Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
THE IW.K: OMAHA. ,ATl !).V. A! (Jl T Jl. I'M ... 11 rt J ron rkxt Mestmra ana riixr. Serf. 4JKB RT,OCK 24TH uxa ts. r. and limit, full l-uiry, ..uar. OKEKKB REAL ESTATE CO. I"l Omht National. Doug, 271. If-AITIFLI.. horn, tn perfect condition: bfamed rrillnga, window Brut, nnk floor. toTfntii ln porch with afnlng, fin garage. If you want something food. e thin. Northeast cornrr of ma and Wirt Pta. Frio M.ooft. Web. M7. TO colored. 5-r. housr. Trl. Web. nt I I REAL E8TATH I Sebraska. FARM BARtlAlN. I t wt'l s-41 at a bargain Rood southeast ."venrajtka Improved (arm or in I'M, l near good town; mran business, no trade. I write owner. I1 :, Her. o oath UnVati, GET oVST Snaps tn eastern county land and equities. bank. Marcus, 8. D. Flrrt Slate 26B OHIv Modrrte, not wairr nrat; liv ing room, dining room, library, kitchen, reception hall, first floor; three bedroupi, bath, upstairs. Harney tnio. 1 r xms. 640 ACRE-1 OF CORN, WHEAT AND T ROOMS, strictly midcrn. full lot. on paved atrrrt. SS blocks from car line; rent, per month. J H. Dl'MOXT CO., Dcmglaa 3o, 414, Statr Rank. 3 6-R. cottaara. mod. ex. hrat. iM OhT SMI N. l!tri cor. lot. Trl. Web. 37" w I alfalfa land, tifir Amanllo. Texas; level, (rood aoll; fenced all around; M acre under cultivation. Worth 840 prr err. Will aril for $. Tcrma. Address John Sehmorker, Columbus. Neb -R, honor, ana, rlrc. Itartitn. water. 115. XXM Mandorson, Tel Wrb. 741. T ROOMS atrlctlv modern. gnrae. pavrd street shads .22d and txicual. W. ft. VERY pleasant 7-room limine, mod. ey, hrat. and nlcr yard: 1 block from 241 h St. car: 820. 371S N. 23d. Wrn. t'i. oaf a. (S-RoOM. modern houar. WT. Jones. 83 par month J I. Kemp. Doualna 3S7. For Rent Smith bair of double brie aouae T rooml, 4 bedroom, all modern, at South 9th tit., near Park reboot, on" block east of Haoscow para. Tel. Harney UO. NEW B-r. houar, all mod. except hrat, MB Msrcy St.. Telephone Wrb. 07. NEW, MODKHN BUNGALOW. T rooma. oak finish, 3 bed rooma. $2. 17 9. 2jth Ft. West. 7-ROOM modern houar, Sv? Jackson fc-t , 822,60. Appl y at R y ron Herd MlarelVeueuna. Iff)-ACRE farm, til prr acre, 130 cajh and 120 nrr month; no Intarrat: rich aoll; fine land: pure water, good tltln. Write W. T. Young. Jr.. Kimball. Neb. BL ESTATE LOANH FARM L'.ANS, C PER CKNT. TOLA ND TRUMBULL, 449 Re nidi. HW TO $!(). mad promrttv. F. U. Wend, Weed Rlrjr IRth and Famam Ptm, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whet Saffera Sharp Decline, Bet ter Grades Dropping- Two to Three Cent in Price. CORN MARKET IS STEADY CITY and farm lomna, &, ptr cent J. H. Oumont Co.. 1 State Bank. CITT property, t-arae loana a apoclalty. W. H. Thomaa. 8 8tate Bank H'dr WANTKD-Oood farm and"clty loana at loweat ratra. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1M Farnam. OMAHA hnmn. East Nrhraaka farm. O'KF.KFB REAL FSTATK CO.. Ifli Opiha National, 'hone r"Ul"aT. VO.SKV un hand lor city and tarm loan, M. W. Rlndrr. City National Rank Bid il'K ue flrat for farm loana in eaatrro, Neh. Unltrd Statra Truat Co.. Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C Q. Carlbrg, WANTED City and farm loana; lowrat rate. W. Q. Tern piston. 601 Bern. T. Mi Mlwr llanroaa. Sow Mason, a rooms, all modern t0 Mil Maaon St., 8 rim., all mod 3t 212 N. 19th St.. rma., mod. rx. ht....r7 I'M 8. 17th St.. rma.. all mod tli W24 Maple St.. 7 rma.. all mod lij 4121 N. 25th Ave., & rma.. mod. ex. ht..) JffU Chicago St., 5 rma., mod. ex. ht....l30 2f.7l Kmmet St., 7 rma., mod. rx. ht....$tf inu racinc Bt., 4 rma., mod. ex. ht 15 2014 Charles St.. 4 r m.. all mod 114 BIRK.ETT CO., a Be BldK- Doug. 33. IUO 8-room houar for rrnt. gaa. water and bath; price, JI8. Phone Wrbtrr :5t RKAIi MTATE FOJt KXCHANOK FOR RENT R rma., cloar In. Trl. O. gVU. ONE 4 and one b-room house, good con dition. Tel. Webatrr 6153. 6 AND 7-room houara near high achool, part modern. Trl. Renaon fvS3-J. 35 Bu. Wheat Per Acre One man haa taken till off hla half "ecuon in Wyoming Jurt over Nrbraaka , lino. Put your monry where crop will pa.y for land In one or tno yrara. Aak ua to ahow you 320 acre cloae to main line r. p., all level, and fit to cultivate. I lAng time terma. per acre now, bal ance aeven annuaJ nivmnnti Ymi tn, only one day from Omaha. Write when we can meet you. Aak for plcture-foldei. O'Kopfo Roal Estate Co., 111 Omaha National. Doug. 271S. WANT to exchange a weatrm Nrbraaka ' Improved farm of 32ft ,rrii ttw n A.t. . em Nebraaka or Iowa farm of equal value, or good income property In Omaha or elsewhere. Addrraa V 674. Bee. FIDELITY bcrtok FKIiE Phoa tojj?la fot complete Hat of vacant bouse and apartments; also for storage, movtnr Itlth nnd Jackson ta. H1Q11KT prtcra lor old clothing. D 4714. kKK tlirf Cuiitrat r".irnltura .Stor. rRDB RFKTAL LIST. flniiKOti Orelgh Bona Co.. Ha., biug GlobeVan&Storage Store, meves, pacms ships; -hor. van and 1 men, tl.K per hr. : atnran,- 13 p-r m Sattefactlon guar, n. 4X3S Ty. 1H Gordon Van Co. &3 ttl N. Dth St. Tel n 4 or Web. IK Maggard teg., shipping. lJu Webster Bi V uslaa lM. f Van and ,"to. a S co. call ua :or s Exp. Co., movum, packing A aiorann 10T Fkrnara. u. ltl WANTED TO BU OFFriCfc furmtur bouclii and aolO. J. C Ked. 1W1 Karnam. EXiug. 