Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Page 5, Image 9

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    Tlli: UVA): OMAHA, MONDAY. Al'ISl'ST LW 1!M..
iMt Ml T Wsw Km ri'
lMr!c ft... VT.M. nura-nn1s
frank Macs, Vlollnst, baa ra :mt
tiarhins; with a larger enrollment of
pupils than any previous rear.
r. K. Kow.ll, rac.nt Unit ad gU.Ua at
torney, totaled olflcws at Tii-ISl Hrandels
Thealtr MUg.. entrance 17th or 18th 8t.
Xwp Tour Moaay and valuaMmi In tha
American Hafe lcposlt Vaults. X1H 3. tfth
Ht-, ltee building. Boxes rent 1 for three
ttiouth. Upen from a. ni. to p. m.
Coppr Wlra Btolen Nine hundred
feet of copper wire belonging to th I'nlon
1'aclflc railroad trai stolen from Ninth
and Leavenworth streets Friday night.
Toaar'a Ooaoplsi. Mori giagiaw
lassaTtifl saattoo loaajr, b.b4 appear is
Tbe Bee KXSL.UPIVIU.Y. Fla4 out wba4
rrle mo1n picture tnsatsra offer.
Welsh Plcnio Xbo Bay The Welsh
of Omaha and vicinity will have a
lasket picnic at Miller park on Labor
day and a concert In the evening at the
for Safety PlrtK In Life Insurance
see W. H. Indoe, general agent State
Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces
ter, Mass., one of the oldest, 71 years,
uid best companies on earth.
Back From Ohloago Visit Miss Nell
and Miss Reba McNamara return today
from Chicago, where they have been the
irueeta of their sister, Mrs. J. P. Shields
and Mr. Shields, for the last two weeks.
Close Stores Bandars The Butchers'
association of Omaha met Friday night
and elected J. J. Cameron as secretary.
The butchers also decided to co-operate
with the grocers In closing their shops
on Sundays.
Bedford Moree Jeff W. Bedford
Son have moved their offices from Room
WIS State bank building to rooms 8224
State bank building, where they will con
tinue to do a general real estate and in
surance buslnens.
Changes at Toon Men's Christian As
sociation A handsonio dark wood and
glass partition is being built In the lobby
of the Young Men's Christian association
hulldlDg to be the office of Assistant Sec
retary I. TL Lines.
Anto Trip to Columbus 8. E. Smyth,
lioiiso secretary of the Omaha Auto club
is going on an auto trip to Columbus to
day, to see what the Lincoln Highway
looks like. With him will go his brother,
V. C. Smyth and Charles Bothwell.
Wanted Bhoe Salesman for northern
Nebraska also Northwestern lowa.N one
without successful road record considered.
Write (confidential) fully. Experience
annual shipments, territory worked, age.
references. Noyes-Norman Shoe Co., St.
Joseph, Mo.
Asking Bids on lord Plant Bids on
the contract for tho construction of the
Ford motor assembling plant at Cuming
and Sixteenth streets, are to be in by
.September 1. Plans are on file at the
office of the Omaha builders' exchange.
Albert Kahn Is the architect.
Two Held TTp Stlekup men got two
victims and about 30 and a watch last
night H. Leone, 1712 North Twenty
seventh stivet, contributed the watch and
$10 to a large, well armed negro. E. F.
Young, Twenty-second and Davenport
streets, yielded $30 to two men.
In Interest of Sunday Meetings A
meeting was held Saturday afternoon by a
number of women prominent In the Billy
Sunday movement, to discuss various
phases of the work among women dur
ing the meetings. Tho following partici
pated: Mesdames L. A. Borshclm, K.
Benedict, EX It. Jenks, li A. Benson, W.
T. Graham, W. W. Slaubaugh and Miss
Lilly Strong.
Bellevue ii the Scene of a Great
Gathering of the Order with
the Royal Neighbor.
small luncheon at fie Ia)-i. Krhlnv
j evenlnu Mr. and Mr. l.eonnr.1 Miller
entertained nt dinner. Mr. Sullivan wns
formerly Miss Blanche Deaver of tn.s
Burgess-Nash Buyers
Back from the East
With one or two exceptions the entire
force of buyers for the Burgess-Nash
company have returned from the eastern
markets and each reports an unusually
successful trip.
