Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Army Officer! Lecture Militiamen
at Crete on the Meaning of
Being Soldier.
' CRETE. Nb.. Aug-. tL (Spaelal Tele
gram.) Revllle at the ctmp ground of
the Nebraska National Guards, Just south
of tha city, callsd th militiamen of the
jrtfth reftiment to their duties at 1:30
o'clock a. m. and the day baa bean a
easy one.
lecture was given at noon by one of
the regular army officers. His remarks
were not entirely, confined to the techni
cal military work, but branched Into the
Intellectual field of uplift of tha Indi
vidual soldier, Including moral Improve
ment and adraneeinent, as well as sani
tary and physical advancement.
The routine work of drilling; was ear
tied on all tha afternoon In the field un
der tha blistering", hot sun, but no sick
'ness was reported or (rumbling; at hard
work by tha boys who are wearing the
khaki suits of tha state of Nebraska.
Drill Work All Day
Nine companies and their officers were
In the field and tha drilling. It Is said by
men who are considered authority on
this, was excellent In fact, nothing was
doing today except hard, tedious drill
work. ......
Captain Bhaeffer's men and students
did a little practice flying tonight, as
also did Captain McMUlen's men.
Captain McMlllen made a beautiful lit
. tie fly from Beaver Crossing to the camp
grounds here last night and dropped on
the grounds with no difficulty whatever.
He made the flight from Beaver Crossing
here in sixteen minutes.
Aeroplane flights by both avtator will
be made Sunday afternoon during the
maneuvers of the army.
General P. U Hall and Colonel H. J.
Paul were busy this afternoon and even
ing surveying the vicinity of the camp
grounds, where' the maneuvers and aero
pJane flight will . take place Sunday
Blah op 1b Camp.
Sunday morning religious service will be
held at 10 o'clock, under direction of
Bishop George A. Beecher of Hastings,
who ha been in camp for the last ten
yeara He feels that the soldiers gen
erally are advancing to a much higher
standard of manhood. The religious
services will be opened at 10 o'clock In
the morning by a concert by tha regi
mental band, followed by a regimental
quartet, and Bishop Baecher will deliver
tha sermon. ' '
in speaking of the work on tha grounds,
Blehop Beecher said:
"I would like t say that I have been
listening to tha lectures or Instructions
of our regular army officers,' who are
here for that purpose, and I feel 1 that
the principles of a true soldier are 'most
Impressively taught to our boys by these
men." 1 -
Malor Hoyal Drummond, commandant
of the military academy of, Kearney,, ar
rived on the grounds today and Is the
guest of the Right . Rev. Georg A.
iBaecber. - , .,-....,.
Lutherans Will Have
Outdoor Mission
Festival Today
DESHLER, Neb., Aug. IL (Special.)
Thayer county has already made elabo
rate preparations for tha Thayer County
fair to be held August U to September
1 Besides the large city park, tha fair
grounds, with a new agricultural hail
seating over 1.000 and available a audi
torium, give ample accommodation for
the many visitor expected.
All these advantages are already being
utilised this week by tha convention of
Lutherans ot the Missouri synod In Ne
braska. Over 1,000- delegates, visitors and
members ot the neighboring congrega
tlons at Hebron, Kiowa, Thayer and Rue
kin will gather at the fair ground to
morrow for an outdoor mission festival.
Express Companies
: Must Pay Local Tax
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. 21.-(Speclal. Accord
ing to an opinion by Attorney General
Reed, county assessors must asses ex
press companies upon their local prop
erty without any regard for the state tax
of 1 per 'lent.
The opinion Is given to County Attor
ney De Vore of Kieth county, who claims
that tbe express companies there were
insisting that as they paid the state tax
of 2 per cent, that they were exempt
from the' local tax called for in the
Smlrti 3 , per cent tax upon the gross
receipts of each company at the lo-;(
station.- '-.''
According to the state's attorney,
county assessors shall pay no attend m
to the state tax and go ahead and assess
tha local companies tbe same as If the
state law was not In effect
Three Douglas Babies
Entered for Contest
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
.LINCOLN. Aug. fl.-(Speclal.) Whether
the baby crop in Douglas county has
been effected by the wet weather la not
known, but only three babies have been
entered in the ettr baby slat fair contest
from the metropolitan city.