4 "WANTED To, bulldog pup. What hava you to offer? J. C. iteatty, 215 N. rublo St., Fremont, Neb. W'A.NTKD Keliabl real ertata company to sell luge tract of Texas land, sub divided- Andreas Box 16. W internet, la. m ti tiinia -ii'i tmnu. Wao. 4i)4. auauujr uw iuh siaiw iimim 1. lulf. WANTED TU RENT W AW'l'lfiU-ioung bualitcM nmn demna furnished room in private family; loca tion roust cloae In; references gven. Ad orcsa t;K?, tare Tne Bre. WANTED One lare ttnf urniahed. or two email. Famam district. Address F 1M4, Bee. REAL ESTATE FA KM Jt HA II LSu Foil S A L hi Uvt Oak Colonic non ocllei. A'. T. Smith Co.. PU-14 City Nut, ila. 1. ai a Una. ( Some Bargain Want to nrf to Uiukiw. tde house, new In iswit, goou barn, to sood aneue, brick chicken lious (will hvb ttio ciiickens tn It), ait three lots faclutf euat. good location, two blocks from car, nut L0 l:ioe to lotou, Mliutt lult'uve- ments, will sell cheap for cash, will make arrangements fur payments If you have large sum to Pay down. Address U-W6, Be. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR ciALJi? Writ , good description of your land nd n4 It to Ui eioux City, la.. Journal. Most fowartul Want Ad M dlum." Twoty-flv words every FriiUy rvening, batuiday morning ana svery Saturday evening and suuday moruing (or one niontn, gilug aiAUeu ads va twelve different aays (or or 6u woras, M. or 4 woros, fa. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, i0.wu reauara daily in four groat Slates. Mlsmrsuta. W0 ACRES, 45 mUes from Minneapolis, one miir from town; 1H0 acre uuuer cuiuvation; otuance usea lor paaturu; can practically alt be cultivated, heavy soil, (ioou set buildings, oonaisling ol a I'Ooin house, lara bmrn, gianr, corn cribs, wiiiuiullis, etc.; the ikhu will pio iuc Co busueis ol corn per acre; tele piiono In house; country thickiy aotUed; .onipiote set ot machinery; i'. head of at oca, oonaiBling ol 11 cow a, balance 1 end X-year-oiaa; alx good horsns, j uogs, culoaens, one-nail of this year a crop and every ming on the faint goca ui ua acre, half cjiah. 8thu ab bro.i., JOi: Ply mouth Bids"., stinntrapolis, juuin REAL ESTATE: ACREAGE FOR SALE AT A SNAV. 2H acres choicest building spot on North th t.. car line and paved atrect, high und siRhtiy. M.WO If old quick. MARK SAVIIKtE. 333 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATES NORTH SIDE 1 Bungalow We havo a very classy, new five-room bungalow, 24x40. thst la up-to-date In evrry reaprct. Oak finish and oak floors, full basrmrnt, large attic. Ixicated No. 673 North 14th St., where all homea are new homes and where many homra are being built. We will make terms to suit purchaser. Norris & Norris 40 ce Bids- Phone Douglas 4270. $2,200--$300 Cash luys "7-room house, modern except heat, 'till lot. paving paid, located 84th ant fnyette avr., in Htnils park. Glover & Spain OMAHA, August 90, 1915. "hrat auft'rrrd a sharp decline today, the better aradea selling from JtfJe lower. Corn receipt a wrre fairly good, forty-one care bring reimrted In, the yellow corn commanding a premium over the white. The market for corn wea steady and corn aold unchanged to Ma higher. Oats sold unchanged. Canadian growers of wheat, llko thosr pr Argentine, believe In nNposIng of at J'-aai a portion of their aurplua an rapidly V It roinea from the thresher. .Many In the trade believe the cancellation of wheat ami flour ordrra by Oreat Britain, franc and Italy have been made for the purpose of obtaining troni west ern Canada, na thoao nations prefer tno grain raised In that country. Clearances wew n h,n ri... ..... .i tn '4.uiu bushe.s; corn. 4l.uw buanels, oat. J.l.uio husheia. i,tvrriKi close: Wheat nmhansed to 1 lower: corn unchanged to Id lower. Primary wheat receipts wrrc l.liW.iXO dusiics ai d shinnieiiia n?i h... against rwrlpts of l.MO.ftrt liuhela ami Bhlpmenta of 1.7M,0ta bushels lat vear. Primary corn rrclpta were ' bushels and shipments MI.OiX) bushels, against receipts of Is.flKi bt;shela and fchlpmenia of -li.O0O buai.ei lant year. lrlinary nata receipts were l.lw.iYiQ bushels and shipments ITSi.OnO tiushels, against recelpta of l.OIS.ftO bushels and shipments of l,ii.000 bushels last year. CARUOT 11ECKUPT8. Whrat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 373 74 410 Minneapolis jol Dututh 7 . . Omaha ss 41 7 Kansrts City 14 17 11 lui' lw Innlpeg &j ,., lii( wrre reported today: Wheat No, 1 hard winter; 11 cara (dark),; 1 car, 11.11. No. 3 hard winter: I car. 11. 10; 2 tars. $l.i, 4-o cars, LU. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. It. la; 1 car. tl.o.; I bulkhead, tl.ujik: 3 tars, ILifc; I car. ll.t-; i cars, ll.ofi; x cara, X1.04; 1 car, I.tw4 Sample: 1 car (hot), U.o; 3-5 car, 1.01. Corn ,o. 1 white: 2 cara. 7e. No. I white: 1 cars. 74c No. 1 yellow: i cars, TKWc. No. 3 yellow: 1 cr. 7tuv Mo 6 yellow; 1 cars, 76c. No. 1 mixed: f4 f n nij. a 1 & .. o iinxeu; s cars, itc. No. S mixed: 1 car, 7i"ae. No. mixed: H car. 73c. Httmule: 1 bulkhead, 7. Oats No, 3 white: 3 ears, 4lc; b cars. vc. No. 4 white: 3 cars, 40c; 4 cars, SliMjc; 4 cars. d3c Bsjnrl: 1 car. 88c; 1 car (heating). 3bVc. Omaha Ctash ri-lce WTieat ; No. 2 Turkey. H.lKirLSl; No. 8 Turkey. 11.10M I. 8u; No. 2 hard. $l.)3Cn.80; No. 8 hard. II. 0S(8I.29; No. 4 hard. L03M,W1.57: No. 2 prlng. 1I.1VoH.17; No. 8 spring. IUMil.1.1: No. 8 durum, Mcj1.01; No. 8 durum, fcftr 6c. Corn: No. 2 white. 744r74Ve: No. 3 White. 73tfifi4n! Nn. a white TaiAAirri; No. 6 white, TafceTS1:: No. S white. 78 Tc; No. I yellow, :u"?'-e: No. 1 rel low. 7SMJ74.': No, 4 rrllow. ;A'tr7'"-. N"- allow . TtfTiiao: No. I yellow, TSifr.Vec; No. 8 raix-d. 7414,uc; No, 3 nilxeil. T4htT4c; No. 4 mixed, 73f?ir: No. S mixed. nvr7?c; No. 4 mixed, TTVi. fsts; Nt 1 white, 4i4c; stsndard. 4PqH.V; No. 3 white. 