I C, Nash, vice president of the com
pany, who was in New York directing
the buying and who returned home yes
terday said: '"Everybody the country
, over is very optimistic and everything
points to a remarkably prosperous season
this fall particularly In this locality. Tha
ilurgess-Nash force bought with that In
mind, laying particular stress on the
selection of ready-to-wear and mer
chandise for the basement store.
"Manufacturers realizing our wonder
ful growth, the character of merchandise
we sell and the Increasing demand were
anxious for us to open accounts with
them and in that way we were able to
secure many splendid lines of mer
chandise for which we will have the ex
clusive sale in this territory.
"We made a greater effort this time
than ever before to select merchandise
w ith an eye to the needs and requirements
of the Omaha buying public that we may
be In truth of the greatest service to the
greatest number."
Bellevue had the time of Ms life Sat
urday when i.WO Modern Woodmen of
A merle. Royal Neighbors of America
and their friends from TVmglaa. Sarpy
and Case counties were guests of Bellevue
ramp No. NTS and South Omaha camp
No. 10B6.
The crowd began to pour In early In
the morning, bringing bountiful baskets
of good things. They came by foot, by
horse, by automobile, by street car,
crowding into Washington square, giving
the glad hand to all their brethren and
sisters and welcoming the strangera
At 2:30 p. m. the real fun began with
the raoes for all. "Come on, Tom." "Oo
It, Jerry." And away they went, the
iv Inner In each rtet blng nswardftd
by a crisp new tilll from the roll which
Master of Ceremonies Cook carried. Win
ners in events were aa follows: i
Hundred-yard dash. Woodmen only,
Andrew O raves.
Flfty-rard dash. Royal Neighbors only,
Helen Morton.
Hundred-yard dash, boys under IS. II.
Fifty-yard dash, iflrls under 1. Violet
Women's egg race, twenty-five yards,
Stella Hognn.
Men's sack race. Woodmen only, H. B.
Fat women's race., twenty-five yards.
Mrs. Andrew Sander.
Fat men's race (over 200 pounds'). Ad
Olrlsr raca, under 10 years, Jessie Hons
Hoys race, under 10 years. Ulenn Wat
klrin. Men's nuarter-mile race, Robert Page
Woodchoppera' contest, Bert Bressman.
Itellerne Wins Tug.
The tug-o'-war between the South Side,
and Bellevue camps was the brg event
of this part of tha program. Men pulled
and pulled harder than they ever had at
other log rollings until the South eiders
threw up their hats and the Bellevueltes
slipped back with the rope victors.
The address of welcome delivered by
Vloe President Baakervllle of Bellevue
college waa next In tha order of events.
It was Immediately followed by an ora
tion on Woodcraft ' delivered by Hon.
Frank R. Korro." chairman of the board
of directors of the Modwrn Woodmen of
After the "speakln' " a farce ball game
was staged between the regular Bellevue
base ball team and a town team In out
landish garb with masks, wigs and
painted faces. The regulars won the
flve-tnnlng game. 10 to 6.
After supper the blight lads and lassies
began to come Into evidence and at 7
o'clock they led the crowd In tripping
the light fantastlo on the big platform
erectsd for tho occasion. From 7 to 11
o'clock the band furnished melody, the
hawkers shouted their wares, the merry-go-round
whirled madly around In Its
dtssy course, and the refreshment stands
were fast emptied.
Large Small Grain
Crop in South Dakota
W. W. Johnston, assistant general
freight agent of the Burlington, Is home
from a swl..g around the country, having
visited a large portion of South Dakota
and a greater portion of northern Ne
braska. Said Mr. Johnston relative to
"South Dakota lias Just completed har
vesting the best small grain crop in its
history. Threshing Is well under way
and wheat is turning out twenty to
thrlytHfive bushels per acre and the qual
ity la excellent. Corn Is coming on fine
and promises a big yield.
"As to Nebraska, through the north
half of the state, where there was less
rain than farther south, small grain Is
In good condition and ia turning out well.
