loula 3; Nr Voik. 1. Double I'lays: Ioylo to Flotclier to Hrainard. i nner io iiu..inii i. Mirer, ii I AH ier. Ilvu on hX. orr Teereau. 4; off Schupts 1: tiff Meadowa, 3. Hlta: .... inivau. 1 ill aia ii.iiiiiai, vii r- iiuiuf. k in thrve Innlnga Struck out: Bv Toe- iTau. 4, by Hcuupp, 4; fey Meadow. 4. I :npires: O'Lay and Storkdale. I'ktla Kaay far take. PHILADELPHIA. Auy. J4.-ChKa.-x an easy victory over Philadel phia today by knocking Rlxey olf the iuhbr In foir inning. lavender wa. not hit hard, while three iouble play kutp the homo tau from becoming dan gerous B'-ore: CH1CAIVV rttLlAbgt 4H1A. AS II O A K AB.N U.A g n.m.4. rf 4 I riahar. HI....4 I ti-hulia. If I 4 glniiuarm.. Ib t 1 f.-1-r. lb I W lllhaau. til I fk'iaa Ik... I I Arrbar. ....4 I Iavv4r, . I t I 'o-k. lb ... I 1 I 4 Han-erv, a. .4 4 4 4 V rf...l I 3 4 t I ' innil, rf...l 4 14 4 ' ' -via IS 4 4 SWbltlad, If. .4 II I 4 1 Kletmft, lb.. 4 til 4 4 Klllior. C....I 4(1 I I 4Auaiaa, 1 4 I 1 tunu. I t Taul ... M 1 IT li . Mlaar. .... a I I nam harm, i I e S Huairt.. l I I I , 'Hakar 1 4 luar I 4 ttataar I 4 TUI ... SI I SI a Hatted for Adams In seventh. Hatted fr Chalmers tn venlh. Battod for Baumgartner In ninth. Plihaao 8 0 0 3 1 0 0-4 Philadelphia 0 0 8 0 1 0 81 Two-bane hits; Good. Zimmerman. Williams. Stock. ' Home run: Flatter. Earned runa: title- go, 4: J'hllad loula. 1. Iajuhle llaya: Unimerman to FUher to Saier it), tkiod to Ar her. Ilaimnart ner to Mam rod to Luderua Haaea on halls: Off lavender 3: off Itlxei. 1: off Chalmers. 1; off Baumgartner. 3. Hlta: Off Kixev, 8 In four liinuwa; off C ial mera, 3 lu thrra Inning; off Baumgui t ner. 1 In two kuninaa fUrutk out: Uy Lavnder 4: by Itliey, 3. bv Clialmer. OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. KNOW' HE TO t-KK XCAJ excuse me WILU too rM, COIN' to CALL ON HIM DAT BUT HE'S NOW Hf IN rFMETARY 0PTAL' llayed. Won. Imrt, Pet. .?7 Cs7 . IJI .410 1'ie.i Moines penvor .. . .VJ 79 47 m .1 .12". 71 -::t il f .1 AM. SIhmk City I f. In. .. J To nek a. .. . .'Mmi.m .. . IW-.-l-it:i .. is:. J.MOkii Lt A T E W.UHct.'.-t l'lslln .... M M .R4T.I PoMnn 1 m .'..'1 1 Mrooklyn .M M .Ml1 Itrolt ...74 4! .ill! Honton ....M M .MS 1,cngo ...7144 .!! i.ifnuo r,7 r; am wjh t f .&h , I'lttabtirgh M o 4'Sl New Tork. .M M .is! c ,..(., r(t., -'i cinveltand 44 .3" Clncnnll MOO 4741 Iyiuia .4.". 12 .;!71 New oYrk .61 6S .4iS I'hlla r " "V Kivl. LH- AM Ell. AH"'N. I w.i.ivt; w.upct. I Mt!iM gh " tl' Mlnneanolla..""' SI I Newark SO V" Ht. aul.... 72 .f. I K'on Cllv HI f:l Ml Indianennlla.KI R1 "" Chicago ....4 M .6471 I;oulavlt ..F4r7.59 I l...-t- ,jrr t 1l 1 1 .... , c- at Hnoklvn ..'-' "4 .4-" Cleveland ...fil "7 .412 Hal'lmore .. " .' 9' Columliii ..45 75 .375 Vf li.fli HrinMi. WKHTfUV LEAGUE. Omaha 4: Wichita. 3. Dee Moine. 2-6; Penver. 1-5. ft. JoHcnh. 4-4: Uncoln (VS. NATIONAL LB'Gl'B. ri'taburgh. 0; Hoon. 10. Cincinnati. 6; Prooklvn. 0. ft. Loul. 12: New Vrk, 1. Chicago, f-: Philadelphia. 1. A M Kit It' A N LEAGUE. WaaMngton, 6; (Tilcago, . I'hllHdelnhlH. 7-2; St. Louie. 10-fi. Howton. 3: Detroit. 1. New York. 0; 'leveland; . PI'inPBAI, LEAOU1S. St. Loula 3; t'hl-aito, 4. Kanaaa Cl'y. -3- Pittabnrgh, 4-4. Hrooklvn. 14: HalUmore, 6. Huffa'o 3: Newark. 