Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATHHiAY. AHir-T 21. GALYESTOH BACK Oil THE MAP AGAIN Wire Serrice Bettored and Li it of Dead Learned to Be Over Score. URGENT APPEAL FOR AID GALVESTON. Tm., Aug. 20. Wire service wai restored to Galvee ton today by the Western Union. The first meM(t out of the city ulnce Monday vii an Associated Pri dis patch saying Galveston's known Iom of We w. eight killed In the city proper and twenty-five tn the low sec tions on the western portion of the Island. Water aervlce U expected to be Teeumed tonUht. There In plenty of food In the city. An wrfent appeal of fllUmi of Oalves ton anil of ilic slate of Texas for aid -as sent otit today hy residents of the mll villa?" of Anliimle, Wsllarevllle, Ksnksmer. Cloiyflon. Esle. Glenn, Dou ble Bayou and Fmlth Point. They sre on the east vide of Galveston bay. The appeal eitlJ every villa waa in dire need, but cave no detail. Deeles raand at Tesaa CHr. TEXAS CITY. Tex.. Aug. . Nine bodies were picked tip yesterday on a dyka near tM cMy. and today tha crew of tbe t-ndr Itowan, which recovered them, aald that twenty-nine more bodies lay on this dyke. It waa thought Part of these bodies mltht be thoee of moo from tha dredeboat Houston, wrecked three miles- off Texas City. There, are only four known survivors of a crew of forty-four from tha Houston. Mat ef Dead. HOUSTON. Tew.. Aug. 20-Dlspatehee filed In Oalveeton yesterday and reaching here today, giving a death Hat of thirteen .and aaylng a flat car had been aent down tha laland for mora bodies, war supple mented by private reports today that a number of bod lea had been brought tn on the car. Galveston laland Is forty miles long and it Is reported that many bodies from the mainland hare washed ashore along the laland. The death Hat from the gulf storm In creased slightly today and the mlss'ng list decreased conaiderably. The known dead Hat waa 11 today. Including thirteen known dead in Oalveeton. It is expected the dead will be Increased by a doaen or more when the Virginia Point hotel collapse Is cleared up. Twenty persona are Hated as mlaeing In this Col lapse, and up to today no trace of theae miaalng tiaa been reported here. Missies at Bolivar Safe. Reports indicated that the thirty per sons yesterday Hated aa miaalng at Boli var had been found. A conservative estimate of the mlasing today was leas than 100. lleports from Oalveeton were optlmle tie for rapid recovery of the city's routea for food supply and for early establish ment of wire connection. With reports thai tli. crewe of ' the dredgo boats cfem Houston and Pen Ja cinto were safe, the miaalng Hat was tut down from H prevleue mark of Nt. The dredgea -were 'found lant night 'aground t ear the' Houston ship canal. V That trains would be running Into Texas City on regular schedules today waa announced today fcy the railroad of f Ic.ale here. A rcaaaurlng ' statement of conditions In the atorm swept area was i sailed hero by Governor Kergueon, who baa taken harge of the general relief work. "My Information la that the toaa of life la not great and the local authorities will be able to handle the situation without assistance," the statement said. Maar im IIvaia Hospitals. Evidence of the unusual destructive ness of Monday's hurricane was seen In Houston's hospitals today, which house between fifty and 100 persona either In Jured In the storm or suffering from ' Illness contracted In long exposure. Moat of these patients are from towns along the coast. Many are auffsring from snake bite a real danger In a coast hur ricane because the waters drive anakes t:pon the few objects above water. Mar vin Proctor of Lynchburg Is In a seri ous condition on account of a moccasin Nte, With his baby he had been driven -nto the water ar.d waa trying to build a raft with bo&rda 'blown from his home when tbe snake bit him on tha hand. He carried the