Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Vtnet from the Bettlo Area.
The Dee's
Roal War Photos
Rest of Them AIL
Ob Trains, at nTetel
XswS Stands, rea M
ALMOST AS GOOD AS THE VICTORIA GROSS Photo shows a wounded North Wales
soldier in a Croyden hospital reading: a letter written by Lloyd-George, in his own hand.
The letter says in part: "The struggle up to now has been hard and severe, and it is due
to the bravery and courage of yourself and thousands of others that we are not .beaten."
McAdoo Will Place That Sum or
More in Gold in Southern Reserve
Banks if Needed.
Premier Okuma Won't Discuu De
tail, but Intimates Assistance
Will Be in Form of Muni tions
Dispossession of German Industrial
Element When War Broke Out
Crippled Country.
TOKIO. Aug. 23. The Kokumin
Shlmbun Bays:
"Premier Okuma states that Japan
has decided to give greater assist
ance to Russia to prosecute the war.
He could not discuss details, but al
lowed it to be understood that this
assistance would take the form of the
forwarding of greater supplies of
Raaa Position Difficult.
The position of Russia in regard to
obtaining war supplies has been one
of unusual difficulty.
The Russians as a people are not
given to industrial pursuits and
their manufacturing plants utilized
for the production of guns and am
munition were manned and directed
largely by Germans at the time the
war began. The dispossession of the
powerful German element in Russia,
which occurred In the early period
of the war, left the nation unprepared
to operate effectively even the lim
ited number of establishment at its
Russia obtained a considerable amount
of supplies from Japan by railroad, but
this source was cut oft suddenly for
some time in the spring. The crisis In
the relations between Japan and China
became so serious that Japan, foreseeing
the possibilities of hostilities, devoted Its
energies to the accumulation of war sup
plies for itself.
Although Russia haa placed extensive
orders in thla country It has received
from the United States little In the war
of runs and shells. The shipments to
Russia from Pacifies porta have consisted
principally of suppUes such as motor
trucks and other heavy equipment.
, Coald Help Little.
France and England have found that
the unexpected demand for ammunition
during the warJas,jtlralned their, re
sources to the utmost, so that they have
been abel to lend Russia HiMa assistance
In this respect. The Inauguration of the
great Austro-Oermah movement found
Russia unable to meet the emergency
with any such array of guns and ahella
as were possessed by ita opopnenta. Rus
alan military experts attribute to thla
fact the rapidity of the Auatrc-German
advance, atatlng that the fall of Warsaw,
aa well aa the eventa which preceded It,
waa brought on largely by this state of
Advices received by the a sAsoclated
Press from Vladivostok several weeks
ago said that great amounts of supplies
were received there fop transportation to
the Russian front. Word waa received
from Toklo early thla month that Japan
had atrlpped large coast guna from i's
fortifications on the northeastern coast
and had shipped them to Vladivostok.
Stock Market is
Extremely Feverish
NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Stocks were
again very much unsettled after open
ing with aome degree of aleadineaa.
Nervousness resulting from tho Arabic
incident was the chief contributing
United States Steel was the pivot
around which the market revolved, that
stock becoming Increasingly weak on
heavy sales, which forced the price down
10 or in ir.e iirsi sour, aacunst caiuroay a
closing price of 70H-
The list aa a whole later recovered from
1 to I polnta, but trading continued ex
tremely feverish.
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Tueaday:
rvr Uliiatia, .UU1V11 D1UIIS ana v icin
It y Cloudy, cooler. .
Temperature at
6 a. m...
6 a. m. ..
7 a. m...
8 a. m...
la. m. . .
10 a. m...
11 a. m ...
ii m
1 p. m...
2 p. m...
3 p. m...
4 p. m...
6 p. in...
ii p. m...
7 p. m...
, 72 1
70 '
8 p. in
Local Rreor.
pi 4. 111 1912.
y KS M tt
Highest yesterday..
1jWMt yesterday .
Mean temperature
Temperature and
63 63
72 74
li .2
73 71
.oo .m
turtta from thA norniu.1:
S'ormal temperature 73
Jiefklencv for th day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 3M
Normal i reclpitation 13 Inch
):xcra for tho day 02 inch
J'VJ rain Tall sin e March 1..21.N6 In hes
y.xftam alncw March 1 KS Inch
lefli-tencv for cor. period, mt. . Inches
Ieflcleicy for cor. period. IKU. 8.34 inchee
Reports front statloi-a at T P. M.
