Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1915, Image 5
TI1K BKE: OMAHA,- THURSDAY, AUOUST IP, 1015. Douglas St., Between 15th and 16th--Its History, Yhat It Means to Present and Future Generations of Omaha Thousands of Dollars Being Expended to Enlarge and Remodel Big Institutions; Read the Messages From These Live Merchants s and Learn Why You Can Save Money by Shopping in This Block. Learn Yhat Their Business Ideas are and Understand How They Give Such Values. DOUGLAS STREET TAKES ON NEW LIFE Block From Fifteenth to Sixteenth Being Remodeled to Keep Up With Increased Bniineas. ALL THE FIRMS PROSPEROUS Douglas street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, li Just spruc ing Itself up this summer at an as tonishing rate. Like Augustus Caesar, who boasted that he had found Rome a city of brick and left It a city of mar ble, so Douglas street seems deter mined to improve itself from a block of old-fashioned store fronts to a block or arcade fronts of the latest style and type. And It Is making corresponding improvements inside of many of the stores and business places in the block. The Guarantee Clothln company, lo catd near tt Sixteenth street end of the block, Is Just about completing- a most extenniv Improvement that has converted thla old established store Into one of the most ur eft-date ctothlnc stores. An ar cade front has been put tn, which gives the store three large show window with hundnome paneled wood background, the beauty of the effect being stilt further heightened by email leaded glasa win dow at the back. The floor of the arcade leading to the main entrance la of black and white tile mosaic. An ornamental metal celling and orna mental metal aides have been placed throughout the store. A new cash and bundle carrier aystem leading from all parts of the store to the office located on a balcony in the rear la being In sulted. "On August 2t we celebrate the twenty eighth anniversary of the establishment of the rtore," said Herbert B. Arnstelu, the proprietor. Installing ti A. Hospo A Co., music and art store. Is located just a few doors east at IMS Douglas street. The entire front of this doubls store Is torn out and a new arcade front la being Installed, while business goes on as usual Inside. Thla new front of the latest type will ot least double the show window space of this well-known flun. It will provide two entrances from the street, one on each side of a large show window. Behind this window the two entrance will converge to the central main store entrance. Mr. Hospe Intends to place In this cen tral window an electric player piano of a kind which automatically applies the crescendo and the diminuendo and quick ens or slow the music exactly aa the composer Intended. Other Improvements are being made Inside the atore. (Continued en Page Mx Column Two.) n J 1 x i . i 1 ' ) fT 1 U 5 " . "'I w a, A Front That Beautifies Qur City Made possible from our policy of honest values afSU times. To you we owe our 28 years of success and wish to extend thanks to show our appreciation of your patron age. Our future policy will be to give you even greater values than ever before. . Thursday Greater Ualue Day MEN'S CLOTHIKQ All broken lots of Suits for men and young men, formerly f95 $12.50 and $15.00 Your choice of Beach Suits, now our Palm $3.75 PANTS! PANTS! PANTS'. Choice from Omaha's largest trouser stock at four prices $1.45, $1.85, $2.85 snd $3.85 Formerly $2 to $6. FINEST SILK HOSE 120 dozen of pure silk Hose, beautiful shades, only found in aft fS 35c and 50c I " jf grades, ...... U NEAR SILK SHIBTS Nicely made, elegantly finished, our m mm $1 and $1.25 OtSA Shirts, at. :...vWW wmm We FM Cavity With Perfectly Matched Teeth We match your teeth with artificial bo perfectly that all look alike, and replace the missinc: ones without a plate, guaranteeing their usefulness and durability. Get our estimate it will please yon. Don't Wear a Faulty Plate DON'T wear a plat that will not stand th criticism of your mirror. We will make you a plate that will restore your lips and cheeks to their once youthful appear ance. This plate will do more to ward adding to your attractive ness than any Beauty Doctor. We Cannot Make You Young but we can make your mouth the handsomest part of your face, and we all know the value of a winsome, pleasing smile, whether in business or society. Delay Costs Money If you have a small cavity in your tooth come to us at once it will save you time and money. False teeth are made necessary only by those