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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1915)
5--It tiit: omaiia sundav iwk: AcuutfT ioi5. B55H- MANY EVEHISFOK VISITORS Attractiv Hostesses Keep Thing i Lively in the Social World by KotcI Entertainments. ITBTHEB EVENTS THIS WEEK Portal Calendar. prXIMT Supper partk st Country. Field. HiN'v Hollow, farter LJ and Seymour Lake Country club. Mrs F. H. 'ol-. lf for Mlaa Annl Miller of I .Inooln. Mi N DA Y Mlrs iind Carol Howard hrltlae party for Mim roily Cole or W'urreater. MaJa. Subscription club I Icnlo at Klrkwood. TCKSDAT hllrtrrri'n ilay at Happy Hoi- low club. Meyers-Caseell wedding. Mat. inee parly and at the Konte nelle lor Mill voie, wise rn juwir, llOftCM. w KPNKRDAY Dinner-dance at Field snd country rluba. Dinner party for Mlaa Huron and Mlaa Calrtfr, Mia Oertrude ("tout, hoateaa. Jewish Ladies' Relief society plcnlo at Haneeom park. THURSDAY Woman'! luncheon da ai Field, Happy Hollow and feymour Lake Country rluba. Annual Married Folks' dinner. Thursday Morning Bridie club and Women Bowlers at Happy Hollow club. rniDAY-Chliaren'a day st Field club. Malva Whlta Shrine outing end dinner, dance at Seymour Lake Country club. SATURDAY Lea Amtea Whist club, Mrs. .1. 1. Plneen, hoati-an. Mls Louise White, luncheon at Happy Hollow club. Dinner-dance at Country. Field. Happy Hollow and Carter Lake clubs, Three vary attractive hostess bar been the Inspiration for keeping the so cial spark allvs this week. If It were not for their doings, the atmospher would be decidedly blank. Miss Grace Allison, Miss Marlon Towi and Miss Helen Jngwersen have opened tbelr home to three charming g-ueste from the east Miss Lillian Sluts of Pitts burgh, Miss Catherine CaJder of Cleve land, O., and Mlaa Louis Buroh of Dubuque. Wednesday evening the largest dinner at the Country club will h given in their honor by Mlaa Gertrude 6 lout, and last vnlng thsy were the guests of honor at the most pretentious dinner of the rteld club Notei of Interest Mrs. William Keet, who hag been seri ously 111 for the last six weeks, Is still unable to leave her home. MJsa Dorothy Waller, who graduated In Juna from 8t Mary's In Knoxvllle, foes east In October for two months. Mr. W. B. MchT.roy, assistant souperln- tt-ndent of the Armour company at Kan sag City, Is In Omaha on business. Mlaa Gladys Brunner, who underwent a serious operation for appendicitis at Lord Lister hospital, has returned to her home. Mrs. C. C. George has been with Mr. and Mrs. L, F. Crofoot this week on their yaoht cruising along tho Mains coast. A. son. Dels Edward, Jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dels B. Muffltt. Mrs. Muffltt ', was formerly Miss Kathleen Welsh. Among the Omaha lawyer at the Bar association meeting In Bait Lake City last week; were Judge W. D. MoHugh and Mr. F. A. Brogan. Miss Elisabeth Carr will not be on of this coming season's debutants, having decided to take up a course f study at the University of Omaha. , Colonel Harry C. Hale, wh is la earn mand of the 'Twentieth - Infantry at Fort 'Bliss, Tex., has boon granted a' two month leave) on aooount of illness. Mr. Joseph Barker returned this week from Ranchastec. Wro., but xpoU to go up again before Mrs. Barker and the children leav there th middle of Sep tember. Mr. Thomas R Kimball t expeoted back at th end of th week from Nw York, where h ha been for th last fort night engaged In committee work follow ing th convention of th Ameiioan In stitute of Architecture. Dean and Mrs. Jama A. Taneoek r turned Tuesday from a delightful trip to California. A letter from tbelr son. Montagu, who went with a group of college boy to do Red Cross aervlo In Hcrria. was received