Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE HKK: OMAHA, 1TKSDAY, AITUirsT J4, 1915.
T Be PnbllsMng Compsny. Proprietor.
Knteree1 at Omaha postoffle as second-el matter.
By carrier fly mull
pr month. pr year.
ielt SiMiasT.. ....... o M
puy without Sunday....' 4 oo
fVenlng and "under . .M
Fnnlii without Sunday Ko 4.00
Sunday only
Pond notice of charge of addres er complaint of
irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
IVpart merit.
Werndt by draft p 'as or postal 'Jr. Only two
cent stamp received In payment of email ae
eoont. Personal checks, eicept on Omaha and eastern
xahanr. not .coepted.
Omaha-Tha Pea Building.
South On laha 3ll N street
lounril Bluff 14 North Main Street.
Vlncoln M LI trie Building.
haw tors-Room U. Klfth avenue.
Chlcago-SOl Hrt
Bt. Vo ila-W New Bank of Cnmnwr,
Washington 71 Fourteenth Bt., N. W.
AMr-e eetn monlcatlon ralattnr to rws an edU
ferial matter to Omaha baa, Editorial Dapartmsn.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, sa!
Dwlght William, circulation manager of The Be
Publishing company, twin duly aworn. aaya that tha
erge circulation for tha month or July, 1ft 16, was
trWTOHT Wlti-lAMR. Circulation Manager.
Bubeciined In my presence and aworn to before
ma, thla td day of August MB.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public
Bubecrlb-rs leaving the city temporarily
should bar Tb lira mailed to thsm. Ad
dress will b changed as often aa requested.
Aawt M
Thought for the Day
7Vr's bggary n tlu lot that can b reek-
Ak-Bar-Ben'i datei have been definitely an
nounced. Mark them down on your calendar!
Omaha continues a steady upward climb In
bank clearings. Results measure the efficiency
of the push.
Attorney General Reed'i ruling is worth the
toll. Tha heavenly chorus at the plebelt de
serves encouragement
It's dollars to doughnuts that the occupants
of those railway commission "vacancies" will
office In the state house longer than the attor
rey general.
Galveston sends official greetings to the
world with the triumphant assurance that its
great sea wall has conquered the raging hur
ricane seas. Hats oft to Galveston!
No one with heart attuned to pity will decry
tha Joy Russians draw from the Oulf of Riga.
It Is the first rift of sunshine that has pierced
the gloom of Petrograd for five months.
Tha report that a good Indian baa been
' made a field marshal of a Mexican revolution
ary band should be accepted with caution. Tha
field marshal was all- f '.vet accounts.
It Is evident from the number, variety and
vaataest cvf the reports of the Industrial Rela
tions commission that the literary Junk depart
ment of congress will require a few more five
foot shelves.
George W. Perkins la the east and Victor
Murdoch la the west are beating up the political
woods for bull moose game. The open season
is some distance off, but pothunters usually get
busy first.
. The last of Brig ha in Young's nineteen wives
has "crossed the divide." If family parades are
permissible on the other side the Salt Lake
line-up should exclude Solomon from the re
clewing stand.
The labor and material already expended in
building and destroying fortifications in Europe
during the present war would have built a con
tinuous sea wall around the whole Gulf of Mex
ico, and then some.
Spain Is about to Join other neutral nations
la demanding damages for vessels sunk by sub
marines. The amount of business piled up by
ibe underwater craft Insures overtime work for
je German claim department.
Not a word from the Water board's high
financiers In answer to The Bee's exposure of
1U water bond sinking fund being computed on
a 4 per cent basis instead of a 4 per cent
basis, Just to take more money out of the pock
ts of the people than is required.
Women constitute the vast majority of the
members of the National Educational associa
tion. Whenever the women really want to elect
one of themselves president of their organisa
tion, they can do It without waiting for the aid
or consent of any masculine member on earth.
