Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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FAD 1 IMV lV DTCT Aremie. Clirl Tf nomlna. raator
1V11W 1VU II a VI Dlilrh Kdv. Mr. bnr will pirwh.
" " I Casteiier. Rliteenth and C"teilar, Rev.
C. V. Meek, f'astor Morniuc wrK at
11. ahlath erhnol at 4V intxrmedlal
and Hon lor Christian Kndeavor at T.
Drat Service at 1 ID In th auditorium
of the Youna; Womrn Christian associa
tion knUdlrif. Hortnon by l"v. A. H.
Viarahall. president Omaha Thenloalral
rcnumrr. Them, "Everythln Needful. '
Klrat Vnited. Twentv-flrat and Kmrnet,
A. ". Iuue.laa. I'aator-Mornlnc worship
at !. Hnhiect of MTmnn, Why Ar
We Christiana." Hlhle ertvl at noon.
Toung j.orle a praver and pralaa aervb)
at 7. Evening worship at I. fihlct,
"Who' Who In the Kingdom of lod. '
lome Avenue. V.3 North Fortieth. A. F.
rTrnat, IV, Minister The pastor will
prea4t at lo i on ' r-repsre Ta tha M ar
of the I-ord.' Fahbath honl at 1I W
There will 1 an open a'r service at the
home of K. H. Hnel. Tl'lrty-f If th and
'harlea streets. nct Wednesday at s.
Couth Plde, First. Twenty-third and J. TV
T. Wheeler, Paator-Hlble achool at 44.
Morning service at 11. Hub)ert, "The He
former and the lliillder." Weat g ",r.J
Presbyterian church. Forty-l lh and H
streets. V.lbl school at 1 tJilon
Vesper service on high achool lawn
at 7.
Central TTilted. Twenty-fourth and
Dodge. Hush, R. (peer, factor Morning
wornhlp at !:. ermon by pastor t;on
rtltlona for ItevlvaJ." Sabbath achool at
noon. Young peoplea meeting at 7 .
Kvening worship it , Klmer h. Thorn
will ailc on "Tli Mac of ITayer in
th. Sunday Cmplmi."
Tenaon. A J MeCMng. itor-unday
arhool at 10. Mot nlngworehip at 11. " ha
ernion subject, la "The Two Win.
Men's lirotherhood at a. Christian i.n
dearnr at 7 I'nlon evening aerrlces on
,ha lawn of tha Kaptlst church at I. Rev.
Mr. Vlh. Mr Hunday'a advance man
will preach. 1'rajer meeting Wednesday
evening at I-
Tha church of the Covenant, I'ratt and
Twenty-seventh. Charles H. J"
pastor-Morning worahlp at 10 . Hub
ect "A Olnrloti Uoepeh" Illble hool
it noon. I7iidwvor at V6. Kvening wor-
hip at . Subject, "Frotn the Kermon on
the litoiint to thn .Wt",.,n.h.i
of Jm." The world's beat painting
Illumine tlila aermon.
Thlrfl. Twentieth and tavenworth.
Rev. lr M. Humvhreym Mln t,r-ln-0arf.
Sunday ahool with adult H!hl
ctaJtaaa for nen and women at tjiin
lie wochlp and ermn at 10:4. hrlatlan
ro.1aor prayer meetlnr-addreaa ry
We. .1 W. Wlh-dvnca man for tha
Pllly wiimiay vangrellallo campaign a
fi4. Evtnlng worahlp and aermon at I
Jennlnna Memorial. P,"""
Tllokory-Hunday achool at W. Preach ng
aerrlra at U. tienarai oapel tneotln
TrlnlC. Twenty-1rat and P,n"Je
Tfcorniui Plihell. J-aator-Mornlng irvke
t w::. Sabbath achool at nooiv Kva
nlnr aervloa at :. Tharoa for mornln
airvlco, "Pafl'lnf tha Laat MUa.
