TTTE HEE: OMATTA, AUGUST 1915. paononoaononononoaonoaoQoaonoaonoaoDODOQononoaoaoaononoaoaoaonoooaoaoaonouoDOQoaononon onoaonoaononoaoonononoQOQoaononoaoDonQ y Classified advertising in TTie Bee is a solvent for nnosl of ttlie B little troubles wtiicln creep into ttlie routine of daily affairs u O D o D o r cnoaonoaoaonoaoaoaoQOoosaoooaoaoaononoaoaoaonoi loaonononoaonononoaonoDooononononononononononononononooonoaonononono loacaoaoaoao 9 WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Irwure proper classification must be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon tor evening odltlon and T AO p. m for morning and Sunday editions. Want d received aftr ch hour will bo under tb beading. "T Lata to Claoslfy." CASH RATE4) . roneecutlv times, 1 cent ft word sack Insertion. ... Two or mot oonsecuttv tlmea ltt cents wort. One Una, t cent ft word. CHARGE KATES. Botot mnmcuUvt tlmea, cents ft 1 tach Inaction. Tiir nmixtcuttva tlmea. 18 uf each lnartl(4. One time, U rent ft line. CVnint als average worda to ft una. ttlmlmum charge, 10 centa An advertisement Inserted to b run until discontinued must bo toppd oy written order. . . All clalma for arrora tnurt be mMJ within fifteen dsvs after tbo laat Inaer 11 on of tba advertisement ton can tlac rour want ft to h boo try leler.hon. TELEPHONE TTLEH nr,Tu ano funkrai, notices HAMMAR Carl E.. aged 68 years months 10 day. August 23, 1915. , Funeral Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock from N. V. 8 wsnson s Seventeenth and Cumlnic streets, to Froe fect HM cemetery. Friends Invited. rJCKERMEIRHORN Arthur William, died Mnndsy. August 23. Wo. aged 1 year and 6 montha. , Funeral from residence of hla parent. tih Myrtle avenue. Wednesday, August 2.1. at I p. nv. Interment, ForestlAwn. HIHTIII AND DEATHS. Rtrtha Denis and Louis Barkalow, Tail Bt. Mary a avenue; John J. and Margaret Croft, MtWfc Chicago, ojlrt ; orx and Kolley Colllna, Ml South Thirty-third avenue, South Hide, boy; Kmll and Bahraen Caaaerp. 4W1 W, girl; William and Mary Hughe, hospital, girl; Oonrad and Alloe Klether. $ N. boy; Fred and Louisa Ivihmann, 1104 friouth Twenty-seventh avenue, boy; Ouy u.w nrmuL &61& North Twenty- aeventh. boy; flam and May Park, 720 North Eighteenth, South Side, girli Wil liam B. and Mary Proesen, 22& Bristol, boy; Joeeph and Francea Tesmalllldnk, 48 South Twenty-second, South fide, Deaths Mra. Jana McRa. M. K North ' Forty-ninth avenue; Miss Mary F.sser, ."2. hospital; Mary A. Smith, 43. hospital; Oscar William Maxwell, 80, Eighteenth and Dniirlae: Troln J. .lonea, 20, hoapltal; Mary Child y, I daya. 1 Oold. MtRRMfiR LKEK. Kame and Relrtenro. A. BTarry Sprlna'er, Omaha W Flora Ware, Omaha 8 Joaef Aarhenbrenner, Plattamouth 4 Antnnla Sramek. Omaha Konatanty Knnat, Omaha ! Koatancyla Burnlka, Omaha 1 Anton W. rtohaboy, Fmirua, Nab M MollleTop. Weeton. Neb N nienn McKlm. Omaha ti Vera Myera, Omaha 1 Jlnrrv T. Senior, Onincll Bluffa K Marnnret P. Brandt. Council Bluffa.... IS 1'enrv J. Iawaon. Aahland, Neb Vera Coffin, Anhland, Neb..'. v-fim O. Borkewlta. Council Bluffa. 41 1 tuoJutlua. Fort Iodae. la 3 ntlLDINO PBIIMITI. Frtaar X. wenquiai. mn martna. irmjuw , dwelllna-. I2.S0O; OeorM Hampel. S04 North Fdaar T. Wenqulat, IT Martha, frajna ami. a Jt n ln M NAi TOn-ll'in HYPll'l", IINIHD uw. T-',"'. J. H. Davta. 1714 South Thlrty-aeoond avenue, frame auto shed. IU0. Today's Movie ProjTamf LANTERN eUaea for Mtm, Send your ' eopy t na. Wa cm reproduce photo bt will proper rour oopy. Wo will color as directed. So Pttoto Dap. Ut Boo Bid. EMPRESa75"lWand Douglas. t HIGH CLA83 VAUDEVILLE. High Olasa Vaudervtlle. Tha Legacy of Folly, g-reet KaJanv Dreamy Dud See Oiarloy ChskpUn, KaaV !us-8ellg News No 87. M ra. Bandolph' New Beorotary. Box PRINCESS. DOUULA8. latest chapter of tha Broken Coin No J In a Japanese uardea, drama, Tha Little OipliK Juvenile drama. Latest Current Uventa, War View. Bto. CRAND, TH AND BINNJ5T. Theda Bara In The Devil' Dughter Fox feature lnflv part. LOT H RO P," 1 4 Til AN D LOT11ROP. The Daughter of the People feature In fly parts. ft world koafk. APOLLO. J 82 4 LEAVENWORTH. A Deed of Daring, Kalem. The Battle of Klilerbush, Blograph. Pertles Stratagem, Vltagrai'h. ?ioxrkoK. w"":;06 farnam. Xadge Iesslng in "Tth Blue Mouse." The Lauahlng Scream of Two Conti nents, ( reels. Soalk Side. I4TH AND N. liESSE. The Juggernaut FIVE MASSIVE PART8. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. positively the most note worthy achievement in the history." of motion photo lkaphy. included in the su i'l'kb cast arb tub nation's favorites. mis; anita btewart and earl williams. MOTOR DOWN TO THE BESSB AND HEAR THE PIPE ORGAN. ORP1LKUM. t4TU AND K Mlleatona of Lffe, ft 4-reel feaxure. A MOVIES a T FEATURES Tf A TODAY M 33 ESSE. I4TH AND N, The Juggernaut, ft (-reel wonder, featur tiring Anita Stewart and Earl Williams, Grand, ith and bFnney. Theda Bara In Tti Devil's Daughter. Fox feature 1st flv parta. JyOTHhOP. 