Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    . -- tr TW. A TTntTT..O-). ..IQIIV.....
Committee To Take Church Census of Omaha This Weeh
Committeft Are Named to Under
take the Giguntio Taik, with
the Aid of Many Helpers.
Tbs (lirantlo Uk of taktnr eompeta
church eeeieua of Omaha In on day will
bo undertaken Wednesday by ths Billy
eVinday enuwi commute, nf which Rev.
Oliver Keve la chairman and Hev. A. F.
Ernst la secretsnr. For thla panto a
hug otnmlttee baa beon aelocted to
undertake tha work and alio to look
after tha eeotlonal prayer meet In re prior
to tha eomlng of Rr. Biny Sunday. Thla
Pouth. AmM-Wrft, 27th. Mlaa Ruth.
rttchfleld, 2HM Tempieton. V et. iwej,
ra. M. .1. Chrtettanaen, 14.19 Tempieton,
1 w eo. tra. Mri. j. vt . ueiay, 201s Air re
ditu, Web. 7447.
platelet No. 4.
North, City Limit Kant, City Limit
South. Iinkney-Veft 24th. Kev. F. V.
Leavilt, Bupt., Spencer. Vieb. THIS.
Heo. 21. North. City l.iin.te Kant, lioul -vard
Houth, tHtden Went, 24th. Mra.
Ailoa Madden, eml Boulevard, Web. lf.
Mrs. O I. While, fnltl Boulevard, Weh.
2CI. Mrs. Fori-eat Clark, tkioi Boulevard,
Web. 1341.
Feo. 22, North Oden Eaat, Boulevard
uth, Paratope Weet, 24th. Mn. C. I
Smith. 231 d-n. b. CO. Mm A. U
Anderson, 1221 Boulevard, Web. Mm.
P. U. renter, 640 Bouievard. Web. bias.
Src. 11, North, Bareioaa (Caat, Bome-vard-l-'outh,
Ames W'eau 14th. Mrs. K.
I Monor TM Urand Ave., Web. W,
Mm. If. Tavender, K Florence Blvd.,
"Web. 404. Ura. K. R. 0-den, 20. 1 Fowler
Ave., We. 2.11.
Fee. 14. North Omaha, Faet of Boule
vard: Mlaa M. E. Hnihaker. M. K. Hm
pltal; Mra. Ixmle Wll'lame. 461 N. 14th,
Web. 711; Mra. Truman Orenvtlle. 6208 N.
Hut Vnrtli Amea V. 90th ftfiuth.
r, ; ' im "at 74th
20th. Web. 29W.
Her. 2, North, Amea Kset. Blnffa
h. i.u V. ihA avnrtcara due-
" " ". . . .' -.w. '"i!M-"t 24th; Mn. T. B. Barnea,
tnf tha tuna Diliy winaty is in vm.. N TA w,b 5Tn,. Mr j c Vauant,
Tha eenaua la to be completed In ana 3m S. 22d. Web. 7.V; Mlaa Mnrtraret F?.
tf .i.f find It mora convenient to I iirrenn. wis N. mn Ave.; Mra. , J,
- w.. nr. it -411 h .It I"ncan. XH N.
rltit RaaulU ahould be returned to
headquarter at tha Tounf Men'a OhrU
tlan aaaoetatlon aa aoon aa poaatbla after
Tha city la divided Into alxteea dlatricU,
each with a uparlntendent. The dlatrlcta
are divided. In turn. Into eertlona, about
UC In alL Tha eenaua and 4rayer meet
ln dlatrlcta and eectlona are Identical.
There will ba a meetlnc thla afternoon
of all the auperlntendenta of dlatrlcta
at I o'clock In the auditorium of the
Tounc Women' ChrUttan aaaoclatlon
tmlldlng . The meeting- of the auperln
tendenta will be followed at I 30 p. m., by
raoeral meeting of all the canvaxaeri..
It la vitally Important that the auperln
tendenta and canvaaaera attend Sunday
At thla Sunday afternoon meeting, re
quired printed matter will be given out
to canvaaaera and full Inatructlona given.
A printed Invitation to all the Omaha
church eervlce la to be left at each
houee In the city.
The recorda will be ava'lable for paetora
Section CO, North to Hamilton, Rust to
(Mh, houtn to ( umlm, eat In K. R.
Mra. U It. Ilarver, lut. N. 4Kh Bt-j, Mr.
1. h (ioodrlcn, il lfaretta Ave.; Irr.
Martha Clark, 4Ji Lacayetta Ave.
Heotl.m i, Nona to Kaarthurne Ave.,
Ka. t i Ui. South to Cuming. Went to
.ti -Mr. . W. Uarl'i'h, J704 Hawtuorne
Mre. C J, l'titton, ljim-oin
I.; Mra. Oeorga Wallace, l'W Mercer
I..- Hl.n.
Hrtion i North to Franklin, (Cast to
South to cunilng. Wen to iCd
.Mm. A K. Tyl-r. 27 (TiBrlea 8u; Mra.
W. I. Pruyn. Z7.14 Caldwell; M H. J.
Joerph, 27."J Hamilton Ht.
Heclion J, North to Franklin, Gam to
34ili. fouth 'o Ci,mln.r. Went to 3Ul
Mr. Ji.e Krana, ZU Hewaid St.; Mr. J.
dereon, xk and Seward 81.
Diatrlat Na. .
North to Plnkney, Kaat to Kiver. Couth
to Cuming, Wert to Wth ltv. W. tX
Jonea, euperiiitendent, 1)?1 Lothroji 8t.
fetiim H North to I'lnkney, lant to
th. Houth to Wirt, Weat to Mlh-Mra.
t'eerl Hlaglna, Mi9 N. 21t Ht Mra. J.
1. (rym, tva N. 21 t HL ; Mra. John
Mark a. null Hpencer ht.
Hectlon 6, Nortn to Pinkney, Eael to
11 h, Houth to Bpancr, Weat to auth
Mn. K. K 8we,, lJUu F.mmet Kt., Mr.
K. Uhmtr, ISZi tlnimet hCl Mr. Alliert
taton, 14 bpencor Ht.
election . .Nortii to Wirt, FVuit to 20tn,
Bouth to Miami. Went to 24th Mr. K.