Sedi.h. Purt anl Nlnotoenth, 0
F.rlcHaon. Paator tfunday ohool( f t '
1n tn to th Ooal." Bpworth Umm
aervloa at Preach nm and conv
nvmlon rervi'-e at . autojoct, im Hur
foriiiK HfcUenie:." -Dlcti
Memorial, Tenth and Plerca. C
N. lawMH. 1'aator Mnna acmi
'...i i,,.,. snn i.v Preach na at 1U
'Church and' Family." Kpworth 'f?
at 7 K M. lluffner, leader. Prarhlng at
n ' With tha Majority."' SunJay prayer
meeting Friday, 7:W to
MKJabe. Fortieth and Farnam. W. H.
t'nderwoo.1, 1 aator-Mornlna: arvtca at 1U
Kvenlnx aervlce at . Sunday arhool at
i 4i Mra. Ueom Kjitrlkln, auperlntettd
ent. Atlult Mble oa at :, I.
John. t.nchr. Kpwrth I-aitu at 1 :S
loplo. "How to Maita the World Heltor,
lender, Anna Thupe.
First. Twentieth and Iavnport. Rav.
Tltua Mlnlater Bunday achool at
:, Jamra Hodge, a'-tlpg auperintendent.
Morning worahln at 11. theme, "In Ood a
tJontemi." Kpworth Wngue at 7, meeting
for all young people. Evening worahlp at
I thema, "Healing the Wall of Heaven."
Morning . and avenlnr aermona by tha
Weatmlnater, Maaon Btreet and Oaorgla
Avenue. Jaimi Franklin oung, Paajor--Men'a
meeting at !. Kev. J. W. Welah
will tpr&k to the men. All men are In
vited. Morning worahlp at 10:30. Thema.
"Th Hlndram- of l'neef " Hlbie achool
t noon. Adult departmenta.. Junior and
nrlmarv drnnrl menl a at 1&. Kvening,
ounr oeopiaa meeting i . ivi"Ui a
at . Rubhath arhool
Kadcavor at T.
at :. Chrlatjan
Interest in the San day Meeting? oa
the Increase AmoEf Chorea
People of the City.
With the ehurch people of the rttf.
Intereet In tb Billy Sunday meeting to
e helj next month continue to mcreaee
a the time for the arrival of the evan
rellat drawe near. With the elty dlrlded
Into dUtrlcta, eotUge prayer meeting
are being held nearly every night during
the week, except Bunday. The attend
anoe during the laet week ba been far
In xoea of that of lml1r perloda dur
ing the pat
. Work on th Phinday tabernacle at
pltot avenue and Fourteenth atreet 1
pmgreaflng rapidly and by the tat of
next week, the building with a Keating
rapacity of 10,000 will be under roof.
. The rellgtoua eenau of th city I to be
taken next week, more than "00 women
having volunteered to do the work. The
plan a outlined contemplate taking tht
cenaua in on day. The city baa been
divided Into diatrtcu and women aa
Migoed to make a houae to houe canvas.
At each boua they will certaln the
number of ocoupant and th number
affiliated with cJiurcbea. .
Rev. J. W. Wlah. advance man for
Hilly Bunday, I Mill In the city. During
th tat week be haa been meeting daily
with the committee having charge of
tb prellmlnaii for th Sunday meet
ing, giving advice and making aufie
tiona. Sunday afternoon at 14 o'clock
b wfll apeak at tha Third Preabyterlajr
ohureh. Twentieth and Leavenworth
traeta, taking Uie hour vaually ecouptad.
by Ui Ctirlxtlaa Cndaaror. .
At th Central United PreabyUrUn
church. Twenty-fourth and Dodge atreata,
at 1:30 o'clock, tha afternoon of Bunday.
August . a Fhllatmvi ral. will be hM
end a large attendance la expected from
the churche of th clly. It will (tart
with a song eervica. lod by A. E. Palmar,
th church chorister. The devotional ex
ercise wfll t conducted ty Pev. "II." U.
peer, after which there will ho a bun!
nea aeaalon. Mi Mary Ar.inonn. pr.aK;
mg. Mla.i Vartoty Hhacke'.ford w'll flng
a aolo tr.t then Rev. J. W. Welah. nd-
vace men for Filly Hunday, will deliver
an addrean. Tnere will toe a aolo by Mia
ueitrude Akin, with th closing sung by
(he audience.
Rev. M. V. Illtfboe,) assisted by a men'
chorus, will conduct a aervle at the
Florence city park Sunday afternoon at
t o'clock.