24TH AND LOTUHOP. The Daughter of the People, ft world featurei la flv port. ' fi ON ROE. tadge Lessl Tne Laugh nrnts. 4 rv "25 66 FARNAM. tadge Leasinsr In "The Blue Mouse " Trie Laughing lawn of Two Conti nents, e rie. tUI'Hfc.UM. 24TH AND N. ) llostooe of litm, -rvf feature. p HlNCLiid. r-ettat Chapter 1117-1 DOUQLAB. of the Broken Coin ANNOCSCEMKST8 BUSINKSS COLLEQB STL'DKNTS SAVE MONKY ON COUR8E3. For aale, with good rfaaona for aelllnc. variety of rourwi In a reliable Bul neaa SchooV one of the leading- bualnraa coIIprkr of Omaha. Will he enld very reaennabln away below rra-tilar prlra. If you are ronnlderlna: taklna a couree InveMlirate thlx at nnre, ulnne Fall terra beln noon. Oil office. Omaha Beo. Wll.I.tfl C. CROSBY, undertaker a ad em balmer. new location, 25U-2T.ll N. 24th BL The moat up-to-date, modnrn undertak ing parlora In the rlty. Tel. Web. 47. Invaetlrau T.M.C.A. out'a park, aummor. Office on 17th St Doublo WindowB ONI.Y VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Prlrkta Office. Wiiltlnc Room 180 8q. Ft. 118.60 The Bee Building Office Room 101. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conalderlng aelllnc ' buying: a uaed car and you want full value for your money or you waat people Who are willitm to pay for what they are -ttln(r you will hnve no reiiret If you buy or advertlHe throufh the uaed car column ol The Hee. I'hone Tyler 1. HARK CIIANCU. 122500 allRhtly burned, (-pane. Ar.-A 1911 model, fore door, electric Itfhte top, tide curtain, demountable rime, entra tire and rim. tubee and atnraio'(iy. MUht Klve part time Call Sunday. Web. IM. Week deye, p. IW7. Ht'PMOHH.B for lot. 2124 a fit TIRE KXI'KN.SK Cl.'T IN TWO. Wa take two old Urea and return one good one. Price, 12.76 and up. NEB. DOUBUS-TREAD TIRE CO., 1 Farnajn Bt Tel. Douglaa 151 FONTKNfcLLK AUTO CO.. lit . mil t Ei pert repalrlnc; bariralna In Uad eara. giiaratiteed aa repreeented. FOR SALE My uaed Oidemohlla tourlns car, in good condition, mo. Car can be "n ai jw r a mam ni. -irftgftOj,. 20th Harney St , 1100 REWARD for any magneto wa ca-i't repair. Colls repd. Baytdorfer 210 N. li.o BABOoCK electric coupe, trimmed In dark blue broadcloth, fine condition, without batteries, 112. Must go this week. Tyler 701. W. Pfelffer Car Wks. WE pay cash for used cars. The Auto Clearing House, Km Fsrnem St. O. M10. NEBRASKA Bulck Service Station. 114 Famam SL Phone Douglaa 7X1. OrsilYCM CHAKCEH lLf.our Chance will stand rljid Investigation and la Just what It la advertised, or If you are looking to start In business tor yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you usa the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy. - ..M ifu.iiiW k uuneA yier imiu. NEW modern hotel, equipped with HahL 1 bath and heat. on'Llncott! i HlSw.y . for rant. Address P. C. Meyer. Paxton Neb RF38TAURANT for sale cheap If taken ... ,..,ir : MfjJi, iuiimiis.ioiy; raiiroaa terminal. Box FOR QUICK HALU.-Kxcluaiva nnl. furnishing goods and clothing store In live Neb. xown. A (Id reus Y-7. Bee. WANTED To buy an Interest In country bank, carrying position of cashier; am experienced. Address Box 126, Orleans. OARAGE FOR SALE. 10 good live oounty seat town of t,no. Thla garage haa been doing a good busi ness for two years and has been making money ftll the time end Is now. It will take about li.Snn to handle It. Act quick f OM wUI .P,ck t UP, If worth your time to write. Uoou reason for aelllng. Address Y 6RJ. H.i. glQNB. show crd. Clark at Bon. D. ir?. OWNERS-Llst your property with W. w. wunama. 2Q Neville Blk. D. 4407. ) SELL or buy a bfslness, call on iuach A Borghoff. Frenser Blk. tj. nil Cool Offices For HOT DAYS . B Comfortable Yourself and . Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building uperlotendsm Office Hoom 10s. i aw. m pee xiiog. loug. 477. rtAl, estate Buatnesa plates supplied or handled; alt states f. V. Knlesl Omaha, SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar galns In established shows. I. K30. FOR RBNT. York. Neb., two-story brick Btor building, completely modern: best buslnosa locatlun. Oeo, W. France, York. Neb. THEATERS Buy. lea or sell your the ater, machine and sipinloj through Theater Exoh. Co.. 14M Faroam. D. 14V7. ' EDCCATIOWAL Tlio VAN SANT SCHOOL gTENOORArUT BOOKKETCPINO. Day School for Young Women. lOvorOng School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. ioiie v . Lmuy. uwner aiia MAnager. SO So, Uth St. Ouiakft. Boyles College Day School. Night School, uomplee business oure. complete aborthaaid r stenotyp course, complete telegraphy oouree, civil ei rvloe branohea and Eug llh. Students admitted at any tiiuo. Writ, pbone or call for lll rataiogue, BOYLES COLXEQU. H. B. BOYLEd, Prealdent