H. Yeoman, n,.u wii-t Kti Mia. A. H.
tavldge,-3i Mat-la BL; Mr. H. V. Cur-
Pouth. Ijilrd Went. 2fth: Mr. K. t. t, Hwl Liocunt Ht.
Hasard. i0 N. lth; Web. 27; Mra. M. t "action 7. Nonh to Rpenoer, Baat to
Martin. Ml N. 1h. Web. fl9; Mra K11. Wth, Bouth to V eat to 20th Mr
LoriMtreth, 1X12 Iilrd. (.'- Ithwy. 11 Wirt St.; Mra. li. L.
Beo. 27, North. T-a'rd-Ffcat 20h-oiih, i Kl.gore, lblt Hpe.irer 8t.; Mra. W. II.
Pinknev-v..t 4h- Mr. w tt tiii. Anderaon, 1U Wirt Bt.
lr. Z Mnnderaon. Weh. 4Tn-' Mm. K. O. I . ,on. ortn to Pinkney, Kait to
" iinth. 11 N. 2Tith. "b. S; Mra. II. i 'n-
P. Kerr. 2W Kvana, Web. KOT. M! ,J An'rf": W"; '.4in A '
Se. , North. Ulrrl-Ka.t. RMiffa- ,rrrrud1'' U "f: ,Iih"!p St
Po,,th. piPknev-We.t. tmh: F. V. I , Jo ? ilr !'14 . .
Pinter. W12 No. 19th. Web. r,7B: Mra i"n N,'!?h . 1J., M.llLm'--..'Vi.
Clark Mlrew. IWi T"-fcn Web. XW,
Mm. E.N. P"e. liwi Mandoraon.
rtUtrtet Wo. n.
North Arrwe Et 24th South, IMnk
nry Weat, 4Kth. Rev. Oia. 11. Fleming,
Biipt., 7T(i I'lnkney. Weh. x7.
J4ec. North. Anvt-Kant, 7th South,
lioul. viKl Vt. 4Ai. Mra Kill. S"1
Ame, Web. 4t.. Mi. E. C. Bike. 4i
!-ahl.;r, Web. SKA Mr. Clary, aw Amea,
rl. AIM.
K-f. 3. North, Amea Kkat SH.SouUi,
Itoulevaril Weat, 37th. Mra. liuroluun,
2"tli, Bouth to J rant, .Went to 24th Mra
C". AxrorrJ, ;41S N. 24th Bt.: Mrj. M. Pear
mnn. 22i4 Lana Bt.: Mra. A. O. Charlton.
Zlii Miami Ht.; Mra. 1. A. Hohi-yver. 4i!3
VI tan. I Bt., to KHKint Mra. Ctiailton.
.srtlon 70, North to jLoi-ut, I'at to
VAut'r, South to Ijike, Wwt to ath
Mr. Jfaeph Carnaby, 3T N. Ifth St.:
.Mra. J. A Umllierg, X1 N. JUth BL;
Ailii. tlatbe Keiwiuui, 24ilU N. l;Ulv ttt.
(mj. t.on 1, Nortn to UrariL, bant, to JOth,
Jviuin to Clark, Went to Mtn-Mia. w. j.
Uiil. sile, il'ii Grant hi.; Mra. Warreii
'liOVejuf. UJl N. OmI Ht.: Mr, W.
mi uoyd, web. wwi. Mra. laUiam. Ml VJJ N 'a -7
I tecT, NoiVh, AmeaFJiiat, 24th-Bouth. li'.'""', SnVn "..J
:WW&9 Wm7. 'ienVC' uagi a vj, ' JW; Vliuitiy Lfc 1 1 Al r.'
tM i ti.n 14), North tu i inric, r;Ht to 0th
of whatever denomlnatloh, prleata and , p,JUl'n tijjnMinis Ve-t, th Mra' llarry lh,"',n " ' uniing, v est to 24th Mra. A.
rabbU. of courae. Included. The cenua lhi-beiK, 4(J L"th, Vb. f. Mra. P. 1 1 T.5"'","'! '"): t4,n St.-. Mr, t-nily
rommlttM In the office of tha Bumlav i M- Fulton. -"4 Itucgle. Web. 2Hi. Mra. i'""11'. h Pt
campaign headquarter In the Young
Men' Chiiatlan aaaoclatlon building la
at the aervtc of canvaaoer each day
until the recorda are complete; hour
from I a. m. to t p. m.
Following ar tha committees:
Cena ia Committee Rev. Oliver Keva,
Ohlrman; Rev. A. F. Krnat. aeoretary.
Prayer Meetlna: Committee Rav. A. C.
IouKlaaa, chairman; Rev, George I
l'etora, eecretary.
RevUed Mat.
Ravlaed list of dlatrtct uperlntondnt
and aectlonal committee for prayer moot
ing and eenaua taking:
Dlatrlet Ko. I, Floroaoo.
R. H. 0'mte, auperlntendent. Flor
ence, Wabater 14a; Rev. H. K. fiaa. upar
lntendent of eenaua
Carleon. Florenr 44' Mr. R. A, Oolillng, . plymion, SS1C Kvana. Web. 874K. Mr.
norenco Hi; Mr. 8. 10. Klerer. Flor-.Pred Nonia, X Pinkney.. Web. ft
enre 104. I Beo. U, i.ortb, Bpaldlng; eaat, 27th;
Section X South Ward Mra W. A.Iouth, Pratt; west, goth. Mra. Wm. Curry,
Yoder. Florence Vt Mr. J.- H. Plata. 2Mii Manderenn, Web. l. Mr. K. O.
ilorerrre 483; Mra. W. H, Thoraaa, Flor-jCaraon, Pratt, Weh. 4M4. Mr, haa.
enoa 296. lO. Kdmunda, 2720 Pratt, Web. 54ris.
Dlatrlet Ho. 9, Oaaaka. . north. Pratt; weat. Hh; eaat.
. , . .... . . 1 27th; aouth, Pinkney. Mm. C. 11. Flom-
Omahaaty limit, eaat to Thirty- (n(r roa inkr.ey. Web. CW. Mm. W. H.
third, aouth to Ama, west to o'ty. Warner, 2HH2 Pratt, Web, 41C8. Mra.
client h. J'V. W. A. Mulford. "Prln- Blo m; p,,,!, W'Sb. Jt.