Work is proceeding rapidly on tha new school
buildings on CasU-llar atrect and on Twentieth and
fa am, both of whk are eipected to b ready for
occupancy by October.
M. Parr, tha Ttnt'i street druggist. Is Jubilating
over tha arrival of a' 'in-pound boy.
Boyd's opera h'X'a opened to a full houae with
tha "IJevU'a Auction."
Tfc county coromlaatonera appointed Oustav
Kanaka to be county clerk as aucceasor to M. T.
Leavltt. resigned.
Mr. and Mr a. A. JT. Puppleton, accompanied ly
Mrs Beaxa. mother of Miv popplrton. went to Denver.
Mr. and Mr a. J. T. Vaa BUkle left for Minneapolis,
where they will make their future home.
E. R. French, Union Paclflo attorney, of Denver,
w as vlalUnf hia brother, Mr. Howard Freuch, of thla
' tun I Morrow, who la to command tha camp at
1 eutrlee f-t the Grand Army of the Kepuutlc reunion,
ho given out a. Ilat of hla staff, tha Omaha nana-
Iwlng; A. A lira, jam a France, C. if. Frederick. H. B.
Jonea, Oaorsa M. O'ilrten, John ilonaa. John R. Man
O r. C. K. tturiueUter, lr. R. E. Moore.
Effect of Compeniation Laws.
The report on the first years operation of
the loa workmen's compensation law contains
fj'stires that must be satisfactory In a lsree de-g-ee
to the advocates of that method of dealing
with industrial mishaps. In Its main features
the Iowa law Is rlmllar to that of Nebraska, and
therefore the figures shown In the report are of
Interest in this state. Thirteen thousand, three
hundred accidents are reported, of which 2,781
vere sufficiently serious to come under the re
lief provUlons of the law, under which $138,000
wbs paid out. Of this total f Sfi.OOO went to the
victims and $40,000 to the doctors who at
tended them. This report doesn't show where
the lawyers came In, but, as the Iowa law Is
automatic as regards relief, the contingent-fee
ambulance chaser probably didn't get much. The
sverage amount of compensation paid to the in
jured Is less than $40, and the average doctor's
Ml) Is a little less than $16, showing the Indi
vidual items to have been rather low, but the
relief afforded at the time it was most needed
Is the best recommendation for the law. It Is
estimated that $400,000 was paid in premiums to
Industrial companies by the Iowa employers dur
ing the year.
I . . ':
Again Mr. Bryan's Desk.
So much ado has been made over the carry
ing off by Mr. Bryan of the desk from the office
of secretary of state when he relinquished his
cabinet portfolio, that It is only fair for him to
have the benefit of his own version, which has
Just now come out In his own Commoner as
Those who sra Interfiled enough to make Inqiilr
will find that It Is customary for official to pur
chase from the government pieces of furniture for
which they have formed an attachment. Kach cahlm-t
member, for Instance, takea the rhalr which he hus
uaed at the prealrVnt's council table, paying therefore
the.roat of a new one. Mr. Bryan tukes hla, depualtlnit
for It PA. lie also huya his desk rhalr for and n
deafc for 26" the cost of new furniture of the same
character. The desk la the one used by him In alien
ing tha peace treaties. Is It strange that he la fond
of it?
Mr. Bryan's explanation then Is that they all
do It, and that he has been merely following
sncle-nt and honorable custom. The only weak
spot Is that Mr. Bryan does not refer to the fact
as reported, if it be a fact nor does he dispute
It that this was an historic desk that had
served all his predecessors, and had been used
by every succeeding secretary of state since
William H. Seward, If not farther back. If each
succeeding secretary of state had 'taken his
desk, buying a new one for the next Incumbent,
then, of course, there would be nothing "his
toric" about It except the history made by the
secretary of state personally appropriating it.
Yet even here It might accord better with the
proprieties for each secretary of state to buy and
Install his own desk In the first Instance Instead
of buying it from the government after using it.