Ftrat, Harney Htreet and Park Avenue,
lU-v. H. ). liowlanda, MlnUler Preach
ing at 10:45, subject, "Keliving." Union
services of First t'lirlstlan and P-aptlat
churches at . Kunday achool at :.
' Young people's meeting at 7.
Grace. South Tenth and Arbor, Rev, K.
' P. Tart, Paetor Bunday school at 10.
Morning worahlp at 11, auhject, "A Com
mendable Christian.'' Junior meeting at
J to. Hapttet Young People uhlon at
7. Hvenlng aervlrs at a. auhject. "A Caeo
ui Neglect." Mission Hunday schovl, 10
South Fourth street, at 1
OUVET. Thlrty-elgMh Street and
Grand Avenue, WllUaiu A. Mulford,
Pastor Marnlng at 11. Subject, "Doea
Vnur Atm Afiirm or Contradict th
.1HIK1? ' fivcnlllg at . "IKllia UnH flenrl
roiKa ii neur luvengaiisuc aervii
Ilandredi of DolJtrt Spent for Im
proYementa on High School by
'. Omaha School Board.
Magio Cltr Oawalp.
John Parian f Awduhon, la.,- w a
vlxltor at th local yarda tody.
"The Jugirernaiit," with Anita Stewart
and tjirl Willlamn. Soon at the Reese.
John Van W'l left last Wednesday for
an extended businaaa trip out In the state.
Henry Hteffen of Trevnor. la., received
lh. rt ti.m m rnnkifninprt of Volins
Icattl that he had on this market Thurs-
A. . aurprt- to South iBIde cltlxen n.nd ?f Allen la expected to rurn
high school student, th Omha uoara fr, m th1 toayt where aie ha been
of Education ha been ependlng several .attending the exposition,
hundred dollara In Imorovement on the! Mrs. J. P. Murphy and son. Jack, are
fori si noma ssmn aiter i Mrpiium v-
i canon in uaniornia ana v uninmuu.
Tho attendance at the muni -liml awlm-
ice. Huti-
day school at lu. Young Peopla'a union
T. Praia aervloa Wednesday at . .
Immaniiel. Twenty-fourth and Plnknev.
Itev. Arthur J. Morris. Pastor Mornlris
worship at 10:80, toplo. "Put on Thv
StrenBjh, O. Zlon." Plhla school at noon,
i.'liHi ies W. Hlmon, aiiperlntendent. Young
people's moetliiK at 7. Kvening worship
at S, aubjoct selected. Traycr and praise
meeting Wednesday evening at 1 .
Calvary. Hamilton and Twenty-flrth.
Rev. J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning
topic, '-Life An Inst Form." Kvening
,..,,. "Tl.ini. 'I V. k . X.rA - .... i n
....... . j ivevivaj. .,- K. nlT!,a
iti ar-nooi at noon, i. w. Nohle. auiwr. ' . i .. ..i.. p.r.,,.!
sunuiy atviooi
I V,
I tm .is of Hound Hellef." Th paator will
eiek briefly. Midweek prayer, serru-f
Wednesday at T :4a.
Hanacoin Park. Woolworth Avenue'and
Twenly-nlnth Street Morning service at
11, Kev. Mr. Welsh, advance man for the
fiilly Sttrday cmlifn will be peceont
and apeak on "Komi Aspect of the Sun
day Campaign." Men are eapenlall urgedl
to be piT?-at. Kvening aervU-at 1: 16,
IntendeiH. Toun people meeting at 7,
rtt ry otiw r.siner rana. rrayar mat
l.-.u tt the church Wednesday evening,
f uhlert of conference, "sttnas to Retxiive
Christ la a.
North Side. Twenty-second Ixtthrno.
Rev. Oeorne I,. Peter. Paator HIM
ei hool at Morning service at 10 4,
theme, "PHrtncro With .Kd." lt'enlng
ervlce at ..
Hrnt.-Twenty-six and Harney. Rev.
Cliarlwa K. 'ol, ! ,. Pastor-Morning serv
ice al II, tht-me, ' Ttie Power of the Goa
ls I." Evening. Joint Ser vires at tho Flrat
hnllst riHiK'li. toplr, "Kssentlsl Ele
mi'ii's of Personal Work." illnle scImmvI
m . Joint services of Young People s
Sixriety of t'hrta'.laii Kiodcavor and Bap
u: li-aui leu; Us unton at tha first
liaptivt church at. I ti. -
Okfiaiian Seleatoa,
First Ch-ethl of Chrlat, rVJentlat. St.
