Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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Bidding1 for the Balkan..
At this moment th great powers of Europe
are enpagod In a moat edifying frame, that of
trying to lure the Balkan states Into the war on
one side or the other. Many baits are being
dangled, each of the rompet.tora offering special
Inducements In the way of territorial dlrlslons,
political advantage, commercial opportunity and
the like, to secure the desired assistance from
the little countries that have thus far refrained
from taking part In the general conflict. The
situation Is In amusing contract to the course
long pursued by the rival bidders for Dalkan
favor. In the past the "Balkan question" has
always been present as unfinished business in
the European chancelleries, and whenever the
little nations hare undertaken to fight out their
differences they hare found themselves checked
and thwarted In the end. The victor has been
robbed of his plunder, and the "balance" haa
been restored by the "European concert." Just
now the Dalkan states are In a position to sell
something, and It Is Interesting, at this distance,
to wat(ih the bidding.
Address communlratlona relating to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
JLLV hl.N.. 1 Jm.,l L.YllO.N.
Ptate of Kehraeks. County of Douglas, aa :
I'wlght Williams, circulation manager, eav that
the average Cumiay circulation for the month of July.
Iflo. was 47. nn.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Puhacrlted In my preenre and sworn to before
me, this lid day of August, 1KIV
ROHEKT Hl'NTtR, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
aboiild have The lire mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed as often aa roqnested.
Aagasi aa
Thought for the Day
Thtrt it no tpucK nor language to txprtti
Tht tveet mtwt$ ol Ood, that malct
Ftrptival music in tht human htart.
- Fan Dyke.
Says the kaiser to the czar: "It's your
Put in a boost tor Omaha, ud keep s
boostlng !
Government by mob violence Impelled
race prejudice) la not civilised government
It ii said the lynchers of Leo Frank cannot
be Identified. "Where there' a will therea a
Advleea are that the Russian ministry la do
for a shake-up, which In turn is due to a shakedown.
Georgia's resentment at "outside Interfer
ence" Indicates a survival ot the old delusion
that secession aucoeeded.
"I regret to report," or Slavonic word a to
that effect, for the second time la Indelibly en
ihrtned In Russian war literature.
It la not yet October, but It the war In Eu
rope la brought to an end ahead of schedule
time, no one over here will object.
Transacting publlo bnalneee In secret con
fabs behind doors does not alt well with a up
poiedly aelf-governing community.
Taken all In all, Nebraska's geographical
location la about aa veil protected from the up
heavala ot the elements aa any spot on earth.
The flattery ot Imitation doea not count with
Uncle Sam. It la certain that the Ohio counter
feiters of Omaha bank notea will get a lively
run for the money.
' Leisure and opportunity now beckons con
gressmen to fruitful fields. The task of meas
uring the harvest from free aeeda la the highest
duty of a statesman.
In the years to come searchers for deep sea
treasure will find the British watera a regular
Klondike. The ocean'a float thereabouts la
already dotted with ateel-bound millions.
Governor Harris ot Georgia says bis people
are "humiliated" by ouUide criticism. That la
not what baa humiliated them. By their own
acta they have taken themselves almost outside
the realm of civilisation.
The Germans and Austrian a say they are
holding S, 000,000 prisoners of war. Just let
those figures seep Into your brain. The whole
population of Nebraska, Including men, women
and children, la about 1,150,000.
The Governor and the Government
The conference of the governors, soon to
come together In annual conclave In Boston, will
renew dlacueston of the old problem ot the rela
tion of the governor to the government. None
more fully realltee than do the executives ot the
several atatea tbe limitations that check the ac
tivities of tbe governor In the actual administra
tion of the affairs of the commonwealth of
-which he Is nominally the head. Under the tri
partite form of government, adopted when the
United States came Into existence, la perpetuated
the resentment of the colonists against the
crown. In colonial times governors were ap
pointed by the king, and represented him, and
were alwaya assured ot and frequently merited
tbe opposition of the legislative assemblies. This
condition was carried over into the new govern
ment, and to curb the executive, the three-cornered
system, with Its "checks and balances,"
was brought Into exlatenee.
