Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, FALL OPENING School Number, Page 6, Image 10
UfA'.: OMAHA, MONDAY, Al (It'ST L'.'J, liHo. If the present tenant is to move on October first why not advertise for the new one now and extract most of the worry from the incident Phone Tyler 1000 and get your vacant apartment, house or flat listed 6 WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proir rlaaslflcatlon must be Pre eented before 11 o clock noon tor evening edition and 7 So p m for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after ouch hour mill be under tbe heading. "To Lata to Claaal'y." CASH RATES. , Seven consecutive times, 1 cent word ace. Insertion. . . ... Two or rooie consecutive 'time 1 cents word. Om time, I cents a wor-1. (7HAROE RATES. . Imn consecutive time. 8 cents a "ne ach Inaction. Three -xieecutlve time. 10 cent! line earh lnsrtl(l. One time. J cents a line. OVMint all average word to a line. Mlmlmum charge, JO rente An advertisement Inserted to " 'V" until discontinued muni be topped " written order. . . . All clelme for errors rnust he ,"'L. within fifteen daYa after the laet in" Uon of tbe advertisement. You can place rour want ad In T1 be by trlenhnne. . M TE.LEFHONK TTLER Today' Movie Programs LANTERN sltdes for movies. Bend your eopy to tia. Wo can reproduoo photo mt will propers your opy. Wo will color M directed. Boo Photo Dept. l Beo Bid. r Dvwiwws. EMPRES& 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. Hearst-Sellg Nwe Pictorial No. . The Fehli- of the Royetertng Bladeo, Esa. The Slavery Student. A City Rube, Vitagraph. PRINCK88. DOUGLAS. Wm. 8. Hart in Knight of tho Trail. - reel Western drama. Fay Tlncher. Tho Fatal Finger Fr.nt, com Lost and Won, a clever comdy. North. 16TH AND BINNBT. GRAND. Detective Bllnn featuring Winifred C.reenwood, 2-r. dr.; The Mese-ure Through Flames, featuring MUnon An rierson, l-r. dr.; Tho Honoymuonors. com. LOTHROP. a4TH AND LOTHROP. Beatrice Mlchelena In Tho Lily of Poverty Flat, a Bret Hart story In flvo reels oath. 182 4 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO. Tho Sky Hunters, Eaaanay. Mr. Blxble's Dilemma, Vltagraph, 34TH AND N. Chaa Chaplin. The Scar, Vttagraph. The Hypnotic Monkey. THE JUOGERNAUT. In 5 parts, Monday and Tuesday. Woof. MONROE, !5SB FARNAM. Robert Warwick In Win A. Brady fea ture. The Dollar Mark $). In t reels, a gripping Piny of the present. oatft Btde. ORPHEUM. HTU AND N. Willie s Rescue The Golden Trail. Aunt Matilda Outwitted. ANNOUNCEMENTS WILLIS C. CHOBBT. undertaker a ad em balmsr, now location, 2&U-2;11 N. 24th Ht. Tha snoat up-to-date, modern undertak ing parlors In the city. Tel. Web. 47. r vaatlaatA Y.M.C.A- out', bark, .nmmar 1 - BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for selling, a variety of courses In a reliable Busi ness School, ono of tho leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering tsklng a courae Investigate this at once, alnce Fall term begins soon. Call offlos. Omaha Beo. Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET, Prtrtto OMc Waiting Room 180 8j. Ft. $18.(0 The Bee Building Offlco Room 108. AUTOMOIUI.KS . Whenever you ar considering soiling o DU)tng a used car and you wui full value for your money or you waat people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through tho used car column ot The Beo. Phono Tyler IOO. EK KALE O.N M rUsHY BltlM o TOURING CAR. VM ft MUNTHri; THHAP FOB CASH. HtM 3. M. DINE. MANAGER IKJODYEAH T' HE A RUB BER CO.. JT.4II FARNAM hV. HARE CHANCE. $33.00 slightly burned, e-pass. car. A J81S model, foro door, electric lights top, side curtains, demountable rims, extra tire and rim. tubes and stnrain lat'eiy. flight give part time. Call Bunday. Web. $v4. Week days. P. x79 FONTKNE1J-E AUTO CO.. m 0. 19th C Expert repairing; bargains In uasd 'arm, guaranteed aa represented. ill PMOHII.E fur lot. $124 K. ithKt. FOR RALE Ify used Oldaincbtletourtng car, ui good condition, fast. Car can bo oeen "at K-4 Farnam BL Industrial Garase Co.. 20th 4k Harixy Bta Overton's for h;aky radiator" Wo. dealers i)ETR IT ELECTRIC. WoaCALL HAR- NEY 7o9. A MODEL 34, six-c Under Pierce-Arrow touring car: Just overhauled will sell for oaah only; no trades. Address E-919. Bee. CAN IM) good need auto as Part pay ment on i acres, close to Benson on ELM AVE. In lu-eutlful Keystone Park, a fine building sue for man of means. Address B 9 J. care Bee W1I-L seil my model HO Chalmers, five- passenger touring car. In good shape i. i. a.. tr ., tidb REWARD for any magneto wo ran t rorsir. i ons iepa. Msydorrer ;ib N. 1 o BABCOCK electric coupe, trimmed In Dark bias broadcloth, fine condition without batteries, 1 1 jr. Must go this week Tyler 701. V. prlffer Car Wki. FOR PAI.B One Cl-gallon underground gasolene tank, rnmpli te, with puinn aLl hoee. t Will sell for IIS If taken at once; tine condition. Harney C341. WK, pay resti for used csrs. The Auto lesnng House yiai r'arn'im ft. O Win KlhHA8KA Bulck Kervle MaUou. 