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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA. WKDNKSiU Y. Aldl'ST L., 1!H.. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Condition! Offer Striking Contrat to Recent Unsettled Srsiiona. TRADING IS MORE MODERATE NFW TOnk". Atir. H.-'-onct lion In 1h wV market imUv offoro.1 ptrlk inc contrast to rf-wit Htia-tllfd sessions. TVudm was mrlv and on s more jnohinl !. but the rm)ir:nn a firm fvi hn prlfoa slioayinl a dls- T'niiawi Sii- Ptwl was th rontral featur. It position rnsklns It the ob'ert o amnt-v bear atta'-ka. but at no ttm .11.1 It vlelrt more than a fmrt'on. it lil the aeneral rts of th" final rintir a vanclnv to 74. n nrrrnliht sain of . nil' rloHl at Its t. or ' above -ter1aV low quotations. War enure were n-t In nrom'nenre. with funher siclacilar reroverlee from reoetit derllnee. New York Air Hrk rooe It oolnta to US on annrninoement tliat the. romrn hail ra-eivrt eome more profitable contract. I.'iwnn Kteel at''et 7 to veaterrteVa el'-an'e of t.S, arortnr the new hlph pre o' . I'rurib'e Hteel roee to 71 lleth'elnii Steel 9V, to r. HalHwIn Icomo"ve 4'. fn TV while wianv other iiiltmvni a. trxliiatrlala and motora roee J to 8 lnts. IVoflt tannic effaced part of thMW irelna at tha end. Railroad a aawtn cmritel a pl"e or Mx-nnrbtrv Importance. althma advanc Ina a point or more with the tc ialtira In tha later tnxtJna:. Hock Islsml. a re cent atrontr feature, declined W to z)1 en report a of a aetback In the proposal reoraan I nation, but regained ime of Ita loa later. Total a lea amounted to MK.t0 aliarea, eteel a-aln rolllns up about 55 per rent of the wiiole. llc.nda were malnlr firm. altliouh mii-nk-lal and atata lawuea, with R;k lel and deibenturea. were lower. Total aaloa par value airreirael K.4tO.KV fnlte.1 States Its and I'anamx V rllned V4 pr cent and 1'nltaa Htatrs coupon 4a 1 per cent on rail. KmM at sslas sM taaalBS asotatloas oa frykg vara aa telle Alaax OoM nrt-aa Bsat lofar.... Afcaricaa Caa America Kowlt. 4 Kef . amarlxsa rM... Antenraa Paaar Rrfla... Amerlraa Tel Tel.... AfnaHraa Tnhaena Ata-ena attaina Atnblena Palilnera at Ohio rrwklra HjwHiI Transit., tiailfnnila WnHtia ... rnIla Farina fVnlral ImIIw rhempMka OMa,,..., I hi . )t. Weetem -hl.. Mil. a a. Paul.... O.l.aan Northweaura, iino Pam rinriV fuel A Ima..., ltlnra.lo aV nnnlhera .... Imnr Rio Orande... Ivarr R. l . cd..., rkatillerar Beeintlaa .... TTrie )netat Clertrto tWeat Nnrthara. f4..... threat Northern Ora etfa. , OMcaentwim fliploratloa. Illlnola Central lnlerLnrauah Met., (la... SEEK REVOCATION SALOOMLICEHSES Churgei Against Rome Hotel and Milder Bros.' Saloon Seqnel to Ministers' Caronse. REVEREND MEN STEP OUT A BIT In a nigned document, F. A. High, ll,lw. !? Phade I Hltrlc aunerintendent of the) Antl- (-p.-rnllte p.'tiiimcni w inuni - durt- the afternoon tredinir bv the plea galoon leaRUP, auks the Cltjr COlinrll rr nermanv throuith the Oennan atn- . . .... baeexdnr for a aneneneion of J'.'Umcnt (o revoke Ihe llcptlUCa to Bell liquor "Z'moTS'tlnTr? ! by Home Miller, proprietor of b Home hotel, and Milder Broth-l-e and ore f-orable railway earn- eri 211 South Thirteenth street. He Tnr. tneiiidlnar that of the ltaltlmore . . a. . , , , hio road, ehowtna- a net aain of iort rharftea that the Rome hotel Bold ar- .Ive' feTro."mon" ,h' h,r '""'iter hours on March 13. June 25. July 4, July 5, July 9 and An Runt IB and Milder likewise on February 28, July 9 and Ausum 18. Rev. J. R, Heard. Rev. Thomas M. Grans. Rev. F. A. HUh, Rev. W. II. I'nderwood, 8. J. Woodruff and W. II. Woerner are among the men said to be ready to testify of the alleged violations of law. The following story or the adventures of the ministerial detectives Aas revealed when the charges were made: Taata It. toalo it." "So, yon taale It." rtov. J. R. Beard of Cherry