The moat obvious objection to tbe existing
arrangement la the division of authority and fre
quent lack of harmony between the legislative
and executive branches of the state governments.
"Whatever reason the colonists may have bad for
distrusting their governors, today the governor
and the legislators are chosen at the aame elec
tion, and are therefore responsible to the same
toverelgn cltUenship, and any cause for Jealousy
or friction between the two departments of gov
ernment should be removed, that the beat poe
alble results msy be bad. Many suggestions for
accomplishing this end have been made, but none
adopted. It may be that out of the coming con
ference will proceed something practical in the
way of a plan for bringing the governors and the
government Into closer working relations.
Not Georpa'i Private Affair.
Governor Harris of Georgia has given warn
ing to outsiders that they must not comment
further on the Frank eaae. The people of
Georgia, he says, are sensitive and hlgh-etruns,
and keenly resent any Interference or meddling
In their affairs. It Is ey to understand that
the sober, thinking Georgians feel deeply humil
iated by the general expression ot Indignation
and horror that has come from every quarter of
the country, condemning the barbarous mob
that disgraced American civilization by Its
dreadful deed. The case is not, and for many
months has not been, exclusively a Oeorglan
affair. Its progress baa been watched by the
people of the entire country, concerned to see
that justice was done, and that law and order
were upheld. Georgians of all classes knew
this, and, knowing it, permitted the perpetration
of one of the foulest crimes in all our history.
They well deserve the censure visited on them,
and cannot, through protest, escape from blame
for the work of the mob. Just now they have
but one way to convince the world of their sin
cerity of purpose, and that Is to hunt down and
expose and punish tbe men who murdered Leo
M. Frank.
War's Demand for Gold.
During the first half of the war the German
government, foreseeing the need of hoarding all
available gold, appealed to the people to ex
change their gold for national currency. The re
sponse was a remarkable showing of patriotism.
Not only big and little hosrdlngg of gold coin,
but also large quantities of gold Jewelry were
turned Into the national strong box, swelling by
250,000,000 the stock ot gold In the Relchs
bank. France Inaugurated a similar gold cam
paign last July and the response was equally
rotable aa a measure of national devotion. In
six weeka the people turned into the Bank of
France $78,000,000 In gold, surpassing the Oer
man record for the first alx weeka by $8,000,000.
Considering the vastly greater population ot
Germany and ta Immunity from hostile armies,
(while French territory la occupied by tbe enemy
and ita population acattered, the gold outpouring
evidences the admirable thrift of the French peo
ple and their readiness to make any sacrifice In
defense of the nation.
OuorvdL S yjLtjojuaj-6
r riCTom xonvirn,
Gueita Worth Mentioning.
For several days Omaha has been entertain
ing some guesta who have unobtrusively come
amongst us, and have with equal modesty pur
sued the business that called them here, to the
end that not a great deal of public notice baa
been given them. They are deserving of much
attention, for several reasons. The mere fact
that the colored people have formed themselves
Into secret societies Is not at all noteworthy, for
It Is but a manifestation of a custom that has
come down through the ages and Is not distinc
tive of any people. But the societies that have
been here conducting their general business are
representative to a large extent of the growth
and development of the colored cltixens of
America, more especially as regards the It&m of
thrift and the quality of social stability. The
representatives who have gathered here are In
themselves proof that the colored man has made
progress In the race of life since equal oppor
tunity was given hliu, and that materially and
intellectually he Is worthily striving with his
white brother. He is learning to be not self
sufficient, but self-respecting, and in this way
above all othera la he serving his own race. For
thla, and for other reasons, these guests who
have so quietly followed their own affairs white
in the city are worthy of our hospitality.
