Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Peds Omaha Sunday B
VOU XI A NO. 10.
sinqlf: copy hvb cents.
Home Ambassador Hands Porte
Note Saying State of hostili
ties Already Existing.
Seasons Given Are Support by Otto
mam of Revolt in Libya
' ' Province.
LONDON. Aug. 21. A steffanl
news agency dispatch, from Rom
says IUly has declared war against
: LONDON, Aug. 21. Italy ha3 de
clared war against Turkey and the
Italian ambassador has left Con-;
etantlnople. This announcement la
'n.ita 4n PntAr Telegram from Con-
I . .... - f - v. . I Jk A !
Istantinople via
Berlin and Amster-
' LONDON, Aug. 21. Marqula Dl
Garronl, Italian ambassador to Tur
key today handed to the Porte a note
declaring Italy considered Itself In a
state of war with Turkey and de
manded his passports, according to
an official telegram from Constanti
nople received at Amsterdam and
transmitted to the Central News.
The reasons given In the note for
Italy's declaration of war were the
support by Turkey to the Revolt In
Libya and. the prevention of the de
parture of Italian residents from
Ruef Serves Half
His Sentence, and
Released on Parole
BAJ" FRANCISCO, Aug. 21. -Abraham
Huef, one a power In Han Francisco
politics, serving- a fourteen-year enteno!
for offering e bribe to a San Francisco
supervisor, was paroled today from Ban
Juentla penitentiary by the iState Board
of Prison Director. . J ',
Rust's parole provides that he shall go
to Mendocino . county, where he has a
ranch, and remain there ninety days
Ruef requested that this condition ' be
made so that he might not be charged
.with renewing activity in San frnnclsc.i
poUtica, where a municipal election cam
paign li under way. : ' ' -
Ruef probably will not leave Ban Quen-
tm until Monaay. pecause 01 ue.ay in
Ruef h.. .m-nt four veara. Vive months'
and fifteen days behind prison wall. He i mlssfon, Henry T. Clark, H. 0. Tay
as sentenced to fourteen year' lmprts-!jor n(j f. L. Hall, have no right to
onment for having orfered a bribe to ' v,.. ,. , . -
SupervUor J. J. Furay. Hie conviction hold offiC0 and lt J.up to Governor
waa one of the reuita of the famous , Morehoad to appoolnf tthree men to
Ban Francisco graft prosecutions. j fill their positions, acording to an
With fun credita for good behavior his , opinion of Attorney General Reed.
fourteen-year sentence was automatically , , , ;
reduced to eight year, and ten month,, i The democratic official In a mewase to
Me has aerved half of thla. the minimum . ie ' cova nor allege, that the .coromle
ti.u. rnr nrni Rut in -.mhi, , sioncro have rever given Bw bond a ro-
Ma prison term Ruef spent three year
in the Ban Franclaco county Jail after
hla first indictment in November,
on a charge of extortion, , which
All Americans
On Arabic Except .
Two Accounted For
QUEBNSTOWN.s Aug. 2L-Via Lon
don.) After checking up all list ' of
Americans on the White Star line steamer
Arable, torpedoed Thursday by a German
submarine, the United States consulato
reports that the only Americans missing
are Mrs. Josephlnn Ia Brugulers and Dr.
Edmond T. Woods.
Nine Auto Parties
Robbed in Butte
' !
BUTTE,' Mont. Aug. 21.-Clty and j
county officials are searching today for
five highwaymen who held up and robbed
nine successive automobile . parties In
Butts last night Estimate of the losses
of the motorists in cash and Jewelry ap-,
proximate 15.000. The victims, several'
Of them women, were arranged in a row
and forced to hand ever their valuables.
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffe and Vklnlty
Fair;, no much change in temperature.
Tent p-ra tares at Omaha Yesterday.
6 a. in...
a. m
7 a. 111
8 a. in
V a. in ,
10 a. m
11a. 111 ,
M m
1 p. m..
2 . in..
3 p m ,
i p. tn ,..
& p. 1.1
p. m ,
1 P. m ,
8 p. in
Loral Itrcord.
Ll5. 1U14. 1S.
.... .