Hill Con- srcKNtlonftl i hurrh and Itev. F. A. High, dlMrlrt superintendent of the Antl-aaloon league, ant faring each other acroaa a email table In a booth at the Rome hotel. It was far after S oVIork. In front of each reverend aat a tea cup full of foaming beer. Mereaaary to Taate It. "We'll have to taate It and moke sura It's beer In order to get evidence if we are to ask to have thla man's license re voked," aald Itev. Thomas M. Evans of Grace I'nlted Kvangellcnl church, who eat In the party alo with a foaming; flagon before lilm. "Thla is all child's piny," or words to that effect, excialmed nevi W. II. Un derwaod of McCaao Methodist church aa he uncorked a little flask of whlaky. 'It wan't hurt to take a mere taate Jut to fce rn Bithn to give intelllfrrat testi mony." "1I11 you are the official of the Antl-ealeon liyague," remarked ono. "It Is up to you to drmk." And the ministerial caroiMal broke up at the Rome hotel. At tka Mlldea Kalnoata Nest the elergymen repaired to the aaloon and hotel of Milder Itroa., where long after the hours when the law says the ealoona should be cleaed they bought beer and whisky. After all, so much will not depend upon the teatimony of the preachers In these caaea, for In each In- atanoe they ba4 with them several follows in the party who are not preachers and who may fairly be presumed to know the taate of beer and whisky. These fel lows bought, taated, drank and hint a good time. They are deteetlves of the Antl-Snlaon league and will be on deck to testify it the matter ever aotnes to trial. .But then, the reverend gentlemen wanted to see for themselves lust ta see. Bo Rev. K. A. High hired a competent stenographer and had her make a long Hat of datei and houra of the night when liquors of various kinds were porchaaed at various places. ' This Hat ho has filed with tlia city council. He has asked. In the name of the Antl-Saloen league, that the lloenae of Home Miller and of "Boobs'' Milder be revoked. The council gave the matter the pre liminary examination today. Boy Injured When Motor Car Collides With Big Macnine John Oloden. 13-year-old son of Mrs. Ostb.rlne llloden. T.ll Davenport street, snd Joaeph Tuchman, J720 Burt street, were aerlously Injured when the auto mobile In which they were riding col lided with a heavy eeven-passenger ma chine driven by Adam Baudo, a mechanic employed by the Cadltlac company, at Twenty-seventh and Invenport atreeta. The Oloden lad suatalned severe cuts snd bruises and probable serious Intcrnsl Injurlea and Tuchman suffered several cuts and brulsea. Tuchmsn was piloting his light car eolith on Twenty-aeventh street at the time of the accident. According to Oloden and Tuchman, Haudo was driving his machine east on Davenport, up the hill, at a fast rate. They also declared he was racing with another car. At the Inter section the big car craahed Into Tur li nt tin's machine and threw It up against a telephone pole totally demolishing the car and throwing Its occupanta several feet. Both Tuchman and the Oloden lad were removed to their homes and attended by family physicians. International Ha Kaiuas dir. SWhera... lohlgti Vallar 1x.ula.llla A Kaahallle.., ettw rVlmlaam , Miami Center St., Kan. a Teia Mlaaaurl INuilfla National Dlarult National laS Nnala Coor Nw Y CraltWl N. T H. M. H Norfolk Weatera Norther Paottla Parlflo Malt ... .Panne Tl 4 Tel Venaaylranla I'ltllaian Palara Car Ititr t'oeUSata Cos? Otradlri lirvaMle. Iron A Steal. lalanS Ce 1uk lnti Co., M..., w. u s r.. m .. Houthera T"clfle eutltern Pallwr Tenneaae Copper .j...... n.a-.4mpan)r ... l ima lrti , 1 r.lnn Paflflc. 1 nllra States Sieol 1 tilted Htalaa HtMl. M 1 th Copper Vabaeh. pfo Weatem t'nloa eetlnshouaa KlexirtO .. Vontana Poarar Haltfwla Ieofflotlfa ... tepeni Motor Pathlelwm Sleal rnvlble Steal . r t r Allla-ChejBiepi iMftiai Loomotlva .. Total tar toe ,, SK.SM shares. Bales. Hlh. Iw Cle. I to) in t'i 10 4 1 .1'4 10 70S (' M iS .4W 11 ITS 7S nS KV. KT.S, .n is I "'a ins 1 la "Ht Ml I4.7frt It M mo ioi s ii lot I !K tm M)S ! l.eoA MS M'4 " n HIV, H I an u, M Hf4 ,e 4i t 6"l 44 4fit 44 4M It tit, u l.W) u SI 4 i t IH t.ana 4tVt 44 4S l 40 mi " H 4 y .4no r t VA 17J til ITtH in tii n7 tl i 40H 1 S 1 to l4 -loo I0I4 101 ioi 74 11 .too n4 M MS I m ut itnti yi l 7 K. H 1,100 141 140H 141 Iitvt , 10 m 14 7', 2 too X. H tiH "titoo "i4 "iii H , lis KM 41 S 4 41 4 4. I4a 14 14i , t.4f0 , (.M . ' t.i lor. lo-,s v:. Its) lt' loH l"1 l ' to "' lot I0S 1ot H4 , 1.MW 1 Hit , 10 t) 1 14 I47H , 1;0 41 4 4 4JJJ 'jna "" " H tua 4 4 4H , 4. ran an r, 4 H IS M , M.fO MH 0i stla , . MM 1 l' ll , t ;o tasai ir7 im u a?4.4) 74 704, Tali 4.4 111 111 lit . 4.JU0 (.Mi 4 ' MA TO M4 t , t4.te H4V4 in Hi's 4 , t" 'i w , l,7o II N tl 900 J7 171 I" , an ano 71 7'i 71 , ta . li It 15 , 17. 7 17 , . K.u U 41 M New Vrk Masmr Market, NEW TORK, Aug.. M -MERCANTILK J'AF'KR-s'stiSX per cer mi.m.A UTKRUINil lty dat jllls, $46175; de mand. M uh; cables. W.35. MUVKR Bar, 4Tc; Mesh-an dollars. .c. BONDS Government, weak; railroad, "ToNEY-Tlme loans, firm: slsty dsys. tH per cent; ninety days, t per cent; six montha. 3atr3H per cent. II money, ateady; high, t per cent: low . 14 per cent, ruling rate. per cent; laat loan. I pet cent; cloalng. bid. 14 per cent; offered at s tows .7!.... ST Ms. PS. T. Is... M li tNf !' N T. ran, sab. s..l4 So claaaa . T. C. 4s tl44). Ioi V a ssTrag ' t-s N T. S. 4s 104 da r'asVaoVT .'. " T . H. II. S U raTasia Uasooa..1 " "H a7-sJisl sTT.-ltk.!.. ParJflo sa irmoar a Ca. 4s. si . 8 U ref. 4a. Sta a, 4. ... i Pa.lfls T. T Is. .102 14.1 CW 4a.... -. soa. 4a.. tva Taa. 1st tstaPansa. aaa. 4a....7 1ios a Otli 4s.. HaaJlas aea 4a,... tit, a a Q. : 4a.. h. S. V. r. 4a. sai r'j agPe4..W So. rsrtfio e. a.. s l- K I. ft P. r. 4a. J" Ho. Pacltta. raf. 4a. 44 aoalo. a B. rat 4-a. e. -. "-'- r" 1 a R O. eat. as. 44 Valoa Parltla 4a M Krla s.n. U t'nfa l"a a 4s. M Oaa. aiartrto U....1"! U. . Hubb.. s...ij iA Kor 1st 4s .. 'W a Ble.1 I. 1S lll tVn. ref. 4s.. Wahaati lot la lue K. C. B ref. aa.. 7Weat. Vatoa 4Ua..v, Pacific Mail Agents . to Turn In Supplies The I'aclfic Mall Steamship company that was the ocean llnK In K. H. liar rlman'a proposed system, which would Include a railroad serosa this continent and another scions Asia and Kurope, Is to become a thing of the past. Local agents of the 1'aclflo Mall have been requested to return to headquarters all tickets and supplies, an announcement having been Issued thst September IS the company will discontinue business with the Orient. It Is asserted thst the action of the Pacific Mall la due to the pannage of the LaFollette seaman law at the last ses sion of congress. It Is further asserted that the passsge of this law and Its re quirements make It Impossible for Amer ican bottom ships to continue in the Oriental trade on the Pacltic ocean. The FIRE ALARM REPORT ALARMSJFFICIALS Commissioner Withnell Reads Cost Figures of Proposed System and Enthusiasm Wanes. BEES0N SENDS ENGINEER'S PLAN Commissioner Withnell Is not aa enthusiastic aa he was over the propo sition of spending $150,000 for in stallation of a standard fire alarm system and $&0,D00 a year for main tenance. The commissioner has Just received from A. O. Beeson of the Nebraska Inspection bureau copy of a lone; de tailed statement made by E. R. Townsend, hydraulic and electrical engineer for the Natlom-i Board of Underwriters. Mr. Townsend recently appeared before the city council and verbally outlined what he maintained Omaha must do to be saved from high in surance rates. Mr. Townsend sets forth nn estimate. of flDO.OfiO ss the first coat of a fire alarm system such as he outlines. In order to come within his requirements and to ad vance Omaha from 2'4 to second class for Insurance rating, this alarm system must be maintained In a fire proof building, a competent electrical en gineer must be In charge and two opera tor present at all times. The present telephone system of the fire department to be maintained and the exchange lo cated wtlh tha fire alarm hendquarters Slore Conditions Named. To further advance Omaha to V class Mr. Townsend requires pumps for emer gency service at Walnut Hill pumping station, a rceervolr with capacity from to ,000.0n". In southwestern rart of the caty, and soventy-five more hydrants In congested districts. To bring the city within the H class It Is further required that over 1100.000 bo expended for motor fire apparatus. Amendment of building laws, additional chief provision of the law. according to nspectorUt ,nd . ,ot of otner local agents, that falls most heavily mlteT flfc,Rred necessary before lower rv.i ...(. iiic i pi tut ukxati itaua ta that 75 per cent of the crews must be able to spesk the language of the com manding officers. This, It Is asserted, puts the control of the Pacific In the hands of the Japanese. The Pacific Mall had five big trans pacific steamers. These, It Is announced, have been sold to the Atlantic Trans port enmpaay and will go Into the enat- Insurance rates will bo given, according to Mr. Townsend of Chicago. Thinks Townaend Aaka Too Blooh. Commissioner Withnell believes Mr. Townaend Is going rather strong "I believe we should have more fire alarm boxes, and it may be' we should have a new standard fire alarm system. The chief Insists It Is necessary, and t slieady have Mated we Intend to install em trade. With the passing of the Psclflc more motor apparatus, but this fellow is Mall, It is asserted that the only big asking too much," declared Commls venscl on the Paclflo ocean flying the I sinner Wlthm-ll. American flag Is the Minnesota, owned snd operated by the Oreat Northern Rail road company. HOTEL EMPLOYES TO GIVE BALL TUESDAY EVENING Omaha hotel employes will hold their second annual ball at Washington hall, Tueaday evening. Auguat Si, when tha rag, tango and foxtrot will be danced to music provided by Rubin's orchestra. Cabaret performances will be given dur ing Intermissions. luteal hotel managora and clerka will ba guests ef the employes' association. Kenneth Hell of the Rome hotel wll be floor manager snd the aaslat ants wilt be Tim Whalen and Uillio Wat son of the Henshaw. LABORER INJURED WHEN STRUCK BY STREET CAR II. Bockman, aged U years, a laborer living In the north part of the city, sus tained a dislocated right shoulder and severe lacaratlona at Thirteenth and Douglas street, Monday afternoon when he was struck by a southbound Thir teenth streeta car. He wss attended by Jrs. Charles Hhtok and Charles Zlmmei er and taken to the Ht. Joseph hospital. Jitney Regulation Issue Postponed The pending Jitney regulation question has been deferred another week, to give the Jltneers an opportunity to show what kind of a bead they can procure. Representatives or the Jitney Interests and city officials held another conference in the office of the city solicitor. The present sticking point Is over the form f bond, rather than the amount. It has been agreed that 2,0t la a reason able bond. The city wilt Insist upoit tha Jitney men following regular schedules, such as may be approved by the superintendent of police, but It Is likely that a compromise will be mads an tha matter ef sched ules for trips. .. . Valuables Stolen from Pross' Room Carl Proas, ttU Davenport street, was the victim of a thief, who removed a watch and Jewelry from his room while he was absent In the afternoon. A- B- Pcrdrrcock, 1519 Vinton street, was ret bed ef ST by burglars who cut a sereea to enter his heme. Victor Qana, 222 Harney street, was held up by two masked men at Twenty eighth and Harney streets, who took 95 cents from him. Thu city coinmlaaloners do pot look with favor upon the proportion of spend ing Sl.'tO.OOO for an extensive fire alarm system to cover the entire territory of Greetcr Omaha already covered by Me- phone alarm. Mr. Withnell will submit a report on the subject to the city council this month. ASKS RESTRAINING ORDER IN THIESDIVORCE SUIT A restraining order was granted In dis trict court against Perry J. Thles to keep hint from interfering In any way with his wife, Mary E. Thles, during the pendency of a divorce action, which she filed. They were married In "Denver in 1910 and live In Florence. Phe alleges various Instances of cruelty and non-support Laat Saturday he threatened to shoot her, she says, and started after her with an automatic pistol. Fhe fled to the home of neighbors. he says he has property worth I2S.000. Rhe asks a divorce and custody of their child. Charles E. Btanbrough was sued for di vorce by Nellie E. etanbrough on the ground of desertion and non-support. They were married In Joplln. Mo., April 1. 1913. She asks support for herself and child. ItoUert Itudd la charged with extreme cruelty and non-support by Isabel Rudd In her suit for divorce. They were mar ried In Omaha In February, 1M3. A decree of divorce was granted Dottle E. Whitney from Delbcrt F. Whitney on the ground of extreme cruelty. Rail Service Over Galveston Causeway After Septemb f 15 The local offices of the Hock leland sre In receipt of a report from Traffic Manager Booth of the International i Oreat Northern railroad, Houston, Tex. In his report he gives in lengthy detail the story of conditions In tbe principal Gulf cities struck by the recent hurricane and high water. As to Galveston, he ssys: "The piers and wharves are In fairly good condition and probably rail service will be resumed over the causeway by September 16. "At Texas City." says Mr. Booth. "It will be several weeka before the elevators will ts In condition to handle grain. Ball servloe Into the city will soon be resumed. "At Houston tha ship canal withstood the storm and sailings are going oo with out Interruption." Undian Chief 's Pass Comes Back to U. P. The Union Paflclf passenger department has received a reminder of the days when railroad passes were ss common as grass and as easy as hay fever to get. The reminder Is one of the passes Issued by th company, bearing tha number Sfil and good during the year P&. It is signed by W. Snyder, who at that time was gen eral superintendent The railroad pass that comes back to the Union Pacific aa a rello was Issued to Chief Washakie of the Shoshone In dians. It seems that Chief Washakie dur ing the early days of the construction rendered some valuable services to the Union Pacific and to reward him, he was given an annual pass over the system, j that then consisted of a single track line j from Omaha out into Wyoming. It Is doubtful If Chief Washakie ever . used the pass, for It Is bright and clean, J though the Ink used In filling it out Is i a little faded. It seems that years ago, prior to his death, together with some 1 other relics. Chief Washakie turned the j pass over to Judge Carter of Uinta county, Wyoming. The Judge was the father of Mrs. Maurice Gibson, pure food Inspector of Wyoming. Upon the death of her father the pass came Into her j possession, and recently in looking through some of the effects, she camo j across It and has sent It to the Union ' Pacific. I Streets Closed at' ! Order of King Ak In obedience of a royal command from j King Ak-Sar-Ben the city council or-i dcred the closing of Fifteenth street Howard to Leavenworth, and Jackson ami Jones streets. Fourteenth to Sixteenth streets, during the , Ak-Sar-Ben festivi ties this fall. LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS PLAN TO MAKE OMAHA DAY SUCCESS An even doaen organisations of tha city are to bo reprcaented at a meeting to be held at the Commercial club on Wednes day at 13:30 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for Omaha day at the state fair at Lincoln, September 9. Special trains are to be arranged for again, as usual, and automobile parties organised. Cards containing the train schedules will be presented to the vari ous organizations, which will then ar range transportation details. The bureau of publicity of the Commer cial club has called the meeting and has invited the Commercial club, the Ak-Sar-Ben. the Elks, the University club, Ad club, Owl club, Associated Retailers, the Manufacturers, the Rotartans, the South Side Business Men's association, the Union Stock Tarda company and the Live fctock exchange. VKS U a H. an. .... ! wast. aiec. ct. lit. aaoffarad. .US', I Sank Clearings. OMAHA. Aug. H. Rank .clearlnge for Omaha today were U7J4,9S7.r7. and for tr-e corresponding day laat year, 12.49. 7W.M. Cottea Market. NEW TORK. Aug. t4.-COFFER-The market for coffea futures opened at un changed prlcea to an advance of two rm'nta In reaponse to ateady Urasllian ca bles, but met with a renewal of near months liquidation and eased off in the absence of any assreaalva support, cloa . inn at a net loaa of three to live points, with September eelltng at line and March at 4 tc In tha late trading. Hales. Includ ing exchangea, gft.Tr) bags. August. S ite; h. i4emlr. S.ITc; October, S3c; Novem Wr. .Sc; December,; January, Sdsc; February, S4.V; March, .47c; April, t.blc; Vsy, uie: June, iftic; July, t.A4c. Spot, say; Rio No. 7. SMja'l Santos No. 4. iQ. 4'ost and frela-ht ofera were ateady, rana-ing from about to S.76o for r'anioe 4s. MHrela prices In Brasll went tincUaiiged. Hlo exchange on London, urn-banged, at 11 3id. ' frsss Oil Pries Ad vane. PITTSBURGH, Pa . Aug. U -Five nls a barrel was added to the price of ih principal gradea of crude oil today when the couth Penn Oil rotnuanv n hounoed the fillowing tales: I'ennsylvanl t rude. II 0; Meivvr black, NisMla and Cabell. fl.2u; Corning. II M. Two c uts wero tacked onto Kagland. bring ing it to (3 centa. but there waa no t.angs in Hniett. This la the third ivtuic within two weeks. Llrerpool brain Market. MVF.RP4JOL, Aug 24 WHKAT-Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. Us i1!: No. a. Us 4'jd. .No. 1 nun her a mluth. lis d. O pot, Amarrtcen, mixed, new, i l iralr4 Aslea nns Dried FraMs NKW YOKK. Aug. It. EVAPORATED AHll N vl-t. imiru r KL' ITS Prunes, steady: sprl- uta, fleady; puacbee, stead: raia.u. ?:uo. Burmester Named Furnace Inspector Louis Burmester, former city council man, has been added lo tha city payroll as fumacw laspector, at S13S a month. He will work In tha city building department Commissioner Withnell stales many fires are caused by defective furnaces. With Mr. Burmester, the following four men In the employ of the city make up a quintet of former councllmen: Lea Rrldtfea, Ooodly F. Brucker, W. 8. Sheldon and Peter E. Elsasser. - THREE HOLDUPS GET $40 FROM FAIRBURY VISITOR Ed Mc-Prlde. Falrbury. Neb., was held up and rolrtoed at Twelfth and Howard streets - lata Tuesday morning by three men, who secured S0 In caah. fta gertstas. Croup and 'Whooping Cough are Chll nren a ailments. Dr. King's - New Dis covery Is what you need-it kills tha Cold Twenty-eighth avenue, did considerable Germs. All druggists -Advertisement. damage lo the houae and furnlahlngs. I threatening to suffocate Mrs. Hansen and Key to the Situation I'eo Advertising. her three children In their bedroom. A. B. t'mlth, a roomer, was firwt awakened and Slumbering Family Endangered by Fire A fire early Tuesday morning at tbe OI a ad Hoaln. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 24 -TI'RPKS-T1NK Firm. STHc: aalea. 330 bbla.: re reiitta. M4 bbla.; shipments. 271 bbls. : stocks. is.(i. Itor'IN Ktrm: sales. 873 bbls.: receipts, !.&) bbla ; alilpmenia. 1.787 bbla.; stocks. . bbls. Uuotntlons: A, li. l, I2.5; K, i WV. F ? a.: U. H. I. H.10; K, t3: M. RU0: N. Ut; VU. U.U; WW. t&.TO. aar Market. NEW TORK. Aug. t4.-8l'aAU Raw, steady; centrifugal. 4,79c: molasses. l.&3u; refined, eaty, I points lower; cut loaf, IUi.; eruahd gs&c: mould A. Cl(k?: eubea IMir; XXXX powdered, shoe; powdered, , the City. tibc; me granulated, iw; diamond A, l.s: confectioner' A, t.6fc; No. 1. 1.40c; futurea were easy early today, and at noon were 4 to ( poln'a net lower. he aroused the other members of the household. FIELD CLUB DISWICT LIGHTS MAINTENANCE AUTHORIZED Hummel in Quandary; ; Three Pet Goats Die City Commissioner Hummel is In a j quandary evr his recent venture of ' raising geats. He bought twelve Alison a ' ata for the Rlvervlew park soa a week ' ago. Three died Monday night. The city health department was con- 1 suited and suggested that the lower nltl- ; tude here might have had an -enervating ' effect on the respiratory organs of thefe , goats. j Tha animals were treated with every care. Mr. Hummel says he Is open for : suggestions on goat raising. ! ARCTIC EXPLORER WILL SPEAK FOR PRESS CLUB The city council authorised maintenance of the Field club district special lighting system, tha annual expense over the or dinary lighting not to exceed 11.1. It has been stipulated that the system, when completed, shall be turned over to Metal Market. NKW TOR". Aug. 14 -METALfl-Lead. offered at 14 W; anelter. not aucted: ropiwr . steady: electrolytic, lit ioi7 W; Iron, steady and unchanged; tin, steady, itftiM0O At London Copper, spot. f5 7s 'd; futures 10s: electrolytic, 77: t'n soot. tr4 sa: futures. ai.M 10s; Lead, t.i 13a M; spelter. 15. at. Loals Ural Market. ST. IM'lrt. Aug. 14 WHKAT No. t red. tl lJrfrl ISM,: . No. I hard. II U; Sep. teniber. II ,S1.0u'; Knnitr. STStf .c. riiRS-Nr . Sic: No. t whlla. nominal: September, 3c; IVce-nber. 4Wti)So. OATH-Xo, X. ixj-toe; Nj. S whlta, nominal. THREE BOUND OVER ON CHARGES OF BURGLARY John Toeney, William Henry and Wil fred Coyne, charged w)th breaking and entering the home of John Neil, tL Burt street, ware bound o.'er to the d'l trtct court with bonds fixed at 7i0 each. .Benefit by c haaabs'rialn'a Llalaseat. "Last winter I used Chamberlain's Lin iment for rheumatic palna. atlffneaa and soreness ef the knees, and ran tonarlen ttoualy say that I never used anything that did ma ao much good." Edward Craft. Elba. N. T. Obtainable everywhere, Advertisement. The Omaha Press club has engaged John W. Ruskln. noted explorer, to de liver a' lecture free to the public at the ' Boyd theater Sunday afternoon, August j 29, at S o'clock on "The Truth About the j North Pole." j Mr. Ruakln has been engsged In ex- ploratlon and expedition aork for tha laat ten years. He was associated with ! Dr. Frederick A. Cook for a time, and j was a member of several Arctic expe- j ditlons. Including the Whitney expedition in 1907. Mr. Ruskln la In Omaha preparatory! to giving a aeries of Illustrated lectures i for a week at tha Boyd on "Wild Animal, Bird and Insect Life," as ha has photo graphed It with the movie camera In all parts of tha world. As he has an Interesting collection of Arctic movies , with him. and as ha Is aa ardent student I of the Cook-Peary controversy, knowing much about polar work from personal ex perience, tha Press club baa grasped this opportunity to engage him for a lecture, which It will throw open to all who are Interested. Many Branch Offices The Pantorlum, Omaha's Oldest and Best Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, baa 34.479 branch offices In Greater Omaha. There is probably one right at your elbow Jut pick up the receiver and auk for Doug las 63 whenever you want any Cleaning or Dyeing done. Six bright. rl?an. hurry-up autos are at your aervtce every min ute. ' Now is a good time to have your heavy clothes put in shape for the cool days of September. V'e will rellne your jacket, put new velvet collar on your overcoat, put la new sleeve lin ings, or do amy other repair ing or altering necessary. There is some distinction, and a lot of satisfaction, In having your clothes cared for by us. ' There's a difference. The Pantorium 'Go! Cleaners and Dyera" 1513-15-17 Jonee HtrrW, Phone Doug. 963. Receiving Station, S013 Farnam Strert. South Side, 528 No. 24th St. intone So. 12H.1. ORDINANCE WOULD FORBID GARAGES IN DWELLINGS Commissioner Withnell has Introduced an ordinance to prohibit maintenance of automobile garages in connection with any building used for dwelling purposes. Instances have been found of garagea In basements of buildings UmkI for rrsi denca purposes. The explanation Is offered that thla ordinance Is to reduce the tire risk. KemoTti bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curb, tilled Tendona. Sore ness from any Bruise or Strain; Stops Spavin Lam t nets. Allays pain. Does not Blister, remove tha hair oi by up the hone. 11.00 bottle, delivered. Book 1 K free. ABSORBINE. JR.. the antiseptic Hr.1 mcntfof mankind. For Synovltla, Strain 1 Gouty or Rheumatic deposits. Swollen Painful Varicoee Veins. Wi I tell yov more if you write, f 1 and f 2 per bottle at dealers or del' vered. Manufactured only bj .F f0UM.r.0.r. I!4laai at&nslsM.laaa SBi.lsisjaagjaassasjsajai ais i 1 1 4 siniW'ialarisatririiW ti TUESDAY Continue (or TEN DAYS I Slashing Piano Prices Not Less Than 50 Pianos Must Go Within the Next Ten Days To mnkn room for lnrsro sliinmcntg of V orld-f amed Pianos and F'laycr Tianos, now in transit from various factories, Every Piano and Player Piano (With Exception of Knabes) will be offered at most alluring low prlcea during thla Clearance Sale. Choose from such world-famed makes as Everett Fischer Smith & Barnes Sohmer Estey Price & Teeple Schaefff r Marshall & Wendell Geo. B. Morris and others. While among the Player Pianos The "Angelus," the Player Supreme, is included with several other splendid makes. You can't afford to miss this rare opportunity at pricings so extremely low. t Good Upright Practice Pianos $65, $85, $90, $100 Vcrj Slightly Used Pianos Regular $250. $275, $300 and $350 instruments, at Just Half Original Prices. Your Choice of Ten New Pianos Beautiful instruments, made to sell at $350 $173 Player Pianos. x $225, $275, $300, $325, $350 Used Organs at $5, $8, $10 and $12 We Rent New Pianos and allow six months' rent to apply on purchase price. WHY NOT FILL THAT PIANO CORNER NOW? Terms Arranged to Suit Your Convenience. HAYDEN BROS. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY PIANOS. as B After returning from the links you will find a cold bottle of THE BEER YOU LIKE most refreshing. Ask for it and be convinced. Quality counts. Save Coupons and Get Free Premium. 'Phone Douglas 1889 and Have a Case Sent Home. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors j We Will Pay You To Tell Us This Why axe you planning to move T and what sort of a new home do you wish to se cure f A city residence or suburban hom apartment or flat, no matter what, nor where; tell us about it in a letter. For the best let ters submitted THE BKE will pre away $25 in CASH PRIZES, to be divided as follows: $10.00 for the bt letter, $7.00 for the second best, $5.00 for th third best letter, and $L00 each for the next beat three. The contest is undertaken in connection with the Complete Rental Guide of THE BEE. There will be lots of contest ants so get your letter in early. Write clearly on one side of the paper only, and, Bigned and sealed, submit to THE BEE marked for the "Letter Contest." Every ono will have an o-jual chance, but do your best. THE OMAHA BEE 9