Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HKK: OMAHA. IlKM)AV. Al'til'ST iM. VJo.
T Mrm rwttk f Now ffaacoa Pi S
Ivetrlo fana, 7.fcO. BurK-nrfBl
T. B. IowiU, recent United State at
torney, located office at -M Urandela
Theater Hld. entrance 17th or lsth St.
Fays Out Warrant The rounty clerk
la busy layltxt thousand marram
allowed last week, the first alnce the new
Butlar la Mayor City Coinmlaionr
Huth r la acting mayor thin week, during
tho absence of Mayor Pahlman, who 1
having a rest at Lake Seymour.
Undarg-sas Operation o. W. Wlgrlng
ton, train dispatcher for the Union Ta
ciflc at Grand Islam), has been brought to
the Clciksun hospital for an operation.
Today's ompiM Man rroaTraJa"
aUaaafM aaation loawy. u4 appaars la
Tha Bm EXei.rjeiVELT. riad out waal
aha various moving pteturt thaatara offer.
Tor Zbor Say garada -Tha advan
tages of modern and aanllary plumbing
re to be demonstrated by a few floats
rind Xrft Moaaj Mra. Sara Ma
honey, 1 Harney street, reported to the
police that VO wm missing from the cash
register at her place of business. After a
diligent search, later in the day, the
rnlaslng coin waa found lodged in a back
portion of the receptacle.
XefUi la Bound Over Roy II. Keith,
Modale, 3a., waived hearing before United
State Commissioner Hinghaus on a
charr of having feloniously transported
Anna Smith and Nina Grace Williams to
Modale and Valhal, la., for Immoral pur
pose!, and was bound over on a bond of
fl.600 to await action of the September
term of the grand jury.
In DUoroe Mill Emily Mitchell has
filed suit for a divorce from Albert
MitchvlL They were married in Wales
twenty years ago. Olen T. Wright was
granted a divorce from Mai tie Q. Wright
In district court on the sTOiind of deser
tion. A divorce was granted to H?mlly
Middleton, together with $.'00 alimony,
from David C. Mlddleton.
Suss X. L. mohrbaugh M. 1.. llohr
baugh was made defendant in a district
court suit brought by Alice Qlnder, asking
damage of S1.63&. The suit is the result
of the garnisheement of plaintiff's wages
i of a week at M. EX Smith & Co. plant.
She alleged that the defendant garntsheed
I her wnges to the extent of and as a
result of this she waa finally discharged
by her employer.
Bogus Subscription
Agent Is Accused
of Stealing Team
CRKSCBNT, la.. Aug. 23 -Special
Telegram.) J. A. Miller, alias J. A. Mey
ers, aJIns J. 11.' Smith, was arrested
here thla afternoon on the charge of
stealing a livery team at Rulo, Neb., a
few day ago.
Miller, who represented himself a a
solicitor for the Omaha Bee, hired the
team and drove over purta of Richard
son and Otoe counties and took a num
ber of subscriptions, for which ho col
lected the cash. He left the team In a
livery stable at Falls City and disap
peared. He la being held ponding the arrival
of the sheriff of Richardson county with
requisition pavers. His home Is supposed
to be some place In Pennsylvania.
Preacher on Lincoln
Police Force Marries
a Fellow Officer
LINCOLN, Nib., Aug. 23. (Special)
One officer of th Lincoln poHre depart
ment decided that us yesterday was his
wedding man it would he right to call
upon one of his fellow offircrs to perform
the ceremony. Luckily the force haa on
its pay rool a man, who was formerly a
preacher and had not forgetten how to
t'.e the knot, so the wedding waa held and
the knot tied by the parson-policeman.
The officer performing the ceremony
was Patrolman A. J. (lumm while the
bridegroom was Patrolmnn J. L. Ward,
the bride being Miss Hazel Nunamaker
of Lincoln.
SYRACUSE, Neb., Aug. 23.-(Speclal.)-
3. V. Kramer, who suffered a broken
back on August 3 from a' fall from his
wagon, died at his home at this place
Saturday evening. Through the most of
the time following the accident, although
paralyzed from his shoulders down, he re
tained his mental faculties and was ablo
to recognize his lrlends.