In that way no cabinet officer's desk would at
any time be worth anything more than the
market value of a new desk because it would
not have had time to accumulate any historic
reverence. Those interested will wait to see
'whether Secretary Lansing becomes "attached"
to the desk which Mr.' Bryan has so consider
ately furnished for him spick and span, suf
ficiently to take it off Uncle Sam's hands in the
same way when be retires from the position.
Lining 'Em Fp for Billy.
Omaha Is Just now getting a fine illustration
of modern methods of organization for work in
the extensive and somewhat elaborate prepara
tions being made forthe coming of "Billy" Bun
day next month. So very thorough is the pre
liminary survey that one might almost think
that not much will be left for the great revival
ist to do when be gets here. Business methods
are being adapted to religious effort in such a
way as to leave nothing to chance. The city bas
been districted and subdivided for the various
phases of the work, and Is being thoroughly
canvassed that the greatest possible amount of
Information relating to the religious predilec
tions of the residents may be available. Great
effort Is being made In advance to awaken in
terest and arouse sympathy, so that when the
bead of the movement comes, he will find all
ready and and prepared for his ministration.
The thoroughness of the preliminary work Is
the most Interesting feature of the campaign
from the standpoint of the student. Omaha Is
getting the benefit of the experience gained In
other cltleg In this regard. So far there has
been no lack of responsive effort, and if the
"trail" Is not kept crowded after "Billy" un
ltmbers his vocal artillery, it will not be the
fault of the advance guard.
Died Like a Man.
From all accounts, though In the nature of
things undisclosed sources of Information. lo
M. Frank died like a man. Surrounded by im
placables, bent on his destruction, he went to
his death supported by such courage as Is not
the portion of a guilty craven. The "inside
story" of the lynching, Just made public, is a
recital of facts that more than any other so far
known, give color to the belief be was not only
-not convicted by a fair trial, but was wholly
Innocent of what he was accused of. Seven
hours be rode in silence with his self-appointed
executioners, answering with monosyllables the
two direct questions put to him. No appeal for
mercy, where he knew he would get none; no
debate with the men who had determined bis
death, he said nothing they can treasure In
their memories as a pretext on which to excuse
their cowardly course. His weakened physical
condition was more than compensated by the
strength of his spirit, and through the long
ride be sat erect, and at the end he walked
firmly among his captors to bis end.
The Milk in the Cocoanut
For the truth of history, the Water board
manager's organ wants it known that the water
fund levy has not been raised quite 50 per cent
over last year. That's a minor matter, inas
much as It Is about 60 per cent over what It
was when the city obtained the plant The
milk of the cocoanut lies In conceding that "the
board could readily have gotten along without
ny water fund levy at all." The Bee's point
Is. therefore, well taken that the boost In the
levy for which the Water board Is responsible is
vnnecessary. and that It could, and should,
lighten the loads on both taxpayers and the
water users Instead of needlessly piling up an
excessive surplus to be kept in the banks or
used for speculative purchase of bonds and securities
"Lest We Forget"
Opening of Mass. K-pabUcaa Stat Campaiga.
LKHT WB FOROET, la about the best text that can
be recomnvnded to republicans at the present
time. The Euiopess war and the temporary prosperity
It haa brought about In spots Is being used for all it
la worth to make republicans fonret what wss "dono
to them" In 1912. Abova all things thla la the time not
to forret, hut to renumber. We should remember
that the whole country waa proSjenua. and that all
men were employed prior to 1812. We should remem
ber that the entire republican system of prosperl'y
waa attacked and that we were charged with reponfl
Mllty for the hnh cost of living and for a greit
variety of economic evils. Pre aldent Wilson came to
congress with a direct message to back up these
charges, lie 'ld not mince words, but declared
emphatically that the progress we had made under thi
protective tariff syrtem muet be destroyed. In bis
"Address from the Throne," April 8. WIS. immediately
after he had ceiled connreaa In entraordmary session,
he said:
We must abolish everything that bears even the
semblance of privilege or of any kind of artificial art-
vantna nelile trom the duties lnld upon articles
which wn do not. and probably cannot, produce, there
fore, am' the d'HIes laid upon luxuries and nieieiy
for the snke of the revenues they yield, the object or
the tariff duties henceforth laid must be effective;
competition, the whottlnr of American wlta by contest
with tho wlta of the rest of the world.
