THK I'.KK: OMAHA, Tl'KsDAY, A TUT ST 24, 1!15. ORGANIZES WOMEN TO ASSIST SUNDAY Miu Saxe Comet to Omaha to Meet Local Workers at Y. W. C. A. Room i. POEMEE PROMINTNT OMAHA CLUB WOMAN STOPS IN CITY. WITH the presence ot late summer, "Danny" Cupid's pranks ot the still evenings are the engaging topics of the tea-drinking con tingent. An Interesting romance, to have Its culmination soon In wed ding bells, refers to a charming maid of the blonde type of beauty, who lives with her parent In one of the attractive apartments of West End. She has spent much time In study abroad and belongs to one of the older families here. The gentleman in question Is an eligible bachelor, and, as an agree able coincidence, occupies an apartment In the same building. Then one of the younger bachelors, whose sister Is to be one of the debutantes of the winter, is devoting his time and thoughts to a Chicago girl. He Is a son of one of the wholesale merchants. The many friends ot the two couples expect engagement announcements soon. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs. XV. 8. Myni riiiertalned thrc funats at supper Sunday evening" at the Happy Hollow club; J. K. f'rentlaa had, threa (urats; It. 8. Iyrne, three; C. C. Fadler, (our; J. C. Howard, two; J. A. fViller, four; Morton Hmleman, two; A. B. Currto, two; H. L. ileum, two; W. C Rajnaey, tour; O. P. Goodman, three; Harry Koch, three; V. N. Fmalia, two; W. C Roaa, three; R. M. Weil, two; W. B. Curtlaa, two; Charies B. AlclHJiiald, tx; 1L W. Manow, (our; 11. 8. Suamnan, four; T. J. Norton, three; K. E. Klmber ley, five; F. 8. Martin, four; John Mc Donald, (our; K. J. Hlbbernnen, ati; K. U. Hamilton, four; A. C. l.uman, two. Mrs. J. F. llloom entertained six (uaaU at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club, The Tueaday Morning- Hrlda Club will ir.eet tomorrow . at the Happy Hollow club and ' the recular children matlnoe j will be given tomorrow. I Reaervallona (or the annual Married Folka dinner at the Happy Hollow club on Thursday evening have been made by C. E. Walrath,"fc. I Prtermn, R. C. Pet- ; era, W. A. ' Plel, (iuy L.gett, It. U j Drown, John T. Yates and Norrla Wick eraham. A small dinner party of Thure- j day evening will be compoaed or Meaara. and Meadamos: E. K. Klmberley, U. M. Durkee and 8. JR. Rush. Another dinner party Thuraday evenlnie will Include: Meaara. and Meedamee l. K. McCague, K. 1L Klleton, F. J. Norton, Oorge & Mlckola, Frank K. Clark, F. J. Schorr, I. A. Medlar, C. II. Dunham and Oeorge W. Palmer. At the Saturday evening dinner-danre at Happy Hollow club, Reynolds Yatea and Halcyon Chambera will demonstrate the new winter dancea. At Seymour Lake. The Sunday evening musical at the Peymour Lake Country club was in Joyed by a large audience. Those eniur talnlng at dinner were J. H. Koplns, who had three guesta; J. K. Kednar, (lv.-; W. If. Cheek, two; C. A. Melcher, alx; K. A. hoee, seven; J. J. Hlnchey, two; lli:ry Nygaard, eight; U M. Lord, three; J. J. Fltsgerald, six; W. M. Rerry, Jr., (our; Ryron Clow, (Ive, and J. M. (Jarvey, four. Mrs. L M. Lord returned Saturday from Chicago, where she spent two weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mldlam and son, Clayton, have returned to their Heymour home, after spending two wevks in St. Loula, Fort Worth and other soutlttrn )olnts. Mrs. T. Ia Comba ia confined to her home, the reault of a severe accident Bun day evening. Picnio at Kirkwood. Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm and Mrs. F. P. K liken dall will give a picnic at Kirkwood, the summer home of Mrs. Klrkendall, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Qurdon W. Wat tles. The gueata will be: Meaara. and Mesdames X Clark Cult, iaaao Colea, llai.lel Baura. C. It. Keller. W. A. C. Johuson. Harrv iKMirly. WILL AID W0MI5 TO WOEK FOE SU1TDAY. I . yrJ TO HAVE BIBLE STUDY CLASSES Wedding Plant. The wedding of Miae Roaa Pmytli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Constantino .'