Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1915, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
Oa Trams, at Hotel
Btwi btanda, sto., se
Assert if Americans Lost Lives,
Such Result Contrary to luten
tions of German Government
Germany Requests Final Stand Be
Not Taken on Arabic Case Until
Inquiry is Made.
WASHINGTON. Auy. 24. The
German ambassador's message was
described by those who saw it as
very fair In tone. The communica
tion, that pointed out that It was not
the Intention of the German govern
ment to kill Americans, was Inter
preted as meaning that in the view
cf the Berlin government it was not
deliberately admitted that an unfair j
act had been committed.
As soon as Secretary Lansing re
ceived the message he forwarded it
to President Wilson. Officials at the
White House refused to Interpret the
message, but an air of relief was no
ticeable Bernadorf Gives Out Note.
NEW YORK. Aug. 24. It It was due
to the action of a German submarine that
American citizens lost their lives In the
torpedoing of the steamship Arabic, sueh
action was contrary to the Intentions of
the German government, according to of
ficial advices received today by the Ger
man ambassador from Herlln and tele
graphed by him to Washington.
It was also said in the communication
that the German government wlil deeply
regret such a loss of life and would tender
the sincercst sympathies to the American
The text of the, letter given out by
fount '.'on Bernstorff read:
'Th'j German ambassador received the
following Instructions from Beriln, which
).e communicated to the Department of
"So far no official Information Is avail
able concerning the sinking of the Arabic.
The German government trusts that the
American government will not take a
definite stand at hearing only the re
ports of one side, which in the op.nkm of
the Imperial government cannot cor
respond wlththe acts, buttb,a.t a-. chance
will be given to Germany to bo heard
i "Al though the Imperial government
does not doubt the good faith of the
witnesses whose statements are reported
by the newspapers in Europe, It should
be borne In mind that these statements
are naturally made under excitement
which might easily produce wrong Im
pressions. If Americans should actually
have lost their lives this would be natur
ally contrary to our intentions. Tho Ger
man government would deeply regret tho
tact and begs to tender slncerest sym
pathies to the American government."
The ambassador made no comment upon
the statement and an attache said that
it spoke for Itself. The statement was ;
given out from Count von Bernstarff'sl
rooms In an uptown hotel.
Count von Bernmorff denied a state
ment attributed to him earlier In the day,
In which lie was quoted as having said
lie believed it Improbable that thcro
would be a break In diplomatic relations
between this country and Germany .
"I have made no statement whatever,"
he said, "except to announce the message
receded from Berlin and to say that I
had telegraphed it to Washington."
Asks V. S. to Await Facta.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.-Germany,
thrtuffh Its ambassador. Count von
Hernstorff, today asked the United States
not to taks a final stand on the sinking
of the Whit Star liner Arabic until all
the facts ar known. It was the first
word from Germany since the disaster.
Count Von Bernstorff telegraphed the
State department today, saying he made
the request at the Instruction of his gov-
(Continued on Page Vwo, Column Klve.)
The Weather
Forecast till 1 p. m. Wcdneadry:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vlcln
Ity Fair with slowly rising temperature.
Temprratare at Oauaha Yesterday. I
Hour. Tern
t a. m M
a. m M
7 a. m S3
S a. m "
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. in
12 m
I p m
t p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
p. m
7 t. rt
8 Z. m
Comparative L.or n
191S. 1H. 1913. 112.
Highest yesterday
I .u'u.l vuliriuv 51 l s
Mean temi-eraturo tl - '
t'rwiiiliiition 00 .W .00
TemiH-'rature and precipitation depart
ures trom the normal ut Omaha since
March t. and coiupuri-d with the past
two years:
Normal temperature TJ
lsi t,c loi .ut- .ay U
Iitiency siiit M..roh 1, U'10 3i
Normal precipitation 13 inch
Ieflilency lor the dnv 13 inch
PreclMia.lon since March 1. . 21. M inches
F.xcess since March 1, 1915 72 Inch
Delicieiicy cor. -r wi, H'M. . 6.3S inches
Deficiency cor. period. 1KUN 6.47 Inches
Hrporta froia Slatlura at T P. M.
Station and Stat Temp iliah-Kaln-
of Weather.
T p.m. est. fall.
Chsynune, pa i t cloudy .
Davenport, cloudy
Inver, cloudy
Iea Moines, clear
IVdRa (.'Ity. Sari cloudy.
North Platte, clear ...
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, part cloudy.