This waa the beginning of the president's efforts
to put Into effeot the promises of the democratic party
In any discussion of the relative merits of a repub
lican or democratic system of government, this mes
sage of President Wilaon should not be forgotten.
Neither ahould we forget the failure oi the adminis
tration to reduce the cost of living, to destroy the
trusts, or to remedy any of the other evils charged
against the republican party.
We should not forget the consequences of tho
policy which the president advocated with euch vigor.
Our ib'iiKH rallc friends prefer now to discuss the war
In Europe, but we must not hold them to the Indjatrlal
war they have wrought at home.
What waa the effect of the president's tariff dec
laration? First A staggering blow to all business In th
fnlted States because of the fear of what was to
Second The passage of the t'nderwoood low tariff
law which produced tha most unsatisfactory Industrial
Third The loss of trade and employment at home,
and the development of Industries abroad.
Fourth An Income tax and a war tax tmposod
upon people who were at peace with the world; and a
grist of legislation adverse to American enterprise.
FifthA depleted treasury' with more taxes In sight,
since the present war tax bill expiree by limitation at
the end of the current year and wilt have to be re
newed In aome form.
In seven months, from January 1, to July 31. 1UH,
the loss of revenue, under the Wllson-X'nderwood
tariff law, as compared with the repealed republican
tariff law of the previous year, waa upwards of $-'8,-ono.000.
The damage to the country In that period wna
enormous and foreign manufacture displaced $24S,
OOfi.OOO worth of American labor. That, however, wne
only the beginning.
The whole argument In favor of President Wilson's
low tariff system waa baaed uponAhe alleged control
of trusts and monopolies and the high coat of living.
Let us remember how hla remedial scheme worked
out. By admitting the gooda of foreign cheap labor
free of duty, and at auch ratea of duty as made
American competition Impoaalble, the Wilson antl
"artlflclal" tariff law cost the American treasury a
full llflO.OilO.OW of revenue the first year. The retail
price of foreign commodities waa not reduced to the
American conaumer because the foreigner added the
duty to his price. The democrats, therefore, did not
relieve the American consumer, but added Il00.000.ono
to ths profits of the foreign manufacturer, who waa
thua enabled to take the work from the American
If anyone thtnfca the coat of living has been re
duced by Mr. Wilson's plan of reducing the tarlM
and lowering the "artificial" barriers which check
competitive Imports, all ha haa to do la to compare
the prices of 116 In the heyday of the Wilson admini
stration with the price of household commodities In
the closing days of the administration or" Mr. Taft.
The advantage In prices waa all In Europe, not the
United States.
And We orget," let us sum up the present
situation. The Wilson administration, having passed
all tha vexatious laws It could, la now trytng to aasure
all business, both big and little, that It did not mean
any harm. Any suggestions that business has suf
fered reverses or that capita! has gone Into hiding or
that working en have lost employment have been
treated as "a state of mind." That sort of loas in
business or emnlovment nmi, , , . ,.
. - - .".....j t"J' MUlttKltTfW.