1914 V aroa m gt. Phone Itou'as TU BH-iTAURANT for sale cheap if taken immeotateiy ; railroad terminal. Bus sao nmMimr, ia. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY LOTHROP. 24.TH AND LOTHROP. Bratrle Mleholenaln The Lily of Poverty Flat, a Hret Hurt story in irrii' WONKoIil 2 :To 5 "kTkN A M . Robert Warwick In William A. Brady's feature. TI.e I'olinr Msik. In five ree.; . a gr.pping play of to present lUhl.VKSS CHA.VCF.S Jf lour liuaiae Clian o wui stand rigid invt situation nn J Im lust what It I adtertlf't-a. or If you are looking to start' in I.uhim h'. u-r jourwll you will he uer-I "ecu iatl" tied ? ui, if, Bul,ni rhanre column of T'.e Bee Tvhra bull in, or selling a busuieLs "none Ty "r l") ' FOR 8AI.M !ood bskery with nouses, i roommir nouses and 1 acre Hind; Just low prices; between & oul mints; next to city of Kheridan. Monarch Baker). Box 12. Monarch. Wyo NEW business enterprise orcanlzinir of fers stock In Mock of $,..000 to reliable investors. Parties must enohnnge refer ence. Get In ou ground flour. Address K It', Bee FOB VI PICK HALE -i:. luslve gents furnishing goods and clothing store In live Neh. town. Address Y-7. lice. WANTED To buy an Interest In country bank, rarrylng Position of cashier; am exjierlenced. Address Box 125, Orlean., Neb. , OARAGE FOR KA1JC. In good live county seat tewn of Lino. This sat age has been doing a good busi ness for two yesrs and has been making money all the time and Is now. It will take about U.Soii to handle It. Act quick as some one will pick It up. It's worth your time to write, limm reason for selling. Address Y M, Bee. LH1 G NT 't & Iowa's best town of M pop., 16 mllea from Waterloo, la.; atock and fixtures Invoice $2,7IO; will sell for 11,0(10 rash; sickness, must sell; 18 M0 cash business; good opportunity. Address T 4T. Bee. IONH, show csrds, Clark A Bon. D. 1171. WANTED To rent good furnished hotel by reliable hotel man. A. Leltch, Coon Rapids, la. LOCATION for doctor, one of best In state, for price of office equipments and drugs. Write for particulars. Y WT7, Bee. WANTED To sell money-making buai ness; on account of street car accident received I am obliged to sell my houto movlng business. Easy terms I. A. Murphy, 1910 Geneva tit., Sioux City, la. OWNERS List your property with W. W. viinms, too in svii ie riig. it 440T. TO BELL or buy a bi'slness, call on Busch Borghoff. F renter Blk. D. SJla. Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Re Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons , by locating in The Bee Building Muperlntendent a Office Hoom 10. GOOD cafe or delicatessen proposition for 1 man and wire, or mother ana daughter, I who thoroughly unleratai.d the business. I Must gcod references; small capital rt quired. A dress K IH7, Bee. A Bl'lX'EHSFPL shoe business must be sold to close an estate; w HI stund closest Investigation. Address K Hl'v Bee. TO OF.T In or out of business call on GANOHTA D. 4Z3 Bee Bldg. Doug. M77. It HA 1 estate Business pluces supplleo or bandied; all stales. F. V. Knlnst Omaha. INT'ij itPt ) IIAT E n company want part 1 e s with 10 Invest In stock, llllt eUe r..... I , . . n , . f, MfArnn 1 . . j i v.i .. i.., 1 - - j 1 iiunini ni, a. j 1 1 a in iiipiihii , , umn vun- sidcr services of good man. Addrea I thMi, Bee. DANDY little restaurant, near medical rolleire, suitable for maa and wife. Har ney 1P11. PEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. 8620. FOR It BNT, York. Neb., two-story brick store building, completely modern; best business location. Geo. W. France, York. Neb. THEATEItB Buy, lesjss or sell your the ater, machine and supplies th'ough Theater Exrh. Co.. 141 Farnam. D. 1M7. MUST aell old established coal business; trackage, sheds, teams, etc.; guaran teed paying proposition. Address C ftM, Bee. ' Room In a lloosea tor ROOM and boarding business, with part of furnlturv, paying good money. Ad dress 8 961, cars ot Bee. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day Kchool. Night School, complete business ouorse. complete ahorthund or stenotypo course, complete telegrsphy oourot, civil service orsncnee ana Ang lian Student a admltlgl at any tuuo. Write, phone or call for 19lt catalogue. II. B. BOYLEd, President Ttl. D IMV, Loyles Bldg.. Omaha. Not. r'OH sale, the following scholarships In a first clas Omaha Hualnesa College; One unlimited combination busiosas and shorthand course. One unlimited stenugraphlo course One thiee months' busineaa or steno- graplilo course. Will be sold at a discount at tho office Of Tho Omaha Beo. ttn BALK FOR RALE Here U a classification that Is ot the utmost tnporiamo to every reader, aa tills column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and ' a small waul ad will sell our article at lis full value. Phone Tyler P4M. Fwraltare, llaaehali tiaaS., Kte. AUCTION BALE, of household goods and lurnlshlngs; to be sold ior storage charges. Sale at arts rompt.y at iu a. in. Monday. August iX. at Maggard's Van Storage Co.. 1711 Webster Sts. ir't'iH SALE Furniture and fixtures In a 40-room hotel, doing good Commercial