Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. Xf.V NO. 5(J.
Om Trains, at Kotal
Rtwi Stande, etc., so
Petrograd Believe! Enemy Meani to
Break Czar'i Forcet in Middle
by Capture of Brest-Litovik.
Grand Duke's Legioni Continue
Customary Retreat Before
Teuton Onslaught.
LONOON, Aug. 22. The Rsstanu
armies are continuing their retreat
under Hie persistent pressure of the
Austro-Gerrnans, official accounts of
the fighting indicate.
The report from German army
headquarters records the capture of
Ulelsk on the Brest-Lltovsto Byall
etok line by General von Gallwlta's
troops and the driving of the Rus
sians south of Bielsk over the Bllla
The Russians made a stand be
fore the advance of the army of
Prince Leopold of Bavaria, but broke
under the German attack and con
tinued their retreat, Berlin an
nounces, while Field Marshal von
Mackenzen's troops have made fur
ther progress In closing in on the
Brest-Litovsk stronghold.
Haenate Position.
Near Kovno, the Russian forces
have evacuated their position to the
south on the Jesia river and re
treated toward the east
Petrograd observers point to the
Teutonic concentration on Hrest-Litovsk
as Indicating- that fortress to be the goal of
all Austro-Gcrman efforts In the central
field of war and to the apparent attempts
of the Germans to cut off the Russian
armies whose base la Breat-Lltovsk from
those whoae operations ara based on
Osaoweti, the Russian stringhold in the
west, which Is still holding- out.
The German fleet that yesterday was
reported aa having- entered the Oulf of
Riga, has had what Berlin alludes to as
"outpost engagements" with the Iluaalan
naval forces In the gulf. In which small
war craft on both sides were sunk.. The
Russians, according to the Oerman of
ficial account, lost two gunboats and a
torpedo boat, while of three German tor
pedo boats, damaged, on was sunk, one
was run hi round and one was escorted
to port.
Several Russian craft, one a Iarg Tea
sel, "w re severely damaged while re
treating. Berlin declares. The .lerman
loss of life was small.
Two steamers from Amerloan ports
were sunk yesterday by Oerman sub
marines, Paris reports the British
steamer Carterswell from Qalveston for
Havre, and the Belgian oil steamer
Daghestan, from Philadelphia for Rouen.
Germany to Pay Red
Cross U. S. Nurses
BERLIN (Via London), Aug. 22. Jam
W. Gerard, American ambassador to Ger
many, announced today that arrange
ments had nearly been completed whereby
a number of American Red Cross physi
cians and nurses formerly employed In
Germany and Austria will be sent to Rus
sia to Investigate the conditions under
which German prisoners of war are con
fined there.
Because of a shortage of funds It had
been planned to recall to the United
States all the American Red Cross at
taches in Europe. The German govern
ment Immediately suggested that it was
willing to pay the salaries and expenses
of a corps If, instead of returning home,
they would go to Russia and investigate
conditions there thoroughly. Ambassador
Gerard, after securing the sanction of the
Red Cross authorities, called for volun
teers. Three doctors and eighteen nurses
signified their willingness to undertake
the proposed work. It is stated they will
be paid by Germany If the American Red
Cros society ia unwilling to continue
their salaries.
ro Attacks Girl;
Lynched by a Mob
COT'S HA MA, La.. Aug. 22.An un
known negro was lynched by a body of
armed men near thlg place today, follow,
ing an attempt made by the negro to
assault the 17-year-old daughter of a
The Weather
5 a. m. .
S a. m..
7 a. m
S a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
13 in
1 p. m
p. m
S p. m t..
i p. m
S p. m
P. m
7 p. m
t'aataaratlTa Leeal R .in.J
ISIS. IBlt 1S13. 1911."
Highest yesterday el lt 7i k3 '
Ifweat ysterday 3 7 U w
'Mean temperature....