The man who lost employment or who suffered in
ousineaa warns to remember thla. lie does not want
to forget It because we are having spasmodic pros
perity In certain parts of the United States, due to the
demand for war aupplles In Europe. The European
war doea not excuse the democratlo party for using
up the IM.OOO.tMO balance that was left In the treasury
when Mr. Wilson took hold. It doea not excuse that
party for losing IKiO.OOO.Ofo of revenue and a full 1 . of business and wage., it doe. not excuse
he income tax nor the war tax. It doe. not excu.o
the deficiency that now exists In the trea.ury-thst
la to say. the excess of expenditures oveP reeelpte that
reV,rtHmI,y ,e"d l ,"U f bon, -'Mitlonal
taxes. It doe. not excuse the tendency of all legla-
Zr: !WO t0W,rd -eTnment own! -ship
and the destruction of Individual enterprise It
doe. not excuse the violation of democratic pledge, of
retrenchment and economy, nor doe. it excuse the
mo.t extravagant congress In all hLtory. It doe.
not excuse fake sntl-trust legislation. Injurious sh.p
M?J?Z de,U"'t' ftnictlon of American
mh r y,,h pror0,", UM f Am""n t.xe. to
purchase foreign ve.acl.. It doe. not excuse the raid.
thT- .k m" ,0r c,lonal Purposes. All these
thing, should be remembered, and "Lest We Forget"
I "n(l dUt'rn for "r,'ves whither we
ara drifting I have before me the trea.ury .tatemenl
of August 10. which Include. collection, all In",",
Hr )"l',"d,"1 TVfnUe rece"' " demo
cratic For lea. than six week, of the flacal
trth. 'T' th,t Ur "-veUn ',,"!
? . " th'r W'r for ,he "me PMod 'n 1914
and that our expenditure, were 12.300,000 greater Here
Is a net lo.. for six week, of the new year only .,t
approximately 119,000.000.
Remember another thing, that If we do so poorly
with a Kuropean war operating a. a protective tariff'
we shall still have the Underwood low tariff law on
the book, when the war tloae.. Remember that the
moment the war In Europe stop, the men who are in
the trenches will go back to the mllla. It will be necea
ary for them to woik hard and at the lowest wagj.
As the Wilson administration atanda today It stands
to welcome the product, of thla cheap forgn labor a.
soon as hoat lltlea cease. Republican, who belleva In
the protective tariff aystcm should not hm lulled Into
the belief that "Watchful Waiting" In Mexico or
"ultimatum" lettera to Europe ara a sufficient atone
ment for the wrong that haa been 'done to Indu.trie.
.... i j -iaiea. w amy would .rem to be to
unite force, and to proceed Immediately to tha repeal
or revision of those laws which, when the competi
tion of Europe la again free, ran only humiliate u.
financially and economically.
Mayor Rlddlo of Atlantic City aald at a clambake
en the beach:
"You can tell. If you're clever, a vacationist s home
position. All vacationists, of course, are not banker
or heiress, or manufacturer, of war munitions,
though moat of them look It.
"Yea, you ran .pot them out If you keep your eye.
ppen. Thua. on a fishing excursion to the bank. It
wa. easy to spot a blonde in a Paquln gown for a
telephone girl because, a. ahe waa draw-In in a
flounder, somebody called to her. 'Hello!' and ahe
frowned and answered Impatiently:
" 'line s busy!' "Newark K.
Fairness of the Letter Box.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Aug. To the
Editor of The He: I wish to congratu
late you ii)n your fairness In publishing
letter, for your letter 1ox column.. Tou
have shown ywir fearlessnne. in allow
ing I.ixlen Stehblna' article to nioee the
debate which started. I consider hla the
best yet and hopo that It attains a wide
circulation. C. B. LJ3 BARilON.
(oln Hark Too Far.
CRAB ORCHARD, Neb., Aug. 23To
the Editor of The Bee: A contributor to
your letter Box today charge It up to
Oermany that during the American revo
lution "a petty German king" assisted
England by furnishing soldiers to flht
against the colonies. If the writer of
that letter will look up the historical
data touching this fact he will find that
the petty Onrman king he refers to
ws. the absolute ruler of a sovereign
principality, whose connection with the
German empire la slightly 1cm Intimate
than that existing between the United
State and the defunct kingdom of Korea.