business, southern South Dakota. Address " w,. Hee. I)KlSKS,,0,lnl "nd ''1 J- c- iw( ' 1 'c' Kart-am f g BAKOMN& IN FURNITURE AND HAiimvABK n uth wr.n 1107 Horses aa4 k.aiclet. FRESH COW. tSS. Plione Pouth V. Grocers, Attention! ot'H large stock of delivery wagons iStudehaktrj-'a. and our own make), of fered at low prices to make room for our new Automobile trucks aud Ford iruck bodies .'OH N u N' DA N FORTH COM PAN T, liap-SI-SJN. lth St.. near Clark St- TEAMINd geiirs, one cr a carload. AlT aises. two to alx-ton ca nam lea v. I he Studebaker. tho Bain, the PeUr ri. nuiuer. . rain and isuei aene UJst -li PAI iris munin. nig rennc Ion In t tlo. JOHN N-1) AN FORTH O iMi'ANY bTEREOTiPE matrices make the best and rhaaoeat llnuia tor tM,ulir tiniiM, They are 17x2J Inches, .tronger and more gurabie than larreo leu and Practically inriiiwi, 1 m . 4 no Doe on alXD grain. luOlba U.K. Wagner. ufN. 11 fob balk P r fta TYPEWRITERS. HOand up W Bee Bldg. TV FEW HI I KKn sold, rtlite-l repaired Central Typewriter Kte. IM raraam Mlirrllssrssf. $3.20 Golden West Whiskey. fill. quarts 4UI1 In buod,' pre paid. Ca-kiey liroa.. nmuna. CA HPKNTER tools, shovels. pl ks, Jack ecreaa. 10-penny match vendlna ma chines. M)c ea h; nool hure, I2e; harnes. 110; express wa(on, $&; kitchen, one electric piai.o, 1 sideboard. 1 bail tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. ISIt. loza B. th Rt. Haruer M. LA ROW fish aquarium. Tel. ll!. fcf.i 'ONU-HAN l butrough ad.llriK i.wi chlne. Excellent condition. Must sell quick. Address J TW. Beo. FOR BAlK New and second-hand carom end pocket hllllard tables and dowlma " '; tar flitunn of .11 klnli; easv payments. Tho Bri-nswlik-' Balko-Collendef t o.. 407-4. 0 tt. 10th Wt. loll BADE CHEAP Business College Cours. Full and complete rcholarnhlp In ons of the t-est Omaha business schools, tlood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold very re isnntblv. If Interested Investigate i at once, because fall term 1elns soon. There are a variety of courses for sale , Coal Direct lo You. Tlie Very Lowest Prices, del a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. New id-hand motors, dynamos, magnates, etc., mechanical rcnalrs. Lo BroD lUoctrle Works.Il-JO 8. Uth St HELP WANTKD trEMALK 1 lerlcal and Oltlce. st;'ui.kikapiikiis When In need of a position, call on tia. SO CHARGE Doug. 1204. Remington Typewriter Co. factory iraOes OtRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm. Husmkr.srrt atod louestlca. THE bervant Uirl Problem Hoived. Tho Bee will run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad FKfead until you get tha deslrod results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Houtii Omaha and Council Bluffs. Br lag ad to Tho Beo office or telephone Tyler luuO. WANTED A competent cook; city ref erencea required. Tel, Mar. 1519. GOOD girl for general housework: good wages; small ramliy. Apply im p. With. WOMAN wanted for general housework; flvo In family and no children. No waahlng or Ironing. Apply Mrs. 3. B. Stewart. Ill) N. liith St. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework; good wages. Apply with reference. Mrs. Leonard A. Spalding, SidO Harney Ht. WANTED A TKIi A mmixi.nt irl inr lmsn preferred. Hend application imme ilral houreworkTwt ?n r i "'''. with references and pnoto and gfv refeVencJ 1 karnev i065 y state salary expected with board and give references. Harney aofe. roorn No 3 Hillside Bamlarlum, Sioux gener must WANTED Experienced girl for general housawcrk; no washing; refei-ences re quired. Mrs. M. B. Newman, M Howard bt. Phone Harney 3315, WANTED Jlrl to assist with general housework. KM Harney Bt. WANTED A girl for general housework. i:U Park Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Harney 2407, WANTED A coniietent girl for general housework, lit H. 84th St. l'hope I 'sr. 1. WANTED Young girl or woman to as sist with housework forenoons. Apply 3610 Cuming Bt, or phone II. 6W. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework, may go homo ' nights, permanent piaco. 1'none Harney . 4668. WANTED Young white girl to do sec ond work and help with children, onu who can go home night preferred. 4Wi liard. Walnut 1U5!. GIRL for general house work, one who can go homo night (white). 801 No. -4th. Red 14SU. WANTED By a family of two, a girl who haa had experience In general housework. Call lKMiglas 929. AN experienced girl In family of three; nn washing; excellent wanes. Mrs. W. J. llynes. Harney 47A WANTED At once, compel nt wl ue maid for general housework In p'lv ta family In Fremont. No washing. Tel. Harney 47, Omaha. -' WANTED Girl for general housework; references required. Apply Mrs. W. J. Cosd. 118 8. ifith Kt. Phons Harney 2192. WANTED Experienced maid for second work, three In family; references re- qulred. &"7 H. Suth. Phone Harney i09. WANTED Competent white girl for gen era housework, small family. Phone Harney $f3. WANTEU-An exeiienced White nu I St girl, with references Apply 42 No. 88.h tiamey ena. WANTBJD nAd experienced white cook, with references. Apply 424 No. 38th BU Phono Harney &3t. WANTED A neat girl for general house work, who can cook; small family nnd good wsges. 