. Smyth, and Mr. Clarence Blbbernafi, son of Mr. an Mra. I. Hlbbernaen, will be celebrated Thuraday evening, 8crninher 13, at the home of the bride's parents on North Thirty-eighth street. It will bo a large wedding followed by a reception. Mlaa Mary le of Chicago, a cousin ot the bride, will be the maid of hoiur and the Crldennalda will be Mlsaea Helen Murphy, Catherine Smyth and Metrl:o Coad. Mr. I-oxl Blbbernaen, a biT.thur of the groom, will be beat man. i Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Reea spent a few aya last week at the home of Mr. Sam uel Reea ewv from California. Mr. Samuel Reea and daughter, Mlaa Henrietta, left Saturday (or Seattle and ancouver via the Canadian RooUlus. atei they will go down the coast to 'ie exposition. R. H. Weller win leave Tuesday for Chicago, accompanied by his children. Dorothy and Robert, to meet Mra. Weller, who la returning from a visit to her slater at Marietta, Ua. Miss Grace Saxe, head of the Bible study department of the Dilly Sun day campaign, spent the day In Omaha conferring with Rev. John W. Welsh and local workers. Miss S.".xe met a group of women workers Informally Monday afternoon at the Young Women s Christian associa tion nnd outlined plans for working up enthusiasm. At 4 o'clock she left for Denver, but will return here Sep tember 4. Mlsa Faxe's work in to organize the cottage prayer meet Inns into perma nent neighborhood lllble clause. She con- ducta a class In TUble study every day of the campaign In the tabernacle, di rectly following Sunday's add reus. ' Hcfore .'olnlng Rllly Sunday's party four yenrs ago, Mlsa Saxe toured Kng land, Ireland and the continent with Dr. Torrey and Mr. Alexander, dolnir the same sort of work. I Miss Saxe was In Bgypt when Theodore Roosovelt emerged from the African In terior, and she was sent tip the Nile by the I'nlted Presbyterian organization to report hie apeechea at the mlaslyn sta tions. She woe a court reporter before taklnu up religious work exclusively. i Other women leaders in the Sunday party besldea Mrs. Rllly Sunday and Mra. Oeorge Sunday are Miss Frances Mil'r. who holds a meeting (or business girls every noon during the campaign; Mra. William Anher, who works with the factory Klrls and domestics, nnd Miss Alice Oamblln, who ia In charge of the bova' and girls' work. Kansas City Bankers Spend Day in Omaha George 8. Hovey of the Interatate bank of Kanaaa City, Charles E. Walte,' presi dent of the Stock Yards National bank of Kanaaa City, and Asa K. Ramsay, vice chairman of the federal reserve bank of Kansas City, arrived In Omaha Sunday morning for a day's golf at the Country club. They spent the day playing with Fred Clark of the Nebraska National, J. C. French of the Stock Yards National of South Omaha and other friends. They were not here on busineaa and Mr. Hovey found it neceaaary to return to Kanaaa City Sunday evening, although Mr. Waits and Mr. Ramsay decided to stay oer for the Ak-Sar-Ren show . & '' jf e'' F ! O. C. Redlck, M. C. l etera. Harry Tukey, K. W. Vlxon. V. M. Wllhelro. (ieorge Prlna, , T. Eastman, Charlna Oeorge, Kd Oeorge, "W. A. haaer, Arthur Oulou. John A. McHhan John L. Kennedy, O. M. Hitchcock, (tohn IwuMlierty, Jr. and Mra. f. C. Frank Hamilton, Kheiton, W. J. Fove. K. Hue hols. M. Colpetaer, till tin Wharton. I.uthi r K minim, t'neilea Kountse, Will burns. Frank Judaon, Howard Haldrtge, W. T. Page. Kd Bwobe, Victor Caldwell. F. H.. Hochateller, Ainson. Dr. and