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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1915)
f Bringing Up I i ; mi i ' r 111 j i 0,H! C P SMEETu Vk2?W - fSSSS.;?10 WHADDE. KNOW . ( DEA, r WA 20 . WVM, Mf f lit COLLY - I'LL Y ' v "- HERE COMES uJ L fvv ? STtS 2IoME '' KZ'S THM- FHWHTEMED-HE HOW) P3J1T SHE'S A LOOKIM' S1-? . felSS 1 ' MY HOUSE- VOORDOOR! HAVE HIE'Vl ORL. 5 S , D" J ( L JJ" Ij i V 2j ATTENDED TO CAN'T V 1 ) V Q .r TS " U 7 TME OLD FOOL S&,ie ONTJU f - ROURKES HAMMER WICHITA HURLERS Omaha Captures Second Contest by Getting to Three Opposing Boxmen. FINAL SCORE IS TEN TO ONE WICHITA. Kan.. Auk. 23. (Special Tel egram.) Omaha cleaned up on Wichita in the second game of the aeries, land ing on Pate, eOist and Powers in the pinches almost at will. Thompson pitched a steady game after he got warmed t'P The final count was 10 to 2. Omaha started the scoring in tho fourth. Forsyth led off with a single. Wells flew to right. Krug singled to left and McChesney followed with a drive to light that scored Forsythe. Tannehill walked, filling the bases, Oelst replac l Tate. Schllebner hit to short and Brlt ton missed a chance for a double play when he dropped the ball. Krug scored. Thompson hit to short and Hosp booted tho ball. McChesney scoring. Gelst Given Gate. Thompson led off in the seventh with a single. Smith and Breen singled, filling the ba;s. Forsythe was hit, forcing in Thompson. Wells cracked the ball against the right field fence. Talllon hit rhe fence as he was trying for the catch and fell down. He lost the ball and it went for a home run. Towers replaced Oelst and stopped the scoring. Schllebner' single In the ninth scored Krug and McChesney. A walk and two singles and a sacrifice fly scored one for Wichita in the first. Doubles by Hosp and Thiesslng counted the run in the third. Tomorrow's game will be called at 2 o'clock in order to allow Omaha to catch a train for Denver. Score: WICHITA. AB. R. K. O. A. 13. Talllon. rf 4 0 1 i 0 0 Fox., If 8 110 0 0 Hon p. SS 4 13 2X1 Thieslng. cf S 0 2 2 0 0 Heiling, 8b 2 0 0 0 8 0 Brltton, 2b 4 0 0 2 4 1 Patterson, lb 4 0 3 10 1 0 f rlf ith, c 4 O O 8 0 0 Pate, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 Oil't. p 10 0 10 0 Powers, p 1 0 0 0 1 0 OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Smith, cf 6 1 2 3 0 0 Ilreen, 2b 6 114 6 0 Forsythe, rf 4 8 2 2 0 0 Wells, c 4 112 0 0 Krug. ss 4 2 1110 McChesney, if 6 2 2 0 0 0 Tannehill, 3b 8 0 0 1 2 0 Schllebner. lb 6 0 1 14 0 0 Thompson, p 6 110 9 0 ToUls 40 10 U 27 17 "o Omaha 0 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 210 Wichita 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Left on bases: Omaha, 2: Wichita, 6. Karned runs: Omaha, 6; Wichita, 1. Sac il.lce bits: Tannehill. Thlesing, Hetllng. Two-base hits: Hosp, Thieslng. Home run: Wells. Stolen bases: Schllebner. Hits: Off l'ate, 5 In three and one-third innings: off Ocist, 4 In two and two thirds Innings. Double play: Krug to Breen to Schllebner; Thompson to Tanne hill to Schllebner. Thompson to Breen to Sen lebner. Struck out: By Thomps. n, l; hy Pate. 1: by Ueist, 1; by Powers, I. Bases on bulls: Off Thompson, 2; off Pate, 1; off Powers, 2. Wild pitch: Pate. Hit by pitched ball: Ky Uclxt, Forsythe. Time: 1:60, Umpire: Van Syckle. LINKS DEFEAT JOSIF.9 TWICE Drnmmers Drop Two Games, Five to Four and Five to One. Lincoln, Neb. Aug. 23. Lincoln took a double-header from St. Joseph this after noon by score of 3 to 4 and to L First game LINCOLN. AB. R, II. O. A. K. Wolfe, If 3 10 10 0 Lloyd. 2b 4 0 1 3 0 1 McOefflgan. ss 4 0 1 2 2 1 Morse, rf 5 1110 0 AVllltams. lb 8 0 1 8 0 0 M. Schrelber, cf ....3 0 1 3 0 0 Smith. 3b 2 1113 0 McAllister, e 4 10 7 10 B. Schrelber, p 8 1 3 3 1 0 Totals 81 5 8 27 1 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. II. O. A. B. Nicholson. If 6 0 8 10 0 Grodlck. 