47 80. 88th. Harney 3453. YOUNG white girl to do houtwork end assist with children. Phone Hsrney 7:W7. WANTED A competent cook, city ref erence. HarneylM. S7U Furnam St. WANTED Girl attending high school or behind caJrfamusSVov o? eTpnonMt t " y W A NTET A girl for general house work. I'hone Doug. 8070. Mlarclleaeowa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit me louns: .rsrM.rAy.0 K0tthO5t.!,UwnSr! strangers are invited to visit the T0U113 they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' g"ne at La ion station. HELP WANTED MALK Clerical mm Offleo. HTOH-OltA PH commercial po.ltlona. WEST. HKKCRtNCK ft BOND ASSN. T&l Omaha Nat Rar.k Bldg. TYPIST and Bkkpr., TTS; office elk.. o. Ml-iN o HtJf Kltr-.NCB ASS N. 1I19-J0 Woodmen of the World. BFJBT commercial posltlona Rogers Reference Co., 640 Paxton Blk oil i i-i-iit ciera ior nun exenange. ciate i'iiii.i..... , , - m . i , . . A- nAwluA 1 . ..... . All . (J experience, salary expected. Address 8 63. Bee. STKN KJ H AIM IER8 When In need of a position, call on ua NO CUM. (iE Doug. UM. Remington Typewriter Co. CITY salesman, Sal., Com. and Exp. xi-.U.?IOrn JraJV.na2i,v!? i,r 1e1:m-?,J,,:1.,i- S4(V43 Brandels Theater. Young mail, study law! Downtown even- In seHons. Ijiw dept. I MVKRS1TY OK O&IAHA. Xomlnal tuition. Bee K. C. Thomxn, '' in ihH Ne.lion:tl Bank Asiea.s. Sales aw .a SuMeilors. Co.M, sgvn's waited In every town: get a trial csr. I. M. Cm, No. Platte. Neb. CITY aollriu-rs wonted. Bes. of refer ences lyi.lrl. tKjarv to right man Call a'eiu-rsy-Jinsha Nursery Co., 423 Stale Bank IMdrf . or Cist and Avenue A. Council Bluffs. la AGENTS Large manufacturer wants re liable men, women, to sell guaranteed hosiery, underwear. shirts. direct to k,n,., ' u ni. r. vrvw. aamnla kladt son Mills, tm Broadway. New York. AGENT" 81 a day salary and commlav alon. '.t71 Dodae Pt. THE first payment carries Insurance to ! January 1. 1914; great Inducement; call nr. U nt iim I Ilnflt Healrh A Accl- a I..-. . n. m- V.' , , I . . . I 14 ... I, j bldg, Oiuah. Naia, HELP WANTED MALE taenia, aremen and aollcllore. ItATB Easy selllnr, unequalcd side line Harvest Hatx; llhcral commissions; samples M pounds; men covering smaller towns preferred; rood refeieni'ts rc- II lllrn ' A - 1. . . . I . . n l H-imiu. ur.u llr in I iiui 7 tuf-iu, IUIJ- il'lfntial. I'. O. Box iiTi. hi. L.0111H, .vlo. Bos. fJij established Omaha Jobbina- house hns poHltlon for youiiK man In office; must sisrt In minor position, which has opimrtunlties for aiivan-nnnt; appli cants will please apply, in own hiind wrltlna;, aive mg. residi-nca and rtfer ences. Arldrcss P 774, He Ksrtiiri and Vie. flea. WANTED Men to learn tho barber trade We have originated a plan to leach it quickly and thurouifhly. Wages paid while learning. Tools included. Write fur Illustrated -atalogue. MOLICK HARHKR COLLEGB. 110 H. 14th Mt., ! ANTED-Experlenced salesman for ..j' department; must he capable of HI In prescriptions; give references end ;tte ao In rep'y. Address M W. Hee. WANTED Experienced uoon country printer wanted for a week or Jien days. Observer, Logan, la. Drug atore snaps. Jclis. Knelnt. Bee Bldg LEARN UAK13ER TRADE Wares psld. Tools given. Poritlnns guhrnteed Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty t'olleire, 1124 Douglas Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO t3 Farnam St.. Omaha, Free Catalogue, COLLEGE. Neb. WE need men; had lo lurn down two jobs per woek Istely. Get in. Learn by our method. Oet one of thesu lobs. Cstslog-ue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto. mobile school. 2406 Leavonworth Bt WANTED Two or three good broom makera. Bteady work at good wages. Open shop. National Broom Manufactur ing Co., Pueblo, Colo. WANTED A good all around baker. Must be steady and good worker. No booxer need answer. State references, experience and wages In first letter. E. Walther,. Armour, 8. D. Miser llaueeaa. MEN wanted: government jobs; ISO per mouth, Omaha examinations Sept. 15. Eample questions free. Franklin Instl tule. Dcpt 221 F. Rochester. N. T. WANTED A young man to learn the drug business. Must have some knowl edge of Ijitln and be willing 10 atudv. A d dress Y 78. Bee. EARNEST, steady young men wanted to get Into the biggest game In Omaha Be at 2th and Harney, :45 a. m., Run day. Young Men's Bible Class, First Christian Church. WANTED Namea of men. 18 or over. wishing government Jobs. w month. No pull necessary. Address Y 601, Beo. WANTED Man and wife to work on cattle ranch and farm. Tho. Sheffrey, Oxford, Neb. HELP WANTED TtLM AND FEU ALB. WANTED Bathroom attendant, young, clean and efficient, good masseur. Ger man preferred. Hend application fmnie- City, SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED At once, a Brood reliable airl ior general nousework; good wsges uid I Ifehent homo In rih .rlu CH Ual I nut 1176. EXPERIENCED clerk-stenographer d alres a posit Ion. Address. K DH.'t, Bee. RELIABLES and competent woman wishes position as housekeeper or cook. Tel. Web. 70U1. CIVIL and mechanical engineer, having technical education and a wide experi ence, with a complete aet of surveying Instruments, which may bo used where employed, desires a position. Address L vv. nee. A LADY of good health and education would like a position. Address 172, Bee. A LADY who is not very strong would like some kind of light work. Address K 1J. Bee. YOUNG man wants work of any kind. Tel. Walnut 431. YOUNG man, Dane, wants ateady job as lanltor or anything. Steady and sober. Phone Harney 374. 