Mktv Av..nt ,1,1-1 Twcxily-fourih
street Services at 11, suhiect. "Mini"
:uniay achcol (two sessional, 46 and 11.
W Ulnesdiiy evening iiteetlng at t. .
Stconii Chirch of ChrUt, S:entlst,
nnde Hall, Cndwrwood Avenue and Flf
iieth Street eervicea at U, suhiect,
- Mind" Sunday sckmiI at '4n. Wadnea
ilny evening nie-tlng at j.
t nareetlmal.
First, Nlneteonilt and lavenport, Fred
irick T. Houna, Pastor Morning wnratiip
it 10. i sermon by tha paator on "IT-
I'sxlnu Vr the Contest." Sunday school J
at ihhiIi. .
Plymouth. FlgMeenth and Kmmet.
KiwlrKk M. Iavltt, Minister Momlng
service at 10:3u. topic. "Th Harvest la
Here:" Hihle sa'hool. It m.; young peo
s nMctiiK, ' ti. m ; evening servtoe
'it f. serrnuu. "King lavut"
St. P'il's. Forty-first and Charlea. Rev.
John Flockhart, Hector 8ervlcee for
iKclftlt ieundHy after Trinity aa follow:
l-arly cuiniuunion at . bun.Uy aihool
at it Mi. Morning srrvica at H, SUbje:t.
' The Ppirll Ulveth Ufe."
!ia''a I'nited EvnnscHcal. Camden Av.
tm and North Twenty-seventh Street,
liev. Thomaa M. Ins. Paator Preach
'"E st U and . eundey school at 10.
Ketone lsnue of Christian rindnavor
al 7. Morning theme. "A Trul y of Ro
lailnns." Kvening topic, "inlerceaslon."
Ki. Paula. Twenty-fifth and FXana.
Stev. K. T. Otto. Pastor Morotr.g aervice
n Hi. Kvening servP in risiish at I.
r' nr. -lay hool at . Choir relirtrsals will
I" reaumed on Friday at I
M Mark s Kner'tsh. Twentieth and Rur-i'-i
te, L- Cnih. J-aaUW utaiay achoul al
. I reai h'ng at II r-r kkilallua N.
iron, the ji!ure The) paaur will
I' t" h at Weet Point. Neo.
Ko'.mtse Memorial. Ferritin Stroex and
'iw.nty-t.lxth Avrtiue, Itev. t'liver D.
sny. i'stori Hev. C. Franklin Koch.
AsMd'iate I'Mstcir Morning wuraiiip at 11.
' 'i.ntuul l.riteaa.'' bunday achool at
1 I. or p. ItutidinaJl. siiiMrintendcnt.
St Matthew's Fng!th. Nineteenth and
1 i .i'.-ilur. itv. O. W. Bnyier. pastor
Mtiiiiih service at 11. Sublect. "The
1 iFai i td Word " lAHher laue service
n Tto. rlut).t. "The Chnsusn XJfe,"
s nl.iwl at 10, Subject, "A Uood
tit nc Ft,tr1hh. 1" South Twenty-sixth,
C. -V. hvii'vert, ! inlsler Miriiliig or
': and 1 il le studv at 10 l. theme,
' It O.mine." Kver.ln at I, "Th
Kn., f Mary I'tom." l.uttwr Iasim
a '. 7. Miws Marguerlie Hano. H'sd-.
.Ali'-m.wn tundfty sihool it t Forty
ti and lravrowunh streets. Thlrty-eilb Street and bafayett
rnt(, Kev A. T. Iortmer. lstor
ur.i a hfl et 4S. Services at li sad
X M;de: ev1. Wednaday evantag
it S r-hoir pro. flee Tiiurly evening at
I I'nlsv etenicg, Aunuiit Zi, the Mrri'a
oety all! nie I at tha home of Mr. and
J. U Jattobauu, lfayctva av-
n .e. v
North. Titv fourth and Wirt. M V.
i' Paaior --r r a si 10 J sjrd t by
I -aiH1tt I.OCJ at BIHIU. OS-
I n r ixieavor at J.