baby until Wednesday morning, although ona arm was swollen to nearly twice its normal else. On Wednesday a launch picked him up, Cltlsens from Watlacevllle, a town of j about 1.000 lnhabitanta on the east side of the Galveaton bay, appealed today for aid, saying that only three houses remain In their town. They estimated tt toft bead of stork drowned In "hsmbere county, where Wallaoeville Is : Hunted. They aald alao there 1 worry over the fata of aeventy-ftve inhabitants of :-iiiith's Point, a peninsula jutting fur jut into the bay, O. A. Fredericks of Ill. and K. 3. Wt.lulj of Houston, who were tn the Virginia Point holl when It collspsed, were washed out to sea and after floating- about on wreckage for several hours, urro washed back acain by a change of th wind. Girl llosli fcislr Miles. A young girt of IS, found en Galvunton !i unH,itscloiia, when tvvlved aald aha ra at Vela mo. nesily sixty miles dis tant when the hurricane struck. Phe hers mo unettnsrtous again aiv. lnik any other liifurmslimi. General J. Franklin Hill, commanding tha second div l.lun of the Untied fitatea army at Texas City, lias written to Mayor Hen Campbell of Houston urging tlmt travel of perio:ui from Houston to Tcxss City and r.alvo.tou be prohibited i they are 'coinmed in the well- fare of relatives In either city. Cien- nl Ie11 told the mayor that Galveston authorities were refusing to let persons from the mainland enter the city unless lit had good excuse for landing. Texas City, the general said. Is utterly without 1cm k fi-lilile to handle crowds cf curiosity srekera. Tbe burning of Lodies of dead aulmals t'rtui- haa begun In the country outside Houston and in many other sections of l.'.fc count. Two Small British Steamships Sunk ijO.VDON-. a i. yTo -uniXl iHltlih 'v;M-ra, tuo U t j-in. 1 and the tuiroM i.ib lrie, hve U . i.k l,y lit sub--4',. Ltb crews were feavid. MEN WIIO MADE OPENINO OP NEW UNIVERSITY CLUB A SUCCESS Officers and directors of the popular club orgarusad by ex-collegiar.s. ( q q Q - x 1 j t f t r - : ; t f , . ; - - : , . v'-- I j ) ' " V J " ' 1 Front How Jyft to Right A. R. Wells. TI. C. Everts, If. M. Rogers, president: If. W. Plernont. Victor Dletx. secretary. Cecond Row Charles K. Foster. Or, R. T. Manning. Amoa Thomas, vice president', fr, R. Owen, vice president: ficorse W. Humncr, vlco president- Third How Sam Rees, Jr.; C. 11. Iodd, arcnltectiiral designer; F. Richardson, V, It. Edgerly. ' FOUR AMEEICANS AMONG MISSING; BERLINNERVOUS (Continued from Tage One.) sent by Louis 8. iirugulere, who waa accompanying his mother on the Arabic. It read: "Mother Is lost Will cable again later.- Mrs. Josephine Brugutere waa promi nent socially In New York, Newport and Nan Francisco. fteverel A merle as II art. QUEE.N8T0WN, Aug. ).-Beveral of the American survivors of the Arabic dlaaster were Injured. A statement made here today by Louis Brugulere, a pasaenger on the AraMo, Indicates there Is no daubt that his mother, Hra. Joeephtrve L. Rrugttlere, an American, waa drowned. Ur. Brugulera said his mother disappeared after being In tha water for about twenty minutes. Last I,eave Heal. I fr. Rruguiere said ha and his mother were the last to leave the promenade deck. They reached thla deck after the last boat had left the ship. This Wt waa too far away to be reached by his mother. . . When they were swept Into the water Mr. Iirugulere aald he swam for twenty minutes with his mother. Then hie heed was struck by a piece of wreckage and he waa forced momentarily to release his . hold on her. When he came aguln to the aurfaco Mrs. BruguJere had disappeared. Half an hour later the eon was araggca aboaid one of the ship's small boats. In this boat he foind his two bulldogs, which he had thrown overboard. All of I ho Americans lost their personal effects. They were to leave tonight for Liverpool. The American ecnsul at Queenstown. Lewis. C. Thompson. Is supplying the Amorlcai survivors with all necessities. la)ala Calle far Afftdavlte. WASHINGTON. Aug. JO. Later today Secretary Lenalng announced be had In structed the embassy at London and the American consuls la i the vicinity to , ...i... .rM.vit. frma Amarlcansi on '. tu,. 