Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
Tim BEE: OMAHA, PATHWAY. AUOITST 21. 1015. s BRIEF CITY NEWS fere mr Nrt r Hew ft tiactiis teas, S7.SO. Rurgeaa-Ortnrie T. m. Howell, recant United States At torney, located otlt at TJo-al Hiandelt Theater Bid., entrance 17th or ttth Bta. Tatars CapUi Hon iograf all n If H 1 aautloo tooar, end appears la The Baa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what aha various moving picture theaters offer. Tor Safety rim in Ufa Insurance ea W. II. lndoe, general agent State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces ter. Mass., one ot the oldest, 71 years, aad bast companla on earth. Autolsts Stop Over F. A. Oreenfelder and wife and C. E. Stuart and lh ot Clusanlng, Mich., and B. li. Tailmadge ant wife and daughter of Chicago were auto parties that stopped at the Hen haw enroute to the raclfla coast. Xmprorers Meat The regular session t tha Druid Hill Improvement club was held at the Druid Hill school Thursday evening with a large delegation present J. M. Robertson presided and Mr. Win tersteen acted aa secretary rro tern. Bays Aatolsta Break fcampa City QaM I Inspector Butler reporta that during tha last four months many gas lamp poats ; and fixtures have been broken by auto moblllsta. H declare there are threa or four eases a week. He intends to "sea about it" Sssparat with BmngsT J. TV. Ryder, charged with Mealing a kodak from tha Sherman & MoConnell Drug company, was sentenced to forty-five, daya In tha county jail. Ryder said ha was hungry and desperate or he would not have committed tha theft. Two Zraw Sixty Says William Hall and Taut Wilson of Chicago, arrested as they were trying to break Into tha Letsy Brewing company's building at Tenth ajid Davenport streets Thursday night, were each sentenced to tlaty days when arraigned In police court. Xlarstead Cannot 8 errs W. I. Kler stead called on Mayor Dahlman to state ha will not be able to serve on tha city planning board. Commissioner Hummel recommended Mr. Klorstead for appoint ment. This resident of tha Prettiest Mile explalna ha will not have tha time neoee eary to give to the city planning work which ha regards as "important Husband Has Wife Jailed for Posing To Him as Baroness' (Correspondence of tha Associated Press.) COLOGNE, Germany, Aug. IT. A de ception that began more than six months belore the start of tha war. and that was successfully practiced until this month,1 has Just been discovered. It might never have been unearthed if It had not been for the war. j In tha winter of 1913-14 a local engineer, met and fell in love with a woman named Maria Schledwk. in tiie hope of Interest ing tha engineer the woman had posed as a widowed baroness, the daughter of a prominent German general. When tha engineer at last proposed marriage his fiancee could find no' way ot rectifying the false impression. On the plea that tha general would be terribly angry to find that his daughter had married beneath her rank, tha couple want to London and there were married. Tha ' engineer on several 'occasions 'wrote letters to the ' general, but his wife, was able to Intercept each of the message and to writ answers calculated to keep the two apart. Then came the war and, eventually, tha engineer's participation In it. He had never given UP hoping that ha would some day be able to bring about a meet ing and a reconciliation with his titled and distinguished father-in-law. When he received the Iron Cross for bravery recently he decided that the proper time had come and once more wrote tha gen eral to tell