Temperature and praotnlteUoB depart
ures from th norma.!:
Normal temperature , 7j
U tendency for the day j
Total deficiency since March 1 2S6
.-Normal preciiinaiiun Is Inch
Vxceaa for the day 1 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. 21 .71 inches
t:xr aa since March 1 M Inch
i il ef dency for cor. period, 1914. S 40 Inches
j .- r...n, v for cor. period. 14U II Inc hes
T Indicates trece of rrecinirtlr,n
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Tempera! area at
THE CONQUEROR Photo shows a German officer on horseback, leading a batch of
Russian prisoners, who are being taken to the rear for transportation to the base prisons.
fir r t
Artillery Batters at Outposts of
Great Entrenched Camp of
VERONA, Italy. Aug. 22. Italian
artillery 1b now hammering at the
outposts of the great entrenched
camp of Trent. The Austrian posi
tion on Mount Panarotta Ilea to the
northeast of Levico. which is ten
miles southeast of Trent. This
mountain, more than 6,000 feet high,
is one of the outposts of Trent.
In attempting to advance on Trent
the Italian forces found before them
a long and difficult task. From the
top of Mount Panarotta down to the
Tenna pass is a succession of forts
and entrenchments for more than
twenty miles, and connected by
underground passages built last
The gigantic defenses of the Aus
trians around Trent extend from
Stelvio Passa, near the Swiss fron
tier, down to Lake Garda and up to
the Carnlo Alps. They form a bar
rier more than 200 miles long, in
which nature herself has built the
most formidable bulwarks.
Carranza Minions
Standing by Him!
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. General Car
ransa's purpose to ask for recognition of
his government by the United states and
Latln-Amerloan republics was further in
dicated today by replies received from
General Obregon and other Carranxa,
chiefs to the Pan-American appeal for a
peace conference In Mexico.
Genera, Obregon emphaticaJiy declared 1 toiZioint V Theo
a Th'.' SUtertha"' """ n by Prdenl
movement ' Carran" j n from among the present clerical
haT.hred,,a f'' ho,1 f th
TilTIt. i! 2r!i! I .1 8tam 'alM were year., but
w iJL 7. ? at th " Increase of more than half. In other
and thanked him on behalf ofhe United i
mates for the manner In which he h
cared for the country's Interests In Mexico 1
City during the last year. Benor Cardoso '
responded briefly, thanking the president I
Condition of Jews
In Russia Critical
PETROGflAD (Via London), Aug. 22.
Owlng to the( occupation by the Germans
of a great part of the pale of Jewish
settlements and the inclusion of the re
malnder in the sphere of military op
erations, the condition of the Jews Is
critical. live hundred thousand JewUh
residents have been deported and a pro-1 rlallxed. When General Gonsales. Car
ably greater number have taken refuge " commander, entered the capital ha
In the Interior provinces where they have I declared ha would begin immediately the
no legal rights. j distribution of 100 carloads of corn, 7,500
Prince Cherbatoff, the minister of ths j scks of flour and large quantities of
interior. Drought the question of their '
status before the council of the empire
and that body has decided temporarily
to permit Jows to settle In the cities of
T the empire with the exception of those
79 . of Moscow and Petrograd and the subur
J , ban residences of Emperor Nicholas.
' . -
! NcdHASKA woman is
P BATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 25. The Amer-
lean Home Economics asaoclatlon con-
eluded Its annual convention today after
US lilelect-ng theaa officers- President. Miss
Mrha Van Renshler. Ithaca. N. Y.: vies I
Atby It1,..Mar"aV. Mad"n-
i 1 "uii-iii norM toie.
Cambridge, Mass.; secretary, Mra Alice
II. Norton, Chicago; councillor, Miss
Henrietta W. Calvin. Washington, D. C:
Edna A. White. Unlveialty of Ohio; Mary
E. Sweeney, University of Kentucky;
Mix Fanny Twits, Saskatchewan, lnd.,
and Mm. All. i.n.i. i--iii.