this week from Oreeoe, where they had to wait for th Servian government to send for them. Mr. BL H. Hpragu Diana It n b Chicago the UtUr part of next week to enter th Woman' National golf tour nament, which will open on th On wentsla link th first week la Septem ber. Mr. J. T. Stewart. M, now av Westhampton. also plans to corns west at that Urn to enter th tournament and It U likely that Mrs. Frank Wllhslm, a former Omaha girl, will b among th entrant. Vacationeeri Are Eeturninsr. Mr. and Mra John T. Yates returned last week from Lake Alexandria. Minn., ana other northern resort. Mr. Wilson Low ha returned from Katon' ranch after a week or ten days there. Mra Low will probably return next week. Mr. and Mra Lee a. KraU and son. Kenneth, bave Just returned from Mant tou, Colo., where they spent their sum mer vacation climbing mountains and Mewing the beauties of the Colorado Kockles. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pint have re lumed from a visit to her parents sura mer tiome at Spreadeagl Lake. Wla Mrs. Pinto went Uvere from th Whist congress in Chicago, stopping In Milwau Kee for a short time. air. and Mrs. Walter O. Preston and uu nave reiurneq rrom six week on th ra.-uic coast, visiting the exposition and -.i. w rwwn a ewers, on or whom Mra. Norman Kuhn. formerly of this ity. Mr. Preston's other two sister whom they visited are Mrs. John Ral- ton of Oregon and Mrs. B. H. Duncan of Reattle. Mlaa Gertrude Mets, who ha been at KlUhorn Lodge in Eats Park most of the summer, returned homa Thurad wun rer cnoiner, Mra Charles Mets, who met her In Denver. Mra John A. Kuhn and Miss Marlon Kuhn. who went to th Park at the same time with MUs Oer-tri-de Meu. are remaining a little longer. Soiourn at Northern Lakes. Mia Mary F. Thomas I at th Minne sota lakes for th month of August Mia Blanch Van Kuran left Fridav for a ten nays' atay at northern lakrs Mr. and Mr. W. A. McKey are spend ing three weeks at Birch Island) Lak Clarence bqulres Is enjoying three weeks' fishing trip at Clear Water Lake Minn. Mr. and Mra R. J. Dinning leav to lay for Char Is vols, where they will spnd the remainder of th summer. Among the Visitor. Mrt. J. fr Kodru and children arrived tfiturday from Emporia and ar gutat of Mrs. F. A. Biosan and Mr. Biogao. Jade Howard Keftndy and daughter. lttj. of Ijmolii, ai spending two Young Hostesses fU V y week with Mr. and Mra Raymond IS. Da via. Mia Helen Mage of Chicago Is visit Ing her brother and hi wlfs, Mr. and Mr. Wayland Magee, at Bummerhltl Farm. Mr. Ernest Olbeon of Los Angeles, Cal., I In th city, making an extended visit with her daughter, Mr. IV. IL Morton and Mrs. Jay Griffin. Mrs, Robert Lowell Parker and little daughter, Qretehen, arrived Tuesday from San Diego, Cal., tvpend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mr. F. TV. McConnell, Mr, and Mr. Justus Low and small son of Milwaukee are th guest fo her parents, Mr and Mra Charles Harding, for ten days. Mr. Low leave today, but hi wife and baby will remain an other week. Mis Ellsa Haleey of Kllsabeth, K. J., arrives today to be the guest of Miss Oladys and Miss Daphne Peter for two weeks. Miss Hatsey ha visited Omaha before, having been bridesmaid at th wedding of Miss Olive Baker and Mr. Harry Kelly. Mra K. S. West brook Is expecting Mrs. Lynch of Chicago, formerly Miss Rowenn Hlgglnaon of thl city, to stop a few day with her on her way to Berkeley. Cal. Her husband. Dr. Lynch, ha beun offered a position aa Instructor in the IThlverslty of California and they will live In Berkeley. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. Oorg Cleveland gav a dancing party Friday. His gues't warei Meeere, and Meadameew Charles EL Reea. t Morse L. Murray. J. Noble DePTanoe, liward ssdsn. Misses- Mlaaea Margaret Eden, B. Welsh, " "'"ha. Juanlta. Hbha. Aflel WmS, aJessra A. O. Oreen, Messrs. C. B. Whitney. l. a. Heyn. Mra Oeorg E. Nickel bad as her guests Friday evening: Mis Ml Marl Yard, Honor Yard. Virginia Whit. Vivian Franosa Maurlel Yard, Of Jollet, HI., Gladys Mlcksl. With Mr. and Mra C X. Vollmer were; Messrs. and Mesdames Bird F. Miller, Vlrgl Nichols, Frank Oresley. Mia Irm Book. Mr. W. H. Cheek. Miss Mary Cook entertained Messrs. and Msedames: . U W. B;lng. V. H. MlakeselL W. B. Cheek. Ben Roth and Mr. C Allsworth. Mr Jam H. Boyle iitertalned at din ner Friday evening fori rilna Mlaaea Helen Ingersoa. Louise Burch. Measr Measr. Oeont avland. Be v re a Kussman. Other parties war ntrtalnd Friday evening by Mr. and Mra John bnon. i wha had lght guest; Willi Crosby' sixi Ml Frn Pool, twenty-four; J. F. Aull, flv. and C. R. Orchard, four. Mr. J. H. Parratt ha Issued Invita tions for a tea to be given next Wednes day afternoon In honor of Mi Samuel A. Ball, a recent brlda Th Sunday evening musical h 1 proven Quit popular and Mr. IUstl Tetard. baraton. and Mr. Arthur Lyons. win mntiibuta numbers follow-, lug th dinner hour this evening. . At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. J. J. Jump ha mad reserva tion for eleven guests for dinner at th Happy Hollow clu on Tuesday ven tre;. On Thursday vnlng Mr. P. J. Peterson and Mr. Frank Clark will have guest at th Married Polk' din ner at th Happy Hollow club. Miss Eleanor Carpenter and Mis Mar garet Wright entertained at dinner last evening at the Happy Hollow club In honor of their guests, th Misses Valeria Bonnell, Hermlne Hatfield, Marion Pet tis and Dorothy PetUa The other guesfs present wer: Mrs. J. F. Carpenter, M laws- Dorothy Wriicht. Marlon Carpenter. Measra Giant McKadden. i howmun. Ail a wngnt. Meeara Herbert Hammer. Donald, Petila. Robert Hughes. Alien McDonald. t....i- u.ddM. Wllaon Kui-nanan Haw worn uanicis, w. . nui. llr, vs llllam U. Peterson enienainea tlx gueats at dinner last evening at the li.i i, Hollow club In honor of MUs Maran Armttase. th guest of Mlaa j Luella Anderson. Others entertained at dinner last vn ing at the Happy Hollow club wer: I W. Hayward, who four guests; C. L. Atlrman. four; N orris Brown, four, and H. N. Wood. four. Thuraday has been designated as Mar ried People's night at the Happy Hollow J club and cards have been sent to the four hundred married member of th club announcing that th dinner-dance that evening wUl be especially for tbem, with j music and dances to their taste, the old two-step and wslts and even the square danoe to take the place of the fox trot and one-step. At the Field Club. Mi Helen Ingworeen entertained at a lar-u dinner last evening at th Field j club In honor of her gueat. Miss Louise rsurcn. or uubuque, and for Mlas Oath- I trine Calder of Cleveland: O., the gueat I Helen Ingwerscn ZZIZTTZZT iTi , i '"y drr ami GUEST OF WINIFRED BEAHDT 4 ' t V v THIS WEEK. U, y:y ) K Grace. Who Are Entertaining T r T. 1 rr ! " 1 n. DoroiJiy JShapp of th Misses Marlon and Naomi Towle. Th other guests Included) Mlsse Misses Gertrude Porter, Naomi Towla Orac Allison, Hssel I', Gertrude stout, Marion Towle. , Messrs. Messrs. Warren BreckenridgePVtllllp nowni. Frits Bunhola, Albert Plbbernsen, IHavers Suamann, l'aul Phlrley, Robert Edwards, Robert lngwersen, Kenneth Norton, Meaars. and Mesdames H O. Edwards. it. J. Ingwersen. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lott entertained even guest at dinner last evening at the Field olub) Jo Hhlrepian, two, and J. A. Monro, three. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton enter tained at Jlnner last evening at the Country club, when their guests were: Mesars. and Mesdames: Charles Kuuntxe, K, H. frprague, Olenn Wharton, vf. J. Foye, Moahter Colpetser, Will Hurnu, Mesara Meaars. Dick Ktewart, Itohert Burns. Ward Uures, Anderson, Miss Mary Uurkley, Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Bummera ' Mr. Frauk Uurklty gave a dinner of ten cover last evening at th Country club; W, J. Walters entertained six guest; E. J. Wickham, fourteen; C. F. McUrew, two; H. B. CTarke. eight; R. B. Towle, four, and Benator Q. M. Hitch cock, four. Wrddins Plaru. The marriage of Miss Louise Tates, riauiMer nf Mr. and Mrs. Jamca A Yates, and Mr. Walter R. Bouse will be celebrated Faturday morning, August tS, at et. Cecilia's church. Miss Lois Hyde and Mrs. Louis C. Rous of Qalena. 111., brother of the groom, will be th attendants. A wedding break- ST. WHS GIRL TO WED AN OMAHA MAN. (f ' , , r ,gw . i f ( I - v -' J y ' F w .. : v; - . . ' ; . . $ I Houso Guests . Million fait will be served at the horn of the bride's parents Immediately after the 1 oeremony. The young couple will leavo I the same day for Galena, 111., where they will be th guests of ths groom's parents. Later they will take an ex tended trip through the west, after which they will reside In Omaha. Entertain for Cousin. Messrs. Lyle and Wayne Hoffman enter tained at their home for their couain, Miss Zclpha Wyckoff of Bushnell, 111., and Mr. Chauncey O. Brooks of Hlandlne vllle. 111. Those present were: Misses Misses Zelpha Wyckoff, I.iilae Damon, joaeunine iiriiim, I'jjna layior. M.rv STiiilev Helen Taylor. , llrace MeColllater, Ituth Klllngton. Merle Bronaon, Anna Killing, Oretuhen itlll, May Fallon. I tattle Morse, Ruth Taylor. Millie Blerman .Vleaara Messrs Chauni ey O. Brooks, C. J. Panlnaer. Ralph Elllsworth, (luy Botirli'liia. 1'onnrd Kllaworth, Humner HtebbliiB, Jack Austin, Arthur Bouner, Walter Yarlots, Wlllard Hoffman, John McCrea, Vayne Ifoffman, Jack Huller, Lyle Hoffman. Measis. and Mesdames J. L. Ellsworth. V. H. Judson, H. II. Hoffman, A. II. Vorabtirgh. Prettiest Kiln Notes. Mr. and Mra H. B. Wilber returned Thursday from Thermopolla, Wyo. Mr. and Mra Ooorgo Covert and chil dren, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Mar. tin and Mra Hendrtckson. have returned from a delightful two weeks' flailing trip in Colorado. Mr. Howard Hawk entertained tho Five Hundred olub at luncheon, Wednesday. Mr. and Mra F. N. High returned Sun dav from Peru, where they attended tho wedding of Mra H'srh's sister. Mr. and Mrs. David MoCafferty have returned from a month motoring trip through Colorado, Mir Hanna, who ha been the guest of her aunt, Mra. Mary Vandorford, left Saturday for her homo In Atkinson, Neb. Mra F. W. Pfleglng 1 visiting her mother In Rjuisaa City. Mr. and Mra H. A. MoCord havo re turned from a week's automobile trip to Oakland and other Nebraska point. Thursday of last week Mra Anna J. Downey entertained at an Informal lunch eon, after which she delighted the guests by showing them her wedding gown. which she had herself mad entirely by hand In 1S80. Those present were Mea- dans 8. Ralnbolt, J. EX Ludecke, Charles Needham, II. a Fllnn. A. D. Northrup, Charles J. Wonder and Downey. Little Folk Celebrate. Mlaa Miriam Moeher entertained her little friend Thuraday In honor of her eleventh birthday. The afternoon was spent In playing games. A dainty lunch eon was served to th little folks, the table decorations being in pink and whlto. Th centerpleo was a white birthday cake around whloh wer eleven pink candles. Those present were. Mimes Harriet Rose-water, Marguerite Oreenfielt Mildred t'ohn. Mirtam Uoldnnith, Jeanette Ooldsmlth, Henrietta Kthn. N'nda Jan tson. mcB rtoeemnai. Loulee