4"saM.y; No. 4 white. SSVitWle, Parlev: Malting, old. WT1c: No, 1 feed. tirw. fiTSo. Hyl No. 8. KSiitsi; No, 8. HV'tc. rmcAuo on.ti Ann provision Fra tares at the TradlasT aad Clealaa I'rlcea na Hoard ol Trade. flllt'AUO. A 11 IT .tl.Rhrli.liAK demand, a circumsiance laid pruv.lNtl.y to me sJ 11k inn 01 tne Arabic and thr llc, dia a good deal today to lower tne iT.te ot wheat. Tne marael. allnoush steady at the cioe, waa lo to l'.o lower, ; wltn Septenibcr at 11. (MS and IVcemoer j St , Corn showed a act hack of lc to 4tvVi and oats olf a sliado to c. In pro v. sums the outccmo varletl from 71, . declno to a rl of &c. Aside from tint results of llrrninn auiitnaunc activity, thr chief In tluence on thr wheat market was the continued bearish crop outlook in the northwest. I.alns in the w.nlrr crop a.aes seemed to have onlf a tenuHirary elfrci in favor of the bulla. 1 Aam-rtlons by a lending aiitiiorltv that the crt.p of corn this son sen would amount I to .iXi.,(V busheia tended to weaken that fere I. A' flist,, the inar- 1 ket was on tlie advance, owlnx to cool temperaturea w hich were likely to hinder growth. Oats toil back with wheat and com. The decline, thouah. was not until after a sharp advance, the consequence of more de.aya to thi-eshlng. Vnaettllng aspects of the foreign trade eountrr balam ed In thr provisions market a lively attempt to lift prices em the ground of the backwardness of the corn crop. Tno break in grain values was also an evident handicap to tli bulls. r'litui.r 1,,,, , ,. ... follows. Article! Open. I MlKh ! OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cloiing- QaoUtiom Are Somewhat Lower Than Thoit of a Week Ago. HOGS SHOW AN ADVANCE OMAHA. Auguat 20. 11&. Receipts war: Csttlr. Moos. Sheep. (if r ...... 1 it .... & ..... c, , 1 1 v..,, ,m riiiu7 ...a,. W.W X. II,,1." ;otfloli Tuesday 6,112 a.tW 1A,M 1 oti.i iat ruiieaday... l.4a II. ;'' i'.v'i.v t f 1 11 la I UmliiK,,i,v 11 -x.', 'A,r4 Official Thursday 174.1 1J.'( r.ntimut Friday ti 8,M1 lti.uo ,011 llfi..V,4 2:xl 4J.I14 Five days this week..:i.J Samo daya Inst wrek..K.S4i .Simir days 2 wks. ao.lS.rl iii-' 4i.e. 1 Same days 3 wks. atin.lO.W! 4 1. SMI iN.tmo days 4 wks. ago.l.VJe .V. I'V' fitnie daya htst year. ,.11, 11 :i,(UJ I The following table, shows thr rrerlpta ef cattle, hoga and alirrp at the Omaha j live stock market for Hie yrar to date. .... ... rln lmmK rii, li,v 1!U. Inc. 'attln 6t twt 4'.Ht.Kti Us, li'J Hosts l.fetl.m? 1.6..l XII. JM Sheep 1.4-.0.7N5 1.471.V74 1U.0M Th following table ahow th average price lor lious al the Omiha live atock market for th last few day, with comparUonr: ""bain.' lVfa. lW4.;im.lU.ISll.li0.l" a late hour nothing had sold orer 8 h there was no quotable chanxe In prices. l, alieri. offerlnax were limited al most, entirety to rwea. and thrse sold a littl stronger. iod ws made Is, more thnn once, and small bunches racbd Kb N Ith tlie xoeptlon of a few odd head of nallvaa. thee are th highest aslea of the wrrK. yuotaliona on sheep and lamb: Lambs, good to rholi-e, M. 4.(1; lambs, fair to good. l.Xta.46; lamba. (seders. !?.hi 1; yearllnaa. fair to choice, lAaufMmS; weth ers, fair to ehol.'r, t,.3,'.jr.un; ewes, good to choice, TvAilb.2&i ewes, felr to good. 11 !Kr .00. Representative sales: N". Av Price, V Idaho feeder lamba 7 an list Idaho feeder limhl HI 11 is I 2,3 Idaho ewea 114 (is 11 Idaho lambs (t ft M Idaho rwes ua 5 y, ilft Idaho feeder lamba ..!.,!.... M H 00 700 Nrvadit freder lamba Si 8 jo ( UK Kill 1.IVH STOCK MARKET fettle Kteadyo Hob lradr brrp trwas;. CHICAGO. Aug. JO OATTt.F-Receipts. 1.000 hrd, market, steady; na tive beef cattle, lltt,i 10.55; western strrrs. cows and hclfrra, I0.loi.r .00; calvra, $x.r2f HfXW- Recelpta, IO.tW head; market, steady at bmou advance: bulk. t4.1IMi7.0; ngnt ,in.i6! mixei, a ift'a ,.,: heavv, SHEEP AN'D lAMHtt lleoel-Js ,!) liead; market, strung; sheet', ,y."frH.2i, lambs. It. tiOti .,. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET SinkJn; of Arabic Constitutes Al most the Sole Influence. V heat, Sept. Dec. Corn Sept. Dec. Oeta Sept. 1 e:.. Tork Sept. Oct.. Lsrd Sept. IH'U, Rlba Sept. Oct.. 1 o.-. 1 0SH 64'l 8S 13 75 8 19 8 15 8 T, 8 7n 1 OS1 1 04St! 7 4M 40l 3S' 13 S7s 14 00 I 8 12tj! 8 latl 1 8 72'V 8 Mvl Low. I Close. iTea y. t M'il 1 04S 1 . 1 03 1 02 1 0C 7X V TR-i 3 64 I 30. .Ht-S !S-14 3i 3SH 132S1SW 18T7H IS 75 I 13 13 90 OC'ti I 08 8 111 8 12i 8 15 8 Kt 8 HR I 8 7', 8 70 8 lh I S M 8 80 REAL ESTATE SOUTH SfDE Extraordinary Bargain Field Club At 130 ,s. 81th St., ve have a dandy 8 rcom house. 2x30, finished In oak and Ftnctly modern in every respoct. East front paved street, paving ail paid, fine shade trees, right In the heart of the Field club district, where the lot alone Is worth 13,000. We can sell this prop erty for ITi.T&O on reasonable terma, and defy anyone to offer a better home bar gain in Omaha. This property will un doubtedly be sold quickly. Do not de lay, but go out and look It over right away. Owner will be glad to show you through. Payne & Slater Co. exclusive Agents. 18 Omaha National Bank Building. Doug. .ta. 2016 BURT STRBKT. B BTOCKS FROM FORI) FACTORY. 6-room. modern lot 3"xl32; all paving ind special taxea paid. There la a mtK. of S1,:Xni in ',, & L.. in payments of 113.20 per month. Thla property Is right down town and eood buy at 12.100. J. N. 8N1TZER. 422 Paxton Blk. D. 2161. PART modern 8-room house, large lot, plenty i-linrie, rhlcken house, small cash payment. Hal. 130 per month. Web. 7844. Two Lots 41st and Pinkney $280 for Both Easily worth that much for each lot. No oth.T lota as ttood In the addition for Iras twice the monry. blso of ground. S0xl;:4 Owner needs the money and has mado thn price for 10 dcys only. Must be all rash. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tvler lJ.i. Stat Bank Bldg. NEAR KOUNTZE PARK Owner leaving c'ty. 6 room, almost new. strictly modern; 1st floor; finished in oak; garage, inw cniKiiey. mono wet), sun. o REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Ha ACRid high land, overtook. ne tiful utae: I acres rlcareu; l"k' build ings; H-mlle tn ecnnol; on main itMtd; 1 juu. saw iiiubt-r; To miles to lUiiin; IIS Per acre, terms. (leo. lltedcl, ilc irrgor, Aitkin t o.. .Minn. Missuarl. U0 ACRES with uot-a improvtnients; acres to be put in wnest this tali; good land; good water, lota of fruit. Part (ah, balance long time. J. (J. Sutton, t St-neca, Mo. I Mom la am. IT IS a fact that the middle west coun try towns are populated with mure retired farmers than any other class. Many of these farmers have profited from lands bouht cheap and sold at an ad vance pr,ce and the yield r acre larger than other rut tea. If an Inter ested buyer, I would be willing to ahow you the lands that I actually own, num bering many sections. For cattle, sheep j or horse ranch, or for farming purposes. . the excellent values anu conditions ara . tbe beat. If Interested write me about ' what la wanted and the cash investment you can make. C. is. Towors. Miles City Mont Aebrmskm. FOR SALE Quarter section good level bay land in iioit County; imp. avtwneut In same section land is located: free from incumbrances; no trade considered. Price, II 6S0.UO. Address A. U tirsbain. Blue hill. Neb. PCBUC HALE. Of all my stock, grain and hay and my lo-acr farm, aeveo miles west and one mile south of Central itv. Neb., on Tues day, August 34, ISla. fl F. 11. feVhultx. T. r?. Stiotilinan. Auctioneer; U. ii. Gray, C'ler" LAST LOTS SOUTH $400 to $700 6th and Dorcas Shimer's Addtion AU lots lire graded down from I to 2 feel above sidewalks, (-ewer, water and cement walks In and puM (or. Easy Terms 6-Houses--6 We have 4 houses In this addition which are In excellent repair; new floors, newly painted snd decorated. Prices 11.2o0 to 12.&OI). Electric lights, gas. toilet, c!t water, etc. Very Easy Terms Salesmen on the ground Saturday and Sunday. American Security Co. 17th and Douglus 8ts. Douglas 5011, 1 HAVE a besutlful homo In one'oTlh cnoicest resident aectloos. 8-room house, garage, cement drivetvsy; lla.ft. front, beautiful hedges, trees and shrub bery. Want to trade (or rood, well lo cated, 5 or 4-rooin bungalow or small house, clear of in"uinbrance. Will ar range to carry difference. L. 8X7, Bre. J-R . mod. ex. heat; corner lot; barn. 3u8 Bancroft. Inquire 14)1 Ohio u Web. HsO. BEAl'TIFrL' SMtOoM HOME For aale; completely modern, garage, brat location, near llarscom Park, 122 (.torgis Ats. OWN1CJL Pboue lUrney 4ai4. New Bungalow Ilanscom Pork 8-room, strictly modern; oak finish: east front Brautlfjl lot, 4xlS3; paved street Price, rj.900. Terms, 84d0 caah, bal ance monthly. Hastings & Heyden, 1Q4 HARNEY BT. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Cathedral District Bargain This place at 4031 Charles St must be sold now. House Is modern; haa k rooms, hot water heat, paved street cement walk. This plane Is a bargain at tho price asked and tUO will make the first payment. If you want something worth while, so tills. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 2uu. jSfSBce Rldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Do You Own a Vacant Lot? Wilt talc food sacant property as part payment on on of the most desirable apartment houses In Omaha, If you own a vacant lot and haven't the money to build, dou t overlook this opportunity. Hastings & Heyden 1814 Harney St. o REAL ESTATE 8URURBAN standee. Dundee Homes Price s),0(Xi Price $G,(W0 Price $7,300 IVWtiK-'fiO Price 40 1,KU Price 35,0U0 H. H. Harper & Co. 1013-14 Citv Xat'l Bank Bid?. Call J)onKlas2.70. H'.anii. $30 KQUITT. I.60. In modern 6-roi ri cottage, I2.(jC0. Phon Benson UO-J. S3H N. 6'st Ave. HEAL KhTATK WANTED Chicago Cash Prices Whrat: No. 1 red. 1 11.1314: No. 3 hard, I1.l4ltl.l6. t'orn; No. 2 yellow, RStjfMSc; others nom inal. Oats: N11, 3 white, new, 4tH4UUc; No. 8 white, old, 4s4imOc; standard, old, Sc. Rye: No. 2. II.Owu 1W. ltarley: Wt72c. Seed: Timothy. 85 6xu.75: clover. IS St-t 3;5. Provisions: i'ora, 13.75; lard, t&.tiu; tlbs. t.S.2f.tS.75. ElK.H I'navltled: rrcrlpta, 7.71 cases; at mark, cases Included, 16nV10c- ordinary firsts, Lsjilik'; firsts, northern, Sjc; firsts, sotithnr, 1!ty'l4jc. IHiTAToeb ltwer; receipts. 30 cars; Jersey cobblers, bulk, 6'it)fc; Minnesota, Ohlos, 37 '((!. I'Ol'LTRY Alive, lower; fowls. 13V; springs, lti'i'S'nc. NEW lOHK (iCNKRAL MARKET Qaotatlons of the Day at Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. . FLOUR Barely at eat! y. WHEAT Spot, Invgiilsr; No. 1 red, 11.12H, c. I. ., New York, prompt ship ment, all rail; No. 2 hard, ii 19, o. L f . New York, to arrive, lftkn antl rail: No. 1 northern, Duluth, ti.o and No. U northern. Mnnltolax, $1.03. c. I. f., Buf falo. Futures, ratder; September. 11. UH. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, lc, prompt shli'mrnt. OATS SK't. firm: new standard, nomi nal, No. 8 white, nnw, Ur64c, and fancy clipped white, new, nominal. HAY-Sttady; No. 1. 317Vi; No. 2, 81.28 TM J; No. 3. 1120, and shipping, 8L10tf4.ll, all new. HOP Firm; state, common to choice, 1D14 crop, ItjISc; Psclflo coast. W14 crop, 12ft15o: 111 crop, irllc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, SOffSle; Cen tral America, !tc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, Ho: seconds. WKcf31C. PBOVISIOMS Pork, steady; wire, $18.60 nnOO; (Hlnlly. 120.0(y(i'23.00; short clear. 81.6or.i2fiii. Ilecf, barely steady; mess, 17.ui4ilH.flo: lamlly. HS.OtVfiaO.OO. Lard. asy: middle west. $8.1W .20. TAIIAJvv imii; city, on, txu 11 ti 7 , s 4W c: siieclal. tc. Bl'TTER Steady; receipts, 8.29R tubs; creamery extras. 