The Lure of Pensions.
Pension systems for civilians, no matter what
the object or class, are certain to develop abuse.
Easy money constitutes too great a lure td escape
the reach of the undeserving. This is shown by
an investigation of the bankrupt pension fund
of New York City's school teachers, a fund com
paratively young and made up of a small per
centage of teachers' salaries and certain public
revenues. The Immediate cause ot the Insuffi
ciency of the fund Is due to "padding the rolla"
with Ineligible pensioners. In some lnstancea
teachers who lacked from one to four years or
service to reach the retiring service age were
easily pushed over. Teachers threatened with
dismissal escaped the odium by retiring on a
pension. Disability were an equally fruitful
source of pension recruits, but the disabilities
were no bar to the subsequent marriage of the
pensioners. Gross favoritism was shown in
promoting teachers before retirement in order to
swell their drafts on the fund. These are typi
cal of what may be expected from the operation
of Increasing pension scheme unless the respon
sible authorities rigidly eliminate favoritism,
sympathy and personal pulL
Chairman Walsh of the Industrial Relations
commission haa a peculiar idea of the proprie
ties. He sends out the several reports of the
different groups of his cotnruisalon to the news
papers with future release dates, and then picks
out a few excerpts from the report of his col
leagues representing the employers, which, sep
arated from their context, he thinks helps bolster
up his position, and gives them advance publica
tion. Still, that Is quite in line with Mr. Walsh's
performances from the beginning of the commit
tee's Inquiries.
IT TRANSPiriKS that my account last week of the
Inside dexelopmenta of the stubborn patronage
fight In the last hour of the Urover
Cleveland administration, whose outcome placed
the late Jude William H. Munger on our
federal dlstrl. t bench instead of Judge William D.
Mcilugh, who was fitting aa a recess appointee,
which account was that currently acreptod by those
supposed to be In closest touch with the situation,
la challenged In some of Its details by former Sen
ator John M. Thurston. As an active player In that
Kama, and the one holding the winning cards, Senator
Thurston ought to know, and I am glad to give his
version, which he lias for the first time made publls
In a letter to me, as follows:
"I notlc your article stating your understand
ing of the cause which led up to the rejection
of tha nomination by the president of Mr. W. D.
Mcilugh, and the appointment of Judge Munger
aa United Rtates district Judge. It la perhaps due
to the living and tha uead that I place before tha
publlo a true statement of thli matter.
"Just ahout the time that T was to take my
seat In the senate, Judge Dundy died, and Presi
dent Cleveland nominated XV. D. Mr.Hugh. This
nomination was made without anyone having
consulted with me. I fplt that It was due my
position that I should at least have been con
sulted In the matter of the appointment of a
J'idge. I had no personal objection to Mr. Mc
Hugh and he would have been confirmed, except
for the faet, that I was reliably Informed that
certain friends of Mr. Mrllugh had gone about
the streets of Omaha damning Thurston and say
ing that I would have no Influence In the senate,
and that they could confirm Mr. Mcilugh whether
I objected or not. I am nnlv itntlnr In . tniit
way what Ms fiol friends said about me In publlo.
1 looked upon Mr. Mclfugh aa a young man
of IrreproachAble character, admirably qualified
to fill the position of Judge, but I could not In
Justlc to myself stand for the attitude taken by
his friends tn attempting to discredit and dis
parage me. I became a member of the judiciary
committee of the senate, to which committee
his nomination waa referred. No pressure of any
kind waa brought to bear upon me for or against
hla confirmation, but In committee meeting, I
sUted to tha committee the exact situation as I
understood If, and said to the committee that
eome of Mr. McIhigVs most prominent friends
were discrediting ma and my standing In the
senate, and that I therefore opposed the nom
ination. '"Chairman Hoar of the committee said, 'Gen
themen. If there la no objection, I will refer this
nomination to Senator Thurston with authority
to report for or against, or to hold the appoint
ment without report, aa ha may wish.' Senator
Hoar's statement waa received without objection
by all of the republican and A
bora of tha committee and Mr. Mcltugh a appoint
ment waa therefore in my poc4tet
oma daya before Mr. Cleveland'a term was
to expire, his secretary telephoned me saying that
the president wished to sea me. 1 Immediately
went to the White House and was received by
President Cleveland, a man whom T greatly ad
mired and respected, one of the greatest presl
dents this oountry ever had. Ha said to me, 'Wen
ator, axe you trying to hold this nomination of
judge until my term expires, so as to appoint a
republican r I said, 'No, Mr. President, when a
vacancy expires during your administration, I
recognise your right to name the successor.' Mr.
