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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1915)
TUT: IJKE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1P15. By MEIJJnCIA. VASSAR COLLEGE la to celebrate Its fiftieth annlrersary the first ?pfk of October. Elaborate preparations aro being for the commemora tion of thla event and tnembeni of the alumnae from ail parts of the country are planning to be present. It will be three days' affair, and the time will be devoted to lecturea from men of note from the eastern colleges, banquets and afternoon tea. Omaha has been well represented In the annala of Vassar college. Mrs. W. C. Shannon was the first Omaha girl to carry off diploma of gradua tion from this institution, and from that time on one or more girls from Omaha have been puplla there. We may boast also of a few girls In our midst who carried the famous Daisy chain, the time-honored and well known custom of Vassar. Miss Natalie Merriam, now Mrs. Barton Millard; Miss Laura Congdon, who la Mrs. Arthur Rogers, and Misa Caroline Congdon, who la Mrs. Herbert French of Louisville, Ky., each received this honor while attending Vassar. Miss Josephine Congdon represents Omaha' in this year's graduation class and Miss Mona Cowell graduated from there last June. Miss CoweM will be present at the celebration, as also will be Mrs. Warren Blackwell, who is now In the east. Miss Margaret Bruce, Mrs. Miles Standlsh, Miss Hilda Hammer and Mrs. Frank Crawford are other members of the Vassar alumnae who are making plana to celebrate thla anniversary at the college. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton will en tertain fourteen. -ut at dinner this vtntnf at the Country club, complimen tary' to their sun st, Mlas Orac Wii hir, of Los Anrl- Mr. Howard HaldrUrs entertained In formally at luncheon today at the Coun try club. The MUwt Naomi and Marlon Towle will entertain at dinner thla eventnc at th Country club In honor of Mlas Cath erine Calder of Cleveland, O., who Is - their hous swat, ana lor mm juouim Jsjrch of Dubuque, the guest of Miss Helen Inawereen, and Mlaa Lillian Sluts of ntUbureh, the guest of Mlaa Orac Allison. The tab! will be at tractively decorated with quantities of pink and white aatera and covers will be placed for! Mlssas Catherine Calder, lamias Hurch, IJIltan Huts. ltn Inawereen, Recina nmiell, Kma Heed, Klisabeth Reed, JoiwpMne Consdcn, Misses Orac Atlleon, Clalra-lJausherty, Eathnr WUTielm, Emily Keller, Otrtrude rltout, Marlon Towle, Naomi Towle, ajAasrs Frits Hu'rhols. John Caldwell. Jlerbert iHivta, Jabln Caldwell, Warren lirecken- ltobort Connell. rVi(r. llerbrt onnell. Jaox Hummers, A I 8lrf.rnan, Iiotwrt Edward, Edward liifiierty, I'aiit Khlrlev, Inman Kounls, 1'hllllp lowns. lxulas I'eters. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraaer will be hosts at a dinner parly of ten covers this evening at the Country club and Mr. and Mrs. Iaa iiaura will entertain for four guests this evening. Mrs. J. M. Daueherty gave a pretty appointed luncheon today at the Coun try club complimentary to Mlas Lillian cUuts of Pittsburgh, who U the guest of Miss Orao Allison. A large mound of x giadtolas was used as the table center piece and the guests Included: Misses- Mlas Lillian Wuta. Eras, Keed. Uraoe Allison, Ulga MaU. Catherine Calder of Oeraldtno Hrss of Oftveland, U.i Council Muffs. Naomi Towle, Marlon Towle, Krmna Connell, r.iaie rotors. Clara Hart of Council Dluffs. Clair Iuiflierty. Uertruda fctout. tiiitif Keler, At Tarter I&ke CI lib. Tb Carter bak Swimming and Bowl In club met Tuesday for tunefcsoa at the Carter Lk club, Th afternoon was spent in bowling, and Mrs. Ueary Kst lug s bstnd mad th high soor. In th evening th member entertained their husbands at dinner, when covers wer placed tor: Ursrra. end Meodamri W. J. Cattin. Carl Johnson, J. F. l'lmmlik J. It. Kreeland, J!.' J. llackelt, Alez Jrit-a. K. U. i.ierman, Henry Keating, J. A. IUiipts. 