2b 6 1 3 3 1 Heimer, cf 6 0 0 3 0 0 Ens. lb 4 11(04 Boultes. 8b 4 1 1 0 0 Watson, rf 8 0 3 1 0 0 Groellng. ss 4 0 1 4 4 1 Connelly, o 4 0 0 8 4 0 Kelfer, p 4 0 0 0 3 1 Totals 4 "lO 24 14 ! Lincoln 0 0131000 5 St. Joseph 10003100-4 Home run: Morse, Two-base: Boultse, IJoyil, H. Schrelber, Groodick, Ens. 1'oubls play: McOaffujan to Williams. Stolen bases: McGalligan, Nicholson. Sac rifice hit: B. Schrelber. Struck out: by Schrelber T, by Kelfer 8. Base on balls: Off Schrelber S, off Kelfer . Hit by p'tched balls: By Kelfer 2. Passed ball: Connelly. Time of game: One hour and fort-six minutes. - l'nnire: Gelsel. LINCOLN. Wolfe, if S I 8 3 0 Lloyd 2b S 1 0 1 4 0 McGafflisn. ss 3 0 1 S 3 Mclntyre cf 0 Morse, rf. 4 1114) H Williams lb 4 1 1 13 0 Schrelber. cf.-aa...., 4 4 110 0 Smith. 8b. 4 4 118 1 J'ants. e 4 1 1 T 4 Narveson, p. 4 4) 0 4 S 4 Totals 84 "s iT 37 11 T. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. O. A. F Nicholson. If 4 4 0 1 0 0 Grodlck, 2b 4 113 6 0 Watson, cf 4 4 1 S 4 0 Eaa, lb 3 0 4 8 4 0 Father Boultes, 3b 8 0 118 1 R Williams, rf 3 0 0 10 0 Oroellng. ss 3 0 0 8 8 1 Connelly, c 8 0 13 11' fWldeman, P S 0 0 0 I 0 Totrls SO 1 4 24 12 2 Lincoln 1 0 0 0 1 1 t 0 B St. Joseph 0 0 U 1 0 0 0 0 01 Thrre-baso hits: H. Williams. Two bane hits: Morse. Double plays: Mc llaffigan to Williams; Uroellng to Oro ilkk to Ens. Stolon bases: Lloyd. Wolfe. Sacrifice hits: Ens. Lloyd. Struck out. By Narveson, S; ly Wideman, 2. Bass on Lull .: ir: i,. nial), I. Hit by pitched LhII: Bv WMemon, 1. Time: 1:86. Um pire: Uelsel. TO IT K A TAKES FINAL 0E SntiieM Hmim-Ii lilt Off Ilovthby (1 Hcnt Sioux. TOPFJIv A. Knn.. Auk. 23. Topeka hum hed hils off !lr).,thh- and defeated Sioux City In tho f mil game of the series. Two Toprka run were scored on wild pltfliKM. The liilthiK of Tvdeman. who singled en his first throe nil's to the pltiiw. featured. Score: TOPKKA. AM. It. If. a. Bustii k, fig :i l i Cochran, 3b 4 L' I Pi own. If 3 2 I 2 Tyihunan. rf 4 o .'1 1 I jil timorc, 4 0 0 1 Jm ksi.n, cf 4 0 Fisher, lb 4 O 0 11 Monroe, c 8 1 0 2 Orover. p 3 0 10 -. J-:. 1 Totals 32 7 27 8 SIOUX CITY. AB. B, II. Cooney, 2b 3 12 CYwKrove, If 4 12 Callahan, ss 4 0 1 O. 3 3 2 4 7 1 1 2 1 24 . Lejeune, cf 8 0 0 I Kane, lb 2 0 HeiislinK. 3b 8 0 0 Richards, rf 8 0 0 I Crosby, c 4 0 0 j Boothby. p 3 0 0 Totals 29 2 6 Topeka 0 0 2 0 8 10 3 0 fl 1 0 2 0 Sioux City 0 0 O 0 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Orover. Saicriflce hlt: Kane. sacrifico- fly: Kane. Double play: Cochran to Fisher. Stolen base: Cochran, xia.-eft on iin-;; Jit. orover 3; off Boothby, 2. Struck out: By Grover. 2; by Boothby. 1. Wild pitches: Boothby (2). Hit bv pitched bnjl: By Grover. 1. Time: 1:39. Umpire: Ryan and Cusack. Stecher and Roller May Arrange Bout During State Fair (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 23. (Special.) State fair visitors may have an opportunity to see a real "rasale" if the plana of Joe Btecher materialise. Stecher is anxious to t.k. n .nm- -..,J . ... . " . ., , 7"". . " j " win niaaa 11 interesting; for him and has entered into negotiations with Dr. Roller, the Seattle husky to come to the fair and show what he has got. Or. Roller would probably make the Dodge county wonder stretch himself, at least a little, and wrestling fans in Ne braska would go a long way to see Stecher and the doctor stage a few bouts. ARMOURS GAIN VICTORY OVER JJUCKY HOLMES The Armours invaded Ducky Holmes' park yesterday for the second time this season and again managed to bring back the bacon to the smoke-house. Graves i was on the mound for the packers and 'kept eight hits well scattered. Good support was also given him by Clemmons at short, Curro Sullivan at second and Corcoran. Shannon pulled down a line drive off Konneck's bat with one hand. For the Pucky Holmes Flanagan and Carmody starred. Score: ! ARMOtrKf". DUCKY HOLM ITS I Alf.H.O.A K 1 rnny. If.... 4 12 1 LCWham, If 4 1 2 0 0 I Oamraona as ft 3 1 b uctrmody. sa. 4 1 0 1 0Klana o. 8b 2 1 0 1 Trout, lb.... 4 2 14 2 OHaaaan. rf . 