UndVnt. 4747 North Fortieth., . , . I g-o. 40. north. Mnndemon: eaat. 24th:
bectlon 1. North to City umita, OU.. I-lnknev- went. 27th. Mr. no.
.7f. I Petere. K4 Web. 7:. Mra.
Heo, XJ. North. K. It. Kaat. 24th Houth
Manderaon Went, 27th. Mre. A. C.
Hoik, Bpraaue, Weh. 20f2. Mr. W.
Ii W10 Pratt Bt.. Web. 4KC
Boo. 34, North. Park Bury to 42d Eaat,
42d South, Pinkney Wet. 4Sth. Mlaa
Smith, 3Nth and Bpaldlng, Web. 4101. Mra.
J. If. Pr.rry, KO N. 42d. Web. 244 Mra.
Fanning, 4i!d and Pinkney, Web. 2S44.
Bee. S, Nt.rth. Blvd. Eaat. ih Smith.
Pinkney Went. 4Jil. Mr. W. J. iOaaton.
N. 401 h Ave., Weiv. 02M. Mra Mo
Michael, th Ave. and Bpaldlng, Woo.
tm. Mr. Bartlott, 42d and Kvana. Web.
Beo. .M. North. Blvd. Kaat, R. R.
Bouth, Pinkney Eaat. ath. Mr. Frlitu
Johnaton, 33W Manderaon. Web. 7221. Mra.
Bmlth g.lh and Bpalding Web. 4101. Mn.
Guy Uyera, Shth and Mandoraon, o.
Beo. 7, north, Bpaldlrur; east
g7lh Mre. Oeo. M. Bouthmayd. 27 D
wey Ave; Mr. Anna Ucnnelt. 5-t Bo.
Wlh: Mra. M. tur.tsen. tot Bo. 26(h.
liatrtet AH !
North to v u.m.ii. lu ruver. Houth
to i;vuv, tfct, to etlii. I. XV kwet
utrt,t I. M. C. A.
imvuou iw, iiui to Cuming, lauU lu
Mu, Duaui to i'vfee, ncai t "!-Ml e.
. u. u,uiti, awi utuiuMu; Mrs. i.
44. v)eni., twuv;e, auia. ? .
ewiuuu 4w na coinOiiied, North tu
Cui.i.iia, aai w iuvr, oouiu to iKiiv,
ot iu euin jia. a. a, rlanrr, vu
ciauago, AiiM iiiea ooioii, iii-.4 dmiu
j:iug., ara. A. v. ttarua, lal Cnicau.
btbuun ua, ,uttu to isouge, uit to
avih, ouuib to riowaiu. West to iwh
Aiis. waaaie Clara, i-ainaiii; Mra.
.tailie fation, ititl Liouglaa,
bei-con 1-e-Uu. .oim . Uodge, Eaat
to K.ver, buuin to ri. it.. tin to Hum.
tim-tion 111. North to Huwa.r.1. Eaat to
.O.n, houth to U. J. Ry., V et to Uta
Mia. A. W. Giay, w o. 25Ui Ave.; aura.
Cora Ulujiow, IW7 ti. autn; Mi. ChiU
Johnson, t-i7 8. 2Atn Ave.; Miaa lua
W ooiey, U 6. 21et.
Nooiiday nioeiluu for men and women
in tiuaintB aiair.oL I'lacea to be an
uounceu later.
K. strict No. 14.
North to Leavenworth, Eaat to 24th
to U. P, Traces, buuia to eoulu Bme,
st to City LJmlla.
Beution lu, Nu.i.. to Leavenworth, Eaat
to Mouth Pai luc, weat to tiA Mi-a. Bariui
Powell. 6aV B. lUth.
beutlou LU, Noroi to Leavenworth, Eaat
to iMUi, bouui to Woolwurih, Weat to
Ju-Un. U. U. Moran, ) ieavenwormi
j.i. M. Ei Geeaeman, M0 B. mac
Beot.on 114, Norui to Loavtuworth, Eaat
to Xlh, BVjuih to Pacific, West to Para
Ave. Mra. F. W. Htanaiu, Ui Uooiaia
Ate.; Mi. Bunavr.ana, luy Ueoig.a Ate.;
otia. A. W. bo enmn, luuti Geurma Ate.
Auciton lis. North to Voui wurtu, nuat
.o V.ui Ave., Bouth to Mason, West to
-lty Linuta Mlaa Ella Hooerta, 1jj4 a.
beotlon 11. North to Woolworth, Eaat
to i2d Ave., Bouin to Mai tha, I A eat to
R. K. Mr. Btnet, 21jv H. 4th; Mre.
oeoriie GlaOaugn, l'ja B. d.
Betuon Hi, Noitn to ruiflc, Eaat to
'id, Bouth to Vooloi-th, Wen to ih
Mra. Edaid Johnauii, 4.i'i ioiWuiih;
Aiia. li. F. Thomas, iUij Poppieton.
oectiun li. Or. Foote, lUu Park
jLaiiiy u t juanff ! a u
To Bb. Ready fcr Occupancy By
October First
The Cultieit Apartments -r being
erected by Mr. O. D. Klpltnger at Thirty-
mhV'uthlo Woolwork West "lnt,h M "' ot lhe '
Alia. At. L. btone, 2sU Wooiworth Ave, """"'"""t "ioai owmpioia apart- ,
Beotlon JU, North to Woolworin. el "lent bul.dtng: in Oreater Omaha, it
to 24th, eout h to .ru:hto Ave., vtat haa a frontnire on Farnavm. Thirty-ninth
U. Wllaon, :.S
Month to CiunliiM. v e.t to Snth Mra H.
11. Wrlxhl, UUi li:rlttte SI.; Mian di'len
Knecht. 1:0 I Cinrk M . Mis Marie Ring,
I5 Clark Bt ; A.r. Larson, 1RI1 N. llln
Dlatrlet Ko. lO.
Mr. F. II. rilokerlng, auperlntendent,
41LS WoLater alrret. Walnut IWM.
Bectlon 75. North to Western Avenue.