.... f ',
.... 70 w m
(i0 .w) T
, 7S
Itlgheet ye.terday .
ll-oweit ycaierday .
Mean tumiertoLure
Temperature and
precipitation dipart-
urea from the nermal:
Normal tenipernture
1 v(cirnvy tir thr diiy ,
Total dtfl vi-m r tme March 1
K'ormal prripltatioT
- 4
....... .3M
j? inch
.12 lr. h
Inrflriency for the day.
Total raii.fall fine March l..a.ii la I.e.
y-f ftincu Aiarcn 1 04 inch
l-fu-leru-y fur tur. rlud. 1'4 . t Ti trichos
Iwfii-iency fur cr. prind. l':3 . 08 Inches
T Indicate irHor of irtrcl:.'tatlon.
I A. V LlI,Ji;al r"oi cjter.
THE STEAMSHIP ARABIC, tows on, as it sailed from
Liverpool for America, only to be torpedoed l?y a German
submarine cff Fastnet.
I LjXJ,, -AUJm ; I
1r - s,. $ i . - ,--v
Attorney General,', in Message to
Governor, Says His Duty to
Appoint Three New Men.
(From a .Staff. .Correspondent.).
.LINCOLN, Aug. 21. (Special.)
' Members of the state railway com
4 quired .by the etatutca, and consequently
'are deprived of ' the right to hold the
j office. . ,
I This may or may not invalidate alt act
of. the commission In the past, the attor
ney general not being prepared to give
an opinion on that point. t- '
Need Comrt Decisions.
' Cfovernor If orehead would have , little
to say regarding the letter of Attorney
Oeneral 'Reed after receiving It. To news
paper men he simply said that he would
do nothing for a time, but Intimated that
the attorney general would be required
to bring In soma court decisions before
the executive would take any action.,
The attorney general la of the opinion
there fa nothing for the governor to do
now, but to appoint successors to the
present commissioners.
State Treasurer Hall says he will con- 1 For nearly a fomlgbt a powerful Oer
tlnue to pay warrants presented by the ' man sauadron waa enaaaed in an at-
commlHHlonera for salaries when they
come to Mm. ,
Text of Opinion.
Following Is the nttoroev- general's
opinion to the governor: '
"L'nder the constitution the state rail
way commission consists of three offi
cers elected by tho people. At Jhe pres
ent time Henry T. Clarke. Jr., ill, tC.
Taylor and Thomas L Hall are attempt
ing to act In tbe capacity of officers it
the state railway commission. WYt!n.
ach has taken the oath of of fleer neither
of them have ever given a too.v.'u Dona as
required by 8ectlon H, article t of the
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.
Four Linerrs Sail
for Europe with
2,000 Passengers
NEW YORK. Aug. BL Recent activi
ties of German submarines had no ap
parent effect on sa.ltngs of trans-Atlantic
ships from this port today. Four
liners flying American, British, French
and Italian fags, with more than two
thousand passenger on board, in ad
dltlon to full cargoes of exports, sailed
or prepared to. sail before night
The Cunard liner Or d una, with 2T pas
sengers, of whom seven are Americans,
left port at 10 : a. m. for Liverpool.
The American line steamship New York
was to sail at noon with 470 passengers.
The French line steamship La Touralne
with 230 passengers was to leave at I
p. m. for Bordeaux, and the Italian liner
Btampalia with 1,JB7 passengers will let
go Its line at 4 p. m. The passeugers
on th gtampalla Include more than
1.000 In the third class, the majority of
whom are men going t Italy to enlist
fur the wr
Three Russian
and , One
Battle Craft Sunk ia Clash of
Baltio Fleets.
PETROGRAD (via London), Aug.
21. A Brltieh submarine has tor
pedoed a German crul&er In the Bal
tic sea. This statement Is made In an
official announcement. n '
BERLIN, Aug. 21. Three Rus
sian Warships and one German war
ship', all small vessels, have been
sunk, In the battle in the Oulf of
Kiga. Announcement tto this effect
wa made today. : ..
. Two other German warships were VlmUX 112! ! B people Br9 b,eedlnK from thoU
put out of commission , during the came known that the Arabia had not sands and thousands of wounds.
engagement. . One ran ashore and
the other waa' damaged . ..