I never saw corn looking better and
though it Is a bit late. It is rapidly mak
ing up for lost time and If frosts hold
off as late ss usual the crop will be up
to. If not far above, the average. Every
where) farmers are In the best of spirits.
They have an abundance of everything
that the soil produces."
Negro Delegates
Close Convention
Four-Wheel Drive Co.
Looks for Location
George P. Hewitt, sales manager, and
V. H. Burdette, special representative of
the Four Wheel Drive Auto company, are
Id Omaha for the purpose of locating an
agency at this point. The Omaha field
Is very much desired by truck men, as
there are great posslblltles In this terri
tory from the standpoint of mechanical
Waldemar Michaelsen, former city
electrician, now representing a gas en
gine company, has returned from a trip
through l'ortheaitem Nebraska where ha
found many evidences of general pros
perity. "I met Chris itasmussen, farmer near
Homer, vtho asserted he would havo a
yield t.f 100- bushels an acre from his
corn. I shipped home a bunch of corn
stalks i:!' feet " in height and having
three, four or five eara to the stalk,"
remarked the Omaha man.
Mr. Michaelsen says It U surprising to
note how many farmers are Installing
tholr own power and light plants. He
asserts he sold several plants last week
with electric washing machines. lroa
vacuum cleaner and fans as parts.
Delegates from Missouri. Iowa and Ne
braska to the sessions of the United
Brothers of Friendship, the Sisters of the
Mysterious Ten and the Juveniles brought
their conventions at the court house to a
close yesterday. Most of the visitors left
for their homes by special trains to St.
Louis and Kansas City.
H. A. Chllds of Omaha was elected
right supporter. Other officers were
elected as follows: Dr. J. H. Williams of
Kansas City, grand master; S. T. Pettl
grew of Huntsvtlle. Mo., grand secretary;
J. T. Carter, grand treasurer, and B. K.
Burke of Ieavenworth, Kan., secretary
of the executive committee. C. J. Will
iams of Boonvllle, Mo., was re-elected
editor of the Searchlight
Officers were Installed at an entertain
ment and ball held at the Auditorium
Friday night when more than 4,000 guests
were present.
Auditor and Chief
Clerk Are Reversed
The official positions of Engena A. Mur
phy and William II. Anderson, former
Omaha men, but now residents of Chi
cago, have been reversed. When In
Omaha, for years Anderson was auditor
of freight accounts for the Union Paclflo
and Murphy was bis chief clerk.
A couple of yean ago Murphy quH the
Union Paclflo and went to Chloago, where
he became chief clerk In the office of
the auditor of freight accounts of the
Milwaukee. Subsequently Anderson left
the Union Paoifio and In a few wek
went to Chicago, where he seeured em
ployment wkh the Milwaukee road, work.
Ing under Murphy. September 1 Murphy
will become auditor of freight accounts
and Anderson will be his ohlef clerk.
No Orders Placed
In Omaha for War
Munitions for Europe
According to Omaha manufacturers j
who have had negotiations with Hgents I
who wish to order shells for the warring
natlona. no definite orders have yet been
placed In Omaha. Negntlatlens. rather
Indefinite In tone, have been In progress
with the McKeen Motor Car company,
the Paxton Vlerllng company, the Baker
Ice Machine company and the Omaha
Machine Works, but no orders have been
We do not know fer which country the
shells are wanted." said Mr. Vlerllng of
the Paxtort-Vlerllng company. "The
negotiations have always been with about
the fourth or fifth hand man. A local
man la acting as agent for some Chicago
concern which In turn Is acting fcr a
New York concern which again Is acting
for someone else, and so on.
"We have no contract. We have been
asked If we had facilities for making
heils. We said we had. Then we were
asked If we could make them of given
lie, with given temper of steel. nd a
great many specifications involving a
world of detail. And there the thing
ended. We havo not been ordered to go
ahead and make them.
"I was In Chicago not long ago and
foun l that ii factories canablo of hand
ling that kind of orders ar not all work
ing on such orders. That convinced me
that the demnnd Is not so great, and that
the Omaha concerns sre not likely to be
called upon for such orders, at least until
the Chicago and other eastern concerns
are running up to cnpaclty."