J-'mm, Piatt Nit ai-d Fortieth
Kouiornetit for Servloe." Sunday
st fr:4o. K.iwortli league (it T:ft. Mld-
wwk prnver servlcti Wedneaday at S.
Pcail Memorial. Twenty-fourth Street
anl Lsirimore Avenue, CJari r.. isuwen,
Minlaler--MornliiK worahlp at 10:31. Spe
cial service for all memoera and friends
of the church. Hunduv aihool at noon.
F.pwurth leaguo al 7. Kvening of music
at i. Anl home, special vocal and Instru
mental nuinlH-ra. Wecoine to all. Prayer
service Wednesday evening at . Choir
rehearsal Frtdnv evening at I; F. N.
High. . leader. Fourth quarterly confer
ence Saturday, AiiKuat Hi, at 7: JO. Dr. U.
U. IJrown will be present.
St Iscellaaeoes.
Fohtanell Spiritualist, 241 1 Cuming
Sundav and 1 hurstlay al M. Mrs. fc.Ua,
tiardlner, medlunL
The Aaaoclsted Hlhle Students meet lit
the I.yrtc building at a. T. H. McCs'aught
will lecture; topic, "Tiat la th Hoi;'
First Progressive!. Spiritualist, Jl Haf
ney Massages snd lecture by I'r. Msg
gerell at . sub)e.t, "Our Intent power."
Tuesday at t. developing rlasa, by Mrs.
M. MarMr. Wednesday al . message,
by Prof. Uuswell.
People' SI! North E'ehloenlh Rev.
Churles W, Savhlge. pastor Morning
"The Kind of Cliurah 1 Would Mke to
P.-Iong To." livening, "The JVofit of
Godliness. Sunday achool at noon.
high school Interior In preparation
the opening of the fall term. September
. Assistant Biperlntendent of Constrtio
llon A. C. Watson, artlng under order
of Superintendent Flnlayson, ha been di
recting the work with a force of thirty
or more men under hlin.
Beside varnishing every bit of wood
work In th entire ihxh school building
and cleaning the celling, th board ha
Installed I0 new desk throughout th
, building. But a few of th old one were i
retained. Over a tics) was spent In In-!
stalling the new furniture.
The high school building was given a
complete overhauling and every nook and
corner cleaned to a launderer'a whiteness.
A strict censorship of the student'
handling of the school furniture will be
maintained under order of th school I
board by the faculty control and any
mistreatment will be cause for sever
Similar improvement have been going
on In all schools of th South Side. It
I planned to adopt a steel celling plan
In refitting and remodeling th school
rooms. I
Registration Date Assarra,
Principal 8. W. Moore of th South Side
High school announced , yesterday that
registration of high school student will
begin next Monday, August 23, and con
tinue , during lb entire week. Locker
keys may b secured at th mna time.
All atudenl wno are Jurt entering the
high school as freshmen are requested to
present themselves for registration
Wednesday and Thursday only. Tby can
then arrang their course, of study with
th principal.
According to tha ruling of tb Omaha
cnooi board all non-resident student
wUI b required to pay th regular rat
of W per year to attend th local high
achool. All student who plan- to nter
on that has la must arrang for tuition
at th city hall, Eighteenth and Farnam
streets, Omaha. After they have made
arrangement there regiatratlon must be
made at th principal's office In the
South Hide High school at Twenty-third
and J streets.
adar Meetings Ceattnne. .
Billy Sunday prayer meetings for next
Tuesday have been announced as follow.
A larger attendance was recorded at the
last meetings than since th start, in
nptte of th heavy rain that fell that
evening. Tho schedule: .
Section .14S-C. J. Young, 1426 North
Twenty-Seventh, street.
Sect Ion 144-T. Conoway, MOS North
Twenty-third street.
Section 146-M. c. Cold, North
Twenty-eighth street.
Section HH Hean Ringer, JIO F street.
Section 147-Kev. S. H. Yerlan. 10U
North Twenty-fifth atreet.
Section HX-H. Kiddoo, 1104 North Twen- I
ty-aecond street.
Section 14J. W. Oreen. ttS North
Twentieth street i I
Section lio M. O. Zerbe, 7?7 North
Klshteenth street.
Section 161 J. C. Graham, 1419 Missouri
avnnur. . . i
Section ISO Mr. Janlngi 1510 Monroe
Soction IM-tlalatnn church Iswn. i
1M-MlMale thapol.