The German empire had its beginning
In 1871. Acta, treaties and agreements
made and entered Into by Prussia or any
of the minor German atat prior to that
time are not binding upon the emplro
unless they were specifically recognized
and assumed by the Imperial government,
any more than a treaty made by the
sovereign and Independent republic of
Texaa would be binding upon the United
Btates today unless specifically rwognlxed
by the federal government.
Protection to Build Up the West.
TOPRKA, Kan., Aug. 23-To the Editor
of Tho Bee: Some year, ago a bill was
ling voted upon in congress one day
which presided for an appropriation for
a relatlva of th lata William N. Holman.
then serving in the house from Indiana.
(Yon remember htm -the old "Watch-dog
of the Treasury.") For once he failed
to object, hut voted "aye," Inatantly a
witty colleague, appreciating the situa
tion, arose and recited the famous lines:
Tls sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest
Bay leep-mouthed welcome as we draw
near home.
That story cams to my mind as I read
of that great free trade newspaper, the
Springfield Republican, demanding tariff
protecticn. The famine In dye.tuffs, you
know, haa paralysed the manufacturing
Industrie of the Republican's home city
and other Massachusetts manufacturing
centers, and tho Republican Is, now
clamoring for protection. In order to build
up a dye manufacturing industry In order
that Massachusetts' Industries may not
be again crippled by a European war.
The same argument can be made for tha
Wet sugar industry of the middle west,
and let ua hope that the light that Is
breaking In the east will fall upon our
democratic newspapers of this section.
Dee. Ream Obscure Motef
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. a. To the
Editor of The Bee: Let me explain to
A. D. that the Georgians have learned
the "clvlllied ways of the north." They
learned them fifty years ago when they
were carried to them by a noted northern
general who spread "northern civilisa
tion" and future "twenty century barbar
ism" aa he marched hi. army to the sea.
In later year, they have taken lessons
In the same "northern civilisation" from
Kansas, Colorado. Indiana and other
states located north of Maaon and Dixon
line. Doubtless tne sneep ana cattle men
contributed some Information to the night
riders, and our own Greek riot may have
helped some.
Possibly A. D.'s splendid knowledge of
the south came by the Carpet Bag routs
hence the lack of .hock.
Such a pity Mr. Walte that the
Oglethorpe strain should exist longer
than Salem witch-craft strain blame It
all to the climate.
Really, now, are you northerner,
conscious of the beam In your own eye?
Just a Little Knoelt.
OMAHA, Aug. 23. To the Editor of The
lice; Jesus of Naxerath was so poor
thst he did not even own a stone where
upon he coi.ld rest his head. Now he
must be locking baok to that time of
depressed poverty, and promises himself
that whenever he employs anyone to
work for him he would at least pay blm
well, llllly Sunday Is working for Jesus
(so he says). He must bo woll paid or
else his advance agent would not be want
ing to rent for his lord and master a
furnished twenty-room mansion. Tea.
they are even talking of hiring Fontenelle
hotel rooms at V3 to til per day, per room,
but what la tho difference as long as the
plnheads aro willing to foot the btlla
The local preacher, must be hard up for
lamb chops when they resort to a tie-up
with the foul-mouthed Billy Sunday.
i wua.
Safety Railroads.
CHICAGO, Aug. 22. To th Editor ot
The Bee: Your editorial on "Safety of
Railroad Travel" la of interest not only
a. a good record for the railway., but
because It Indicate, a well marked
tendency. The fact that there is a
tendency, toward Increasing safety on rail
way. U shown by statistic, covering
periods of year. But I am chiefly In
terested In your reference to the propor
tion ot fatalities to person, trespassing
on the right-of-way and a the too pre
valent custom of "taking chancea"
Trespassing on railway property Is a
peculiarly American habit. It Is not due
to Ignorance of the risk, but to th great
American habit of "taking a chance."
There la a general Impression that the
trespassers killed are largely hoboea.