, . . '
.The Russian vessels which were sunk
were the gunboaU. Blvutch and Koreet
and a torpedo boat The- German shVpe
sunk or put out of " oominlsslb'n were all
torpedo boats. The damaged Gorman
boat was escorted to port
Are.JKIster Shlpe.
The Hvutch and Koreets were ster
ship. of S7S tons displacement They
..were'SU feet long, thirty-six feet beam
and eight feet deep. . They were armed
'with two 4.7 Inch guns and four three
inch guns. Their normal complement
i waa 140 men each.
tempt to force an entrance to the Oulf
of Riga for the purpose of assisting the
Oerman army, which occupies the west
ern coast of the gulf. The Russians as
serted that they repelled on August S
an attack delivers by nine German
battleships, twelve cruisers and a largo
number of destroyers.
Later the Russians announced that 1
on account of'the superiority of the
German squadron and an official com
munication received last night from Pet
rograd said that a German fleet had
renetrated the gulf and engaged the Rus
sian vessels. ..
Not In Calf.
PETROGRAD, Aug. 21 vln London).
The newspaper Ruasky Invalid states
that the chief units of the Russian Bal
tic fleet are not in the Gulf of Riga,
where a German fleet has entered and
engaged Russian naval .defenders. The
, . ."I' . ntW"P,ftr das.
is defended by mines and small war
Juror in Lawson
Case Arrested on -Perjury
TRINIDAD, Colo.. Aug. M.-G rover
Hell, a member of the Jury which on
May I convicted John R. Lam son, inter
national board member of the United
Mine Workers of America., of first de
gree inurti-r fiiljv i- a-r. s'l t Ra
ton, N. M.,' on a charge ori perjury, '
Hall's arrest wee on n,n information:
filed in the district court here by Attor
ney GVieral Farrar. It Is based on an
affidavit by Hall, Incorporated in Law
son's motion tor a new trial. In which
Hall swore that he had been coerced by
a court bailiff to eree to a verdict of
State, Department Intimates that the
German Government's Atten
tion Will Re Called to
the Ino.'dent.
7ill Give Opportunity to Present
Mitifatinjj Circumstances, if
There Are Any.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. It was
announced at the Btate department
today that Ambssstdor Gerard prob
ably will be directed to call the Ger
man governments attention 'to the
sinking of the White Star liner Ara
bic and to Invite any explanation.
This was the first Indication from
official source that Germany would
have an opportunity to give th"e rea
sons for the attack, apparently In din
rctrard of President Wilson's solemn
warning that such an art would be
regarded as deliberately unfriendly.
The BUte department's attitude Is that
It the German government has any facts
which, in Its opinion, go to mitigate the
circumstances of the attacK. the Berlin
foreign office should have opportunity to
present them.
Will Act Deliberately. '
Today's announcement, moreover. Indi
cates that before President Wilson takes
any action there mav be some nxohnnr
j of diplomatic communication.
It is stated that the State department's
policy la to show the utmost deliberation
consistent with the delicate question and
to omit no opportunity of avoiding a
sevei-ance with German so long as there
l a reasonable expectation that a suf
ficient excuae csn be given for the sink
In of the Arabic.
Although It has been reported that the
l.ern?n embasy has evidence that Can-J
lli n..i. . 1 a . . . . . -4
... . ...u ui ins atbdio naa oeen warned
and attempted to escap before the tor.
pedo was discharged. If was said at the
Btate department that no Information of
that ' kind had . been received from the
German embassy or from any other of
ficial quarter.
President Wilson and fWmi.r.' ris
ing late this afternoon conferred over the
sinking of the liner Arabia Mr. Lansing
went to the White Ilaua h
ieae rrom Ambassador Pago, which es-
BrnnuT . .niiwy mar at least two
American passengers ere missing.
ti was sam at trie White House and
Stats department that further Inform.