Khondan, cloudy
Hioux City, clear
Valentine. Unr
"0 1
M W .05
Ti -,i .)
70 U .)
IM 70 .0U
70 72 .(Hi
73 7. .Ob
-H 70 .f
70 7 .Of
I- A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
its water supply at an oasis well.
Coroner'i Jury Returns Verdict
Without Any Testimony About
Identity of Lynchers.
MARIETTA. Ga., Aug. 24. With
out being able to elicit from any one
of eleven witnesses a single clue as
to the Identity of any person con
nected with the lynching of Leo M.
Frank, near this city last Tuesday
morning, a coroner's jury today re
turned a verdict that Frank came to
his death by banging at the hands
of parties unknown.
City and county officials testified
that they had endeavored diligently
to get at the facts of the lynching,
but bo far their efforts had been of
no avail.
.The nearest disclosure as to what
happened in the oak grove near the
Frey gin came when J. A. Benson, a
Marietta merchant, who drove by the
place aoon after the lynching party
had parked It automobiles by the
roadside and had led Frank to the
tree where death awaited him, testi
fied. Mr. Benson said he had a "pretty
gbod suspicion" as to what was going
on, but he did not stop to see it and
he did not recognize anybody in the
Doctor la Prist Witness.
Dr. C. V. Elder, the fist witness, tes
tified to viewing the body of Krn.nk while
it w&s still hangine n tho oak grove
near the Frey cotton Kin. Dr. Eider did
not know Frank personally, but was told
the body wan that of Frank, lie was
not present wluu the body was cut
down. When he saw It ho said the body
mil was
Do you knuw nny of the circumstance
surrounding the hanging?" asked air.
'Absolutely nothing," replied the wit
You were among the first to reach
the scene?"
"Yes. sir."
"How many people were present when
you arrived?"
"Perhaps half a dosen."
"Do you know who they were?'
Yes, sir." x
"Please name them?" requested Mr.
"As I cam up two men were running
out of the woods. One of them was Joe
Carter and the other was man they told
me was representing the Associated
Press. I also saw W. J. Frey, IS. U
Robinson and W. A. Sams."
"Was Frank dead?"
"Yes, sir. The death rigor had not set
In. however."
"Was there any mutilation of the
body?" i
"No, sir. The only mark I saw was tha
cut In the neck that had ben opened by
the rope."
Frank Strangled to Death.
Dr. W. M. Kemp, another physician,
testified that Frank's death was due to
"a , . -i . . m - . -h., . ,
6 strangulation.
JjJ I J. Bart Wing, a Cobb county commls
67 'sioner, was the next witness. Hs also
' waa among the first to reach the seen
j of the lynching after the body wa Uis
I covered.
Do . you know anything about tne
j hanging-?'
ho was asked.
"Is there anything you would like to
state to the jury?"
Wing hesitaud a moment and then
Nothing, except that that morning on
the road I saw several autoiucbilea on
the Rusnell road going in tho direction
of Marietta."
"Could you tell who were in the ma
chines r"
"No, sir; I could not tell whether they
were in.'roes or white people."
W. J. Frey, owner of the place on
which Frank was lynched and regarded
as the star witness of the inquest, waa
next sworu. Mr. Frey, an ex-sherltf of
the county, took the stsnd In his shirt
sleeves. Ho is a very large man of about
15, with a short brown mustache and
florid complexion.
"Mr. Frey," asked Acting Solicitor Dor
se y. "were you among the first to dis
cover the body?"
"When I got there with Ous Benson
(Continued vB Page Two, Column One.)
. ,M !.iV-3.
' J a. .. Jam nsht - V x.t . .
"Secret Documents" Show France
Feared Russia Would Provoke War
BERLIN. Aug. 24. tny Wireless to
Bayvllle, N. Y.) Tho Norddeutscho All
gemelne ZeitunK has published furthei
extracts from secret documents found
by the Oermans on taking possession of
Brussels. The latest Installment deals
with the period of the Balkan wars. The
Overseas News agency In a summary
given out for publication says:
"Concerning Russia's policy, the Pel
glum minister to Berlin, (Uaron Beyens),
in a letter written October 24. 1912. re
peats statements made by Jules Cambon,
then French ambassador at Berlin, wilt
ing as follows:
" 'The French ambassador, who appar
ently has special reasons for speaking
as he does, told me repeatedly that the
greatest danger to the maintenance of
European peace was the lack of dis
cipline and the personal 'conduct of Rus
sian diplomatists In foreign countries.