Twenty-Six Thousand Children,
Taught by Nine Hundred Teach
er, Will Gather.
Large Shipment of
Chinese Goods Here
A large shipment of Chinese goods has
arrived In Omaha from Hongkong, China,
and la now In the government warehouse
awaiting the action of the collector of
the port. The shipment Is the first of
any alse that has been sent direct from
China to Omaha for five years, and Is
from the Wah Fong Tal company of Hong
kong to Sang Chong, who la opening a
wholesale Chinese grocery at 123 North
Twelfth street.
Tho value of the shipment Is placed at
about $5,000, Hongkong money, which Is
about the equivalent of J2.M0 American
money. The shipment consists of Chinese
wine, which Is a distilled product made
from rice; prepared vegetables, ploklea,
sauces, preserved fruits, nuts, fruits and
other Chinese eatables. The shipment
has a consulated Invoice from the Ameri
can consul at Hongkong and the duty will
bt about 4fi0.
' Baby Has the Oeas.
When a mother Is awakened . from
sound sleep to find her child whn ha
gone to bed apparently In the best of 1
neaiui struggling for breath, she Is
naturally alarmed. Yet If she can keep
her presence of mind and give Cham
berlaln's Cough Remedy every ten min
utes until vomiting Is produced. ' Quick
relief wlU follow and the child wilt
t j fcleep to awaken In the morning as I
well as ever. This remedy hss been in
u! for insny years with uniform sue i
ens. Obtainable everywhere. All drug
gists Advertisement
Dr. and Mrs. 3. J. Sullivan of Seneoa,
Kan , left Saturday evenlag for O'Neill,
after a few dura' vUit with rt-A-
- -- . . a . UM, , i I .
Omaha. Numerous affairs were given In j
tneir nonor. Mrs. Charles B. McDonald
antertalned at a 1 o'clock luncheon en
Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Barnes
entertained at a 7 o'clock dinner Wednes
day evening. Thursday noon Mrs. E. F.
Leavenworth was hostess at luncheon
followed by a matinee party at the Bran
dels. Thursday evening Mr. and Mr. E.
W. Norrls entertained at dinner and Frl
dsy Mrs. W. C. Schopp was hortess at a
Lincoln Gets Meet
Crowded Out Omaha
Between t.OrtO and 8.000 delegates are ex
pected to attend the convention of the
Farmers' Hducatlonal and Cb-operatlve
Union of America at Lincoln. September
7, 8 and 9. Twenty-three states, from
Oregon to Florida, and from Indiana to
Texas, are represented In tho delegates
that are to attend. This Is to be the
eleventh annual convention of tho na
tional organisation. The convention Is to
be held In the city Auditorium at Lincoln.
This Is the convention that was scheduled
for Omaha this year, but could not be
accommodated hero to tho best advan
tage at that particular time as the Na
tional Letter Carriers' association is to
have thousands of delegates here at that
Want Building Bids
Opened in Public
Legislation forcing owners of proposed
buildings to open bids for construction in
public Instead of In secret is one of the
reforms the Nebraska Master Builders'
association Is seeking to accomplish. The
association has Just gone Into preliminary
organisation in Omaha and the first state
meeting Is to be held at Lincoln Friday
evening. August 27. Notices are being
sent out for this meeting by K. M. Illckel,
editor of the Midwest Construction News.
Casualty Insurance matters are to be
taken up by the association, fake adver
tising Is to be scored systematically, and
a lot of details that are of vital Interest
to the contractors are to be gone aver.
Two more weeks of school vaca
tion and then 26,000 boys and girls
of Greater Omaha win return to fifty
two schools, where 900 teachers will
be ready to receive them.
Tuesday morning, September 7,
will mark the beginning of te actual
operation of the consolidated school
system under the control of the
Oreater Omaha Hoard of Education.
The last appraised valuation of the
buildings and groundo -t uls sys
tem wan approximately $4,500,000,
with a bonded indebtedness of $1.
795,000, which Includes the fifteen
schools of South Omaha and the
shown by School t'enaaa.
The last school census of the consoli
dated area showed S7.70O persons of school
age, 6 to 21 years.