Hon regarding the sinking of the Arabic
woum ps secured oefore the president de.
itCo'ntlnued pn PageSrwo. ColumnTw5
Arabic. Situation
r 'Causes Further
' ". Break in Stocks
NWW TORK. Aug. al-Tho possibility,
noted in high banking circles, that ex
isting relations with Germany may neces
sitate the tfotHjInn of . i.,. ...
loan to meet porsibie emergence, caused
'"riiier unsettlemcnt in the stock market
ir' : V
?n under convoy, the entire list began
to weaken n heavy offerings of atand-
s-cd shares.
Uu, r 1 t .
br Union Pslf.o and Re.d.n,;rTUl;
Btatee Steel, which fell a point to TS
In the early dealings, soon declined to 71
Increased weakness was shown ' In the
later dealings, declines concurring with
advices, from Washington that the admin-
tatration probably .would make repreeent-
tlons : regarding the Arabia incident
through Its ambassador at Berlin.
Steel, Union Faclfto and E ailng were
among the many important shares which
fell to lowest pricee of the week, steel
losing tt at 704; while Union Pacific's
lose at 1T1 was points, and Reading's
decline at 14EVk was t points.
War stocks were the greatest suffer
ers with recessions of t to U points, Beth
lehem Steel losing the maximum amount
at 274. General Motors fell n to 100,
and New York Air Brakes t at 126 ;
minimum prices prevailed at the feverish
and excited olose.
Liner Cymric Convoyed Through
War Zone by Relays of Battleships
NEW YORK. Aug. 21, Passengers and
crew , of the While Star liner Cynorlo
asserted upon their arrival here today
that the Cymric had been cunvoyed for
M hours after leaving Liverpool, August
11, by . relays of . warships, five
tn number, and that it had not been
u.nrtl,t n nnurnmn,riil until
y,. war .one had been u-ft behind, fcev-
'fcral passengers said the periscope of
K SUUmVill. WVH .ll, w
of the Cymrio declined to discuss this
The Cymrio took virtually the eame
course as the Arabic, which waa sunk
Thursday by a German submarine. The
Cymrio carried 1W passengers of whom
106 were in the steerage.
When the steamer left Its dock the
high flag pole recently erected at' the
mouth of tbe Mersey, where ell outgoing
vessels eould not fall to see It, displayed
the warning that OsiTnan submarines
were lurking In nearby waters.
This warning, the passengers said, was
la the form of a, big black ball hoisted
at the top of the pole. It had been
agreed among ship owners at Liverpool
't was said, that the black ball was to
be the sign of danger when the ad
miralty" e warning of nearby submaihies
came to port too late to warn outglng
craft by messenger or telephone. Be
f 1
HORSE During- the war the kaiser has spent almost all
his time with the troops, crossing from one front to the
other, according to the importance of the fighting. The
figure of the emperor and his splendid mount is familiar
to almost every soldier at the front.
Mill : ) ' :"-
V:- I
!- -"1 H
; ; ; : ; 11 ,
Dr.' David, in' Speech in Reichstaj
Sayi Lust for Conquest Must '
Hot Prolonir the War.'
BERLIN,, Aug. 21. (Via London. 1
la the course of a debate today In
the Reichstag Dr. Eduard David,' the
socialist leader, said: ,
"There lives la the hearts of the
German people, as in all other peo-
Pie, a longing for the day of restora
, tion of peace. It were ill for human
ity If it were otherwise. The Euro-
Every day of the war means further
frightful destruction of values.
"Therefore, I point again to the
declaration of our party made in the
Reichstag. We adhere to the princi
ple declared on August 4, 1914, that
an end must be made to the war as
soon as our enemies are inclined to
make peace. .
Last Blast Not Pre-nil.
"Lust for conquest must not prolong
this war unnecessarily. Emperor William
said wewere waging no war of conquest
and the chancellor's speech yesterday
supplied ' further proof. Unfortunately
Germany's enemies are not yet Inclined
to peace, notwithstanding their severe
defsata. Their leading statesmen only
recently asserted the determination to
continue the war until Germany was
crushed end their plans for conquest sre
realised. They are still looking for allies
(Continued on Psge Two, Column Three"!
fore the Cymric was out of the Mersey,
sailors provisioned life boats and swung
them outward. The passengers were as
sembled and assigned their repectlve
places in the boats so thst there might
be no confusion In emergency.