They are all ardent Fan-81avlsts and they
Conditions Imposed on Stock Ship
pers by Railroads West of Chi
cago Declared Invalid.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.-Valua-
tlon of cattle, horses and other anl-
mals in live stock snipping ; contract.
made by forty-ive railroads west of
vmcsKU were luuay uotiaiuu w
unjust and unreasonable and ordered
cancelled by the Interstate Com-
, . ,u
nierce commission. The commission
declared the scheduled valuations I
were not representative of autual
values of animals shipped.
The decision upholds complaints brought
and supported by the American National
Live Stock association, the railroad coin-
mlssloners of Iowa, Colorado and Soutk
Dakota, tho Ansona corporation commls -
sion, the Corn Belt Meat Producers asso-
elation, the Cattle Raisers Association of
Texas, and numerous live stock ex
changes and associations. I
The commission's diclslon says the !
Cummins' amendment to the lnterstatu ;
Commerce law has "In effect aboi.bheii j
In Interstate commerce the whole syelomj
' .
of release rates Dated on agreed
tions as distinguished from actual value
New rates were prescribed.
Bulgarians Conclude
Parleys with Turkey
24. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph company from Am
sterdam says:
"A Wolff telegraphic bureau message
from Berlin state that the Bulgarian
government has informed the Bulgarian
minister at Berlin that Bulgaria negotia -
tlons with Turkey have come to an end.
Eoumania Prepares
to Move Troops
COLOGNE, Aug. 24. (Via London.)
According to the Cologne Gasette the
railways of Ho u man la have received
orders to place all rolling stock at the
disposition of the minister of war on
September 14.
FAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 24.-Edwln O.
Foreman, banker of Chicago, is at a
sanitarium sertounly 111 and grave fears
re entertained as to hi recovery. Mr.
Foreman was stricken last Monday, while
on a vacation with his family at Del t
Monte. Cal. He U pres dent of Foreman
Bros, bank rnd a director of the Corn
Exchange bank of Chics ro. He Is also
well known as a philanthropist
Cleaning; I p Plna-ne,
WASHINGTON, Aug M.-Kapld prog
res In stamping out the latest outbreak
of live slock foot and mouth disease wus
announced by the Department of Agri
culture. Reports from the counties af
fected, said the statement, indicated that
the outbreak Is teln confined In tne
vicinity of the herds first Infected.
of camels, stopping to renew
S . a.
ti 1 n.i
f X
have largely to carry the burden of re
sponslb.llty for present events. They will,
without doubt, secretly Instigate Russian
Intervention In the Balkan conflict.'
' The same ambassador wrote on April
4. li'13: 'The arrogance and contempt
with which the Serbians receive the com
plaints of the Vienna government can be
undei stood only by reason of support they
hope to find In St. Petersburg.
" "The Perblan charge d'affalra here
said recently that his government would
not have maintained Its attitude of the
last six months, without regard to Aus
trian representations if It had not been
encouraged to do so by the Russian min
ister, M. Hartwlg, a diplomatist of
Iswolsky's school.
"Concerning Franco, the Belgian min
ister at Paris (Baron Oulllaume) wrote
on February 14, 1913: M. Polncare was
collaborator and Instigator of M. Mll
lerand's militaristic policy." "
Federal Court at Buffalo Holds
Rochester Concern to Be, a
BUFFALO, N. Y.,' Aug. 24.-The
Ea8tman Kodak corapftny of Roch-
. Ja a mon , ,n of
trade.ln Bherman
anti-trust law, according to a decision
I hnnHorl rlnarn hitra itatan i rA a v Kv
"7 , ( , "
Judge John R. Hasel of the United
! . . . ...
.States district court. The decision
giants the defendant company an op
portunity to present a plan "for the
abrogation of the illegal monopoly"
en the first day of the November
1 -pi Aff
X 1611011 WcHF UlllCG
Reports Successes
Over the Germans
PARIS, Aug. 24. Tne French war of
tl ,1.1.. .. . .. .. . - a..AMAnJ
on the progress of hostilities reading as
"Last night saw some artillery engage
ments in the sector to the north of Arras
I between the tJonuno and tho Olse, and
ifiiaoMn tho Argonne.
"In the Vosges there were yesterday
some very violent encounters on the
. heights. To the east of the River Fecht
and to the north of the HchraUmannele.
n spite of several counter attacks the
enemy found It Impossible to recapture
the ground they had lost. Equally on the
Barrenkopr we retained the advantages
won during the evening of August B.