4 th Arhta- A dispatch to tha State department from ) the American consul at Liverpool, given out lata today, gave the name of tha following four Americans not w tha list of the Arabic's survivors. Mrs. Josephine L. Brugulera, James Houltgan, fcdmund F. Wood and Thomas Elmore. Mesaaae Xet Delayed. This message, dated today, reached tha department at 3.10 p. m., and had 4een relayed by Ambassador Page at Lohdoa. Tbe name of Houlihan and Elmore ap peared on a list of sixteen survivors ca bled lata last night by Vice Consul Thompson at Queenstown. and official are not Inclined to accept the Liverpool consul's Information as final until Thomp son has been heard from. Another dlnpatch from Vice Consul Thompson to the Mate department, sent from Queenstown last night, quotod a brief account of the torpedoing of the Arabic from one of the passengers wha name the Slate department did not make public The passenger aald he had come on deck to breakfast and was looking at the steamship Dunaloy, which had been torpedoed and waa sinking. Here II Cornea .twl" "Bom one said, 'Here tt comes now', the paasenger declared, according to the Thompson dispatch. "I looked and saw a torpedo coining, about SO yards away. It struck tha Arabic on the star board side about feet from the stern and three feet below the water line." The passenger said the captain immedi ately ordered everyone to the boats aud that perfect order travailed while the boats were being loaded and lowered, which took only a short tints. The boat drifted for four hours and a half before the rescue steamers responded to wlreleaa calls for aid flashed before the Arablo sank. Lawrence Bruner Is Honored at the Fair HAS FRANCISCO. Aug. .-Lwrenc Pruner of Lincoln, Neb., professor of entomology at the University of Nebraska and state cnwoioloirlst, waa honored jres terdar at Paoama-Paclftc si position ae ' one of Nebraska's most distinguished clU-'. sens because of his work tn leading the I fight against destructive Insects. Ne-1 braskans resident here, members of the Nsbtaska Society of California and of the I'nlrtrsity of Nebraska ! artirtpated In a progrsm of addresses and receptions. A commemorative bronse plate was presented to Or. bruner. PLAN GET-TOGETHER MEET Democrat! at Lincoln Have Number of Seniont in View for Fall and Winter. TO START AT THE STATE FAIS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOUN. Aug. aWSpeclaU-The spe cial democratic committee, constating of Mate Auditor Hmith. Colonel Maher, Karl Gaddla, W. B. Eactham and Clarence Harmon, appointed by the "get-together" I meeting of democrats last Paturday even ing to arrange for a day to be known as "Woodrow Wilson" day at the state fair, met this morning In solemn and ex ecutive conclave In the private office of the state auditor and agreed on Wednesday, t ember 8, as the day. Thla give the state fair varied attrac tions for the first three day a. Monday will be Billy Sunday day, Tuesday Joe Etecher day and Wednesday Wood row Wilson day. ' it la understood that Colonel Maher msisiea trial a committee ahouid be ap pointed to meet Governor Punno of Illi nois, who will be one of the speakers, and escort him to one of the hotels, where he cwHd get a drink. This was op posed by Clarence liarman. The matter was finally fixed up by leaving It for anybody who wished to meet the gov ernor and take him anywhere he wanted to go. Tha meeting next Saturday night at the LindeU hotel Is expected to be a model of get-together spirits. vVhlle the committee Is contending that everything is harmonious. It la interesting to note that In the