0. AMFIUOV PCTTlON. Columbus, 1: MMwaukee. !. l.TUUvllle, 1; Minneapolis, 7. e Todav, Western Ijeagoe St. Joaeph at To peia. Ie Molnea at Wt h'ta. Woux City at Ij"onln tminha at Uenver. I Nut onul IeniD'e Pt I o-'la at Hrok'yn. , Chicago at Hoaton. Ptttnhurgh at New j York Cincinnati at Philadelphia. I Amerlcai I-iic Waahlnirtnn at Chl ; eago, philadviphiii at St. Ixul. Hoalon. at lietrit New Vn-k t elevo and. Feera' Ing"e St. LouJa at Chicago K-na-a Citv at Plttab r'h Hrooklyn at Ilaltimoi-e. Huffalo nt Newark. I i; i,v Knomgartner, 2. i Bud Cotklll. V'mplres: Rlgler Dawson, Griffin and Johnson Win in Straight Sets SOUTHAMPTON. N. Y.. Aug. 24.-The playing of the Callfornian was the feature of today s rounds of the alnglea for the meauow ciuo cup luanjr, nura utiwiun, Clarence J. Griffin and William' M. Johnston all winning In straight set, Glenn M. Church, the Princeton cap- ; tain, defeated tha veteran, Charles Mac- Mullen. 6 to 1. to 3. A default wa. recorded aaalnHt T. C Bundv. te. ted H. H. Stoclardt. 9-7, 7-5; Lyle E. Mahon defeated 8. G. Mortimer, 8-4, 8-8; Theodore Horneve t Pell deflated A. M. Kidder, a-3, 8-2; William Cunningham de feated Thoma C Bundy by tlefault; Clarence G. Griffin defeated .1. P. Pare, M 8-2; Charles W. MacMullin de feated Irving C. Wright by default. Till d Round-Walter Merilll Hal de- feated A len Chambera. 8-1. 8-0: Howard II Wlltney defeated Karl Sm'th. 8-8, ti 4; V Hllain M. johnnlon defeated Kri deri -k Frellnghuyaen. 8-3, etleorge M. lhuro i defeated Charles W. M. Mullen. 8-1, 8-2. Mrs. Hammond Beats I Mrs. Perkins at Golf CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Favorites In the ! chamrlonshlp tournament of the Western "Women's Golf association, played taue : to form today In the first round of .match ' play. Mra. Hammond, Indianapolis, title i holder, defeated Mrs. E. T. Perkins. Chi- t cago, 4 up and 2. ' Mlaa Elaine Rosenthal, Chicago, de-' feated Mies I-auia KaUer, Chicago, 3 up and & MUa Caroline Painter. Chicago, defeated Mra. F. W. Whitney, Chicago, 3 up and 1. Mrs. E. E. Harwood. Chicago, defeated Mtsa F. S. O'buru. Chicago, 8 up and 6. Miss Marjorie Edwards. Chlcag, de feated Mrs. G. D. Smith, Springfield, 111., 8 up and 4. . ' !' 4 reek Hlarka Pelerakara. . nATTLK CHEEK Neb.. Aug. 34. Spe cl.l -Tlie Battle Creek bate bll team T shut out Prteraburg Sinduy. Luachen t pitched a no-hit and no-run game. Only on iaitor reached second bane and only two others got to first. Only nineteen 1 1 taller faced him. Seore: 4 Hoitle Creek 1 O 1 0 3 8 0 1 5 I'eterlHirg 0 0 8 8 8 0 0 0 0-8 Batten. : i uachen and Badura; Mad den and Fuguley. Luechen leave to enter Crelshtnn Col- I j lege Seotenilier 1. He graduated from the Tllden H'gh achool laat May. He i fore leaving achool be made a record . of striking out tenty-alx high school playera and cairh'ng the twemj- tvenlb wtm a short Infield ny. Cedar Hanlda liefeata hpaldlaa. SPALDING. Neb., Aug. 24 i fiiei lal.) Cedar Rapid defeated Spaldni by a acute of to 3 In a faat gam her by ru thing their hils in thv ninth luuing. S ore: t Cedar Rapids 8 8 1 8 0 0 0 0 4 , S aldina 8 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 a J ' Ba terie: Cedar Rapid. uelia. and Babt.itt; HiNxUlliig. Thuman and lialker. I J I HIM II S ' Q Standing of Teams Drawn for The Bee by George McManus HELLO HKKT ne old pal v ;ate TOLO ME TOU ARE NCARLT ALL IN ' HE'b RKiHT I COULDNT LICK A KITTEN NOW J V 1 I J I V V I V . . -T i DOUBLE WIN PUTS REBELSJN LEAD Pittsburgh Beats Kansas City Twice And Takes First Posi tion. i KNETZER HURLS IN OPENER