Tel. D t6fe Loyl.s Bldg.. etmaha. NvB OR sale, tha folloalng scholarships Ut first clas Omaha liualness College: On unlimited combination '' rttri gad shorthand courae. Om unlimited oienographlo oo urea. One three montha' buslnes or steno- graphlo courae. Will be sold at ft discount at ths offlo f Tb Omaha Be. - ron B.VLB FOR SALE Here la ft claaalflcatlom hat Is of Uie uuuoat luportanc to ovary reader, aa thla column oUers some excep tional opportunities every day and ft snuul want ad will aell your article at lis full value, t'bone Tyler luuu. FereHere, Ueeeefteld toea, B,te, (FOR BALK Fumltur and fixture In 4u-room hotel, doing good Commercial business, southern Bouth Dakota, A duress C 7. Pre. DrKH boah "L"d OUJ4. J. O, heet. 'f''uli"l yaruam et D. glet kAhOAIN& IN Fl'HN 1TUH E AND HARDWARE. 1MB N. UTH. W KT1. ld. llorsje ss4 keeuiea FRESH COW. ttt. Phone South WANTk-D: liubber Ured road talU ii. Busman, poaluf (toe, Bout Omaha. von SALE Hroea aaal Tekleleo. Grocers, Attention! OCR larva atork of delivery wagtn, (Studebaker'a, and our own make), of fered at low prloee to maka room for our new Automobile trucka ami Ford truck bodies. .'OUNUS PANFORTH COMPANY, IKZ-ai-M N. K.i, St.. near Clark Bt TEA Ml NO gear, one or a carload. AU alaea, two to nix-ton rnpni'ltlre. We eell the Studebaker, the Bain, the Pater Schuttler, 1'ekin and Bueikena. Hunt ac-ll 1U0 thla month. Mlg reduction In price. JOHNSON-D AN FORTH COMPANY. Poalirr. Paae aad Sappllea. BT E H EOT Y 1' B matiicea maka tha beat and rheapeet lining, for poultry houaea. They are 17(21 Inchea, atronger and mora Durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Tta a hundred at Tha Hee office. MXD grain. 100 Iba. U.K. Wagner. HOI N. 14 "! n-Htfrt TYPEWRITERS. 110 and up. B Bee Bldg. ONB NEW, 1, C Smith typewriter No. complete with stand. 146. Inquire 2S02,V...' "-iaiion. juy jsauonai uanK Sherman Ave. T Y PK v Ht I r.ll.H sold, mne, repajrea Central Typewrite Kae. lkOt Fa mam. MUerllaBeoas. CjO OA Oolden West WhUkay. 4 full D.l. XI J quaru out t ltd In bood, pra tv'"v paid. Caokley Broa.. Omaha. CARPENTER tools, ahovels, plrks, jack acrews, 10-penny matph vending ma chines, 60c each; good horse. 126; harness, 110; express wagon. IH6; kitchen utenaila, one electric plaro. 1 sideboard, 1 ball tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. ISH. 10M S. th St. Harney 143. LARGE fish aiisr1um. Tel. Doug. all. t-KCOND-HAND Burrough adding ma chine. Excellent condition. Must eel I quick. Addresa J 7H0, Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleva and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balka-Collender Co.. 407-) a Mth St. DOUBLE-SURFACE Planar, tO-lnch, Whitney make. In working condition, for sale cheap. May be aeen at actual work at the Kretchmer Faotory, M Eleventh Ave., Council Bluffs, la. A snap it you FOR BALE CHEAP Business College Course. Full and complete rcholarshlp In on of the best Omaha business schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly rella- $n$. WtUVnvSrtlSK at once. Iecause fall term begins Boon. There are a variety of courses for sal Coal Direct lo You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. New IM-hand mo to re, dynamos. magnatoa, eta., mechantoal Works.tU-10 a uth Bt HELI WAJTTKTJ TTEMALB l??lrml mm ofn"- STNOn i ADVANCEMENT S.f NtKlRAPHLH ia 8TENO. and Bookkeeper V7t WATTS REE. CO., m8-4P- Bran. To, S'frJNOailAPIUfiBS When In need of ft position, call oo Uft, - Hi) CHAltUE Doug. U4. Remington Typewriter Co, OIRL to learn halrdreeslng. Oppenhelm. H"krr aa4 Lluaaretloa. 1HE bervaric Ulrl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run ft Servant Girl Wanted Ad FRlLk, until you get the dealrad results. 1 his applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bnag ad to mme- or leiopnun "lyier WuB. WANTED A competent cook; ctty ref erencee required. Tel. Har. 15l. WANTED A neat, competent girl for general housework: two In family: must give references. Harney 8ut. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousewtrk; no washing; references re quired. Mra. M. B. Newman, ilUU Howard bt. I'hone Harney S31S. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. .If .06 Harney St. WAMWi a g.rl for general housework. 1U Park Ave. WANTJCD A competent girl for general housework. Harney 3407. WANTED A competent clrl fnr feneral ar. (21 housework. !'.! ti. K4lh St. 1 hon I w l Krirn v . ni cuming Bt or phone H. 68. i WAisTKO-competent girl or woman for general hntiMAivirk nw -n i.A nUhts, permanent Place. Phone Harney itbH. , WANTED A girl rk Ked 634S. for general houso- v i bi-A girl for general bouae- work; no washing. 720 8. 37th St. VVANTEI Competent girl for genertU housework, small family, good wages. 1L 4itJ, 1JJ0 8. Jtli St. WANTED A ulrl for general house. work. Apply at once Small family, wagta. 