him of the distinction. This letter tha general did get. and this time the engineer got a genuine answer. In which tha officer angrily and vary de cidedly disavowed any daughter 'or an sonWu-law. Tha deeply disappointed en gineer could hot find It In his heart to forgive his wife, but Instead had her ar rested on a forgery charge, which has just resulted In her being sentenced to prison for eighteen months. WONDERS IN FIRE SHOWN "War of Nations" at Douglas Countj Fair Grounds Prove! to B Great Thriller. positions, blowing up ot tulldln, the j fluey Perthes, GOVERNOR'S PORTRAIT TONIGHT The "War ot Nations" started Its Omaha engagement with great success Thursday at tha Douglas county fair grounds. Aeroplane, dirigibles, booming big guns, dynamiting of strongly-entrenched rushing about of soldiers and villagers, all the earmarks of real war were spread before tha eyes of the big crowd that came to the field of battle. The soene Is a typical Trench village. Tha Inhabitants art walking about, bent upon their publio pursulta There are tha told tors of ths garrison. It la a carnival day, apparently, for a number of vert good tumbling, comical and other stag acts are performed before tha audience while the red fire burns presaging tha battle that la to come and or which the village folks seam so unmindful. Suddenly there la the booming of tha Tha garrison rush t their positions. Rut tha enemy It too strong. Building after building fall. Then comet tha Red Cross, and tha nurses attend to tha Injured, and others gather up the dead. And night and the di-aerMon of desolation settle upon that one happy village. But the "War of Nations' doean't atop there. Following the dent r union of the town a magnificent display of fireworks wns spread before the astonished eves of the spectators. Wonder l'sa Woader. KVo-o-h!" and "A-a-h-h!" and "Isn't that be-oo-tiful!" and the Ilka were ex pressions that burst from the spectators. There were skyrockets that burst high In ths air with triple bombs (hat show ered vaH-colorad stars and followed this with a drttila of lambent sparks. Others burst In chains of firry balls thai Coated away gracefully. Some shot up In whirl ing fiery wheela. On tha ground wer a scors of big Set pieces that aMonlahed with their beauty and Ingenuity. There was a picture of Mayor Dahlman, twenty feet high. In. genlcu and true to life. Then there was a fountain about forty feet high, and from a down fauceta ramc sprays of fire In perfect representation of the water of a fountain. An Immense rose drew the applause of tha crowd. Then there wss a long tine of various animals, a dancing bear, a giraffe and runny other animals. "Teddy In the Jungle" showed a palm tree and the Intrepid hunter In flroworkt with gun extended and the shots pouring out Thee wars but a few ot tha wonderful pyrotechnic dlsplaya. Uavemor'e Nlattt Temlsjat. Tonight will be "Oovernor s nixht" and the picture of Oovernor Morehead will be shown In the set piece. Paturday evening will be "Traveling Men's and I'lks' ntsht." Biinday will be 'Teace night." Monday will be "Ragles' and Fraternal Orders' night." and Tuesday, the last evrnlnjr of the Omaha engage ment, will be "Ak-Bar-Wen nlsht." POSTAL MESSENGER KNOCKED FROM WHEEL Owen Shaffer, 14-yr-rtd rVietal mox-sena-er boy, living at tit North Twenty firth street, and a lad w?w la trying to earn enough money during th summer to pay for his winter's achoollns. wa badly Injured st Seventeenth and Farnnm yesterd.iy afternoon whea ha was knocked from his wheel by an auto driven by W. A. I.eet, the boy millionaire. The accident aa far aa could be ascer tained, wat unavoidable. Th boy's wheel waa broken and the lad's kneecap and left wrist were badly wrvnohed. Dr. Foils took rare of him. J'-l'l JJ 1. -UJ-J Low Price is Only Incidental in Sales Here It's the Satisfaction Giving Quality of the Merchandise at Whatever Price Slid, That Makes Baying Here Most Profitable Boy Severely Hurt When Hit by Auto Six-year-old Eira Hawkins of Pekln. 