Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Page 8, Image 12

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    The Bees Home Maaziiae Page
Every Man a
Peter Pan
-There's Many a Slip
Copyright, 1915, Intern'l Ncvi Hcrvlre.
By Nell Brinkley
Unlike Women, They sTevsr
Orow Vp, and that la Oa
iu:i Way Sexes Under,
stead Saeb. Other So. Little
One of the reasons that the two sexes
understand and sympathize with earn
other ao little In because women are al
ways ao much older than men, no matter
whs relative age
they reallr are.
Women are born
frown up. They are
mature even In their
cradles, but the ma
jority of men are
Mil! boya at heart
even when they are
gray and gouty. Not
without reason did
rtarrle make Peter
Pan of the maaculine
persuasion. No fa
male la ever a Peter
Pan at heart, bow
ever, much ahe may
affect the role In
her clothe. She may
rig heraelf up In
Infantile white mns-
Hn and blue ribbon, and wear curia,
and affect the baby atare. but under
neath her poe of youth, her aoul haa
wrinkle and crow'a feet on It.
Women recognize the fact that men
keep their phyalral youth much longer
than they do, and that a man of 40 still
looka boyish, while a woman of that
sge la frankly middle-aged, and heaven
alone know the work and worry, and
dinting, and maasnglng, and general
martyrdom that wive go through In
order to keep In their huaband'a ago
claaa. TMa la why custom haa decreed
that the husband ahall ba older than the
wife. Experience haa shown that even
when he haa the lead of her by ten or
twenty year ahe will catch up with him
before the tin wedding anniversary roll
nut If men keep young In body longer
than women do, ettll more do they keep
young In aplrlt. They are boya to the
end of the ohapter, and thla la what
their wlvea never comprehend.
When a woman la grown up ahe la
all grown up. She la aophlatlcated. and
of tho world, worldly. The thing ahe
"Joya. the book ahe reada, the playa
aha aeea are atrlctly for grown-ups, not
for children.
On the other hand, no matter how
clever and Intellectual or how big and
powerful the man gets to ba, ha stilt
keepa somewhere In hla aoul the aplrlt
of a boy. Hla Idea ot having a per
fectly gorgecua time la to get away from
people and go fishing with a stick for a
fishing rod, and a tin can of worma for
alt, aa he did when he was 10 yeara old.
It la men who prefer musical comedy
and farcea to the problem of Ibsen and
Sudermann. and It la man who like to
read detective atorlea and W-oent thrill
ers. It le.thla boy spirit that make men
collector, and that raleea wifely wrath
Ucause husbands until they are taught
x-tter by their spouses clutter up the
house and apend perfectly good money on
butterflies, or postage stamps, or old
print, or aomethlng els that the mature
ladle to whom they ara married con
sider childish and fooltah.
Most of the marriage that go to smash
founder on tho rock of age. The wife
lacks the floe vlalon to aee that In tha
shadow of her big. strong, competent
husband there lurk the little h,.
be played with, and coddled, and petted,
and mothered.
And It la thla little boy who. finding
'" wloom nor recognition at home, ao
often run away to aoma other woman In
hla desperate bunt for a play fellow. You
can sea ample proof of thla In the letters
hat are pathetic, aa well a ludloroua,
that form the main exhibit In almost
very divorce ault. and In which the writ
er, often men who have achieved mil
lions by thetr own shrewdness, or men
who have achieved fame In aoma pro
fession, sign themselves "Tour Little Boy
Blue." or "Your Billy Boy." or some
other Imbecility that belnna-a h -l.u
to the age of calf love Instead of the
iue or maturity.
A lao It Is to bo noted that
f fascination that appear to be used
by these sirens who break up home
consists In treating their elderly admlr-
it may were indeed Billy Boya In
ieea or respected Williams, with a high
position In the communltv
There U food for thought In these reve
lations of the divorce court, fof they
show that a man never u - i.i
he doesn't want to be petted and Jollied
and made much of. Bran wh v.. k..
only one scant hair to brush across hla
bald spot he desires Just as ardently to
have aoma woman curl It around her
finger aa ha did when he had ambrosial
locka that were a temptation u the
hands of every feminine beholder. '
Likewise he desires to talk nonsense
and to listen to nonsense, the gay non
eense of youth, and this la another sl.le
of man' a eternal boyishness that hla wife
can never grasp. Bhe( cannot understand
how a man who haa achieved tig thing
and who la Interested In blaT thing ran
turn in a minute from big thing to little
thing, from being 00 yeara old to being
or M.