For Sale: Do you want to wt the
high cost of living?
ro you want to raise all th fruit
that your family can uo and still sell,
from !& to 1100 worth T
Do you want to keep a cow, raise hogs
and poultry?
Here Is your chance. I gore nearly
U in fruit, 4-rooro house.' eleetrio light
outbuildings; to minute south of pack-
ins nouses.
Price, only I1.R50. Call
Pundaye. South net.
Ke.--.h-ve nt-wi..MIo' Completed.
Final organisation of the newsboys of
me city was completed yesterday aftor-
mln pool at Soring Iake park waa con
siderable Uryer than usual last evening,
It being ledles' day.
Mrs. J. M. Pohlaa and niece, Kallh,
who have been visiting during the laat
two weeks with relatives In the South
Side, will leave todsy for Howarra, Neb.
Mlaa Lola Pohlnson of Adair. Ia.. Is
vlHiling with friends In this city. She
Is on her way to lenver and western
points where she will spend her annual
vacation. '
The women of the Interdenominational
church wliKserva l'-e cream at the church
In the old Young Men s Christian associ
ation building at Twenty-third and N
streets this evening.
The warm weather of the last few day
haa caused all plcnl" k-rs to get buav.
Among those who have picnics for tomor-
row are: n.nur ' m . i ". , -
nnd several north side clubs.
At lees than th cost of ffood wood shingle, stained, you can cover your
house with everlasting "TEX TILE."
"TEX -TILE" ASPHALT SHINGLES will last three times as long, and the
first cost is the whole cost. '
Fadeless YIogg Green; Rich Warm Rod
"TEX-TILE" makes a house attractive and saleable; makes the upstairs
rooms cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Avoid substitutes. There's
a reason.
- "TEX-TILE" used on new ST. BARNABAS' CHURCH at 40th and Daven
port; also used on many houses in Omaha, Let us show them to you,
"TEX-TILE" sold only by Sunderland. Bros. C6. Yisit our display rooms,
State Bank Building-, Omaha.
uu u mil" U OLE
mm: wmm
pmces mm
'I a ' ' ' '
l7o Offer Yoa a Genuine lonisfurnisliing Opportunity - - Don't
r.iiss in
The greatest IJONpY-SAVINQ furniture opportunitj of the
entire year. A time when it becomer, neoeesarj for us to make
an absolute CLEAN-UP of thousands of dollars worth of good,
sound, trustworthy, new style Furniture, Beds, Carpets, Rns,
Curtains, Draperies and other Ilomefuniishintfs tremendously
large quantities placed on sale at reductions of 25 to 50.
If ever there were an OPPORTUNITY to buy with every in
ducement in the purchaser's favor, that opportunity is here; the
the goods, our unusually LOW PRICES and MONTHLY TERMS
give homefnrnishipg seekers an extraordinary advantage. NOW
saving; . . . - v ., . .).,
Convenient Honthly Credit Terms Gladly Arranged on Any Purchase if Desired
w TH
Massive RoySl Circassian
iVamui Dresser
Jinn ??
I n M I I rri.;- .1 . A I m I
venlng and
. It 1 1o r.iad ' of
' hlfrh irrail imitation
clrraaaian walnut,
aXAcntiMl n.lanar tha
oame lln aa the X
nrensr. naa lull u
awcllsd roomy draw- v.
era and heary Blank
top,' with a larc;
French plate mirror.
Extra well made and
carefully conatructtd.
Specially priced tof
tfcia sale at .
fUO Cub; U0 a Month.
noon at U old Board of Education room
of tli Hia-h achool bulldln;. Juvenile
Officer Paul McAuley waa elected preel
dent and fnral manarer.
Uoapel meetlni Thuraday venins
Flrat Reformed, Twenty-third and Peer
Park Mouievard, John Jb. Hak, l'astor
Hiinday av'kioul at &. Momlna worahlp
at 11; tbeme. "Th Problem of the Hour."
Miaaion band at f. ChrlaUan Kndi-avor
at 7. KveiitnaT worahlp at I; thenx, "Who
May IVecoina Chrtrtlanar"
Hnnr(-anlod Church of Jeua Chrtat of
Latter X)Ay Kfclnta, Twenty-fourth and
Ohlo-Oun'tay arhool normal rlaaa at .