Invitations sent out by tbe committee, which, consists of Fire Com missioner W. B. Bidgell, Otto W. Meier and Deputy State Treasurer Henry Berge. the note reads: "Tou are cordially invited to attend a 'Get-together banquet at the Llndcll hotel, which la one of a series of 'get together meetings to be held the com ing winter." la tha state of feeling which exists be tween many democrats who "will be at ""'""' may oe necessary to no something to "keep -era apart" instead of I letting them "get together." SOUTHERN HURRICANE MAY POSTPONE REDDING (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. .-8pecli. Lincoln people are much Interested In the reports coming from Galveston, aa the fort where Lieutenant Allen P. CowglU, who is to marry Miss Helen Svhwind of Francltas, Tex., a former Lincoln girl, was washed away by the flood. Lieutenant Cowglll'a parents reside In this city. The condition of the roads there will probably not allow the lieutenant to reach Franoitaa In time for the wedding, while tha condi tions which prevail may not permit his absence and the wedding may have to be postponed. BEATON'S DRUG BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY J5c Sainton's Talcum rowder.7tt tie Tarrant's Dermol Powder.7c 25c'DeMars' Almond Soap, extra special, Saturday, per rake. 54 26c 4711 White Rose Glycerin Roap 12C 10c Ivory Soap, 3 rakes. ... lfc $1.50 Thermos Bottles, Pints 81.10 12.50 Thermos Dotles, Quarts 81.03 10c Fhyslcians' and Surgeons' Soap, per cake G rilOTO DEl'AKTMENT. So M. Q. Developer, 10 pkfs. (or.... $2.00 Film Pack Cameras $1.C0 Developing and Printing Outfit. $15.00 Ansco Cameras $1 Trato or Fruttola 7J 25c Sloan's Muiiurnt 17 60c Chamberlain's Liniment. It 1c 60c Hays' Hair Health 2ttf 20c Walnutta Hair Stain. . . . IOC 26c Mecca Compound 17 C 60o Cutlcura Salv ....... I.'.c Mustard Cerate. 1'2C $3.75 Horllck'i Malted Milk (or S2.74 60e Liquid Veneer 20 .EATON DRUG CO. 15th and Fare am Streets FREMONT MAN CHANGED BOOKIGS FROM ARABIC FREMONT, Neb., Aug. aa (Special.) Rev. W. H. Downing, pastor of the First Methodist church of Nlckerson, who re turned from a summer's visit to his old home in England, accompanied by his bride, had booked passage on the Arable, a victim of a German torpedo, but changed to an American line ateamer whon his relatives Insisted. The danger of making the trip on an Ekigllsk liner were pointed out and he decided to pay the higher price for passage on the American steamer. Mr. Downing describee tha conditions In England as deplorable owing to the war. Business Is at a atandstill and the govern ment is taking over the ammunition fao torles aa rapidly as possible for the pur pose of increasing the output of muni tions. The strictest regulations are en forced regarding traveling by government officials. Even tourists are prohibited from taking photographs. The Bt, Paul, tha ateamer on which Mr. Downing made the return trip. brought to America the crew of tha Leelanaw, the American freighter sunk by a German torpedo. Mr. Downing graduated from tha Fre- mon High school Inst June and left soon after the clos of school for Cornwall England, where he waa married to a childhood playmate. . BEDDEO WILL TRUST YOU For all the clothes you need, no matter where you live. Pay $1.00 a Week 1417 Douglas Safemuic Infants ad Invalids IHiOEiLlCst'S ins onsarut HALTED MILK Tha Food-Drink for all Ago Rich milk, anal tad grain, is powder form. For iaf ants, invalids tal growing cKDdroa. Pure nutrition, upbuilding (U whole body, invigorate nursing mothers asi the aged. Mora healthful than tea or coffee. Vnlema you may ItonLICtCS you tztmy got at BubstttutOm 25c French Squares, 3 for. . .25c 3to Broadway Bath Soap, with Rubber Sponge 25c cake Colgate's Violet or Kos Soap. 3 (or 25 25c Uromo Seltier H 25c Sal Hepatlca fjc 75c Jad Salts 52c 25c Lysol u,c 6-gr. Asperln Tablets, doi..J5 50e Bot. 100 Phenolax Tablets Tor 10 60c Swamp Hoot 37c 2Sc ttse S15 60c Marmola 2fC $1 Sargol 7 60c Canthroi 28 50c Pompelao Massage Cream for 2S 60c Pompelan Night Cream. 