RUSt l.l I- 1. : ll'l 1, . I
to Boulevard Mra. T. O. Putnam, (004
Hard; Mra. F. P. Wllain. Mr. C. C.
Crow ell.
Bo Hon 7K. North to City Limit, Eaat
to Railroad, South to UndtTwood Avenue,
wa, to Mftleth-ir. R. F. Hume. 04
North Fortieth. Walnut 3307; Mra li. E
John, Mra. A. C. Croeaman.
B-tlon 77, North to Cumins;. Eaat to
Fiftieth, Bouth to l'ndrwfod Avenue.
Weft to Boulevard Mm. J. E. Dodda. 6011
17. nnHh. RnnMirur: M. rM,? ! ti ming. W alnut Mb: Mra, Roboy MuwsiL
anuth. lnVr.v weat TL U Xlra IvMila . Mra. Ida PaUIM.
Eoklea. Ju27 Atandemon. Web. -:2'. Mr. I Section ',. North ia tlndorwood Awe-
to Thlrty-alxth. Bouth to
iiue. v."t , " " u-rrr.',. . VT . M. Beeaon, i lOvnna, Web. 2S4. Mr.
ZHIer. ;14 ernon avenue. VV btr U; , K c ,Ut., Manjrw,,,. we 30fA
....e. narry l. Anna, o.w lu.i, veliaieri" ' ,. n
U ; ir. Hill, koo North Tlilrty-aUth J "'!tr,r No ' .
n-eu Webater S7h2. I Rev. A. Ataok. auperlntendent, 2910 No.
Beotlon X. North 3tv Limit. JSaat t
1 lurtv-thlrd. Bouth to Hartman. Weat
to Tnlrtv-thlrd Ura Charlea W Simon,
14 i0 curtla. Webeter 2: Mlaa llaael Nei
on. 34M Curtla. Webster 334; Mr. E. H.
Dame. Mlb Redlck. Webater 2780.
rectlon . North to Nebraska Aivenuo.
Vm1 to Forty -second aouth of Railroad
and Fortieth North of Railroad. Bouth
to Grand Avenue, Wet to City IJmlta
Vr. 1. Burneit. Webater 1107; Mm. C. B.
Jarob-. 4Ki2 Brown. Webar Safl: Mr.
C. I . Mather. 4312 Grand. WebaOir W7.
Be tloi 4. North to Nebraska Avenue.
Vmib to Thlrtv-aiath. Bouth to Railroad.
AV e ' Fortieth Mlaa Blanch Keeder,
iCl N, breaks avenue. Webater 2340; Mr.
J. . I.losd, WC1 l-aiton avenue. Webater
410; Vra. H. C. Weeks, W Jayne, Web-
a 7U J
orh. Benaon UK) W,
Bea I. N. B. Mre. Dean, corner Bryan
and tain fit; Mra. Albee, 20 Uth Bt.-,
Mr. Itoae. 67th Ave.
Seo. t S. K.-Mr. T. McClunr, W4 Onr
fleld BC; ,,Mi. Fletcher. W 0th Bt..
Mre. I'. limge. Arthur Bt.
Bee. t. N. W. Mr. A tack. 2910 No. Hh
At.; Mr. Illllttrns. 63 Main Bt i Mra.
Penes, 631 and McKlnley Bt.
Sec 4. B. W. Mm. K. T. Whlatler, Hoth
Ave.' Miaa Jessie Nnrthrrap, ftj5 Main
St.; Mr. T. Hpeedy. With Ave.
Bee. S Krua Park Rev. Mi-Clung, Pev.
Atark. 2910 No. 0th, Benson 100 W.; Rev.
Dlatrlet Ifo. T. '
North to Pinkney, eaat to Twenty-
fourth, south to Lake, weat to Forty
to Park Ave. Air. I.
oolwoi-ili Ave.
Bee i inn i ,.. .Mriii to Mai I. .u,
Kai tu v. i: Tracaa. tjiitii to i ,t
l.lm.1, ti-t to city J.inl'..-ah a. Gui;n
Tu knor, ii Frcu-ri k .t. : Ann. Oruik .
Yoilll;,, e-ii ,f, ,
Dlstrlt-t .Ss, 1.1.
North to C 1'. iihckh, to liiwr,
Bouth to Boutn h,e. Wei to . r.
Trauka Rev. li li. Taft, auueiuuc .,t
uaw b. mn pi
nr.i Jf.7i-.ej- street, with nrteen aipart
rii'nlu. The building I absolutely sound
troof a:ul la finished throughout In dam
iiiurtai-naTved oak fluora. All the apart
i jontH at.ove the flnst floor have bal
liouiea and French doors. Bun room.
and alceping porches, pantry, kitchen.
living rooms and large bed room a -e
; in each aulte, with gaa range, refrlger
l at or. cupboarda, bookcase and other
lion 1.3. North to R R.. in 'Aiii ' conveniences. Esxh ho a eomfor'abit
South to tnter, Weil to U. P. It. It. I reception hall with bullt-ln oat. olothea
Mr. J. W. Meaklmen. MM H. nth Bt.: nv
C. C. Meek, 24v B. loth St.
Beotlon 124, North to U. P. R. R., F.u,t
to 13th. South to Vinton. Weat to ItiUi
Mr. Jerry Gold. 1416 B. 15th St.; Mrs.
Flit Wooaley, iJlO B. 16th Bt.
tiectlon 12o, North to U. P. R. R., Eaat
to Wth, Bouth to Hlrkorv, Weat to 13th
Mra. C. B. Jeter, tll.t fl. 12th Bt.i Mr
Nona Eahom, 14J4 B 12lh BC; Mra. Anna
Roblnaon, 14G6 t. 12th Bt.
Bectlon 12ii, North to U. P. XL R.. Eaat
to River, Bouth to William. Weat to loth
Mm. Mary Btark, The Duniany, B. 10th
St.; Mra. R. H. Chenewlth, 809 Pacific
a a
'. 'U
ih .n in -
. '
i ; " , t I
vaJf'JtweM ye-.-WdrjiAo
( loAt rvd window opening to the courts .
!. V. Bho.M A Co, a.r tho rental a enta.