4 0 eOllllapla. e. 4 1 8 2 OMcC'ofk. Ibl 1 I 4 OKonnsck, cf. 4 1 1 0 OBakar, p.... 2 4 4 a , Gravea. p... 4 Pletchar, lb. 4 Corcoran, 2b. ft Yoat. c 2 HullUaa, 2b. 4 Gumaaa. cf. 4 Shannon, rf. ft I 0 1 12 a S i Totala ... 27 10 27 14 1 Totals... .24 3 37 H 1 Score by innings: R I R. Armour 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 47 10 1 Ll'cky Holine.O 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 04 7 1 Earned runs: Armour, 4. Struck out: By Baker, 7.; by Graves, 4. Base on balls: Off Baker, 4; off Graves, 3. Two-base hits: Ienny, Graves, Fletcher, Corcoran, Yont Flanagan, Trout (2). Gilleaole. Konneck. Sacrifice hit: Sullivan Loubl I plays: Clemmons to Sullivan to Fletcher, .ariwftiy 10 .ui. orirai a 10 1 roue. KtOletl bases: Fletcher (i). Time, 2 hour Um pires. 1'ike and Mutt. NORTH PLATTE BOOSTERS OUTPLAY LINCOLN TEAM NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Am 33.-Spe-cial Telegram.) The North Platte Boost ers turned the trick this afternoon on the Lincoln Cleaning and Dye Works . I . v. -. . . . uTiownt vnciii, i ig a. i ne uoosi- ers leave Wednesday for Eustls to play In n. n , . n n IJncoln 0 i 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 8 3 21. Platte 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 04 7 3 Batteries: Lincoln, Orsnt, Meyers and Hans; North Platte, Art ley and Rodvers. Furned runs: North Platte. 1; IJncoln. 1. Three-base hit: Bright. Two-base hits: Slatterv. Simonds Home run: Knffim liases on balls: Off Meyers. 1: off Artlcy 1. Wild pitches: Meyers. Artley. rtrucV ' out: By Urant. j; by Meyers, 3: by Art ley. . Double play: Prlsht to Amen. Passed ball: Rodger. Time: 1:40. Um pire: O'Keefa. Tlarli Wins 8epnt Btantea. LKIOH. Neb.. Aug. 31 -'Special Tele gram.) Lelh won Iron. Stanton todav, 8 to 7. Score: R H E. I'igh 1 01OOSOSO-883 Stanton 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 3 Batteries: La Igh. Wlebold and Karel; Stanton. Chllcoat. Holsteln and Olaser. Struck out: By Wlebold. 13: by Clillcoat. 1: by Holsteln. 4. Two-base hits: Wlebold. , lamer. Threa-Usse hit: Harel. Home run: Miselbach. Umpire: Vlach. TIIK IJKK: Copyr.'gM. Wi, International Nt Service. CUBS AND PHILLIES SPLIT DOUBLE BILL Chicago Wins First Game, Four to Three, and Quakers the Seoond, Thirteen to Five. M'OUILLAN BACK IN THE GAME PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 13, The doublo header here today resulted In an even break. Chicago winning the first game.' 4 (o 3, and Philadelphia the second, 13 to 5. In the opening contest, Mayer weakened In the Hct two Inning.. A throw by I.nuVru buke the little flnner of Byrne's left Viml. The closing affair was a -.alknir f o the Phillies. Hum- I hhries belnn driven off thP rubber in the .j neeiinii iiiiunK, worn seven runs were o rcnreil. McUulllan made hla reappeurunce with tlic home team, pitching In good Mlc. Score first yaine: l ItK'AlM. rilIJAlK!.P!IIA AH.H.U A K AH It O A K. !"il rf 4 0 11 1 llvrw. ill). ...3 0 10 0 Fllslicr, n. ..4 I 1 4 l Hmu roft. M..4 i 4 0 Hchiill. If.. 4 (i ol'arkort. rf . J I t 0 r.lmmerin. h 4 I 2 .1 0 1'rarmli. rf . ! 1 1 1 Kaiir. lb 3 Wllllanis. cf 4 Thelan, 3b 4 1 In 0 0 Klein uk. Ih .4 J t 2 1 1 4 0 2 n 9 n o 0 n 1 o i) Whlitnl If 4 o 1 0 0 0 0 Nlrlioff. ;t..4 I 1 I 1 1 Kllllfur. C....3 1 7 II 0 3 1 Mavrr. P :l 1 1 S 0 0 0 Alcxxnilrr. p II 0 II A 0 0 O'Htrinf 1 0 0 0 9 Arrhr. Cheney, p. 7.aliel. p.... Murray . Totals .. tuek 1 0 0 0 0 IS I 27 II t Totala ....32 7 27 11 1 Hatted for Cheney In eighth. Mated for KUIIfer in ninth. Matted for Alexander In ninth. Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-4 Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-a Two-base hits: Zimmerman (2). Lu derus. Kllllfer. Cravath. Home run: Fisher. Stolen bases: Cravath. Whltted. Nlehoff. Karned runs: Chicago. 2; Phil adelphia, 1. Double play: Mayer to Ban croft to Luderus. Bases on balls: Off Cheney. 3; off Alexander, 1. Hlis: Off Cheney, 5 In seven Innings; off Z.ibel, 1 in two Innings: off Mayer, 8 In eixht and one-third Innlgs; off Alexander, none in two-thirds inning. Btruck out: ' By Cheyney, 8; by Mayer, 5. Umpires: Rlgler and Cocklll. Hcore second game: CHICAGO. ritlLAnrl.PIIlA. AB H.O A E AB H O A K. Dond. rf i I I 0 Stock lb t 2 1 2 0 Flahar, .... 4 8 i I 0 Bam-roN, at.. I 1 f J Pchulla. it..,. 4 I 4 0 1 Paakert, cf...4 2 I 0 V glmmarin., 2b.4 0 1 8 2('iavath. rf...S 4 10 0 Kalrr. lb 11 0 1.uiliTUa. It) .1 0 11 0 0 Williams, of. 4 S 0 0 OWhlltrri, If . I 1 0 0 0 Ptllnn. 2b... I 0 0 3 1 Nlrhoff, 2I..4 0 2 0 1 Hraanah.. e. .4 0 1 2 0 llnma c 2 0 7 1 a HumphriM, p.o o o o o.M.cjuilian. p o I o '.'.'.'.'i 1 o o o oTt.i. .. .32 10 27 j To' ' ' " " , ... xBatted for Zabel In ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1-6 Philadelphia ..0 0 2 10 1 2 13 ! Two-base hits: Williams, Whltted. Cravth. Home run: Paskert, Cravath Stolen bases: Whltted (2). Brcsnhan. Murray. Earned runs: Chicago 3, Phila delphia 4. Double play: Luderus (unas sisted. Basses on errors: Chicago 3, Philadelphia 2. Bases on balls: Humph ries 3, by Zabel 6, by McQuillan 1 Hits: Off Humphries, 4 In one and two-thirds Innings; off Zabel, 6 in six and one-third innings. Struck out: By Humphries 1, by Zeliel 1, by McQuillan . Umpires: Rlgler and Cocklll. t'rd Beat Ciants Twice. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Perdue' fine work a a rescue pitcher enabled St. lMuis to win a double header from New York today. 6 to 4 and 4 to 3. He relieved Ames In the seventh inning of the first game and checked a Olunt rally, and again was called to take Robinson's placv with the bafee full In the third Inning of the second game. Two runs came in be fore he could retire the side, after whlcb he again pitched shutout ball. Score first game: BT. LOfTfl. NEW YORK. AB H O AT. All. H O A R. rtnt-jrlna, 2b.. ft 113 Burns, If e 1 0 0 0 Butlar, sa....4 Baarhar. If... 4 2ft OHoliartaoB. rf.4 2 2 0 20 ODovIa 4 a a 1 a Mins. rt... r)lan. cf.. .1 o 9 ritrhr. as. 4 0 12 4 I 1 0 OWrrkla. rf....2 4 4 4 1 .0 0 14 1 OKaller. lb... .2 0 0 0 0 .4 2 0 2 1 'Grant 1 0 0 .4 1 ft 2 OUralnanl. lb.l 0 0 0 0 .2 4 0 8 Olibart. 2b. ...4 2110 .10 0 1 0M,.ra. .... 0 1 0 ft Millar, lb. 3b. . nnraar. o.. Amaa, p J'arUua. p Dootn, a ft 0 2 0 TUls ... 22 4 27 14 I llabblnst.. lb 1 4 0 0 0 Parrltt, p .,.0 4 0 0 0 Hrhauar, p. ..8 10 2 0 W'enilal 1 0 10 0 Tula I a ....24 17 1 Batted for Kelley In sixth. Batted for Schauer In ninth. New York 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 04 St. Louts 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-6 Two-base hits: Robertson. Doyle, Schauer. Three-base hit: Robertson Stoler bases: Burns. Hugglns, Butler. Millet. Karned runs: St. Iuis. 4; New York. 4. Double play: Dooln to Doyle. Bases on bslls: Off Perritt. 2; off flchsuer, T: off Ames, 1. Hits: Off Per rlt, 1 In one inning, none out In second' off Schauer. 8 In eight Innings; off Ames, 8 In six Innings; off Perdue, 1 in three Innings. Struck out: By Schauer, 7; by Ames, 2; by Perdue. 2. Umpires: O'Day and Ptockdale. Score second game: BT. LOUIS. NBW YORK. ' AU. 11.(1 V. AU.ll.i- A K Hussln. 8b 4 Butlar. as. ...2 If... 4 4 4 2 cnurtia. If 3 1 3 13 2' Knbartaon. rf 4 1 1 I lx,rl. lb . 3 1 3 20 Plairhar, a.. 4 1 1 14 4 Marala. cf...4 2 2 Til Hr.Inari). lb 4 13 3 I Orant. 