UMml- L.R,Ve"'ty f
:4 r
Artillery Chiefs Alleg-ed to Hava
Drunk to "Deutschland
Ueber Alles."
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug.22.
Charges were filed today by George
S. Shepperd, an attorney of Port
land, with Senator George E. Cham
berlain, chairman of the senate mil
itary affairs committee, against Can
tata Leonard T. Waldron, in com
mand of the Ninety-third coast artil
lery stationed at Fort Stevens, Ore.,
and Lieutenant Harold L. Gardluer
of the same company, as the result
of an incident alleged to have oc
curred In a restaurant At Astoria
last nlght,"when 1he7two"of 'fleers'
were said to have Joined in several
toasts to the German arms.
According to the charges, several
Astoria citliens were with the two
officers. The toast "Deutschland
Ueber Alles," was alleged to have
been drunk several times. Shep
perd's charges were signed also by
several other persons.
Both officers denied today that
any such toast was drunk.
Senator Chamberlain said he
would forward the charges at once
to the War department.
Lew Shelly Ready
To Turn Office Over
PAinBUUV, eb., Aug. 22.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Postmsster . Lew Shelly will
turn over the postofflce here on Monday
to his successor, W. V. Cramb, whosa
commltiaion haa arrived. Mr. Shelly has
. n, !l ,1 1."
j was the cane eight years ago.
When Mr. Bhelly
took the office he
gave over the management of the Fair
bury News, but retained his interest In
the paper. He will probably return to
the editorial work. Mr. Cramb gives up
the editorial charge of the Falrbury Jour
nal, which he has conducted for twenty
MEXICO CITT. Aug. 18. (By Courier
to Vera Orus. Via New Orleans.) Prom-
ma n?ner xo ino poor na not yet mate-
sukar, lard, coffee and other staples.
Nona of these has been distributed nor
ha a diligent March located tne supplied
Instead thrt carloads of corn, sugar and
coffea are being sold at alleged exorbi
tant prices by officers of the forces of
General Gonzales In the railway yards ui
Buena Vista.
LONDON. Aug. a Theodore Blngton,
described as a Journalist, was remanded
today by a Manchester masiatratji nn th
char jf having violated ths Defanse of
R-'n set by .ending to an American
purllcat on. "In(rrnuiun ..i.i.ti
prejudice bis majeaty's rel UI ins with
foreign governments." The prosecutor
stated that If the articles In lu.'stton had
been published they might hnv caused 1
mat-rial Injt-ry to this coi nlry In the
mlnna or American reader Mr s: ,
j . .t. . .
k' ere inlfnJcd for
I ubllcation.
i'-lT . AT
Scores of Persons Are Missing- as
Result of Rising Stream
Near City.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2 2. Eight per
sons are reported drowned, scores
are missing, hundreds of pleasure
craft were torn from their moorings
and the greater part of St. Louts
county was flooded today through
the rising of the Meramec river
which, normally a brooklet, now Is
a raging torrent and in places miles
out of its banks.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22. Eleven
bodies of victims of the flood that
swept a narrow section of St. Louis
and suburbs Friday were recovered
today, and the death roll from the
gulf storm that struck this section
was increased by two.
A farmer perished near Edwards
vllle, 111., when his home was swept
mr ny t riw m t'&nunifl; tTgeirrgna
another man perished when a boat in
which he was rowing with three oth
ers in East St. Louis,-capsized. Of
the eleven dead in St. Louis and
suburbs, ten were negroes, and one
was a white woman. The farmer
who was drowned near Edwardsville
was Frank Huffmann.
Kalla Rapidly.
Th Den-Peres river, the rise in which
was respoiiisllilu for most of the destruc
tion of property and all of the deitructlon
of life on the Missouri side of the Mls-
ttsslppl, fell rapidly today, and normal
street car service to suburban towns was
almost restored.