The women who make successes of
matrimony are the onea who have the
Ineplred sight to aee the boy In the man.
and whose love hag a large element of
tho maternal In It. The-r rmmlu th.t
many of the fault of husbands that ao
many wives find unforgivable are simply
Hie Irresponsibility of eternal boyhood,
and mean far leas than they seem to
These are the women who sense a great
truth that the boy In a man may be
carried away by a pretty face, or tho
temptation of.a moment, or the wayward
ness of a fleeting Impulse, and yet leavo
the heart and aoul of the man himself
absolutely true and devoted to his wife,
nd that he eoinea back to hr all the
more devoted for having wandered away
a bit He cornea back to her Inevitably
aa a boy eomes back home.
And It la the wis woman who treats
the boy in her husoand a she treats her
own S-yer-old who ktsar-s Mm when
It's good, and ecold l.lru when he's bad.
sr.d shows hun off before company, but
mikes Mm fuel that the safe harbor of
He woild U lu the hollow of her shout
tiir where hla head can rest.
There's many a illp 'twlxt the dream and the realization. And
there's a wide gulf ometlmes between the ambitions that burn In
somebody's mother's heart and the aspirations that flare In the small
narrow breast of somebody still In curl-papers, and smocked frocks.
Somebody lies In her soft pillows with her eyes fast shut and her
cheeks red her white curlers like ghostly horns in the faint light,
her weary little legs that ached so when she tumbled in (did you ever
have that dreadful leg-ache when you were little at the end of the
dayT) humping out of the covers, her busy little fingers still. And
dreams and dreamst And her soft-faced mother, slipping in to peek
at her before she locks the doors, one last look, and snuggles the
covers over the cold, bare knee and dreams and dreams! ,
"I will make of her (Janey is so sober and bright and sedate;
By Gouverneur Morris
Charles W. Ooddard
IMS, Mat Oemseaf.
Synopsis of revlona Chapters.
John Ameebury Is killed In a railroad
accident, and his wife, oue of America s
most beautiful women, dies trout the
shock, leaving a I year-old daughter, who
ta taken by frof. Sulllier. aaeul of the
Interests, far into the Adirondaeks, where
she is rested in the seclusion of a cavern,
f ifteen tenia later Tommy liurcito. wuo
lias Just uusrreted Willi me auoiiied
J minor, wauueis into I lie woous una ills
covers tlie gill, now Known as lelealia,
iu company with 1'iof. Milliter, loiiuny
lake the girl lo New Yuik, where sue
tails tuto lue clutches of a Holed pro
cures, but is able to win over the
wuuiau by her petular bypuolio power.
Here she altiacia frreiiuie liie tenet.
who becomes allacheti lo her. At a but
clothing laciory, wliere she goes to woik,
she cueicisek ner power over the girls,
sua Is Sttietl fium being burned to tlealu
by Tommy. About tins Ume Milliter,
ttercluy and otneis who are working to
gether, deiide It la time to make use of
I'elrsliu, who lias been trained to titlnk
of hnneir us uivuie and come from
leavea. T he Ural piece they send her la
to Hiiumeu, a mining towu, whers the
coal inlueis mis ou a sirlke. Tummy has
gone there, ami Mia OuiiMiort, wllo
ihe imneiV leader, talis in love Willi hlin
and deajtiucea him to the men wneu he
spurns her. Celeua saws 'lummy from
being burned, aud alao settle the sulk
by wlmung over Kehr. the agent of the
homes, and fa relay, sr. Mary lllack
Moue, who is ulo in love Willi Tommy,
tells n iu the story of i'eleslla. which ana
! has uncovered through her jealousy.
Kehr is named aa candidate lor president
on a ticket tliut has Milliters suppjrt,
and Tommy Uaniay is named on the
miners1 ticket. Milliter piofeaees him
self In love with 1'elextia and wants lo
gel ber for hunt-elf. Tommy urges her
lo marry him. Mary liUckstoiie bliliea
Mm. Uunsdorf to try to murder I'elestla,
while the latter la on her campaign tour,
traveling on a snow wl.lto train. Mrs.