2oSic; firsts, 24SC6Stc; seconds, 22 2340. EOtiS Steady: receipts, 8.623 eases; fresh gathered extras. 26HjCT7c; extra flrsu, 242i'.,c: firsts, 22Vitl'23H; seconds, 20i22.. CHEESE Easy; receipts. 3,170 boxes: statu, whole milk, fresh, flats, white and colored, specials, 13fc!&13ttc; do average fancy, 13c. POULTRY Atlve, firm: western chick ens, broilers, 20c; fowls, 17c: turkeys, l.Vil5c. Dressed: Steady; western fro sen roosting chickens. 1822o; fresh fowla, Icetl. liM7i4c; turkeys, lMjlSc. Omakav 117 Market. I'RAIRIE HAY There la a very larg supply of hay on the market Total sup ply on all roads. Including today's re ceipts, amounts to between seventy-five and eighty cars. There are about thirty cars on the Union Pacific, thirty on the Chicago & Northwestern and about twenty on the Missouri Pacific and Bur IttiKlon. The last twenty cara are south ern hay from Kansas City. Prices must decline low enough to prohibit shipments from Kansas City here. With this heavy aiinnlv on hand and proaDects of clear weather ahead and liberal advices of hay I to arrive, the market cannot remain where tt haa been. The hay that la on the market averages fairly good. Very little, however, that Is choice, but th majority will grade No. L Following is the rang of values: Choics upland, ItO.U) ti 11.00; No. 1, l0.00a 10.60; No. 2, P.IDWO tw; No. 8, $7.00r(S.0o; choice midland. UO.OOr 10 M: No. 1. 1H.004I10.00; No. I, $.O0M.O0; No. 8 KOODOO; choice lowland. IfOtjt.iiO: No. 1. H.OOtjO.OO; No. 3. $7.OO'fl8.0; No. 3, 8o.3p 7.00. The prevailing opinion of this market seems to be that prices will be low dos ing th fall and winter. There la not enough demand to lake care of the sui ply. There seems to be an abundance of forage In all directions. STRAW None on the market and has not been for gome time. Cholc wheat la quotable at from 80.0006.60. possibly might bring l10. ALFALFA Three cars In storage. Practically no alfalfa arriving on the market and practically no demand for It. No. 1 to choice Is quotable at Sll.0tkd 12.00; No. 2, 8.00a 11.00; No. 8, 17.0oW.OO. Kansas City Urals) and Prevlaleas. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 20. WHEAT No. 8 hard. 11.11.42; No. 2 red. 8l.lbQ1l.lS; September, 11.04; December, 81.O4V04 0; May. ll.tH'ul.'X',. CORN No. 2 mixed. 73HfT75c: No. 2 white, 7474'c; September. 7nt'u TO7. ; .De cember, OutiOoViC.; May. 62V8-i.t:. OATS No. 2 white. 44W'C; No. 8 mixed, 404742c. n bl'TTER Creamery, 17c; firsts, 2&c; second, S3o; packing, inc. EttijS- Ursts. se-oiida. 14c. poiri.TRY Hens, 12c; roosters, IV; broilers, lac. Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Ana, Aug, 0 I 0V 421,1 4 US 6 w 6 aVla 4 MV, 6 m 4 46 , ft Si 24i,i 84SI 04i I 7 Mi T SKI 8 41l I T 70 3 W 3 081 Tuj 17 7 Mil T lav T 83 7 7 7 Ml 8 171 8 !i, 8 P1 visia o nil 8 1 8 7l 7 11 1 M, 7 KM 04i 7 iO IH I 7:ti 8 04 1 8 08 8 1'.! 8 12 8 14 I 8 Osi T2 8 l II kM 7 'i7l 8 001 8 4 7 81 8 m Ttl. 4 811 T M I 7 1 7 2 7 27 7 a, 7 21 7 10 7 CO 7 IT: T Hi 7 1. 7 1 7 7o t M T t e4 VI 1 8 T0 7 7- I 8 7 Bit 7 41 7 RSI 7 S4 IMttl 3 O01 7 4f Kansas f Mr Live ork Market. ! KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2rt.-CATTI.rV-. Receipts, 400 head: market steady; prime ed .leers,; dreed beef strrrs, ..Hfoat; wisir.n sieera . l . , ! Blockers and feeders, 8K.3Ard8.2o; bulls, 85 25 'tav.n "(J.0.n. i IRYM4 Retlpts, 8.000 head: market, higher; bulk of sales. fit.iVfiti 80; heavv. 8'iMi.J: packer and butchers. Sti60Wi 14 8 S4 8 0 .4 N Utl 7 ' 8 3. 7 M 7.35; light.; bigs. SiVOWiT.SR. 7 a, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. VW 7 72 Receipts and disposition of live s at the In Ion Stock yards. South inn Neb., for twenty-four hours, end inn 8 o'clock p. in., yratorday; unuav Receipts and disposition of live at 1 tnii. indlng KECEllTS-CAK IjOTS. C. M. ft St T 2 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacltio 2 Union l'aciliu y 4- C. A N. W., east..., 1 i I C. ft N. W., west.... 32 4 C, St. P.. M. St O.. .. 10 C . .11 A O. rut... 1 6 C, U. A W., west.. 7 Hi It C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 IT c, it- l. 4k 1-., wosi. 1 1 llllnola Central . I Chicago O. W .. 2 o.k ha, at 1J Total receipts ..29 L DI8POSlTION-nCAD. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Morris ft Co 155 n swift anu Company.... S44 1,1M 8,ltr CiMlahy Packing Co.... 4 1.1S8 8.741 Schwarta tc i Oil .... J. W. Murphy 1.270 Cudahy, from country 2,500 W. B. Vansunt Co 43 Benton, Vanaant A L... Ml F. . Lewis 'X Huston A Co 34 J. U. Root A Co 11 J. H. Bulla 2A L. b Hubs Kellogg 12 H. F. Hamilton 20 Mo. ft Kansas Calf Oo.. 27 Christie IS Hlggina 12 Huffman C Roth 3 Klin 7 Other buyer ll Total 1.024 8,878 20,571 CATTLE As Is usually the case on Friday th run ot cattlo u eampara tlvcly small, only about tVU head, anu ' lhue included nothing at all attractive In the way or either native or range twef. Receipt o far tms wem, nowevsr, nave been tolerably liberal, showing an In crease of approx.mately jf.ooO head over last week or th corresponding week tssl year. Cornfed catue have been work ing towards a lower basis owing to bad reports from the east and the competition of western rangers. Closing quotations are In the neighborhood of lfAiJba lower than a week ago and only the desirable light and hanuy weight appear to be In demand. Heavy tattle are very slow and uncertain sellers. For range beef the market ha been very satisfactory from start to finish and closing prices sr little If any lower than they were at the close of last week. There is not much compe tition from the feeder buyers, but de mand from local dressed beef men baa iieen healthy throughout. Quotations on tattle: Oood to choice fed yearlings, lO.OftilMO; fair to good (ed yearling., 37.7t!