riTTSPlJHGTt, Au. 54 PHtab'trgh went into - flrat place In he Federal leaKue race todav when It defeated Kan ana Citv In boh gomes of a double header. ho scores be'rg 4 to 0 and 4 to S. Kneter. for the locals, pitched well In the flrat game. In the second. Hanrer was effective unt'I the ninth, when the flrat two men singled. Comatoek was sent In to reacue and retired the a'a. first game: R.II.B. C lr 00000000 0-0 7 3 0 0 11 1 0 1 I 8 1 1' ttahurvh ' . I Hfl'terlea: CMIon, A fl'ms and Easterly; fWnotxer and Herry. Moore, second -""l": K tl t! Knia Citv 00000020 13 3 3 Pltt-b-rgh ...1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 4 10 1 Hatter'ea: Packard and Hrown: Har ger. Conmtock and O'Connor T-eera !. ti ha. lea. CHICACO Aug 24 Rv strong defen sive work Chicago defeated St Lo'ils. I 1 1 ...... '.i' - . . . ' i . i . Iff lull's p'the-a In the succeeding M - I nlnvm end scored be w'ln fii off liRvcnnon in the eighth. 8;ore: RUE. St. Louis n n A i A A 1 t 1 ,11 A o 2100001 0 Plank. Oroom. Davenport McConnell and Fischer. C lP"o H"tter!s: and Hartley Beat Terpa. Aug. 84. Brooklyn HALT I MORE. I walked away wlh tM afternoons game, th ii-htwelht title 1 to . and mnde It tw" n a row from."10 "Bhtwetgnt title. Baltimore. Baltimore fielded Doorlv and .! pitchers were wl'd. 8-ore; RH.K. 'HrooH n ....0 0 3 4 3 1 0 0) 314 12 3 Paltlmore ...1 04O1OOO4V- 811 6 Hnt'eries: Marlon. Frank Smith, T'p hnm and Land: Johnson, Bailey and Jack lit h. Illoea Blank Newark. NEWARK. N. J.. Aug. 24 Buffalo took a t Itchera' duel from Newark here tod-iy, shutting nut the Pepa by a score of 3 to 0 Newark was helpless against 8 hulls, wh Improved as the game progressed. H ore: R.H.E. HOffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 23 8 1 Ne ark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 3 Schulls aui) Allen; Seuton and Rarlden. JOHNNY CHILL TO SCRAP ST. JOSEPH LAD LABOR DAY Johnny CuhHI of Omaha, one of the coming padded ring artists of the city, has been matched to fight a ten-round bout with Kid Butler of Bt. Joseph In St. Joseph T nbor day. The affair will be a seml-wtndup to a fifteen-round mill u,. Jaclt Torrtl1 ,nd Johnny s., Vatore I ' i Amerlraa A elation. At M Iwaukee R.H B. Co'umb -a 13 1 TiatteHei: ' ciiri1." and OomanV Shack: 1 leforH and Ttmnnnn Eddie Kayo Released. Manaeer FlmkeneMr. of the Salt Lake cltih announced the release of I't'Pty ln felder Kddlo" Fay .and the signing of Tiilv Menge. former inflelder of the Oak'and team. ...... . hr Hlttlg PHI. , Ed Konet.-hv of the P1tt'de seems to he enWtnv a new leese of life. The big fellow haa batted out twentv doubles, ten , trlnles and lilne home runs thik season. L .. I Aerovlane Oualitv Submarine The best Scries Ml Pi Mi aba. BBaSaBBg SBBM in Small Size 5c Large Size 10c ad 15c Fort Wayne Pitcher Is Sold to Omaha FORT WrtYNK. Ind., Aug. .'4.-Prertl-c"ent William Klltzke of the Fort Wayne Central leagut club tonight announced that he had sold Outfielder Dratchl to Columbua of the American Association and Pitcher Alnsworth M Omaha of the Weatern league. Bratchl reports to Oo umbuh tomorrow, but Alnaworth does hot Join Omaha until next spring. BIG DOINGS FOR FIELD CLUB CADDIES WEDNESDAY Caddies at the Omaha Field club will celebrate their first annual field day at the Field club Wednesday. A golf match and other athletic events for which all caddies are eligible will be staged, and