10 S. Vith Bt. WANTED Young whit girl to do sec ond work and help with children, one who can go home night preferred. 4032 Iiard. Walnut !Uf WANTEI Coiiipetent girl to do general housework; 1 ln family good wages. Call after Aug. 17. li!4 8. lth. COMPETENT girl for genera, housework; no utunary worn; guou wages. Hla U-.r. WANTED By family of two, a girl who ha bad experience In general housework. Call louglaa :. WANTEl At once, oompeunt write maid for general housewurk In private family In Fremont. No washing. Tel. Harney 47. Omaha. . WANTED An experienced white cook. with references Apply ii No. S8th 8t Phone Harney st8. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; S In family; reference re quired. PKone Hsrney SOU. WANTED V tit g-rrl t assist with housework; no cooking or washing. TaL Wb. 13(4. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good horn to right party. Harney Hot. WANTED Girl for general Kouc'i'i,: no washing; reference required. 1U S. rtn. Tel. Harney kt levellasivwfta. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranger ar Invited to visit U Young Women Christian association building at St. Mary a Ave and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' gvi-U at Lauva station. HELP WAltTKD MALK 4 lerteaU s4 Of fie. o - t ,co ..,, , a A v - , t . .r PK1VATE SEC, BTJNO. ST ENG., R. R ,5 BKPR.. BANK, BOH1CM1AN $6i TUB CANO AOENCT. ftx) BED BLDO. XP. Steno., mai or female; speak, read and writ Poiiah; good futur ftnd per manent place. HihJEKS REP. CO.. 840 Paxton Blk, BAUWSIAN, A-l propoalUoa, Ledger Clerk WATTS REF. CO., ts-4U-U Bran. STENO, $40; Clerk, $40; Boy. $36. BUSINESS MEN'S RtkFLH&N CHI ASSJ., 13ll- Woodmen of the World. HIGH-GRADE cuiiunaruti pvaltluns. WEoT REFERENCE BOND ASSN. TU O.nsha Nat Hark Bidg. SHIPPING clerk for film exclutnge. Stale eaw-rteuc. iUt lpo'l Aadraaa 0 J. lie. , IIKL1' WAXTKI) MALK Clerical and fflre. S'FHXOflRArilEIiS Vhen In need of a poeltlon, call on ua. NO CJIA1UJE Doug. 124. RemlngtonJTypewrlter Co. Young inn.t. atudy law! Downtown even Ing erarlona, Iw dfpt. UNIVERSITY OK OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. C. Thomei n, Omaha Nfltloiml Bank. Aateata, nateaniria bm4 Solicitors. COAI, agenta wanted In every town; get trlalcar. I. M. Co. No. Platte. NVb. SALE8MAN Oood live man to sell a hlgh-rlaaa premium advert lelng proposi tion to the merchants of Nebraska. Col orado and Kansas. The Acme Silver Co.. Cleveland, O. AOKNT9-Uri manufacturer wanta re liable men, women, to sell guaranteed hoelery, underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Write for FRKH samples. Madi son Mills, WH Broadway, New York. THE first payment rarrlea Insurance to January 1. 1914: areat Inducement: call '5' write Mutual liencflt Health It A eel- Bldg., Omaha, Neb. HATS Easy Belling, unequaled Bide line Harvest Hats: liberal commissions; ample IS pounds; men covering amaller towns preferred; good refeiancea re- ?ulrdj describe territory covered; con lnwntiMl. f. (,. Bx aid, tit. Ixuls, Mo. - Boya. OLD established Omaha Jobbing house hag position for young man In office; rnust start in minor position, which has opportunities for advancement; appll eanta will please apply, Jn own hand writing, give age, resilience and refer ences. Address P ff74, Bee. Karturi n.,l i.aaes. WANTED Men to learn tha barber .-if".?:, w hava originated a plan to tch It quickly and thoroughly. Wages Frli. 'whl1?,. Iiln. Tools included. W.rU?.Xop l'"rted caUlogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEOE. 110 S. Hth St.. WANTED An experienced auto repair man, must be able to do welding and lath work : none but first-class workman Pf good habits need apply. Mortenaen A Burkhard. Winner. S. D. Drug store sneps, lobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. LEARN UARBEIt TRADE Wage paid. Tools given. Porltlong C??,ntMS .r"n or wrlt fo' Information. Tri-Clty College. 1124 Pouglsa. Omaha. P "auS'.X'S'S 0p,n- Free Catalogu. AUTO X Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. W.B. "oed men; had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn br our method. Get one of thee lobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto tnoblle school. 1406 Leavenworth St WANTED Two or three good broom maker. Steady work at good wages. Open shop. National Broom Manufactur Ing Co.. Pueblo. Colo. Mlacellaaeowa. WANTHD Four good haying hands; must know the business. Call on F. C. Bliss. 2M Exchange Bldg., South Omaba. MAN and wife want to take charge of rooming house, experienced. 