The Missouri Pacific railroad resumed
suburban passenger service this after
noon. The PL Louis & San Francisco railroad,
however, was handicapped by a rlae in
the Merameo river, which flows along
the Frisco main Una for 100 miles, and
several bridges over the Gasconade river
were threatenod bv a ria in that moun
tain stream. !
Several large factories along the Ies ;
Peres river were badly damaged by the '.
flood, and most of these establishments
will be oloawd for a (eek to ten days.
Though suburban eirvlee on the Mis
souri Pacirio waa nistored. through aerv
lc will be Interrupted until Sunday night
as a bridge has gone out west of Kirk
wood, Mo.
Total of Texas Dead.
GALVBSTON, Tex., Aug. 21.-A total
of 2;.6 known dead, residents of southeast
T Tt a m fnnmt nntnt. . , m I
- v i xiiu iirwi ut wrccnea
craft of all kinds, sixty-five persons j
missing, many of whom are believed to
have perished, and property damuge close
to lf.0.000.000 was the toll taken by the
hurricane which swept this section laat
Monday and Tuesday.
Theaa figures were reached from a
careful compilation made tonight of what
aro considered the most authentic reports
of loss of life and property received
since the cessation of the storm.
Of the known dead W4. were residents
of the gulf coast section and sixty-two
were drowned when tho vesaels they were
aboard sunk. Forty-three of the missing
were members of beat crews. Those
who perished on Galveston Island, Includ
ing eight in the city ' proper, number
flfly-Uuee; ten were still reported inlawing
from the island. Galveston's xliare of In
property loss was placed at approximately
Appeal for Aid.
AUSTIN. Tex., Aug. 22.-An appeal to
the people of Texas, for food, clothing
or money to assist sufferers from the
storm and floods of last week outside
of Galveston was Issued today by Gov
ernor Feiguson. He requests that all
contributing be sent to the executive
committee at Austin for distribution. Th
larger cities. Galveston, Houston and
Beaumont, disclulm need of aUtaiice.
The appeal is for the benefit of the
smaller towns and communities.
ATTEMPT TO POISON GAS PIBRRB s. n. a,,,, r.-rs'-ecian-
RESPIRAT0RS MADE HERE,M" France. Menech of this week
NFHV YORK. Aug. 22.-F. V. Springer
of New York, Buropean representative of
an American Rubber Manufacturing m
pany, told of th alleged discovery bv
Hrltlsh acthoiltlcs of a pit to poison
icsulrators liurrhaaed ti,r nu f th.
troo.s In -ho trenches agalnft chlorine
gas Th C.sovery of the -Hot, he said,
r..n...i . .. .. ',
.. -...i ......oie canccutiiinii or
tll order, f- r r. ., '.hat had orevl-
' ouly lx.vit placed.
Eligible List Already Made
from Young Women Success
ful as Examination
suit of the attack by German de-Sixty-Four
Graduates of Course Are troyer on the Rrltlsh submarine
Right Now Numbered Among
the Teaching Corps.
Much Interest has been aroused and crew were busy trying to refloat
over the secret aitlon of the teach-jit under orders from the Danish na
ers' committee of the Hoard of Kdu-'val authorities, who had given them
cation to abolish the normal training J twenty-four hours to accomplish the
school, which has been maintained ! task, when German destroyers ap-
by the board for ten years, news of
which In some way "got out" and
was given publicity through The Bee.
Those who follow school affaire
are looking forward to the next j ported to have opened fire with its
nlceting of the board, when lhU,lni even after the crew had aban
recommendatlon will be fought out doned the submarine, which was
on the floor. The teachers' commit-
tee In its star chamber session di
vided on the question, with Dr. Jen
kins, president of the University of
Omaha, leading the majority In the
It develops that on what thy thought
was assurance that the school was to he
kept up, the following youns: women
graduates of the high school took the
examinations successfully In June for
this training school, and are on the elig
ible t to enter In September:
, Margaret Uolan. JW8 North Twentieth.
lla M. Mesklmen, 24.H3 South Heven
teonth. Mabel E. Holmgren, MM Cass.