Mra. J. K, Summers, Miss Daisy Doane. Measra. Messrs. Frank burkley, E. W. Hart, liands'l brown. Council bluffs; len Warren, Dick Stewart, lr. I Hoy Crummer, Joaeph barker, Luther Drake, Wright, O. W. Hull. . . Council Rluffa; Harry MOormlck, Stockton Heth, Iiuclus Wakeley, - I At the Country Club.' Supper parties were given last evening t the Country club by Mies Margaret Bruce, who entertained eight gueata; Ed ward A. Crelghton. three; M. J. Colpet- er, four-, R. C. Howe, four; Fred Ham ilton, four; W. N. Chambers, two; Oeorgs Bowman, three, and Mark Coadv eight. Pleaturei Pait Mr. and Mrs. U & Clark entertained informally Thursday evening In honor of their daughter, Lola's, birthday anal veraary. Those present were: Mr. and Mra. D. K. Clark. Mra. M. U. Clifton. ' ' Mtaaee Clara Holm, Marlon Kerr, t iara Cntielhardt, Veisna Au'AMtldrr, Irene 8-liti-ii ot Council liluffa, Ixla Clark. Meaara. It. Hoi brook, (iug a.iaon of Council bluffs. Harry YVldnor of of Council bluffs. Joel Clara, Sewi of the Wayfarert. Captain Chandler, formerly at aliened at Fort Omaha, but now In the Philippine lalanda, has been ordered to Fort Leav enworth. He will assume his new duties at Fort t-eavenworth In two weeka' time. Dr. and Mra . Robert Ollmore and daughter. Amy, who have been touring California, are now at the Arlington botel la anU Uarbara. Cal. ' To Honor Visitor. The Mioses Hasol and Carol Howard entertained at bridge this afternoon in honor of Miss Polly Cole of Worcester, Ma., the gueat ot the Misses Catherine aud Alice Wood worth. Four tables wre placed for the game. At ths HeJd Club. . " - Mum FZUna Riley will give a dancing party tl.U evening at the Field Club In honor ot her gueata, the Messrs. James and Albert Fleming of Hcranton. Pa-Twenty-five eouplts will be entertained. Mr. and Mra. Abe lltrxberg have re turned bums from a six weeka' tour la XLmit car te Newport. I Mlai Fern Schnell of Council bluffa. Eva Jubnaon, louae Kempf, Kva Wlliiana of loulsvllle. Neb.; Florence Martin, Meaara Clnrk Noi ls. William Jankowskl, Oua linrreil, Wilkinson Adams, Chester Clifton. MONDAY SHOPPING DAY FOR MANY OMAHA FOLK Saturday has been exchanged for Mon day as the principal shopping- day In the retail district, according to Secretary J. W. Metcalfe of the Associated Retailers. "Why, I cannot say," said Metcalf, "but It Is a fact that any big retailers will tell you, that nowadays the crowds are flocking In the retail stores and doing their shopping on Monday Instead of urdy." Saturday is, of course, still a good buay day, but, according to the retailers, the shift of the big business to Monday has been made within the last few years." MRS. C. S. DOI3INQER. Mrs. C. P. Ioblnger as Shanghai. China, formerly of Omaha, spent a few hours In the city today, the guest of Mrs. C. C. IWIden. Her husband. Judge Charles 8. Ix)blna r, who la head of the Amer-, lean court at Shanghai, is attending; the American liar association convention at Salt Ike City. Mra. LblnKer Is enroute to Michigan to vlalt a alater, but will return In Oc tober to spend several weeka with Mrs. Ilelden and other friends. While living here, Mra. Ixiblnger was prominent in woman's club affairs, and while the judge was stationed at Manila, she organised the Manila Woman's club. Butler to Ask Ure for Dundee Money Commissioner Butler of the department of public accounts and finance states he I will this week call upon Treasurer Ure to turn over to the city $4,100 he is holding 1 aa truatee of Ellery Weeterfleld, former ireaeurer of Dundee. When Mr. Weeterfleld returned from the west he paid all but $4,100 of ths ehortage reported by the city and a few days later Paid In the balance to be held hy the treasurer