These are Rita May Reddlg, Gordon
Robins and Marlon Bernlce Weaterberg.
Sixty-five entries are from Lincoln while
the rest of tha 186 entries are scattered
over the state.
Strangely there are only two Smiths,
Katherine and, Velma Helene, both of
' Lincoln; only one Brown, Harry Edgar,
also from Lincoln, and one Jones, Harold
L., from OsCeola, so that the Smith, Jones
and Brown famllea may . ba growing
Gov. Dunne Wires
Will Not Come West
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. Zl. (SpeclaL)-Oover-nor
Dunne of Illinois will not be abl to
be present and address the people on
Woodrow Wilson day at tha state fair,
according to a message received by Gov
ernor Morahead this afternoon.
Governor Dunne give as hi reason
that he Is expecting to attend the meet
ing of goyernor In Boston and will no,
return In time.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Xug. 1. (Spe
cial.) Upon Information of George S.
Mayo, pur food and drug inspector.
County Attorney Kelly had a Warrant
sworn ' out for Ira Harris, a restaurant
keeper of Merna. charging Mm with vio
lating the law governing the misbrand
ing of labels. The complaint allege that
certain beverage sold by Harris con
tained a higher percentaga of alcohol
than was stamped on the label, and
analysis made In the state laboratory
showed that on of tha "near beer" con
tained over $ per cent of aloohot. : Harris
ii arrested and brought to Broken
Bow. When ha appeared before County
Judge Ford ha made no defense outside
of stating that tha Iowa concern ha
bought tha beverage from bad promised
protection In case he got - Into trouble.
Otherwise, ha pleaded guilty to tha
charge and was fined I5S and costs. - -:
Frank Moore, a young farmer living
about two miles south of. here, -was ar
rested on the charge of having kicked,
wounded and seriously injured two
calves. He was fined $10 and cost. '
Broken Bow member of Company M,
First Nebraska regiment which . saw
service in the Philippine Islands, are ar
rangng for a camp" fire and reunion of
the old company to be held in Broken
Bow on August 23. It was sixteen year
go, on August 23, that tha company was
mustered out of service.
SYRACUSE, Neb.. Aug. fl. (Special.)
The village board awarded tha contract
for the construction of tha water works
extension Thursday evening. The con
tract, for the tower, and the removal of
the present standpipe was let to tha Chi
cago Bridge & Iron Work of Chicago,
III., for 13.999, and tha contract for tha
water main, fire hydrant, fittings and
construction, to The Elkhorn Construc
tion company of Fremont Neb., for $4,770,
making tha total amount of tha contract
H.769. which I 1195 less than the engi
neer's estimate., The tank will have
100,000 gallons capacity and will be platted
on a steel tower, sixty feet' high.' '
Great preparations ara being made for
tha celebration ot German Volksfest day
here Thursday, August 26. Special trains
will be run from Lincoln and Nebraska
City, and Governor Morehead will head
the Hat ' of speaker. German linger
will be present from Omaha, . Lincoln.
Talmage and Crete,' and It is expected
that the largest crowd ever seen In Syra
cuse will be present
News Notes of Fairbary.
FAIRBURT. Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Frank fbckdalo, a lecturer on tha Fair
bury Chautauqua program, ' wa enter
tained at dinner as a guest of tha Fair
bury Commercial club yesterday.
A delegation of Rock Island train and
englnemen returned this morning from a
conference with operating- officials of tha
second isiriet in Topeka. Kan., Messrs.
John A, Cuykendall and J. T. McLean,
represented the engineers; H. C. Emery,
fireman; W. E. Brown and H. L. Duval,
conductors,' and Messrs. "Whlttet . and
Clock, brakemen. ' This trip followed
mass union meeting of tha four orders
last Sunday.