111., who la hers visiting his uncle and aunt. Detective and Mrs. Frank Murphy, 101 South Twenty-third street, suffered a bad fracture of his left leg and pain ful scalp lacerations yesterday evening whan he was struck by an auto at Twenty-fourth and Mason streets. The ma chine waa driven by W. H. Eggere. Dr. F. O. Bock of tha South Bide was in ths neighborhood when the accident occurred and took ths youngster to the Lord Lister hospital, where bis condition la regarded aa serious. Witnesses say the machine was moving at a high rate of speed when the acci dent happened. Tha lad was returning to his uncle's home after being sent to a nearby store on an errand. He is the son of a Pektn railroad man and with his parents, had been visiting at the Murphy home for soma time. Civilian Officer Raps Beggar's Head An Inoffensive, smallish, young man proved the downfall of Frank McGregor, a mendicant who while under influenoa i of liquor Insulted passersby near tha Pax ton hotel (or nearly half an hour yester day. Ttia Inoffensive appearing on proved to be Policeman O. P. Peterson In civilian clothing. McGregor Is now In St Joseph's hospital suffering from tha effect of a stout crack from a billy club. Peterson listened to McGregor's abuse for a minute, and then started to propel him towards the nearest patrol box. Mc Gregor, however, showed fight and auo ceeded in discoloring the officer's eye and tearing his collar. Peterson then used his club. A dosea traveling men and others near tha hotel substantiated Peterson's story. McGregor's condition may prove serious. NEBRASKA OFFICERS FOR THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION At ths meeting of the American Uaf association in Salt Lake City this week T. W. Dlackburn wss elected vice presi dent foe Nebraska, and M. A. Hall waa re-electeil to the general council. Messrs. E. W. Scacdreth of Omaha. H. II. Wil son of Lincoln, K. W. Perry of Cam bridge and C O Ryan of Grand Island wr elected to the" local council. MAIL ORDERS FILLED FROM OUR DAILY ADS. Manufacturers' Sample Lines of JEWELRY at U2 to hlO Usual Retail Prices 1 Eg for yo"P choice of over 5,000 plM of Jewelry. No two alia and soma pieces worth as hlah as $1.60. Included are sterling top A ay 1. Hat Pins, Rhinestone Bar Pint, Rhtntone Circle Pint. Cuff Links, Scarf Pint. Jet Pearl and Fancy Stone Bar Screws. Cameo brooches. La Valllcrea and hundreds of other article. $1.50 Rhinestone Hair Ornaments, Sat., 50c. SOc Children's Hair Darrettea, Sat.. 10c Vr"-' al Tir-ir l-l llsTsll"H-tlgHT-1fH-tlalln "BTtl ill aT leg lit I lit IB i MAIL ORDERS FILLED FROM OUR DAILY ADS. 2 A Big Drawing Card Choice of All PO MEN'S Spring and Summer SUITS Hart, Schaffner & Marx and other high grado makes at one price: a rfV m sjamsij 20.00 SUITS. S25.00 SUITS. .... r $30.00 SUITS All Suits aro from our own Spring and Summer stocks 7 5 7 regular Backed by our usual guarantee of satisfaction. None Except Plain Blues and Black Reserved. Act Quickly. saitkiay thk last dav. Sh Big August Shoe Sale Saturday Men's and Women's oes ana wewms Choice of the house In Women's Queen Quality Oxfords and