11. U. I'mterwood. Joeeph 2,if, U. L.. Uoluairom. At thje TieU Club. Mrs. 1 ;Uebtn entertained ' scxrwn groeeis ' l luncheon today at th Field tJub. Jlnn?rs will b given this vnlng at . KMd club by Mr. and Mr. F. H. Myers, who will hav eight guests; Dr. ltd Mr. A. R. Knode, eight, and Miss Margaret Kllngbeal, six. To Honor Kin Knapp. Miss Helen Wl.i euUrtalned at a 1 o'clock luncheon, followed by a theater party this aftprnoon, complimentary to Mies I'orotiiy Knapp of Minneapolis, who la the; guest of Miss Winifred Braudt The gn-ls Included: . Ml Misses Ioi-..i(v Knapp, AHiIr Thompson, v mitred Jiraiiiit. J'orothy Cole. IJiIihii' Head. Helen Welsh, Mrorl" Cavers, Mr. J.ho Weiah. iZlzli Schmidt wsa hwits at a lirandiiis maltnee party Tuesday, when jj Knapp was the honor guest. Tba yours women present were: Mn-' Misses Jxtrotisy Knspp, r.'aiB Bi-nmlntj SMm(i(! iimi.dt. JlcM-n WeUli. l;ii,;tn lleail. Hit. Hugo rVhmiut. Future Affair. Mms I'oiotl.y Cole wn give an after- r.oon i1y Thursday tor Miss IXirothy Kitupo of Minneapolis, Mlas Winifred lirainU'a guest. The ll laws Marlon and Naomi Towl v.V.1 nfrtJu ten g-.weta at luni-heon to ,ruA at thlr Loins couip!iinntry to t !..-t? r-iirtt. Miss CmtiiertM Cidr, of Cleveland. O. . Thrrr will 1 tiwwtlltg tit tu Mlva Wliixa shrine ThuisdHy' evening at th tempi. Mra C Vlnoect Is lwd i.f orKnlMitlon. Uim llrlcn Ingweraen wiil Klv a din i:r M-iti.nlay evening at the" Flfld rlub In ,,i...r oi ber guet. Mlas Louie Uurch i,l luluuu. 3a.. and for Mls Calhwln Cul u r. th guest of th Mls Marlon and .tomi Towle. Yeek-Had Guests. Mrs. CitiifUa U. Uvt-raun will hav a V.-r t i. for Ui t, k-iiil Mr. and Mrs. Vu i -r i.t ke'rom and thdr two ton and JUsi Tt.'ll Smith ef Galeaburg, 111., who i vr ruute hum aitvr a thie ik' lU't l l tt State. Vtr. , n's Htlief Ccryi Affalri. Ti e oman's l.n!n-f Cores of th (K.itfi A. tXater pt were enirrtaliird .inahine pfcrty" at th lii'i.M of i'.e. Arthur tiayni. In Flore oc Tuea- i ..y d,l!, tiasturie.tns and Aitf. . flues were lJ In li e Uneoia 1 1. At fc olk a i-i.-ni'i a-'ii-er, at :: : th ; liittitra wt re gui-hts ut i ...... r . :n wifl. (ivi-r tMjty-flve , v. i r-r i r-j.-t.t. .-:.. i . ; ' 'i t'.c voij.f will ctle- Wednesday, August 18, 1915. brat th birthday of Its past president. Mrs. Olive Tarton, at her horn on Mc Klnley street In Benson. Stork Special. A dsughter was born to Mr. and Mr. Jay B. Kats. Newt of the Wayfarers. Registering at the Hotel McAlplne, New Tork, during th last week from Omaha have been Misses Ida Turner, Wllholmlna fttadter, Helen Baunt and Mr. Paul Bchay. Mr. and Mr a Henry Cox are now at Arnold's Park, la., guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Lemen. at their summer home, Marmarlda Cottage, Sunset Beach. Personal Mention. Mrs, M. 3. IMmmlck has returned from a short visit In Chicago. , Mrs. Frank Carpenter has returned from a several weeks' stay In Wyoming. Mr. Clarry Hanighen left Sunday for a fortnight's stay In Rates park, Colorado. Mrs. W. K. Btockham and son, Ilck, returned Tuesday from a visit with rela tives in Illinois. Mrs. J. II. Freeland returned the first of th wek from th Pacific coast, where she visited the expositions. Th MUses Margaret Welsh, Leona Johnson and Modjeska Johnson ar spending two weeks at Lake Okobojl. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent hav returned from a five weeks' pleasure Jaunt through th Paclflo coast from Canada to Mexico. Miss Florence Baaler-Palmer has re turned to Omaha after spending Ui sum mer In New Tork City, doing special vole work under Freytag-Frey of Berlin. Mrs. C. F. MeGrew will spend next month at Pel ham manor. New Tork, with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson A. Aus tin, who ha ben there for th summer, Mr. MoOrow plana to join th party about September I for a motor trip through Nts England. DOUGLAS STREET TAKESON NEW LIFE (Continued from Pag Five.) Taft's tnuital rooms ar located In a suit of rooms upstairs, next to th Ouarante Clothing company. Her reno vations hav been made, also. Th wood work fairly glistens In the Immaculate cleanness of white enamel paint. Th various rooms where skilled dentist prac tice their art and science ar fitted with very convenience. A trained nura In her neat uniform move noiselessly and efficiently about, giving an atmosphere ot cheerfulness to the rooms and inspiring the timid with perfect .confidence. t Wemaaa Toggery. Just east of Hosps's la th Women's Toggery shop, 1MT Douglaa, a neat store, with th quiet good taste of dark wood work in th many closed case where fin goods ar kept and In th neat bal cony that run along Ui stole. Evidences of th work of painter is her to be found also. . Across th street on th second floor of 1511 Douglaa street I th store of th McMahon Millinery company. 'T7n trance Is through th store on th street floor and up a abort stain. Tb femtnln head rnamentatlons found her ar well worth eelng. floras of them ar thoao beautiful thing often called "confections" and the 'dernier crl." as they soy In dear old rarla. Next door is th tor of Julius Orkln. wher very txteudvft Improvements and enlargements ar being made. To th west Is tli Empress theater, which has made! quite a niche for Itself in the story uf this on block's Improve ment In this on summer. It will be re membered that this pretty playhouse wa closed for " two weeks, Us attractions being transferred .temporarily to th American theater, to allow for th com- l.let renovation ot the InUrior. It is now one of the most beautiful theaters in the west, both Inside and outside. The exterior has been copied by more than on theater constructed sine th Em- prea ha been In existence, - ' Ceaibs t Eslarge. T. L. Comb Y Co-, a Jewelry firm, long established. Is Just west of th fknpress, at 1I9 iJouKlaa A antique walnut dia mond case la one of the features ot (his stor. It was secured at a i! In New York, and contains a gllfctenlB array of precious stones, i The firm carries a Very large stock and Is vUnnlng enlargements. Next door. t 1! JUoutrUs. is the F. Ml Schadell tt Co.," millinery and hair goods, a house nuccafu!iy conducted for many years by a onu.. IteoUie a Urge mlUlnery buatueas, this store ha th largest stock of hair goods' In th city and employ the most people In this do-jxAi-tment. It Imports Ha own millinery, getting th latent creation direct from the originators. K. M. Clark aV Bon. makers of all kinds of signs, should be mentioned In connec tion with the thriving stores of thla busy blotk. They are located on th second floc of th bul'uting on the northeast corner of Elxteemh and Doiiglas streets, with an entrance at 111 South SUtetnth atrrt. "Ws inak tlieru ou!k; we mil. them cheap; we malt tliem rlht." Is the in.. Ho of this firm, and 1U business Is v-y larae. ll makes everything from show ctrUa. ialn, oi naint iitul snd pk tor.jtl, to niamiiKi'.'i ilgm to-cuer the tUle cf a l.iiil.liii,'. as 11 as eletiic ns. MIME. CATHERINE BRESIIKOVSKAYA, 71 years old, well known the world over eight years ago as "The Grandmother of the Russian Revolution, ' t now exiled in Siberia, has been transferred to Ya koutsk, on the edge of the Arctic circle, according to a letter received from her by Miss Alice Stone Black-well. ... ; , ;,' ..,. W- '. '' ': ' Jardine to