Jefferson county farmers ara again
plowing for fall wheat
The body of Mrs. Gertrude McCormlck
waa brought to Falrbury last night and
taken to tha home of her daughter. Mra
McCormlck dropped dead at her home In
Omaha from heart failure. ' Bha formerly
lived In this ceuntyi
B. J. Worthey, a' Rock Island division
accountant Is taking hi annual vacation
and sojourning with hi wife and family
In Canada. ' ' -
Division superintendent W. A. Sheahaa
has arranged to place In service four
ballast trains to operate on the district
between Stelnauer, Neb. and Otego, Kan.
Madtaoa Defeats Battle Cswck.
MADISON. Neb., Aug. tl (Special.)
Madison baso ball team defeated Battle
Creek's team here Thursday afternoon,
to 7. Batteries: Madison, Ballon and
Altschuler; Battle Creek, Leech and Ba-
dura. .
KEARNET. Neb., A"ug. n.-( Special
Telegram.) A. L. Caveneaa of Falrbury,
who accepted the superintendent of tha
Kearney city school last spring, has ar
rived In the city, together with Mr. Ca vi
nes. Mr. Cavtnee apeak with enthusi
asm over the work to be dona In tha local
school this year and la now preparing for
tha opening early In September.
cetUa Ma Drops Dead.
BEATRICES Neb.. Aug. U. (Special
Telegram.) John Rawalskl. a Burlington
section man, dropped dead near Hoag,
while at work. Coroner Reed wa called,
but decided not to hold an Inquest Heart
trouble assigned as tha cause.
. . .
The Uiorld h
Becoming Clean
Since thi Intrcducflon of
It has been on the market but a
ihort time.
One Hnaorsd Tkmiui ud I
m j ubiijk AllinilT.
. That fcaaas, floe, feet, bodies,
homes aa4 eloihiag as aieaae
tkaa eves befet.
Their laaadry u wait as smow.
It savsa am thu kill
It is made la Omaha.
At the nresent rate of lncraa
one auuion people will txnir.a
1 (-ounce can, I cents.
Get a can at one.
Phone your Grocer or Druaclst.
Sent br mall to anv uldnu
receipt or price.
The Affinity Con pan y
wooamea vaiidiaf
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
BKATRlCB, Neb.. Aug. XL (Special.)-
Mr. Henry Flshberh and two daughter
of thi city. Who are visiting at tha home
of tha former parents, Mr. and Mrs.
reck,' at Houston, Tes... telegraphed to
Mr. rUhbaeh- Friday, that although tha
Peek home waa partially destroyed by
tha trophtoal storm which swept southern
Tete this week they ware all right and
had escaped Injury. Tha Flshbeoa party
la en route borne from a trip to Cali
fornia. The Bameaton picnlo oloeed Friday
after a run ot three daya Sheriff Aoton
topped gambling and games of chance
concessions, but they resumed operation
a soon a he was out of town.
Major Mayer Friday afternoon wired
the moyor of llagerstown, Md., for some
Information concerning Robert Myers, the
young man who wa drowned her Friday
afternoon In the Blue river, but up to
this morning had received no reply. The
body had not been found last night.
'William Burgess, an old resident of
Da Witt, who U visiting here with his
sister, was held up and robbed of fcS
by a Mexican Friday night near tbe
Bearle Chapln lumber yards.
PB8HLER, Neb.. Aug. tl.-8pecUl.)
The new K.OOO agricultural building on
the Thayer county fair grounds will be
used ' next Tuesday evening by Prof.
Moellerlng's'muslc class, to give a pubtio
recltst efor the Missouri Lutheran
synod, now In' session In Deshler. This
building will; be dedicated the first day
of tha fair, Tuesday, August M. Governor
Morehead will deliver tha addrasa
The fair will be held August tl to Sep
tember a There ara no horse, cattle
swlna and poultry buildings. One of tha
blggtst stock show of thi aeotion I
promised. Dr. .Condra will show motion
picture of Nebraska, August tl to Sep
tember 1. Two areoplane flight each
day, a mammoth .electric spiral tower,
horse and auto races and ball games, will
furnish plenty of amusement. '
Netea freaa Ankara.
ATJBURN,: Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.)