Martha Gnoriall, 27ft California.
Kuth M. Klmtierg, Slxtlrth and Center.
Hi'atrlie V. Hwanmm, M17 Devntur.
Martha Ran, Ml I'lerce.
Oi'Mrtiile M. Keni'ldB. CmoJ North Twen-tv-foiirth.
Marcella F. Houlton. 1 Hurt.
Mildred M. Clausen. 4013 North Twen-t:-vih.
These young women jnade special prep
aration for the normal training work
and the action of the committee, If sus
tained by the board, will mean that
much Ikss to them. Five more were
lz::::Z:J?ulrmnyn ,n c"1
ua. aPiii i' ass
tirailnatea ITe Made Ood.
When the scnools are reopened In two
weeks there will be sixty-four teachers
In the t itching corps who have graduated
from this training school. According to
the records, all these training clans grad
uates hsve thus mads good, not includ
ing allies who hat for various-.mason
quit teaching or gone to other teltlea,
contribute soma of ths best talent In ths
Instructional corns, and mora than one
of them has earned a prtnclpalahlp.'
Tlis names of the seniors of last year's
training, class are:
R a. Baumgardner
Freed Bellman
Hella Cathroe
Helen M. Hsrte
nindys A. Line
Ksle Mesklmen
Mary A. Omens
Kthel M. Pepper
Helen M. Btons
Alfreda J. Treulsan
Byrd K. Trebllcock
M. Uloom White .
Kettle M. aiuir i
Th... BrAitiifttDi Keeam ellatble .to reg
ular positions on the teaching start by
reason of their graduation from the
training school this year.
The proposition of Chairman Jenkins of
! the tegohers' committee Is to tilaeon
tlnue the training school after enother
.car, onty .v,. . lhoy ar, fuing to maka mom.y off the.r
opportunity to complete the course hm- I orcharda and vineyard. Titer haa never
fore abandoning this feature of the school j bePn ,, a prop of Trape, ,nd rVv,ry.
system. ,nc the apple trocs are loaded with
I observe there are a number of Unl- j fruit and I was told that there would be
verslty of Omaha graduates who have j ft Bod market for all ralstd. Eastern and
been placed on the assigned list without southern buyers are coming In and are
the special examinations previously re-1 contracting for the output of entire cr
qulred," remarked a man who has been i chard. ' . ,
Investigating this matter, and who In- "Near Brownvllle John Furnas has a
tend.! to have a few words at the next j large orchard and while no estimate nas
meeting of the Board of Education. "To i been made on the yield, ha haa contracts!
friends of the training school it looks as
if th move to abolish It la designed to
transfer tha positions previously given to
Its graduates to graduates of other
Here's Man Field
Marshal in Mexico
NOOALF. Arlx.. Aug
capital of Honors, was taken today by!'"" ,ne wntny or a number of the
Carranza forces. j so-called ' vigilance , committee that
The report of the taking of Hermosillo , lynched Leo M. Frank was known to
said that th church was demolished andi,ome nd ,h,t tne Information probably
many of the garrison slain. j would be placed before Governor Harris
Aqgered by the execution yesterdsy ofine,lt wcok.
Major Murlllo. for the killing of a Yaqui. I Judge J. H. Patterson, of th superior
fifty Maytorena soldiers deserted today to cou,t- let tl known today that ha
Calles and General Acoata. a Villa ad- would prepare a spoj tal charge to tha
herent. is reported to have told May
torena that he would not fight whllo
Francisco I'rbalejo, the Yaqul general,
waa permitted to hold the rank of field
marshal conferred on him by Maytorena
two weeks ago.
Nine Auto Parties
Robbed in Butte
B1TTK, Mont, ug. 22. -City and
county utiiciaia rib K.rvii hi ttHiax luri,, , , , .