Insist On the Payment of AH Subway Taxes City Commissioner Jardine has notified Frank Kennard, Fourteenth and Douglaa streets; George Baker, southwest corner of Fifteenth and Harney streets, and th management of the Faxton hotel, that unless delinquent subway taxes shall hav been paid by October 1 th city will cut off these privileges. Mr. Jardine reported that th amounts Of SOTO, $700 and $300 wer due from these parties, two of whom hav not paid sub way taxes for three years. There Is a legal rat of tax for sub ways, baaed upon th assessed valuation of the adjoining property and th number of . square feet occupied underneath streets, alleys or sidewalks.. . Coald Not Walk with Hheaasatlaea. A satisfied patient writes: "eiloan's Liniment cured my rheumatism, am grateful; I can now walk without pain." Only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement WIFE TAKES GUN AWAY FROM THREATENING HUBBY Charles Cook, 1018 North Twenty-first street, came homo, and after threatening his wife with a revolver and firing on shot, was knocked out with Ms own weapon when his wife took th gun from htm, struck lilm over the head with th butt and called th police. He was given ninety days' suspended sentence when arraigned in polio court. A Remedy For All Pain "Th fnlsnpy f any drnt' ssjrs Dr. CP. Roblilnn, "Is known to ua by th rssults obtain from its us. II ws ar bl lo con trol pain snd dlaxsa by mean, of any prs psration, w certainly sr. arra.ntd In lis bt. Una ot tb principal symptoms oi all Olassaaa Is pa.ln, sud tlila Is whst thspstlont most ofta applies to ut lor, 1. . soiuUilng to rsll.v Lis pstn. If w can arrast thla rrroniptly, ths rti.nt Is most llsbl to trust a u.lor th other rstuedles which irlll effect a p.rnisiiana cur. Una remedy which I havs uaed largely In luy prsrtlc Is Anti. karanl lablata. Msny sad varied ar thetc uaea. 1 hare nut them to th teat on many Cfuiilom, snd hsv nevsr bse Olasppolnt d. I found them especially valusul. tor besdsches of ruslsrlal or!sn,wberqulnlna waa belug tnkeiu 1 hey appear to prevent th bad sfter-erTects ot Ui guiiiin. Anti ksmui lableta sre also cicelleut for th heaiist'hes from Improper dlgealioni alaa for headaches of a neuralgia origin, and es pecially lor women auhject to paluast certain times. 'l'wo AuU-kainuia 'lableta i prompt retlef.aud Insahort time th patient laaliia to go about ss utual." Tbs tablets mar b oblalued at all drugglals. Atk for A-Rl ahleia. '1 hey ar also uneieell.d lot fesaUachss, ficuiaisla ami all palus. Coffee APPROVED NATIONAL 0AaD HE IS A REGULAR SHERLOCK HOLLIES Thompson Brings Great Power Into nay to Be Sure Before Calling On Police. AND PEDDLES GOES TO JAIL "I believe that this good man is tolling the truth and that he is sell ing genuine home-cured bacon. I v.lll purchase some," said Watson (an employe at Rlvervlew home.) "My dear Watson, bow can you be no obtuse? Does it escape your notice altogether that this supposed farmer who says he lives north of Florence Is driving a horse which has no mud on his feet on this rainy morning?" replied Sherlock Holmes (Superintendent M. B. Thompson of Kiverview home), with his never- failing look of surprise at Watson's j density. "Then there are one or two other points hich mak this little case not without some slight Interest," continued Omaha's Sherlock Holmes, as he lit a cigar In lieu of the clay pipe which he should have had In Ms pocket "For Instance, ther ! Is a government stamp on thla baron i and It Is trimmed neatly after the fash- i Ion of packing house. You may recall I that I am th author of a 10.X-worrt treattso on the differences which may be j observed In the curing of various kinds i of meats, which has been favorably men- , tioned In tho European . revlc. a - Call Scotland Yarn. j "Now, Friend Watson, rt you will lust ! hold this spurious farmf? for a few mo- ments by pretending you ar about to ' make a purchase. I will call Scotland i Yard, rather, I mean, the Omah Central Metropolitan Tollce station, and Le ' strade, or, I should say, Bteve Maloney. ! will se that h Is placed behind the- bars." Th foregoing Imaginary passage from A. Con an Doyle occurred In real llfo at nivervlew Home. The police arrived while the spurious farmer waa discussing a supposed sale; and he was arrested. He told tb police he purchased th bacon from Morris & 1 Co. I TRUCK OVERTURNED WHEN I STRUCK BY STREET CAR ; John Tied gen. 1124 South Twenty-eighth ! ttrett. wa severely bruised when an Alnmlto truck which he was driving, was struck at Twenty-fifth and Leavenworth ! hy an eastbound street car. Th truck j was overturned. Photo Craft Shop "intra sjpeclallsts." 41S B Bldg. Films Developed Free IThen Pnroaaad JTrom Us. Mats 3 to Ao. M-Kou Barrio. MERCHANTS TAXI CO. Touring and Closed Oar. 13X0 per hoar. Dong, 4500. tad at Ksrohants XotL SOF-TOtlE The Iteal Wash ing Powder U perfect atrsoftener. Ask Your Grocer. Lomon Shorboi! Hot Oummer Days Chtrbet Days Are For summer dessert or on hot days or evenings' nothing is Quite so satisfying, ao quenching to the thirst or to refreshing m a cold Lemon Sherbet Here is a recipe easy to make and requires only a tew minute. 1 Pint Sugar Finch of Salt Juict y 4 Ltmemt I tint of UX tap EvaporaUd Milk.dtlutedmnth I Pint of Water Thoroughly mix diluted milk and the sugar. Add pinch of salt, put mixture into a freezer and start freesing. After mixture is partly frozen add the juice of four lem ons and finish freezing. Serve with Lady mgers or other dainty wafers or cakes. To make a good Lemon Sherbet care must be taken that it does not have that watery taste. This means that whatever milk is used be of the vrry richest quality. No milk better serves the purprwe than Cottage Evaporated Milk. Wherever rich milk or crera U required Cottage Evaporated Milk can always be depended on. It has twice the food value of bottle milk.. It is, therefore, most economical i Keep a supply in your pantry all the time. Ibuy it by the dnzrn cans from your gro cerAmerican Milk Company, Chicago. t j a BRIEF CITY NEWS BUT Bee Fals i r Wew B Free ltrl fan. fT.0 Wore-r;rn1k T. m. Howell, recent United State at torney, located offices at 7J&-M Krandela Theater IUdg., entrance 17th or 18th Bts, "Today's Oosaplai savt rragrasa Uard saetlon loaar. and appears) Is Tk lie KXCLUaiVELY. Find eut whal tb various moving plcturt theaters of far. Zrfrai Itls riaed Louis Ptias, (OS North Sixteenth street, arraigned In police court, charged with keeping a disorderly house, was fined 5 and costs by Judge Foster. Wot Sid th BUI Mrs. It K. Woods. 1124 Maple street, bought a dime's worth of horseradish from a peddler, to whom she gave a bill. The peddler left the place to get it changed and never re turned. Delegates Gto Through Two aleapers earn ing eastern delegate of the Chi I'sl fraternity will pass through Omaha over r"l! I ' "'", I" a mm mini nu mi ll i .1! ' " ' " "' " " "'"' "" """'H mm .H)l' ' i). Clearance of ; Summer Our Beautiful Summer . Thursday will bring form of huge savings on Dresses worth from $5.00 to $6.98 , In this stock o dresses one will find fine cotton voiles, linens, crepes, lawns, good batiste, etc., the materials that are so popu lar and so adapt able to the styles. SECOND FLOOR Palm Beach Suits at $5 For women and misses. Pleated and sack coat styles, with patch pockets and pearl button trim mmgs. m. - 3 - -V4'- 4tsl $295 The largest and most beau tiful mountain lake in the. 11 A AAA J world. Z.UUU leet deeo and miles long, 1 3 miles wide and completely