Jurgen V. Kramer was born in Hoi
stein, Germany, Qrtober 3, 140, and t-mi-irated
to this country at the age of an,
living for various periods In Chicago, 111.,
Scott county, la., and Cooper county,
Mo., coming to Nebraska in 1W, and
some ten years later to North Branch
precinct, where he established his home
and acquired a large body of land, which
he perfected Into a fine farm by thrift
and industry. The funeral was held to
day at 2 p. m.
Madgett Specifies
Issues in Platform
HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. Special
Telegram.) Mayor William Madgett thla
afternoon gave out an Interview relative
to the Issues which he will support in
hi campaign for the republican nomina
tion for governor. In brief the plank of
hi platform, a thua far outlined, are:
State wide prohibition; uniform meth
ods of bookkeeping and checking for all
state office and department; woman
Suffrage ; creation of commission of three
lawyers to pasa on constitutionality of
bropoaed laws, members to be apiolnted
by supreme court; loaning of school
funds on Nebraska farm mortgage at
iot to exceed & per cent; municipal own
ership of public ut little.
eok Must Answer I'hsrse.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 23 (Special
Telegram.) Jerry H. AJaik. wanted at
bdell for passing a worthies chock for
5 on the Hind State bank, last October,
la under ' arrest at Dwlght, Neb., and
Sheriff Acton left thia evening for that
lace to bring him back to Gage county.
.Mt Hoarl. Day I'oalpoaed.
HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special
Telegram.) Because of continued raina,
3ood Road day for Adam county ha
been postponed, the date to be fixed
bi t-ttr wist.
BfcJAVER CITT. Neb.. Aug. 23.-8pe.
frWl Telegram, H-The Beaver Otty Boost
ers defeated the Hoi brook team In a
Ihautauqua game, 4 to L
Bent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Anti-Bryan Wing- Eeients Attempt
of Follower! of Peerless Leader
' to Dominate the Meeting.
which he c.'iriicd ln Insurance, was tlsm
SKed by water arid his household good
were burned.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 28. 8peclat.)-tf the
get-together meeting of the democrats
Saturday night brought about a letter
feeling among the badly demoralised
forces of a once powerful party. It waa
not apparent after the clone of the meet
ing. There wae every Indication that
their short term of power had made them
Intoxicated for office and whll In former
year they have submitted to th leader
ship of Mr. Bryan without much of a
murmur because there was everything
to gain and nothing to lose, now that
the thing has changed around and there
Is everything to lose and nothing much
to gain, they are fearful of the future
and look with suspicion upon Mr. Bryan
or any other leader who appears to want
to boas the party.
The speech of Harry Fleharty of Omaha
was along the line of a get-together
spirit. "It makes no difference whether
you are for Bryan or Hitchcock," said
the Omaha statesman, "be a democrat."
Thia sentiment did not appear to meet
with a hearty response all around and
many were the expressions of disgust
after the thing waa over.
Criticism of Fleharty.
"Harry made a pretty good speech,"
paid one state house democrat, after the
meeting was over, "but darn him," he
needn't think he can make us swallow
Bryan." He didn't say "darn" but some
thing more expressive.
"Some of those fellows will have to
answer to me," said Felix Norton, jour
nalist, historian and statesman. "Some
of the things they said will be met by
me In a way that will make them
It waa noticed that Felix was taking
notes during the speech of governor
Morehead, but that he appeared to be
asleep while Fleharty was talking. Who
will be required to account to the king
for his utterances Is not known, but as
the king is "agin" Bryan, Hitchcock and
the governor, all three, It Is probable that
the trlumverate will find themselves In
bad when Newton calla them to account.
Hall la Not Candidate.
Many listened to Dr. P. L. Hall, ex
pecting something which would give peo
ple a line on how he felt regarding the
effort to push him Into the water for the
governorship. The only thing he said
on this score was the remark: "I have
never asked for an office In my life and
I never will."