Mis Helen Ooleman and Donald J. Toung-,
ooth of thi place, were married In Chi
cago Wednesday, Mr. Toung has been
principal of tha high school for tha last
two year. Mlsa Ooleman is a nlec of
the late Dr. 8. W. McOrew.
The horoe-oomlng picnlo at Brownvllle,
which waa to be held Friday, haa been
called off on account of tha wet weather.
W. T. Byrne and Mr. Letta Seaman,
both of thi place, were married at Kan
sas City this weak.
Tha annual teacher' institute will be
gin on August B0. Among the Instructors
and .lecturer are Prof. H. L. Rouse of
Veru, jr. A. Hanna of Auburn, Prof. Dore
mu of Auburn, L. T, Skinner of Linooln
and Rar. Mr. Conley.
The apple crop will be a large one, but
considerable Complaint la heard as to tha
quality of the fruit The Jonathan and
Grimes-Golden will ba first class, but
other varieties ara badly scabbed.
Mission Worker
Speaks at Synod
Held at DesWer
DESHLER, Neb.. Aug. SI. (Special.)
At today's session of the Lutheran synod.
Rev. W. Mahler of South America, who
la to rpnak on Lutheran mission in
Brasll and Argentina at the mission fes
tival tomorrow, led the doctrinal part of
the meeting, while showing that the doc
trine of the demands of the divine- law
and of tha promise of the gasnel must
be so applied and proclaimed, that the
audience will mark the relation of one
to the other and the connection between
Only law and no gooprl leave the
hearer in the air and In despair; only
gospel and no law fall flat, because tb
spiritual patient I not told that there la
something to be saved from.
Prof. A, rVhuelke ot Seward wa elected
treasurer. (
A meeting of lay dctpnates only wa
held this afternoon; likewise a pastor's
Co reference and a teachers' assembly. x
Missouri Pacific
Lays Heavier Steel
WHBPINO WATER, Neb.. Aug. fl.
(Speclal) A number of train loads Of
tieavy steel rails have been hauled
through here during the last few days
for rebuilding the Missouri Pacific's line
between here and Omaha. Tha rumor ot
long a tending is that the line I to be
gotten In shape for the bulk of the freight
trafflo that now passes over the main line
from Union to Omaha, The object of the
Chansre would ba to avoid tha nsvln nf
Kmtv trill nvar eM rl 1 ! n a Intrt rtmaha
as I the case now.
The work ot laying new rails has been
completed out of Omaha as far as fprlng
fleld. The rails are seventy-five pounds
weight and are the onea being taken up
along the road's main line between St.
Louis and Kansas City, where they ara
replaced" by ninety pound metal.
Further evidence of a possible plan
greatly to improve the Omaha branch Is
the fact that the road la securing from
the quarries here much stone dust for
ballast. At the old Snldervllle quarry
east of town a Weeping Water firm has
the contract to load 100 cars of stone dust
and at the Weeping Water Stone com
pany quarry a spur track Is being built
to aid In loading a great amount of tha
same material there.
CHADROX. Neb., Aug. fl.(Ppeolel.)
Th old-tlrr stsse cosrh lhat carried
the mail ard pussencers between here
and Deadwood. R. In 1.W4. partly du-rili-ated'
Is sssln en the streets. The
reproduction Is to eld In the film pic
tures being .taken here of wentern scenea
lt week the soldiers and Indians were
the principal subjects, but this week the
real scenery and pioneer times were be
ing takoYi.
A people's Jubilee service is to be held
in tha First Methodlut Rplsropal church
here tomorrow to rejoice over the lent
payment of debt on the building since Its
enlargement. Many town people' will
speak. The pastor. Rev. J. . Dl'lon. has
been Indefatigable In his work for the
last two yesr and now plans to leave
his work for the present and attend j,
theological Institute In Boston for the
coming two years,
John Howling was dancerouoly hurt by
having his leg crushed on a train of tha
Chicago & Northwestern railroad yester
day afternoon. Ills mother, wife and
sister left on a speclsl for Rapid City,
but reports today give small encourage
ment for his recovery.
The First National bank of Chadron.
C. F. Coffee, president, is having plans
completed for a new building this fall.