When clear of Liverpool harbor, the
Cymrio sighted a small cruiser, former
ly a converted yacht, whlfff steamed
silently alongside, some times approach
ing as olose as 300 yards, till nearly
sunset when the second relay, a fast
vessel of the destroyer type, was sighted
ahewaf apparently awaiting the Cyoirio'a
arrival In Its Bona
The cruiser dropped behind and the
destroyer took it plaoe. That night
all lights, except candles, were extin
guished and every port hole was blan
keted. Tbe passengere slept with life
belt st hand. '
All next day the convoy was continued
Four destroyers passed the ship from
one to another, each warship apparently
patrolling a certain sone end acting as
the liner's escort through Its patrol. The
destroyer, according to the' Cymrio pas
sengers, darted back and forth and
around tbe ship, circling frequently.
Borne time during the night of the
twelfth the destroyers ceased thstr
solicitude over the liner end dropped behind.
l ' !
WRD flAWrTTi t DXtfl
HiiU .UUiUUilDiilllJ
- , .
. . . -
ifntain in AnnOUnoinj It Sajl
-Action Will Be Taken to Mlti-
' J ' gate Distress' Caused.
" . r-,-,. ; , . ... I
LONDON, Aug. II. Cotton has
been declared absolute contraband
by Great Britain,' accordln to a state
ment issued by the foreln office this
afternoon. ,
The statement declares that tbe
overnment proposes to Initiate meas
ures o relieve depression that mlht
temporarily distress the cotton mar-
Vet because of the contraband order,
. It was learned upon inquiry at the
foreign office that the French gov
ernment will Issue similar notice
early tomorrow. '
The issnsMsnsti
The announcement flllows:
- "Ills majesty's government has de
clared cotton absolute contraband. While
the-circumstance might have Justified
such action at an earlier period, his
majesty's government are glad to think
that local conditions of the American
Interests likely to tie affected are more
favorable for such a step than they were
a year ago, and moreover, his majesty's
government, contemplates Inlatlon of
measures te relieve as far as possible
any abnormal depression which might
temporarily disturb market conditions."
1 m
Germany Expects
To Collect Cost of
War from Enemies
and London.) Dr.
V. (Via Amsterdam
Karl Hslfferich, sec-
rotary of th German Imperial treasury
! speaking In tbe Reichstag on the second
reading of the war loan of 12,600,000,000
said: - "Until now twenty billion mark
have been oted and our estimates of
war neede still are exceeded by real ex
penaiiure. The expenditure tn one 1
month I higher by one-lhlrd than
the total expenditure for the war of 1870,
but every German knows that the sacri
fices will not be in vain. The grant of
new million mean a guarantee of un
movable determination on the pert of the
German peopla
"During the war we will not Increase
the gigantlo burden of the people by new
taxation. A tag on -war profit can only
be raised at the conclusion of the war.
The heavy burden of thousands of mill,
lions will be borne through decade by
th Instigators of th war and not by us."
Continuing, Dr. Hslfferich declared
speculative buaineaa which already, had
revived, had to be suspended as all avail
able money wa needed by tho father
land. Subscriptions to the third war loan,
he said, could be made through the post
office and small subscribers for l.OuO
marks or less would be permitted to pay
In Installments.
Dr. Hrlffsrich, discussing the war ex
penditures of various powers said:
"Up to the present the German expendi
tures have been highest, but they are now
being exoceded by Great Britain. Coali
tion of our enemies now 1 bearing almost
two-third f the total cost of the war."
Only Check to Invaders is at Ojso
weti Where They Are Un
able to Make Use of
Their Heavy Gum.
Russian Defense Along; Bailystock-Brest-Litovsk
Line Novtr Vir
tually Impossible.
Bt M.rcTi.
DERL1N. Aug. JV. .(Via Lon
don.) The Germans have captured
the Russian town of Dlclsk, twenty
five miles south of Hlalwstok, and
have driven the Russians over tan
Biala river, acording to an official
announcement given out by the Ger
many army headquarters staff.