Hunday a hool at 8 45. Praasohlna; at 11.
Rcliaio aTvk-a at Prraihlna al a.
At J0 North Twentieth atreet. rnnilh f
(ma,ha, Bunday achool at 11. I'li-uUili I
t . ,
Betond ProareaHlv Sl'Irlluall Jl.
liPavwwrrth, Slav, F, A. Thorn, Vaal'ir
Borvlci a at 11. 2,1U anl , U'tuiT -n. .Mornlnil ubji t ' ' r.m
tiia anUlonrw, Kvenlnc auhject. "Why
Capital Punishment Khili l!e Im.i-,
ialsed." Tuesday anil 'I'liuiail y al S. nies-
eaica aervieea. hkIiisIiiy at Unii
A lit message aervlc, Aridity .U 2 .30 and
claaa lecture. I
Hartford Memorial I'nNetl Prethren.
Nlneieetith and l4Hhro, W. K Jonea
Minister Mornlnn s. rvlie at 11; aerimm
to clilldren. Kvenlna servl- e at 4. Hibl i
a liool al 10. Chrleiian Kn ii avi.r at ' ',
Prayer and official board meetln
'lneaday avenim, 7:30. Annual dinner
and oiiare(aiio4ial maotinf fiMay even
In. 'o"T Inie report from all denart
ninta will be eiected. All officers for
tha year, beginnlnc; 8itember ), will be
t-'.nrna rirat Money. '
Would you do a much for your rlrl-
auhmer. ? 1,19 J1'!' d'V" " th.
uhmcra-ed reck of a areat eiprea
train and pull her out half dead to aafntyT
J.irle wiliiama aavca beautirul Anita
J-t.-wrt In lust thia way. He it all In
Th JuRt-ernaut" at The Beeea Theater
' tksrrk Natea.
Ilev. lienton Cleveland Is announced
a tha preacher at tiie upen-alr aervlca
on the South ae lllk-h achool aouih
campu. at TwentjMhtad and K atreeta.
Sunday .venlna at :4S o'clock.
Bouth l Imaha t'nlted PM.kui.ri..
Corner Twenty-fifth nd H, Albert N
t-orter. raetor K. K. Thoina wll
peak at II on a sub.Wt aelected ep.-
tally for men. Kabbath achool at .U
Juniora at i. Youna peopla'a meetln .1
:li. tonretrtloii will Join In th union
ervlce at th. high achool Uwn In th
First Method!! FplaconaJ, Twenty
fifth and K. Rev. J. W. Klrkpatrick. Pn
tor-Public worah p at 11 and a. Sunday
school al -.ia, Kpworth learu meuilivf
at 7. Paslur will preach av aervieea.
First Conrrr national. Twenty-third
and .1, Rev. Kobert Wheeler. I'aator-
Mornln arviie at IV Kvening aervlce
1 V; ifet M-
Special esy
arrmageu on
any purchase
.irlna; UU
. BEDIs made ia the very artistio Napoleon
design, to. match the other pieces of this fine
up-to-date set. Stands 60 inches high - and
' comes in full widths Size 4jfeet 6 inches. Note
the handsome roll on the Toot end as shown'
' above. Specially priced for this &4 p QJ.
week, atv V-U0J
,.. K f L&0 Cask I $L0 a Kpatiu
Oar eea lent '
aae.thly terana
peraaita yen - t.
pay year hllla aa
aalta y.a beat,
aad wklek aaaat
appeal every
Imbb. la
tala city.
1 'Mw
Holdup Fires at
Victim, but Fails '
to Hit His Mark
"Hand up," ordered a hlfhwaymaq of
Alexander Arday, Twenty-fourth and
June atreet, Friday evening when Mr.
Arday waa passing Twenty-eighth and
Popplctca fin hi way home.
Arday promptly thruat hi haada In hi
pocket, whereupon th highwayman be
gan ahootlng. Luckily for Arday. he waa
a poor marksman and th. ahota went
wtd. ' I
On of ti ahota, however, entered th
sash of a window' near which R. V. Ken
nedy, 2K PoppletoD, was aitting with
ht-rwfaa4 toa ol hi lap. Two inches to
on. cUle and th ballet probably would
bav alruck Nr. .Kennedy or the babe.