Cleveland aald, 'Senator, will you confirm any
other democrat In NebraskaT' I said, 'Tea air,
any democrat that la aatlsfactory to ma will be
confirmed, tf you appoint him the aame day his
appointment comes to the senate.' He asked me
to name two leading domoc ratio attorneys that
would be unobjectionable to me. I Immediately
named Carroll S. Montgomery and 'William H.
Munger. both splondld men and good lawyers. Ho
asked ma if he appointed either one of thoae
would I have them confirmed. I said, 'Tes sir.'
"The next morning a communication waa re
ceived by tha senate withdrawing tha name of
Vf. T. McHogti, and appointing William H. Mun
rer. Within an hour I asked for an executive
session, and being authorized by the judiciary
committee, I reported Mr. Munger'a nomination
favorably, and he was Immediately and unani
mously confirmed. Four hours after. I received
a long measaeTe from my friend Munger setting
forth the reasons why he thought I should permit
his confirmation. I cannot give tha exact terms
of my telegraphto answer, but in substance I
said, Tou were confirmed on my motion four
hours before I received your wire.'
"That la the whole history of the matter."
It will be noted that In this letter Senator Thurs
ton does not even mention "Dick" Hall, whom every
one here recognised as the probable residuary legatee
to the Judgeship in the event of a failed confirma
tion, and the transfer of the appointment from the
out-going president. Grove r Cleveland, to the in
coming president, Major MoKlnley. Be that aa it
may, and whether within the knowledge of Senator
Thurston or not, I feet safe In reasserting that it
waa the apprehension of losing this last piece of
democratic patronage to a republican, and the con
viction that tha naming of a republican, subject to
endorsement by Senator Thurston, meant. In fact, the
selection of Mr. Hall, were what induced Judge Mc
ilugh to cease hla efforts In his own behalf, and to
ask President Cleveland to withdraw his name and
substitute another.
Senator Thurston's graphlo description of wnat
took place inside tha committee room when the Mc
ilugh appointment waa referred to him aa a sub
committee of one with power to act, will aurely be
keenly relished by our present United States senator
and make him long for a revival of tha old custom.
It Is easy to imagine what a smile of satisfaction
would spread over hla countenance, if, when those two
Bryan-dictated appointments coma In, It should be
unanimously voted that they repose indefinitely la
tha senatorial vest pocket until the president should
come to his terms. Tha Incident Is ch&racterlstia of
the difference In conditions then and now for what
ever political antagonisms Senator Thurston may have
engendered, all will agree that aa senator he com
manded tha confidence of his colleagues, and enjoyed
to the full every advantage of that Man and tnlghty
prerogative known aa "senatorial courtesy."
msi n rf aii u
Tha Poufclaa County Teachers' association elected
tha following officers tor tha ensuing year: Piesldent.
J. Ii. Bruner; vice president. A. W. Parker; secretary,
Kate M. Duneher; treasurer, Sadie F- Manvllle.
W. F. Brown, welt known commission man at tha
Vnlon stock yards, la out again after belna cooJInod
to tha house several days.