1 "The Germans have delivered another
attack against our trenches across the
Sondernsch, but they were repulsed.
The Day ' War News
B II IP has
been torpe
pedoi and sank at h
the Oalr of Finland,
lb Urrnn admiralty nnnonnees,
TKITOMIC ARMIKS are rloslna In
farther spas Brrst-L'tovsk, Ger
man army headquarters recording
the rnptnre of hill at Kopytow,
annthwoal of the Rnsslnn fortress,
Fl'RTHEH PROtiHKSS by tho All-
la all tbo fields of operations o-
cept lo tho north of the .Meaarn
la the Battle provinces, Is elnlned
h- Iterlln.
spite many rsiolrr attacks by tho
r.trmaa, In rrtnlnln the aronnd
recently won on ho h-lahla In the
Vosnes, Parle rlnlma. Beriln ron
cones tho loss of bnl a alnale
trench In the severe flaatlna- la
thle realon recently.
CKRhJAN ARMY STAFF declares no
material elansnaro waa done by (he
honsbargsaont of Zeebrnaae yes
lerday by a British fleet.
Petrograd Journal Announces Loss
of Ino of German Soldur
Vessels in the Gulf
of Riga.
tnnn.n mnZZZ
Craft Are Then Sent to Bottom with
Human Ctrgo by Terrific
Artillery Fire.
24. From details!
the Gulf of Itlna last Saturday, as
(lubllshed in the Novoe Vrema, It ap-
pears, says a dispatch from IVtro
igrad to the Central Nnws agency, that
j three lurge trnnnports filled with
i troops approached the shore nmlor
cover of a German squadron. The
! German ships were allowed to come
close to land before a terrific artillery ;
fire was opened by tho IUiMHinns.
A duel between the cruisers and I
ehore batteries continued for
niln,.l fr fa-n
hours, when the last transport was
gunk. Only a few crowded boats then
remained and theso were soon
smashed to p'eces by the Russian
The German squadron managed to
destroy bo mo bouses with ther long
range guns. During the attempt to
land at Pernoff, the Germans also
descended on Gatnash, to the south
of Pernoff. Two lighters, filled with
troops, on attempting to reach the
beach at Galnas, were sunk by Rus
sian sheila.
Governors Believe
They Should Have
More Responsibility
BOSTON, Aug. 24. The welcome of the
state and city was extended to governors
and former governors of more than thirty
states by Governor David I. Walsh and
Mayor James M. Curley at the opening
lesslon of the governors' conference in
tha senate chamber at the state house
today. Governor Walsh said that while
the founders of the nation had hedged In
the exeoutiva with limitations that
tended ta reduce him to an ornamental
figurehead, II was becoming generally
understood of lata that the business ef
ficiency Indispensable for good govern
ment could be obtained only by concen
trating power and responsibility to a far
greater degree than the fathers planned.
"It ta no longer the prevalent doctrine,"
he said, "that the executive must alt
aloof from legislation; on the contrary.
tne general e.pecuHion .no
that he. the one responsible representative
of tha people, shall by all proper means
press upon the legislature the reforms
which publlo opinion craves.
Responses were made by Governor .Wll.
llam Spry of Utah and Prof. Albert
iBushnell Hart of Harvard, the latter
representing tha conference on unlver-
sitles and public service held In con
junction with the governors' meeting.
Tha first formal address of the session
was made by former Governor Ellas M.
Ammons of Colorado, on "Development
of the West."
William Hodges Mann, former governor
of Vtrglnla, In his address, declared that
while there waa no complete remedy for
general legislative Ills, conditions could
be greatly Improved It tha Initiative waa
given a governor to submit to the people
at a general election any measure pre
viously recommended, but which the leg
islature had failed to pass.
"Tha governor would know tha objec
tions previously raised to tha bill and
tha reason It had not been passed,"
aid Mr, Mann, "and It Is reasonable to
suppose he would not order submission
of any bill not clearly promotive to tha
public good."