When asked by newspaper men later
whether. If forced Into the nomination
he would not make the campaign, he
simply aald that he would never make
the campaign for governor.
Dr. Hall In his speech claimed all the
glory for progressive legislation for the
populists and democrats. He said that
the Omaha platform of the populist waa
the best platform ever made by any party
and with the help of the democrats most
of It had been made into law. The doc
tor evidently forgot all about the republi
can 190V legislautre responsible for most
of the progressive legislation which has
counted for results !n thla state, and also
that the present temporary ascendance of
the democrats comes only from troubles
In the republican party.
Little bunches of democrats gathered
here and there after the speaking, made
it known that the tommahawk and
howle knives discarded by the republicans
have been gathered in by the democrat
and from now on thing will be more than
KALI ,S CITY. Neb.. Aug 2X-I Special.)
-Harold Hlmbercer of Omaha Identified
the body of the boy floater found In the
Missouri river several days ago as his
son. Karley Hlmherger. years old who
fell Into the Missouri river al Omaha
August 1. while flaying along shore in
a skiff. The body was nineteen days In
coming from Omaha to a point fffteen
miles northeast of here at the Cottier
farm. Mr. lllinl'iigcr was formerly em
ployed here as a machinist by the Mis
souri l'sclflc, and Is at present working
for the BurllnKton railroad at Omaha
In the same capacity. He took the body
of his son to Wymore for Interment,
Wymore being the former home of the
I held In the Commercial club rooms Tues
I ititv evening.
A "Kor Sale" af wti turn second -hand
I furniture into cash.
Mrs. lintnn Hint found Dead.
LINCOLN. Aug. 23.-Sveial.)-Mr.
Clinton IV King was founud dead at
her home about two miles west of Lin
coln yesterday under conditions which
indicated suicide, although there are cir
cumstances connected with her death
which may call for an Invest itrntlon.
j Hired men on tho farm admit that they
knew Mrs. King was II, hut thought It
was on serious.
Old Settlers t.alhrr at llrllo,
BBISTOW, Neb . Aug. it -tSeinl -The
old settlers' picnic was held at Mi.
tow Krlday and Saturday. The principal
speakers were W. T. Wills of Itutie and
Ft H Howell of Omnha The ball gains
Saturday between llutle and Biislow
went thirteen Innings and ended In a
lie. 2 to 2 1'rlies for the largest families
born and raised In Boyd county r
won bv Ous Llhs of Brlstow and JesV
lllatt of Lynch. Free ilam-ea were given
each dn
Kent rooms Quick with a Bee Want Ad.
M1TCHKLL. Neb., Aug. n. (Special )
The twenty-fifth annual fair given by the
Scott'a Bluff County Agricultural asso
ciation will be held here September I to .
The association haa greatly Improved Its
grounds and buildings, spending $t.(W
In sddltlons and Improvementa.
Mitchell boasts of the ftnest fair
grounds In western Nebraska, having'
as fine a water level half-mile track as i
there Is In the state. Purses and re- j
mlums offered amount to over W.OiX), and j
more than Kl.f'OO Is spent by the asso- j
elation for other amusements, including
motoring and afternoon flights by the
well known aviator champion from the !
Young Aeroplane company of Kansas ,
City, Mo., and electric displays and
amusements each night.
Kalrhary (hantaaqaa Harres.
FA1HBCKY. Neb.. Aug. 23. (Special.)
The eleventh annual session of Falr
hury's co-operative closed
last night with a concert by the English
Opera company. The Chautauqua was a i
success from a financial standpoint, not
withstanding tie fact that the attendance
was light on account of Inclement
weather on aeveral nighta. Saturday
night the officers of the Chautauqua as
soclatlon made a statement of the
finances and a large number of season
tickets were pledged as a starter for the
V.ti Chautauqua. The annual election of
officers and board of directors will be
"BjSWr "tWst" "sssW-aaajjaaiS-
Now Are the Days
Children Need Care
Summer Heat Dangerous to
Little Ones If Bowels
Ate Neglected.
A mother cannot do better for her child
than to train It from early Infancy to
regular habits, not only as a preventive
against much of the Illness to which chil
dren are more or less subject, but also to
Insure their health in later life.