who neglect to see a good dentist in time. Honesty Bailt oar Business to one of the largest practices in Nebraska. We tell you on first consults Uon just what you need and exactly what cost of same will be. . Painless Extraction by Vitalized Air Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas Street. We Invite Your Inspection of SUITS New for Fall Rich in Style n for women and ioung Women New 'and sensible, dignified without a touch of the radical, nor vet with even a shadow of any former season's styles. Already we've hundreds from the master tailors who well know how to carry the style theme of true distinction through true creations from collar to skirt hem. African Jirown, Navy, Field Mouso, Green. Blackberry, beau tiful broadcloths, gabardines and very hard to get mixtures from foreign looms $17.50 - $19.50 - $24.50 $29.50 - $34.50 HERZBERG'S WOMEN'S TOGGERY 1517 Douglas 24 SEC 1 T. L. Combs & Co. The Busy Jewelers Etmbluh4 iSB7 Many years devoted to truthfully serving the public, giving full values and honest qualities in exchange for moderate prices have made it possible for us to remain so long in this location and our reputation for Dependable Jewelry Best Repairs Popular Prices and Excellent Store Service is recognized throughout the west, Us well as in our own city. Our Special Order Department is one of our "hobbies." Any jewelry made over into newest styles, new styles copied or your own ideas and designs brought out beautifully in precious metals and precious stones. We thank you for favors extended us in the past and solicit your future patron age. Our reputation guarantees your Satisfaction, T. L. Combs & Co. The Busy Jewelers 1520 DougUs Street. Omaha, Nebraska. Ik .J) NEW FALL MILLINERY c A most authentic showing of beautiful Fall styles now awaits your inspection. Such pkasiug variety and attractive values that you will find a visit here highly pleas urable and profitable. HHospe's Store Front Ds Out Before the new one goes in we must clear out many pianos to make room for the interior alterations, therefore take advantage of prices which mean more Straight Pianos Rcfinishcd vii Guaranteed NEW PIANOS. ea.s", Chick ering, rosewood Upright Piano, $124 Tcrma ft Per Vek. Shoningcr, walnut case, Up- t"m $134 Terms t Per Week. Sterling, ebony case, Up- v:r: si49 Terina 91 Per Week. "Whitney, French walnut case, Upright Piano, onlv Cable-Nelson, walnut cap, nearly new Upright ' (? 4 QQ Piano, only vlwJ Wegmnn, oak case, flf AA fine shape, cut to. . . ,vlvJ "Many other makes at corre spondingly low prices. $197 Prices cut from one-fourth to one-half regular prices $225, $250, $275, $300. PLAYER PIANOS Now only $298, $325, $350 for dependable Player Piano? Terms, $10 per month. A BIO STOCK OP THE FINEST Mason & Hamlin flrands ami Uprights. Kranich & Pach (iramls and Uprights, Bush & Lane Pianos, Kimball Pifmos, Cable-Nelson Pianos, Henderson Pianos at lie- THE BEST PLAYER PIANOS in the world the renowned Apollo Player Pianos, tho Kranirh & Bach Player Pianos, Kimball Tlayers and others at prices from $100 to $150 less than ever best terms. GRAND PIANOS. Artists most reliable (1 rands at $455, $550, $GC0, $650 up. On payments if desired. modeling Store Discounts. ART STOCK GOING FAST TO MAKE ROOM-SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Decide Make Haste-Secure Choice Bargains Admlaslon 10c Ileoervctl Heals 10c Extra. everybooyJ1 Itr yiblpli r jlBrc novelty AclmlaKlun 10c nRerrHl Ka(a 10c Kitra. ENTIRE CHANGE OF VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTO-PLAYS FOR THURSDAY SEBASTIAN MERRILL & CO. I Sensational and Comedy Cyclisto. The Comedy Yip Yaps HAM AT THE BEACH THE HALKINGS A l.OOO ft. of MiiKhs. Silhouette Pantomime. "THE MYSTERY OF MARY" I A Broadway tar feature in three parts. A comedy drama wherein her cousin, who covets her fortune, makes plans to railroad her to a sanitarium. By chance sho meets hor hero, and the rascal is caught after a . sensational chase, and properly punished. . . MUSICAL HUNTERS the fixer acmnoAx totxitt a sxobt tot Coicxxrr.zajLicA HEARST GL SELIG. NO. 66 HUFFORD fit CHAIN A&WAT THB IO.TB1T TZWB A COOsTTOWV mBTZTAZ." THE BRIGHT SPOT OF OMAHA IS ON DOUGLAS STREET IOC A.OIVISSSIOIM Reserved Scats lOc Extra Arlilnnm Fshmninrr rf Fnvlyt Frill Mill ww mm u. w , w aiai M MCI. AWA liZ i J j Popular McMahon Millinery Co. Popular , . Prices 1512 Douglas Street Over Alexander's Shoe Store Prices f -s -ir" ftri Ji-r' 'Sti- MM l "' Pi F . . (til F.M.Schadell&Co. 1522 Douglaa Street. iCSS sax w