Mr. Combs Says
People Are Again
Buying Jewelry
NEJW YORK, Aug. 14. -The fact that
people are again buying Jewelry was cited
by T. L. Combs of Omaha, Neb., presi
dent of the American National Retail
Jewelers' association, In the opening ses
sion of Its convention here, as evidence
that prosperity Is returning. The con
vention will remain In session until Sat
urday. "The jewelry business la a good baro
meter," said Mr. Combs. "People are
now buying lewelry and there seems to
'be no tendency to hoard money. In tha
Jewelry business I e war times are no
LEX) LA, 8. D., Aug. 84. (Speclal.)-To
have the automobile In which they were
riding overturn Into a ditch filled with
water without any of them being killed
or even severely Injured was the ex-
perlence yesterday of Henry Young and
j members of his family of Ieola. They
I were passing over a long stretch of high
i rad8 when something went wrong with
ing cars steering gear. loung sioppeo
the car by setting the brakes, but the
wheels were very close to the edge of the
grade and the ground being soft the car
toppled over into the wster. Young was
able to extricate himself owing to the
fact that the car did not have doors In
front. After strenuous efforts
reeded In rescuing his wife.
woman and their three children from
their perilous iiovitlon. Young believes
that all of them would have been
drowned had he been driving a fore-door
bl DRESl-LlluVSK
Position on iuinea.e hear Great
Russian Sironhoid Taiten
by Teutons.
IlKHMN (Via Indon), Aug. 24. (
j A hill at Kopytow to the southwest.
of th0 Uussian fortress of Rre-.t-Ut-
lovsk. has beon stormed by the Teu-
, jonic forces, according to an official ;
statement given out today by the '
Orman army beadquatiers
Thn oftirlal statement given out
l,,,dv h ,hc German army staff
"Western theater: During yesterdays
vlult to Zeebrusse (Belvtlutn). the Hrttlxh
fleet flrd from forty to s veniy shots
ftt our ,.,,,, fonirt.tions. We have to
deplore on ai-rount of this bombardment
the loss of one killed and lx wounded.
In addition
thres Belgian inhabitants
were wounded by stray slirlls. There was
' no materlsl dainaga.
"In tht Vosgea mountains, nrth of
Mnenster. fighting was sus)ended
Ihro inhout the day, but the Freneh aln
! - 1. 1.4 mi. iwialllnni nwk 11 rrh If All f
ni, , , nortn of place In the
evening. The attarks were repulsed. A
few mountain chasseurs were taken prls-
oners. L-uring irw eaiue, wni. n wt rr-
poitei yesieraay
section of the trench
on Barrenkopf remained In the hands of
the enemy.
"At Ioo, southwest of Dlxmude, a
French biplane was shot down by one of
our battle aviators.
"rVstern theater: North of the Nle
men river there are no changes In the
Army of Field Marshal Von Hlnden
burg: On the remainder of the front of
this army progress was made. During
the battles to the east and to the south
of Kovno our troops captured nine of
ficers and 1,000 men and took eight ma
chine guns.
"Army of Prince Leopold of Bavaria:
On the plain situated to the northeast of
Klessexele and In the forest district
southeast of this place, the enemy yester
day again was defeated by our troops,
the pursuit reaching the Ballowleaka
forts. The enemy lost more than 4.M0
men In prisoners and nine machine guns.
"Army of. Field Marshal Von Macken
aen: Before the attack of the German
and Auatro-Hungartan troops advancing
across the Pulva. the enemy evacuated
his positions. Our pursuit continued.
"On the southwestern front of Brest
Lllovsk a hill at Kopytow was taken
by storm. Our troops are advancing
through the marshy district to the north
east of Vladova, pursuing the enemy,
whom they defeated yesterday."
Villa's Government
is Said to Be Face
. to Face with Crisis
EL TASO. Tex., Aug. M.-Vllla'a gov
ernment Is facing a crisis, according to
persona who recently arrived from Mex-
Wnen yMlL dl,CUMed p,,, pro
; pollaU wU General ,wo week,
I t pointed out by observers, his
.hospitals at Chihauahua and Torreon
wepe rniect with more than 7,000 wounded,
! wno had been treated In those cities up
; to the end of July, and that others were
, being cared for in the rude Improvised
. hospitals south of Chihuahua.
, With the arrival of Ooneral Canule
Reyes and 12.000 men at Torreon and
the consequent apparent Improvement In
the Villa cause, It Is predicted by the
men who are In close touch with Villa
leaders that some of his generals wilt
oppose the peace plan and will try to
overthrow the Villa cabinet
Fifteen Villa officials have been execu- j
ted within the last few days on charges
of malfeasance In office.
General Obregon, Villa commander, la
reported as moving toward Saltlllo, hop
ing to command tha railroad to Torreon.