2.s 50c Kodol Dyspepsia TabletaHtf 25e Dewltt'g F.arly Risers. . .12t 26c Dewltt'a Witch Haiel Salve tor 14 75o Monogram Stationery . . 20 EUMORS OF MORE ATLANTIC LINERS SENT TO BOTTOM a cargo for Bristol, which If landed safely. On August 1. It left Bristol tn ballast oa Its return trip. Its agents here received confirmation of Ita sinking late today, Olvea TLIttle Comfort. Queenstown Interpretation of the dln tnrblng rumors about the Lantand failed, however, tc give mooh comfort to the Lapland's owners. The Lapland, a Red Htar liner tnder charter to the White Star line, sailed from this port with Jit passengers and a large ind valuable cargo on tho afternoon ot August 13. When It steamed down the Hudson it was remarked that It was loaded heavily and lay low In the water. The usual rigid Inspection of merchan dise and bag-gnae taken aboard was ap plied In Its case, private detectives aiding the officials In examining baggage. It was expected to arrive in Liverpool late tonUrht or tomorrow morning, and the fact that it was due In the war sone added to the apprehension of the line officials here. P. f. A, Franklin, receiver of the In ternational Mercantile Marine company, endeavored to learn by cable whether the Arabic; waa convoyed. The significance of an armed convoy, he said, was such that an entirely new aspect would be placed on the incident should It be es tablished, as soma reports have Inti mated, that a British war ship waa con THOMPSON, BELDEN COMPANY- First Fall Fashions In Fascinating Variety i The Omaha Gas Company's Sale of Gas Appliances Get a Beautiful Dome At Less Than Cost There's nothing mere delightful than to have a beau tiful Gas Dome suspended over the dining table. It shed a warm, mellow light over tho evening repast, inspiring tired Father with a sense of quiet, restful repose, and shedding a subdued radiance over tho bright faces of thu happy family circle. And why not inject these desirable features into YOUR hornet It won't cost much Just look at these prices on Domes: $14.50 Domes now $9.00 $14.75 Domes now $10.00 $15.50 Domes now $11.00 $15.00 Domes now $12.00 Different styles and colorings, perfectly good just shopworn that's all. - VELSaCH LAMPS These are the Reflex lamps, best in the world. Made with one inverted burner. Different style globes. Nolo the values: $1.50 values.. 75d $255 values... 90d $2.50 values. $1.00 OAS BRACKETS Oftentimes a new Gaa Bracket la needed about the house. If bought at the regular price It costs considerable, but here are some tn close out at less than half. Different style and fin ishea in brass, at the new prices 40c to $1.50 The Omaha 1509 Howard voying It or had been convoying It a short time before the torpedo was fired. Kiasilaes Reporte. Falling to obtain an answer to his in quiry, Mr. Franklin examined the news, paper reports and declared It his belief that the steamer had not been convoyed. "No word had been received from the British admiralty," Mr. Frank hn said, "that the vensel would be convoyed. No agreement was made to convoy It. To the beat of my knowledge there was no convoy, and 1 think I would have been advised If there had been one." Had the vessel been convoyed, Mr. Franklin argued, it would have been sub ject to attack by a submarine without warning. The Bovie was a freighter and on Its last trip sailed on August S from New Tork for Manchester, England. When it sailed from here the Bovic was loaded to rapacity with a general cargo, Including, It is said, large quan tities of war munitions. It carried no pas sengers. The entire crew of more than 160 was signed up In England and there were be lieved to be no Americans among the number. Wheat, eteel, lend. oil. chemicals and automobiles comprised the bulk of the Bovlc'a cargo. Other than the first report which came to a newa agency from a firm of British shipping agents no Information had been .received of the Bovlo at 0:45 p. m. today. Rimer LapUta4 task. QUEENSTOWN, Aug. J0.