Pumpt; prices were $4.60, $4.25 and $4.00; choice 82.83 Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Pumps, In patent, Run metal and kid; also three and tour-strap Sandalt. turned solet .82.50 Men's Shoes, In fun metal and vlcl kid, values up to $4.00 a pair, Goodyear welted solet, in two lots, two prices. .92,50 n1 $1.08 Dors' Youths' and Little Gents' good solid School Shoos, regular $1.75 and $2.00 values 81.50 d 81.00 Misses' and Child's $1.50 tun metal button shoes $1.00 Cros&ett $4.00 Oxfords, very upeclal $3.00 Stetson's $6.00 and $5.50 Oxfords $4.50 See Our Hlxtoe-nth Street Window. Summer Underwear "2S2?&mB1DI Specials for Saturday in Ladies' and Children's Under wear that should make this department a very busy place. Crepa rle Chine Corset covers In pink and white, alto gowns and combination suits and skirts to $2.00 values 80s? Children's Gowns To 750, val ues, in crepe or Nainsook, all glzes; on sale Saturday. . .$5 Children's Union Baits All sties, great snaps at 35 Women's Italian ftllk Vesta Ueautifully embroidered, also bloomers; to $3.00 values; pink or whiter Saturday ....$1.50 Ladies Knit Vnloti Suits Mads to itell to T6e, all styles, all sites, high neck, ions; sleeves, knee or ankle lengths; on sale at. .35? Women's Iltblni( Suits In fine mohairs, Jerseys and Other popular fabrics, to $1.60 values, In three lots Saturday. 91.50, 91.08, $2.U8 Children's Bathing Stilts in All Slse 50 Specials in New Neckwear, Handkerchiefs and Hand BagsFor Saturday Selling Our buyer, who recently returned from New York, Becured many splendid new lots which will bo placed on sale here Saturday at most interesting low prices. LATEST NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR Quaker Collars, 25c Collar and Cuff Sets, 25c and 50c. Fancy Neck Ruffs, 50o and $1.00. Auto Caps at 25c, 49o and 98c. Fancy Veils, lOo and 25c Yard. New Fichus at $1.00, $1.75 and $2.50. Hand Bag; Sale - 25c Handkerchiefs, 7ltc 1,000 dosea of them, in plain white or colored figures; each handkerchief slightly Imperfect, but so slight as to be unnottceable, beautifully embroidered, made to sell at 25c and 35c, choice ... 7 M Pure Linens by Dozens $3.00 to $4.25 docen values, We carry the very best lines made In America and guaran tee every bag we sell, no matter what the sale price. 40e for all leather and fine caralol bags, well worth $1. 59 for fine leather, silk lined bags, made to sell at $1.50. 98e for all leather, leather and allk lined bags, fitted, $2.00 and $2.50 values. sale prices, per dozen G06 and 00 Fine Novelty Bags, $2.50 to 95.00 Values A splendid assort ment tor selection $2.08. $1.08. $1.75. $1.25 Ladies' Silk Gloves 29c The SOc Quality Plain colore black with white stitching, white with black stitching, two-button length. Ladies' Chamolsette Gloves, 16 button length, $1 values, 40 White with black stitching. also plain white; all sizes. . Ladies' Silk Hose Ilest makes all silk or silk with llBle tops, $1.60 quality, at 0S? 50o Fibre 611k Hose, In all colors, at pair 20 Children's KAo Quality Hose, wer- cerizea lisle, in all colors, at, PHr 15 Children's Fancy ftllk. and Mer- cerlxed Socks, tho 20c quality, " Pair 13se Men's Straw Hats To $2.00 Values, Your. Choice of tho Stock for. . : Over 40 doren left for your selection. Get In early, before they're picked over. Ik.ya' Htrnw Hats, to $100 values at 4Q and 25 94.00 to 98-00 Panamna Your choice of Btock 144 left all good cnapes ana weaves S3.B5 and SI. 05 50c j ihi j ni A!? GOOD AS MONEY CAN BUY y TO BKLL AT RKQULAK l'ntCE8 M Arrni!)