This I. not a tact. Nor are they for
eigner.. A committee of the Association
of Railway Claim Agents recently made
an exhaustive Inquiry In relation to the
trespassing habit and the victim, of It.
Th report covered nearly 11,000 specific
case., or about 90 per cent of the total
number of casualties reported to the
Interstate Commerce commission In 1914.
It showed that as per cent of th tres
passer were Americans. Only 13 per cent
were reported as In the hobo rlaas and IS
per cent were reported definitely a not
In thi. class. Only IS per cent wer
Casualties to trespassers are 44 per cent
fatal. Official record, of casualties to
all persons except trespasser., and In
cluding pesMnger. and employe.. In all
classes of aocldunt. .how a relation of
Injuria, to fatalities of about thirty or
forty to one. Almoat half of all tres
passers reported In all railway casualty
list, are reported killed. Of course, the
explanation la that they are walking on
the tracks, or climbing or riding aa cars.
They are struck by locomotives or
knocked off and run over by car. Safety
appliance.. In th provision of which the
railway, have spent much money In tha
last twenty year, do not afford them pro
tection a. they do to passe oxers and
employes. The "sefety first" propaganda
does- not Include them within the scope
of its activities. In the same year only
eighty-five passengers were killed in
train accidents. Applying a TO per cent
fatality ratio to the S.noo. which Is
obviously within bounds. It appear, that
It I. Just fifty time safer to be a pas
senger on a railway train than to .teal
a ride or to walk on the track a. a short
Trespassing on railway tracks or on
railway trains la taking a long chance.
F. W. Lv
o Smnkeal-l'p Groceries.
BLAIR, Neb., Aug. 21 To the Editor
of The Bee: My womanly Indignation
rises to such a degree, that I would
throttle some of the villainous conditions
that, becretly undemlne all the sacred
efforts of home, school, church and state;
for when the average village grocery be
comes a dragon spider, to lay the snares
of death and distinction In the very ar
ticle, of food, It 1. time to act Society
in general has carefully placarded the
avenue, of life of the dangers ot the
tobacco habit, and the Institutions of th
Irnd have been lending their aid In de
veloping moral suasion In this line, so
that the fond mother can In a measure
feel safe when she kisses h r child on the
doorstep, knowing that the school, church.
Boy Scout, t.'ampflre Girls, etc., all Im
press the warning bgalnst narcotic
poisoning, and this fond mother keeps
an eye on all these Institutions to see
that the demands are met, and then Joins
the Mothers' club Jollifications, that sa
much has been accomplished when lo,
the dreaded enemy has crept Into the
home, and nested Itself Into the very
bodies of her entire family, a. well as
herself; In fsct she herself ha. been
feeding It to her loved ones, "Al la White
House Cook Book," and thus she her
self has become the direct vendor of the
venom, she has declared unceasing war
My eyes have Just been opened, and
the revelation has taken effect, for
the village grocer, from which she get.
her provision., has Its tobacco depart
ment at the front door, to thnt at Its
opening the fumes are carried back
through every line of shelves, then the
habitues that Inhabit these places, smoke
and spit and saturate the floor.
Women, let us fight for clean groceries,
and that they ahull be free from all to
baccos, no smoking nor vile spittoons
permitted real sanitary places. And let
tobaccos be sold in places for- that
peclal purpose, "Smoke Houses," If it
must; for I don't want to feed It to my
family. In fact, grocers will be glad
for this condition, and If we demand It,
the old tobacco worm will be chaaed
out of the grocery store.
Mrs. Crshshaw When you were in the
hammock with that young man, dl'ln't I
see Ms arm around vou?
Msrjntie Whv. mamma, we couldn't
both sit in thst hammock without squees-
1 Hit I A f,
(ft ft 1 1 nr. iuJHT-.
"Here's a scientist who sav. that tha
objects commonlv regarded as Inanimate
really have feellnKS."