Rosenthal, Knna Wells, Flo-rnee Lewis. Christina Bwearingen Antoinette Beau, Vctte Wriaht. Fstelle Iar4dus, Helen Callahan. Frances Swearingen. Maatera Masters Harold Pollack, Leo Moakovtti, Kalwh Kshn. Louts Port. Michael Goldsmith. Loui. Moeher, A party was given for WaXlao McLean, in honor of his fifth birthday. Those pres ent wer: Mlase Mtaeea- Orace Wake, Ruth Souders of Benson. Olemlora McLean, Buth Barton. Maaters Wallace McLean. Julius lnti. Anna Fixa, Vlrslnla Paxton. Mildred Nlcklas. Maatera Donald Camp. Eugene Borger. Betrothal Announcements. Mrs. J. Bushman of St- Louis an nounces the engagement nf her daughter. Father, snd Mr. H. B. Milder or this city. Th wedding will he celebrated this win ter. ftna Ttmhmftn I m ts. W.. Xf rl M'lder and was maid of honor at the I Mr. H. B. Milder attended his brother as' 1 , . i Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Dworak. Bouth Hd. announr the ensasement of their daughter. I1II. Fl ssbeth to Oeorge Parks, jr. The wedding will tsk pl.c ..n- w r. mna aira Artnur hKe announce. me ensaTeni or tneir daughter. Bertha, to Mr. Charles H. Redman of Ottumwa la. No date has been set for th wd- d ng. Mr. and Mra William Slever announce th engagement of their daughter. Emma, to Mr. Vincent H. Elseffer. The wed ding will be celebrated lata In th fall. Motor Trips Popular. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English hav gono to Minnesota on a motor trtpi Mr. Conrad Young and hi slater. Miss Younu. with Miae Helen Kcobia and Ral ston Bcoble. are expected hom tonight from a delightful two weeks' motor trip t MiiiiK-aiwIla and St. Paul. The Dart v ,-wi-ut uu by way uf OkobvJI and were mt In Minneapolis ty Mr. FranK MoremaA' and Mr. Wsllaco Lyman and together they vlslte1 all the clubs and Interesting places around the two citleA Including Mtnnetonka and Christmas Lake. From t. Paul they came down by boat to la,v- ewwt and motorvl frum there to le ; Molnep, where they stopped for th tennis! garnn. Future Affair. Misn Oladyi I 'mere will be hixiteis nt a dinner at the t'ountiy club We1new!y even;nK. i-or.iplimeritar..- to Mia Khz Halsev of tliwlpcth, .V. J. Mlaa Whlto will give a luncheon Saturday at the Happy Hollow club. Hewe of the Wayfarers. Mr. snd Mrs. Ueorse A. Joalyn are now hi rRii i rancmco ior ine expowi- tlot, and have not act a date for. their return t Omaha. To Honor Bride. Mrs. J. W. Pkoglnnd entertained at a 'may be removed by th dealer, mlace lunois xhower Thursday evenlnir Mrs. Lillian Perry complained she or in honor of Mloe Joeephine Rhoden, who dered a four-pound dressed chicken, but Is to marry An hlbnld Kelly early In Sep- tern her. A pink color scheme was carried "SSgllgB out and tho presents were dnpostted in j a hue wedding coke. Those present were : M'.Faea Jonephlno Rhoden Kmlly Clew rind in Nelnon Vlma Mi'Cullough Mayrne Mlnlx Betty Itoblnnon Mlaa liena MoOiillough Kill nn Mlnlx Zella Manrold ertrurt Kelly Elolaa Virtue 'arrle Nelson Stork Special. A son was born to Mr. and Mra Fore-t Richardson. Bridee Luncheon. Mra W. O. Spain gave a bridge lunch-1 eon Friday at her home in honor of Mra I C. B. Tat, a rsoent bride, and for Mis Hannah Tats, who will be married to Mr, , Jack Dunn thl fall. Th room wer profumly docc rated with Dink and whit cosmos and thoe present were) Meadameav Meadamesv- C. 1. Tate, Jit1' Oeorge Miller, W. C. Fraser, Per1 N'ehola Dexter Carson. C. W. 1 Adams, A. O. Plnkertcm. F. A. Thompklns, Benn ClO'-er, H. B. Carlson, B. Cameron, Minaes Mlssea Charlotte Tompkins, TTtta Baronsten, Mildred Voce Bertha Mora, of Cleveland, Hannah Tata, Gertrude Weeth, Oladya Tat. Anna Purdy, Phonal Ment'on. Mrs. Mabel Ogden has returned from California and Is at the