Uunsdoif ie fixaiu hypnotized t,y Celestla
and the murder averted
Milliter byrotlxva Telestla and lure, her
Into a deaerted v.ooda. where he forces
her to undeiiio a mock marriage, per
formed by himself lie notifies the tl
umvlrate that i'elestla la not coming
bauk freed, the Ferret has followed
him closely, and lummy Is not far away,
having Uen exploring the cava, hoping
lo find CVlestht theie.
PtUllter flrea at Tommy In the rave
and thinks he has killed him. tie tlieu
tries lo foree Ce.estta Into a mock mar
riage, but Freddie Interferes and In Iim
right that follows Fieddie gels eltllllter s
glasses ana leitvea nun nilnd. r n-d.lle
lakes I'eleaiia lo rind Tommy, and Mil
il'er builds a fire to allied aa-ituuce.
The fire spreads and he (leea U'foie it.
fails In'o a lake ai'd drowns Tummy ; lit
L'vleaua return lo New York, where t-ey
It Here See It at the Movies
find 8turdevant telling a big meeting that
Celestla has returned to heaven.
Gordon Ba.-clay's servanta had orde.-a
to admit no one without orders. The
city was In a turmoil. With each fresh
edition of the newspapers the situation
of the conspirators became more serious.
In the public parks effigies ot them were
hanged or turned. It became neceeanry
to keep a ordon of polio about Bar
clay's house. In Bemnies' house and
Murtevant a no window remained wholo.
For twenty hours th,ese two men had
been Jiarclay'a guests.
Ounsdorfs great hour had come thjt
hour for which he hud plotted all hla
life, and lied fur and achemed for. He
had been the leading figure in the mob
they had tried to lynch the trldinvirale
In the first burst of rage. And ha found
himself suddenly at the head of all tho
lawlesa elements In the city. Ha waa
drunk with power and a sense of his
own Importance. Rut openly he apokc
of his love for mankind.
Through a man friendly to him and
deep In Ounsdorfs councils. Tommy
learned that the life of the man who
had adopted hlin and been good to him
was In danger. Hla house waa to be
stormed over the heads of the police, and
himself hanged or torn to pieces, as mlgnt
All their differences fled from Tommy'
mind and he remembered only their
mutual affection; so ha hurried to the
old familiar houae and waa presently
"It's Just to ssy a few words," said
Tommy, and ha told Barclay what CKins-
dorf was planning for that 'ery day.
Gordon Barclay had turned very gray
In the last daya. He waa a broken and
disappointed man. Mill he clung warmly
to that remnant of life which remained
to him.
"We'll go to Gull Island." ha said sim
ply, "till this thing baa blown over. I
suppose you are not unhappy about what
haa happened. It's a pity she came back
Tommy, when we Quarreled I vti
ambltloua for power only. Later I began
to think that Olestla was a real panacea
for a sick world. So that If I bad been
destined to rule, I would have ruled for
the good of the people. I want you to
know that what began In cynicism endid
In faith and honeety. I have put you
back In my will for practically every
thing I poasess. Carlton Fitch has turned
knave. Mary, if she marries him, will
be worthy of him."
"You II need somebody to keep house
for you nt Hull Inland" silj Tommy. He
waa too moved to refer to what ho had
she has brain and heart and gentle ways and demure), we'll make an
educator our of Janey. A teacher. Mathematics perhaps. Girls
must know how to do something nowadays. And Janey loves babies.
And gets wonderful marks in arithmetic! And, of course, Janey
won't have to do that. But she can if anything 'should ever happen
to us.' And Janey somehow school teacher is Janey's type." So
dreams the soft-faced mother and aspires!
But Janey! "Oh, to be a circus-rider with a pink fluff skirt
and a glitter all over! On a big white horse. To go 'round and
'round and 'round and jump through paper hoops and never care.
To wear satin slippers and walk, nippy, nippy, nippy, across the saw
dust. To run across the ring as fast as anything and run up the side
of the big white horse who never Bays a thing. To have yellow curls
and dl'monds. And teeter on tip-toe on the broad, fat back of the
' ' ' ' '
Juat learned. "I ll get Celestla there as
quickly aa I can."
"Have you married herT"
Tommy looked very manly when he said
in ne nao. Ana nareiar siniieu o ;
of hla old-time daasllng smiles. i
"And I think." ha said finally, "that
you had better get out of thla house ,
ii.i.. . . i ' m i ,
I can't afford to ba a hero."