- Mnnnrrh Criffin ? V Ilnf and other well-known makes, In the season's bent 1 II IF? fabrics, styles and colorings, Mfx or , I II It to tl!. 50 values In three C lU 1 II III special lots ew ax a. wa t 1 Tt'It 81 LK AND RII.K MIXK SHIRTS I II l ThXtttWti Co or rn ioti ihoic, pmwpvo lK MN.V8 ATllf'KTIC UNDEKAVKAR. Nainsook, mesh rib, and allk and mercerised m l! ill IK. fabrics, to $3 00 values I 7 r t 111 . TAr . r.vjL. .r s mi id I i mi mix 1L' A , 'J II 1 - J I If M I I. U IF! I II mm:' JfajQl!Vim,jg , r rt4lUr;,''wrsw Boys' Clothing SaleDomestic Room Boys' 2-Pant Suits $2.95rSuita that ordinarily Bell at $3.50 and $3.95. Every 6uit has two pairs of knickers neat dressy styles, Norfolka, full cut, ages 6 to 16 years, On sale in the Domestic Room at ...... $2.05 Boys' Suits at $1.95 Suit that foll at $2.50 and $2.90. All of tha best fall colors to choose from; Norfolk style coat and full cut knickers. These suits aro on sale in the Domestic Room only at $1.95 Roys' BOo Knickers at SOc Worsteds, serges and casslmerea, full cut and a special bargain at l0c; on tale Saturday In the Domestic Room at 331 Men's 91. BO Worsted Trousers 91.00 Saturday we offer our 1 6t spring and summer trousers at one price, all elzet, all colors; your choice at , a-t nn Donteatio Room Only. s,1,v" August Sale Specials Hardware Department Croaata Oas troas, J 60 4 CQ valuta, fuarajnaad: . . . . Aluminum Praaarvlng Kettles, i uart slsa, 11.49 valua, at....a l-quaxt Tin fruit Cana, Gray Enameled Dish PaJia. 14-qusrt alsa. bttlurUay SAa Mrs. Potts' Nickeled 8a4 Irons, piece set, Saturday 0M Mra. PotU' Bad Iron Handlss.. American Lady Cedar Oil Mops, with 1 quart Cauar Oil, 1160 value il-B Rhaker I-lour Sieves at lo Kolllng Pins, large alsa ISO Wilson Bread Toaatera 1S4 Chupplnar Howls, large U IK pan -American Washing Machines for 100 Trunks All styles and sizes on sale Saturday at fully l4eg Than Actunl Retail Worth. All new hoods, bought at a discount front the manufacturer. Buy Saturday and save easily H. 83.50 to 815.00. Made in America ToiUt Good and Drag free With every bottle of PalmoHve hh tun poo at Sto, we will give you thrre 100 liara Palmollva Soap Tree, 16ft pkg. Borax Chips lto 1-lb. pk". itO-Mula-Team Borax ..THa 6 JOc rolla Crops Toilet Paper... S& 3 bare Ivory fcuap., 100 He bottle Orris Hoot Tooth PowcW . 'r so 11.00 bottle Dewltt'a Kidney mils So $1.00 Lottie Lydla plnkhain's Cuiri- pound for 6o ll.Ot bottle Plnaud's Hair Tonic. aoa 11.00 bottle (ial HepatUa eta It .711 Jlorllck's Maltad Ml Ilk. kosoitkl .lS S2.7S 1 .60 box Axurea or La Trefle l'ow- urr for .s&o 11.60 bottle Oriental Crtani tso 60! Jar IiLggett it's Cream for 39o KOo tube Pebeoo Tooth Paste 350 60c box Imported Rlre Powder... S5a f0c bottle hwo'av Wafers. .... BSO Sao bottls Dr. lltnkle's Cacara Ti. lots ISO , 7 60 bottle Plnaud's Toilet Water. .Sta tl-lb. sarka Peat High Orada Dla mond II. Kiour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes sack.... gl.TS 10 bar Ifeat 'Km AH, I'lajnor.d C or Laundry Queen White Launlr Boup glo I los beat White or Tellow Corn meal for if9 7 lbs. beat bulk Laundry 8tarch . . Sfte 4 Itia. bst Jiaitd PlckeA avy Beans for J50 4 lba. Taiicy Japan Rica or Tapux a tr 8J cana Oil Sardinea ....A lto Tho bast rxitiiestio Muraronl. Vermi celli or Hpatlietil, pkg TS 1916 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, lb. 18ic 1111 Spring Iunb Hindquarters, per rb 13.s lata Hpiing Lamb Kurequarters, per lb 10VS First quality Bteer Pot Roast. lb 10tt-Sts No. 1 Rib Pollins Hef. lb StS First quality I'rc-sh pork I toast, i.rr Jo SWo No. 1 