3b. ...4 3 3 I Marara. a. ...4 1 4 SOI Maibawsoa. p 8 1 I 13 Kalljr 1 o 4 :i T I S 8 s IMit. rf 2 roin rt Millar, lb 2 4 Hatiall, 3b.. 8 tnytur.' a..!! 2 TtOblnaoa. D 1 ',,u Total ....20 8 IT 11 ToUls ....33 t 17 14 1 Hatted for Mathewson in ninth. St. Louis 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 04 New York 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Stolen bases: Merkle. Dolan. Burned runs: New York. 3; St. Louis, 3. Double plays: Orant to Doyle to Brainard: 1-letcher to Orant to Doyle; Orant to Brainard; Orant (unassisted). First base on error: St. Louis, 1. Base awi balls: off Mathewson, 1; off Robinson, 1. Hits; off Robinson, 4 In two Innings, none out In third; off Perdue. S In seven Innings. Struck out: By Mathewson, 3; by Per due, 2. Umpires: Stockdale and O'Day. Brave Trim Pirates. BOSTON. Pa.. Aug. 23.-The Boston Nationals took the third straight same from Pittsburg today. 3 to 2, Fred Snod grsas, A UK for ner menWjer of the New York Hints apueared in & Hr.ati.n n.,l fciin for the first time. Ills double in. tin-1 OMAHA. IT'KSDAY, AUdUST 24, 10t5. I Standing of Teams i WESTERN1 LRAOUD. p. w. r.. r.-t. Dee Moines li'4 77 47 ,L'l IetlVfir ll! 71 4X ,d!'7 Sioux City 11 bl M .filS Lincoln 119 HI M .MS Topeka 14 6J t .M8 Omaha 1"4 M M .4X4 Wichita V.'l ftrt 71 .4IS St. Joseph 1J0 42 78 . NAT. LEAGUE. I AM BR. LKAOITi W L Pct i W.LlVt I . ? L I " .J7 vston ....67 64 .6i:i Chicago .".',!70 44 . din lilcao ...6 67 .4H- ashligtn 7 64 .614 r-iiuniiirsn lirwMlIew TorK...6J nfi .4NR St. 1-ouls ..fV, B0. 47i Cleveland ..43W.8f4 New York. .61 67 . 47il St. lxuls....4t 72 Sii.1 nnclnnatl 63 60 .4Hi Phlla X 75 .318 FWU. LHAOl'E. AMUR. LBAOUE. W.LPct WLPct. Vewsik ...8 49 .FiVl' Minneapolis. 7? M .6' Kan. City..4 61 .6f7! St. Iaul 72 61 .61n Pittsburgh .63 60 .6C41 Ixmlsvllle . MMM iuchico ...m rs .i4c moianaoniis Kt Ml .tiZf Pt. Ixiuls...(!i) 64 ,KV Kan. City.. .69 61) .4:1 Buffalo ....6 S .4';i Jillwaiikee .6S ft" .419 Brooklyn ..64 4 .46tl Cleveland ..61 7 4: Baltimore .39 75 .3421 Columbus ..46 74 .378 Yesterday's Results. WBST1-7KN LKAOUK. Pes Molnes-llenver, rain. St. Joseph. 4-1; Lincoln, 5-5. Slonx Citv, 2: Topeka, C. Oniana. 10; Wichita. 2. NATlONAIj LKAQUE. Plttsbiirgh, 2; Mnstrm. a Cincinnati, 3; Brooklyn, 2. Pt. Ixiuls, 5-4' New York, 4-3. Chicago, 4-5: Philadelphia. 8-18. AMKIUCAN LKAOUK. New York, 8; Chicago, 4. Poaton. 7; Ht. Ixiuis, 0. FEDERAL LEAGUE. St. Louis. 11; Chicago, 5. Kansas City, 0; PittMliurgh, 4. Brooklyn. 6; Baltimore, 2. A MIOTIC AN ASStlCIATlON. ioulsvllle, 21; Milwaukee, 8. Columbus. 1; Ht. Paul, 2. Cleveland, 2; Minneapolis, 4. Indianapolis, 2-6; Kansas City, 18-4. . Games Today, Western League Omaha at Wichita, Sioux City at Topeka. I'es Moines at Uenver, St. Joseph at IJncoln. National League I'lttshiirgh at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Ht. loula at New York, Chicago at Philadelphia. American league Washington at Chi raaro, I'hlladelphTa at 9t. louls, Boston at Uetrolt, New York at Cleveland. Federal league St. Louts at Chicago, Kansas City at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Baltimore, Buffalo at Newark. eighth resulted in the winning run. Score: rrrrsnvHOH boston. AB H O A K AO. II. O A K Karnav. If ... 4 0 8 0 OMoran. rf... 3 0 11 OKvara. 2b.. .4 2 12 0 OKnoitaraaa, cf.S 1 13 0 V Mum, If ...4 1 111 0 Schmidt, lb.. 4 0 JohtiMton, lb 4 Cnl Una. cf ...4 Klnrlim., rf..l Wanaer. m.. .8 Vlox 2h I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 I 0 0 10, 0 01 .8 0 4 0 OKmlth. 3b... .8 1 .4 1 3 2 0 M.ranvll., ,a 1 0 .2 0 2 1 OWhalln. c . 3 1 .4 0 0 3 OOoaily. o a 0 Tylar. p 2 1 21 ft 24 OHuahoa, p....l 0 Halrd. 2b. ...4 ""0"' Adama. p Totala Totals ....2 7 27 11 2 nttsburgh 0 1 O U v 0 1 0 U-4 Huston 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 Hughes, none In 2 and one-third innings. Struck out: By Adams 2, by Tyler t byHughcs 2. Umpires Byron and Rason. Reds Beat Soperbas. BROOKLYN. N. Y.. Aug. 23 Pfeffer was wild and ineffective in the first in ning of the Brooklyn-Cincinnati game ioday and the visitors accumulated three hits and three runs, enonght to defeat ths Puuerbas. 