It will be tha finest in tha western part
of the state.
Apartments, flata, houses and cottagea
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
lire "For Rent"
New Note from York.
YORK, Neb., Aug. at (Special.)-Miss
Mabel Welqulut and Rex Colerlck were
married August 19 by County Judge Hop
ktna Mr. and Mra Colerlck left for
Nemaha, where they will make their
J. . C Meyers, who haa been In the
Jewelry business In York for a number
of. years, haa sold his business to Julius
H. Crane of Chariton, la.
The old settlers' plonlo will be held In
the. city park. Saturday, August U.
Two deeds were recorded yesterday In
which Mrs. Anna Carlson, at at., dis
posed of 4M acre of land. The con
sideration was M4.800.
Small Fir at llaveasa,
1 RAVENNA, Neb., August SL 8peoiaL)
The fire department wa called out yes
terday aftsrnoon, fir having broken out
In the warehouse back of tbe John Thles
sen garage and machine shop. I The ex
plosion of a tank of gasoline created
momentary excitement, but the fire wa
controlled without damage to other build
ings, except nominal damage to tbe O.
L. Miller storage building. Total loss,
about $400.
Three Dlveree Belts at Madison,
MADISON. Neb., Aug. 21.-(Speclal.)
Mrs. Eva V. Alloway ot Madison has
brought action In district court for di
vorce from her husband, Dudley Allo
way. Agnea M. Ray of Norfolk haa also filed
suit for divorce front her husband, Earl
R. Ray, charging In her petition cruelty
and nonsupport She desire to be re
stored to her maiden name, Agnea
Mr. Mlnnt TB. Allen haa commenced
suit to be separated from her husband, J.
Herbert Allen. Ehe alleges In her peti
tion that she was marled In Norfolk In
lm, and ' charge as cause, cruelty and
nonsupport . . -
i . .V -
Picnlo at ' Oab Orchard.- V
TTCTJMBEH, Neb., Aug) ix (Special.)
A large crowd attended the picnlo given
by the Commercial club at Crab Orchard
yesterday, notwithstanding the bad
weather of a few daya before. .. Congress
man O. F. Reavls, who waa to deliver the
principal address, waa not able to get
there. A program waa given In the hall,
Hon.' O,' A. Corbln , presiding over tha
meeting, after which sport were Indulged
In. There were two base ball gamea.
Hopewell defeated Crab Orchard, I to 2,
and Teoumaeh defeated Fllley, X to 1. The
musia was by (he Crab Orchard band. A
dance In tha evening closed the festivities.
There ware more than 100 automobiles
on the grounda
Be gage Net Eaeeeslve.
Johnny Poe, the former Princeton foot
bait player, who lovea a scrap and who
haa fougnt in all Ine Mouth American
rovolutions since 1W1, and is now right
ing in the trenches In France, recently
wanled to get back to the United States
from (Santo Domingo, because there was
no excuse for a fight there and there
was promise in Europe, lining unable to
secure any ordinary means of getting
homo, he went to the master of an Kn
Kllsh freighter soon to sail from that
port and asked him: "Will you take me
lck to the United (state" "Sure I
will," answered the captain. "How many
plecee of baggage have youT'' "fifty,
four," replied Johnny; "a pack of cards
and a pair of aocka
The freighters master refused to ao.
cept even passage money. Wall Street
.. .,; 'v-k
f. " '
1. M . ,
hit. ntMiminv i mkw oikk ks.
Tbere is moro Knenjy, Force, Per
sistence, Accomplislimeut ar.d Success
hinging Mi gooil teeth than any ono
thing that gives your body the spark
of life. ,
Get This Spark Burning
Ktndle it with a free examination tomor
row. Lt me advlso the necesaltle for your
teeth, then hare them taken care of.
Over 26 ypari of experience with quality
and ner vice without the pain for your money.
rainless Extraction and Filling 50c up.
Teeth without plate that look and work
like jour Own, guaranteed 10 years.
My home treatment for Pyorrhea or any
gum disease Is successful.
Call or write for particulars.
fid Years In Omaha.
021-23 Woodmen 0f the World Itulldtng. Phone 1). 1758.
14th and Farrutin Hta Omaha. Hours, H to 0; Sundays, 10 to 13.
San Francisco
Bellevue Hotel
10 minutes to Exposition without
transfer. 11 u lit of concrete and
steel. Private bath to every room.
First class in every detail.
Kates from $2.00 up.
X. W. toZX.X.xa, Manager.
(Member of Official Bxpoatttoa
Xotai Baraaa.) (
t tni atT ar thi citt"
fSICC Auto But MtTreln and 5tirmre
The Dee Is The Pfcper
yeu ask fort If yea plaa to ba
' ebeeat more than a t aw aaya,
have The Bee naUa te yea.
B, L. Brewer.
DBSHLUR, Neb., Auk. 21. (Special.)
B. I Brewer, a pioneer of this section
of Nebraska, died at the home of his
son, C P, Brewer, of stomach trouble
Monday evening, a-ed 63 years. The fu
neral waa held In the Presbyterian church
Thursday, Interment being In the Hebron
A true statement ;
of facts
"We have taken from our stock all odd pieces of Furniture and priced
them at much less than actual cost--Bome at one-fourth cost. In fact, wo
put a price on tho article to positively move it from our stock;
There is about Six Thousand Dollars' worth of Furniture of all kinds in
v this sale, consisting of odd pieces and suites. These goods were assembled
on our main floor and have been on show for inspection only for tho past; threa
days, wbere they have been viewed by hundreds of prospective buyers. - ;
i i ........... ... . ' ' "
Sale starts Monday Morning, August 23rd
Doors open 8:30
a ' 1 it-
Telephone orders not accepted until after 9 o'clock and then subject to prior
sale of the piece desired.
All articles in this sale sold in their present condition.
' No exchanges, made. , ' '
No poods will be sent on approval.
Goods sold in this sale will not be held for future delivery.
We need the room that these goods occupy and it has been our custom to
close out such pieces and euites in the manner above stated.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
The Steady Growth of Home Builder
, Aa the well-known Union Pacific "Cut Off" saved money to the Railroad Com
pany, so the Horn Builders' "Cut Off" of certain fee saves money to tbe home
buyer, the architect's fees', the fees for examine title, for furnishing construction
, money, for executing and filing necessary papers, for superintending construction
' work, for inspecting material and guaranteeing workmanship, notary public fees, etc.
Needless expenditure Is waste. Home Ilullders' "New Way" saves the waste and
. tarns It Into profit. Is this not good business?
The wsste added to tbe customary profits under the "Old Way," makes the big
.. profits under Home Builders' "New Way" for its shareholders and new home-buyers.'
Thrift spells success. 1 v
Profits actually earned and turned to the benefit ot both the home-buyer and
. . the Investor Is co-operation.
SAFETY of an investment in Home Builders is buttressed by the continued de
mand from new home-buyers, who never fall to pay back the money furnished them
to build. their homes, and the bome-buyr'a money invested ahead of Home Builders'
mortgage, therefor he would have no occasion tp abandon his home to go elsewhere
and pay rent.
Home Builders' mortgagesere purchase money mortgages on new homes the
, homes ot reliable people the safest security known.
The constantly increasing number of Investors in Home Builders and the con
stantly increasing number of new home-buyers, who appreciate the extra value in
.their new homes, considering their cost, is, and should be, convincing evidence of
, tho existence of soma special reason for Home Builders' steady growth.
, Horn Builders can put YOUR spare dollars to earning profit for YOU. '
Fwf particulars, ask for Home. .Builders' Booklet, "Tbe Now Way."
O. A. ROHRUOCGH, President.
C. a BHIMKIi, hecreUry.
Fiscal Agents,
BOa South 17th St., Omaha,
E li rillllLLIIIIMJ I.
M - - , . Illtr s" i -r m fM UP,
Willow .Springs Beer
No better beer brewed than
"Stars and Stripes" and "Old Time"
. - Order a case for your home.
Retail Distributors. . Telephone Douglas 2103.
Telephone Douglas 1306.
For ResuMo
Bee Want A.Sa.