Hr t ton 5. Nofth to ITftrtman, Kat to eighth, Kv. W. 8. Hampton, iiiirin
Thirty-third. Bouth to Railroad. Vet to tendent, 2Mi North Thirtieth, Web. 24l. e"r-
T hlrty-lxlh Mra. J. V. Merte. .TQ Heo 41-North to - Plnkley. eaat to ' w-., 'i&JMrV T
Camden Wet ater 77THI aim. a. j. rw rorty-rirth, aouth to Lake, west to Forty- r, I, tT NlM Mri ry Malm
.lork. North Thlrv-nfth VMjeter ehthi Mr. IX M. Potter. I75W North "VVj. tli.?. ' ci'-m WaitaeJl SJi
1"0: Mr. Omnt Roae. 6iJ North Thirty- Korty-fifth. Weh. 1671. f N -d, Mra. Clara Woltsell. 7U
IK'h W ebater BH . I Bee. 42 North to Pinkney. eaat to Forty-
Be -non a. Norm to na-i-oB. w orond. south to Lake, weat to Fortv-
Thlrty-e Khth. Bout to Orand Avnus. ,.ntni Mr,. M M fttck 4431 tjike
West to Forty-eond Mra, A. N. Tatum, ... . ,.,0. - w n-i, ,,,
a7 t.."a,ia r,Mr. Wehater 4270-' Mr. l,lu- Mr- J- A. Prlgeoii. 4.MI
Ilercht. 411 Camdrn Webater ., "iu,,mi Val .
U, i. niey. " ' -4: Bee. iS-North to Plnkner. east to 11 n4.Lv iXiUin: Mra M w.
BeetlO t I. orth IO Wiwau, raw w ThlMV-alxllL ar.uth In Wkrt weat l,u I I. J f M K. 7L- 7l 1. B-i
T . . . . . ranym onu. aara. mariu ituaar. im . H.H im i ih A u.
Tblrty-elahtn ra. ruarnei ."-" r.'V7 Sorth Mm m.urie Rueil. bV-iion ( Nr.h t r.
tiaterSTiaj; jam. J. r. -o, e. ,,. i,. -.,., , v, J".r, J o'-VJ'T-." V.-.v. r."
Grand. Webster 677; Vm. E. D. luvsrsw. PKh"-. -1 n 4
Mil Grand. Wat Hilar T7.
etU" s.
a railroad- asst. Ud; k Bortlon 44. North to Pinkney, Bast to Mra J. M. Aiken.
'i wmL th- Mr, A. iMh. Bouth to Bedford Ave, Weat to fcith Bectlon M, North 1
jil-lmoral Webstar 11; -Mra R. A. SaliMiaer, I4 N. kith Bt.; Bouth to Iiodge, We
Heellii- I. Nort
south Kowler Ave
s. ' , i 1 1 1 . a'f94 lrlmora.
Mra. R. W. Barrett. 4P14 North th. Web-
au-r i?;; ura. joieaeu taxes.
toore Ave.. Webater M. . 1M.
Bectlon . North, Grand; at. 4-J,.
aouth. Amea; writ, city limits: Mm. T.
W. Rlckel. 42U Grand Ave.. Webater SMI,
(Mra. William Gilfflth. 431 Grand Ave.,
Webater iToi): Mr. Richer. 42d and Larl
tnora ty permission). W ebtr tSA.
hertlon 1. North, Omiid; saaC oJth,
south. Ames: west. 42d: Alra. J R Beard.
4-.. G'-nd. Webster rt Mr. R. H. .Mor
ton. ! North Mlh. WelMiter UV) Mm
Hlen Jones, 0th and Foaler, Webster
Beotlon V. North. Grand: east. 88th'.
south, Amea; west. oth: Mra F. 1.
t Khmer. 4724 North h W,b.t.r Wt;
Mm. rharlea RobeC"aS North Wh. Web
ater U; Mm. E. E. BrttiUr, ebster
,Uotlon 12. North, Orand: east. Wth;
aouth, Ames; wet. Sth: Mra. W. E.
Borkman. d Omnd Webater 01S; Mm.
J.,0- M.-lalr, 4f! North J.t h. V .eija ur
Mm B. L. Irvine, 4ol5 North 37tli.
St-ctlon 13. North. Foaler Ava.J
83.1; aouth. Ames; weat. Wlh! Mrs. Altrs
P ttlrw. 4T.1A North Wth. Webater JMX;
Mia Vlda Haaer. M North 4.h Ave
We.tcr 73; Mrs. Parker. 8X Memdlth
AsHetion 14, Worth, railroad: ease JOth-.
outh. Ami: west. Wd : : Mm. O. V. Tlrfry.
4S North st Ave.. Webater WM; Mm.
T V? Ooddeell. It "4 WeredlthA y.. Web
ster ; Mrs. OrvUl Lake, WO Lartroora.
V abaUr l.W.
Distorts Vs. S.
North, city limits; eaat. Mth; aouth.
Amea: wast. tU: Rev Thomas M. Kvaoa.
aupeilntendant. KH North J.lh. WeUsUr
limits; eaat.
Bectlon 127. North tn William v,t n
River. Bouth to Hickory, West to 10th
Mr. C. N. Dawson, liXC Pierce St.: Mm.
nue. East to Fiftieth, South to Chicago, M;,1- Hlnehey. TOO Pine Bt.; Mia Lulu
Weat to Boulevard Mra. Fannie Man- Mllllman. Methadlat IUscopnl homttaJ.
ning, 6U1 Lndirwood avenue. Walnut fcioj Section US, North to Center, East to
Mra a W. Bowlby. Mra. J. M. Dow. lth. Bouth to Caeteillar. Weat to R. It.