3 to 2. Score: BROOKLYN. 'UVNMIDNLt . AUH.OA.E. ABH.OA.B. Mrera. ef....4 1 3 0 OOlaaa. sa 3 0 110 b 8 1 3 4 OUaubert. lb. .4 2 12 0 Hmni, SS...4 2 0 Wllllama, If. .4 0 1 KHIttcr. cf . 4 1 2 Orirntha. rf 8 4 2 Wlnin. 2 1 1 Waaner, 8b. ..8 0 4 Mnllwltl. lb 4 16 ri. p 8 o o MrKanrr. p.. I 1 Rrhneldar, p.O 0 Leach 0 S SWhant, If ... 0 2 0 Ol'ulahaw lb.l 0 110 0 OHUnaol. rf...l 0 4 0 0 OOoli. 3b 4 1 t 0 3 0 Mccarty. e...4 1 2 8 2 dff.lf-r. p....t o 1 0Hchuts A B t 0 2 OApplrton, p i 10 1 0 0 'Smi th 0 0 0 0 OHouitlaa, p . O 0 0 1 0 0 0 . Totals ....W 27 10 0 Totals ...M 10 2T li xKan for McKenery In eighth. Cincinnati "1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Brooklyn o 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 02 Two-baee hits: Orlffltha (2), McCarty. Three-base hit: Herxog. Stolen base: Leach. Karned runs: Cincinnati 8. Brook lyn 2. Bases on balls: oft Dsle 3 off Mc Kenery 3. off l'feffer 2. off Annl..inn l Hits: Off Dale 2 In five and two-thirds' inninKa- off lfrlfiiniirv 9 i.. Inninings off Schneider 'l In two Innings; ; off Pfelfer 7 In six Innings: off AppletonJ 2 In one nnlnar: off HhmiImi i i.. Innings Struck out: By Pfeffer. Um pires: Klem and Kumlie. American Association. At Milwaukee Score: nur LniilMvll'e 2i 22 I jnuwauaee 8 15 6 Batteries: Iulavllle, Kills and Clemens; Slupntcka snd Hughes, Brandon. Sf. Paul Score: n H K Columbus , ) n o St. I'aul 2 7 0 Batteries- Columbus, Berry and Cole man; St. Paul. Iroy and Johnson. At MlnneaDolls-ricore: iiwr i fiveiann 9 y k a Minneapolis 4 11 1 i Batteries- Cleveland. Hill. Jams and llnnePo. Hopper and St.l- A Kansas City-First game: RHF 1 Indianapolis 2 10 8 ! K"n'" C"y ."', 1H 8 J ud Oeibel Score, second game: R H R Indianapolis (14 j Kaunas City 4 y j Batteries: Indianapolis. Willis Schsrdt snd Blackburn; Kaniias Cltv, Kcuan and Oeibel. Kansas t'ltr Heal Boa 4 In. ARNOLDS PARK. Ja.. Aug. 2S.- Spe cial lilcram Tie Kanais Illy Red Sox cou'iiiund their winning slreek by defeatlrg the Storm I.ake club here to day, 10 to 5. Today's game gives the Red Sox twenly-one victories out of the last twenty-lour gams plaed A "For Sale" ad alii Turn second-hand f " "'" "' cash. Two-base hits: Smith, Snodgrass, Ma-jf'iiy- Stolen base: Lavan. Earned runs: gee. Home run: Johnston. Stolen bases: Boston. 6. Base on error: St. Louis. 1. Wagner. Smith. Uoul.lo play: Maranvllle ! ,1,V,"Von11b" 'IL "'n,- & ffLlVSt to to S. hml,it. Base, on balls: , "'J.'J n. I ,JI Ml nl,? Uv tlr??? ate A.iiniji 1 nft Tvin- 7 nil.. ttt Tvii.i- one-tlilM InhlriK rirurk out. ny urpn, L 1 J h iL in,' ili y ; ; bv Hamilton. 1. Umpire.: Dimen and. ft In mix and two-thlrna lnnlnga: off v-m- I Drawn for The Bee by George McManus JOE JACKSON WINS GAME FOR CHICAGO His Triple to Right Sends Eddie Collins, Who Had Walked, in With Deciding Run. I FINAL SUOlUi IS I0U& TU TJUU.. ' CHICAUO. Aug. 28. -Joe Jackson, re- cetuly added to the local club from Cleveland, won the game for the White u tnil.v frnm Now Vnrkt In fha " . . X If. , . eleventh inning. The final score was 4 to i 8. Jackson tripled to right and drove Ed- die Collins, who had walked a minute be fore, home with the winning run. The locals played an uphill battle and tied ud the score in the ninth. Kddlo Collins walked and advanced to third on the next two outs. He scored on Weaver' scratch hit to Boone. Chicago was com pelled to use two pitchers to win from Hhawkev. Score: CHICArVl. HTCW YORK. AUHOAVX AJi.ll.O.A.n. Murphr. rf- -4 1 0 0 Dlllsti. rf s 2 I 0 1 J Colllim. H 4 HI 1 Of'rralnp , sa..! 0 t t K.Colllna. th.3 2 1 OMalarl. h....t 2 2 0 0 Jai-kaon. of.. 1 2 to 0 l'lpp. lb 4 I in I 0 1-Vlach. It.. ,. 12 0 Qt'wk, rf 4 1 0 W.avar. a...4 8 4 2 I Hantall. If 4 1 2 0 0 tUai kh.. 3b. .8 0 2 2 0 poena. 3b. ...4 0 2 2 0 Hrhalk, 0....4 2 18 0 Alonndir. I t I I I .Huaiwll, p.,, .8 0 1 2 0 Hhawkey. p. .4 0 0 1 0 Hiull. p 1 0180 Uebold ... 0 0 0 0 Totals ... 4') 8M 17 1 Total 23 22 II 1 Matted fur Russell III eighth. Jackson out In fourth, hit by batted ball. One out in eleventh when winning run scored. New York ..0 001 008000 0-3 Chicago 1 OO 0 1 0 0 0 IO 14 Three-base hits: K. Collins, Weaver. Maisel, Jackson. Stolen bases: Malael, Plpp, Wesver Earned runs: Chicago, 4; New York, 8. Ilouhlo plays: Weaver to J. Collins 19. Collins to J. Collins. Bases on errors: Chicago, 1: New York, 1. Bases on balls: Off Russell, 1; off Hhawkey, 4. Hits: Off Bunnell. 6 in eight Innings. Struck out: By Kussell, 4; by Scott, 1. Umpires: Evans and Chill. Red go Blank Browns. ST. LOl'IB, Aug. 23. Boston made It four stralxht by shutting out tit. Louis, 7 to 0 here today, Hamilton was hit hard. Gregg pitched a strong game and was In danger only once In the second Inning when he filled tho bases by pass ing two and hitting a batsman but he fanned Hamilton and retired the locals. Score : HOSTOtf iT. 1it'IB. Ait H O. A. B. AU.H.O.A.K. n Hmw. rf. ...6 1 0 0 ( Phntt.m. If. . 4 13 10 Sriii l. aa ft 8 8 1 0 Aun'ln. lb. .. 4 0 0 1 1 KpaaW of.. 4 ISO I Pratt. 2b 4 0 8 4 0 ta.lir, lb... 4 0 8 2 OWalkar. cf . 4 0 4 0 0 I-awla. If 4 12 0 Jarohaon. rf .l 3 1 0 0 Oardnar. 2b. . 4 2 1 1 I lrr, lb. ...2 0 0 10 Irrr, 2b 2 0 2 3 Ivnn. aa ...4 13 8V (an, 4 1 2 1 O'llrl.n. 0....3 4 I 0 Orass. P 4 2 14 I Hamilton p. .3 10 3 0 Huff, p 0 0 1 1 0 Tnlsls ....37 11 27 13 I Totala ....m 4 27 17 1 ! Boston 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 0 07 j St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Gardner (2). Scott CM. Miss Adelaide Fogg Retains the Tennis Title at Lake Club Miss Adelaide Fogg retained the girls' singles championship of the Carter o'club by defeating Miss Helen Adams In the challenge round Monday. The score was B-3, 6-0. Utile Miss Adams, who I but 14 year of age won the right to play Mis Fogg bv winning the girls' tournament at the I lake, defeating Mrs. tleorgo K. Thomp son In the final round. Mis Fogg wa the winner In 1014. The diminutive challenger put up a game buttle, but the exiwrlcnce and sn perlor genemb'hlp and speed of the title holder i roved too much for her to cope with succtukfully. Miss Fogg won the first sit, 6-3. after nine hotly-contested games, and then ruptured the second and flnsl set quite esslly, 6-0. n r r ii s MlSS KOSentlial ilUUWUKUUil Makes Low Score CHICAUO. Aug. 23.-Mlss Klaltic Koacn- j Dial of the Ravlsloe Country club turned III one of the best rsrds In the qualifying round of the women's w s - tuf cham-I plonshlp todsy. Miss P ' 'hot the 18 holes In SI. Mips n'nitr of the Home club, wus next, . lu. Under the rules of the 1 lurnainent Mrs. 11. D. Hammond of Indianapolis, the title holder, is not required to plsy In the qualifying rounds . ,.a Hlssk OsklssS. 1 1 KltMA.V, Neb.. Aug. 23.-(Speclal.)-' Opportune hitting coupled with errors gave Herman a 7 to 0 victory over the of the game was the air-tight pitching of Burdlo for the locals, he holding the visitor to four scratch hits. He ha now pitched twenty-eight foreles In nings. Score: K.II.K. Herman 7 3 3 Oakland 0 4 4 Batteries: Burdlo and West; Brown. ' Krause and K reuse. I 1 sBHtlft, A C'olsl Is Uaaaeroas. I Break It Now. ' Bell' Pine-Tar-Honey 1 fine for 1 Cough and Cold. Soothe the Lainga, ! loosen the Muooua Only 35c, All drug gists. Advertisement. I i ST. LOUIS ROUTS 3 WHALEP1TCHERS Territs Beat Chifeds by Score of Eleven to Five, Getting Eight een Hits. C RANDALL TANKED IN THIRD CHICAOO. Aug. 23,-St. Ixiul rou'ed three Chicago pitchers here today, de feating the local teams, 11 to 6. For St. lunula. Crandall proved Ineffective and In the third Inning gave way to Wlllette, who allowed but four scattered hits dur ing the rest of the game. Score: R.H K. St. liouls 8 0 0 3000 