"For tha new Broadway square crown men'a hats
in black, brown and maple, and the new London style
of Victor Jay in black and brown, and tha new bur
gundy and stone, go to Hudson's Hat btora in the
Millard hotel block."
Rain prevented completion of tha game between
the Union Paclflca ind St. Josephs, tha score at tha
end of tha third Inning standing t to t tn favor of
Judge Dundy aMurovd hla federal court over tj
September U.
The announcement of tha I'nl vers try of Nebraska s
fall terra ta made by Chancellor Mannatt, offering
six thorough c-ouraea with degrees, namely. In art,
science, literature, engineering, agriculture and medlr
clne; also a two-yewr preparatory Latla school.
Clarke Bros. A Co., !40g Douglas, would sell a
twenty-horsepower boiler and engine "for tha reason
that they are not large enough for the new machinery
we will put la our new building on Harney street."
Fijian cannllmls worship a god named
MataWalco. who has cluht stomachs,
and Is slwsys estlng.
William A. Durst, sged To, of Philadel
phia, is said to he the only man now
living who was on tha "Tankee cheese
box" when It played that little game
with the Merrlmae.
A New Jersey woman has been ar
raigned under the old blue laws ss a
ommon scold. The prisoner, 'tis said,
"did disturb the morals and peace of th
community" by calling a neighbor names.
The famous old "money tree" rear
Shepherdstown, XV. Vl, haa been de
stroyed by a storm. For seven or eight
years tha treo sheltered $16.ono, which had
been concealed between the roots by an
army paymaster during the civil war.
Lightning played one of its peculiar
tricks when It Jumped Into the homo of
Walter Long of Frankford. Pa., while
supper was being eaten, killed the pot
dog which waa under the table, but
spared all those eating except Long him
self, who wss knocked out of Ms chair
and stunned.
Dr. Ira Priest, clerk to the city council
of Akron, O.. haa In turn been college
president, politician, horticulturist, mem
ber of the bonrd of public service, presi
dent of the council, militia chaplain, lit
terateur, member of phllanthroirlcal
boards and, finally, coppersmith, and
still presides every Sunday In the pulpit
of one of the Akron churchia
A piece of cake waa exposed for sale In
Philadelphia without adequate protection,
then aaalytcd. It contained sand and
coal dust, disintegrated bran fragments,
human hair, wood fragments, black and
yellow, cottcn fibers, white, black, blue,
yellow and grren, straw partly disinte
grated, cobwebs, pine and other wood
fragments, paper fragments and bits of
iron rust.
People and Events
Owing to tha fact that women are talk
ing men'a jobs In England, there Is
threatening a famine In female help.
' Nine prominent Philadelphia men have
been announced aa willing; to speak
against woman suffrage during the corn
ing winter. It la also announced that
tills committee of men will help the antl
auffraglsts from the financial side. Aa
equal suffrage amendment comes up ia
November In Pennsylvania.
New York la said to bo making places
for a great many special teachers tha
coming fall, and now haa eeventy-slx va
cancies for shop work, forty tor teachers
of cooking and ten for teachers of physi
cal training. Because of lack of funda,
however, no appointments of special
teachers will bo made this year.
Tha moving picture film producers -in
England having been called to tha front,
women workers have taken their plaoea.
It seems Interesting that there should ba
a demand for the movies, but the many
soldiers recovering from Illness, and oth
ers at home, unfitted to serve In the
army, are said to need the diversion more
than ever before.
Miss Blanche Crawford, 17, of Morgan
town, lnd., a product of a manual train
ing school, demonstrated her skill In car
pentry by building herself a bungalow,
her only help being a man for heavy
lifting. It Is considered a first-class Job
and quite artistic In arrangement, even
to tha large fireplace, every brick of
which she laid. Miss Crawford completed
the building in three months.
The first convention of women voters
ever held will be in San Francisco, Sep
tember 14-ls. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont will
be the national chairman, and Mrs.