Sootion 'it. North to Underwood Avenue, Mm. F. iB. Kingsbury, 1821 Dorcaa St.:
Flsat to Railroad. Bouth to Chicago. Weat Mrs. John Grnu, 1907 S. 17th St Mrs
to Fiftieth Mm. I. P, I.oavltt, Mr. D. L. Cnarlea Holston. Kill Dorcaa St
Johnon. Mrs. W. B. Rhode. Heolon 129, Worth to Hickory. East to
Bret on . North to C. icago. Eat to Sth. South to Caatellar, Weat to 13th--'
Fiftieth, South to Dodgs, West to Boule- Mm. B. b. TafC 1H60 B. Uth St Mr I 1
vard-Mm. E. O. Jones, 4!.3J Capitol ava-, w. Won. 17J7 8. 10th: Mm. iT A Kiger
nue, Walnut Hi; Mr. W. E5. Shepherd. 177 S th St. u
Mm. Allts Mlnlck. Section 130, North to Hlcknrv Eaat to
B.ctt ,ii tn, iVoith to Chicago, Eaet to . rIvt gouth to Castell-r Weit V.t,
Railroad. South to Podge.. West to Wth- r.VeVI"10. KST
Mm. W. B. Howard 1727 tpuoi av ; i, Hurd im a Wh fii . m.. V i
Mm. T. L. Cmb. JIT N. 4th; Mr. J. J. dVj Bh. ! Mr. U An-
. II'J""!. ' North to Caatellar, F.aat 1
to 30th, South to Bancroft. Weat to R. R.
Mra. Adam Johnson. 24M s. COth Pt. ;
Mrs. W. Crtchton. m Caatellar; Mm. ,
O. L. Baker, 24T.2 H. 20th, St. i
,S?c,l,on 1!ti North to Caatellar, Eet to
Wth. South to Bancroft. Weat to 2oth
?.frr'i.F1rtwln H"- ?r S 1!Hh St.- Mra. .1, I
W. MeV'rnen. i . a,
Soctlrm m. North to Caatellar. Fait to !
ihf nrR!?'rv,rT.p"r,t Bo"th ntral
? ,A : Mr" Jlr Pitrli k 2R45
S 1h St: Mra W. W.. Doten, 2713 8.
STn Bt,
Section IS. North fo Oate"ar. Ea-t to
River South to Rlvenview Park. Weat
to '8th Mm. W. A. Vt-kerv. ar. 21J R.
P'h St.: Mrs. W. A. Bhlera. 72 Bancroft
St.: Mrs. Oeorte B'tUard 2T7 S. Mh St.
Section 1S7. Nnrth to Bancroft. Ka.t t
SJth. South to (Ipn'rtl Blvt.. W( to R.
R. Mlaa Blance Your-- 82ft R. 23d St.;
."J.0""." 1""n. iW S. 23d Bt.; Mre.
Walter Allen. ?0 a 24th Bt. .
Section 11. Nor-k o V'le.n "aat to 1
South to Central Blvd.. West to
Joth Rev. O. W. Snyder, 1706 Central
Blvd.- ;
Bectlon 140, North to Central Blvd.,
East to ih South to h-mi-i, site wP,i
to R. R. Mm. C. TT Hlnnouae fr B.
80th St.: Mn. Ftd (Tark. h aed Vllev
Bt".; Mm. C. T Mathes. 88 1 S 80th B.
Section 141, North to Central Blvd., En at
to 14th South to Puh Ride W- .
HthMra w. a. . Wkerr. 1r. mn On- '
tarlo Bt: Mrs. Mare Fredrtck. 17 Van
fami) Avt.; Mrs. Olll Frits, 1828 On-,
tarlo ajt.
Bsetlon 141, Norh to Central Blvd.". Bast
? R"vm-lw Prk. Sooth jo South
moo. weat to itn jr. w Kr lle
'm Van 2n Ave j Mr. Andrew Rus-
aeii, it is uametd Bt.
D'atrlet Wo. 141.
Re"'. William H. HI" uperlntendent.
II1 N. 26th St.. South Side.
See ion 148, North 4a Clr Hn,ts, Fat
to 26th, Smith to D. Weat to R. R, Mm.
Dr. W. Berrv. K14 V. tRh St.: Mm. K.
w IamV 1v v h St; Mm. C. J.
Yoiin-. 14J N. Tth St
Bect'on 144. North to C1v LhnUe, Beast
to Bpr1ng Itke. South o D. Weat to th
Mra. B. C. Bhrtalev 1S'4 N. Md B : Mra
O. W. Dart. 1M N. 2&th St; Mrs. A.
Bnrll-h. I41S N d St.
Section 14. North to D. Ekuit to th
South to F. Wea to R. R. Mrs. F. A.
"art 2631 D St; Mm. H. OawaJd 2VT O
St. i Mn. R N. McOold. 1J34 N. th Bt
Section 14, North to l St.. East
Serine to Lake, South to F St.. West to
Nh-Min. F. A. Hroartwell. 40 F St
Section 82, Sunet Addition. South of
Dodge snd Weat from Railroad Mm. B.
A. Benaon. 4f61 Dodge; Mr. C. C. Hose,
Mr. Elmer Thorns.
Dlatrlet No. 11.
North to Cuming. East to 14th, South
to Dodge. Weat to 4Mh Rev. W. H,
Underwood. Bupt., 4324 Farnam.
Section si. North to Cuming, Bast to
tilth, South to Case. Weat to 4Mh Mr.
Flora Btuart, S N. 40th; Mra. Taoher.
Bectlon M. North to Cuming. Kast to
I8ih, Bouth to C'naa, Weat to 40th.
Bectlon &, North to C'umlng. East to
6tfc, tenth to lde, Weat to 18th Mm.
C. II. Walrath. 8t0 Burt; Mm. W. W.
Carmlchnel, IMS California; Mr. A. R.
Well S629 I.lnco'n Bvd.
Section 14, North to Cuming, East to
ISd, Bouth to Ca, Weat to Wth Mra. H.
H. Hamilton, iV Cuming; Mia. L. Ueuse-
holder, k.11 Webater; Mr. U 11. Uuoorn,
Bectlon 7. North to Cuming. Bait to
sum, ioutn to caaa, wwi 10 aa ira, r.
N 13d
Section 88. North to Ctimlnr. Eaat to
.T"1.! .orly th. Bouth to DodKe, Weat to Jth
Hick a 4i2 IJtke, Wr, j aj. Vo... v;,e rjoda: Mra. J. A.
Laiteii, i.m ikavenport
Bectlon HI, North to Cuming, East to
24th. Bouth to Dosre, West to J7th (Mm.