following till program a big feed will bo spread In the club restaurant. It is expected that over 100 caddies will take part In the doings. Valuable prises have been donated for the winners of the various events. ATHLETIC CARNIVAL AT THE ARMORY WEDNESDAY i An nMo carnival will be staffed under the auspices of the Plxon Athletic ciuh, recently organised by Tommy r'"0"- t the Armory, Twentieth and I Harney streeU, Wednesday evening. The main attraction will be a bout between 1 Tommy Dixon and Morris Flynn of Kan- ' sas City, who la one of the aspirants to ISV Lx Shall It Autoloading or Pump I mi. s THERE are many kinds of Auto loading and Pump guns some to be had at very low prices. , Out it Is typical of sportsmen that the gnat majority prefer ReraiDgton-UMC Pump and Autoloading guns in the hand oftbeaTerageman. II you shoot at trap or in the field, go to the Remington-UMC Dealer in your community and let him show you these guns. You will know him by bis display of the R$dBott Mark of Remington if M C Sportsmen' Headquarters- and h knows the difference) in guns. Sold by your home dealer and 1135 other leading merchants In Nebraska Remkiftea) Aima-UnSea Metallic Ctrtridro Co. WeMrfwOTtasWildiag Ul) Braaatway) New Yata Cits' Price cigar value on the market today is found in EL TELLO Fans, Read This: To the nun presenting the createst number of EL TELLO Ciear RanHi tv September 18, 1915, will be given FREE of Baseball Games I JF$o tTtlto ys I THAT '5 JUST TO REMIND TOO OF THE DMS WHEN tOu UtED ME FOR A, PuNCHIN fbA' j Benton Belongs to Giants-Cincinnati Must Refund Money; NEW ORK, Aug. J4.-The Natlonab Base Hall league board of directors today decided that Rube Benton, formerly of the Cincinnati club, is legally the prop erty of the New York club. In announcing Its decision the board exoneratea from all blame the Flttsburghj club, which, it aays, ncted in goal faith In holding the pitcher. The board also announced that th game between the Chicago and Pitts burgh teaniB played on August 17 an which was won bv ttie latter, has been tnrown out and will be replayed on Sop tember 3 and 4, when the two. team4 play HRH'n. This was the game In whlca Henton pitched for Pittsburgh. After the announcement of the hoard John MoOi'hw said Renton would protx ably pitch in one of the games tomor row against the Pirates. Cincinnati, it waa decided, must payl back to Pittsburgh the money paid by Pittsburgh to Henton. The case was decided by two directors. Charles H. Ebbeta of Brooklyn and! James Gaffney of Boston. It was re duccd to this minimum through the fact that the three otlier members were dls Qualified from sitting on the case becauM they were directly Interested. They are Garry Herrmnnn of Cincinnati, Harry Hempstead of New York and Barney Dreyfuss of Pittsburgh. Southern Aaaoetatlon, Atlanta, 1; Chattanooga, 6. Mobi o. 2: Memphis, 6. New Orleans, 8; Nashville. 1 Be an Gun? Cigars ticket to the World's Championship and all expenses of transportation to and from the place where the games are played. To the one presemingthe 2d largest number of bands $50. 00 in cash 3rd laig e numberof bands $30. 00 in cash 4th largest number $20.00 in cash. Two Band, from Little Fl Tlo clgv count a one from Largs El Telia. SAVE YOVK BANDS EL TELLO Cigars MsCORD BIADT CO., Disirftatsrs. Osxaka AU bands mutt bt presented at our office not later than noon of September lth. ' :