(8.75; common to fair fed yearlings, 80.754)7.76; good to choice heavy beeves. 89ixiiH.40; fair to good cornfed beeves, S4.2u4itt.00; common to fair corn fed beeves, 6i.04)!26; prim grass beeves, 2f4H.',5; good to choice grass beeves, t7Hofi.2f.: fair to good grass beev, 8 '.40 ti7.K; common to (air grass beeves. 8" 40 47.0; good to choice (ed heifer.. 17 OO-u) 8.50; good to choice fed cows, 16.54'7.?r; good to choice grass heifer., In.retftf7.0u; good to choice grass cows, 8ti.254.A.76; fair to good rows, &.Tbi2ti.26: common to fair cows, 84uOt6.75; good to choice feeders, !7.8,.e7.HO; (air to good feeders. 8 .70417.35; common to fair Blockers, K TO: slock heifers, 86 7542.76 : stock coirs. 85.5OVi.0O; Block calves, Rfrajjaoo; veal calves, 27.0Ot IO.O11; bulla, stags, .-to.. Si.0u4j7.0O. Representative sales: BBKV BTEER8. N. A. Pt. S. A. Ft. 11 tin n ST Er)ltH AND HEIFERS. M 4 1 so HISIFERU. U HI III 1 Mil 411 4 67 4 r. 4 UI Ml a. U) IU 1 4W u CALVES. 1 ST 8 7 1 1 T 1 170 1 40 I ISO 1 14 410 7 H 1 1M W W 1 K HTCsCKERfl AND FEICDRItS. 8 mo 4 M 8 w 111 4 0)5 4 t II. (M 7 W I iU 4 H f 7 1 to 80 UI 7 00 84 IN HOtrH Huppliaa wer pretty decent for a Friday, estimate calling for In th neighborhood of 130 cara, or 8,500 head. Totai (er the week in oat ia 45.018 bead, being 17.000 larger than for tne last week, lK.OtM heavier than two weeks ago, and almost twice ss larg as for U Corresponding period ta.t year. This Is tbe heaviest run for several weeks back. Light hoga reacted sharply this morn ing and In most rases sold at a 1260 advance over yr.lorday'a figure.. Snip pers had taken on new life and a littl packing comiwtltloti lielped tilings out for the sellers. A good many light hogs sold st 81.7.ri4r7.00 snd desirah a stuff reached If. 06 more than once, this being the highest price paid. Late reports from tli yards were to th effect thai there were hi II 1 a few loads unsold. Cloae was pretty mean, most of tho early advance having been lost on the late sales. Bulk of tne kill era' purchases was made at td.lu4jo.S0. ' t. -.4. M- k kl-k... I . k . . . J . . .-. . .'--, 1 ' , 1 . . niRiiri 1 milling . -i -v. , yearlings, K r.l.tio; wethers, o.5trtfi.2i; irmrs, o.4.vo. SI. I. nets Lire Stork Market, ST. !-UIR Al'PT. 20.-OATTLK Rw crlpts, WO head; market steady; native beef steers ST.SOKflrlO.lA; Yearling steer heifers, Ss.&tVilooo; cows 8 f"ie;.oO; stock rrs and feeders. 8.0io8 26; stuthrrn steers, 8A.S4U4I.8&', cows and helfors, 84.1X) (ilftoO; native riOvos, Kuvifll.BI, HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head; market, higher; pigs and lights, 87,Ar;.7ri: mlxel andbutchera, f7J6tj7.75; goodi heavy, 80.80 SHBETP AND I .MTtS Receipts, 800 head; market atradv; lambs, WTTlfcO; sheep and ewes, Si-SoajTOO. t. Joaesb 1.1 re Sltotik Market. ST. JOSFPH. Mo.. Aug. . CATTIJ" Receipts, 800 head; market steady; s terra, r.60410.!; cows and heifers, "HOOiai); calves, 8 KVI10.2R. HOOS Receipts. . head) market steady; top, $7.10; bulk of ssles, 86.30 ti7.05. SHEEP AND LAMRi Rr4pts, 2,500 head; market (Steady; lambs, 17.7M7.15. New Tork Money Market. NBW TORK, Aug. 30. PRlMiJ MEfR OANTIT.K PAPER fS4r8i per cent STEKMNtJ UXCIIA NtlB Sixty-day bills, 84 3; demand. 84.87M; cablrsL 84 .8K29. SlLVJuIV-Bor, 47V; Mexican dollars, 27c. BONDS Oovemment, wesJt railroad, weak. TIMES IAN8trdy! sixty days, IS prr cent; nlnrty days, S-itlfl par ont; six months, 3V r cent CALL MONWY Mtradr: highest, I rwr crnt; lowest. 1 per cent; ruling rate, l per cent; last loan, 2 prr oent; closing bid, IH per cent; offered st 2 per cent Closing quotations on bonds today were: V. g. rf. la, rg... 7H U N. an. 4. 81 A 4n ceupoa ' M , K. A T. 1st 4a.. V4 V. . reg lix)Mo. Pso. ev. is.... 31 4n ennpen IftoS N. r. CWn. s.b as l IT. 8. im. rsg I0 N. y. C. 4Ua OSui.loiu 4" coupon HO ft. T. . 4Um. 10 J A. T. T. e. 4S..10IHN. T n, it H. lla roapoB II ev. Ht r-ms Is. eotiTMiB. .oev N.s. Purine 4s...... sw Atner. Snwlt. Is. . . .lis) Nor. Psnins 7 Armour A Co. 4 Sis. Its -rm. n. l rf. 4. ft Atohlson sn. 4s.... 1W Paiirie T. T. Is.. 7 Hal. a Ohio 4s.... M Wnna. roa. 44a....1Ww Ten. -paclfls 1st.... Pmna. gwi. 4ls.. 17C Ovss. O. IVis.... I4 Itsalas smt 4s It C. B. A Q . 1. 4... S-ih.-). U 4 a. T. r. 4s. Mu . IIM 4S. . I Pa. Pas. ov. Is sou ft. R. I. A r. r. 4s. M' So. ib, f. 4,.,. itv l" (. rf 414s. SO Ho. Hallway Is.... as rt. 4 R. O. rsf. U. 44 t'oloo PtoKlo 4s.... i KHa (sn. 4. ss Pnlna Parlflo ev. 4s. ssu Ora. Klrrtrls Is.. ..If tt. 44. Itabbar .... I(fi OC Nor. 1st 4S... !l 8. Btasl ftm....lOT4fc 111. 0B. Mrf. 4. M W.ltasn 1st M Ins K. V., 8. rrnt. is.. ST l I el.s 4Ss.... Tt4 BIO. otlsrsS, Wrrt. Klecu or. is. .114 Cofree Mark4. NHW TORJC. Aug. 20. OOFFEE7 Llquldation, partly due to nervousness over International relations, caused an opening decline of I to 4 point In the market for coffer ftitisre today. Thrr was not much coffee for sale, however, and prlcra soon turned steadier. The close waa not 4 points higher to 2 point lower. Hule.. 13.260 begs. August .3Ko; September, 37c; Octohwr, n.41o; Novem ber, 6.44c; Decenibor, 8.48o; January, 6.."i2c; February, 4J.57c; March, dfflo; Ajafll, 4.G5c; May. .7)c; June. .74c; July. 17So. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s 7o; Santos 4a. WSo, Cost snd freight order reported unchanged round 1 6fa''t.75o for Santos 4a. Rio ex change, 1-liki lowmr, at 12Sd. Santos. 50 rela lower. SHARES AEE DEPRESSED NEW TORK, Aug. 20. -The sinking of the Biitlali liner Arnblo constituted al most the sole market Influence today, stocks tiring depressed for thn greater part of tho active session with Irregular improvement at the close. War eprelxl tles suffered the most severe losses, their declines at the outset extending from Uu to eight point. 