Station and State Teinp Hlgh-Raln-
of Weather. 7 p.m. eat. fall.
Cheyenne, rain
Jiavenport, part, cloudy
enver. cloudy .'
lea Molnra. cloudy
lodge ( ity, ctsr
North Platte, t. cloudy.
Omaha, clear
7 J
Hspld City, clear.
Hhertdan cloudy
M ux 1ty. rt. cloudy W
Vsl'-ntlne, clear 4
"T" Indk-atee trace of precipitation
Ik A. WELSH, Local urw.aater.
I ... AM '
i . WAfktrm nil ii " aiiiii mm iiuim inVinmnn r
Wilfred Eiley, Aged Four, Will Be
Third Child of Family to Meet
Violent Death.
Wilfred Riley, aged 4 years, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Riley, 2575 Cum
ing street, is dying at St. Joseph hos
pital as the result of burns received
Saturday in a fire caused by his
playing with a box of matches. Wil
fred will be the third child of the
Riley family to meet violent death
within th last two years.
Wilfred, early Saturday morning got
out of bed before the usual hour of rising,
found a box of matches on the dresser,
went Into the bathroom and locked the
door. A few minutes later the household
was aroused when "he cried. "Grandma,
grandma, cpmjt.. quirk, -I'm burning- up''-
Mrs. Margaret Brown, the boy's grand
mother was the first to get to the door
and she attempted to force it. A moment
later George Hale of Lincoln, an undo
of the child, who ,was vtaitlng at tho
Riley home, put his shojdor to the panel,
but before the lock could be forced, ac
cording to Mrs. Brown, the little fel
low turned the key and opened the door
himself. His night dress was burning.
Hile tore off the blazing garment, nnd
in so doing mas severely burned about the
hands. From the "residence the boy was
carried to a nearby drug store and from
there to the hospital.
Kuth, a stater, aged S years, died just a
month ago from poisoning cauaed by eat
ing canned peaches. Two yeara ago, Mary,
aged 2 months, succumbed to the same
sort of poisoning, resulting from being
fed condensed milk. The Riley family
have one child living, John, aged 11
months. Mrs. Agnes Riley, the, mother,
who la employed in a downtown restaur
ant, appeara to be dated from the shock.
The father, an lnauranee agent. Is equally
aa grief stricken.
Mr, Bryan Issues
Statement About
Sinking of Arabio
CHICAGO, Aug. 23.-Wllllam J. Bryan,
former secretary of state, last night gave
out a signed statement in prt, aa fol
lows: "I have road the editorial oplnloiu. con
cerning the rinking of the Arabic, aa
thoaa opinions were reproduced In Sat
urday morning's papers, but they seem
to me to avoid the mat important ques
tion. The real question la not whether
American cltlsena have, under Interna
tional law, a ritfht to travel through the
danger aono on the ships of belligerent
nations. That is admitted. The question
Juat now is whether an American citizen
should put Ms convenience or even hla
rights above his nation's welfare. If
American cltlsena refute to consider their
own safety or the safety of nation, then
a second question arises, namely, whether
the government should permit a few per
sona to drag the whole country into thla
unparalled war."
Twenty-Five Dying
MEXICO CITY. Aug. lI-(By Courier
to Vera Crus. Aug. IS, via New Orleans.
Aug. 23.) Deatha by atarvstlon continue
In this city and moat conservative eatl
matea place them at twenty-five a day.
A visit to the vaiioua hoapftala by a
representative of the American lied Crosa
disclosed that for the first three daya of
Auguet, twenty deatha from atarvation
wero recorded. Thla number did not in
cluJe tho many who died In the atreeta
irom lack of food. Yesterday six death
certificates attributed atarvation as the
cause. During the month of July, 1.864
deaths were registered In Mealco City.
According to Charles J. O'Connor of the
American Red Cross, S per cent of the
desths occurring In Menoo City are due
to starvation.
Notwithstanding the fact the authori
ties may be alncere in their motives to
relieve the distress, their work up to now
ha hun nt llltla or no effect. School
teachers, government employes, and even I
Council Bluffs Business Man Run
Over When He Accidentally
Steps in Front of Engine.
Charles L. Felt, 56 years old, mem
ber of one of the most prominent
families of Council Bluffs, and resi
dent of that city for thirty-five years,
was killed early yesterday, when he
was run over by a train at the Rock
Inland station In the Bluffs.
. Mr. Felt la a traveling salesman. He
went to the station to take a train. The
train was late and after walking about
the station platform for a time, Mr. Felt
stopped at the lunch counter and pur
chased a glaaa of milk. A moment later
he stepped onto the ralldoad track, di
rectly in front of an aproachlng trajn
Whlch""TierTad not noticed.;
The engine passed yver the body.
Mr. Felt hnd a nuslnesa reputation aa
an expert in the imn trade which made
him known In many Hates. Tie was ut
one time a partner in the old firm of
Kcelino & Felt, formerly ' Wholesale
hardware dealers of Council 31jffa.
He was a brother-ln-la of George
Keellne, his wlfo having formerly been
MlaB Cora Keellne. Mr. Kelt la sur
vived by the wife and two daughters.
Serbia Agrees to
Meet Italy's Views
Regarding Albania
MILAN, Aug. S3.-Vla Parls.)-One of
the main difficulties In the way or a
aolutlon ef the Balkan problem favorable
to the entente allies has been settled, ac
cording to an interview with Premier
Pachitch ef Serbia, published In the
Corriere Delia Serra, The premier la
quoted aa saying that Serbia has given
way to Italy regarding Albania.
Premier Pachitch, according to the
newspaper, went over several phases of
the present situation as well aa declar
ing that Auatrla had tried several times
since the beginning of the war to con
clude a separate peace with Serbia, but
met with refusal from the Serbian gov
"The Inaction of the Serbian army," the
premier said, "was due to sanitary con
ditlona and the necessity for reorganisa
tion and the accumulation of war sup
plies. When the moment comes, lie de
clared, the Serbian array will fight stead
fastly and in accord for the Balkan
"Serbia has been endeavoring ever slnoe
the beginning of the war to reach an
agreement with Bulgaria and In trying
to do ao now." the premier aald, "on a
baala conserving the vital Interesta of
both countries." So far as concerns Al
bania, the premier Is quoted as declaring
Serbia bows to the decision of Europo
and wishes a friendly solution of the
Adrlatlo question with Italy, acknowledg
ing the predominant position of Italy in
that field.
Daily From
in City of Mexico
employes of the central charity organi
sation were among those who have made
application to the Red Cross for assist
ance. ouch supplies as were brought In by
General Oonialea when Carransa forcee
reoccupled the capital on Auguat t are
nearly exhausted. The situation la auch
that only large supplies of provisions
from outside the capital can prevent an
increase m the number of deaths from
starvation and allay the misery among
tbe lower claaaes and even the middle
A comparison of prices during July,
1914. and July, tals year, shows the fol
lowing Increases:
Corn 1400 per cent; beans, 2200 per cent;
rice, 1420 per cent; flour, 900 per cent.
The Increase In price of corn, the only
abaolutely essential ataple for the Mas
lean people, haa made It prohibitive to
the poor and many caaes have been dis
covered of entire families who have been
compelled to live on herbs.
i li
miai muni uiv,Kiai niamBhaK-W. Sa ))
flAVftrriA H(Tftialiaal anil Tm Qtoff '
of State Officers Put in Pickle
by His Action.
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Aut 23. (Spe
cial.) Is Governor Morehead and
other state officers holding office
without authority of law, la a ques
tion which la being; discussed on ac
count of the ruling of Attorney Gen
eral Reed that because the members
of the railway commission hav given
no bond, they have no right to hold
office and, therefore, their offices
are vacant.
If the interpretation ot tbe conatU
tut Inn hy-the attorney general la cor
rect, Governor Morehead haa no au
thority to appoint a new commission
and Lieutenant Governor James Pier-
eon of Morefleld is tbe governor of j
Nebraska by succession and will have !
the power to appoint a new commls
Blon. - Baala ef need's Oplalom.
In his message to the governor the at
torney general based his grounds for his
opinion principally on Section 2f of
Article 6 of the constitution' which reads:
"The officers mentioned In this article
shall give bonds In not less than double j
the amount of money that may come Into i
their hands and In no case less than the i
sum of, with such provisions as to
sureties and the approval thereof and for ,
the Increase of the penalty of such bonds,
as may be prescribed by law."
The officers alluded to In the above
section are named in Section 1 of the
same article and are the governor,
lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
auditor, treasurer, superintendent, attor
ney general and land commissioner. An
amendment to the constitution a few
years ago made the three members ef the
State Railway commission also eleotlve
officers and the code committee which
prepared the statutes placed the amended
section under the head of exeoutlve of
ficers in Article 6. designating the para
graph as Section "19A."
C'nnstltatlea Amended.
However, the proposition which sub
mitted the amendment to the people for
a vote did nut amend the article, but
amended the ccitltutlon, so that It is
claimed that the new matter in the con
stitution should not have bean Inserted
under the executive head, but at the end
of the constitution.
However, the appearance ot the railway
commission amendment does not coma
Into the proposition of the validity of the
bonds given by the governor, secretary
of state and treasurer. Under the read
ing of that section of the constitution the
said state officers must give a bond In
double the amount of money coming into
their hands.
The last biennial reports of the differ
ent state officers show that the governor,
aa dairy, food and oil commissioner, re
ceived in fees $178,000. As hotel commis
sioner he took In Sll.OoO. As head of the
fish and game commission he took in
t&,00. As head of the fire commission
he took In S2f,0i0. Aa head of the state
veterinsry department he took in $40,000.
Under the interpretation which the at
torney general glvea the constitution, the
governor should have given a bond for at
least $3&c,oia or the bond would be of no
(Continued on Page Two, Column One
Here arc the datea for our
coming Ak - Sir - Den
Sept. 29, Carnival befina
Oct. 5, Floral Parade
Oct. 6, Electrical Parade
Oct. 8, Coronation Ball
Oct. 9. Carnival End
j h L-, AT 1 1 T Y'9 f't H Wl, I
Teuton Troops Occupy Great Rus
sian Fortress After It Is Evacu
ated by Forces of Crar
Fall of Stronghold Expected as
Muscovite Retreat Almost Iso
lated Garrison.
UEni.IN. Auk. 2a. (Via London.)
Oermnu troops have occupied the
fortress of Ossovveti, which was
evacuated by the ltusslans, German
army headquarters announced today.
The text of the statement issued
today regarding war operations is as
"Karly this morning nn enemy
fleet, consiHtinR of aliout forty ships,
appeared before ZeebrugRe and
steamed away annin In a northwest
erly direction after having; lwen bom
barded by our coastal artillery.
In the YoHgpR and north of Muen-
ster, battles are raging on the L.inge
kopf - Schratzmnnnele - IliirrenKopf
line.. Strong attacks by tho French
partly penetrated our positions last
night. Counter attacks drove the
enemy batik again on the Llngckopf.
On Scbratsmannele and Barrenkopf,
fierce fights at the trench sections
lasted throughout the night. About
thirty mountain chasseurs were taken
Flying Machine llmnaht Down.
"At Wastrln. southeast of 1.111c, an Kng
llsh flying machine was shot down.
"Eastern theater of war: On the Hobr
we occupied Oesowcts fortress which was
evacuated by the Russian.
"North and south of Tykocln successful
engagements took place. Tykocln wns
taken. On this occasion prisoners.
Including eleven officers and seventy,
snven mschlne guns fell Into our hands.
"Desperato Itusalsn counter atUoks
esat of rtlelsk failed with very consider
able loasea to the enemy and we advanced
south, of this town
"Army of 1'rlnce Leopold of Unvarla:
Engaged in stubborn fighting thla army
haa croesed the Klessoso and 1-erama,
line and Is ennutrtd In further favorable
attacks. We took S,0.'-0 prisoners and slt
teens machine guns were captured.
"Army of Field Marshal Von Maoken
sen: The crossings over a trlbuntary of
the Fulva have been captured after fierce
resistance on the front between Htxnn
and the mouth nf the river. An attack
acroaa the Dug above tho tributary of
the Pulva is making progreas.
"On bcth sides of Bvltjoze and at Pls
sosa. et'at of Vladlva the enemy waa
defeated yesterday and driven back to
ward the northeast.
Lost Western Fortrraa.
The fall of Osaowets deprives the Rus
slanaof the last of their westernmost
fortresses. It la altuated 'about twenty
miles Inside the ftuaslan frontier, opposite
the East Prussian border and the Ma
surian lake country. Its fall had been
expected Inaamuch as the retreat further
eastward ot the great bulk of the Russlun
forces almost Isolated the garrison.
Oasowets, a first-class fortress, derives
strategic importance from the fact that
it guards the railway approach to Hialy
stok and the great Petrograd-Warsaw
trunk line.
Germany Expreses
Regret to -Denmark
LONDON, Aug. 23. A dispatch to
Router's Telegram company from Copen
hagen says;
"The German government has expressed
regret for the torpedoing and sinking in
the North Sea on May 26 of the Danish
steamer Betty and announced Its willing
ness to pay compensation for the loss of
the steamer.
"It Is claimed by Germany that the
submarine commander failed to see the
mark denoting Danish nationality on the
steamer and assumed from the route the
vessel was taking that it was going to
Join the British fleet as- an auxiliary
Marked where the Lusitania and the Arabic were sent to
the bottom. In ibis region seven ships liave been attacked:
The Falaba, sunk; the Gushing, attacked by aeroplane;
the Gulflight, torpedoed; the Lusitania, sunk; the Ne
braskan, torpedoed; the Armenian, shelled and sunk; the
- Arabic, torpedoed and sunk.
S 1 "7''. ' 'r'SsfC, r i.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Treaa
ury officials tonight made public an
announcement by Secretary McAdoo
that In view of the acttlon ot tho
allies In putting cotton on the con
traband Hat, he would. If it became
necessary, deposit $30,000,000 or
more In gold In the federal reserve
banke at Atlanta, Dallas and Rich
mond for the purpose of enabling the
reserve banks to rediscount loans on
cotton secured by warehouses re
ceipts made by national banks and
state banks belonging to tbe federal
reserve system.
One Fatally Hurt
in Motor Car Upset
FAinnUHY, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special
Telegram.) eClorse Johnaon, a young
bachelor living near Janaen, la lying
near death aa a result of tt serious acci
dent icur miles northeast of here last
night. Johnson, in company with Mr. and
Mra. Charles Pavla, who work for him,
wnie hurrying toward hla home to escape
a rainstorm, when the machine upsnt,
shocking and badly Injuring the occu
pants. Mrs. Davis waa mado unconscious. A
few minutes afterward and before Mr.
Iavia could flag it another car ap
proached at a high epeed and crashed
Into the wreckage.
Johnaon sustained a broken arm and
serious Internal Injuries. The injured
people were taken to the nearby farm
house of Jamas Amos and medinal treat
ment wss summoned from Falrbury.
Johnson Is In a critical condition tonight.
A car containing two Jefferson county
tcachera and a young farmer from Har
blne ran off a bridge northeast of Falr
bury thla morning and rolled down an
embankment. The occupants escaped with
few Injuries.
U. S. to Decide as
Soon as Facts Here
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. Official an
nouncement was made nt the White
House today that as soon as all the
facta regarding the Arabic are ascer
tainable .our course of action will be de
termined. This official announcement waa given
out today by Secretary Tumulty after a
conference wrtlv President Wlleon. Mr.
Tumultf said the statement 'was all he
was authorised to say.
German Torpedo Boat
is Sunk Near Ostend
PARIS, Aug. 23. Two French torpedo
boats encountered and sank a German
torpedo I oat destroyer off Ostend (Bel
glum) last night, says an announcement
made here today. The French boats were
PARIS, Aug. 2S. Eugene Gilbert, the
French aviator who was obliged to lard
In Bwltserland, June 27, through an acci
dent to hie motor, after bombarding the
Zeppelin sheds at Frledrlchshsfen, and
was interned near Bt. Gothard, has es
caped. M. Gilbert arrived in Parle laat
night and reported for service at -the
French ministry of war today.