Phoebe Hearst will be the local chair
man. It Is expected that there will ba
representatives of 4,000,000 women voters
at the convention. The convention la to
prepare for a big demonstration of the
Women's Congressional Union in Wash
ington In December.
Scientists have figured that about "A.
000,000 bubles are born each year, or at a
wto of about seventy a minute.
In Ami. Ian nmrralgea. as soon aa th
bride reaches the bridegroom's houa aha
makes Mm presents ot household furni
ture, a rpear and a tent.
A capitalist at Oakland. Cal.. la fight
ing for a fen of tl from the court. He
was trial juror an 1 had started for court
before he found there waa no sitting.
Nevertheless he asks pay for that day'a
A Maine newspaper recently published
a long wedding report, complete In every
detail, except that It did not mention the
name of either the bride or bridegroom
A man In Washington, D. C, Is so fat
that he was unable to kill himself with
three shots from a revolver. He weighs
460 pounds. The three bullets failed to
hit a vital part
Scores of Persons have been fishing
with rakes In the pastures along the
Branch Creek at Sellersville, Pa. Tha
creek swept over Its banks Juring the
storms of lust week and baa, catfish
and eels were flooded Into tha fields.
Now In meadows' where cowa are wont
to grace fish abound In plenty. The
question haa arisen whether It Is lawful
to catch baaa In this manner. Ttsh were
being raked up as so much timothy and
people carried away baskets of them.
Teddy, her little pet dog, tugged so pcr
slxtently at the skirts of Mrs. Hannah
Crom of Brockton, Mas.., as she started
to rsll en & nelghhor that she, suspect
ing something amiss, followed the dog
and was I'll to a loft in a barn off Bel
mont atreot. There she found her hus
band, biephen W. Cram. 5'J years old,
dying. Ha had attempted, suicide by
taking .-y.-inlde of potssnlum. When Cram
had left his home after breakfast Teddy
had followed, In spite of his efforts to
drlva the auln-ul back home.
Cleveland Plain Iiealer: Patriotism
scales all obstacles. Refused permission
to carry or display the Italian flag when
Italy entered the war the Belgians sub
stituted sn.ill pt.i' 'f nix 'si-i.l ! J to
coat lapels. Fvtn tha Germans laughed.
Baltimore American: New York bank
ers will lend the shies any little bllihni !
they may require for war auppllea. Tho
latter parties are following tha good oil
rule long ago established In Kiiropa:
When In need, debt or doubt, see America
New York World: it la Interesting ta
nota that on behalf of one of the anthra
cite coal railroad it Is stated that the
Interstate Commerce commission's reduc
tion of rates wul have no effect on tha
price of coal to tha consumer. Needless '
to say. this railroad owns a number of
ooal companies, and what It la forced to
surrender In freight charges It eaa make
up at the mine.
Two more Chicago policemen have been
convicted of grafting. Sandpapering the
Itching palm Is a ssfer and cheaper treat
ment than the milled edge of coin.
In one of the townships of New Jer
sey Police Justice Milton C. Lowden, aged
1. retired from office to "make room for
a younger man." Ills successor Is Pete
Btindy, 8". Score a run for young blood.
The drouth In South Carolina was so
keen during last June that the state dis
pensaries sold IM.OOn worth of booie. an
Increoso of tiO.000 over the preceding
June. The famous remark of Carolina's
governor evidently Is increaalng in pop
ularity. Responding to the merry csll of pla
cards in a restaurant In Clio, Mich., "All
you tan eat for a quarter all you can
drink for a nickel," four feeders de
molished a case of beer for an appetiser,
four watermelons and twenty-seven ba
nanans and were about to tackle tha
solids, when the feed mill, fesrlng bsnk
ruptcy, suspended business for tha day.
That M0 a year Is the lowest Income
upon which an unskilled laborere family
of five can maintain a standard of living
consistent with American Ideals Is the
finding of a New York board with regard
to street sweepers. The present wase
scale In that branch of the public service
rangea from $730 to tsi a year. Tne
scalo recommended for 1915 ranges from
$720 to S40 a year.