A 10 o'clock Monday morning, Septem
ber 8, Superintendent Graff will greet his
teaching staff of MO men and woman In
the auditorium of the Central High
school. South Side and ruindce add
nearly 200 to tho list of teachers. As
sistant Superintendent Ryan Is working
on the assignments of teachers for the
next school year.
The Central High school will be under
the direction of Joseph O. Masters,
former principal of tho Oklahoma City
High school. Miss Jesse M. Towne will
take her new position as dea.ii of girls
and Major llennlng Klsasser will le the
new commandant of cadets. 11 It. Mul
ligan will tie supervisor of athletic and
dobating at the Central High. M'ss Mary
B. Mcintosh will Inaugurate the new
laundering feature at this school. A
branch public library will be Installed.
Three New Kindergartens.
Superintendent Graff expects a rather
crowded condition at the High School of
Commerce, which was congested last
year. He does not believe consolidation
will make any material difference In the
attendance at this school.
The building program of the Board of
ICducatlon Includes a new High School
of Cemmeree. Karl F. Adama of Spring
field, Mass. ,will have charge of this
school, and J. W. LampmLn has been
added to the faculty.
Kindergartens will be opened at the
Jung man, Garfield and Madison schools,
South Omaha. The South Omaha schools
formerly known ss High, Central, Frank
lin and Lincoln, will have the prefix South
In each instance.
Temporary annexes have been erected
at Mason, Lincoln, Franklin and Saund
ers' schools. South Omaha schools have
been overhauled at an expenditure of
about I1S.O0O.
N. M. Graham, former auperlntemlent
of the BOuth Omaha school, has started
his work as assistant superintendent, his
duties being supervision of the elemen
tary oourse of study, csre of reports and
teachers' meetings.
German will be taught In five more ele
mentary schools, making a total of flf-ti-en.
The new school at lumle will be
ready for occupancy on the opening day.
Brown and Dietz
Test Out Balloon
Owned by King Ak
The big ilitiglhle balloon pun-hased by
Hand, til Brown and UonM Plets for use
on the Ak-Snr-Mcn carnival grounds, ha
been tested nnI found gtMxl.
No. I 'lets and Hrown IM not go nero
scouting In this rraft of the firmament.
They simply sneaked out to the big bal
loon house at Fott Omaha when no one
was looking and filled the Mg hag with
gss. They merely wanted to know there
were no holes In It.
Thi-y dill not even open the door of th
steel house for fear the Walloon would
escape. Also, they looked the roof over
carefully to see that it had no weak
places where the bag might get out and
sail away. When thsy were assured that
the monster was properly confined and
duly shnck!ed with chains. Brown swung
his weight on a guy rope, lifted his feet
fully six Inches from the ground and
bobbed up and down Just to see how It
would feel to be suspended In air by a
Finding that Hrown was not Instantly
dashed to ptex ee on the earth below him,
Gould Diets made bold to catch at a
guy rope, ami also lift his own weight
from the dust of Fort Omaha Tim two
Ak'Sar-Brn governors, suaiH-ndoil In air,
hung there grinning at each other for a
space of twenty pulse beats, then stepped
six Inches down to solid earth, shook
hands, and congratulated one nnothor on
the fine ascension.
Then they pulled tha plug, allowed tho
gss to wheese out Into the wide world,
locked the door and came away. As y
no dnflnlte contract has bren entered
Into for a man to said the dirigible dur
ing the carnival.
Elks' Big Annual
Clam Bake to Be at
Krug Park Sept. 11
The date for the 1016 clambake of the
Omaha Klka has been In douht for some
days for the reason that It was originally
fixed for Thursday, September t, at Krug
park. Tha Omaha letter carriers, how
ever, desired that date for the entertain
ment of the delegates to their national
convention to be held In Omaha during
that week. After telegraphic correspond
ence with John Klpple of Gloucester City,
N. J., the expert clanibsker who comes to
Omaha each year for this special pur
pose, h eastern and middle west clam
bake dates were so adjusted that he will
be able to do the bake on September 11.
The general crmmlttee of arrangements
Is preparing a high-class vaudeville pro
gram In connection with the clambake.