, . , . . .. Henry V. Francis, an American news
five highwaymen who held up and robbed I ....... . ,
nine successive automobile partlea In
Uutte last night. Estimate of the losses ! yTMcU m lwtiBh BUhyvt wll0 und,r
of the motorists In cash and Jewelry ap- . th, protf.tton of th. American consul be
proxlmatea li.OoO. The victims, several ; cau of csrrania's refusal to recognise
of them women, were arranged In a row , tha jlrith consul here, has be.-n held in
and forced to hand over their valuables. a c,n alnre his srrcs. charged with "re
rattlesnake bite, and her body was taken
to Yankton for burial. Mrs. Menech,
who waa over 70 years old, was bitten
on the hand by a rattler a year ago, but
prompt medical attention saved her from
tnv aertnua rfinaeoitencea. TMm ttme mm
was Utlen on th snkle while walking
through some high grsss. snd while she
. . . ..
was nurrieci 10 a pnyaician lor attention.
she was not sbl. to survive the second
poisoning from the reptlla
All Scandinavia Enraged at Attack
of Germans on Stranded
LONDON, Aug. 22. Indignation
has been aroused In Denmark and
tne vhnie of Scandinavia as the re-
E-13 after it stranded on a Danish
Island. According to the Hrltish
offlc'al account and reports from
Copenhagen, the K-13 went aground
i Thursday morning. The officers
' poared on the scene
trm Ita fauna.
One of them, after firing a
! P"d. hlch missed its mark, Is re-
The British official account says
the German destroyer fired at th
men In the water wlthx machine guns
and shrapnel. Not until after Dan
ish destroyers got between the Ger
mans and their prey did they cease
firing, the report says.
Half ths thirty members of the crew
of the submarine were killed and their
bodies will be sent home in a Danish
warship. Those who escaped will ha In
terned in Denmark. The Uaninh govern
ment has protested to Germany, while the
press of all the Hcandlnavinn countries
expresses Its convent at the violation of
neutral territory.
"pain Protests, Alan,
The activity of German submarines also
haa brought a protest from the Spanish
government, which haa lodged a claim for
the sinking of the steamer Isldnrn. The
Oerman amhaacador expressed his regret
"at the accident." Since then another
Bpanlnh steamer,- the Ipra Cnstrllo, haa
l.em sunk by a German submarine and
It Is expected another claim will be filed.
Southern Nebraska
Has Best Prospects
In History' of State
"I have lived in Nebraska practically
all my life and I never saw tha south
eastern part of th slab as prosperous
as now," asserted U. II. Meresr after re
turning from Sn extended trip through
Richardson, Nemaha and Otoe counties.
Continuing, Mr Mercer said:
"All through the counties mentioned tho
yield of small grain has been enormous.
Pom has been damaged by the frequent
and heavy rains, but the abnormally
large quantities that the farmers will
j have to sell will more than make up for
the loss on account of damage, by rain.
"Corn la growing rapidly and my judg
ment is that It Is ns fsr along aa lia ml at
this season of the year. Only an early
and killing frost could prevent th gather
ing of a bumper crop.
"Fruit raising hna become an Important
Industry with the farmers of th south
eastern part of the slat and this yesr
to sell eo.0'10 bushels to eastern buyers.
I did not lesrn the exact price, but was
given to understand that It was close to
It per bushel, on the trees."
Harris to Learn the
Identity of Lynchers
j ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. -..It was Intl
22. Hermosillo I mated In official circles 'here tonight
jury which will meet goptember 1. Her
bert Clay, Cobb county solicitor, assured
the governor that lie would do all In his
power to find and bring to trial th men
responsible) for the lynching.
VEKA CIU'Z (Via New Orleans), Aug.