Colonial again. Mr. E. V. Lewis Is In Ban Francisco and will remain Indefinitely in California. Mr. C, B. Johannes Is at Boulder, Colo., ', with her mother and suiter, Mrs. Fitch and Miss Pitch. II. K. Bartley, assistant to Dr. H. A. Waggenar, left Saturday evening for a business trip of on week to Chicago. John J, Toms has gone for a thirty days' outing at St Paul, Minn., where he will join hi wife and take a trip Into Montana. Clarence Peters left Sunday for New Haven to do some work at th Rosen baum school, preparatory to entering Tale this autumn. Mrs, Roy Dougall and children, who have spent th summer hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Moorbead, return next week to Pittsburgh. Mlse Helen Eastman comes horn from Camp Mtchlsamml, where she has been J sine th first week In July. After a month her. Miss Eastman return to her art studies In Chicago for the winter. Mrs. W. V .Morse left Sundsy to visit her son, Robert, at Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Carrier, who has been with Mrs. Mores in Mrs. George Palmer's home since her return from California, Is now at the Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weller have gone to Colorado for a few weeks. They wll go from there to th coast, where they will attend tho National Drug con vention at Santa Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Weller will return horn about October 10. Mrs. Isaac Cole arrives home Sunday after over three months In th east and south visiting Mr. Coles' brother in Philadelphia and Virginia. Mrs. Coles stopped at Diamond Lake, Ind., to see her mother, Mrs, Balch, who will remain away some tlm longer. Mr. Prank Splgl and daughter. Ber- j nice, left Batrday evening for New Tork, accompanied by Mrs. Bplgle's sister, Mra Louis Allen of New York City, who is returning from an extended trip to Cali fornia. They wUl visit Chicago. Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Palls and Albany, Mrs. Kplgt and daughter will return about November 1. In and Oat of the Bee Hire. Mra D. V. Sholea ha gone to Califor nia. Mrs. C. IL Dewey U visiting relatives in Ohio. Mr. Howard Baldrig returned Satur day from California, Mr. Osgood Eastman leave today for a Dusinesa trip to California, Mr. F. A. Brogan returns Monday from a snort tnp to California, Mr. and Mra W. J. Burgess have re turned from a California trip. Mra W. H. Buchols and family have returned rrom Christmas Lake. Mra. Reld W. Talmag has gone to New York to remain until September. Mr. and Mra Harold Pritchett returned Thursday from a week's trip to Chicago. Miss Man Fumy returned last week from a visit of several weeks In Kansas City. Mra Will Poppleton and eon are ex pected to return from Christmas Lake this week. Mr. and Mra Fred Mets and Miss Har riet Met return today from Henry, ni.. where they have been visiting. Miss Rdna Riley, accompanied by her cousin, Marls, returned Wednesday from California and th Grand Canyon. Th Misses Frances and Isabella Palais ar expected home today from weeks' stay In New York City. Mr. 1 M. Jones left Thuraday is. I Fac'f!o J"0' 1wh'Pe be wlH pen4 . - - . , ' . " " .7" f'l OT Bcranton. Pa. ar visiting their aunt. i JJ2- F' " rDUU hm tr(m th" Mr Mr4 Q w w,ttlM chU. .rrive1 hom, w.y from Hollywood homo, where they have spent , th summer. Mr. and Mra A nan Raymond left Pri day morning for Sririt Lake, la, where they will be at th Hotel Orleans for several weeka Dr. Mary Strong left yesterday for Or ford, K. H., to be present at the annlver- j eary celebration of the settlement. She will return September 1. Miss Christine Bowie, who has spent th summer In California and th Canar dlan Rockies with Mis Kffie Pag of Topeka. Kan., returned