1 nlted States steel again was the tnn.-i conspicuous Issue and some Investment railway shares also felt the force of th" selling pressure, much of which appeared to emanate from professional sources. Dealings attain attnlned very Inrge pro ptirtlons, agttregntlng l.o.T,oii slinre.i. 11, I rt i amount steel contributed about 2o per cent. Bethlehem atrel Issues, while not among thr active slocks In thrlr cIsbh achieved sudden prominence In the lstcr dealings, the common advancing 10 point lo and the preferred R4 points to 14.. Many margined accounts were closed a a result of the heavy losses recorded at the opening, and to that extent tlie tech nical position of the market probithly s sounder than for some weeks past. The trading rlmirnt la strongly committed to the short side of the account and may be expected to maintain that position licnd In an adjustment of tho International situation. Kxehanae markets Indicated bv their further strength that progress I belna nmlle In th discussion now under way o rrtahllah credits In this market. Continued rase of domestic monetary cond tlonB was In keeping with the further gain In cash expected In tomor row's bank statement. Inng time loans were quntahly unchanged, but half year aconmmndatlnns were offered at a slight reduction In high class collateral. Bunds wrre mostly lower, the only mar ket exception bring Chicago, Rock Island and Paclflca which rose with the shares. Total sales par value amounted to 23,113.- 000 Panama 3s declined Vs prr crnt snd the ?e 1 nrr crnt on call. Number at ssls. .nil leailtng (piotst'eas 011 stocks wt ss follows: Fslf.. Illih. lw. Clo... Ala.ts OoM l.FW t Ifi H America n4 shtgar IM) at an Amsrtrsn On 4'.'n lH Ml. Amertesn BnvHt. tf.. 81114 T ameni-sn e It , txn.,, 7's l(Kti 10 11 XI 1 71 to VI 4', is 4 n n-iv ltru us l.on 44 4S 4"s S IJi 44 'f, 4tS 4114 "is 44 Sll, 1H lJ'v 4414 44S 41 yi 4 X tr JUS 4,11X1 1T?H 17a 171'. ST "4 t low ! 4JV4 117 inu, 3 S1.C4 H'i 8314 'twin 'jH (1 14114 141 WANTED to buy 2 lota, mui.t be con nect eo on us .i tit vf 1 t - 1.1. . tm., and price. Address K -(. Bee. REAL K8TATE IX KSTMENTM Foil BALE or rent, trackag building 11th aod Bcwtuil, Xsju. Apply H.4 Oust st REAL ESTATE VACANT ONE of the best lotated lots In Morning Id addition (or amis, cup. Wal. 1145. Minneapolis 4. rain Market. MINNEAIVH.IS. iMnn . Aug. 30 I WHEAT September. IL'si'i; Docemlier, !uT.c; No. 1 hard. 81 t"S: No. 1 northern. Old. tl.-iV.til 4TS- FIjOI'R--DecllneC; fancy patents, 80.6' ; first clears, S5.uo; sev,nd clears, S-itsi. liA RLKY t )d, ifr.c. new, 62471 1. rtVli-t'i;'c. HRAN--n.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 747!S CORN No. 3 yellow, WW- . OAT.-' No. S while, new, Slltt& FLAX-Sl.ttStJ l.V N. A. (. Pt. 87 Jl ... Ii Ml ... I N 14 a'J4 4 I i tf 4v 4 10 71 0 844 4 10 4s f7 ... 4 If, 41 m 1 9 17 i' 10 4 . k4 2.1 IM 4 U U4 SO 4 IS 14 "4 ... IH 71 f4 r 4 46 No. 4i... 74... IU... ... :... 1. 44. ',.... .... 12... 4' A. Cx. F7. 24 m I 44 Mil ... 4 IS 2.X. ... 4 i Ik m 4 i m I M I 74 4. I So .. 4 Hi IS, . . 1 a .. T 04 .14 .2-J4 . . J.7 144 .INI It"! 9'1 . (it. Lorn Is (Urmia Market. I ' ST. IjOIUS, Mo., Aug. 20. WHEAT I No. 2. Sl.lM1 1; No. 2 hard, nominal; September. II.OT.l,: Itrcember, 11.03 ' CORN No. 2 white. Vt;; September, ' 74V,e; IKiceintr, l',.'y'lo- OATS No. 2 new. 4ic; No. 2 white, old "2c; do tie, 42', c. Kt'SsmM pplread Dr'nl l-"rsi. , r, . a ... a aj-.r A . . r, . ir 1 . r.rytv I i ' rv rv , au. c. srviut t KtJ 1 APPI F-S Dull 1 DIUEIt FRCIT8 Prune, quiet. Aj.ri-. cots. linn, p caches, quiet. Rauln. firm l.ltrrpowl raln Market. LIVFRPOOU Aug. 20 WHEAT Spot No. 2 Manitoba, lla 24d; No. 8, lis 4y,d; No. 1 northern Iuluth. lis 8Sd. CORN-Spot, American mixed, new. 8s. Sngar Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 20.-SI OAII Rsw: Finn; centrifugal, 4lc; molaases, 8ITc. Refined: Steady. Sugar futurea opened firmer early today and al noon prices wr 54J10 points nt higher. i SHEEP A very liberal Friday run, on of to heaviest In a long time, was on hand today. Supplies of fifty-eight cars, or 16,000 bead, brought the week's total up to 105.6.4 head, which la 48.000 larger than a week ago, more than twice as large as for two weeks ago, and heavier than (er th same week bust yrar. Receipts (or ti.s last five days axe the largest sine 11 in October UlsI e-.-. Th number of Iambs on sal wai hardly .arge a to. mi receipt would IndLmie. as some fifteen cara came censign.a direct 10 a packer. Even at that hom es er, packer had a liberal assortment to tiltk from. Chicago reported a sharply ilgher trad and after a little preliminary dickering tli local ruarmat opened (airly active, and as a general thing lid-lo higher. A lew of th first amies wr ouiy 3 noted as H4l'l5c up, but it Is af to escribe the irmde ss all of ltt(2vc up, and most trader quoted price U4fltoc better. Several strings of good lambs sold ss high ss 880, which up to a 1st hour was th day's top, and aoiue le desirable bunches wer scattered on down. Feeder lamb, were quotably steady with yesterday. There was not much of an mmeorttuunt to pick from, and wall up to Cotton Market. NBW TORK. Aug. SO. COTTON Spol, quiet; middling uplands, 9.35c; sales, 12 bales. Future opened steady: October, 828c; .December, 958c; January, 9,k0c; March, 9.61": May, 10.15c. Th cotton market closed at 9 M fur De cember to to 8 points net lower. CotUan futures chwd stesdy; October, 98.V; December. (i,63c; January, 9.76c; March. 10 7c; May. 10 4l)o. LIVERPOOL Aug. JO.