Normal activity of the howela Is the
basis of sound health. This is especially
true with children In hot weather. Do not
neglect any tendency they may show to
constipation, but promptly administer a
gentle laxative, that will carry off the
congested waste without shocking the other discomfort and Is posit kve In
system. effect.
An excellent remedy for this purpose Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has lieen
tho combination of simple laxative herbs the standard remedy in countless homes
with pepsin, know n as Dr. Caldwell's for a quarter of a century and thousands
Syrup Pepsin and sold In drug stores for of mothers testify to Its vlrtuea If you
only fifty cents a hot tie. It diea not con- have never used It, get a bottle from your
ta:n opiates, narcotics, or harmful habit- druggist or write for a free trial bottle to
forming drugs of any description, acts Dr. W. B. Caldwell. M Washington St,
Montlcello. III.
a I lr
1 -v jrsz im
Judge Crites of
Chadron is Dead
CHADRON, Net)., Aug. 23. (Special
Telegram,) Judge A. V. Crites died at
12:1 this afternoon after long and lin
gering illness. Judge Crite came to
Chadron in 1S6 as a receiver of tho
newly established land office. For many
years he has been recognised as one of
the leailerr of the bar in the state.
Dropsy nfflicUon has kept him from his
office for the past year and finally owr
came him. He was 64 yeara of age.
Noiali Fire at Kdsar.
KIXJAH, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.) The
people of Kdgar were roused out of
their slumbers Sunday morning at 2:30
by the ringing of th fire bell. Within
twenty minutes a big crowd of men,
women and children were at the scene
of the fire, which was the Burlington
depot hotel. The fire was soon ex
tinguished, but considerable adamge was
done. The roof was burned through In
many places and the Interior of the upper
story waa considerably burned. Tho
lower story waa being used by C. Story
for a flour and feed store and he had
living rooms above. The stock, upon
To clear up and whiten the skin
and secure that charm of pink and
white youthful freshneaa go much
desired by all women you will find
it far safer to rely upon a good face
lotion rather than powder. To get
rid of that shiny and muddy appear
ance in your comolexlon, dlnaolve
four ounce of spurmaz in one-half
pint hot water, and add two tea
spoonruls glycerin. Apply this to
your face, neck and arms, rubbing
gently until dry. This lotion does
not show or rub off like powder and
Is much better. It Is splendid for re
moving tan, freckles, pimples and
You can make a delightful sham
poo for a very trifling coet If you
get from your druggist a package of
canturox and dissolve a teaspoonful
la a cup of hot water. Pour a little
at a time on the scalp and rub brisk
ly. This creates an abundance of
thick, white lather that thoroughly
dlbeolve and removes all dandruff,
excess oil and dirt. After linaiog,
the balr dries quickly, with a fluff 1
ness that makes it seem heavier than
it is, and takes on a rich luster and a
softness that make arranging it a
pleasure. Advertisement.
Omaha Gas Company's
Sale of Odds and Ends
Retail Merchants-Attention Please!!
Omaha's Wholesalers and Manufacturers wish to see
you in Omaha, from August 30 to September 4. We
invite you to come with your families and accept
our hospitality at the entertainments which have
been arranged for you during
Business Men and
Home Owners Read
Our salo of odds and mkIs holds opportunities for
both of you IJusineHs Men will find Arc Lamps for tho
liglitiiiK of stores and husims buildings, while Home Own
ers will find bargains in Portable Lamps for dining room
library, or for the reading tabh '
Arc Lamps
Of various sizes and styles, they
are slightly worn, some havins
been in use a short time. Invert
ed mantles, stylish bodies, clear
or colored globes. Some are
priced at $4.50; others which
were $12.00 are now ah
Many other values.
Water Heaters
These are instantaneous heaters
of the celebrated Kuud make, they
are small and being of aluminum
are so nicely finished as to be fit
for Installation directly In kitchen.