home this week, railed her by th death of her father, Mr. and Mr. A. 8. Leermakers, accom panied by their children. Tony and Jaok, and Mra leermakers sister. Mias Jennie Andrews, are In Minneapolis, stopping near Cedar Laka Mr. I.eermakers re turned from Minneapolis a couple of weel John Grant Pegg is ' Expert on Subject of Dressed Chicken There Is distinction with a difference between a "drecd chicken," and n "dressed ii.i-l drawn rlileken," accordliiR to John tlr&nt IVag. city sealer of I weights m.rl measurea, who gave expert I testimony on the subject before the po- lice Judge during the hearing of a case 1 brought by a householder nKainst Sam I uel I- inkeliU-in. J Mr. Pefs cialma to know a thing or I two r.lKjut chicken. He explained to ! the Judge that "chicken" means a . ioiiieat!( fowl uud when order! for i . , ,, ,,. , , '7 ''T T, ' ' Tk'"" i thWt """" b,e bft ot lt' f"ther'' without removal of th head, feet or j entrails; but If ordered "dressed and , drawn", then everythln not eatable Lbm D. K. EUinffwood u hDAmS THE BIG, NEW SPOTLESS LAUNDRY Wonderful progress has been made in laundry methods and machinery the past ten years. And now, with the very latest of the late equip, ment, we are ready to receive your laundry pat ronaffe. Let us call TOMORROW, Monday, Wash Day and your soiled articles will oome back to you spotlessly clean. Wo have huilt high into tho clean nir, far back from the street, ancj our grounds are wet constantly; away from street cars with their swirlincr, whirling clouds of dust and germs. Pure white within; mechanically perfect; neat, careful work ladies; automohile delivery; this is tho "spotless" laundry. Perfect Laundry Work at Reasonable Prices OUT-OF-TOWN LAUNDRY WORK A SPECIALTY. Douglas 4391 LA S) Ga Roasted direct in the flame quickly not in ovens slowly saves yon the strength and deli cate aroma that is economy. Then buying in a 2-lb. can at COc the quantity price is economy. At Your Grocer Paxton & Gallagher Co. Omaha, Neb. L" Improves your personal mRMEN Hairnet I V ! aa i at- accps every uair la piucc . i cor a uaruicu ni ity Hair Net stroneest. most durable. A style for every 1. j -J . iUkizriii'i ml rH9utrneficr-T We ekow above tke Came eaTiaa lor yaw swwUace la bvyiag kaar aea log'i- Can You Remember This? A. KOSFE CO., 1513-1515 Douglas St. Come to Our Remodeling Dale when the order had been delivered and paid for she learned she had received a dressed and drawn bird weighing three pounds, wheres she paid for four pounds. Mr. Pegg testified that hi erperlenc with chicken leads him to belleva that the difference In we'aht should not have been more than three-quarter of a pound In thl Instance. He also x plaind that the dealer gets the benefit of the head, feet and entrails by oil ing them with erap meat to a concern which pay seven to eight rent a pound for this material. Flnkelstein wss fined 15 and coat INDIANA FOLKS RETURNING FROM COAST STOP HERE Judge Jame S. Drake of th Thirty fourth Judicial district of Indiana, I In Omaha from th west. Judge Drake, is well known in Omaha and will spend soma time visiting J. F, Prentiss. Mrs. Drake accompanies the Judge, and they are returning from a trip to th Paclfl- v coast, where they visited both expos', j Hons, Edward E. Lit 1813-1815 CALIFORNIA ST. Mia UMOS 7 O'clock Every 'Morning Thousands of people, all over the middle west- r Are enjoying "That LAUNDRY Economy Coffee" PAXTON'S GAS ROASTED COFFEE Only in 2-lb Cans 60c SS appe&rance 5c r .V C 1 1 St coiffure shade for any ba Ask yonr dealer for the "Carmen Booklet" Latest Styles In Halrdressino; It's fre. Try Style 11 Carmen, regular mesh, cord. Look for th Carmen envlop elastic fjl 5c each at YOUR dealer's