Kennedy burrowed a gun from a neigh
bor and (aoured the neighborhood for th
rtlchup. but failed la hi queai. The mat
ter vi a a reported to tli po'ico.
Stomach Catarrh Is
Very Prevalent
In thia climate catarrh la a
orcvaleot Uaeaae. Catarrh af
fect the stomach, a often aa
any other organ. Perhapa every
ll.lrd " peraon 1 mor or tea
troubled with stomach catarrh,
eruna " la ettenaively used tn
ihf caaea.
Cai!f I
Fer tkij lajsw
est" "tint anr
U .linj th I tmtt
vtryoa UU timt
f y tar, thin is
sothiflf s o4 as
Purs Malt KbUkey
to bring bA-k lb. feeling and reality
df iffil health. Mtkta rich red
Mivxl. uiiieta the nervea and correxta
t a taded aiellte by atiniulallng the
aloiniicti to heaitiiy atron. Keep
I ha system tn aiK h aoo.1 condition
that It la almost liuinaajble for um-ui-
r uiiiila.liita to obtain a fmilhoUl
At iuvl drueeiaia, artx-er. and
cleaiera. II.. If they can't uiplv '
you. a lite i . Msdlcu.1 booklet free.
Ta. Staff y aCJ Whiskey Co I
BoehMteJr, ST. T, I
$U0 Cash i $1X0 a Kata.
vV4ff (Mr. eat
I it ui
lla4t r
4la la ln)
to kaH M sit,'
pat hi km
1or la U MaV
(Mh-wy atact
v f , I i't s ' sn i iY
WHITING DESK, Mad of solid
oak. Has roomy cabinet and French
plat mirror. It 1 mad. of extra
selected a lock of highly polished
solid oak. Tha materials are espe
cially selected and the bookcase la
finished throughout with a brilliant
Kloaa finish., fepe- Al M f
daily priced during: VII SU
this sal at. ...t7XJL,lJt
110 Cak M a Week. .
aMaaaaMaaaBWaaaaaaWaWagST av
W m - ' ' ' . ... v . d W m , m :. .tj bWH ". S awaw wr au ' . I aaaM I
wrp mek i S3
pieces included are exceptionally well constructed of northern birch,
, kiln dried and seasoned. Smoothly sanded and brightly gloss
polished in mahogany finish. ' The covering is genuine' leather.
We price this suit during this sale at the low price 22 75
"' (- . ; ;. 1240 Dowai 75o a Week.' '
Rooms Furnished Complete
jJT Any io r ifooms You Desire
M.atk Paye fer It.
4Zjr Ses kyy
blar value at
v - y VII w
tp , V
era.Br e tv JsxM. I i ir ( I
k ?'2 n . .misi' - - , .
LIBRARY TARLE Made entirely of well seasoned
American quarter-sawed imitation oak. Top meas
ures 28x42 inches. Supported by four - shapely
legs. Specially priced during this ; n
clearance sale; , Jpl awD
M fasht I0t a Week.
wa caa afford to aril so splendid a
dresser aa this at tha low price w
quota ia a mybtery ercn to real Judges
of furnttur ralucs. . This dresaer
comes la genuine solid oak, ttr
roomy drawers fitted 1th wood
knob. The mirror la mad of
Krench plate., facial
ly priced during this
sale fur.
IIjOO I Win ni '' a Week.
- ' A
UAa HANCE, inrludmc baklna; oven.,
twr thoee who desire to use paa for
summer and roal or wood durin. the
winter, or both, tht range la moat de
sirable. It coata leaa and occupies lea
jpace than two separate range and
is ill be appreciated on many special
jot-eslein demandme; mor cooking;
space than is aeallabl on anv single
" ,u w
price It durlnl
thia aai at
1414-1G-1Q DOUGLAS Si0U;i;
m' ini
9iM Cask, fla WmL
wssisaaajsejasss' .ij n ussi.n. i n,i i
th only form on th. market
that can b. collapaecl. while form'
Is adjusted and likewise ar tha
only form on which all adjust
ments ean be mad from th out
side of th form. Tbcr la no
nee J of turning- wheel or ratch
ets, or of reaching into form' to
looven and tight-
set screws. A