609 8. 29th Ht. S'lEADY Job desired by young colored man as Janitor, porter 3r atythlng. Phone Harney aM). Frank Thomas, LADY desires plsre housekeeping on a farm; has two boys who are able to work on farm. Address H 91, Bee. POSITION' wanted by widow. Kindly call In i?rson ct 3302 Leavenworth fct. STEADY position wanted bv competent laundress. Phone Harnev 4683. TWO reliable colored girls want steady places as waitress and kitchen helper. Call Web. 2927. BRIGHT young man, energetic and effi cient, wishes position of iny kind where conscientious work will gain ad vancement. M. E, McClenahan, 4013 Blnney. Wal, 4.11. LOST IND FOUND Loat or Found ad in Omaha's Lost and Found medium means the immediate re turn ot that article if advertised in Tho Bee, the Lost and Found paper LOST Bronse medal; reward. Return to Gerald Henry, Merchants Nat. Bank. LOST about seven miles west of IJncoin Highway, 1 black mare about l.ouu lbs., 1 bay horse about l.loO lbs., will sive liberal reward to finder. Notify Griffin's livery Piaoie, list ana mining. BLUFFS STREET WW. . Persona havlna loat some article would ao well to call uu the orrice of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street RUlway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In .lul ,h. company Is anxious to restore m to?j!L'Mful owner. Call Doug. 41. PARTY who found black silk purse, prop- erty oi Horn. Apt. 9.. Uunaany, 1st known. F.xrosure will come If not re turned to Bee office. Reward. PERSONAL YOCNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aie Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian associatloa building at 17t h St. and St. Mary's A vs., where they will be directed t. suitable boarding places or otherwise aasiated. Look fur our travelers' aid at the I ninn station tub-. Raivaii,n A mw inriuai ri i h, -.1 iiclta your old clothing, furniture, maga-I The Mason, 31at and Mason Ma Very sines. We collect We dlstiibute. I'none ' desirable and rent lower than In aur Douglaa 4136 and our wagon will c.ill. I rounding apartmentax Conrad Young, --it -...4 ... .. iii.. ... I 'i . ii . I..I - H'Ii.b l.r Fii i m lf,71 I V I, wa.u ,11 , V ..v W IIUI1I. 1 1 IV L i I. - iiu nudiia I - GORDON, tbe Magaslne Man. Tel. Doug. 714A PKT STOCK BOSTON Terrier, pedigreed dog, splendid bat ears, reasonable. Tel. it. 3t-4. BWAPI'KHS' COLUMN ! Wanted to Bw.p. Wny not advertise,,, ,nat oU no ionMer ntlv any j ue for and get aoiuettitug you really BeedT It cusis you nothing to Join tbe ! twapjiers' Club and ou wfd find it lots ot fun swapping things Write Koout lo4. im tsMig. , or pnone Tyler rnuo. AUTOMATIC Botary Printer. Retail coat 8S 00. What have you to offer. Address 8C IJM. Bee AUTOMOPILB tire. new. qulckdetach able, elln.her, Lx4S: want to trade fur 36 4 V Addiess 8. C. Uli. care Bee. A I TO llupinublle In excellent condition for a lot. Address H. C, llivj, l'.ee. AUTO Attention automobile owners! Your chance to aet all or anv ct tha - i following auto aocrasorlee or wnat have j u for tradef bulck 86 touring car body. j lights, tallllght, radiator.' Splitdiaf inuguelo and coll box; t-m ffler caroui- iter. Aiitiieaa P. t- 1 -rk nif. 140 ACRES In Dawson county. Platlo V a 1 1 e v imnrova.1 alfulfa Uml tlik .- -1. . v, - I n .1 n- . . i ...ii ! i j Greene. Tecumseh. Neb. HWAPPEUS t-OH MX Al'Tt-i My car la a unrv.Min fur you. If you want to ieoi a Rimd used car ,lt will pay you to answer this ad. 1910. 40 II. -P., fi-paa., Muciieil; Hilly equiiipcd; ill tj-sil fir something useful. Address Ii7. Bee. Al'TOMoBlLES-For other automotdla bargains aeo tho "Automobile" classlfi tailon. Al'TOMnniLI-J-Want to trade liU flve pnssenKer Velle, In good shape, nil new tires, for smaller car, to use for road work: Ford preferred. Address 8. C. 1342. Omaha Bee. A I'T -cylinder car, ejuipied with bus body to carry 11 people, for Jitney bua; has double lunltlon. Atwater-Kent and Bosch marneto s.atetn; will swap for Ford or Hupp !. Address 8. C. 1313, csre Bee. APTO SI PPT.IES-Two pood 36x4 tubes, one V.xt'-i tube; Kellogg pump. Claxon horn and other accessories to trade for what have you? Address P. C. 1373. Bee. Bl'StNRSS CTtANCFHava7"cleanrnV. pressing and tolioring business, earns from $160 to $175 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What have you to offer. Address H.C. rj. Bee. BARKBCKNER -tlood bnscbtirner to SWapAddreas 3. . 154, Hee. BICYCLE New, tor anything I can use. Address S. C. 13'i. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES-Recently pat ented article for the printer, with all necessary dlee for manufacture, paying over IcO cent profit on each article sold. W HI exchange all or part for printing office, city property or good farm land, all to be free of Incumbrance. Thousands can be sold. Good chance for machinist with shop. S. C 1170. COIN 3 A boiitl( old coins; some of bem as old as 144; valued to about flSO. Also a primoette codac. Vx3. VS III swap for diamond, furniture, or what have you? Address 8. C. MM Ree. . CLOT H I.N tiVV KN ISH I NG8. $2,ono stock, clothing ami furnishings; running stock, for automobiles, or will divide for car. Address H. C. 1W), Bee. BUSINEHS CliXNCE-Have a cleaning" pressing and tailoring business, earna from $i; to $;75 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What have you to offer. Address s C. 1302. Bee. EXCLUSIVE county or state selling privilege to trade for auto; a money maker Write me. Box 1S6. Ong, Neb. FURNITURE for exchange for Vlctrola or Gvaphctiola disc records only. Ad dress 8. C. 159, Bee. FURNITURE, ETC. Three beautiful pieces of furniture constating of piano player, will work on anv piano; music cabinet and ilano stool; also 50 rolls first class music; will exchange for chickens or cook stove. Address B. C. 153. Bee. GENTS' furnlahliig store In So. Omaha; good location. Will trade for real es tate to the vulue of $1,500. or what have you. Address S. C. 13M. Bee. 2 lots; R. R. add. Council Bluffs for light car. Harrington Realty Co., Florence. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder. fully equipped, worth $125. and also two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swap for a player piano or as flrit payment on a good lot. Address S. C. 13tt3, Bee. MOTOKiCYCLE Twin cylinder, fully equipped, worth $125, and al.10 two wire less telephone outfits In good condition, to swap for anything of equal value. Address P. C. 1'lf,.;. Bte. NURSERY STOCK-Flrst-class nursery stock, close to Omaha; will trade paint ing, a sound draft horse or good used auto; no amateur; no Junk. Address 8. c. i:uk, care Omaha Bee. PHONOGRAPH Dandv OOiwUAAril UUIQy Edison Dhono- graDh. cabinet (ti drawersl and 15A rec ords, will exchange for complete elec'.rlc light and starting equipment for Bulck auto, a vacant lot or diamond worth $135. Address S. V, 13iS5 Bee, Omaha. PIANO 1 new Emerson piano. Would consider good diamond or building lot. What have you? Address 8. C. 1374, Boe. PIANO PIaAYER with 70 records, fits any make of piano. What have youT Address a C. 1376. Bee. POOL tablea. 4 balls, cues and racks. wall case, floor case. 4 barber chairs. for aale or trade. L P. Sloe. 243 Leav enworth. ROOMING HOUSBHave 11-room house. good furniture and full of roomers; paying proposition. What have you? Ad dress K. C. I!i9, care Bee. FURNITURE for exchange for the best class of work In nnlntlnor and Twiner hanging. Address 8. C. 156. Bee SHOWCASE I have an 8-foot refriger ator showcase; been In use about 1 year: Is In good condition: will swap for 2dnand Ford. Address S. C. 1314. Bee SMAIA, Ice box and gas Move; both In good condition; to trade for 100 or LMMb. Ice box; must be In ood condition. Ad dress 8. C. 161, Bee. SINGER, 100 sewing machine, drophead, -drawer; good condition. Will ex change for chickens or other poultry, or what have you to trade? Address s. C. 1362. Bee. TRADF) LISTS, namea and addressee, classified; memorandum for asking. A. B. Walker. 806 Hyde Ave.. Council Bluffs. TWIN-CYLINDFJl Thor, 19U model, in good condition: a snap nt cash. Walter Blrdsell. 4742 N. SKth St. Web. 11067. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. Bee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. WATCH 17 Jeweled and adlusted move ment that will Pass railroad Inspection. In open face nickeled rase. Will trade this high-class timepiece for typewriter. Address R C. 1TT2. Bee. WOOD S carlosds of wood; will trnde for automobile. Address 8. C 152. Bee. WATCH Will trsde my Dueher Hampton watch, 21-lewel McKlnley movement. SB year case, for a postal card size camera; Premo C preferred. Address 8. C. 1SS. Bee. FOR RENT A part meats ..d Flats. The For Bent advertisement appearing In the For Kent column of The Bee dally cannot be Lrat fur variety that will please sad fill the needs of any ono do lrtng to rent. Phone Tyler luia. LOW RENTAL. Choice 4-r. apartment downtown; save ear faro; see Janitor. Douglas6237. CHICAGO, 2110 Modern. 7-r., 840. D. 7b&5. BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apts. 16lh and Yatea Sts.; Janitor service: fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. R7S or 4328. :3-ROOM modern flat, 2707 Dodxe Bt. In quire Sommer Bros.. 2tth at Farnam Bt. BKST 7-room modern apartment In the city. All rooms south and east ex posure. Apt. No. 2. Old Hamilton Apts. Phone Douglas 917. FIVE-ROOM steam heated artments. i ........ iv . - , r, VF.KY choice, 4 or 0-room, steam heated Bliai liiH-nt on West Farnam Street. JOHN W. ROBBING. lXOd FAKNAM ST. Angelus Apt.. 3 and 4-room apt H. 90'4. e Kuraishea ertmeais. BEAUTIFUL 4-room steam heated apart ment, newly furnished. 2606 Dewey Ave. See lanltor. Hoard avail lXowtias. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In privats families or boarding housea of the high eat class will beat be found In the Fur nished Kooiua columa of Tbe Beo. Phone Tyler l' N. 1.1. furnlahed room with board, ti. 70:t Wehster. walking distance, 86 a week. 21 Harney, cool room, excellent table bd. Desirable room and board. 818 8. 19th ft. Parslakf d Hooana. If you do net see anything that suits you In the way of Furnished Rooms you ran call at Hoom 104. Bee Bldg., and aak for the Free Furnlaned ttoom bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any I p,rt of ,h city WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at lSth. 109 mis. II; ,V) rn.s , t A' '. .'v moith'v nor.: "' " ' ' . R.TII BT.. 21a-Neiy i n... excellent location, close In. Tel D 4..M (CoaUnued oa Col. 7, This Page ) Ready Reference Directory Tbe following firms offer quality and expert service thai will pleaee the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REFD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2M Brandeis Tbea, Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., g modern abstract office, a 8. 17th St. Phone D. 647. ADVtRTlsLVtl AOVKLT1ES. f. F. Phafer Co., 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. AMA1KHI KIAI.MI1.VU. FfT-MS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. AttOl TA.TS. E. A. DWORAK ACCntTVro A.T..n-. .. and cina.Vi r. I ' "ookg oper.od me can ' Cogt "ytni installed Let I mJ ii Si0" l? P'am the sdvantages 427 Tim "nTJ"" )'",em- Address 4J3 ifl Hamge Bldg Phone. Don. 740. AKClUTKC.g. Everett B. Dodds. 8:2 pn.. D. 2VL AHTIFli i ai LI M BaT Co.. J22 So. 6th s 11 ArUflclal Limb I'i OIl.MsJi j, T. Dlklpson, BirpTgton Blk. t. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Powd Auction Co.. 1115-M W O W T w AUTO INSUHANCIS. 2&UTUAL INSURANCE) AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omatia Radiator Rep e.. yjai F,r. n im. BAKKHIES. Z. H. RBBDRR, iec N". mh. Web. SVt. BEDDING. "ASS AS U 1KO.M FOUNOHIUa." raton-Mtche Co., Wth and Marth. fitB. CA RPiiiiEits and con tractors! STEVENSON. BsTai Doug!as (m " PO". Cap. Ave. T. 1031 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'Jt'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, i Balrd Bldg. i. mi. Dr. C. E. Rrts-e-ai mm w. ' - - - ,.iiln?, fieq CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Btirford. KM Pax. Blk. w- urn DANCINU ACADKMIKS, CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. ysiX Bummer rates now at Mackle's; private lesson, dally. 181 Harnev. nA,.SnIt? DRESSMAKING.' Terry Dreasmak'g college. 30th Farnam MIS3 STURDY. 416 CASB. Douglas 7870 DHtCSSM AKI.tU tOLLKUB. Kelster's Dreaiimaklng Col., 1B28 City Na. U1GHB AAU CLKANISRS. BTATE Dry Clng. Co.. 1!0 v. ;2th. T. B07t UUTs;iTiVK9. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block- Evl dence secured In all eases. Tyler 113d. UsaNTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Bank, Taft Dental Rooms. W17 Douglas. D. 8180. DHL OS. DRUGS at cut prlcca: freight paid on 810 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo- ii i rA Hmahi TMaH lvilllrii '-"I - " KLKCTRIC flANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terma KLULTH1C atO'lOSt RaiPAlRlNU. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.D 8S78 KUKCTHoLl SIS. ni... Allender. l Bee Bldg. Red FUHNAlbS ANO TIN WORK. HABERSTBOHJJ02jHamllton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS, BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St, D. 8000. U HENDERSON, MU Uougla. IW. Menioer - HESS & SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam St. A. PONAGHUK.,l Harney. Dotig. (.OLD A.NU SILVER ri""' f IftlU'-t v-t ' utti l i '8-lllM wallah. French. Instruction. 306 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6918. SP.,.,.1 Office. Uth and Manderson M. : -a niiu tO. A C lllo . It CLAIBORN E, " 740L Notary Pulk. deposUloo steuo. C. W. BR1TT. 801 Baker block. . LAI r-ui8nt CHICAGO LAl'N-t.HY CO. Douglas Wl . . a. n I L'M IlVB STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. St CO.. Egchango Bldg. jr.TTaTruRKS, wibuo -MUVnU 1-lCiURM MAtUlM.- . . ni, r lith and Doug. Motlea tur Fm.b'V.nd Tllm bargains. MWl ORC CLE8. h. Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. .v b . tv- cheap. Harley Davidson mo- FOR SAUE, cneaw, mnl-ninu. Phone torcycle. v aai Douglas m" - J4U1C, ART, LANGUAOE. I ANOUAGE Uught by telephone and nu Free trial lesson. Aeb. UxA. Ragnroe piano playing P,1ntuhl.t P5a lessJna. 4220 Cuming bt. Walnut E3.9. NOTIONS NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 133 Partt OCULISTS. 8ATENT. D. O. BarnolL Paaton Blk. Tel. Red nil. H. A. fturgea 638 Brandeis Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC rHYSICIAHt. JQ8FPHINE ARMSTRONG. 813 Beo Bldg rAINTIQ AND riPEBIXQ. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 K. 40th. H. S7 J. H. Robk ft Son. 1718 N. 2 St Web. lahft PLATING. D. 8277. Acme Plating. 1U S Uth Pt PLUMES ILEA A to. Dyed, made over. D. Elsele. 1138 City Nat PRIMING. WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. lSth Bt. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. STll DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Douglaa 4l Hl'BB KiG COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This Is the msn to csll If you have any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster W!9. SAFE AND TIM 10 LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Oprned, repaired, comb chnnred. F. E. Daven port, 1410 Dodge. D. 1S.I SCALE HKPAIHINU. Om. Standard Beale Co.. 813 8. 12th. P gll SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., slice repair. 211 8. 14. Harley Phoe Rep'r Co.. 2W Farn'm. R.844( SEWING MAtlilABI. TTT rent, repair, sell needle and V v t ltrts for nil lug rniiehlnes , "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 18th and Harney. Douglas 1661 gTUHL CEILINGS. . CARTF.R Sheet Metal Company. 110 3. 10. STORK AND OFFICE! FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We bu. sell. Oman a Fixture and Supply Co., 41I-.4-1S 8. nth. Doug 117 J l. TUWtL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. Uth. D. 828. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDER tOt", 108 N. 18th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FUELING tt STEIN LE, 1S06 Farnam 8t T1PEWH1TLHS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for 84. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 318 S. 18th Bt. All makes for salo or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type wrlter. Low rent Cal' Douglaa 1284 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEUU1NU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Wllua ANO LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-8 8. 8th Bt, Wines, liquors, cigars. Plato dinners U to 3, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR H0U8K 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BfEDlCAIj RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults gua ranted. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. PILB8, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DK E. R. TARRY, 240 Boo Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few days without Pain. Cal! or write Dr. Wray. 808 See Bidg.. Omaha. Established 1891 o FOR SALE Furnished Rooms. NICE furn. rooms, m N. 23d. D. 6ti63. The Pratt, cool, dose I n, 212 8. 25. D. 8138. VERY desirable eteamheated room; outh exposuie; large bay window; 815 mo to gentleman who appreciates .il" dean, comfortable surroundings. Private family. Tel. H. lU'S. THE CHATHAM hotel for gentlemen. Special low rates. Tel. D. aKllO B. 13th. FOR RENT Choice room" In Hamilton apartments, furnished or unfurnished; can be rented for two months or longer If desired. Phone Walnut 127. NICELY furnished rooms for ladies or gents, walking distance. 213 S. 2Tth St. SPECIAL LOW BATKS TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th & Farnam HOTEL HAHLEY. 20tb & Farnam. Booms, sin v le or en suite, furn. or unfurn. Modern. $2.50 up. 522 N. 26th Bt. D. 7471. NICELY luniibhed, large lront room In private family, homelike, with modern conveniences, no housekeeping, breakfast If deelred; Ref. exchanged, West Farnam district. Apply i!10 Furn am Bt. Fwralaheat lloi.rkrrplaa Hooaaa N. 23d. 6202 large. 315. Red 8669. S. 26th St., 8162 rooms, nicely furnished. complete ior it. K., mod. T. 2114 v. I nf uratshed Rouma, FOUR part mod.,, 1st floor. 1101 8. 8th. Fwratahed Iloasea. FURNISHED, mod. 8-r. home In W. Far nam diet, for 6 mos. or longer. H. 1871, llas.rkrrf log Rooms. DAVENPORT. 8018. THREE OR FOUR NICELY FURNISHED FRONT TWO nicely furnished basement rooms, 83.00 per week. 218 8. 26th Bt H oases mmA Cottages. North. TO rolored. 8-r. house. Tel. Web. UX t 6-R. cottages, mod. ex. heat. 1904 Ohio, am n. mn cor, lot. Tel. web. 8719. 4-R. house, gas, elec lights, water 81i. ad4 Atanaerson. Tel. weo. 711. 7 ROOMS, strictly modern, garage, paved street, snaoe .tig ano icui. w. 3h,i6. VERY pleasHnt 7-room house, mod. ex. heat, and nice yard; 1 block from 24tli St. ear: 820. 3715 N. 23d. Web. UW3. FOR RENT Our beautiful modern bun galow home, on car line. 2814 N. 3oih St. after Bept 1. References required FOR RENT Bept. 1st 8-roorn modern cottage. 2214 Grace Bt. Phono Webster 8123 BENSON-4H29 McKlnley fit, six rooms. two lots, garden, chicken yard. 81800. Phone owner. Walnut 2511. 2il N. 24th St., all modern, 7 rooms. fnone owner, vvainut law. HOUSE- built 2 years ago for owner's home; very desirable for small family: .UK. V. U IM I ' I . ' ' mirnnm r"'ii imii. . uaHar aos. SEVEN-ROOM modem house In good coiv anion, w anerman Ave. Fhone Toun. Webster 8741 Sooth. For Rent South half of double brie house f rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail modern, at 151 1 Souih 8th St., aear Park school, one block seat of Haaeoooi sort Tel. Harney lav. I