TiONDON, Atrg. li There were seven-ty-even
Americans in the crew ef the
steamer Baron Krsklne, which was sunk
by a German submarine last week. The
Americana who were horse tenders, were
landed safely with the rest ef the erew.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. Sneclal Tel
egram.) Mm. DHa J. Henderson wee
appointed postmaster at Angorda, Mor
rill countv. Nebraska, vice H. J. Wale
worth, resigned.
Rural letter carriers appointed in Ne
braska: Columbus, Andrew C. Erb;
Fjuatls. Bugnt O. Link i Meadcwa Grove,
Oliver O. Maurer; Wisner, Ooorge W,
; ,i '. , ,
Disaster ii the Greatest Suffer,
by the German Nary Since the
Begining of the Great
Sayi One Dreadnought, Two Cruia
en. Eight Torpedo Boati and
Four Traniporta Destroyed.
LONDON, Auk. 23. The capltalf
cf tbe entente allies are Jubilaq
tcdajr over the unexpected naval Tl
tory which the Russians, accordin(
to their accounts, have won In th
Ctulf of Riga. England had mor
than n sympathetic Interest In th
battle, as a British submarine ao
counted for tbe German battli
cruiser Moltke, the loss of which,
added to the destruction of twj
cruisers, eight torpedo boats and
four transports, constitutes th
greatest naval disaster suffered bj
Germany during the war.
For the last wck both Petrograd and
Iirlln have bn sending meager rporti
of naval operatlnna In the Quit of Riga,
which were Interpreted to mean thai
Germany waa attempting to land foroei
for the purpose of supporting the left
flank of Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg
In hla efforts to overrun the whole ot
Courland and thereby establish his ar
mies slong the coast route to the Rus
sian capital.
The official report, claiming a decisive
victory for the allies, together with the
expulsion of surviving units ef the Ger
man naval forces from the gulf, contains
few details In addition to an enumeration
of Herman losses. It Is assumed that,
Inasmuch as Petrograd announoed sev
eral days ago that Ita large warship had
retired from the gulf, the mosquito flo
tilla, assisted by submarines and land de
fenses, worked unexpected destruction
on a part of the Oerman fleet and the
Moral Bffeet Large.
The moral effect of this action on the
Russian people, Is expected In London,
to be great and will probably do much
to allay the depression Incident to the
continued Russian retreat, which has
been arrested nowhere except In the
northern sector, from Riga to Kovno.
British military critics regard the Baltic
advance of the Oerman aa of supreme
Importance, If the Invaders really con
template marching on Petrograd. On
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two)
The Day 'a War News
reerat ' operations la the Owlf ef
Rla aa4 la h Rattle were "
of the moat poworfal dreadaoasjhta
of the Ooraiaa fleet," two cralaere
ana eight torpedo boats, aeeord
Inajr to the Raaalaa admiralty
atateateat today. Tho oaly Raa
alaa loaa atratloaoal la Fetrogrrad's
aeoaat of tho Galf of Rtsm en-Baa-eraeats
was that of the fjaa
hoat Bivatrh.
QKRMAN TORPKDO boat destroyer
waa task off Oatead lasday ala-ht
by two French torpedo boats,
whlra ooeaped undamaged, Paris
denial of tho report that the
steamer Daasloy, which waa tor
pedoed shortly before the alnkiag
of the Arable, was an armed pa
trol. It waa aa aaarmed and
peaerfnl trader. It la declared.
PLANS POR JOINT military aetloa
by Italy, England, France and
Roaala against Tarkrr were ar
ranged la Jaly aad eaa fl muted I
tely bo pat Into exeeatloa, advises
from Italy declare.
.ah alibis
Are you tired ef eity llfef
Would yon like to bay a farm
Look through the WAXT AD cUoa
St wl do yea any aeraw
Tbere yenH Mad a Uat of farms
Teat yea eaa aford to bayi
Ton can pay for taaot real aoea, '
Ve the pcloao are not high,
Other Baea have asad this means.
They're an
9t aa a email aaa WAJTY A&l
Bot toeyTe tae kiad that pay.
The Quickest way to get In touch
with a prospective FARM LAND
buyer Is to put a good-aiaed an
nouncement about your laad in the
rlaaatfled columns of THMJ OMAHA,
RR1S. t
Telephone Tyler 10 and