'Call A. Hollands. Phone Red Ml. 202 N. Ihth. MEN warned: government joba; 190 per month, Omaha examinations Sept 15. Sample questions free. Franklin Instl tute. Dept. t21 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED -Names of men. IS or over. ..wishing government lobs. I9S month. Wopull necessary. Address T 601. Boe. WANTED-Man and wife to work on cattla ranch and farm. Tho. Sheffrey, Oxford, Neb. HELP WANTED af 4LH AND FKMALB. WANTED Bathroom attendant, voting, clean and efficient, good masseur, Ger man preferred.' Send application Imme diately, with references and pnoto and state salary expected with board ami room. No. 3, lllllsida Sanitarium, SIjux ity, la. RITUAT10X8 WANTED RELIABLE and competent woman wlahea position aa housekeeper or cook. "wm7w , r-r J ,2 m"JTl' J", with grade school ftnd business college education. 23 year Son"'; e.ftlenal"or coaoera. Have had some nirim ...ii Ingftnd five years' TwS m of! 1 ce work. A fair Meoiraer. gocd ty pist some know-lodge of bookkeeiiTnv a .A i.tmum or taxing cnarge of ofrica. Ojii furnish surety bond and givu beet of references from present employer. Addresa. P 868, car Bee. I 1LAVB com to Omaha because I be lieve lit Its possib.lltlea 4rolabilltle. Young unmarried man, good education: competent bookkeeD.r enrreannn,!..,. A arnem-i oriica man pany; also Chicago mall order house ex- t7,r,,rno"- "ee-n record. A- rererenccs. Willing to ftceent nilnnr nnjiltlun u. 1 1 1. reren-nccs. Por'bl progreaalv firm in Omaha or lnimed ate vicinity. Small salary until I omuninuo in a l i can deliver the goods." Addreaw, M 6, Be. WANTED Position driving a taxi, can glv good ctty references. Phona Har ney 83X5 or D. 1857. TWO reliable colored girls want steady places as waitress and kitchen helper. Call Web. 2927. BRIGHT young man, energetic :ind rffi clent wishes position of my kind where conscientious work will HH.ln ad vancement. M. K. McClenahan, 4013 Blnney. Wal. 431. . TOUNO colored girl wants place to work and where ah ia able to attend school. Webster 2244. YOUNG man (Danel, wishes. a ateady po sition as Janitor; have worked a Janitor In hoapltala before. Sober and honest. Call Harney $74. MIDDLE aged man dent res place. Can furnish best of references. Addieua T H80, Be. PRACTICAL nurse would like tlon. Address E (79, Bee. poi!' YOITNG man 25 yeara old wants place; steady work around house; ran UrW any make of car. Experienced. Call Webster 6TT8; call H. HI h'e W Oh'o S- WANTED Chambermaid work. Wcb.Ci LOST IND VXCXD Lost or Kuuud ad ia Omaha s Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised u Th Bee. th Lost and Found paper LOST about seven miles west of Uncoln Highway, 1 black mare about l.'MJ lbs., 1 bay horse about l.luO l., will give liberal reward to finder. Notify Griffin' Livery Stable, list and Cumin. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having loat on article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha AV Council Bluffs Street Rallwuy company to ascertain whether they left It In th street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and th company I anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48 LOST Goid six-point fraternity pin, be tween Burlington depot and lith and Farnam. Call Douglas Ton; reward. LOST Gold bracelet. I slg: liberal re ward. Mrs. A. It Mitchell, Web. ts?0 or Wsh. (24. Carter Lake Club. PEBSOHAL th Magasln Maav TaL Doug. CORDON, Ti4. TOUNO womea coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tb Young Women Christian aaaoclatioa hulldina at 17th St. and St. Mary s Av., where they wUI d dlreciaa to suitable boarding plac or otnerwise assisted. Look fur our travelers' aid at the Union station. THB Salvation Army Industrial horn licit your old clothing, furniture. sines we collect We distribute, pnun Uougiaa i& and our wagon will call, t all anj lusiect our bear home, U10-11L!-UU Podg St ILT STfK'K BOSTON Terrirr. pli!reod d"g, eptnndid bat ears, rt'seonsblr-. Tel. H. S34. SWAPPKU8 tflLl'MV A I TOM ATIC Rotary I'rintor. Rctsil ost $S.i. What have you to offer. Addrr-at S. C. IM Hee. Al'TO llupmohlle in fxcenent r-onfiitiun for a lot. Adrirfxs 8. '. 1151, Hoe. Wanted to Swap. Wny not advertise something that you no lonner have any use for and get something you reullv Deed? It costs ou nothing to loin ths wsppers1 Club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 101. Jiee Bldg., or phoneTyler lOUO. AUTOMOBILE tire, new. quick "detach able, clincher, 36x44; want to trade for 3x4'4. Address 8. jCW3UcareBee: H" ACREtt In Iaxon county. Platto Valley, Improved, alfalfa land. $1H per arre. For land or merchandise. L, M. Greene, Tecumsrh, Neb. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see thu "Automobile classifi cation. Al TO -cyllnder csr. tuipied with bus body to carry 11 people, for Jitney bus; has double Imltlon. Atwater-Kent anil Bosch magneto system' will swap fir Ford or Hupp '32. Address S. C. 1313. care Bee. AUTO PUPPLIES-Two good 36x4 tubes, one 3TX41 tube; Kellogg pump, Claxon horn and other accessories to trade for whet have you? Address P. C. 1.T73. Bee. BASEBL'RN" ER-Oood baseburncr to swap. Address H, Bee. BUSINESS CIlTNCES-Recentiy paT cnted article for the printer, with all neceemiry dice for manufacture, pvina over KK) per cent profit on each article sold. Will exchange all or part for printing office, city property or good farm land, all to be free of Incumbrance. Thousands ran be sold. Oood chance for machinist with shop. P. C 1170. CLtTHlNO Fl'HNISHINOS. 