in trust unit! such time as the Wcsterfleld accounts might be checked. Mr. Butler believes Mr. Wes Urfleld has had ample time to check his accounts and make final settlement with the city. Pioneer Resident of Nebraska Dies esMesawag John D. Hamilton ot Cedar Rapids, Neb., for thirty-seven Jeara, who lately moved to 3010 Nicholas street, Omaha, died at Lincoln Saturday. Burial will be at Cedar Rapids, August 23. He leaves a wife and three daughters, Mlsaeu --n and Hazel, and Mra. II. O. llalbtrcleben, who lives at 424 Wirt street. Women Will Address Good Roads Meeting at Commercial Club Mrs. Lee C. Roardman, organiser of the Lincoln Highway Woman's auxiliary, and Mrs. Sarah W. Danold, executive secretary, both of New fork, will ad dress a meeting Tuesday evening in the interests of good roads. The meeting is planned te be held at the Commercial club. Harry Lawrle, Randall Brown, Clark Powell and T. F. Btroud ara In charga ef preparations. The highway auxiliary aims ta teautify the Llnooln highway. Not only ths plant ing of trees, but ths erection of memor ials to noted men snd the placing of fountalna and other aids to beauty are recommended. Mra McDonald Is espec ially furthering a plan to have each atate Jravereed by the highway erect a me morial to some prominent person In that state. The two women left New York July M and are enroute to the coast, ' which they expect to reach the latter part ot September. They addreaa women's clubs particularly In their efforts to organise more auxlllarlea. On this trip, auxiliaries were formed at Oettysburg, where a me morial to Lincoln will be placed In the square where he hade the Gettysburg speech; at Everett. Ta., and Canton. O.. where a marker In honor of the late Prea Ident McKlnley will be fplaced. Othor auxiliaries are In process of organisation. Mra. board man was the flret woman to make a transcontinental trip via the highway. Both women are member of the New Tork Woman's Press club. mm An Attractive Half Dozen Specials In Basement Ready-to-Wear Emphasised Especially for ths Saving In Money They Represent At 25c A spsclsl lot of odd and snds ef Women's Dressing Sscqussand a fsw 8hoet Kimonos, many dlf fsrsnt styles crops, fancy lawns, to. Value to 59c At 25c. Woman's Full-Lsngth Long Ki monos fancy flowers, trlmmsd lawn and fsney crepes, with belts and shirring; several different etylss. Sizes to 48. Regular 60c values. At 19c. Women's Striped Gingham Petticoats, extra good quslity. 39c vslues. At 59c. Lot of Women's Waists, fancy figured silks, lawns, etc., a com plete line of sites. Values to $1. At 38c A special lot of Wash Petti costs of good quality sateen, all colore. Worth to 75c. At 10c. Women's Corset Covers, plain and lac trimmed; all sizes. Rsgular 19c valuss. MISS BESS SANF0R0 IS MAROONED IN ST. LOUIS Miss Bess Sanfcrd of Omaha la ma rooned In St. Louis by hiith water, ac cording to a telegram from her received In Una city. The telegram says four feet of water Is standing In the t'nlon sta tion In St Ixula and Miss Sanford u unable to take any train that alii brln her home. Hosiery. Underwear Men'e, Women'e and Children's Fine Cotton Hosiery Black and white; 12'to values, sy P'r ..2C Women'e Fine Cotton Vtsts All sizes, 10c quality, g I Tuesdsy, each UZ C Women'e Fine Cotton Ribbed Union Suits Umbrella style; all sites. 