LONDON. AugTTl.The nusiu
field armies sre tfxhtlng desperate')',
but vainly, to check tho onrush of
the Germans and Austrlans. Novo
gorglevek, the last Pollth for! reus re
hold out, has fallen. Oiikout:., to
the north of l'oland. hns rnipfci t io
Invader thus far only h-cuu-.r of t o
u.Srshy natu!' o' t'10 tuivuimH r.
c'l.unlry, wliU h pro (:: s v O ..
totu employing tiio'r b -y iu. .3 , ,'
south of Brent-Mtovrk, KI1M1I
.Iiul Von Mackenitou's lorcc
ix'netrated far beyond the Bag. Ot'act
tierman armies east of that river ren
der a serious Russian defense alonn .
the Bialystok-Brest-Lltovok lino vlr.
tually impossible.
The mysterious naval battle In the Gulf
of Riga was still in progress at tho tmi
of the latest report from rvtrogrsd.
which, however, save no details 11s t'i
the msgnitude of the action.
Along the other front no Important
changes are recorded, with the exception
of the French admission of inability to
hold the Lens-Arrss crossroad! recently
captured. -
Balkan Btatee May Join Allies.
The diplomatic problem In the'nenr
east has been brought appreciably nearer
a solution by the formation of a Greek
ministry under thai prenilership of SI,
Yenlselos and the indta-Hen. thVu . the
tfctlaft'm Serbia aaalnst Bultrarla .
1 rt flng broken down.
I ' After forty-eight hours of unusualactlv-
',fy' "ulUn n a hesvy toll of merchant-
, men traversing the naval war sone, Ger-
I rr'.11."'!!."
Kw . - im e im
pressed that the White etar liner Bovla
Is safely in port. It Is now definitely es
tablished that only ,wo Americans who
were passengers en the Arable sre miss
ing. Fremeh Oflelal Iteyort.
PARIS, Aug. 11. The French war office
this afternoon gave out a statement on
the progress of hostilities which reads:
Last night saw continued severe artil
lery fighting In the Artols district be
tween the Olse and the Alsne, In ths
Champagne district and In the Vosges. -.
In the Argonne fighting with mines
continues at Cortes Chausees and at Et.
Hubert, where we have occupied and
consolidated the crater made by a mine
explosion. .
"Two weak infantry attacks on the part
of the enemy, one at Frlse-fiur-, So,
and the other in the forest of Parroy In
Lorraine, were' eompletely repulsed
by us."
Austrian Airmen
Defeated in Fight,
. by Italian 'Planes
PARIS, Aug. 11. Italian aeroplanes de
feated an Austrian air squadron off the
Adrlatlo coast, according to a dispatch to
the Figaro from Turin. Three of the
Austrian machines were brought down
and their crews were either killed ' or
made prisoners. The Figaro's correspond
ent says that ths Italian squadron forced
an engagement upon the Austriana after
a long, stern chase. The Italian avia
tors returned to their base without loss
or Injury.
The Day 's War News
flrlally declared that th White
Star liaer Arable, lata by m Ger.
man sabanariae, was not brlna
convoyed when It was torpedoed.
FACTS REGARDING the slnklas of
tbe Arable, with the loss ef two
American lives, are bela aatb
er4 by the Washington aovvrv
mtit, whtefc ha not as yet oftl.
elsklly commented ipts the dl as
reported to tbe Italian cabinet
tba. Tar-lab sltaation, declarlna
Tarklab provocations of Italy
to have besoms Intolerable. Re
pwrte from Ronae, tbroaab Paris, .
re that Italy will nek tbe parte
te declare categorically whether
Italian sabjeets will be permitted
tn leave Tarklab posseaalea.
BULGARIA HAS concentrated 18,
OOO troops en tbe Tarklab fron
tier, eerdl t m dispatch from
- Saloalkl reeelvad la Italy.
BBd In dispatch received
late lul nlabt that m atroa Ger
man fleet bad et rated tbe iIf
Ratilsa laaval ferres there.
that troops ef Grand Dake Mrhu-'
las aro maklaif unruruU, -t..a,l
against tbe Germans Mo:ttv.rat
tbe fortress of Brest-I.ltevak.