Nectlon la. Nortn. ciiy
Miller park: south. Wing Ave ; weat wd:
Mra. 67 W. Douglas. Sutrl Curtl Ave,
Webater tjS: Mm. Anna U Bryant gl
Curtis Ave.. Webater kTt; Mra W-
VT..i.L. &7i Hinua Ara . weusier sc-m
hettoa North. Miller park: eaat.
rttr. Bouth Fori; Weat 'tb; Mrs a. i
t wing, .S North 17th, Webater 1TJ: Mra
B. a. Halt UiA North 17thAv. Webatjr
:4; Mm. Arts Doedyns. 2734 Fort. Web-
.'rcnto 1. North, Miller Park; East.
4th; South. Fort, Eaat rrth: Mr. Hen
potta Mans, ,A Crown Point Av.: Mia.
V. U feeler. fr3 N. th, Mra 6. W.
Yoder, a4 N. h.
BectLa IT. North.' rort; East 27th;
South. Oiaad Avt.j West "ni Mm.
Addle Terry. 172 Brown Bt.; Mra
li.oma Meloy. 221 Brown ht; Mra.
J...a Gerdoer. Beown Bt
edition U. North. ort; Kast, Uth.
South. Grand Ave; West HS Mr. D.
H Titus Jell Brown Bt.; Mra. Herman
B hntder, Baratogai Mr.
k'.ulis, tfl CSLnldeo.
ar. l. Nortn Grand Ava Eaat, r th
Suulb. Ames Weat Xh. Mia' Hasel
Anderson, tft Memdlth Ava, Web. ".
Vtrt A. Hyda 227 Meredith Ave., Web.
i. L Mm. . U flbr. lit Meredith Ava
. k. Nsrth. Ontui Ava Last. Kh
Caaa. Bast to 40th,
4otn Mra tc A.
K, U. Dtuiiela,
to Cmaa. East to 18th.
A. .A V. J L.1 I
xsaav. aaj rs. ibmviiiui , gr- . WI KM. nuuil) IU injlliC. rl .aj WUfAU I V, Vr JaW
Mm. Ernest Paos, .07 N. Wth Bt; Mra. A. Yot, Mra, V. E. Addy.
a Kelley, 8031 Ktontet St Bih t.on t.'. North to Caaa East to 13d,
Bectiui, 4ft. Nortu to I'lnkney. Hist to Bouth to limine. Weat to lilth Mia. W.
Wth. Bouth. to Bristol. West to 2Hth Ave, Nelson 0 N. 35thj Mra. 1L Hammer,
.Mrs John Bmlth. 2830 Bristol Bt; Mra HI0 Caaa
j. a. wuuama. v Hmmut Bt; Mra. Btiei- Nerilon 8?, North to Caaa, East to 10th,
don Hatt. iT! hrtatol Bt. Boiiili to Hodge. Weat to iaith Mra 1. W.
Suction 4, North to Wirt. Eat to Rail- lvt ter, 4i N. Slat; M.. M. li. Cameroon,
roadk Bouth to Isvke, Weat to Cd. Mra. ;!6 N. 3.M Ave.
K. A. (inryell. 4027 Miami Bt. S Mra H. E. u irlct No. IS.
S!t't? n?!5XJ!hm Dewey Ave. eat to 46th. Rev. H. O.
stcaon ' NorTtxTliedford Ava. East liZZ SSXZZt to
to 84th. South to B nner. West to Tth - 41 Bouth to liJv Avi'l. RaJl
Mra rt P. BrUxhtwe'l tni N. th Ava; .uh i?hVj ViJl"! u "
Mra H Heraog. O0 N. 18th Aval Mra v Tt f-ndarionlt a!Sl K..
Ev J. Bmlth, Sell Spencer Bt AV' v 'irtkea . It?m.ett. Mr
Bex tlt-n . North to Maple, Eaat to Cd. 0s-:t,n' V? - , .
South to 1-ka Wast to H. R Mr. P. J. tth to iwev Avtimh
Hunter. SM Corbv Bt.; Mra. J. O'Connor. k' .7, k'.J.k A.X5j. iii1?
r:MowBru Mn u ., smith. ci 'roAwe'r1;.1
Be. tln . North to Maple. Bast to Sftth. U. "rnoy; Mra F. J. Nor
South to letka Weat to S3d.-Mm. U ion' Hirnty.
Btrgner, 8012 Miami St; Mrs. A. H. Mamh, ., - -'Ih to Dodge, East to
2il Ml mi St.; Mra C. II. Gate. U. , f fk Avw.. South to Dewey Ave., Weat
Mnple Bt. l "M-
Section. II. North to Wrt. Bast to 17tr.' Section as. North to Dodge, East to
South to Lake. West to 80th. Mm. J. T. 87th, Bouth to Dewey Ave., West to
Daugherty. 2K Ohio Bt . Mm. B, H. Coa- Park Ave Mm. CumlngB, 117 So. 29th;
mev. 2711 Maple Bt: Mra J. Toney. Kail, Mra A. B. Parmakse, no Park Ava;
"n m. . . . . aim. a. j. i,'rana, n rara avi.
naoiion oi, rsorin to t-inn", nn to sin,
South to Ike. Weat to rth Mm. J. .
Phllllra 4 Maole St.: Mm J. H. Oll
leafie. Kl Blnnsy St I Mra . M. Clark,
li'u Oor by St
svlahtk Dlatrlet.
Rev. A. F. Ernst, superintendent, 1301
N. 40th Bt. -
Seetlon SS, North to laike. Beat to
Military Ave. and 4Uh. South to Frank
lin. West to 4lh Mr. Kenneth L Hiatt.
iull Orant St.; Mm. Pollack. 1444 N. 4nth
Ave : Mm. J. T. Harrold. lil N. th Bt.
Sei-llon b4. North to l-ak. ftat to B-lt
R. it. Bouth to Franklin. West to Mil
iary Ave. and 4Mb Mra. H. J. DuU;ler.
4".a Eraklne St.; Mra Chartea White. 4111
Orant Ht: Mra E. B. Wheeler, 4318
Franklin Bt
Secttnn U. North to Laka Eaat to IKth,
South to Hamthsn. West to R R. Mra
r.rtckaon. 'J8 Seiward BL; MVa F. A.
Gordon. 8l Dta-atur St; Mra O. D.
8raran. 4M Chalea St
SsotloN W. North to Laka Eaat to Ud.