They shook hand and parted, never to
meet In thla life again. '
Late that night Tommy and Celestla
and Freddie the Ferret, whom Tommy
waa trying to train to be hla valet, caught
the last boat for Bartelle. on Bartell'a
Island, from which Gull's Ialand may bo
ManhoH In an hnur In a faat launch, i
They had had no word of what had hap
pened In New York. At -Mlasaquid, tho
point of departure for Bartell'a, there
eeeoned to be some sort of a rumor In
the air and a state of suppressed ex
citement. Usually it Is a town that goes
to bed very early. But thla waa not the
iim tonight There waa a rough looking
crowd at the atatton. and at the wharf.
Tommy, without arousing suspicion,
could not find out If Barclay, Semmea
and Sturtevant had gons on ahead or
were following.
"if they are behind us." ha aald to Ce
lestla, "they'll have to charter something.
lVrhaps father will come all the way by
boat that would bo best. Hla own yacht
would be spotted. But he'll work some
Gull Island resembles a loaf of bread
that haa risen too much. A rounded.
blllowlng top la set upon high, almoat
perpendicular sides. There Is only one j
landing place, and from thla the habitable '
portions of the Inland are reached by a j
steep and narrow path. A determined
man with a pile of cobblestones could j
at and off an army. i
It waa Gordon Barclay's favorite ea-1
tate. The timber waa mostly scrub oeJt i
and acrubby little tines, but In a dense j
grave of these Barclay had built a low, i
rambling houae which waa very dear to
him. and wonderful roae gardens, which
were even dearer. I
In this Uland retreat, open and ready
for the master the year round, the tri
umvirate, if only they could reach It.
would be aa safe from mob violence aa
on a ship at aee. 1
A ateep climb, a wild expanse of star
lit moor, little ancient trees growing
very close together, a strong perfume of
buy berry bushes, of sw eet fern and rosea,
and then the Inw-cetllnged. aoftly-llghted
hall, with many men servants, a cool de
lightful nUht. soundly slept these were
Celeslln's first impressions of Gull Island.
llu lie Couliuuvd Tomorrow.)
New York is
New York la the rudest city In the
A city may be safely and juatly Judged
by the mannera of Its people. By that
standard New York
holds the sorry
championship of 111
More women can
i stand, and. do
,Und , m publlo
'hl5' . wh"
Z' ll '
ll t"n any other
! I have aeen more
f1 Mv"-
tlon with women
lnan ,n
other Clt I hav
"tailed on either
Ho many men converse with cigars be
tween their teeth that there la a new dia
lect which I have named clgarese.
Here it is a commonplace for men to
push past women, while crowding Into a
car. If they did not do ao the women ',
would be surprised. It waa auch an ex
ceptional standing back and raising of
a hat that caused a woman onlooker to
say to a friend. "What a queer, old
fashioned man!" In the friend kindled a
transient spirit while she answered:
"Everything that la kindly or conniderat
New York calls queer and old-fashioned."
More than one corroborates thla
statement. For instance a young man
led an old woman across a street crossing
and one of the leading newspapers made
a "story" of it.
Ask someone for directions aa to houae
or atreet and he will either walk on wlth-
out answering or will look upon you with
a auspicious eye while he makes curt
Pare to ask a atreet car conductor a
question and you will either be barked at
or will be the butt of hla heavy wit.
New York la the city of Impassive facea.
The impassive face Is the trademark of
rudeness. If our countenances are ao
very wesry that they are unable to show
a response to the persons who give their
time to conversation with ua we should
seclude them and ourselves until they are
rested. Responsiveness is courtesy. Un-
responsiveness is boortshness.
I met a young girl from California who
had come to aoek that "fortune" that the
few find and the many mlaa. I naked
about her mood and her progress. Shs
burst out: "I am miserably homesick
I think I shall take the next train home.
I am not getting on at all. How can any
one get on In a city where everyone
wears a mask? I wuit to go back to
California, where facial muaclea can still
relax. I want to live in a town where
people ainlle."
Tb gill, though angry, was right New
? " !
circus rocking-horse! To have the clown always along and hare
plenty of lemonade and popcorn free! Oh gee!"