5-11 IN 1 Chicago 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 10 4 Batteries: St. I.ouls, Crandsll. Wlllette and Hartley. Chicago, Wendergast, Black, Hendrix and Fischer. Hebs Blank Caseys. PITTSM'ROH. Aug. 23-Plttsburgh shut out the Kansas City team today, 4 to 0, due to the ood pitching of Allen. Main was hit hard In the first tnnlni when two alnirles, a double, a triple ami a walk produced four runs for the home team. Score: It. U.K. Ksnaas Clty. O 0 0 0 0 A 4 0 00 4 II l'lttshurgh ...4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 1 Batteries: Kansas Cltv, Main. Adams and Brown; Pittsburgh, Allen and O'Con nor. Tip Tops Bent Terps. RAl.TlMOHr?. Aug. 28. John OanAol made his debut here aa manaaer of the Brooklyn Federals this afternoon and tho team celebrated by easily drfentliiir Baltlmore, 6 to 2. Falkenberg received exceptional support, Cooper, Myers and Get Rid of Scrofula How? Take S. S. S. Fifty Year' U.e Prove S.S.S. Relieve Stubborn Cases You have noticed the little fester ing pimples on the face and body swelling of the glands soreness In the legs and arm muscles. These are the symptoms of Scrofula. You may have some of these symptoms, possi bly the taint of Scrofula Infection. But In either case, tt Is a dangerous condition. Your blood la Infected, Impure, and you can raver hope to Best of Chews One chew of Spear Head will convince any man that there's no other tobacco on earth bo rich in fruity sweet ness. That's because all the natural juices of the choicest Burley leaf are retained in pear Head PLUG TOBACCO Each golden-brown plug of Spear Head is thoroughly saturated with the delicious fruity flavor that's a joy to the tongue of the dis criminating chewer. Get a plug to day. THC AMIRICAN TOBACCO OO. II. Until h taking the leading parts In this, reect. Score: R.H. hi llrnoklin 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 8 04 11 4 Baltimore ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 03 10 3 Batterlen: Brooklyn, Falkenberg and II Smith: Baltimore, Qulnn and Jack4 'ItMcll. I Iowa Association Favors Sectional Tennis Tourneya The Iowa Tennis association has suts mltted lo the National I -awn Tennis as) soclatlnn a plan of reorganisation that would, if carried out. prove populsi among the tennis players of the country The Iowa association suggests United States be divided in that th to eight groups, each to hold a sectional tourns ment, and the winners In the singles nj doubles In each section alone 1j b4 eligible for the national tourney. According to the outline, Iowa, Mi souri, Kansas and Nebraska would com 1 prise the Missouri Valley district an tournaments would be circulated amon Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Wlchlt and De Moines. Pet Callahan ftoM. s SPOKANK, Wash., Aug. 33 R, J, tr-aw csiiaiian, pitcher for the Bpokan Northwestern league base ball team, ws sold today to the Cincinnati Nutlnn.l and will depart tonight to Join the Clni! wmiuii team ai noaion. Bonthern Lengne. Atlanta! 7; Chattanooga, 0 . Mobile, t: Memphis, 4. (Kleven Innlnesi Birmingham, 3; Little Hock, 5. gain perfect health until the impun ltles are washed from the system. I you feel badly all the time, you musj crave health. It you want to fee renewed spirits, the glow of perfect1 health, bright eyes, clear skin, thtj knowledge that you are well, you ca do so. Cleanse your blood by taki lng K. S, S. For fifty years It hat; been the standard blood purifier. Ij relieves the trouble by renourUhlnij the blood, renewing Its strength, an stimulating the flow so that thf blood regains its lost vitality, an 4 throws off the poison. Even long standing cases respond. But yo must use S, 8. 8. Take It for all blootj Infections. Get It at your drugglst'j today. If you need special advice, writs the 8. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta, Oa.