To give you an idea of the econo
my of buying one of them now,
there's one which was priced
I8U.0", hut which is
Drop Lights
For kitchen or bath room, white
enameled finish, complete Reflex
light. Regular pi Ice was An
$3.60, reduced to tj
Gas Ranges
Heating Stoves
Latent dewigns and styles. One
style will be fine for thoee who
wifh to rent rooms to students,.
It's a Study Lnmp. Art Craft de
sign and finish, with ten-inch
green shade, with hose Free. Was
$4.50, but reduced to 0 rf
only PJ.OU
Many others at cost.
Are Away Down
There are so many kinds and
styles that It's hard to describe any
one or to quote values and prices.
However, there are all kinds, in
both combination gas and electric
fixtures and those made only for
gas. They certainly are desira
ble. The general reductions
amount to HALF.
Large Domes
Some of the best values in the
Sale are to be found in the Domes.
All good styles and hlKhly desir
able. Triced about HALF.
The Omaha Gas Company
1509 Howard Street Near 16th
Ul I
u ft-
tniTirciL oown, tu
Dfmrn Bolts, TnxmAom, Prtao
Albsrta, BILk Hta, rinpt
11 modala; for aJ or rant.
Mali Orders uol&lty.
rhoa D. 1S8. Opa XTtnla-.
rioma KoUl Bid-.
SOS M. 17to Bk, Omtaa, aTs.
'aahlnir Pow
der. At VOl ll
lonrlnf ul OlM4 Oars.
J-O0 p hoar. Dona-. 4600.
Staaa m afta-ekaata BtMl.
"is tas tin at tbs crrv
faEC AmBaiMMnTraliUMj Smm
Merchants' Fall Market Week
Omaha, Aug. 30 to Sept. 4
The program we have arranged for this meeting is
the most elaborate we have ever planned. Events
of a social nature, which we can all enjoy together,
have been arranged by a special committee of mas
ter entertainers.
Four Big. Special Entertainments
Have been prepared affairs which you and your family will thoroughly enjoy.
Read what good times are in store for our guests, and resolve right now that you
will be among this happy, joyous gathering of retail merchants:
MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 30 The Knights of Ak-Nar-Hon, the jolli
oat a.stfrvpat'ion of merrymakers the world has ever seen, will en
tertnin at the "Den." The dojrm of Knighthood will be con
ferred on all visitors, after which a special performance of "The
Isle of Pep" will be presented by the Kind's entertainers. A buf
fet luncheon, served by His Majesty's caterer will round out tho
women are barred from witnessing the sacred mysteries at tho
"DEN," and so we have arranged a big theater party for them,
while the men are undergoing the perils of Knighthood.
TUESDAY EVENING, AUG. 31 A jolly outing for all guests at Lake
Manawa. Chartered cars will convey the party to these beautiful
grounds, where all concessions will be free during the evening.
Moating, bathing, moving pictures, band concerts, roller coaster
in faet, a score of fine amusement features will be at your dis
posal. An out-door dinner will be served, after which an athletic pro
gram of an unusual sort will follow. Entries will be confined to
guests only and the victors will be rewarded 'with substantial
prizes contributed by members of our association.
WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 1 The Annual Omaha Style Show
will be given at the Auditorium. Living models will demonstrate
the latest fashions for Fall and Winter wear. This will be an
event of great educational interest to merchants; and the ladies
will naturally be highly entertained by this elaborate and correct
display of authentic stylos.
After the Style Show, the floor will be cleared for dancing, with
music of a delightful order.
THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 2 An informal banquet will be
served at the Omaha Field Club one of Omaha's most spacious
and beautiful country clubs. This will be an occasion long to bo
remembered. A dance, with demonstrations by experts of the lat
est steps will close the evening.
Come and Bring Your Family
We Want You As Our Guests
Closer acquaintance is mutually beneficial. So bring
your family and enjoy yourselvQs during the Fall
Market Week. Come and select your Fall and
Winter goods from stocks which are complete and
perfect. Onaha's market is the most comprehen
sive base of supplies you can find. Come to the
Market Week, and you will have a trip which will
be both pleasant and profitable as well.
Omaha Wholesalers & Manufacturers