W IVrelgncr In Vert C"-in have pro
tested to American Consul Canada her
against the continued Imprisonment of
; papr correspondent, arrested Auguit 6
In r.rHin et nnrl f franca
bellion and unconstitutional acts against
the government." An official explana
tion said the charge was baaed on Infor
mation that I'ranrls had published a
United States news report unfavorable to
CT.EVFI.AND, O., Aug. 12.-Frturteen
boxing clubs were united In an ors-an'sa-tlon
to be known as the American Box
ing assoclstlon at a meeting her tonight
Matt J. Hlnkel. Cleveland, waa named
president; Gene Melady of Omaha, aecr
ttrv treasurer, and Harry Edward, Phila
delphia, vie president
Duma President Says Battleship,
Three Cruisers and Seven Tor
pedo Boats of Teuton
Foe Destroyed.
Petrograd Announces Destroyers In
Black Sea Sink Over 100
Turk Ships.
LONDON, Aug. 22. A dispatch
to the Ontral Nws from Petrograd
"The president of the Duma has
announced that the Germans lost
the battleship Moltke, three cruisers
and seven torpedo boats In the Riga
I.earea fialf f Riga.
PETROGRAD (via Lo ndon).
Aug. 22. An official communication
Issued today says:
"The Oerman fleet haa left the
Oulf of Riga.
"Our destroyers in the Black
Sea have sunk, over 100 Turkish
Miss Bixby Would
Release Chauffeur
Who Ran Into Her
Miss Helen" Elxby of M35 Florence
boulevard yesterday afternoon tried to
locate Mayor Dahlman, from whom she
wanted a pardon for a chauffeur, . who
knocked her down at the Union station
Wednesday evening and who was fined
$J5 and coat a for tho offense. Th young
woman's father filed the complaint. Miss
ntxhy said she understood the man was
pervlng out his sentenc In th county
jail and she wanted to se him have
his freedom befor Kundey.
"I think the poor fellow ha learned .
his lesson. If he had a rich father h'.a
fine would have been paid. He ruined
my new tailored suit,, but I don't mind
that. I wish I could find the nayor, so
I could get a pardon. He was, driving
rather recklessly, but I am sure he did
not Intend to hit mo," said Miss Blxby.
Th young womsa said ah Importuned
Commissioner Butlsr wUbpistresults.
Last One of Brigham
Young Wives Dies
FALT LKP. CITY, Utah, vg. 22.-.
l.T I . a llm..... Tahhv laat ,.nriu,. n 9
; nrlghnm Young's wives, died at her
' home here laat night. She was a natlva
of Lancashire, Kngland, and had lived in
Utah silica 1848.
I Hhn was 87 years of age. Her death
I doses th estate of th noted Mormon
leader, who died in 1877. His will pro-
vlded a Ufa annuity for each of the nine
teen wlvea who survived him. Tha
eatat. amounting to about 12,000,000 after
the satisfaction of claims, wss Incor
porated Into a trust company, which dis
charged the provisions of the will.
Delegates from Nebraska. Iowa and
Minnesota, going to the Sigma Nu con
vention held' in Denver this week, will
gather In Omaha today and will be
leaving for the west Tuesday morning,
going In a special car. There will prob
ably b twenty or more.
Omaha members of the Sigma Nu are
laying plans for entertaining th visitors
while here. Monday there will be
luncheons and automobile rides and In
the evening they will attend th Ak-Sar-Ben
Initiation. Headquarters In Omaha
will be in the ollv room of the Rom
liter was onco an old ma
Had money jrhirr;
lie had liouw a".d lots
And a general store).
Ilia liou.soa wrrei rented,
lie lottitiiK his land
The) ninoy hm routing iu
Hsuid over luu.d.
Now this man's advice
For routing th blues
Is the classified section
You should constantly nag, .
Th bast bargains In Omaha ItaJ
'atata at a always advrtlad In THI
EJ t-" 1.' V n . . . . u 1 n . 77
If your property La for R&J fi
tor oat. II
In OiiiaJia
ym ' jcu to auTsrtut 11 m uuiaJka'i
l It
rlphon Tyler 10S0.
in Dig rem eaiai oa4tr.
11 ?jHliUiliiisisrinH I