-A report waa circulated here today that the White Star liner Lapland had been sunk. There waa no confirmation of this report. How deMghtful tho new things seem when they first appear! What a pleasure to possess and wear them before they become common. Omaha women who are eager to be the first will find Thompson, Belden 8c Co. earliest to meet their desire. The New Suits and Coats what charming styles, rich and pleasing fabrics, handsome and even sumpt uous linings, and there are prob ably fifty distinctly new styles to select from oh Saturday morning. Fur trimmings on collar, cuffs and around the bottom of the skirt enrich many handsome models. What a charming change they of fer to women and girls right now, when new things are such a de light. Other novel collections will be found in tho Blouse and Negligee Section. Not full stocks anywhere, of course, but most alluring for their newness and freshness. ART CLASS GLOBKS We know it's hard to be lieve, but we have cut glass globes, three-star cut. de signs, which were priced $3.00; now Just !"..15c imagine . , Other globea of all klnda and colorings, regular $1.76 and $2.00 values 15c M ELeillACH MANTLES Tou know how good these Vv'els bach Gas Mantles are. And you will want acme to equip the new fixtures you will be buying at this sale. We have a bi stock on hand ready to supply you. Ex cellent values at tha prices oi 10c and 3 for 25c Gas Company Street, Near 16th. and U Is considered probable that tfri Lapland was confused with tbe British steamer New Tork City, torpedoed ye terday, whose crew was landed today. The Lapland, a Red Star liner und , charter to tha White 8tar Hne, sailed t from New Tork on August II tor Liver. pool. It Is due In Liverpool lata today oi early tomorrow. HYMENEAL ewsnasr-Wrightea. STELLA, Neb.. Aug. IC-Opeclal.)-Miss Edna May Wrighton. a former Stella girl, waa married this week to Arthul C. Bowman at Salt Lake City. Utah, They will spend a few weeks In the wesl and will be at home after Septembet 13 at Ooffeyvllle. Kan., where Mr. Bow man has a nice home furnished read? for their occupancy. Mr. Bowman Is In the real estate business at Ooffeyvllle, and for tbe last three years his bride has been clerk of the school board In that city. Department Orders. WASHINGTON. Aug. . Spec1al Tel eg ram.) Nebraska pensions granted; Mary A. Fink. Nellgh. Neb., $13; Henri, etta Phelps, Lexington, $12. Rural mail routes will be established on Ootober 1 in Wyoming as follows! Jlreh, Niobrara county, one roHe. lengtli twenty mtlea, famlllea served sixty: Kee llne. Niobrara county, one route, lengtit 24 4fl miles, families served seventy. Mlohael J. McGrath has been appointed poatmaster at Haverhl'l, Marshall county, Iowa, vice M. L. Krler. The First National bank of Lincoln has been approved as reserve agent for the First Netional bank of Havelock. Neb.; the Mechanics and Metal National bank of New York for the Farmers Nrlonal bank of Belden, Neb. AMTJSEMCXTS. QRAHDEISj aj u miTn I Last Two limes "ihi acajamxAtra or mi't'i" Wsck BeglaiUnr Tomorrow XTlfht, "TKa st ocx. rsjarsoTx Edward Lynch F1SS!n'M Otis IMbmt'i Bemaatlo Drama, "thi moaoa or tmm FAWir Katlneea, loo, 83c Uvfe, S6o, 36o, SOe LAKE r.1AUAl7A Bathing. Boating, Dancing And O.her Attraction Free Moving Pictures This Evr-nlriB CilAIlLIE CHAP LIN' in WA Gentleman of Nerve." Others: "Station Contest, M "Wish iiig Stone" and "Actor and Robe." M.Y,ofA. of A. Picnic and Outing At Beautiful BSUSTTTB, Batwaay, Aaa-uat aist, Baaa Ooaeert, Saaetaar. Ball Otsm, ss, Unix Contests, orms ceralvtl. All Bay a4 BToalsg all rree. RTiVlHi 'flilljiv.'fll fS4 iZt err n sSh.Vmsc J AW r& ?Cv W I t