Washington Asks
Haiti to Accept
Finance Treaty
PORT AU PPJNCK. Haiti, Aug. T4
Tho American guver'tmen. lias addreubed
the government of Haiti, expressing Ho 1
desire that there be acovptod withvut ue- i
lsy the draft af a convention for ten
years, under which there shall be estab- j
lished an effective control of Haltlen
c us tomes, as well as administration of the
finances of tho co.inlry, under a receiver
general and American employes.
Under the terms o the convention.
both the iiiunl"Oal and rural police are !
to I natives, un-ler tho command, how
ever, of American officers.
The plan Includes the arrangements of
the debts of Haiti to foreigners and an
agreement to cede no HniUen territory
to any foreign power, except the Cnltud
The Haltlen government Is requested to
reply to this communication not later than !
noon of Wednesday,
NEW YORK, Aug. t4.-The Caravet
Santa Maria, built on the model of the
famous vessel In whl"h Christopher
Columbus crossed tha Atlantic In DM. la
j lo unsra worthy tuat it will not be able
to make the voyage from New York to
Han Francisco for the Panama-Pacific
exposition, according to experts,
j The Caravel left Chicago In 191J In com
parv v I r t , us sin r n-ps. 'ne :ina sni
Pints, but were caught In the Ice on tho
way and the two latter were compellod
to return to Chicago. The anta Maria
reached New York and was laid up for
repairs, with the Intention pf towing It
to Colon, through the Panama canal and
he sue- thence to Ban Francisco. It Is Eetl
another 1 mated that It would coat 118,000 to mako It
j seaworthy again.
I The three caravals were presented to
the fulled States bv the Spanish gjy.
I eminent after the dose of the world's
fair at Chicago.
Iter Russian Report Says that an
Additional German Cruiser Was
put Out of Action in
Recent Engagement.
Russians Retreating Slowly and
Compel Central Powcts to Fight
for Every Step Won.
DERLIN, Aug. 24. (By Wireless
to Sayvllle.) The German admir
alty today announced that a German
submarine had torpedoed and sunk a
Russian auxiliary ship at the en
trance to the Gulf of Finland.
LONDON, Aug. 24. The latest
details concerning the Riga naval
battle have failed to clear up tha
situation. Petrograd advices make
It appear certain that the Germans
met with a severe reverse, although
official Berlin reports remain silent
concerning the Russian claims. The
Russians now state that an addi
tional cruiser must be added to those
already reported gunk or put out of
action. Whether the German battle
cruiser attacked by a British sub
marine waa sunk remains to be told,
the official report from Petrograd
having given no details beyond stat
ing that it was torpedoed. for tha report from tha marina
ministry at Paris concerning the sinking
of a German patrol boat off Oatond,
which Is admitted by Berlin, no official
news has been received of the result of
the allied bombbardment of Gurman po
sitions on the Beltfium coast.
The Russian armies luwo not stopped
th Auatro-German advance, although
they are compelling tha central powers
to fight for every step won. Sever en
counters continue before Broet-IJtovsk,
but tha Baltto oampalgn la making little
progress, although a decisive stroke then
by Field Murahal Von illndanburg has
long been expeoted.
On the western front, with tha excep
tion of an Infantry attack which la said
to hav won for the French some Ger
man tronchea In the - Vosges, the war
fare is marked by comparatively Inef
fectual artillery, bomb and mine combats.
Petrograd Fears
Revolt Says Vice
Consul Zimmerman
NEW TOR-K. Aug. 34.-The steamship
Helllg Olav, with passengers and cargo
from Copenhagen, arrived hero today.
Officers of the ship said they were held
up by British orulsers 'n tha North Sea
on three oocaslons during the trip, but
were allowed to proceed after Identifica
tion was established. Among tho passen
gers was II. W. Zimmerman, American
vice consul at Rostov, Russia.
Mr. Z'mmcrman, who has been In Rus
sia for nine years, said there were many
well informed persons In Petrograd who
feared revolt more than the advance of
the Germans. Only a few weeks ago, Mr.
Zimmerman declared, Petrograd waa pla
carded with Inflammatory appeals to tho
people to rise.
NEW TORK. Aug. I4.-The hurricane
which recently swept over tho Wast In
dies destroyed M par cent of tho frtnaf
trees on the north side of the Island of
Jamaica, according- to officers of tho
steamer Commodore Rollins, which ar
rived today The steamer brought a largo
cargo of bananas which were out from
the trees felled by the hurricane.
All Rlshts Ru-nrs.
This man almost every day
Through the WAsTT Afil rlaaeos,
And be'a found a real rood -aoe
za ta BvaiMExa chavczs.
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The business cast go backwards,
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