South to Hawthorns Ava.. Weat to 88' h
Mra Marr Crtte. 882T Seward St.: Mm
Geerga Segard. 1717 N. SV1 Bt. Mra C.
B. Hoover, SKW Reward Bt
Be. t Ion 47. North to Lake Bast to Tth.
South to Franklin. West to 82d Mra
M'ldred OMander. 1810 N. rth Bt ; Mra
Clara Marshall, rvm r.. tiii Ate. ,
Section North in Lake Kst to 2'h, j
South to Fren-li-i West to J7tS Mrs. H !
And res son. 4it Parker St : Mrs. C. E. '
Brown. V N -th St.; Mm Columbia ,
Miller, 243 PatHrk Ave. t
Bectlon 6a. North to Fl-enklin. East t !
R. R-. Smith to Oimln. Weat to 4itn
--a ,T W. Pickard. 4TM T-xfavelte Ava - ,
Mr. Mary Drury. 4! Seward St.; Mra I
J. M. TaJUtferro, 4M2 Lafayette Ava 1
Contractors' Supplies,
Mtchanics Tools,
ce Tools, Ca lery,
Reinforcing Metal,
Phone Douglas 581.
1217 FARNAM ST.,
Section . K'erth to.Dodsa. Bast to
24th, South to Famam. Weat to 17th
Mra U. D. Alias, 1871 Dodge; Mra Adal
Butter, ta Dodge; Mra De Moss. The
Section 108. North to Dewwy Ava,
Beat to 8th. South to Leavenworth.
West to R. R. Mra G. B. Darr, 4.4
Bo. Kth; Mra Lydia McCaaua a So.
4uth; Mra N. H. Loomla Wo Jaokeoa.
" Mr. John Warron, Knlckenbocker
i: -Ion 101, North to Dewey Ava, East
to 23d. Bouth to Leavenworth. Weat
to Mlh Mra J. K. CarnaL 3H Dew-v
Ave.; Mm. S. E Bsata. 14 So. Uth; Mra
Vary Huaala I11 Dswey Ava
Bectien 1' North to Dawev Ave Kaat
to Park. Bsuth to Lsavonwsrth. West to
Md Mra VT. O. Dtebev. ItSM Harneer;
Mm. Maud B?by, Til Sa (Oth; Mra
H. O. Rswlanda 1M4 Harney.
Beetles 1st. North to Dewey Ava.
ts rth South to Leavenworth. Weat to
Park-Mr. H. U urkU. 114 Park Ave.:
Mm. "eed. Wlnena Arta; Mlaa A,
F. Cook. 217 Tack son.
Becton 104. North to Famam. Bast to
K .v-iuh in t eavenwnrth. Weat to
Mrs William Barclay. 2111 F St ; Mr. J.
D. Blnoler. 21? F St.
Bect'on 147. North to T St., Fast to 3d.
South to I St., Weat to R. R.-Mm W. R.
Mill. 1121 No. Wth: Mm. .1. D. MrBrlde.
2 F St.; Mra. W. J. McBourney, 251S
F St
Section 148. North to F St . Bwat to Cltv
LlmltB. South to I St.. Weat to 21 Mm
Bru'-e McCullnch -1007 No. fad; Mm. W.
B. Wytnan. 1011 No. 21at.
Section 14. North to I St., Beat to 18th.
South to L Pt. Weet to 2Sfh-Mm. B. B
Towle. 2?H I. St ; Mm. Marv Sschra, ft
J at. ailaa iytttie lcnroelr, k14 No. Pel
Section 150. North to I St.. Eaat to Cltv
ttmlta. South to Mleso'irt Ave.: Weat to
18th Mm A. Thiiriew 85 No. 18th: Mm. ,
N. Graham. 1601 Missouri Ava; Mra E.
P. Hart. ?4 No. IWh.
Section 181, North to Mleseurl Ave.. I
Ea.t to ISth. South to N St.. Weet to Joth
Mm. Harry Wella " No. ': Mra R I
Towle. iMh "d Ave. N-: Mra J. T.
Graham. M aaourt Ave. '
Section 'St Albr:rh-Mm. K. Boicourt
HarHin Ht.; Mm. C. TrwKrlds, '
1MT Bo. 13ih: Mra L. Hag by, 311 Monroe i
atmet. 1
Section 18. Ralaton. Rev Clinton Sn. '
neff PuDerlntendent.. Ra'atnn Tfra .
T. Hnward. Mra. B. O. FarraU. Mra T.
Swedish anaakln; ehterhea Rev. E.
mp. superintendent. M Na XSd. Dong.
German aneaktn ohtieetiea Rear fl J
Te'ear, auperlntendent. X88I So. Uth. Dear.
TVemln chorehea Rev. B. J. Tfalltna,
118 No. SPth. South Side South r.
Colored chun-e Pev. W. T. Botta
mom.l 111 Wh rw
Furnished by
Geo. A.
Lumber and
Building Material
Geo. A. Hoagland
Wm. W. Hoagland
TeleptSono Douglss 344
.D. V. Sholes Co.
Rental Agents for the Colbert.
Omaha's Finest Apartment Bldg.
Will Be Completed by October 1, 1915
Fift;en beautiful, good sized 6-room apartmentB,
with every modern convenience.
Service in keeping 'vrith building.
Excellent servant and laundry arrangementa,
Leases have been signed on several apartments.
List of applicants who haven't quite made up their
mind exceeds number of apartments.
If you think you might want one
Floor plan and proppectus mailed, or will meet you
at building and 6how you through any time.
Phone Douglaa 49. 915 City NafL Bank BUg.
ltit crtnasTa
. 113.
stmxt. nova
- 4)
Plumbing and Heating
617-23 S. 14th Street.
Can You Remember This?
A. I10SPE CO., 1513-1515 Douglas St.
Come to Our Remodeling Gale
Quality Wiring"
For Thise Choice Apartments
Furnished by
Ask Mr.
1 O.LWcimertScCo.
I I Peal si g la I
Ml rarsaaa M. Tel. D. BOM I
lass. Tsi. starasy . j
Ask Mr.
110 North Fifteenth Street.
LetTheBee et you s. good job.
Situations Wanted" ads arc free