My gracious; what a yawn between the two! But this
is truth. Across the gulf that lies between all souls the teacher with
chalk and arithmetic and the circus rider In pink tulle look at one
another out of the dreams of parent and little child. And both
would be amazed If they could read the other's desire.
Both dreams may fade. The circus-rider may vanish as though
her pink bobbing skirts were set a-flre! The teacher may fall Into
ruin along with the bareback rider and leave no shred behind!
Dreams change, and the little boy who burned to be a cab-driver
may go to congress, and the mother who aspired to make a lawyer
of him may follow her Pole-hunting son as far as the great Ice-barriers!
the Rudest City
York Is a city of tired, unsmiling face.
The smile la a algn of a fluid spirit. The
spirit of the metropolis Is rigid. Nowhere
In the world will you see such cold eyes
as in New York.
In other cities of the United States and
of Europe a stranger Is not necessarily
regarded as an enemy. In New York he
la looked upon not only as an enemy, but
as an object of police surveillance.
In every other city there Is a flatter
ing interest In the denizen of another
The typical cltisen of the metropolis Is
Indifferent to every town save his. "We
do not need to travel."
"Everybody and everything comes to
New York." Is his amug conclusion. He
la as Inhospitable to ideas aa tq persons.
Why is New York the rudest aggrega
tion of men and women In the world?
For two reasons. People lead the most
hurried lives here. The foreign element
la enormous.
When an evil la emphasized remedy
should be offered. The cure In the case
of New York's grossly bad manners is
twofold. One may be found wherever,
from train or ferry, you step into an out
lying town. There folk are less hurried, j
They have time to think of other, tlm:
to smile, time to turn on the pleasant '
glow of human Interest. When out of
the crowded Island of Manhattan citizens
move to more leisure communities, leav
ing the Island to be a clearing house of
business, and of Ideas, there will be an
improvement In the atreet mannera. For
the manner reflects the life of the man.
The whip should ba the municipal aign
of New York, for everyone la under the
whip laah of hurry. There Is so much
to do, so little time In which to do It.
Rush, crowd, trample, la the municipal
rule ot conduct The man who'haa left
off the shelf life of the New Tork apart
ment and sleeps eight hours a night In
a room with a yard he doesn't call It a
lawn with a tree and a few blades of
grass In It will feel an unwonted relaxa
tion of the muscle of his face. He will
remember to spevavk to tho elevator man
and he will have kinder thoughts of his
office boy.
There Is no hope for the newly arrived
Do You Know That
A barking fox at night Indicates the
coming of a heavy storm.
Bhakespeare , always endowed hit
beautlee with very whit skins.
The Jellyfish eats by wrapping Itself
'round Ita food and absorbing It
Nina churches in England tre named
in honor of St. David of Wales.
There are 44,000 muaclea In an ele
phants trunk, and only 527 la a min i
in the World
foreign element save to let him gr w
Into hla second generation. The first si i
of true courtesy Is deference to woma -hood.
The hordes that land on our shor
from beyond the Atlantic or Pacific ha
no regard for womanhood, or If It exl
In a few instances, It Is successfully
hidden. The Immigrant's son will toac'i
him that principle. His grandson miy
perfect him In it.
Many women long for children, bat because r-f
Some curable physical derangement are deprived
oi this greatest of all happineaa.
The women whose names follow were restore!
to normal health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound. Write and ask them about it.
"I took your Com
pound and have a fine,
strong b a b jr. ' ' Mrs.
John Mitchell, Mas
sens, N. Y.
"Lydia E. Pinkhara's
Vegetable. Compound Is a
wonderful medietas for
expectant mothers,"
Mrs. A. M. Myers, Gor
donvllle, Mo,
" I highly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkhara's Veg
etable Compound before
child-birth, it bas done so
much for me." Mrs. E.
M. Dcerr, R. R. 1, Con.
sbohocken, Pa.
"I took Lydia E. Pink
ham Vegetable Com
pound to build up my
system and have the
dearest baby girl in the
world." Mrs. Moss
Blajceley, Coal port. Pa.'
"I praise the Com
pound whenever I have
a chance. It did so much
for me before my little
girl was bom. " Mrs.
E. W. Panders, Rowles
burg, W. Ya.
"I took yoor Com
pound before baby was
born and feel I owe my
r -la, - T "
nrj t n i4 -Ofq
Tims, Winter Haven.
' : V '' ''
IV... . iW fc
Ha m rVkl