hemmed in by lofty, snow-capped SicrraNevada Mountains. AmnVflnrl excellent hotel accommodations-' A rWifrht-fnl nnrl rcrfnl trip (?3.00) that should ... HJin IPgidS 5c Tho Cool, Comfortable, Northern Route to Both Exposition This is only one of the many scenic and historically interesting features of this famous Overland Route. Colorado Rockies, scenic Wyoming, Echo Canyon with its Steamboat Rock and Narrows, the scene of the Mormon fortifications in 1857; Pulpit Rock, Weber Canyon, Devil's Slide, Cteden Canyon, Lucin Cut-off over the Great Salt Lake, Palisade Canyon, Battle Mountain, Humboldt River Valley, Truckee River Canyon, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Emigrant Gap, Donner Lake, Blue Canyon, Dutch Flat, thence through vineyards and orchards to the gorgeous San Francisco Bay. Yet costs no more to travel this 6cenic route than over othrr mntai .. M&l) f ' a w See Denver, Colorado Springs, Ogden and Salt Lake City without additional railroad fare and for slight additional ex pense see Estes Park, Jlocky Mountain, Yellowstone, and i..il1lir. ' Jv : -: '!" ! SB. jai iii unit i u 1 the . Burlington this afternoon. The delegates ar going to Baa Franclsc for th annual convention and will be in Omaha from :U to 1:30 o'clock. Ko far as known, th only person Joining the dele gation her will b Robert Turner of Council Bluffs. LABORER'S LEG BROKEN BY FALLINGSTONE BLOCK V. Oberg. 68 years, living at KI4 Myr tle avenue, sustained a broken left leg yesterday when a block of stone which he was hoisting fell on him. He Is employed by A. Schall A Co., Sixth and Jones streets. After being attended by Dr. Charles Zlmmerer b waa taken to St. Joseph's hospital. HYMENEAL Bmtthler- A aderaoa. Claude K. Smlthley, an Omaha archi tect, was married to Miss Frances An derson of Chicago. an agreeable surprise from our line summer dresses. New Neckwear Queen Elizabeth Ruches, extra ff (Q large, with chenille, dots. Special p 1. IO Large Assortment of Ruches In black, white and black and white fancy ribbon trimmed, at 50c MAIN FLOOR -t ' . aa' clear as crvstal. 23 O not be omitted from your Exposition trip on the - v?om Omalia and to Both Expositions xosemite National Parks. .Fo,r complete information fill DC10W ana mau today U Bftedarff. 0. T, T. 111 amaaa St.. Oaaaita, It !. Viml OU Faitkfml I mm. V.W. 1 r mmmmm-rmeUim . V v CwaKiaa. V5a ANCIENT RINGS STOLEN FROM LIBRARY COLLECTION Two tfngii, mal Sts. set With rmr scarabs, ar nrtsamg from th Kgnrtlas carlo department of tb Omaha puhn llbrarr jumbsulu. As memento of an a herond recall, th rtng ar worth H,M each. Rupert ef in theft was mad yester day to th pnltae. Th enrtn were take soma Mm during th twenty-fear boorw prerloas to th closing time last night when th theft waa discovered and lw ported to the polio. FORMER OMAHA MAN DIES AT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Kills Marks, formerly a resident ot Omaha and Idncoln, died Tuesday night at San TMegn, CwL Tb body will be brought to Lincoln for burial. He was) well known In Omaha, being a broth. of Mrs. Victor Gladstone. II Is sur vived by his wife. : J Fashions Dresses your favorite store in the Presses worth up to $15.00 There are dress es of dainty lin gerie, fancy voiles i n stripes and beautiful floral patterns; fine lin en. Silk and vel vet girdles with handsome lace and embroidery collars and cuffs. These prices do not begin to cov er the cost of the ma t e r i a 1 s and trimmings.' 8ECOND FLOOR I Kimonos at $1.19 They come ' In beauti ful floral designs of vari ous colors, made of ser pentine crepe material. . -A g 5 a vv4vw Return out coupon sXPlswaa 3isnd sn SXwithosit A. Na, A&jr gation booklsta yr dseripHva of Hto MCalifoniia aai th ay. yvrni wum A ddrets .