35c values. rtt ult ZJC V Handkerchiefs Mew's, Weasea'e aad Chlklrea's Head kareaJefa Mala ud lurf bnM ere4 camera aad faaey aalereS wane eibratdery. edaea. aUchtly ia. perfect. Wrapper Percale aS-Inrk Dreae aad W Light aad dark eelera. la aeat eaeeas. etrtpae aaa data. Hagw- H valae, Taaaday, arS 6ic MR. AND MRS. DAWSON WED AGAIN AFTER DIVORCE Mrs. Ida P. Pawaon and James P. Pawecn, U'th ct Coinc! muffs, were remarried-hy IW. Charlea W. Savidge at hla residence 6aturday evening. I'dward Iawxi ot Counoll Uiuffa, the groom's brotruT, aoeenkpanpd them. Mr. ani Mrs. Iawaon had previously been mar ried and divorced. Yea Liver ramylalat Makes l'ahasy. No Joy in living If your Stomach and I4ver don't work. Btir your Liver wlt'a fr. King's New Ufa Pilla. All druggists. Advertlaeiuen I You Won't Find Better NotionValues aaa-ailk, special Tuaaday, apoal Uaa ai( lot ef Hoae Sup- partara, pair K. M C aad O. M. C. Crochet Cotton, all numbara. ball Urt bsiae ef Wire Hair Ptna. boa atan'e Collar llaada, all ataaa. avh Siaa Cenba and Hark Cumba. apaclal. each I'at. Treuaar and Skirt Uangara, sack . , , 3jc ...7c ...6c .. 5c ...yc 2c Sanitary Apron, regular tSo vaJuea, aack Sanitary Napklna, tee vaiuaa. doaaa ... II-Yard bolta ef Btaa Tape, apacktl. bolt Bane Hair Puts, tie value a, doaaa Build gold platad Uaauty 1'ina. J4o valuaa, eat , ISS-Vard apoola Baarlng Hlik, 15c 19c .5c 10c ..5c 3Jc Dresa Forms v Pear-aaetkHi Adjaaubla Draaa rerma Caa ba adjust ad at aack. baat, walat and hip, alae a any katfht. Kack form ka aatra akin marker attached te wire akirt la aa aku-ta. Th only farm aiade ltk arm piece t bw tk aaact salting et alaavea, Alaya sails for tlttS. Tuesday at $4.49 IE 3x Still More Economical to Enjoy Electricity in Your Home The reduced rates for electricity make it even more in expensive than before to use the many electrical appli ances which help make home more liveable. If your house is not equipped for electricity, there is no better time than this month to have it modernized. If you are contemplating a vacation competent electrical wiremen can do the work while you are away, although it is a simple task to have your house wired at any time. The new rules and methods of charging will encourage the rise of many electrical appliances whicQi aro eo helpful in the home. See that your house has plenty of convenient sockets in closets, in tho cellar and in dark halls and stairways. Make duro that there aro sockets or recep tacles conveniently located for the electric iron and the washing machine. Base-board and floor connections will be convenient for lamps, cooking appliances and the electric cleaner. ( The new rates are not effected by the connected load, number of sock ets or the number or size of lamps. You will now pay a specified rate per kilowatt hour for the current consumed regardless of the size of your connected load. These new rates represent our sincere efforts to make a real reduc tion in the cost of electricity and to make our charges equitable to all consumers alike both large and small. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company GEORGE H. HARRIES, Pre.. Maximum lighting rates have been reduced approximately 40 with in the pa?t two years due to physical improvements and growth of business. .. ' I ! f . 4 : , . - .-; H r-r l! it! t -miHL. - - t i ?i Landlord Rent That House! don't let it remain idle to eat up the returns from your investment to fall into dis repair by reason of the destructive activities of irresponsible boys or animals. Rent it, and rent it quickl The easiest, surest, best, and quickest way to do it is to list it in the Bee's Complete Rental Guide appearing in the Classified section of THE BEE every Sunday. There your property will be brought to the attention of hundreds of renters who are looking for desirable places in which to live, maybe just such a place os you have vacant If you have tenants who are now going to move out don't wait, but list NOW and if you have property already vacant rent it quickly by listing at once in this directory, the COMPLETE RENTAL GUIDE of THE OMAHA BEE 1 1