"I believe It. 1 heard a rlarinet last
night that sounded as If It was suffer
ing horribly." Washington Star.
"My hi'sband won't dare critlcls my
party gown next winter.
"Why not-' -
"He's wearing a low-neck shirt
self this summer." Ietrolt Free Press.
him- '
Large and Inflamed. Nearly
Crazy. Disfigured Terribly.
Face a Mass.
Marlon C. Bmlth In Youth') Companion.
Here's to the old earth, and here's to all
that's In her.
To the soil of her. and the toil of her, and
the valiant souls that win her:
To the hope she holds, and the gift she
grants, her hazards and her prltes.
To the face of her, and the grace of her,
and all her swift aurpiisea.
Here's to her mighty dawns, with rose
and golden splendor;
To the heights of her. and the nights of
her, her springs and their surrender;
Her storm, and her froxen .eaa, and the
4mystlc atari above her.
The fear of her, and the cheer of her, and
all the brave that love her.
Here's to her valley, warm, with their
little home, to cherish.:.
The gleam of her, and the dream of her,
and the loves that flower and perish;
To her cities rich and gay, with their
atom life-chorus ringing.
The noise of her, and the Joya of her, and
the sigh beneath the singing.
Hera's to her endless youth, her deaths
and her reviving;
The souls of her, and the goal of her, that
keep her ever striving;
Her little smiling flowers, and her com
forting grass and clover,
And the rest of her on the breast of her
when striving day. are over.
Here's to the old earth, with all her
countless chances,
Th heart of her, and the art of her, her
frowns and lender glances;
With all her dear familiar ways that held
us from the starting:
Long might to her! And good night to
her, when the hour Is struck for
""I was troubled with an Itching on my
face which broke out In pimples. The
pimples festered and were large and In
flamed. I scratched and
Irritated them till they nearly
set me crasy. The breaking
out disfigured me terribly,
and Itched nearly all the
time. My face was simply
a mass of sore plraples. I
was troubled for about a
year or more.
"I tried Soap and
Ointment, and it didn't do me any good.
Then a friend told me to try Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment. I sent for a free sam
ple and bought some more. I received quick
relief and now t am completely healed."
(Signed) Miss Effle M. Bine, Bremen, Ohio,
Jan. 19. 1915.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32-p. Skin Book on roquest. Ad
dress post-card "Cutleura. Dept. T, Bee
ten." Sold throughout the world.
Shetcct tfmUcff
The Food-Drink for All Ages
Unloum yoa My HO RUCK'S j
you mmy got m Substltuta ,
with a feeling; of languor, exhaus
, tion and extreme depression, is a
condition which clearly indicates
a poverty of phosphates in the
body. Replenish the supply of
these strengthening elements, and
1 restore the health and energy by
Acid Phosphate
Keep s bsttl ia year bo
r i
Aft fiLm
tfv-A Ar y W
t 'fTtfrs (
Shampoo Hints
It's not the soap that you put on your head that hurts
the hair, its the soap that slays in the hair, the remains
of the sosky suds thai penetrates hair fibre snd scalp
pores. Lee's Liquid Shampoo Cleans itself out too.
The purer the soap the more likely to curdle lo
hard water. Use rain water or distilled water for the
"lather-up." A few ounces suffice. Any clean water
will do for the quick rinse-off. Don't use hot water,
Its too sosky. Oily or arreasy hair takes more
shampoo than dry hair snd more need of soft wster.
For excessive dandruff, falling hair, scalp eruptions,
etc., use Lee's Liquid Tar-Sulphur Shampoo twice a
week for a' while, then uie regularly Lee's Liquid (green)
Shampoo, once a week and you will hsve no more hslr
troubles. Lee's Liquid Shampoos clean quicker, dry
quicker and leave hair and scalp In belter condition than any other.
' bold by druggists. Accept no substitutes.
GEO. H. LEE CO., Laboratories
Omaha, Nebr.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.