-COTTON Spot, easier; good middling, (72d; middling, 6 421; low middling;, 4.9M. Ssles, I2,ti0 bales. Oil nasi Reeln. R.4VANVAJI. Aug. 30. TURPENTINE Firm. 8;c; salee, 811 hbla.; receliKs, 848 bbla.; shiptnent. 302 bbls.; Block, 18.238 hbla. ROH1N Firm: sale. 1.634 bhls : receipts. HM bids.; shipments, 2 672 bbls.: stock. 1.04 bbls, yuote: A. 11. l3.Mr2 sf.; C, D. 13.804M.90: ia 13.9fXf2.8o: F. 82.".1 Oo; O. H I. i.i.M0: ;.2:.ff0.Sti: M. 8.!i4 4.; N. M.70"14.7B: WO. 8T..fi6: WW. t7. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 20. METALS Ix-ad, offered at 14 46: epeltrr. not quoted. Copper, nominal: rlretrolytlc, SI8.76'irl7 W. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin. quirt 1 y.frT3.7,V At Iymdon: Spot copper. 06; futures, ItM tjs (VI electrolytic. t'.'S 10s. STot tin 148 .: futures. 149 10.. Anti mony, lir.. At London: Lead, i.'2t 6s 3d, spelter, L.u. Drv Goods Market. NT5V YORK. Aug. 20.-DRY OOODS Cotton good quiet; prices essler; yarns quiet: wool firm; libber more active; knit goods firmer. Cblldrrn tn Assist In Harvest. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON. Aug. 14. To assist In th harvest, th education committee nf ths county of Kent hav released nearly 1.509 sctiool children. Kent bag been called th garden of England, and la devoted largely to orchards, berry farm and hop fields. Am.rtr.o Rus-ir Reftn... tn 1"S4 into. Amsrtran Tsl. A T.I S.S"t 13l4 121H American Tnoxcro Ansrnnda Mining Snann 71', Atrhtson 3.1m llx palttmor. Ohio i xxl 1i nrnoklrn Ranld Teantll.. 4 ' rslirnrnl. rrtmlrvm .... ") Osnadlan rmrlflo (Oentrsl Ialhor . Wmeesks 4 Ohio J.S10 Chlnaso, Orat "Vi'estrrn till., Mil. St PsmI.... I onrt rhlMMbi A Northwsstera. J"l rrhln. Coposr ., S.oo rMloraso truel Iron.... 7.0 Onlra4a Howl hem .rmvv 4 Ttlo Ormnds ftsnvsr Tt. O . rid PtMllsmf (rntetnltls I.SnO m. l.tiX) Ornsnll Etrelrla (InaI Knrth-m. nr4. ftrssl Norlhsrn Ors elt., 27.SIM Oummnli.lm Riploretloa.. 1,100 Illinois ontral Intarhormtstl Met. pfd.. InsHrstlon Copper ..... International Hxrxsstrr Ksnsse city rlnuthern lhlsb Vall.r IoiiI.tIIIs Ksshvtlla. M.xlran r.tmlum ..... Mtstnl tifsjiw Mo., Kan. A Texas... Missouri PaKlflo Nmtlonal Lssi4 Msxstla fopoer Nsw York Cwtnl N. Y . b H. A M Norfolk 4 Waster.... M.wtham TPSelfld ...... Pmelfl. Mall 1," U y-aoino Tsl. 4 T.I p.nnslTnls Pullmaa False rr lur r-onsollOasX Coppsr Wamfllns , lUrnnll. Iran 4 Snsel.., l(w-X IsIsjiiI rv., pM.... SI. 1. 4 St. F. 84 d.. Hmithsm Psclflo Sonthsra luilway TsnasasM ropDar Tsxms Oimnsnr t'nloa rwririo XlHlMI IP-f-lflO. sM l'nHs4 Stslsa Rtsel SI4.IO0 74 tTnlt.4 Stsls. Htawl, fd.. I 4na 115V. t'tah Oops-r WahSAih, nfd Wostsrn I'nlun 7ns WsstlSmJ-s Klwitrto S4 ll MonUnm 4M Cmrlbl. Stsal Sl.lWd 78 M AlllsJ-h.lmoes M.0 ! hothlslwra HimI 4i) 2J A ..!,.. fenmotlv. ... 7.1(St Bsldwla l-otnollT. 71 77 7"', olarril Motor S.W- ' 2"! c H i. p is wo "i us Total for th day, 1.024, .har. tmo Ml l.n smt 34 714 S 14S xn 41 ' UN SO t-1' 7t, 4; j', 11 7-1, 141. 101 s 141 IH s T't I 4-; ii'i , f .1 t.Oifl KHIS4 1B4U, WK S.K 17 W4 1'V. Hi", l.ino imti iist'j sin i 1.KK1 us t M) lis 4"'ll 11.600 is 1V. 1M l'. Jt'a '"'- lCNi 1i: 45S ' , I snt , U.fM 1.4ns 141 ll.SOi! 1M HS 7H Its, tni 1 lion blV, ;ti' nsu tr. s Mi4 27;. 1'. r-i i. 73 111 V. , ,ii; 114. tO'i 75S l DIN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Ferrlgn Kxrbang and Labor Trou ble Aneoy, NFTW TORK, Aug. . Dun's will say: International monetary complication and diaturbancea In the ranks of labor constitute th chief elements of uncer tainly In the general situation). There Is. however, nothing either unsound or dis quieting in strictly domestic finance and though further controversies between employers and wage earners have arisen, serious and protracted troubles have thus far been avoided. The foreign exchange problems which attract much attention are essentially those of the belligerent nations abroad and aflect thla country malnlv In the sense that export trade may b Impeded unless relief I afforded. Itecent Importation of gold feJIeOi to check the depreciation of European funds in the New York market and more ef fective means will be necessary to cor rect conditions that are wholly lacking In precedent Negotiations ar under way with thi end 1: view, but th exact n-ure of the remedial mertire to b adopted remain largely a matter of con Jeetur. Because It was attend d by oonsid erabte loss of life and destruction of property the most adverse event of tl." week wa the storm that completely isol- i Isted several cities along the coast o: Texas. Shipping and railroad traffic, I suffered and rrowlnir rotton was dam aged, though to what extent Is not def inllely known. Otherwise, the leading cmpa are doing finely. Ornas earnings of roads reporting (or tho tlist week (' August made a better showing than fo' tbe nam -i!od of any previous niunl'i this year. Weekly ban, clearings were $2.9K6,'I, 912, an Increase of 02.8 per cent over last, year, when most of the exehang-ea wrie closed. London Stork Market. LONDON, Aug. 20. American securities responded to the decline In Wall slice,, ta it ti I'nlted States Steel the most active on the decline. A (ew Amerlcsui Gold bonds were sold snd International Mer. rant lie Marine and American Telephone and Telegraph received attention. Clos ing was dull. SILVER Bar, 22 lS-14d per ounce. MONET I'll per cent. DISCOUNT RATES- Short bill. 4", per cent; three months. 4'tlii per 'rit' A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Hank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 20. Bank cleaiinho loi Omaha today were 83.2;to.533 68 and to: th corresponding day last year, !2.Y. 849 92. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful.