Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Page 4, Image 8
TIIK HER: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUC1UST itt, 1915. NKWSof sc :hoo s a rn j &!Uj$f K ' r ?bOH iYATt i . - ,sisjra r kH X irll N(4 Mh: ii r-K f M .... u 1 ' f ! AT MI. ST. MAKK'IS ACAUKMt Young Women Take Vowt Church Connected with the School. in VERY INTERXSTING CEREMONY An Impressive cemnony In the church In connecUon lth Mount Bt. Wary' tudntir, Ch"Ttkc, la., took rlar when tmo youn women were received Into the order of th Servants of Mary and tlx took th. final vowi. The former wera MUs Laura Kslava or Hloux City and Mlaa Koaella Kherldan of Cherokee. Tha latter wera Pinters Mary lVtronllla of tha Sarrad Heart, Mary Mildred of tlio Holy Roaary, Mary Agatha of our Mother of Morrows, Mary Bemariette of our Lady of Iourdei, Mary Annunslala of the Incarnate Word and Mary Paula of the Barrel Heart. Folomn hlh masa waa sung at 9:30, the Itev. William P. Deaninntl, the pastor, being the celebrant, with llev. I'uthcr Mc Cormlck of F:"ldon draroti. and H-v. rather 8t hlllmlll-r of Mary Hill an i'j-deai-on. Hev. Father Murphy of Klnua Ic) wii mauler of rcremonh-H. and a largn numlr of prleala from the lU'lKhhorlna; parlabea filled the snn.tuury. The rm'jlt was given the new noxlllatm by Itev, John Uanlhy. B. J., delegutcd by the Illshop of hlokx City. At the ronclusloa of tha ceremony the women o( the parlxh entertaJnod the friends and relative of tho Blutera at an rlaborMe dinner given In the Immaculate Conception hall. Ileport says the summer school hold at Mount Mary this year was of more than usual Interest. The M weeks of Us duration aaw many eminent lecturer and profenors at the Mount, among whom wero the Right Rev. I'. J. tiarri jran of Bloux City; Rev. Alfred loe, Trinity rollege, tloix City, Kdwnrd Hornibrooke, M. D., Cherokee, la.; Hon. J. K. Koater, Klate BusrJ of IMutntlm; H. Sullivan, unerlntvndrnt of rlionl: K. Ralley, Instructor of prlmm y inrtliol, and many others. letlo Inclinations aa well as cultural. Mr. M. Wlllard Is principal. Qulnny Mansion holds a high place among Amer ican colleges. FOR YOl'SO LADIKfl, Maaat It. Mary'a Heaalaary, Omaha, ( aadaeted kr 'latere of Merry The location of Mount Bt. Mary semi nary is one of the best In Omaha at Fifteenth and Caatellar street. BpeclaJ attention Is riven to academic, normal and preparatory couraea, mualo and art. It is accredited to the state university. The students are under the personal su pervision of the Hlaters at all time. The physical welfare of the pupils la given special attention and a aound edu cation, academic, cultural and religious Is the aim..' The next term of the seminary opens September . BELLKVIK COl.LEOK. Scholaatle Krasonle AaWaa- tagri Offered by t'ollene. Rellevue college give full academlo courses of four years. It claim laiportant oonomlo advantages a, college education at a coat of 20 a year for students, who live near enough to go home over week-ends; or f.S0 a year ,lv at the college all through the 'college year and of M If they board at home al together. Uellevu la well equipped to prepare Students for almost any career engineer ing, law, medicine, plyical training, teaching, domestlo science, music, art, ex pressions, besides tho regular four years' college course of study. ;ts location Is Ideal, on a lofty plateau overlooking the Missouri valley and one of the oldeat settlements In Nebraska. A Telearaph ftrkool. The KHnaas VeKleyan Business college, at Hallna, Kan., gives thorough course In telegraphy, rnllrosd and station work, and the 1'nlon T'aclfle railroad guarantees poaltlona to graduates. It offers also many other advantages for this kind of stu1 The school haa a record of i.00 stu dents who have won success. It has ; free winter Chautauqua. Tuition la rc-i onaMe and Chrlstlsn influences surrouml the college. School tilth Two Homes. The Keewatln academy for boy con duct Its fall term in Wisconsin, ami when the wintry blasts legln blowing. It gathers up Its faculty and student body and file southward to the balmy breexes of Florida, where the winter course of study Is pursued. In the spring they sll come back to Wisconsin again. The registrar la In ITalrlo du Chlen, Wis. Very Old Nehonl. Missouri Christ Inn college. Camden Point, Mo., was rounded In IMS, and Is now entering It sixty-seventh year. It is a boardlnrr school for girls, located xn the electrln Interurban line between Kan eus City and Bt. Joseph. It Is noted for It faculty and the high grade of It academlo courses, and Us low rates. Cotnrr I'nUersltr. Coiner credits are accepted at full value by the stntt university. It ha a college of liberal arts, normal college. Rtblloai college, academic course, school of art. school of music, school of expres sion and school of business. It also car- ues on extension work snd work In home economics. Hvthnny, nherc the college Is located. Is a suburb of Lincoln, Neb., and a de lightful place to live. Cotner claims a minimum cost of education with board at I2..V) a week and rooms at DO cents to $1. WKMTWOHTII SI it.IT . R V, Widely Koovra a the School Where Roys Do Thloas." Just forty-three miles from Kansas City, at Lexington, Mo., Is Wentworth Military academy, where the acholaatlc work Is mado "live" and Interesting to boys. Field maneuvers, flag signalling, field telegraph, bridge building, hikes, camping and so on stimulate the physi cal and mental activities of the atudents. Academlo standards are high and grad uates are admitted without examination to the leading universities and collets. Wentworth ts the oldest military school west of the Mississippi dlcr. In- dlvldaul Instruction la given by men teachers, Highland Park.. "Knrn more with less toll," Is tho 'logiin of Highland Park college, Des Monies, In. It currlculm includes many .liintts from the liberal arts to automo bile work. Jt In open all the year round. Chleasro ftrhool. Located at HS Urexel boulevard, Chi cago, Is the Htrvan School for dills, of v.'hlch Mis. Luella M. Wilson is principal. It fall term opens September 2. Dancing; Lessons. Aesthetlo and social dancing are being taught at the Hotel Rome by Genevieve f -'.- - i One of Nebraska's successful business colleges I the Huntings' Business' col lege. Hastings, Neb. Its graduate are holding positions now In twenty-two dif ferent state. Home of them have ad anced to very high rungs In tho lad der of burliicsa success. Its at minus puss the government examinations for civil service pos'tiona with h gli ratliiKs. For Yuan- IIjjs. llev. lr. James Iol)bliis Is rector and Frederick K. Jenkins Is head master of Baint James school at Faribault, Minn., a home school for boys, giving work from first to e'.ghth grade Inclusive. The school Is locetid on f ne grounds of eighty acres. It Is now in its lUlecnlh successful year. Forest Park, Forest Tark university In Bt. Louis of fer Instruction of high order in piano and voir. Senior and Junior college and preparatory certificate admlta to all col lege. Instruction ts given covering a wide radge. Tim university Is now In It fllty-flfth year.' a - At oaklaad, Cel. In the beautiful Bun Francisco suburb of Oakland Is located Mill college, the only hvoinan'a college on the Paclflo coast. Besides the standard department it provides full training In home econom ics and In gymnasium and playground aupervlolon. italary Maaaloa. Qulncy Mansion school ' for girl at Woilaston, Qulncy, alas., otfera u a usual advantage to young women, I fere may be found every opportunity for the de velopment of feminine charm and ability. The school I located In the midst of must beautiful natural surroundings, and offer opportunity for Indulgence of ath- Nebraska Military Academy (DTCOaUrOBATBD.) YOCTl BOY must be propertly educated and developed. The NERRABKA MILITARY ACADEMY (Ino.) I a aohool cloa at home, where vou can send him and he aura that he get what you want him to have. Thla BCHOOL understand boy and deals with them Indlyidually. Prepare for college and business. For information, talk to our patron, visit the echool phone or rrlte for catalogue. Address, , COLONEL B. D. HAYWARD, President. LINCOLN, NEB. (r The Van Sant School IONE C. DUFFY, Owner and Manager Day School for Young Women Evening School for Young Men and Women tenography ookkeeping Entrance 306 South 18th Street, Osaha Hauflalre, both In cinssc and In private lesson. There are classes for beginner, advanced pupil, children and women. Hpedal attention la given parties and pri vate clubs. In Historic garroondlnaa. Ogonts, a suburb of Philadelphia, I the seat of the Konlx school for young women, founded In lfltO. It Is situated on the old Jay Cooke estate of sixty-five aorea. Jay Cooke was the Philadelphia financier who supported the government In "tight'' pine tea during the civil war. Watermaa. flail. Since It beginning In 1SSS, Waterman hall, a school for girls, near Chicago, has been under the same management. It ha large brick and stono buildings, music hall, gymnasium and large campus. It is. located at Sycamore, 111. At Manhattaa, Kaa. The Manhattan Business college, Man hattan, Kan., offers commercial, short hand, civil service, typewriting, penman ship, English, banking and court report ing course. It also teaches typewriting by mail. BARN W Iwslst k fnr SkMM ot af MfkMt vatme I M4irr. r!filnMt of ymm Wtrj . MORsI Tfcoranft.aMI f HHHue luiiyii oraug WITM pent, Isiwt s4 atppOMafc lfeml arcs mee LESS TOIL. HIGHLAND PARK COLLEGE Oeerge P. Maglll, A. M t). D., PTMlewtt Sea MeMea, lews . wrta isiaalti fmsstf i nnltlilipsdsgosyt HtMriM: MMlri MMAftyt SM Mt: MMMVi t BROWNELL HALL Omaha. Nebraska Boarding and Day School for Young Women and Girls Fifty-second Year )x-ns Tliuixlay, 8eptrinler S3. JUNIOR DAY SCHOOL for Girls Above the Third Grade at 133 North Fortieth Street. For catalogue, adtlrcis.s Miss Euphemia Johnson, Principal. Lutheran Ladies' Seminary Bed Wing, Minnesota A ooi.i.roB res ouu i offers Junior Coll, ffemlnsry Coqrw, Prer-ars,. tory, Horn Beonoiny, ('frriirtliil. Art. Rlorutlon, rune. Violin Voir. tirn, eighteen teai.hsrs; DsauiiTltl lorstlon: mnnsrn bullntnsa: IA0.Se nuiln hsll, with nw 000 pips orssn lualalUd this tw. It plsnos. Hoard and luilloa. u IMt Vr rr. Sand for arm catsloa. MT. K. ULII, mad Win, acianeaota. Mount St. Joseph College and Academy Dubuque. Iowa. OOITDUOTKD BT TBB BISTEBA OF CHABITT, B. T. X. Affiliated With the CathoUo University of America, Waahlngtom. B C Chartered by tha X.eglaUtnr of Iowa. Excellent facilities for the education of young women. Collegvi Courses of four yeara. leading to Baccalaureate Degrees. Academy Couraea, four years: H.hool of Music; Teachers' and Supervisors' Training Courses in Hchool Music: School of Fine Arte: Teacher' Training Course 'n A.rti lepartinent of Household Art and Science; Normal and Com mercial Courses; preparatory Apartment. Fifty-acre Cainpua, pineries, finely eiiulrped buildings. Direct railroad connection with Omaha, Sioux City and Mloux Falls. For Tear Book, address. Z8TBB SUFEBIOB. The. Nebraska Wesleyan University College of Liberal Arts Teachers College Academy Conservatory of Music School of Expression and Oratory School of Art For Information and free bulletins, address THE REGISTRAR, NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY University Place, Lincoln, Nebraska. MOST T-1.Vi CVtrtr.1 -TN jv Thorouili courts In TrtraphT. Ilallrosd snd ai.ijen oik. Flt I I lets eaulpmmt. V. P. rallrol fi"l' ""'1"?: ! L nnahla lull Ion. Ttti hr .rtTnl.i"J not offmo by otW acboola AK V-Jk . .. m.m . . .1.1 1 I . W b mwiw ii.i at, nfanni la mrrrraiK. . . ' . KANSAS WIIL1IAF 101 Baata Fa As. vail fiiaramf. ary a1""""1- m I .nautaJ not offmo by otliar adJOOla. A my trmtt. sil'lrraa U U Tilrkr, rrs. JI sn gusmsM cotitei. r"" 's. TJ ST. FRANUS ACADEMY, CoIumbu$, Neb. A .School for Girls, Conducted bj the Klslera of Nt. Francis of I'erpetnal Adoration PARENTS AND GUARDIANS ARE OFFERED AN EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY of securing for their children a practical Christian education at terms so low as to be available to almost any family. Boys under 12 years admitted. Complete courses In Academic, Commercial and Rlementary De partments. Music, Physical Culture, Class Drawing, Painting In Oil and Water and China. Elocution and all kinds of useful and ornamen tal needlework. The Academy is accredited to the State University. Write for full psrticulars. Address SISTER M. AGNELLA, Superioress. Immaculate Conception iCademv Hastings, Nebraska Prepares for college. Accredited to the University of Nebraska. Normal Course approved by the State Board of Education. Commercial, Preparatory, Primary Departments. Music, Art, Dramatic Art, Domestic Sci ence, under the direction of Competent Teachers. Ideal location, combining advantage of proximity to city, with the quiet surroundings of the country. All departments furnished with every modern improvement in lighting, heating, ventilation, and sanitary requirements. An ex tensivo Campus affords every facility for outdoor sports and exercise, so essential to the health of students. School opens September 6. For particulars, address Sister Su perior, Immaculate Conception Academy, Hastings, Nebraska. Yprk O in ma m m York, Nebraska One of Nebraska's accredited schools. Nothing offered except 'what can be tanght efficiently. Collegiate, Normal, Academy, Commercial, Music Ex pression, Art, Agriculture, Domestic Science. TWENTY-0NE TEACHERS. ; Every teacher a specialist in his department. Every department growing. THE ENROLLMENT has doubled within a year. SATISFIED STUDENTS Our Best Advertisement Fall Term Opens Sept 14, 1915 - ! ' , "Write for catalog. TO WHOM THIS CONCERNS: York College will refund the tuition and the railroad fare of any student who enrolls la any department of the college and attends faithfully to the work of the department for a period of SO day, and la for any cause dissatisfied with the course offered or the instruction recelred. M. O. MCLAUGHLIN. President. York College, r f t i - i a v Ji t ini:i,v. . ,: : n m mm wf . .:.:., a. , , --1' . II' lis 1 1" - ,::.-SJu- -,t A.' trV.,.-,, . .-,-. ,i'A ::AAf A'- ' i V7'A v A A C:, -.T;7 .a If j :.- I ' XA , 1 - i - -.-'. - , - ,..:.' i I h ' ' j cxi IF! TViT (TD FAT1T nOTT .TT .IF1. (HI IP"! aP coan" from wtich to lecl wrlc- urg. mtd uug mi ir, ri, -iiXJ iiViilXJ il VVIl.ill ilPVJICLi (llpucult Fall term optus September 7tL Addrest W. H. CLEMMONS, Fremont, Nebraska s