Purveyors of hot air health In New
York have reached the conclusion after
divers tests that fumigation of houses
in esses of contagious diseases is of lit
tle value. In place of fumigation the
Board of Health urges repa'ntlng and
repaperlng, fresh air, sunshine and gen
eral renovation. Makers of formaldehyde
and sulphur candles arc entitled to an
Interview with the backsliding doctors.
The "third degree," as practiced by the
police of Pittsburgh was sharply con
demned by one of tho locsl courts, which
regretfully confessed its powerlessness to
punish the guilty coppers. The vlcUm
of the degree was bsdly used up and
naa mree nns broken before he admitted
his crime, for which he was sentenced to
prison. "Offloers must be taught." com
ments the Pittsburgh Dispatch, "that
there la a limit to the torturing of human
kind beyond which no man may go, even
though he wear the blue and be orna
mented with brass buttons."
Scientists estimate that there are M.OnO
species of fish In the world.
According to a Paris phys'clan pre
mature baldness Is due to some troublo
with tho teeth.
A textile made in China from raw silk
can be burled in the earth a year without
Illuminating gas leaking from mains
under asphalt pavements will soften and
disintegrate them.
Herring, great quantities of which ar.i
caught in Japan each year, are usd
chiefly to, fertilise rice fields.
After making more than J.O0O observa.
tlons a Swiss scientist has decided that
snails have no sense of sight.
A physician Is the Inventor of a hollow
cane In which he carries all the medicine
bottles he ordinarily needs to have with
As a general proposition, a aite that Is
elevated considerably above the surround
ing areas la to be preferred for a peach
A new process, developed In an English
laboratory, makes sulphur dyes a substi
tute for aniline dyes. The process Is
easier and cheaper.
A French scientist successfully com
batted locusts in Argentina by inoculat
ing a number of the Insects with a
parastlo disease and liberating them to
infect others of their kind.
"She can't be as progressive a you say
If sue s taken up embroidering handker
chiefs. ; Why not?"
, V.Bf:au tnat ao'dom gets beyond tho
Initial atage." Baltimore American.
Judge-ilt seems to me that I have seen
yoi before.
Prisoner Yon have, your honor. It waa
I who taught your daughter to plav tho
JudgeThirty years! Musical American.
"How manv times have I told you that
you must not answer me back. Norah?"
said Mrs. Houaekeep.
"Sure, mum, and ol ain't answerin yer
back." snJd 'Norah. "Ol m answerin' yer
face." New York Times,
Chicago haa put out 600 plainclothes men
to round up the undesirables. Standing
room at the Jails Is likely.
Denver proposes to tax automobile gar
ages $50 a year as an occupation tax.
to make good a part of tho revenue lost
by prohibition.
Atlantlo City having decreed the top
limit of bathing skirts puts up to beach
policemen the ticklish task of making
sure. The mean things use tape meas
ures. Des Moines' commission raked the bot
tom of the taxpayers' can before flln
tne tax levy and raised the city's income
rrom I9O4.O00 to $1)38,000. Tho city levy
is 32.1 mills against Omaha's 75 mris.
Cleveland proposes to make all clubs
dispensing liquid refreshments take out
a license. As a starter policemen have
been stationed at club entrances with
orders to maintain a drouth until the
ciubs come across.
A fool bather at Atlantic City who twica
bluffed the life guards with criea for
help, on the third bluff was vankad nut
Of the water and into Jail, where he wss
kept in his bathing suit until his bump
of humor was reduced.
New York City figures that decreased
Immigration Is the chief reason for a
marked falling off In street trafflo acci
dent. Police report nearly 4,000 fewer
ambulance calls during the first six
months of the year.