Invitations have been sent out to all the
Nebraska and Iowa sub.dtnate lodges
and many prominent Elks of the two
states will be present, notlaeably among
them being Frank L. Kaln of Falrbury.
Neb., one of the leading officials of the
grand lodge.
The departure of "Pave" O'Brien to
make his home permanently in the east
will leave another vacancy on the Ak-Sar-Ben
board of governors.
King Ak Sorely
In Need of Horses
"My crown for a quadruped." or words
to that effect, were squawked madly
across the battlefield by Hlchard the
Third when he had lost his horse In the
thick of the fight.
King Richard is not speaking now, but
King Ak-Sar-Ben Is.
King Ak-Sar-Ben Is short of horses and
he wants horses for the big electrical
parade. Every year tliey are becoming
more scarce and more difficult to get,
until King Ak snatches at the merest
plug like a dying man at a chance brlok-bat.
Dee Moines is planning to run a special
train to Omaha to attend the Billy Sun
day meetings. A letter has bn received
by A. W. Bowman, chairman of the
ushers committee from a member of tho
Deej Moines Ushers' association which has
been continued as a permsnent organlxa
tlon since the Sunday meetings there. The
lettar states that the lnter-church council
of.Des Moines expects to run .1 spe lal
train to Omaha Saturday, September 11,
to the Sunday meetings. The letter also
suggests that the Des Moines ushers do
the ushermg in the local tabernacle lor
one or two meetings.
Corn on the Cob
The Roasting Ear
Julius Orkln, the Douglas street
women's outfitter, aceomoanled hv
architect, left last evening for Kansas
City, Bt Louis and other cities to took
over some or the leading women's gar
ment stores for the purpose of securing I
new Ideas for a store hmi 1
Urged Orkln store.
Mr. Orkln says he expects to make tha
new store one of the most up-to-date and
beautiful In the middle west.
Don't r gleet foeghs er elds.
Dr. King's New Discovery shoulj be la
every home for coughs and colds. Chil
dren and aged like It. 60c. All druggists.
Advert ieni nt.
is not more deliciouH than
Post Toasties
the toasted swtxt
of the corn fields!
In the growth 6t com there ia a period when tho
kernels ore plumped out with u vegetable milk, moat
nutritious. As it slowly ripens this hardens and fin
ally becomes almost flinty.
Only tliis part of the corn ia used in making Post
Toasties, the husk, germ and all waste being reject!.
This nutritious part is cooked, seasoned "just
right," rolled and toasted to a crackly golden-brown
erispness Post Toasties the
Superior Corn Flakes
And they cost no more than the ordinary "coru
flakes." Insist upon having Post Toasties.
sold by Grocers everywhere.
is more than soap. It's a cake
of cleansing energy. The
naptha, combined with other
cleansers liberated by water,
dissolves the grease and dirt.
No need of long back-breaking
rubbing on the wash-board.
Makes washday a half-holiday
because you can finish an
average wash by noon.
Just as wonderful for all household cleaning1.
Wf-"rmnp(K nsm.Twi vv " m
Leaves Chicago 12.40p. m. Daily
Arrives New York 840 a. m
in Pennsylvania Station Next Door
to Everything in New York City
Fr potticutmrt mSrmt fnftunl trwtmi rwry slay Umving
Lkuof mictnmmt komrt for firm ) otk, tnfutrtmi
tMM CtfyHalumal flan BUIf. rcmclHmtlmtimS
Orm.Ur,$ U'. H. ROWLAND
T-vlt iHttungrr Agtnt, OMAHA, ft'&B.
1 'I zL
The sweetness of tho choice barley malt,
combined with the fine flavor of imported
hois, make ita taste most delicious.
Save Coupons and Get Premium, Phone Douglas 1889.
ulornson tfot
Clark J
Jn the
.of the
Every Room with a
of the
Oyster House
Famous for its unexcelled service, appetizing I
dishes, and air of gaiety and good cheer.
Dine in the Dutch Grill
The most convenient meeting place in the loop, an
artistic room where food and service are supreme.
The Hotel of
Perfect Service
Harry C.
Swap Anything in the "Swapper Column