lKoms-mada Pauaage, lb.. SV,o No. 1 Home-made Hamburger, lb. .10a I1IOU1) MntST trfTIitl TOM lAtVBOAT OMLT fHamond C or premium Hams, per It 16Uc No. 1 Picnic llama, lb lou, No, 1 Ien Bacon, lb lTHa No. I Im. k Baron, lb He No. 1 riU Pork, lb SSa 46c pal Pure tri1 33 Vor Picnics, Lunches, Pardee, ate, don't fittl to set our prices ou all kinds of cooked meats, etc. 6 Farmturt Specials Saturday 9M Kltehwi Cabinet,. . .Jglg OO Sliding top. cake and bread box. etc. ' 914 Library Table, Fnmed, 87.50 4u-lnch top, genuine fumed oak. 3-inch legs. ' Children's lledt. Drop Side, fi Ofl Wblte or Martin, Well made, best link spring, tx-nuine Oak DrsHer. 86-lnch and 10-lnch beteled mirror. lrge or Small Darenport, 820.00 Uolden or fumed oak, mule akin imitation black leather, guaran teed ten years. .00 Vermis Martin Beds, 83 so Heavy, coutlnuoue poet, thick 1 1-16-Inch nilers. S9.00 top, largo New Dresses, New Suits A display of the new style ideas in Fall and Winter Apparel revealing; the most expressive modes for women who seek artistic distinction in dress. Charming New Dress Styles in wonderfully broad assort ment of colorings and fabriep, wide range of prices. Sur prising valuct at every price. See tliese new beauties Saturday at. . . .$15.00, $19.50, $25X0, $35.00 up to $50.00 Classy New Fall Tailored Suits Surpassing in variety of designs for selection and quality, at each of the many prices, any previous showing. You'll like them im mensely $12.75, $15X0, $19.50, $25.00 up to $65.00 Hammer Tailored hulls, ftl'J to 920 value, 93.00 Fine Palm Beaches, white serges and dark wool suits; to close Saturday at'. .85.00 CM) Hununrr Drcsnes that sold up to 125.00. besutlful designs, in broad assort ment of colora and mater ials; three lets 81.05. 82.05. S4.05 requisite Gowns and liv In beautiful embroidered nets, laces, tllk tatfetas, cree de chines, novelty silks, etc., to $15.00 values at 814.75 50 Hils; Drvss Skirts -Made to tell at 115.00 and 118.00; come In plain colora, plaids and stripes; special Saturday 810.00 Beautiful Hummer V1U Lin geries, Organdies, etc., that old tt ft. 00 and $3.60; on sale Sat urday ....81.09 Hundreds of New Fall Waists Now on Display. Children's Hummer Dreasea Over five hundred of them at J 1ST HALK PK1CE. Big assortment, all sizes. 16 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Suzar, $1.00 .Mvii::::::::K ?Wl' frape-Nute, Pkg Uo TUB BEST ITgionTniM 9VT V "OVM tB4CUI "OW IS cakes Cupid Toilt 8p. ..... .lto KUOa. per Sosea. . gaa VOS VTSB, J-lb. cake Paklna Cho-...te ... Ue The Ur.t Creamery liutter. carton or D.ishet Pat.keLa Fancy Arkaneaa Kl- Ma.Larena I'eajiut Huiter, lb..liUo bulk, lh t8o Iwrta Kraeeton, J-eafh.a. nothln. Jancy Larire Queer, i pi I Tea. quart. a&e Famy Country Creamery Butter, finer, per bushel rancy Cullforiila Hlpe OllTes. 1-M. crib ' ' u. r.. ("vii,...!- vik.,.. as-.J...n. fans Ilrrshev's Hreakfsst Cocoa, lb. least 'cni, pkg., ..100 , .e .So Vuncy yn Cream. New York White, wiaronsin L'rm or Young Angelina Cheese, per lb , gOO ;IT PAYS-TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS' ei'hea. irate Stfe 'Kjtkut cm tee Arkaniaa GUbert I'renalone 1'esches BOo MB VIOBTAItl KSIIT CI Pweat coin, par duseu 1B ' 4 bum-hea i-Vfah or Carrota So J-lbs. Knncy Wan or lre-n beaiia itn bunrhea rteali Madlshea or Oiilone T , 4 larsa )t.w 1-Yeah Cabbage te 4 lar;i Urren I'eppera So ! stalk Freeh Ciery to Kunuy leiiver Cauliflower, lb. raniy rwot 1'WluloeH, 10. 1 Curiuiihera . . . . , 9 hi-Mila h leaf Ix-ttuce... t Inrae 8un lluni'hea 4 bunchva Fresh I'aralty ..... IPs .go