17 rain ..i k. i i. i . running atock. for automohllei. or will nivinw rnr car. Adnrds R. c. iw, p. UUSINEUS CHANCE-Hav. a cleanlnir, p running .ni tallorinir buvlness, Mrm ' v T " aa iiivii vii . uvw 11 iv w u gs cation; let me show you. What have you to offer. Addresa ixa. Be. EXCLUSIVE county or state selling privilege to trade ror auto; a money maker. Write me. Box 15fl. Ong, Neb. FI'RNITURE for xehang for Vlctrola or vii.ii net, oia disc recordn only. Ad dress 8. C. 159. Bee. FURNITURE. ETC!. Three hee.utlful pieces of furniture consisting of piano player, will work on any piano; music cabinet and piano etool; also 60 rollg first class music; will exchange for chickens or cook starve. Addresa B. C. 163, Bee. GENTS' furnishing store In So. Omaha;. good location. Will trad for real es tate to the value of $1,600, or what have you. Address S. C. 1366. Bee. 2 lots; R. R. add. Council Bluffs for light car. Harrington Realty Co., Florence. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder. fully equipped, worth $125, and also two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swnp foi a, player piano or as first pay n 106.1, incut on ft good lot Addresa S. C. Bee. NURSERY STOCK-Flrst class nursery stock close to Omaha. Will trade this lock for painting work, a sound well broke work horse, used auto or fence Posts. No amateurs wanted. Addresa S. C. 1318. PHONOGRAPH Dandy Edison phono graph, cabinet (8 drawers! and 150 rnv I prds. will exchange for complete electric Kii ana siarimg equipment lor iiulcK auto, a vacant lot or diamond worth $135. Address H. C. 1M5 Bee. Omaha. PIANO-Have new Standard piano. Will exchange for something useful. Ad dress S. C. 158. Be. PIANO: Circassian Walnut Reed and Bon Piano, good aa new. will trade for Ford roadster or diamond. Address SO iw. Bee. PIANO 1 new Emerson piano. Would consider good diamond or building lot What have youT Address 8. C. l.74. Bee. PIANO PLAYER with 70 records, fits any make of piano. What have you 7 Address 8. C. 1376. Bee. 11oL tables. 4 balls, cues and racks, wall case, floor case. 4 barber chairs, for aalc or trade. L. P. Slpe, 422 Leav enworth. I H1RMTUBB for erchange for the best I class of work in painting and paper hanging. Addresa 8. C. 158, Be. SHOWCASE-!" rT l-Toot refrlger- ntor showcase; been In use about 1 year: i". ln Bood f"ndltlon; will swap for 2dnand : 1 ord Address . C. 1314. Bee RI'ltdirAT. in.i,nm.i.i. . ..A ,k.,-i ItlMlkS M 11 It. firm ,!-- .nnltU. a ... . . . . ... V ...... .,. trade f.r shotgun or something I caa use. Address 8. C. 167. Bee. SMALL Ice box and gas stove; both In good condition: to trad for 100 or 150-lb. Ice box; must be ln good condition. Ad dress 8. C. 151. Bee; TRADK LISTS, name and adrlru I B.Valker. 306 Hyde Av.. Council Bluffs! TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rin. I t 1 1 . T T. , , . V . . n . . . . i r nicijifln, Itt I uougiag. WATCH 17 Jeweled and adjusted move ment thst will pasa railroad Inspection. In open face nickeled case. Will trade this high-class timepiece for typewriter. Address 8. C. 1372. Bee. Vrf-r ' CM,lads of wood; will tmde for automobile. Addresa a C. 152. Bee. WATCH Will trade my Dueber Hampton watch. 2l-1ewel McKlnley movement 18 year cae, for a postal card six camera; Premo C preferred. ACd'es S. c. f. We, WII.L SWAP slightly used eewlng mach ine for g standard typewriter. Address S. C. 161. Bee. FOR KENT Aartaewta a ad Flats. The For Kent advertisement appearing in the For I tent column of Tb Bee dally canii.-t be Leat for variety that will I lease nad fill th needs of anv one iit ibtn lo l?Mt PlKine Tvlee uo KiXr I V - i..- x ska f V, llaintiltou Aparuueuu Fire Proof Suitee of 1 to 9 Rooms. With Bath. Furnished or Unfurnished. High Class Cafe in Connection. 24th and Farnam. D. 2S46 PREPARE for winter. Secure fine Esta brook apartment Cloie In. G. P. Sleb bine. ROOMING HOUSES. 241S Capitol Ave., 11-r.. nudrn. $45. 1814 N. 1Mb. 9-r., modern. $77.50. CHV1QH. SONS A (XI, fc Bee HI J . Dougla 800. MODERN Steamheated clae'ln; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. $ ROAMS. AVALON. Ant. No 1 located at 501 8. Sth St.. -walking distance snan for 120, simmer; $-4 winter. Be tr1s toay. HA8TI NQ8 HEYDEN, 114 Hsrney St. 5-ROOM apartment St. George, 118 N? xl st Ave. Phon Tyler 15.18 : evening Web 1T4 i ROOMS. ROYAL. tit S. 271 h. NEW. ha disappearing bed. large living room, k lie haa and bath; T V HASTINGS A HFTDFN. 1614 Harney Bt. LOW RFNTAL. Chnlo 4-r apartment downtown; save ear fare: eee Janitor. Dougla 5237. CHTCAOO. 1110-Modern7 T-r.. $40. D. 7551 1 1 I (Continued on Col. f. This Pass.) I Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offkt In Nebraska. 2o; Brandels Thea. T" Title Oti iverr unrantee and Abstract modern abstract office. 17th St. I'hone D. 6W. ADVEHTlsllSU AOVGLTIG4, F. Shafer ft Co.. 12th, Fnrnam. D 7474. AMATKliU K1.MIII1.U. F"i,lM.8 2vloped free f purchased from Pnoto Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dtt. D. AttUlSTAATS. E. A. DWORAK andCrlniJHTSA,;U,'r,rC,-Books m. M Co" -yn 'nstn.led Lot cf m! l.?,3vou '? Pl'n tne advantages 4J7 Ramye Bldg phone. Dmig. 740B. ARCIUTECIS. EWtt 8. Dodd,, 612 PBI,,, n,w r, ARTIFICIAL LlMHsT A?T."T''AL LimhTTVno,. t- Co. r.r? Jitter. Fltweli a., ; ".T."J So. AT To u.N hi Vs. T' D""nn. tli""p7x,or, Blk. D. not. AV CTIOXKERS. Dowd Auction Co.. UlS-is W.O.W. R. 3?v8. AUTO I.IHAMB. n'P ,"AL INSURANCE o.. Douglas S1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR Omanft Radiator Rep n., jQM F,r n BAHKHlEil. g. H. REEDER. 1506 N. 7!tth. Web. S57. BUDDING. 0MADouglaiLiSW rT - ,sw Cumin, ""- nnn gown 'over. - anu IRON KotNORIhTiT yjojuhejl Co., 27th and Martha Fts CAHPKNTEas AND CONTRACTOR. tTEVENSOX t2s"s. 'V'A, o. Tea. Doug's (820 Leasard A Bon." 1908 Can. A. T. , CRIHOPRACTIC SPINAL AllfU'M r7 Dr. J. C, Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8ta Pr. C. B. Brlggw, 2323 Harnev. Rod 77i CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Btirford 6?n PaT. BIU. r.F.i 4 OANC1AU ALADUMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. U. 1F7L Summer rates now at Mackle's: nnvsta lesson n dally. n Hsmey. l'ouS DRkigbM AHING. Terry Dreaamak'g college. 20th A Farnara MIfiB STURDY. 2416 CASS. Douglas 7870 DRESSMAKING CtlLLISGE. Kelster Dressmaking Col.. 1628 City Na. DYERS AJD CLBAMBBI. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 v. jth. D. 'rptj. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 312 NevIU Block. EM. pence secure q in all canes. Tylep U3ti. DkiATUTl, Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.Bldi Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickea. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas. D. 1180. DRUGS. DRPOS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Eherman 4k Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. KLKCTRIC PIANOS. Continental No. Co.. 11 N. Uth. Term. KLICt'TRlC Mutual MUfAlBlaU. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bldg.P.87 KLtSCTROLk SIS. Uloa Allender. 621 Be Bldg. Red 30SH. VuKNAlh AhD lINtAOMI.. uimrnqTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 28TL FLORIST. BATH S, florists, m4 Farnam St D. $000. r. HENDERSON, 18U Dougla. D58. Member Florist TelegraP" Del. As a HESS A 6WOBODA. 1416 Farnam Bt . - ..... , .'H U.PMV TVltlV. 1001. A. DONA'iMUr., w . . . . . . . . L' LM lI.ATI.U. OULU ARU " replate evervthlm? of Kmetl.0mh' Plating Co.. vrti Harney St Eat, mTui crioai a-nallsh. French. K.atructlon. 306 Lyrlo Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICR 'PHONE WEBSTER 53 II General Office. ...k .nd M.nd-r.on bta R. c URITT. 301 Baker block. , l a, DltlKS. CHlPACiOIAl-M'ia CO. Douglas ETvi: rvv toiiuusius. MriBOSiSlJ- ... .. . HXTIHES, W IRING DUKKIN Thomas. Douglas 2519. !4l Cuming St. V.U1AU Ailtui a.. FUm Es.. Mth and Doug. Motion Mic,ure machine' and lllm bargalna siu i'ORC tXKS. .R, FY-DA V1DSON MOTORCTCLE3. "Bargfins Ir I uald machines Victor Rooa. Tb i MoiorcycU Man." SM Leavenworth. FOR SALE cheap. Harley Davidson i mo- rl" 5.- .11 Monday morning. Phone Douglas 2070. iim yvin. - - - Ml sit. ART, LANGUAGK. LANGUAGE taught by telephon and ail. Free trial ieasun. Vb. 64. p. . im, Piano playing positively taught iL U-ons741.0 Cum7ng St. Walnut 3379. " " kuliont. NOTIONS, newa cigar, candy. 1239 Park OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. PY '" can Ore. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Bamall. Paston Plk Tel. Red Till. I H A Sturae 4W PrsndMs Theater Bldg. OSrF.OPATIlIC rHVSICIANt- JOSKPHINB ARMSTRONG. C18 Bee Bldg PAINTING A WD PAPERING. HUGH M' MA NUB. 417 N. 40th. H. J72 J. N. Robh A Boa. 1711 N. 2 St Wsb. 1X0. PLATI G. Acme Plating. Ill 9 P. 6?77. IMh St I'M MES ILtA.MtU. Dved. made over. D. Klsele. ling City Nftt I'HI.MIAU, WATERS-PARNI IART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Ioug. slso. j2t 8. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. I7J$ DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Douglag a HlllBttiK COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thl I th man to call If you have anv ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster 5al. SAFE AD TIM H LOCK EXPERTS. C A T7T7CJ Op"1', repaired, comb. OiJll I l cnani;ea. r. B. port, 14W liodRe. Da yen- D. lS-t UtAl.K HEPAIH1NU. Om. Standard Scale Co.. M? S. 12th. D.tflL SHOE HDI'A iniNQ. FRIEDMAN BROS . shoe repair, ill S. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 20o4 Fam'm. R $444 HiWIMi Ma tit IN Eg. TTT- rent, repair, sell needle and V V r part for all ve ving machine. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney. - Douglas 1861 STHEL CEILINGS. CARTER yhect Metal Compsny. 110 S. 1. TOHH AND WFFICK FIXTUUBS. DESKS, safes, arales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omana Fixture gnd jjupply Co., 414-i-lg S. 12th. Doug. 74. TOWEL, tfirrLIHS. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. HtB. D. 82. TA1LOHS. ! CTLVS. C. LANDERYOf, 10 K. IBth St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO & STEIN LE. 1M8 Farnara St TYPEWRIT Kn S FOR RBNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for ft Oliver Typewriter Agency, iw Faraam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 31 S. Uth St All make for aalo or rent. IlENT a "Remington," not Just a typ writer. l.ow rent. Cal' Do u g I as 124 WATC4 Bs'tvClALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Fk.. H yr. exp. 1VKUIII.M, 14 I'A'l lONfelRY. Wedding announcements Doug. Ptg. Co. Wl.ajs AND llauoai, ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. Mth Bt Wines, liquor, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to 1, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUS loth and Capitol Av. Ten-cent lunah. MEDlUAJJj RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guaranted. I )r. Bowser. .114 Be Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money pnld until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TAHKV. 240 Uee Bldg. RUPTURK cured In tew day without -.P1 Cal! or. wriU Dr Wray. tot Be viua.. Omaha. ' Established 1 fob ftEjn SIX ROOMS. 213 8. Mil AVE. THE DOUGLAS; has aun parlor, nicely decorated Individual porch, no car fare, Whlk ng distance. J60. iMB i mua & hey den, 1614 Harney St. BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apt. 18th and Yatea Bts.; Janitor ervlce; fin lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 5578 or 4828. BEST 7-room modern apartment In th city. All rooms south and east Poaur. Apt No. 2. Old Hamilton Apt. Phone Douglas 917. HUDSON. 6 ROOMS. Beautiful apartment, located at 207 S. 26th Ave., all light rooms, beautifully dec; individual porch, built-in buffet, $45 kummer. $.'o winter; walking distance. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment. The Mason, 31st and Mason Bts. Vary desirable and rent lower than In sur rounding apartments. Conrad Youg 33 Brandels Theater, Doug. 1571. FOR RENT S-r. suite. Athlone. No. 8. VERY choice. 4 or 0-room, steam heated apartment on West Farnam Street JOHN W. ROnniNS, long FAf.NAM ST. Angelns Apt.. S and 4-roin apt. H. 20i'4. o 4 ROOMS. cia.i: iv. JJ7 S. 28th Ave., walking distance, gag range, r frlgerator. heat, water and Jan itor service, for t:.r. year round. HASTiNUS & HEYDKN, ltil4Harney Bt. Hoard aim ttnania. " Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in private families or boarding houkt-a of the high est class ul l best be found in the Fur 2.' , td ioo column of Th Be. Phon j x. ,Mh. ia. fu,,,!.!,,, room with boardTE: iytei Mil Wet.ster. walking dlntance. $6 a week. 221 Harney cool room, excellent table bd. Denlrable room and board. 618 S. 19th Bt Farnlshrd Kaoai. If you do not e anything that suit you In th way of Furnished Rooms yoa ran call at Room li4. Bee Bldg., and aak for th Fie Furnished Room buroatl and wa will glad y refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any part of the city WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at 18th. 100 rim. $1; 60 rms.. $1 50 St up; weekly it monthly rates: cool. i'i' t, homelike, o 8 25TH ST.. 21S-Nely furu. roo.ue, l.i excellent location: close In. g"el D. 4713. TI.e Pratt, cooi. 'lqsin. Ii2 8. 25. D. $118. VERYdeslrable steamheated room; south exposu.e; large bay window; $IS mo to gentleman who appreciates clean, comfortable surroundinga. Privat family. Tel H. FOK RENT hoice room in Hamilton apartments furnished or unfurnished; ran be rented for two montha or longer If desired. Phone Walnut U7. NICELY furnished room for ladles or gents, w a 1 k 1 n g jil sta nce 113 S. tsth St SPECIAL IAW RATES TO PERMANENT QUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th Farnam HOTFL HARLEY. 20th at Farnam. Bouma, slnyle or en suite, furn. or nnfurn. Modern. $2 50 up. 522 N. Mth St. D. 7T1. NlCF.LY fumiatied. large front room ln privat family, homelike, with modern conveniences, no housekeeping, breakfast if rieeired: Ref. exchanged, Weat Faraan district. Apply 3915 Farnam Bt. THE Chatham Hotel, lit' 8. Uth. D. H. For gentlemen; rates, permanent guosts. (CONTINUED ON PAOBlsiWair" COLUMN ONa' . ,