Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Image 17

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Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
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VL FMV""H V Duff-Gordon, the famous
i ftLlll f I t :' Mil Attti "Lueile" of London and fore- 'A
JSVV YT most creator of fashion, in th,
WMJri&il world, write, each week the fash- Hi
S IilliJl n rt'c'e 'or 'i newspaper. Iff 1
Jlllltil JJ presenting 0 that is newest and " ' ,.
llfili lW Udy' Duff-Gordon. Paris es- Ml
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CMW ASeason-End.
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77ie Long Trains for Wed
ding Belles and New
Coats Described by
Lady Duff-Gordon
ot black velvet. Touches of green give sparkle to tn costume. Wbtto
fox completes the effect.
I call attention to the lines of this coat and apron. la their straight
effects thejr foreshadow a dominant factor In the coming season.
This Is, of course, the season-end. and the season-end Is one ot the
most difficult times for women. The old clothes have beoome too
familiar and the new ones are not Quite In vet. Btlll, to the smart
woman there Is no time more Important than this. The season-end
Is when the styles are born. It Is a time of experimentation, of In
spiration. One little accidental touch In the effort to polish up the
old a bit may mark the birth of an entirely new fashion.
A little later and the tnodea will be fixed. So now Is the time tor
every American woman to do what I continually preach use her bralna
and Ingenuity and see if she herself cannot create an entirely new
By Lady Duff-Gordon
ERE Is a bridal dress I have Just fin
ished showing at Newport. Bridal
dresses must have the longest of
trains to be thoroughly up to date, this one
Is of flesh colored tulle over white eatln.
The bodice is encrusted with pearl passe
menterie. The satin train falls from the
shoulders and the veil from the head. The
hair Is brushed straight back from the fore
head, and is fastened under the wealth of
orange blossoms.
Below it is another bridal dress built for
the stage it is true but still capable ot
adaptation.' The train is really not too long
(or the bride who Is not behind the foot
lights. The amusing little sketch at the right
shows one of the new long coats. It Is of
brown duvetyn, trimmed with fox. It is the
very latest note.
The other amusing little sketch has the
apron front which will be so popular this
Fall. The skirt Is a black and white check
erboard. The little coat, like the apron, is
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..;';. The Newest Thing
. in Lonr Coata.
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Bridal Dress of Flesh-Colored Tulle,
with 1840 Bodice of White Satin and
Knenisted wit Pearl Passementerie;
Veil ef Flesh-Colored Tulle, Falling
from Heed.
Below Another Wonderful "LntlW
Dress Especially Created by Lady Duff
Gordon for Stage Setting.
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