Kansas City officials nuicklv discovered
In planning the widening of Sixth street
that the value of the property needed
rivalled the wealth of a Klondike gold
find. The city figured On 13 & Inllar.
foot, which made the owners smile and
back off.
Denver's local lumber combine, after
three trials, refused to break the uni
form list price for msterlal for the man
ual training departments of the schools
and the contract went to a St. Joseph
firm. Tha school board saved $f00 on a
$3,900 order.
rr was srux inside- nor cam
Patience There are no girls la the Boy
Patrice No.
Patience iVt'ell, let'a get tip an order of
Tom-Boy Scouts. Yonkers Statesman.
"Please, mum, ye remember sendln"
some brandy to a feller we saved from
drownln' last Toosday?"
"Vca What of it?"
"Ho fell In again today." Life.
"In the quarrel thev had Jlbbs' wifj
threw a table knife at him."
"I suppose that was her way of making
a cutting retort." 'Baltimore American.
J. M. Lewis In Houston Post.
Along about this time o'vear.
About a thousand miles from here.
There is a place where all arouad
Are apples layln on the ground:
Aim Miiy ninn can anve rrom town
'Most any day and can aet down
And load his wagon to the seat
With apples that a king would eat;
And tho farmer will tell him then:
No, no a penny! Call again.
That memory appeals to me
A load of doad-ripe apples free..
The fanner s busy wlih his crops
And don't care for tho fruit that drops;
1 used to love to tramp out far
To where those rosy apples are.
And tuck those rosy apples in
Till cider dripped off cf my chin.
And mother would be scared at night
For fear I'd lost my appetite.
Them was the days of long ago
When apple-blossoms used to blow
Across my path, and 1 would be
Acquainted with each apple tree.
And figure up the season's eata:
...... . tllv utr ui Kuiutn iweeu
That every farmer has. and sigh
, v.. inn un v n i-uuiin uv anil uy,
When he would let me load uj at
Mort every tree exceptln' that.
Them was the apples that we hooked .
henever that there farmer looked
The el her way, then we would fill
Our shirts with golden-sweets until
e was as round as a balloon!
Talk not to me of davs o? June'
Twas when the suns of August days
Mione bright and warm across our wavs
That ued to mean the most to me.
Of all the days that used to be.
go abourTtVurtT? Th.WJ!-f r..",fu'. Itanuine diamond or fine watch If you
. i
Wo. 4 Men'a Dla.
mond King,
pionr Tooth
mounting. Hk ttt
so' Id sold eOQ
1.65 a Week.
MS Ladles' dia
mond ring. 14k
solid gold, Loftl
a iTntifh rw
mounting ... !j?W,wte
M a Month. sJssSk
17-JeweI Elgin, Wal ham
or Hampden Watch
lit- Bracelet rsa
tirsljr dttsrhed. m w&t
i'VZ m"i!i,!I S,"4 cr rulr
1 1 !! tilled, mall ,l,r. jrui 15 uut..
Of- mniA Jl.l . ' ... . ... ' .
sees Hoi l dux hell.. We tite vl'jijd
. pni. it, pre rors . ens pf mf
Uils latest eolrt Wriii Welch el
Ho, IS Ac.u.e.i cln, Wa'tham
or Hampden watch, In 26-yes.r
g'laiaiiised double strata goiti cane, ad .1 is ted to tempera
ture, isochronism and positions,
with moement guaranteed si
years. Only 1.T
1.00 A XOFTK
1.60 A KOXTX.
Onen fcaty Ttl S P. If. aatardaya Till Sign.
Cg .0. UV.. Ph. Mis ttOUK. 1444 And eelum.. t.
i J im i - ' -' . ee,ieMwiiSUl Will i
409 Booth ISth Be Omaha.
o. oeyarvo-eat Store.
Opposite Barge a-Vash Co.
Can You Remember This?
il. liUbl'hUU.,lbia-lblb Douglas St. I
Come to Our Remodeling Gale j